held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am when there
were present:
K E Johnson (Chairman)
B Cabbell Manners
N D Dixon
Ms V R Gay
P W High
Mrs A R Green
Mrs B McGoun
D Young
Mr S Blatch - Strategic Director (Community)
Mr M Ashwell - Planning Policy and Property Information Manager
Mr P Godwin - Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager
Miss T Lincoln – Planning Officer
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs S A Arnold, M J M Baker
and G R Jones. P W High was substitute for G R Jones.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2011 were approved as a correct record
and signed by the Chairman.
a) A recommendation from the Working Party had gone to Cabinet on 5 September
2011 concerning Minute (9) Conservation Area Appraisals and Management
Plans – Programme Update. With reference to item 4 of this recommendation, Mr
J Lee had proposed that an advocate not be appointed for Built Heritage to
represent the Council because he considered that this was something which
could be undertaken by Mr K Johnson as part of his responsibilities as Portfolio
Holder for Planning. This had been seconded and subsequently agreed. Ms V R
Gay thanked Mr Johnson for taking on this role.
b) A recommendation from the Working Party had gone to Cabinet on 5 September
2011 concerning Minute (10) Fakenham Conservation Area: Adoption of
Character Appraisal and Management Proposals. At the Cabinet meeting
Fakenham Town Council had requested that further consultation be carried out.
The Town Council was concerned that some of its comments had not been fully
addressed. Cabinet Members supported the request and it was resolved to defer
making any decisions on the recommendations of the Planning Policy and Built
Policy Working Party concerning this issue. It was believed however that only
minor amendments would be needed.
c) Mr N D Dixon expressed concern that little progress had been made regarding
co-operating with Broadland District Council and the Broads Authority on
conservation matters in Hoveton and Wroxham.
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party
12 September 2011
The Chairman stated that there were no items of urgent business which he wished to
bring before the Working Party.
Mr B Cabbell Manners declared an interest in Minute 18, Local Development
Framework Progress Report. Members of his family had interests in Site C14.
The Working Party considered item 1 of the Officers’ reports which sought approval
of the draft Cromer Conservation Area Management Plan to form the basis for public
consultation, prior to its further review and formal adoption.
Cromer Town Centre and Conservation Area had been the subject of a regeneration
scheme in the period 2003-2005. It was important to have a management plan to
follow up the success of this programme. Moreover Cromer’s historic built
environment was one of the key strengths of the town and needed careful
The Management Plan sought to encourage the better co-ordination of services
within the Council in respect of the Conservation Area in particular. The Plan was
made up of 3 parts:
a) Character Appraisal.
b) Management Proposals.
c) Targets and priorities.
The Management Proposals included:
a) A review of the Conservation Area boundary.
b) Consideration of Article 4 Directions (in order to arrest further erosion of
c) Introducing a list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest.
d) Measures to improve design quality.
e) Identification of the need for good public realm maintenance.
The Management Plan was discussed:
Mr B Cabbell Manners suggested that properties in Cabbell Road should be
converted into apartments rather than bedsits. This would improve the sense of
community. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that this
could be achieved through proper application of the planning process to individual
Mr Cabbell Manners suggested that residential development only should be
considered in the area of the town beyond The Gangway. This would add to the
vibrancy of the town centre. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager
said that the Core Strategy addressed this.
In response to a comment by Mr Cabbell Manners on relocation of the market to
Tucker Street the Strategic Director – Community said that this was not a Planning
Policy matter. However the comment would be fed into a consultation which the
Council was undertaking regarding all its markets.
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party
12 September 2011
In response to a question from Mrs B McGoun the Conservation, Design and
Landscape Manager explained that North Norfolk District Council kept an open mind
regarding infill sites in Cromer and other town centres. It was important that scale,
height, form and respect for context be the guiding principles for redevelopment. This
was preferable to merely copying buildings from previous eras.
It was proposed by Mrs B A McGoun, seconded by Mr B Cabbell Manners and
That Cabinet be recommended to consider this report and to resolve as
1. That the Draft Cromer Conservation Area Management Plan,
incorporating proposed boundary changes be approved for public
consultation purposes.
2. That following consultation, the final version of the Cromer
Conservation Area Management Plan, incorporating a Character
Appraisal, is brought back to the Working Party and Cabinet for
adoption by June 2012.
The Working Party considered item 2 of the Officers’ reports which recommended
the adoption of Criteria for the Local Listing of Buildings or Structures of Special
Architectural or Historic Interest (non-designated Heritage Assets).
The Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager outlined the benefits of a Local
List. Local Listing enabled the community to identify what was important and valued
by them in their locality. It offered the opportunity to supplement the statutory
protected heritage assets such as Listed Buildings and Scheduled Ancient
Monuments. The relevant policies were EN8 and HO9 of the Core Strategy for North
The appendix to the report contained the criteria for local listing. It followed the
recommendations of English Heritage:
a) Architectural importance.
b) Contribution to Townscape.
c) Historical Association.
d) Age.
e) Archaeological Interest.
f) Rarity
g) Landscape Interests.
h) Landmark.
i) Social and Communal Value.
Local listing could occur via the conservation management process, planning
applications and specific recognition by town and parish councils and other
recognised bodies such as Preservation Trusts and Civic Societies.
The report was discussed:
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party
12 September 2011
In response to a question from Mr D Young the Conservation, Design and Landscape
Manager explained that 13 June 1948 was the date when modern planning
legislation began. However the wording of the “Age” criterion was such that more
recent buildings would not be excluded from the list.
In response to a question by Ms V R Gay the Conservation, Design and Landscape
Manager confirmed that local listing would be considered a material consideration in
a planning decision.
It was proposed by Mr B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Ms V R Gay and
That Cabinet be recommended to:
1. Approve the criteria for the local listing of buildings and structures
of special architectural or historic interest as contained in Appendix
1 to this report and that the criteria be accordingly adopted.
2. Ratify the local listing status of all those buildings or structures
already considered eligible for local listing and included within
adopted Conservation Area Appraisals.
3. Confirm the process by which buildings will be identified for local
listing or assessment in cases where Policy HO9 applies (As
contained in Section 4 of this report).
The Working Party noted item 3 of the Officers’ reports which provided a general
update in relation to the Local Development Framework and related policy
documents and the work of the Major Development Team in relation to allocated
Development Sites. This was a standing item on the Agenda.
Site Concept Statements were being produced as pre-application advice to
prospective developers. To date they had been produced for the housing allocations
at Horning and Overstrand. A total of 30 guides would need to be prepared. Copies
of the Horning and Overstrand guides were distributed at the meeting and were
available in the Members’ Room. Members were asked to notify the Planning Policy
and Property Information Manager of any points they might wish to raise in
connection with the Guides.
Officers updated Members on the sites:
a) C14: a full application was expected within the next few months.
b) HV03: amended plans had been received and reconsultation had begun. It was
likely to go to Committee in October.
c) W01: Holkham Estate wanted to retain an interest in this site and it was
understood that they would be looking for a development partner.
d) ST01: the site allocation included some low key employment usage. A police
station would have contributed towards this requirement. Employment land had
been allocated outside the town to mitigate the impact on Stalham Town Centre.
There was still some detailed work to be done regarding this site, including the
Highways position.
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party
12 September 2011
e) Community Infrastructure Levy: a report would go to the Overview and Scrutiny
Committee on 18 October. The Planning Policy and Property Information
Manager would circulate the draft minutes to Members. It was being
recommended that the Working Party would oversee the preparation of the CIL.
It was proposed that site visits would take place on 7 November 2011 which was the
date of the programmed Working Party.
Replying to a question from Mr N D Dixon the Planning Policy and Property
Information Manager said that there would be close working with Norfolk County
Council on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The Strategic Director –
Community said that the decision to adopt CIL had not yet been taken and would be
addressed by the report to Overview and Scrutiny on 18 October. If it were adopted,
and as government guidance emerged, an infrastructure deficit study would be
It was proposed by Mr N D Dixon, seconded by Mrs B A McGoun and unanimously
To note the contents of the report.
The Working Party considered item 4 of the Officers’ reports which sought
endorsement of a Vision Statement for Site Allocation NW01 as the basis for
preparing a Development Brief.
NW01 was one of the largest sites in the plan and in the District’s biggest town. It
had been allocated for a mixed use development. The site was in multiple ownership
and had considerable potential.
ATLAS had been engaged to facilitate the process of identifying key development
objectives and developing a Vision. The services of ATLAS had not cost the Council
any expenditure. The Vision had been shared with the Ward Members, the Town
Council and a major developer, and some changes suggested. NNDC was happy
with all the changes and recommended that this latest version be endorsed.
Ms V R Gay, a local Member, said that she welcomed the vision and thanked officers
for all their work. She suggested some amendments to the draft Vision:
a) The 5th point should include mention of biodiversity, the use of native English
trees, and the incorporation of a mixture of functional spaces and wildlife.
b) North Walsham should be described as an “historic” market town.
Mrs B A McGoun said that the site, being near the railway station, was in a key
position for businesses. The Planning Officer agreed that it was a very good site and
that 5 hectares of employment land had been included. The Development Brief would
explore where the different uses would be best located. The Vision was less
In response to a question from Mr N D Dixon about the balance between housing and
economic development, the Strategic Director – Community said that work already
undertaken by the Local Development Framework Working Party had considered all
the opportunities and that it was intended that the site should regenerate employment
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party
12 September 2011
as well as providing housing. In particular it would be good to establish if some office
accommodation could be provided on this site as there was a deficit of such
accommodation in North Norfolk. The Planning Policy and Property Information
Manager said that the allocation of 5 hectares was in the policy but that control could
be exercised over the phasing of the development.
It was proposed by Ms V R Gay, seconded by Mrs B A McGoun and
That the Vision for Allocation NW01 be endorsed, subject to the
amendments suggested at Minute (19), to form the basis for the
production of a Development Brief for the site.
The meeting closed at 11.35 am.
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party
12 September 2011