Agenda Item No_____15_______ PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK REVIEW - DRAFT Summary: This report presents the key revisions made to the Performance Management Framework and the revised version of the document. Conclusions: The revised Performance Management Framework as presented in Appendix G will ensure that the Council’s approach to performance management remains fit-forpurpose and will ensure delivery of the priorities in the Corporate Plan. Recommendations: Approval of the revised Performance Management Framework. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Councillor Keith Johnson All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Helen Thomas, 01263 516214, 1. Introduction The Performance Management Framework (the Framework) was adopted in December 2006 and was last reviewed in February 2010. Since 2010, the Council has adopted a new Corporate Plan and a revised approach to delivering the priorities in the Plan in particular the adoption of annual action plans. The time is right to review and develop the existing Framework to ensure that it continues to be fit for purpose and builds on the current position. This review is considered particularly timely because it reinforces the need to focus strongly on performance management at a time when the organisation is moving into a period of major change. An effective Performance Management Framework should: 1) Provide a management process to ensure all Council objectives are achieved 2) Produce evidence of performance improvements 3) Identify areas requiring corrective action 4) Result in good decision-making based on good quality information 5) Lead to appropriate resource allocations 2. Developments made to the Framework since February 2010 1) Inclusion of the Annual Action Plan 2) Removal of Organisational Development Plans from the previous Corporate Plan 3) Removal of National Indicators 4) Removal of Local Area Agreement Indicators 5) Addition of collection of database of performance management reporting including information about; a. What is performance managed b. Who is responsible c. How it is managed/ by whom d. How often e. Where it is stored and in what format 6) Projects will be reported on quarterly (previously monthly) and the performance system will show clearly where reporting has not taken place 3. Consultation The Performance Management Board has discussed and agreed the revised Performance Management Framework. 5. Implementation The document will be circulated to all managers in NNDC and will be discussed at the regular meetings between the Policy and Performance Management Officer and Managers to ensure smooth implementation. The framework will be submitted to Overview and Scrutiny Committee alongside the first Annual Action Plan in early 2012. 4. Implications and Risks Failure to implement a robust Performance Management Framework, which produces evidence of performance improvements and identifies areas requiring corrective action, could have a number of consequences. These may include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5. Inaccurate or less effective decision-making; Inappropriate resource allocations; Reduced reputation arising from poor data quality or accuracy; Adverse comment in our annual direction of travel statement. Financial Implications and Risks The Performance Management Framework is designed to ensure all objectives set by the Council are properly managed and achieved, including financial objectives. 6. Sustainability The Performance Management Framework is designed to ensure all objectives set by the Council are properly managed and achieved, including sustainability objectives. 7. Equality and Diversity The Performance Management Framework is designed to ensure all objectives set by the Council are properly managed and achieved, including equality and diversity objectives. 8. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations The Performance Management Framework is designed to ensure all objectives set by the Council are properly managed and achieved, including crime and disorderl objectives.