APPENDIX E Time and Task Limited Panel – Public Transport Project Plan the Public Transport Review Which specific areas will be the focus for the Panels review? Fakenham, North Walsham, Acle and Coltishall. Cross country routes such as Beighton, Upton and Woodbastwick and between Aylsham and Wroxham. What type information is to be collected? Diagrammatic map of bus services across the districts, routes by operator, which services are subsidised by County Council, how is the subsidy apportioned, who uses public transport? (demographic and socio-economic profiles), figures for concessionary fares across the two districts, policies of transport companies. Which operators do you wish to meet with? To meet with operators after an initial meeting with a transportation officer from the County Council • Norwich Door to Door (Community Transport) • First Buses • Aylsham Care Transport (Community Transport) • Sanders • Dial-a-Ride • Anglian • Norfolk Green Coast Hopper • National Rail • Reeves • Our Hire Do you wish to undertake a rural proofing exercise with the Norfolk Rural Equality Council? (Costs) Revisit this once more information has been collected and reviewed by the panel. It may become appropriate to do a rural proofing exercise or it could become obsolete. What has been done elsewhere in terms of transport reviews? Norwich City Council joint review 2007/08 Cardiff Council reviewed their whole countywide system Which transport will the review mostly focus upon – buses, rail, community transport schemes, private hire, water buses? Bus Rail Roadmap: Items shaded grey have been completed but are included for information only. Actions agreed on the 26 October 2011 Time and Task Limited Panel – Public Transport Terms of Reference Objectives: • Identify gaps in the public transport services provided (Bus, Rail and Water) COMPLETED • Identify services that are under treat to continue or to be reduced COMPLETED • Conduct a Rural Proofing assessment which can be presented to the County Council as evidence to support continuing services in rural areas and where applicable invest in them. AGREED THIS WOULD COST TOO MUCH AND DUPLICATE WORK ALREADY BEING PREPARED FOR THE COUNTY COUNCIL. • Review the impacts on access to the SureStart centre being set up in Cawston, accounting for the cuts proposed to the bus services COMPLETED • Investigate access to bus stops in terms of older people and disabled people capabilities, identifying possible improvements to be made COMPLETED • To identify specific problems with public transport services for the elderly and the disabled COMPLETED • To investigate how opportunities for employment were restricted by access to public transport in rural areas COMPLETED Actions agreed on the 26 October 2011 Time and Task Limited Panel – Public Transport Task Gather information and send to members ahead of the next meeting Responsibility Stacy/Mary Supply information on public transport overseas Cllr Shaw Invite colleague from Norfolk County Council to address Panel concerns, explain methodology used to determine service changes and cuts, explain alternative schemes being put in place. Members of the Panel to review the content of the Civitas website – links circulated by email (BDC) and report back to next meeting Investigate what other forms of transport were subsidised e.g. taxi tokens and other alternatives to buses The Chairman to draft a formal letter to LINk to request information on problems encountered by people with medical needs when using public transport. Stacy BDC All Members Cllr Bracey Cllr Balcombe Deadline 21 November Progress The information has been requested from the County Council. They have acknowledged the email and are compiling the information. The majority of information needs to be pulled across sections and may take time to be provided. The maps are being combined into a countywide map due for publishing in Feb/March 2012. COMPLETED 21 November Links to Civitas were circulated via email. Panel are encouraged to review their website in more detail between 21 Nov and the next meeting. COMPLETED 2pm 10 Jan 12 Tracey Jessop has provided a written update of progress made by the County Council of their bus services review. Tracey unable to attend the meeting on the 10 January COMPLETED 2pm 10 Jan 12 Members have reviewed the website and feel that the UK is seriously lacking behind other economies. Members will view the website again for reference. COMPLETED Papers 4 Jan 12 In Mr Bracey’s absence (11 Jan) the Panel Meeting 2pm 10 Jan 12 have deferred this update until the next meeting. COMPLETED Papers 4 Jan 12 Presented to meeting 11 Jan 2012. Meeting 2pm 10 Jan 12 COMPLETED Actions agreed on the 26 October 2011 Time and Task Limited Panel – Public Transport Task How are routes subsidised with bus operators? County to provide a breakdown as to which routes are commercial and which are subsidised. Investigate if a link was apparent between a lack of public transport, and a rise in antisocial behaviour Responsibility Stacy BDC Mary NNDC Deadline Progress Papers 4 Jan 12 This information has not been provided by Meeting 2pm 10 Jan 12 County Council at this time. COMPLETED Stacy BDC Mary NNDC Consider conducting a survey on the quality of bus services Stacy BDC Mary NNDC Identify which bus companies operated in each of the two districts and verify if there was a monopoly on the rural bus routes Stacy BDC Mary NNDC Circulate the questions for bus operators and community transport providers Stacy BDC Mary NNDC Establish what other areas provide alternative subsidy transport and whether the same could be delivered locally Chairman to report response to his letter to Link asking to share data relating to problems of people struggling to reach appointments related to public transport. Cllr Bracey Papers 4 Jan 12 After consulting the Community Safety Meeting 2pm 10 Jan 12 Coordinator she confirmed that there has not been a direct or indirect link between the removal/reduction of transport to ASB. ACCEPTED Papers 4 Jan 12 Draft survey questions have been prepared Meeting 2pm 10 Jan 12 and will be tabled at the meeting for consideration Questions were reviewed, final draft to be circulated by email before sending out. COMPLETED Papers 4 Jan 12 Operators across Norfolk are: Anglian Bus; Meeting 2pm 10 Jan 12 Coach Services; First; Konect Bus; Norfolk Green; National Express; Sanders Coaches; Simonds Country Link; Coast Hopper. There is not information online about where exactly these companies operate and they do not use LA Boundary information to set routes. COMPLETED 2pm 8 Feb 2012 Draft questions were discussed at the 11 Jan meeting, they have been updated and circulated to Members for approval via email 31 Jan. COMPLETED 2pm 8 Feb 2012 Cllr Balcombe 2pm 8 Feb 2012 A response had not been received from LINk by the 21 March, the Chairman agreed to contact LINk again for a response by the final meeting date in April. COMPLETED Actions agreed on the 26 October 2011 Time and Task Limited Panel – Public Transport Task Meet with Community Transport Providers to seek their views on providing their services and the rate of usage of their service, using the questions drafted and circulated at the beginning of February. Responsibility All Members to meet with providers individually Deadline Between February and March. Report to Panel key messages Stacy BDC Mary NNDC Between Feb and Mar meetings Chairman to attend the County Planning Cllr Balcombe Transport Development Committee to ask questions (public speaking). Report back response to questions at next meeting Review the outcomes and responses from All Panel Members the Stakeholder survey sent out in February. Agree outcomes from this review (recommendations) All Panel Members Progress Providers to meet with: North Walsham Aylsham Care Trust (PB) Norwich Door to Door (JB) Cawston SureStart Centre (PB/LH) COMPLETED 2pm 14 March The chairman reported his experience from the meeting but felt that the content added little value to this review. COMPLETED 2pm 25 April 2012 Panel Members have been encouraged to send survey responses to Stacy Cosham for inclusion within the final recommendations report. The recommendations from the review have been drafted into a report to be agreed by the Panel. 2pm 25 April 2012 Actions agreed on the 26 October 2011