Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 January 2012 Agenda Item No_17__ OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE Summary: This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its agreed work programme (attached at Appendix G) and invites Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny Committee’s working style and role is attached at Appendix H. Conclusions: That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed. Recommendations: That Members should consider any follow-up actions required on these topics. Cabinet Member(s): Ward(s) affected Mr T FitzPatrick All Contact Officer telephone number and email: Emma Denny 01263 516010 emma.denny@north-norfolk.gov.uk 1. Introduction The Scrutiny Update report is a standing item on all Overview and Scrutiny Committee agendas. The report updates Members on progress made with topics on its agreed work programme and provides additional information which Members may have requested at a previous meeting. 2. Progress on topics since the last meeting 2.1 Ambulances A response has been received from the Ambulance Service Trust to two questions raised by the Chairman: 1) On Trust budget & Income what is the difference between the column A&E SLA income and the column total income. The difference between the two figures is because the trust operates more than just the 999 service. For example, the Trust runs the out of hours GP service in Norfolk and the new NHS 111 service in Norfolk as well as a range of other services. The A&E income solely represents the funding for the 999 emergency service. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 January 2012 2) On A19 performance which I would like confirmed stands for a response time of 19 minutes our minutes show a response rate of 84.95% for 2010/11 whereas figures supplied show 80.60 for 2011 and 72.4 for 2012. What are the correct figures and when they refer to a year is this actually a year from Jan to Dec or is it a financial year ending on March 31st. The figures supplied by email refer to calendar years and are correct. Ambulance response times A letter is attached at Appendix I from the Chair of the North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group (NNCCG) outlining their concerns regarding ambulance response times and stating their intentions to monitor the service and improve provision. I will keep members updated with any progress on this area. 2.2 Response to previous questions At the September 2012 meeting, Councillor Claussen-Reynolds sought clarification on whether the demand for the Learning for Everyone programme outstripped resources. Jill Fisher has now provided a response: Demand does outstrip the resource available at times, and generally the trainers are booked up 2-4 weeks in advance, but this is not even across the year as there are obviously peaks during periods of significant redundancies etc. The service aims to match resources to demand as far as possible given that there are only 2 IAG workers available. 2.3 Recommendations from Task and Finish Group A follow-up letter has been sent to the County Council seeking a response to the initial request. 2.4 Mobile phone coverage I will be responding to the County Council shortly regarding their request for information on mobile phone coverage across our District. Please can Members who wish to respond provide any information to me by Friday 18th January. 3. Changes to the Work Programme and Future Topics At the December meeting Members requested an update on the Housing Allocations Scheme and the Empty Homes Policy after 12 months. Nicola Turner has requested that the report is made to committee 12 months after implementation to ensure that she is able to give a comprehensive update. Both items will be added to the work programme.