Please Contact: Linda Yarham Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516019 4 January 2016 A meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee (3) of North Norfolk District Council will be convened in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 20 January 2016 at 10.00 am. At the discretion of the Chairman, a short break will be taken after the meeting has been running for approximately one and a half hours. Coffee will be available in the Canteen at 9.30 am. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mr P High, Mr R Shepherd, Mr N Coppack All other Members of the Council for information. Members of the Management Team and appropriate Officers. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Large print version can be made available Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Strategic Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel: 01263 513811 Fax: 01263 515042 Minicom: 01263 516005 Email: Web site: AGENDA 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 4. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution, if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 5. Application for a Licence to Drive Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicles in North Norfolk (WK/150030457) (Procedure to be followed at the Hearing attached – page 1; Report attached – page 3; Appendix A – page 5; Appendix B – page 12; Appendix C – page 14; Appendix D – page 24) Summary: This report relates to an application for a taxi drivers licence where a Disclosure Barring Service Report has been received which merits further consideration. Conclusions: Members may wish to go into Private session to hear fully from the applicant and consider this matter in confidence. Recommendations: That Members consider and determine this application. Chairman of the Licensing Committee Councillor R Price Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Gemma Faircloth 01263 516139 6. Application for a Licence to Drive Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicles in North Norfolk (WK/150030890) (Procedure to be followed at the Hearing attached – page 1; Report attached – page 25; Appendix E – page 27; Appendix F – page 34; Appendix G – page 36; Appendix H – page 44) Summary: This report relates to an application for a taxi drivers licence where a Disclosure Barring Service Report has been received which merits further consideration. Conclusions: Members may wish to go into Private session to hear fully from the applicant and consider this matter in confidence. Recommendations: That Members consider and determine this application. Chairman of the Licensing Committee Councillor R Price Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 7. Ward(s) affected: All Gemma Faircloth 01263 516139 Application for a Licence to Drive Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicles in North Norfolk (WK/150026539) (Procedure to be followed at the Hearing attached – page 1; Report attached – page 48; Appendix I – page 50; Appendix J – page 69; Appendix K – page 70; Appendix L – page 78) Summary: This report relates to an application for a taxi drivers licence where the applicant has previously held a driver’s licence issued by North Norfolk District Council that was revoked. Additionally a Disclosure Barring Service Report has been received which merits further consideration. Conclusions: Members may wish to go into Private session to hear fully from the applicant and consider this matter in confidence. Recommendations: That Members consider and determine this application. Chairman of the Licensing Committee Councillor R Price Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Gemma Faircloth 01263 516139 8. READMITTANCE OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To readmit the press and public to the meeting for the following business. 9. Enquiry regarding signage on vehicle, use of dvd screens for advertising purposes (WK/150034107) (Procedure to be followed at the Hearing attached – page 1; Report attached – page 81; Appendix M – page 83) Summary: This report relates to an enquiry received regarding signage on the externals and internals of vehicle and use of the DVD screens in rear headrests for advertising purposes and karaoke Conclusions: Members may wish to go into Private session to hear fully from the applicant and consider this matter in confidence, if necessary. Recommendations: That Members consider and determine this application. Chairman of the Licensing Committee Councillor R Price Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 10. Ward(s) affected: All Gemma Faircloth 01263 516139 Application for a review of a Premises Licence - The White Lady, Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk, NR28 9RW (Procedure to be followed at the Hearing attached – page 1; Report attached – page 85; Appendix N – page 103; Appendix O – page 154; Appendix P – page 161; Appendix Q – page 164) Summary: This is an application for Review of a Premises Licence Conclusions: That Members consider and determine the case from the information they have in written and verbal form Recommendations: That Members consider and determine this case Cllr R Price – Chairman Licensing Committee Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: Worstead Lara Clare 01263 516252 NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Licensing Sub-Committee Hearings Information to Accompany Notice of Hearing 1. Consequences if the Party does not attend Hearing 1) If a party has informed the Authority that he does not intend to attend or be represented at a Hearing, the Hearing may proceed in his absence. 2) If a party who has not so indicated fails to attend or be represented at a Hearing the Authority may – a) Where it considers it to be necessary in the public interest, adjourn the Hearing to a specified date, or b) Hold the Hearing in the party’s absence. 3) Where the Authority holds the Hearing in the absence of a party, the Authority shall consider at the Hearing the application, representations or notice made by that party. 4) Where the Authority adjourns the Hearing to a specified date it must forthwith notify the parties of the date, time and place to which the Hearing has been adjourned. 2. Procedure to be followed at the Hearing Please note: before the Hearing begins the Licensing Representative will take the names of everyone attending and find out if they want to speak. 1. The Chairman introduces a) b) c) d) Himself or herself and the Members of the Committee The Legal Advisor The Licensing Representative The Committee Officer. 2. The Legal Advisor a) b) c) d) Introduces the subject of the Hearing Notes attendances Outlines the procedure and explains her part in it. Asks if there are any preliminary matters, such as requests for adjournment. 3. The Chairman asks the Licensing Representative to explain the application. 4. The Licensing Representative refers the Sub Committee to the report, which they have read beforehand, and updates them on any new information. S/he may call witnesses. 5. The Licensing Representative invites questions on the report from all parties (The Applicant, the Objectors, the Board Members and the Legal Advisor) 6. The Chairman asks the Applicant (or his/her representative) to put forward their case. The Applicant may also call witnesses. 7. The Chairman invites questions to the Applicant from the Objectors, the Board Members and the Legal Advisor. Licensing Sub-Committee 1 20 January 2016 8. The Chairman invites the Objectors to put forward their case. 9. The Chairman invites questions to the Objectors from the Applicant, the Board Members and the Legal Advisor. Any party may call witnesses or ask questions of the witnesses. 10. Closing Statements The Chairman invites closing statements: FIRST: LAST: Objectors (or Objectors Spokesman) Applicant (or his/her representative) The Chairman will ask the Legal Advisor if there is any advice before the SubCommittee retires. 11. The Chairman thanks all those who have spoken and invites the Sub Committee to retire to the Members’ Room to make a decision. 12. The Legal Advisor accompanies the Sub Committee to provide legal advice and to assist them to formulate their reasons (but does not take part in the making of the decision). 13. The Sub Committee makes the decision. 14. The Sub Committee returns. The Chairman reads out the decision and the reasons for the decision. Licensing Sub-Committee 2 20 January 2016 Agenda Item No_10__ Application for a review of a Premises Licence - The White Lady, Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk, NR28 9RW Summary: This is an application for Review of a Premises Licence Conclusions: That Members consider and determine the case from the information they have in written and verbal form Recommendations: That Members consider and determine this case Cllr R Price – Chairman Licensing Committee Ward(s) affected: Worstead Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Lara Clare 01263 516252 1. Jurisdiction 1.1. North Norfolk District Council is the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of Premises licences for the sale of alcohol or regulated entertainment. Where a valid review application for a premises licence is received and relevant representations are made, before determining the review application, the authority must hold a hearing to consider the case. 1.2. At any stage, following the grant of a premises licence or club premises certificate, a responsible authority, or any other person, may ask the licensing authority to review the licence or certificate because of a matter arising at the premises in connection with any of the four licensing objectives. The four licensing objectives to be considered as part of the review (when determining) the application, and relevant representations, are: a. the prevention of crime & disorder b. public safety Licensing Sub-Committee 85 20 January 2016 c. the prevention of public nuisance, and d. the protection of children from harm 2. The Application 2.1 Environmental Protection Team has made an application for review to the Premises Licence for The White Lady, Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk, NR28 9RW. Appendix N 2.2 The premises are used as a public house with live music functions and private functions such as wedding receptions with music 2.3 The applicant seeks permission to operate as follows: Licensable activity Days Times Plays Monday to Sunday 00:00 - 00:00 Monday to Sunday 00:00 - 00:00 Films Indoor Sporting Event Boxing or Wrestling Live Music Recorded Music Performance of Dance Entertainment Similar to E/F/G Making Music Dancing Entertainment Similar to I/J Late Night Refreshment Sale of Alcohol On Premises Sale of Alcohol Off Premises Hours Premises open to the public: Licensing Sub-Committee 86 20 January 2016 3. Conditions 3.1 The premises licence is subject to the following mandatory conditions: a. LIP001 No supply of alcohol may be made under the premises licence, at a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence or at a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence, or the personal licence is suspended. b. LIP002 Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence. c. LIP003 Where a premises licence includes the condition that at specified times one or more individuals must be at the premises to carry out a security activity; each such individual must be licensed by the Security Industry Authority. d. LIP004 Where a premises licence authorises the exhibition of films, the admission of children to the exhibition of any film to be restricted in accordance with this section. e. LIP006 (1) The responsible person must ensure that staff on relevant premises do not carry out, arrange or participate in any irresponsible promotions in relation to the premises. (2) In this paragraph, an irresponsible promotion means any one or more of the following activities, or substantially similar activities, carried on for the purpose of encouraging the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises— (a) games or other activities which require or encourage, or are designed to require or encourage, individuals to— (i) drink a quantity of alcohol within a time limit (other than to drink alcohol sold or supplied on the premises before the cessation of the period in which the responsible person is authorised to sell or supply alcohol), or (ii) drink as much alcohol as possible (whether within a time limit or otherwise); (b) provision of unlimited or unspecified quantities of alcohol free or for a fixed or discounted fee to the public or to a group defined by a particular characteristic in a manner which carries a significant risk of undermining a licensing objective; (c) provision of free or discounted alcohol or any other thing as a prize to encourage or reward the purchase and consumption of alcohol over a period of 24 hours or less in a manner which carries a significant risk of undermining a licensing objective; Licensing Sub-Committee 87 20 January 2016 (d) selling or supplying alcohol in association with promotional posters or flyers on, or in the vicinity of, the premises which can reasonably be considered to condone, encourage or glamorise antisocial behaviour or to refer to the effects of drunkenness in any favourable manner; (e) dispensing alcohol directly by one person into the mouth of another (other than where that other person is unable to drink without assistance by reason of disability). f. LIP008 The responsible person must ensure that free potable water is provided on request to customers where it is reasonably available. g. LIP009 (1) The premises licence holder or club premises certificate holder must ensure that an age verification policy is adopted in respect of the premises in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol. (2) The designated premises supervisor in relation to the premises licence must ensure that the supply of alcohol at the premises is carried on in accordance with the age verification policy. (3) The policy must require individuals who appear to the responsible person to be under 18 years of age (or such older age as may be specified in the policy) to produce on request, before being served alcohol, identification bearing their photograph, date of birth and either— (a) a holographic mark, or (b) an ultraviolet feature. i. LIP010 The responsible person shall ensure that: a) where any of the following alcoholic drinks is sold or supplied for consumption on the premises (other than alcoholic drinks sold or supplied having been made up in advance ready for sale or supply in a securely closed container) it is available to customers in the following measures – i) beer or cider: ½ pint; ii) gin, rum, vodka or whisky: 25ml or 35ml; and iii) still wine in a glass: 125ml; and b) these measures are displayed in a menu, price list or other printed material which is available to customers on the premises; and c) where a customer does not in relation to a sale of alcohol specify the quantity of alcohol to be sold, the customer is made aware that these measures are available. j. LIP011 A relevant person shall ensure that no alcohol is sold or supplied for consumption on or off the premises for a price which is less than the permitted price. Licensing Sub-Committee 88 20 January 2016 3.2 The licence is subject to the following conditions which are consistent with their operating schedule: a. Live music, Recorded music and Performance of dance outdoors or in the marquee to end by 12.00 midnight. b. LIPN10 All [external doors/windows] must be kept closed, other than for access and egress, in all rooms when events involving amplified music or speech are taking place. c. LIPN14 Prominent, clear notices shall be displayed at all exits and in the car park requesting customers to respect the needs of local residents and leave the premises and the area quietly. d. LIPN16 External events must not continue beyond 12:00 Midnight without prior approval of the Licensing Authority. e. LIPN19 The Designated Premises Supervisor or a nominated representative shall receive and respond to complaints throughout the duration of all noisy events and will have full control at all times over the sound amplification. f. LIPN22 A designated premises supervisor or nominated representative shall ensure that no nuisance is caused by noise emanating from the premises by implementing a Self Policing Policy which shall include sound checks inside and out. g. Additional Conditions suggested as part of this review: Worstead Festival Weekend External amplified music to be permitted Friday: 19:00 -22:00 Saturday: 17:00 -22:00 Sunday: 16:00 -21 :00 Weddings/Celebrations External, recorded, amplified music to" be permitted for no more than four weddings/celebrations in any calendar year. No external amplified live music to be permitted during these weddings/celebrations. The, playing of recorded, amplified music not to exceed four hours in total. Finish time not to exceed 23:00. Other Events No other external amplified music events to be permitted. Other conditions No external amplified events/weddings/celebrations to occur on consecutive weekends. music Internal Music We would request that consideration of the effects of internal music on nearby residents is also considered and will update the committee as soon as further monitoring has taken place. Licensing Sub-Committee 89 20 January 2016 4. Representations from Responsible Authorities 4.1 Section 13(4) of the Act defines the ’Responsible Authorities’ as the statutory bodies that must be sent copies of a review application. Representations made must relate to the licensing objectives. 4.2 The following comments have been received from the Responsible Authorities: See Appendix O Responsible Authority Norfolk Constabulary Norfolk Fire Service Norfolk Trading Standards Norfolk Children’s Safeguarding Board Norfolk Health authority (Director of Public Health for Norfolk) NNDC Planning (Development Management) NNDC Environmental Health (Health & Safety team) NNDC Environmental Health (Environmental Protection team) NNDC Licensing (Responsible) authority Comments Date There are no police 01/12/2015 observations regarding this review Standard Letter 30/11/2015 Nil Response Nil Response Detailed letter in 09/12/2015 support of the review Nil Response Nil Response Nil Response Nil Response 5. Representations from Other Persons 5.1 Section 13(2) of the Act describes other persons as any individual, body or business entitled to make representations to licensing authorities in relation to the review of premises licences and club premises certificates regardless of their proximity to the premises. Additionally, these persons may themselves seek a review of a premises licence. Representations made must be relevant in that they relate to the licensing objectives. 5.2 There has been significant correspondence received from various residents concerning this premises which has led to the investigation to prevent the cause of public nuisance on noise grounds and has ultimately culminated in this application for review of the premises licence. Copies of all correspondence are attached for information. The predominant relevant issue raised has been that of the prevention of crime and disorder and public nuisance See Appendix P Licensing Sub-Committee 90 20 January 2016 Other Persons Comments Date Mrs Pacey Support of the review as a resident affected by the activities at The White Lady – Via telephone call with Karen Baker because of email issues, letter to follow as would like to opportunity to speak at the hearing. 18/12/2015 6. Notices 6.1 The Licensing Authority is responsible for advertising the review by way of a notice in the specified form at the premises for not less than 28 consecutive days and in a local newspaper. The Public Notice appeared in the North Norfolk News on the 3rd December 2015 and a Notice should have been displayed on the premises until 18th December 2015, this was checked periodically by an Officer of North Norfolk District Council and was in place at these checks. 7. 7.1 Plans A location plan showing the general location of the premises is attached at Appendix Q. 8. North Norfolk District Council Licensing Policy 8.1 The current Statement of Licensing Policy was approved by Full Council on 14 December 2010 and the following extracts may be relevant to this application: 3.0 Main Principles 3.1 Nothing in the ‘Statement of Policy’ will: • undermine the rights of any person to apply under the 2003 Act for a variety of permissions and have the application considered on its individual merits, and/or • override the right of any person to make representations on any application or seek a review of a licence or certificate where they are permitted to do so under the 2003 Act 3.2 Licensing is about the control of licensed premises, qualifying clubs and temporary events within the terms of the 2003 Act, and conditions are likely to be attached to licences, certificates and permissions that will cover matters which are within the control of individual licensees. 3.3 When considering these conditions, the Council will primarily focus on the direct impact of the activities taking place at licensed premises on Licensing Sub-Committee 91 20 January 2016 members of the public living, working or engaged in normal activity in the area concerned. 3.4 The Council acknowledges that the licensing function cannot be used for the general control of anti-social behaviour by individuals once they are beyond the direct control of the licensee of any premises concerned. In this respect, the Council recognises that, apart from the licensing function, there are a number of other mechanisms available for addressing issues of unruly behaviour that can occur away from licensed premises, including: • planning and environmental health controls • ongoing measures to create a safe and clean environment in these areas in partnership with local businesses, transport operators and other Council Departments • designation of parts of the District as places where alcohol may not be consumed publicly • regular liaison with Police on law enforcement issues regarding disorder and anti-social behaviour, including the issue of fixed penalty notices, prosecution of those selling alcohol to people who are drunk; confiscation of alcohol from adults and children in designated areas and instantly closing down licensed premises or temporary events on the grounds of disorder, or likelihood of disorder or excessive noise from the premises • the power of the police, other responsible authority or a local resident or business or District Councillor to seek a review of the licence or certificate 4 Crime and Disorder 4.1 Licensed premises, especially those offering late night/early morning entertainment, alcohol and refreshment for large numbers of people, can be a source of crime and disorder problems. 4.2 The Council will expect Operating Schedules to satisfactorily address these issues from the design of the premises through to the daily operation of the business. 6 Prevention of Public Nuisance 6.1 Licensed premises, especially those operating late at night and in the early hours of the morning, can cause a range of nuisances impacting on people living, working or sleeping in the vicinity of the premises. 6.2 The concerns mainly relate to noise nuisance, light pollution and noxious smells and due regard will be taken of the impact these may have. The Council will expect Operating Schedules to satisfactorily address these issues. Applicants are advised to seek advice from the Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee 92 20 January 2016 Health and Pollution Enforcement Officers before preparing their plans and Schedules. 6.3 The Council will consider attaching Conditions to licences and permissions to prevent public nuisance, and these may include Conditions drawn from the Model Pool of Conditions relating to ‘Public Nuisance’. 10 Standard Conditions 10.1 Conditions attached to licences or certificates will be tailored to the individual style and characteristics of the particular premises and events concerned. 10.2 However, where considered appropriate, and necessary for the promotion of the Licensing Objectives, the Council will consider attaching Conditions drawn from the relevant Model Pools of Conditions and from any published Local Pool of Conditions 9. Guidance Issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 9.1 The current Guidance was issued by the Home Office in March 2015 and offers advice to Licensing authorities on the discharge of their functions under the Licensing Act 2003. 9.2 The following extracts may be relevant to this application and assist the panel: Licensing conditions – general principles 1.16 Conditions on a premises licence or club premises certificate are important in setting the parameters within which premises can lawfully operate. The use of wording such as “must”, “shall” and “will”, is encouraged. Licence conditions: • must be appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives; • must be precise and enforceable; • must be unambiguous and clear in what they intend to achieve; • should not duplicate other statutory requirements or other duties or responsibilities placed on the employer by other legislation; • must be tailored to the individual type, location and characteristics of the premises and events concerned; • should not be standardised and may be unlawful when it cannot be demonstrated that they are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives in an individual case; • should not replicate offences set out in the 2003 Act or other legislation; • should be proportionate, justifiable and be capable of being met, (for example, whilst beer glasses may be available in toughened glass, wine glasses may not); • cannot seek to manage the behaviour of customers once they are beyond the direct management of the licence holder and their staff, but may impact on the behaviour of customers in the immediate vicinity of the premises or as they enter or leave; and Licensing Sub-Committee 93 20 January 2016 • should be written in a prescriptive format. Each application on its own merits 1.17 Each application must be considered on its own merits and in accordance with the licensing authority’s statement of licensing policy; for example, if the application falls within the scope of a cumulative impact policy. Conditions attached to licences and certificates must be tailored to the individual type, location and characteristics of the premises and events concerned. This is essential to avoid the imposition of disproportionate and overly burdensome conditions on premises where there is no need for such conditions. Standardised conditions should be avoided and indeed may be unlawful where they cannot be shown to be appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives in an individual case Public Nuisance 2.14 The 2003 Act enables licensing authorities and responsible authorities, through representations, to consider what constitutes public nuisance and what is appropriate to prevent it in terms of conditions attached to specific premises licences and club premises certificates. It is therefore important that in considering the promotion of this licensing objective, licensing authorities and responsible authorities focus on the effect of the licensable activities at the specific premises on persons living and working (including those carrying on business) in the area around the premises which may be disproportionate and unreasonable. The issues will mainly concern noise nuisance, light pollution, noxious smells and litter. 2.15 Public nuisance is given a statutory meaning in many pieces of legislation. It is however not narrowly defined in the 2003 Act and retains its broad common law meaning. It is important to remember that the prevention of public nuisance could therefore include low-level nuisance, perhaps affecting a few people living locally, as well as major disturbance affecting the whole community. It may also include in appropriate circumstances the reduction of the living and working amenity and environment of other persons living and working in the area of the licensed premises. Public nuisance may also arise as a result of the adverse effects of artificial light, dust, odour and insects or where its effect is prejudicial to health. 2.16 Conditions relating to noise nuisance will usually concern steps appropriate to control the levels of noise emanating from premises. This might be achieved by a simple measure such as ensuring that doors and windows are kept closed after a particular time, or more sophisticated measures like the installation of acoustic curtains or rubber speaker mounts. Any conditions appropriate to promote the prevention of public nuisance should be tailored to the type, nature and characteristics of the specific premises. Licensing authorities should be aware of the need to avoid inappropriate or disproportionate measures that could deter events that are valuable to the community, such as live music. Noise limiters, for example, are very expensive to purchase and install and are likely to be a considerable burden for smaller venues. Licensing Sub-Committee 94 20 January 2016 2.17 As with all conditions, those relating to noise nuisance may not be appropriate in certain circumstances where provisions in other legislation adequately protect those living in the area of the premises. But as stated earlier in this Guidance, the approach of licensing authorities and responsible authorities should be one of prevention and when their powers are engaged, licensing authorities should be aware of the fact that other legislation may not adequately cover concerns raised in relevant representations and additional conditions may be appropriate. 2.18 Where applications have given rise to representations, any appropriate conditions should normally focus on the most sensitive periods. For example, music noise from premises usually occurs from mid-evening until either lateevening or early-morning when residents in adjacent properties may be attempting to go to sleep or are sleeping. In certain circumstances, conditions relating to noise immediately surrounding the premises may also prove appropriate to address any disturbance anticipated as customers enter and leave. 2.19 Measures to control light pollution will also require careful thought. Bright lighting outside premises which is considered appropriate to prevent crime and disorder may itself give rise to light pollution for some neighbours. Applicants, licensing authorities and responsible authorities will need to balance these issues. 2.20 Beyond the immediate area surrounding the premises, these are matters for the personal responsibility of individuals under the law. An individual who engages in anti-social behaviour is accountable in their own right. However, it would be perfectly reasonable for a licensing authority to impose a condition, following relevant representations, that requires the licence holder or club to place signs at the exits from the building encouraging patrons to be quiet until they leave the area and to respect the rights of people living nearby to a peaceful night. Determining applications where representations are made 9.36 As a matter of practice, licensing authorities should seek to focus the hearing on the steps considered appropriate to promote the particular licensing objective or objectives that have given rise to the specific representation and avoid straying into undisputed areas. A responsible authority or other person may choose to rely on their written representation. They may not add further representations to those disclosed to the applicant prior to the hearing, but they may expand on their existing representation. 9.37 In determining the application with a view to promoting the licensing objectives in the overall interests of the local community, the licensing authority must give appropriate weight to: • the steps that are appropriate to promote the licensing objectives; Licensing Sub-Committee 95 20 January 2016 • the representations (including supporting information) presented by all the parties; • this Guidance; • its own statement of licensing policy. Relevant, Vexatious and Frivolous Representations 9.4 A representation is “relevant” if it relates to the likely effect of the grant of the licence on the promotion of at least one of the licensing objectives. For example, a representation from a local businessperson about the commercial damage caused by competition from new licensed premises would not be relevant. On the other hand, a representation by a businessperson that nuisance caused by new premises would deter customers from entering the local area, and the steps proposed by the applicant to prevent that nuisance were inadequate, would be relevant. In other words, representations should relate to the impact of licensable activities carried on from premises on the objectives. For representations in relation to variations to be relevant, they should be confined to the subject matter of the variation. There is no requirement for a responsible authority or other person to produce a recorded history of problems at premises to support their representations, and in fact this would not be possible for new premises. 9.5 It is for the licensing authority to determine whether a representation (other than a representation from responsible authority) is frivolous or vexatious on the basis of what might ordinarily be considered to be vexatious or frivolous. A representation may be considered to be vexatious if it appears to be intended to cause aggravation or annoyance, whether to a competitor or other person, without reasonable cause or justification. Vexatious circumstances may arise because of disputes between rival businesses and local knowledge will therefore be invaluable in considering such matters. Licensing authorities can consider the main effect of the representation, and whether any inconvenience or expense caused by it could reasonably be considered to be proportionate. 9.9 It is recommended that, in borderline cases, the benefit of the doubt about any aspect of a representation should be given to the person making that representation. The subsequent hearing would then provide an opportunity for the person or body making the representation to amplify and clarify it. Determining actions that are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives 9.41 Licensing authorities are best placed to determine what actions are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives in their areas. All licensing determinations should be considered on a case by case basis. They should take into account any representations or objections that have been received from responsible authorities or other persons, and representations made by the applicant or premises user as the case may be. Licensing Sub-Committee 96 20 January 2016 9.42 The authority’s determination should be evidence-based, justified as being appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives and proportionate to what it is intended to achieve. 9.43 Determination of whether an action or step is appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives requires an assessment of what action or step would be suitable to achieve that end. Whilst this does not therefore require a licensing authority to decide that no lesser step will achieve the aim, the authority should aim to consider the potential burden that the condition would impose on the premises licence holder (such as the financial burden due to restrictions on licensable activities) as well as the potential benefit in terms of the promotion of the licensing objectives. However, it is imperative that the authority ensures that the factors which form the basis of its determination are limited to consideration of the promotion of the objectives and nothing outside those parameters. As with the consideration of licence variations, the licensing authority should consider wider issues such as other conditions already in place to mitigate potential negative impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives and the track record of the business. Further advice on determining what is appropriate when imposing conditions on a licence or certificate is provided in Chapter 10. The licensing authority is expected to come to its determination based on an assessment of the evidence on both the risks and benefits either for or against making the determination. Conditions attached to Premises Licences 10.2 Conditions include any limitations or restrictions attached to a licence or certificate and essentially are the steps or actions that the holder of the premises licence or the club premises certificate will be required to take or refrain from taking in relation to the carrying on of licensable activities at the premises in question. Failure to comply with any condition attached to a licence or certificate is a criminal offence, which on conviction is punishable by a fine of up to £20,000 or up to six months imprisonment. The courts have made clear that it is particularly important that conditions which are imprecise or difficult for a licence holder to observe should be avoided. 10.3 There are three types of condition that may be attached to a licence or certificate: proposed, imposed and mandatory. Each of these categories is described in more detail below Proposed Conditions 10.4 The conditions that are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives should emerge initially from the risk assessment carried out by a prospective licence or certificate holder, which they should carry out before making their application for a premises licence or club premises certificate. This would be translated into the steps recorded in the operating schedule or club operating schedule, which must also set out the proposed hours during which Licensing Sub-Committee 97 20 January 2016 licensable activities will be conducted and any other hours during which the premises will be open to the public. 10.5 It is not acceptable for licensing authorities to simply replicate the wording from an applicant’s operating schedule. A condition should be interpreted in accordance with the applicant’s intention Imposed Conditions 10.8 The licensing authority may not impose any conditions unless its discretion has been engaged following receipt of relevant representations and it is satisfied as a result of a hearing (unless all parties agree a hearing is not necessary) that it is appropriate to impose conditions to promote one or more of the four licensing objectives. 10.9 It is possible that, in certain cases, where there are other legislative provisions which are relevant and must be observed by the applicant, no additional conditions are appropriate to promote the licensing objectives. Proportionality 10.10 The 2003 Act requires that licensing conditions should be tailored to the size, type, location and characteristics and activities taking place at the premises concerned. Conditions should be determined on a case by case basis and standardised conditions which ignore these individual aspects should be avoided. Licensing authorities and other responsible authorities should be alive to the indirect costs that can arise because of conditions. These could be a deterrent to holding events that are valuable to the community or for the funding of good and important causes. Licensing authorities should therefore ensure that any conditions they impose are only those which are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives. Hours of trading 10.13 The Government acknowledges that different licensing strategies may be appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives in different areas. The 2003 Act gives the licensing authority power to make decisions regarding licensed opening hours as part of the implementation of its licensing policy statement and licensing authorities are best placed to make decisions about appropriate opening hours in their areas based on their local knowledge and in consultation with responsible authorities. However, licensing authorities must always consider each application and must not impose predetermined licensed opening hours, without giving individual consideration to the merits of each application. Designated premises supervisor 10.29 The main purpose of the ‘designated premises supervisor’ as defined in the 2003 Act is to ensure that there is always one specified individual among these personal licence holders who can be readily identified for the premises where a Licensing Sub-Committee 98 20 January 2016 premises licence is in force. That person will normally have been given day to day responsibility for running the premises by the premises licence holder. The requirements set out in relation to the designated premises supervisor and authorisation of alcohol sales by a personal licence holder do not apply to community premises in respect of which a successful application has been made to disapply the usual mandatory conditions in sections 19(2) and 19(3) of the 2003 Act (see Chapter 4 of this Guidance). 10.30 The 2003 Act does not require a designated premises supervisor or any other personal licence holder to be present on the premises at all times when alcohol is sold. However, the designated premises supervisor and the premises licence holder remain responsible for the premises at all times including compliance with the terms of the 2003 Act and conditions attached to the premises licence to promote the licensing objectives. The review process 11.1 The proceedings set out in the 2003 Act for reviewing premises licences and club premises certificates represent a key protection for the community where problems associated with the licensing objectives occur after the grant or variation of a premises licence or club premises certificate. 11.2 At any stage, following the grant of a premises licence or club premises certificate, a responsible authority, or any other person, may ask the licensing authority to review the licence or certificate because of a matter arising at the premises in connection with any of the four licensing objectives. 11.5 Any responsible authority under the 2003 Act may apply for a review of a premises licence or club premises certificate. Therefore, the relevant licensing authority may apply for a review if it is concerned about licensed activities at premises and wants to intervene early without waiting for representations from other persons. However, it is not expected that licensing authorities should normally act as responsible authorities in applying for reviews on behalf of other persons, such as local residents or community groups. These individuals or groups are entitled to apply for a review for a licence or certificate in their own right if they have grounds to do so. It is also reasonable for licensing authorities to expect other responsible authorities to intervene where the basis for the intervention falls within the remit of that other authority. For example, the police should take appropriate steps where the basis for the review is concern about crime and disorder or the sexual exploitation of children. Likewise, where there are concerns about noise nuisance, it is reasonable to expect the local authority exercising environmental health functions for the area in which the premises are situated to make the application for review. Further guidance on ‘The Review Process’ can be sought in Section 11 of the Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003. Powers of a licensing authority on the determination of a review Licensing Sub-Committee 99 20 January 2016 11.16 The 2003 Act provides a range of powers for the licensing authority which it may exercise on determining a review where it considers them appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives. 11.17 The licensing authority may decide that the review does not require it to take any further steps appropriate to promote the licensing objectives. In addition, there is nothing to prevent a licensing authority issuing an informal warning to the licence holder and/or to recommend improvement within a particular period of time. It is expected that licensing authorities will regard such informal warnings as an important mechanism for ensuring that the licensing objectives are effectively promoted and that warnings should be issued in writing to the licence holder. 11.18 However, where responsible authorities such as the police or environmental health officers have already issued warnings requiring improvement – either orally or in writing – that have failed as part of their own stepped approach to address concerns, licensing authorities should not merely repeat that approach and should take this into account when considering what further action is appropriate. 11.19 Where the licensing authority considers that action under its statutory powers is appropriate, it may take any of the following steps: ï‚· modify the conditions of the premises licence (which includes adding new conditions or any alteration or omission of an existing condition), for example, by reducing the hours of opening or by requiring door supervisors at particular times; ï‚· exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence, for example, to exclude the performance of live music or playing of recorded music (where it is not within the incidental live and recorded music exemption)10; ï‚· remove the designated premises supervisor, for example, because they consider that the problems are the result of poor management; ï‚· suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months; ï‚· revoke the licence 11.20 In deciding which of these powers to invoke, it is expected that licensing authorities should so far as possible seek to establish the cause or causes of the concerns that the representations identify. The remedial action taken should generally be directed at these causes and should always be no more than an appropriate and proportionate response to address the causes of concern that instigated the review. 11.21 For example, licensing authorities should be alive to the possibility that the removal and replacement of the designated premises supervisor may be Licensing Sub-Committee 100 20 January 2016 sufficient to remedy a problem where the cause of the identified problem directly relates to poor management decisions made by that individual. 11.22 Equally, it may emerge that poor management is a direct reflection of poor company practice or policy and the mere removal of the designated premises supervisor may be an inadequate response to the problems presented. Indeed, where subsequent review hearings are generated by representations, it should be rare merely to remove a succession of designated premises supervisors as this would be a clear indication of deeper problems that impact upon the licensing objectives. 11.23 Licensing authorities should also note that modifications of conditions and exclusions of licensable activities may be imposed either permanently or for a temporary period of up to three months. Temporary changes or suspension of the licence for up to three months could impact on the business holding the licence financially and would only be expected to be pursued as an appropriate means of promoting the licensing objectives. So, for instance, a licence could be suspended for a weekend as a means of deterring the holder from allowing the problems that gave rise to the review to happen again. However, it will always be important that any detrimental financial impact that may result from a licensing authority’s decision is appropriate and proportionate to the promotion of the licensing objectives. But where premises are found to be trading irresponsibly, the licensing authority should not hesitate, where appropriate to do so, to take tough action to tackle the problems at the premises and, where other measures are deemed insufficient, to revoke the licence. 10. Determination 10.1 The Sub Committee are requested to consider the review application, the representations received and determine this review application. 10.2 When considering this application the Sub Committee will need to have regard to the North Norfolk District Council Licensing Policy and to statutory guidance under the Licensing Act 2003 issued by the Secretary of State 10.3 In determining the application for a Premises Licence the Sub Committee may take the following actions: a. Modify the conditions of the premises licence b. Exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence c. Remove the designated premises supervisor d. Suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months e. Revoke the licence 10.4 This application must be determined and notified to the applicant within 5 working days from the conclusion of the hearing. Reasons for the Panel’s decision must Licensing Sub-Committee 101 20 January 2016 be given as both the applicant and objectors have a right of appeal against that decision to the Magistrates Court. 10.5 There is a right of appeal to the decision of the Sub Committee to the Magistrates court within 21 days. Appendices: N. Copy of Review Application and associated documents O. Representations: Responsible Authorities P. Representations: objection or support from other persons Q. Location Plan Background Papers: 1. The Licensing Act 2003 2. North Norfolk District Council Statement of Licensing Policy (14 December 2010) 3. Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 (March 2015) Licensing Sub-Committee 102 20 January 2016 APPENDIX N 1/1 NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCil HOLT ROAD CROMER NORFOLK NR27 9EN -!] NORTH,' Telephone 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Your ref: Our ref: NORFOLK' DISTRICT COUNCIL KB/amhNVKS/15001,3349 . 20 th November 2015 =_.=='""'====--====='>="'4 Jr='===='~ , NORTH NORFOU< D.C. J Licensing Team l North Norfolk District Council Holt Road Cromer Norfolk NR279EN 2 ~ ~inv I"'~. .J ''I !,"'I" ,::,U;;J !I p PO .... T"! C'E ....·'/·r'.-,., ~ ~~~~~ Dear Sir or Madam Re: Licence Review - The New Inn (aka The White Lady) Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk NR28 9RW Please find enclosed the License Review Application for The New Inn (akaThe White Lady), Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk NR28 9RW for your information. If you have any queries regarding the application, please do not hesitate to contact the Environmental Protection team of North Norfolk District Council on the details below. Yours faithfully Karen Baker Senior Environmental Protection Officer Tel 01263 516203 Email Licensing Sub-Committee 103 20 January 2016 .1 I I I· " I I I I I I I Application for Review of Premises Licence The New Inn . (Otherwise known as The White Lady) I I I I I I I I I • Licensing Sub-Committee 104 20 January 2016 1 -I NORTH I NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL 'I., · I I, 'I I I I I I I .1 I I, I, I, I. I I Licensing Team North Norfolk District Council Council Offices Holt Road Cromer Norfolk NR27 HEN Reference number lL.-l_off_i_ce_u_s_e_on_ly_} 1 Schedule 8 Application for the review of apremises licence or club premises cerU-ficate under the Licensing Act 2003 ~-------------------. . . . . . . .------~-- PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Before completing this form please read the guidance notes at the end of the form. If you are completing this form by hand please write legibly in block capitals. In all cases ensure that· your answers are inside the boxes and written in black ink. Use additional sheets if necessary. You may wish to keep a copy of the compl.eted form for your records. The Environmental Protection Team of North Norfolk District Council apply for the review of a premises licence under section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the premises described in Part 1 below Part 1 - Premises or club premises details Postal address of premises or club premises, or if none, ordnance survey map reference or description . New Inn (also known as The White Lady), Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk NR28 9RW Post town Post code (if known) Worstead NR289RW Name' of premises licence holder or club holding club premises certificate (if known) Mr Dennis Patrick Gilligan and Mr Mark Thompson Number of premises licence or club premises certificate (if known) LN/000003690 Licensing Sub-Committee 105 20 January 2016 1 of 9 I I Part 2 - AllJ)lica'nt details I lam' ,I ,I I I Please tick ;J 1) An individual, body or business which is not a responsible authority (please read guidance note 1) D o 2) A responsible authority 3) A member of the club to which this application relates D Please complete (A) or (B) below Please complete (C) below' I Please complete (A) below I (A) DETAILS OF INDIVIDUAL APPLICANT (fill in as applicable) :1 U, .I'--__ D ; D D 'I I " 1_ _---------_1 I Please tick.L ' Mr Mrs Ms Miss Surname Other title (please state) .....J First names Yes I I I I I I, 'I' I I I I am 18 years old or over D Current postal address if different from premises address , I Post Town: Daytime contact telephone number Postcode: 1_-----'----_­ .E-mail address (optional) Licensing Sub-Committee 106 20 January 2016 2 of 9 I I B DETAILS OF OTHER APPLICANT I ,I I, ;1 I '----_'----_I I C DETAILS OF RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY APPLICANT I I, Name and address Post Town: Postcode: Daytime contact telephone n~mber 1 E-mail address (optional) Name and address Environmental Protection Team Environmental Health North Norfolk District Council , Holt Road Cromer Norfolk I ,I' ,I ,I I I / Post Town: Cro'mer Postcode: NR27 9EN 0' Daytime contact telephone number 01263516085 E-mail address (optional) This application to review relates to the following licensing objective(s) I: I,,' I Please tick one or more boxes-.J 1) 2) 3) D D the prevention of crime and disorder public safety 8J the, prevention of public nuisance j I I 4) D the protection of children from harm' Licensing Sub-Committee 107 20 January 2016 3 of 9 • I I 'I I Please state the ground(s} for review (please read guidance note 2) The Environmental Protection Team is applying for a review of the premises licence on the grounds of prevention of public nuisance. This is largely due to the playing of external amplified music to excessive levels, giving rise to statutory nuisance. In the opinion of the Environmental Protection Team, action in the form of a Licensing Review is required to ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to reduce the impact of external amplified music events on local residents. :1 I I I I I I I I I I, I I, I I I Licensing Sub-Committee 108 20 January 2016 4 of 9 • I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I Please provide as much information as. possible to support the application (please read guidance note 3) The New Inn (otherwise known as, and from now on referred to, as the White Lady) is situated on Front Street, Worstead which is in the heart of the village. The premises is surrounded on two sides by a number of residential properties. The rear boundary of the public house adjoins a playing field on which Worstead Village Hall is located. The remaining side adjoins the church and its grounds. An aerial view of The White Lady can be seen in Appendix 1 with The White Lady's boundary defined. Appendix 2 shows a plan view of the area, with The White Lady's boundary defined. . A land registry search of the propertyidentifies Dennis Patrick Gilligan as the proprietor (Appendix 3). The holders of the premises licence are Mr Dennis Patrick Gilligan and Mr Mark Thompson. The designated Premises Supervisor is Mr Mark Thompson. Environmental Protection's first complaints relating to noise from amplified music were received in April 2013. A punk band was alleged to have been playing inside the pubs extension with noise break out occurring when people exited the extension,onto the pubs rear decking. Music was alleged to have been played throughout the afternoon and into the late evening, affecting the complainant in their home and bedroom. The complainants were concerned that during the summer months, doors and windows would be left open and noise from' the pub would be intrusive. . A visit was carried out to the premises by an Environmental Protection Officer and a Licensing Officer on 16th April 2013. Mr Gilligan and Mr Thompson were informed of the complaint and the . complainants concerns. Mr Gilligan relayed to the officers that he had received several malicious complaints and was worried that we were taking the complaints too seriously. The officers explained the investigation process and noise nuisance. In July 2013 a series of complaints were received through North Norfolk District Council's out of hours service, from three separate nearby properties. The complaints were in relation to a three day, live 'music event that was taking place in conjunction with a beer festival. Noise from live music and recorded music within the rear garden of The White Lady was said to be affecting nearby residents. Music was clearly audible over the telephone during one of the conversations to the out of hours officer and two phone calls were made to Mr Thompson to request that the music be turned down. . . In March 2014 concern was raised by a nearby resident that a weekend music festival was being planned by the White Lady. The complainant informed an officer that noise during such events had had such an impact that it was necessary to go away as a result. Two complaints were received, after the event,relating to noise from external amplified music over a three day period, These came from two separate properties. Environmental Protection did not attend on this occasion. On 23rd July 2014 a telephone call was made to Mr Gilligan to discuss an advertised festival weekend. Mr Gilligan informed the officer that live music was planned for 25th July 2014 18:30­ 23:00, 26th JUly 2014 13:00-23:00 (a Punk band) and 27th July 2014 13:00- 22:30/23:00. Mr Gilligan was asked to make regular checks. on boundary noise levels, bearing in mind that . previous events had led to complaints being made. An unannounced visit was made to the area' by an Environmental Protection Officer on 26th July 2014 between 19:00 and 20:13. Levels of music from a punk band were witnessed that would be likely to constitute a statutory noise nuisance if they were witnessed on a complainants property. On this particular occasion, the complainant closest to the music had gone away for the weekend so as not to ~e impacted by the. noise. . Licensing Sub-Committee 109 20 January 2016 5019 I I I I I ,I, I I I I, I I I I I I I I, I I I In anticipation of potential noise issues from an advertised three day music festival known as Titchfest, an arranged visit was made to The White Lady by an Environmental Protection Officer 'land a Licensing Officer on 18th June 2015. Officers met with Mr Gilligan, Mr Thompson and Mr Paul Titch (the sound contractor.) Officers were shown the location of the marquee in the pub garden and were told that music would 'finish at 23:15. All those present were informed of the importance of keeping the noise levels under control, carrying out boundary noise level checks to ensure that they were not excessive and finishing at the advertised time. A visit to the area was made on the evening of the 19th June 2015 and 20 th June 2015 by an Environmental Protection Officer and a Licensing Officer. On both occasions noise levels that would amoLlnt to a statutory noise nuisance were witnessed adjacent to a complainant's property with lyrics clearly audible and bass levels particularly intrusive. The music being played was heavy rock. On the1g th June 2015 the music was heard to "finish at 23:45, 30mins after the ,agreed finish time. On 20th June 2015, the music was heara to finish at 23:25, 10 mins after the agreed finish time. In addition to this foul language was heard over the microphone. The ,Environmental Protection Officers pocket note book entries for both evenings can be seen in Appendix 4. Following this weekend, complaints were received from 3 separate premises relating to unacceptable levels of noise. One of the complainants lives approximately 150 yards from the' property and reported not being able to have a conversation with his wife in their garden. As a result of the monitoring and concern over the Qwner'sinability to control noise levels from external amplified music events, a noise abatement notice was served on Mr Gilligan and Mr Thompson on 9thJuly 2015 (Appendix 5.) This prohibited the use of external amplified music at The White Lady. . With clear implications for future planned events at The White Lady, a meeting was set up at the council offices on 13th July 2015 with Mr Gilligan, Mr Thompson and Environmental Protection Officers. This resulted in agreeing to allow an event that had been planned over the Worstead Festival weekend and two weddings that had been booked in, to go ahead. T~lis waS given as an opportunity for Mr Gilligan to show that he could control noise levels from the premises. , Officers were informed that the volume of the music could be adequately controlled by specific equipment being used on these occasions. It was also agreed that Environmental Protection would have presence to give advice and monitor over the Worstead Festival weekend event. ' a Despite assurances that the music levels could be controlled by noise limiting eqUipment, a visit on the 24th July 2015 by Environmental Protection Officers idenHfied that the equipment did not adequately control, the noise levels. A, visit. by a second officer' on 25th JuIy 201 5 fu rther . confirmed that noise levels couid not adequately be controlled. Levels of noise witnessed at the ) boundary and complainant's premises were still found to be excessive. The officers pocket note book entries can be seen in Appendix 6. Complaints were received from two separate premises over the festival weekend. In total; Environmental Protection have received complaints of loud music from 7 separate households. Appendix 7 shows a simplified table of some of the complaints received. Complainants have talked about not being able to enjoy their property, including their garden, when an external music event is ongoing. One of the worst affected households regularly has to , leave the house to avoid the intrusive nature of the noise, which is often heavy rock music. This has had a financial implication on the individual and is not a sustainable solution. Lyrics to songs' and heavy bass can clearly be heard within the complainant's property and this has restricted what the occupants can do, when an external event is going on, including going to bed. Licensing Sub-Committee 110 20 January 2016 60f9 I I I I I' I I I I I I I ,I I I You should also be aware that a complaint of loud music from live bands playing inside The White Lady has more recently been received. Whilst an Environmental Protection Officer has ,witnessed a short period of intrusive music from inside the complainant's property, more investigation is required to establish whether a statutory noise nuisance could occur from regular internal amplified music. This investigation is therefore ongoing. Discussions held with those most affected have identified the possibility of some compromise. In principle, if hours were reduced as well as noise levels, then allowing one external amplified music event a year (to coincide with the Worstead Festival) and a number of weddings would be acceptable. It is the opinion of the Environmental Protection Team that The White Lady as a venue for multiple external live music events is unsuitable and their uncontrolled continuation would cause a significant public health nuisance. Based on the evidence provided above, the Environmental Protection Team would invite the Licensing Sub-Committee to consider the following measures to help ensure that the premises meets its licensing' objectives and prevents further issues from affecting the local community:­ • • Worstead Festival Weekend 19:00 - 22:00 External amplified music to be permitted Friday: Saturday: 17:00 - 22:00 Sunday: 16:00 - 21 :00 Weddings/Celebrations External, recorded, amplified music to" be permitted for no more than four weddings/celebrations in any calendar year. No external amplified live music to be permitted during these 'weddings/celebrations. The, playing of recorded, amplified, music not to exceed four hours in total. Finish time not to exceed 23:00. • Other Events No other external amplified music events to be permitted. • Other conditions No external amplified music events/weddings/celebrations to occur on consecutive weekends. • Internal Music We would request that consideration of the effects of internal music on nearby residents is also considered and will update the committee as soon as further monitoring has taken place. -I I I· I I I Licensing Sub-Committee 111 20 January 2016 7 of9 I I I I I I I I Please tick ..J YesHave you made an application for review relating to this premise before? Day If yes please state the date of that application N/A. 0­ N/A. Month Year r----r----.-,------r--r-----r----.-----, If you have made representations before relating to the premises please state what they were and when you made them N/A ­ -I I­ I I ,I I I I I I I I I Licensing Sub-Committee 112 20 January 2016 8of9 • I I I CHECKLIST • Please tick -V Yes I have sent copies of this forrn and enclosures to the responsible authorities and the p"remises [i] licence holder or club holding the club premises certificate, as appropriate... • I understand that if I do not comply with the above requirements my application ~ will be rejected ~ : [i] , '~:.(~d~L~~~:&~~~b~~J~5,~'~·'~~~!tM~~s~Za~i~~~f3~<&~;~~;~;~~H E~~i~~~A.~R.· .• Jt~1 1 ,INOR IN,CONNECIIONWITH''l:HISARPLICATION<,',I' .... 'j ~,' • • _?,".~. _'. ," ," •. ,".'- ",- I Part 3 - Signatures I I ;i<J&J.u.r. '" ;;2,9.1 .t.'..\.~ %:" ',,'" I I I I ,I I I I I 1. I ~: I 5.4. I •. ,-' ,~f """ - ~,_',i ""-.,-,~"~.- .1;<::,//~:'/I{":"~';·'·'<·'d">':··;· ' ,. . ,.'--' ..,., . . r.· ;i /" .,,>,,"'.-, "'-. -"'~;; _,0' · .... ,":',',:~'"'-• . ;>..•.::.. Please read guidance note 4 Signature of applicant or applicant's solicitor or other duly authorised agent. (See guidance note 5) If signing on behalf of the applicant please state in what capacity. Signature . &-f:'t'~E.~ k..A;a,-eN : , : Date : ; . . Capacity: Senior Environmental Health Officer· Contact name (where not previously given) and address for \correspondence associated with this application (please read guidance note 6) . Environmental Protection North Norfolk District Council Council Offices Holt Road Cromer Post Town: Cromer \ Postcode: NR27 9EN Telephone number (if any) 01263 516203 If you would prefer us to correspond with you using e-mail your e-mail address(optional) ep@north-norfolk Notes for Guidance 6. I A responsible authority includes the local police, fire and rescue authority and other statutory bodies which exercise specific functions in the local 'area. The ground(s) for review must be based on one of the licensing objectives. Please list any ~dditional information or details for example dates of problems which . are included in the grounds for review if available. The application form must be signed. An applicant's agent (for example Solicitor) fllay sign the form on their behalf provided that they have actual authority to do so. This is the address which we shall use to correspond with you about this application. Licensing Sub-Committee 113 20 January 2016 9 of 9 I I I I I I I I I I I, . Appendix·1 ( I I . I . I I I I. ,I I' I , I. . Licensing Sub-Committee 114 20 January 2016 '... - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . ). , . ~. I. +USERID+ © Crown Copyright and database right 2015 North Norfolk District Council Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer,Norfolk, NR27 9EN Tel: 01263 513811 Fax: 01263515042 NORTH NORFOLK DISTRIOT COU .. OIL Licensing Sub-Committee 115 Ordnance Survey 100018623 Aerial Photos ©Getmapping pic 20 January 2016 I I I I . ppendix 2 . I­ I -I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I Licensing Sub-Committee 116 20 January 2016 - -- - - - -'N' ( West Way o +TIMEDATE+ North Norfolk District Council Council Offlcas, Holt Road, Cromer,Norfolk, NR27 9EN NORY Tel: 01263 513811 Fax: 01263 515042 NORFOL DISTRIOT OOU"Cll Licensing Sub-Committee 117 Aerial Photos ©Getmapping pic 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix 3, Licensing Sub-Committee 118 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Land Registry This official copy shows the entries on the register of title on 18 NOV 2015 at 10:35:05. This date must be quoted as the "search from date" in any official search application based on this copy. The date at the beginning of an entry is the date on which the, entry was made in the register. Issued on 18 Nov 2015. Under s.67 of the Land Registration Act 2002, this copy is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the original. This title .is dealt with by Land Registry, Kingston Upon Hull Office. A: Property Register This register describes the land and estate comprised in the title. NORFOLK : NORTH. NORFOLK 1 (26.05.1992) The Freehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the above Title filed at the Registry and being New Inn, Front Street, Worstead (NR28 9RW).· 2 (17.09.2002) The extent of the frontage on to Front Street has been amended on replacement of the filed plan. 3 (17.09.2002t The land has the benefit of the rights granted by a Deed of Grant'dated 31 December 1829 made between (1) William Postle and (2) Robert Hawes.. NOTE: Original filed. B: Proprietorship Register This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains any entries that affect the right of disposal. . Title absolute 1 (05 .. 08.2011) PROPRIETOR: DENNIS PATRICK GILLIGAN of Churchview House, Westwick Road, Worstead, North Walsham, Norfolk NR28 9SD. . 2 (05.08.2011) A Transfer' dated 1 August 2005 made between (1) Punch Taverns (CPM) Limited and (2) Punch Taverns (PML) Limited contains purchaser's personal covenant(s) details of which are set out'in the schedule of personal covenants hereto. The Transfer to the present proprietor contains a covenant to observe and perform the aforesaid covenant(s) and of indemnity in respect thereof. 3 (05.08.2011) The price stated to have. been paid on 30 June 2011 was 235,000. 4 (05.08.2011) The Transfer to the proprietor contains a covenant to observe and perform the covenants referred to in the Charges Register Licensing Sub-Committee 119 20 January 2016 10f 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Title number NK124236 B: Proprietorship Register continued and of indemnity in respect thereof. C: Charges Register This register contains any charges and other matters that affect the land. 1 (17.09.2002) The land hatched blue on the filed plan is subject to rights of way and rights to park in favour of Jean's Cottage. 2 (17.09.2002) The land tinted yellow on the filed plan is sUbject to rights of way in favour ~f Jean's Cottage. End of register '1 I I I I I I I Licensing Sub-Committee 120 20 January 2016 2 of 2 1 I 1 1 1 I· I· 1 1 1 1 1 1 These are the notes referred to on the following official copy The electronic official copy of the title plan follows this message. Please note that this is the only official copy we will issue. We will not issue a paper official copy. This official copy was delivered electronically and when printed will not be to scale. You can obtain a paper. official copy by ordering one from Land Registry. This official copy is issued on 18 November 2015 shows the state of this title plan on 18 November 2015 at 10:35:05. It ,is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the original (s.67 Land Registration Act 2002). This title plan shows the general position, not the exact,line, of the boundaries. It may be subject to distortions in scale. Measurements scaled from this plan may not match measurements between the same points on the ground. This title is dealt with by the Land Registry, Kingston Upon Hull Office. I I I· 1 1 1 1 Licensing Sub-Committee 121 20 January 2016 I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Land Registry Official copy of title plan Title number NK124236 Ordnance Survey map reference TG3026SW Scale 1:1250 enlarged from 1:2500 Administrative area Norfolk: North Norfolk ~ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II \ \ \ \ , I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ St Mary's \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ \ , ,, " ," , \ \ Hall Laburnum Collage Licensing Sub-Committee 122 This official copy is incomplete without the preceding notes page. 20 January 2016 • I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix 4 ( 'I I I . I I I I I I . Licensing Sub-Committee 123 20 January 2016 I I I I I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • , NORTH NORFOLK Dlsrt ," - ~ -. - . ') ~r' ---- ~ t.,) h: !.',,';) " HOLT ROAn CROMER ~., ;':~i Telephone 01263 51381:1 ' A13l'fl:fn03V 0311Y03ti Fax 01263 515042 U ' 3~ Ol G3,3N AYW ~NINlf"MI:fO SlOV:I ' f'!! '~!3a3HM NOu.Wn,U$ AN'et tiP:l3'18\flIOS . 'I J; ;il iJ '-.1"i ':. .-:,1 ,;',I r:1.11 ,"/ : j-Ji \ ' ,f, d' -oct ! I; :, i ,.,'I ii.';li ' "!I·",' '.1 ,{j,h,'., • t 4~loaH Ji ~ t! " .JO~U, e,W," UOJIAU,3 ',' ~ l tF ,!I~I.i:,· , jOain~'iSll' ','~ " . 1 I 1 1 1/: ff:., ,', paJalJOlD ' I' : ~ MORFOLK . DISTRICT COUNCIL ) ) . ~o.o\:'fu\~ p\~~ I\)()~ . r.e.\~'¥1 \q-~ ~\.\~~ - 20'S S'A~,-(L~\ 20:- '\RlNt, - '20\\ . \N(~ll~\\J? :~ .'63 ~J , OL/ J7Q ,, I. ;~ _ ~ _'.4_.: .• _-:-_ .:.....,;,~ , '0 fM~ -==-- ­ J Pb~~ ,~ ',-' ~ ,; l) PNC> 11­ "f· '. :;. : ..­ i ... ------~- - " ' - " ' - ' - - - ' - _ ..---- A member of the North Norf~k Community Partnership , Licensing Sub-Committee ~10 - _...__,'"-'_ _,I \~~.' ' () ­ INVESTOR 'IN PEOPU 124 20 January 2016 = ___ I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - --~Rl u: NORTH NORFOLK D1S1i j HOLT ROAD CROMER ~. Telephone 01263 51381e Fax 01263 515042 !Ii l:~ NORTH NORFOLK DISTR,ICT COUNCIL j':! f11 .. E~· ~'* t l------' I -" f () .-­ A member of the Nort,h Norl?lk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee INVESTOR IN PEOPLE 125 20 January 2016 I ,I I I ,I NORTH NORf!1'~~~--'--'-----" , HOLT ROAD 111 '. ;;.. I, I" . . f.~ , "Telephqne 01 ~!! Fax 01263 5'~J NORTH .,; NORFOLK, DISTRICT COUNCIL ,www.northnorMJ-I_--.IIl.i! . 1~i U11-_-----:f !t:j !f;.-l---,-_ _ r~~ .. (1\-1----,.d~ t~ ~.~) . I I I II I 1 I .' I I, ,I" ' , Q.u.!\.N.L~ I I I 1 I 1 1 Licensing Sub-Committee 126 ~\C. !. () --­ INVI!STOR IN PEOPLE 20 January 2016 I ·1 I I I I "I , I NORTH NORFO:~ HOLT RD AD CR1~ 72 - CoN\Da..,s.,~ ~ eu...\~~ Telephon e 0121':' -Fax 012635151; WNW. northnortol ~ ~ i Uc::c.A\...._T O~\\~e..t ~. NO'~~/ ~- I I I I",.. . ,/IA ,.. ~ M21 NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCil I I I I fXetAmC.~ -~-n-u . 'I I ~. .. \ 1 l..lN6il\fZ ~-~O~~ - ~\~C~ j P'bv\\~u.:r- L f2.£uPr\.&\.A L -~u fito {}~f 22,;2~ I llCYflI. -.,( li'lu.\'A1t ~fY)I.. i i - I ;L.,_ IU~IUf\ . V£e~ LOA.O,--~ I rroAC~ W~,AU£()1 L~' ...... i. .AtY'\91.~.eD- CQu..M I\ I R. (j,j \1l'\ A ~ ,~. ! ,::r,.~ r Y -'--c...c'\ (6~ If:bEF ~(' L£.15 <:rtI «OC Kay \ <.,..)Kl~ iI ! . 22\ '2.9.­ ! ·1 ,I, I ••• _0 -; , 73 I1-' Pt LI ~ Dos. \ ('1. , I,: ­ , TQ.ta.e.\t EN~. :I ,~ ~N II I 11 J1 ! u-u-­ ~Puu..~-I ~ ~ ~\~ j . \...001:.. \N ~ ~IM~ \\ \>..f\\b.l \-\C ~ CoNt\~ .~ L\\)\~ W~(N\ ~1Nt':r i l' I I '" I ~ ~II ~....L\ 1\) AuZ1l> ~ iT\{ l'1a.\.~ - ; c:.oNTl~ 6t.w:~~ ~~- 2:2 :6~ I: ~~.~ U~~ ~- ~.-~-~ i ; i; ~.- f?&~"1( 0.." 'f ~ ! ( - letL'-~ "lOJI. IN ~ WA,'n'(d{ k\u\N&' rn~ ''''vv\. ~f'4> :j I- , 1U~c..~~ t\.cn_~'N·H~ "lO\1~ ,1 :{ i! 1 ~ JOO.", ... 1'J8c\112~ \~ A\-\.~'1 ~: " ?'U _ 0,..". II 11..~~~ 1'>1.~'('~ : ~ Ntl-..', V\~~cN:. \N- CRs-'l I/A(L ~R f.-& D-c:o<Z& v-c: ~ , Ii V\~&l~~. ,­ N~1RAU.. l,," " : 1'2.'04-0 A'\.\.(f U:d?Ul­ t?OI~<::NI'. \I i .. I I 1 13 l.0Kt.N eN- -~)~ ~ .­ I' ,I ~ 'f't!If, 2'l~ I I: ... " l.U~CM..... M.u.&S.:. _WI~ ,I I I I I I 'I ._­ - . ._--"­ -­ ------------==---­ .. i .- .. .::=' .. -:-:.!.-:: •..::::..-....;,-:-::..~ .. :-•. - . :-..;-_- .:-i~~.;. ". :- ..... .. -­ () -- - IN\'ESTOR IN PEOJ'LE . Amember of the North Norfolk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee _...... 127 20 January 2016 ,I I , ' r jIJ I NORTH NORFOLK 0151 . 'I I HOLT ROAD CROMER Nl! I (" A, W~'NA lCfJ1. Telephone 01263 51381 tl:---+--!........:::.:....=...::...:...::--=~~=~=-'---jI Fax 01263 515042 . Pi---~.r....::..;.,;,...:;:::.;;;;....;...;;'"'---=:......--=--'-'~..:..-.,;"---H www.riorthnorfolkorg '~iT---':'----.j.-.:.=:=""""":';~~'::"""":"'~~~---H 1 :1 I I; I' I I', 'II I I [ ~. ..... ~ . NORTH,;, NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL 2FFEU o~ ~. f'~£(2:l\~ (~ I fY\A~ Cf'{t. n-e Cl.. ... ," ~_ ... ­ .? r .75 'I I I I I I I II 2~Sb '{kef£. ~ c-Qf\c'Z '." '~~., 2.0~ \; 1"-ll''-.& f'JW,..u- '"'\<:::u." I~ \~~D~£. t--------+-~"""-=:..=~......:...-_-....,...---=---- ~tO ~ I I, \~\\\~ tJ~\\ . I () "" Amember of the North NOrf~lk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee INVESTOR IN PEOPLE 128 20 January 2016 • I I I -~ ~-----. .{ ..... ';) 76 \ ~ £~1'\Sf. (l'-'.Nl<CW\1'U- d 'i'h-CN W\."M W\~~ Si'<.L.4" f ~-rt'lr.. I~ NORTH, NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL 3'·Ob I I, I, '.-. --.-- __ . I - _. - . . - "'~ - - -,,--; -. . ------. - I 'I, ~_ -- ... . .~. ,~ - . --~-_:.. . ,-' . , A cP1Q... '5~ :",.f.. I - ,~~c.~ () 77 'I " 1 I I I I I I I I , E·2e () . A member of the North Norfolk Community Partnership' ~ INVEsTOR IN PEOPLE Licensing Sub-Committee 129 20 January 2016 I I' NOR1H NORFOLK OISTRICl COUNCIL I, I I I I; I HOLT ROAD CROMER NORFOLK NR27 9EN Telephone 0126~, 513811 fax 01263515042 NORTH ,;' NORfOLK DISTRICT COUIlCll VvVI'W. I I I' I 'I I I '"--------.-l!. , ) ;;;--:--_---''--_ _....,i I i. =~--: I. I I I I I () 1;NVESTOII IlU'EOPU A membel 01 the North Norf~lk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee 130 20 January 2016 • I I I .... (' ,." r NORTH ... - .... _. ~~l ,',... ,...../ N01' HOLT ROAD Telephone 01) " Fax 01263 5), . I ~ ~faleJnOoe'palle:>~J aq OJ paauAew S6U!LU8M JO Sl:>e, NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL VNII'!northn1.wallMUOnem!SAUe JoJ alQ81l ns :.r j I. .,I, I i I I I· ' I I I I' I 'I' I I I I I I I I I , , ,I lUleeH 'rBIUaWUOJ!J\U3 . 'JONno:> lOUllSIO >11O:lltO:N . i, HJ.~ON i I \ I I ~ {I ,~.rr:f:X(:,;_: i.::; . _ . ':.i -I ";;.' ~, i \ . . {: I ~ , \ ".! .' :1 , .' I I, r :t .. , , II , ~.'l; " ' .i ) ~. ~ , , ; : ()' . -­ Amember of the North NOrf?lk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee . INVESTOR IN PEOPl£ 131 20 January 2016 • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r NORTH NORFOLK 0 HOLT ROAD CROMEF Telephone 01263 512 Fax 01263 515042 . ~. .~ "A person whom there are grounds to suspect 6f an off~nce must be cautioned before any questions about it (or fu.rther questions if it is his answers to previous questions which provide grounds for suspicion) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining· evidence which given to a court II) pros!!lcutibn. He need not, therefore, be cautioned if questions are put for other purposes; for example, . ·NORTH . NORFOLK . DISTRICT COUNCil to,establlsh hiS identity. his oWnership of,or 0;. resP:QrlslbilitY for,ariy vehicle, or the need to search .fliminthe· exercise of powers 6f stop and search." (pal'a ~10~:t Cpde of Pracfice C, Police and Crimih~1 Eilidence'Act 1984) . I r ~. ~ i The Caution "You do rio' have to say anything. Sui It may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something wtJich you later rely on In· court. ~nything you do say ~ay be given in eVidence." (para 10.4 Code of Practice C. polIce and Crimi"a' ~vidence Act 198~ 8.a.) I f ! -----; -~-_._----. () --­ Amember of the North .NDlf~Jk Community Partri~Ship IN\'ESTOR LN. PEOPLE Licensing Sub-Committee 132 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I. I i 'I I I I ,I IGu~'5:. d. ~C>'S2~ &:?>':l .il Pt\C2~l::lfS.~ CIT"1 I \ -- . i(ou.~Q. f\-~~ Ki'~~'~m-..----~·----lV~~-I..CX.D-~u..\--~1.<: ~ : -----~-_.---==..L..--------.-----. __.._. · . IB~~N.~~~~O I~_.~OL~~ _ .. . . . .. ~ __ I vC(,~I.,.s. ~~ e,E..C>\...i.C~_ "'Y1C~'~_ I. ·.---..-..-_----+~~_~~ LC?l2u.-.~_,. 2~·.4.4 i~ . ._ : t (l~ 'I(J~f\-O\~.CiT'\jJ . -~~_·.=J.f~~~- . ~~~~-~e~~~~ ~= . . :' . .-. __.. ._.~-l.~ CP~!:~~'t. ~~~R.9,~-"_._JI: .__ . -'-'-' . -..-.- i~ ~. ~ _fi~_~~.....?>~~ ~~:.. .~ I I I I I I 3 ~..' ____.._ .. l '-f CU". .'. _~ iTh-'N~.'""1~._~o_~_'e::-K\,.~~\~ . !--. :_l~_:·.':':S_ +-.B.~.-'-~~I~.~\.~_~~~~~.~ .!...--f' , .' i:P>'::.\'P\N' ':)lX:-.@on.~' Rtc'"V\ o...~.~«If£~ L ,.. ·'-"-·---··I~~~~:~-·~-~~;;-~-·~~;,----·--"~i. ~:===~§~Z=~~~~~~::f ; . --·.· . . ·..·-·----·t.. -----·..··-----·..-·..,-:-..:.--·-------·..:---·----.. . . -~---·--I· · . i t\-lt. A- ~~. t..J\3, SAT I\lv.~(\~t w"wissi~'" .•. ~i~~~~: . p;ij~~-:~~~~~~~i~? ......1; 1 .,i I· . INVESTOR IN PEOPLE Amember of the NoM Nort~lk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee () 133 20 January 2016 I I I, I I I I' I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I [.' /2', I NORTH NORFOLK DISTR--,­ HOLT ROAD CROMER NO! ; ,-I. 1'''''''''''''''''-'''- Telephone 01263 513811 L~'--"-"-'lki1 II.- ., Fax01263515042 ,I '_"'" www.northnbrfolk,org r:----.:-'--.-----"-T , .._----,---_ ... '1 ~AI _. ." I I J,---- ,, 5 J ..JJ~r ". -'- ..'., NORTH ',' NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL ' " --' 11 I i \:I - _. I I '121 , .. ' 1'-\2, \...In(",,,"k I...AO'-\ \>u..~,_~ __ ,_"_'c.., ~~~§~. _'5 q::>lL~ISl:Q~J-J;~~~ . ..6~;l<;_c, . . . ~j \ 'j , I ) :" .~ i ···_····f· 1 -l~~:·.QQ-,t~~~~\~~---------_·"-L,..~?~,~,~' . ': , • iQ) u:.:o<Z..~~ ~ ("'(""'CN\.~ I' ;'--""--"--'--' ---,·,t"'-------'-·--"--------..--------·--·-..',,----.-.. '_ . -----'--------,.-;~: , ,. :.__._jll\L.~~.~s=:s ~ 'j)--(z W\--1o..~ \...N:>i ._.JF • 1 ' P •.· , ••••• ••• _ _ • _ _ • _ _ i: 'j J' ! ~ () ~--.~ INvESTOR IN PEOPUl Amember of the North Norf?lk Community Partnership, Licensing Sub-Committee 134 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I, I I I I I i i I oj NORTH NORfOLK 6 HOLTROAD CROMER:_·. -._-JfJ~~J Telephone 01263 S13('·1.~~. Fax 01263 S1S042 :.___ ~~~.~&'<. ~ \~j_.e~g.~')C __~~.Cl..~t'.; i c.~.J:\~~LQ..f'f'.~.~\\~q...5_, . ------.l~~.!:\£!J:e:O www, :-..... . NORTH NORFOLK rn~\C. ~\Cie,..\ " I\ l22.(.ce~~ f"t!;" C Art -.' Dl,\.. MAi. "; '-'-'-'l I DISTRICT COUNCIL __ .J.~\~_JtA\c;... v:.-~ -g~-'§.~\..~--...J . . . 1 , . .' :- - - -\ - - 1---------.----.---I \i.. (2cc.~ s.~1..£ . 1--_._.--+--'--'-__ ,2~·,\L.\. !ThA~ .. • CA'F~ (V\~. j --""---'-'; I).,!,I.., ~(Z..__. FE~ l\.sIrC..~,\1 ..-.-._.. . _~\ I i IR-OC\l:--.-:.....=._-_._. M\.I$;,\C.. Q~ UCLof"J...~ '----·-·----i-----· J b\~\\NCr\...""' ;__. ; I ( 1-- !l£.P1O &.- '6~~ . • G.\.)...'o.~~ , .' -T ( - . J . - - . - - : - : - - - -..- , ; If"tN\Q\-"~\£.a Cl:lu.i'<\~. . r2~'~\6i ~~~ ~U-«\ .~. I __ \-U.neD. ~ ~ c::r~ ~ . .h~\~ J __._.._ _•• l). LCL\.~ .: -me': . INn) _ ~~__'l'~.~_.~] ~_l!-~ti- !'~~:.~.fY\.\£~J.~~lt. .__._._ . ..J~\~ .~fI!:. Ot~l~~LL--.- ~ . ,1 . l_.__.__ ~._.j~g,_~\~ <3~~ ~~~~!?~L., :, ._._---_._-_.~,--.-I-~---~· \. IWl~ J.r.. "1 j\-(E 12.c.c:.~-..-~~ (.\)l'tK ; ..---.-----.--. !'- : . 1e.CL.~ ~1{) 1~S'A..U-4~· .~ ----~_.------'------ .' i V~I.\.~ 6._ ,.~~ . : ------:--- I , ~'--I ! '7 ! ,~1~_L~_.1f1l('J(IJ,\i. c~ \\::) K(j.L"(~~ .... '.· f_ . : _ .t~~~~_~o_~.\~~~~~.-i W~ olZ... I\.,.~ C \(l.,Cb~" . . I, - .__.-------+----_._----------_..__.- - - - - •... l .' It:>~ 117r<\"~\nW \lC£...f'r\..S, • "'Ol..fl.1 ~ "~ ~~c~~~c=~.= •'! 23 '..~Du..e.i'JN. _..._1>\.~~_-:\ R' c" · 1 Nf'lY'v\2. "s. .a"c:. g . . ~__ , b~ O~~ J~----'-~ ~~ s.~'~-;~6-0~ . -.. -.--. 1.._........_•••_ - - - _ . - . _ . _ - - - - - - - - . . ._ ... '1 ': 'ri_._._._,_.-!~A\S'-\_ ~-c;;./''c'~~\.~l'\w.. . _ .... _.-:... . I . ' . :CXl u."'V\..<::, 1 2. l:) cc ,1\-l. ~ "\';. . ,(":;...--.-.-.-r---....-.--- . . -----·--------1· . :i-~1?~·..J-S:~- y'Y\~~.~ .....~'Ne?· ()~~s. .!--·--·-.-~-·t~~~I~~ .._:._. . _'__'_'~-I' . J~-.--j . ··.L . ._...J~~ . II_\~-~~..'-'f· ., i '\.-----._-_._._-_ : 1 ' ...:..._iDRN.\~ ~ d2\~, . ..--..-_._._-_ -.. _'1'\-l~ -. .-----_.,_ --.-..---_._ . __ il=~_~t:~;~~~; •r-·--·.. ----·--·-f·. --t------------·-------·-------·-·-· .... ,t_·_.._~_:_.:.~p\i\~ __·_!~~~~~ ~_.-_'--''' __ ~'-' '-' ' ' I\: 'l~' l'JJ,...'-C;~~C~ .•. . _..__.• · ..' .;"........._._-'!.is.~~o'"'\ . -----_._-_._-----_. '.' ',' . . Amember of the North Norf~lk'Comrriunit\t Par-tnetship Licensing Sub-Committee INVESTOR IN PEOPU 135 20 January 2016 I I I I .,--­ NORTH NORFOIJ ~. HOLTROAD -:C:~, ., Telephone 012 Fax012635'" 8: Ii; . :fY\~LC. ~_~~e.l'~'·L; _,I www,northno,~ .~ ...~_.;hQJ,,£LL_W~~~~\~~_~·i ;! r c:';...---.-....--..-.!-.--.... . is;..'S-9 62 ~ (.~a...c:~$"' ,: I~ -·-·-·=-.----·..-----.--·--1- ;11 . 0' I I I I I I' I I I I I I ,I I I I i !IAJoO-~""TI..~, (Y)~,c.' "---'-'-- :j!iH'· IlN~"""'S.5i:",,~v;:') ;11) --~-_.~.~! ..- - - - - . NORTH" NORFOLK DISTRict COUNCil ·----~----·_-···_-----,.i . . Wlrll~ ~ i 1.~ f 'rt\.D\ ~ .-.--.. . . . .-------.---r-------- .: .: J r ';';1 ~: It' I­ ...- - - - . - . . . . r.:· :0"""\f"J->C C~CI....O~~·1 . i .... --'----'--:1:'; i i y' ~c:::>~~. 1"Y'tu.%\c. . ,:,{ 1··=..==~=~~.]~~~;r~~~~~.~~~~:~~r':.1 ;: ~ .. . j v,~~ L/~~ c~_'-_H; ··.~-..:._--L~!~~P~~1i; . :. ..__ .~ ... _~~Ci. ~~.AeQ:.~~~~.. llf :.' ;~_\~'~~N&..S;P<!.. !/; , ·--·--·..· - ' j - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - -..----..--:---,..·-d' : : ~ 1~~'Ll~_LLPI' s.\.$~-~ ,; i ." .,.-.-...-.--.-j-..- ...---.-....- - . - - - - - -..--.......- . - - - - - ."II i " . • -.,-- -.-. . . 16'1""f=hl...\..~(2.u.... ~~~." 'H l"<_.l"o..-<>.~ --.. ~ _ t - - . - - - - - : -..-----------.-:::.:~·~~~~t'" !(N\~~~.. . ~ I,; H '~~~~~~?f~22=~~~~~~:I~. -' ". \ I () ........ IN\'EsTOIlIN PEOPLE Amember of the North Norfolk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee 136 20 January 2016 I I I . I .. Appendix 5 . I I I· I I I I '. I I. I .' I· I . . ' ! I I ... I .' I I Licensing Sub-Committee 137 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I, I 1<:·· I I I NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCil HOLT ROAD CROIVIER NORFOLK NR27 9EN Telephone 01263 513811 . Fax01263515042 NORTH NORfOLK DISTRICT COUNCil Your ref: Our ref: KBIWK/150013350 9th July 2015 Mr Mark Thompson New Inn (also known as The White Lady) Front Street . Worstead Norfolk NR289RW Dear Mr Thompson Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 79 (1) (9) and Section 80 Be: Noise from amplified music . Address: New Inn, (also known as The White Lady), Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk NR28 9RW . THIS LETTER IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND DOES NOT FORM PART OF THE ENCLOSED NOTICE I write to inform you that I am satisfied of the likely occurrence of a statutory nuisance from noise from amplified music, at the above premises. As such, and in line with the Council's Enforcement Policy, I have enclosed· a Statutory Notice requiring you to prohibit the use of amplified music in the area marked with red hatching on the enclosed map. I would advise you to read the notice carefully, in particular the section outlining what the Council expects and the time period allowed for compliance. You should also be aware that there is an Appeal Procedure, which is outlined. in the notes on the reverse of the Notice.. Failure to comply with the reqUirements of the Notice will lead to legal proceedings being instigated against you. Upon conviction you are liable to an unlimited fine. The Council may also undertake seizure of equipment and will seek to recover any costs incurred as a result. If you have not already done so, I would strongly recommend that you seek independent legal advice in this matter. Should either you or your legal representative wish to discuss this matter please contact me at the above address quoting reference number WK/150013350. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. . Yours sincerely ." :,"" -........... ... - .. - ...-----......l. James Wilson Environmental Protection Manager Tel 01263 516274 \ Email Licensing Sub-Committee 138 20INVESTOR January 2016 IN PEOPLE I I I I I I I I I' I Reference: WK/150013350 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1990 Section 80 Abatement Notice in Respect of Statutory Nuisance Mr Mark Thom'pson New Inn (also known as The White Lady) Front Street Worstead Norfolk NR289RW To: TAKE, NOTICE that under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 the North Norfolk District Council being satisfied of the ,likely occurrence of a statutory nuisance under section 79(1) (g) of the Act at the , " premises known as New Inn (also known as The White Lady), Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk, NR28 9RW within the District of the said Council arising from noise from the playing of amplified music at excessive , volume What you are required to do: YOU being the. occupier of the premises, are prohibited from causing, permitting or otherwise allowing the occurrence of the nuisance. ' The following steps are required: You must not cause, permit or allow the playing or performance of amplified music, in the area marked with red hatching, on the attached plan (Reference EP1) Time for compliance: From the date of service of this notice I liN I Paragraph (2) of RegUlation 3 of The Statutory Nuisance (Appeals) Regulations, 1995, .applies and as a consequence: the event of an appeal this notice shall NOT be suspended until the appeal has been abandoned or decided by the Court, as, in the opinion of the Council, the expenditure which would be incurred by any person in carrying out wor~s in co~pliance w!th' thi~ notice. ~efore any appeal h~s been decided would not be disproportionate to the ' public benefIt to ~be expected In that penod from such compliance. 'I I I I , IF without reasonable excuse you contravene or fail to comply with any requirement of this notice you will be guilty of an offence under section 80(4) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and on summary conviction will be liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the Standard Scale, together with a further fine of an amount equal to one tenth of the greater of £5000 or level 4 on the standard scale for each day on which the offence continues after conviction. A person who commits an offence on industrial, trade or business premises will be liable. on summary conviction to an unlimited f i n e . , ' . ' The Council may also take proceedings in the High Court for securing the abatement, prohibition or restriction of the nuisance. Further, if you fail to execute all or any of the works in accordance with this notice, the Council may , . execute the works and recover from you the necessary expenditure incurred. 9th July 2015 Dated" .~~~-:-" P , -'Srg6ed I I • ,- ,::...::~'~---~ ",>=:=::: --~ ?~-''James Wilson Environmental Protection Manager Address to which all communications should be s e n t : , , Head of Environmental Health - Steve Hems North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9EN I • . Your right to a p p e a l ' , ' , , , The person served with this notice may appeal against tile notice to a Magistrates' Court within twenty-one' days the date of service of the notice. , See notes139 on the reverse of this form, . beginning with Licensing Sub-Committee 20 January 2016 - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - I i Ref EP1 I New Inn (also know as The White Lady) NORTH ~ NORFOLK I I © Crown Copyright Front Street Worstead Norfolk. NR28 9RW oln.,eT COUNCil I Licensing Sub-Committee 140 09/07/15 an<:! database fight North Norfolk District COUIJ(;' CouneY Offices. Holt Road. Cromer.Norlolk. NR27 9EN' Tel: 01263 513811 Fax: 01263 515042 www.northnorfolk.or,9 Ordnance Survey 2012. 100018-623 Aerial Photos ©Getmapping pic 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f~ORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Hal T ROAD CROMER NORFOLK NR27 9EN Telephone 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 ~ORT~ www.northnorfolk:org Your ref: Our ref: U\lIORHJUK DISTRICT COUI'left KB;WK/1500133549 9th July 2015 Mr Dennis Gilligan New Inn (also known as The White Lady) Front Street Worstead' Norfolk, NR289RW , Dear Mr Gilligan Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 79 (1) (g) and Section 80 Re: Noise from amplified music ' Address:' New Inn, (also known as TIl~ Whfte La.dy)" Front Street., WorsteadJ. Norfofk NR28 SRW THIS lETTER VS FOR !NFORMAT~ON ONLY AND DOES NOT FOBM PART OF THE ENClOSED'NOTtCE I write to inform you that I am satis'fied of the likely occurrence of a statutory nuisance from noise from amplified music, at the above premises. As such, and in line with the Council's Enforcement Policy, I have enclosed a Statutory Notice, requiring you to prollibit the use of amplified music in the area marked with red ha\ching on the attached map. I would advise you to read the notice carefully, in particular the section outlining what the Council expects and the time period allowed for cornpliance. You should also be aware that there is an Appeal Procedure,which ~s outlined in the notes on the reverse of the Notice. Failure to COlli ply with the requirements of the Notice will lead to legal proceedings being instigated against you. UponconvicHon you are tiable to an unlimited fine. The Council may also undertake seizure of equipment and wfll seek to recover 8_ny costs incurred as a result. If you have not aiready done so, I would .strong!y recornrnend lhsJ you seek independent legal advice in this matter. Should either you or your legal representative' , wish to discuss this matter please contact me at the a!)ove address quoting reference number WK/150013349. , Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. _ Yours sincerely ~-' ~~ ­ .... ..-._;.---. -.'.. -.~~.:~=~-~ Janles Wilson £/"Environmental Protection Manager' Tel 01263 516274 Email Licensing Sub-Committee 141 20INVESTOR January 2016 IN PEOPLE • I I I I Reference: ENVIRONMIENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1990 Section 80 Abatement Notice in Respect of Statutory Nuisance To: , I I I WK/150013349 Mr Dennis Patrick Gilligan New Inn (otherwise known as The White Lady) Front Street Worstead Norfolk NR289RW TAKE NOTICE that under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990" the North Norfolk District , Council being' satisfied of the likely occurrence of a statutory nuisance under section 79(1) (g) of the Act at the premises known as ' . ' . New Inn (also known as The White Lady), Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk, NR28 9RW within the District ofth~ said Council arising from noise from the playing of amplified music at excessive volume What you are required to do: YOU being the owner of the premises, are prohibited from causing, permitting or otherwise allowing the occurrence of the nuisance. I I Time for compliance: From the date' of service of this notice I Paragraph (~) of Regulation 3 of The Statutory Nuisance (Appeals) Regulations i 995, applies and as a consequence. ' " . I The following steps are required: You must not cause, permit or allow the playing or performance of amplified music, in the area marked with red hatching, on the atta.ched plan (Reference EP1) IN the event of an appeal this notice shall NOT be suspended until the appeal has been abandoned or decided by the Court, as, in the opinion of the Council, the expenditure which vVouldbe incurred by any person in carrying out works in compliance with this. notice before any appeal has been decided would not be disproportionate to the public benefit to be expected in that period from such compliance " 'I'IF without reasonable excuse you contravene or fail to comply with any requirement of this notice you will be gUilty of an offence under section 80(4) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and on summary conviction will be liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the Standard Scale, tog E3 ther with a further fine of an amount equal to one tenth of the greater of £5000 or level 4 on the standard scale for each day on which the offence continues after I conviction. A person who commits an offence on industrial, trade or business premises will be liable on summary conviction to an unlimited fine." . ' I I abatement~ The Council may also take proceeDings in the High Court for securing the prohibition or restrictioil of the nuisance. Further, if you fail to ~xecute all or any of the works in accordance with this notice, the Council may execute the works and recover from you the necessary expenditure incurred, '. ' 9th July 2015 Dated I Signed~._;_._(-1 I I I -~ .. - '"_._~-::.~~.:.::.::-~ .. ~~..:-:::~-~~- _, .~;,~ L':"'/'-'James Wilson Environmental Protection Manager Address to which all communications should be sent: Head of Environmental Health - Steve Hems North Norfolk District CounCil, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9EN I Your right to appeal . The person served with this notice may appeal against the notice to a Magistrates'Court within twenty-one days Licensing Sub-Committee 20 ,January 2016 beginning with the date of service of the notice. See notes142 on the reverse of this form. i ' J _ Crown Copyright nd daiabase :right 2012 Ordnance Survey @ Not", Norfolk District Council Councn Offices. Holt Road. CromIilT.Norfolk. NR2711EH Tel: 01263 513811 Fax: 01263515042 Licensing Sub-Committee 143 100018623 Aerial Photos tmapping pic 20 January 2016 I I I I I . I . , I . I . Appendix 6 . ." .. 1 I" .' I I I I I I I I I .. I " Licensing Sub-Committee 144 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . :rJd03:d N1110U3.\Nl ). ,. . " J), P(\Jl) \~O~\'\V\'N2: . . .~ .' . i' ,,.r· I\}OTiS. :~ '+(2\(ffiL\ .' . 2~ -- J\.\L'1 - 2o\S s\~,,\..:12. OAt-, 2.~ - Jt\j,l.~ ,' . '2 0" ~ p{'l (~i:t . ~·\t~ 1+0 . .' '" 'f \ , . .It: . " .. '~ . '," "'";.>'~" .j .... i I . I 1m ,. . j i~ NORFOLK .. DISTRIC'l' COUNCIL ./ i ! i Environmental Health , . .,~ i. r. 1 j f j Suitable for any sit.uation where facts. or warnings may need to .b~' recalled accurately IOU'MNM . ~lO)(l?:J . l04 dBIBl I r· DlJ llOH ~H1HON t . . d.1 Licensing Sub-Committee 145 20 January 2016 I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I NORTH NORFOLI HOLT ROAD CRm Telephone 01263 ~ l=ax 0126351504: I' [.:;} . d2J. I ! . www.northnOrfO/k.11 NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL ~ .1 t ',j j i I \ F, I .t I j ~ l .~ ~ ii ;1 r. q< ~ i -J r ·1'...._..~~~~4re~~::i~~'Lfu\~ .. ,j; . QS--::.50 J~·~(~,_~S~L.±_~"1-'--'~~\L~CXJ ;;l--"-~---~~7'-U~~Kro-.-i. ·\._,-~ __.__ :-£~_~~~.~.~:D_~Cff~~..;...j I . ~.-,_ . ._ - - i ,I . ,1. 19 . ·,L..---..l~\\~~~.-~-_.-: . L.. . . ------<12 .~~.- {2Z.c_l$.~ ~~4t'l.._ . . . \ ·!. . ~j~~.1:.Js~CA~'i,._~~~~«i- . .~---_;~-~~.S~.~~~-.-.---. I;~~&,._, r ' - ' - ' - " " ' - ' ' ' - ' -.--_ I . ·!..-~=~~~~---~-~t.a:.R.~'~~{\L-~---~~=.==~~ ,I ~(;;,: 30 JJ:;Q.~,-£;\~.. -\- P\~·\v~':£C; . I L.... ' ~jr.:)f1t·~~,.~~_2£._~\~~_. 2.C\e"5. J., " . .' L£L. _~_JN.~.z::...~\.~_teo)Y\._~_<??OO ..i· I I" l . 1.. 2.O.::QQ.. 1.fXZ. ..moO SlRaL y::cgS:.~Q_)....... ~. ·I:=-===!~~~~~=~-=~=~; ! i .' k,\\{ \'\i... ~\ .. @ s.~. 6Clv-.O~~U C~:~:~:.~::: I~~~_e_~Qe@i~::<:il-~~·=, . . =~~~.J . 1~\'W .1 f·-'--·-···--~··~·_····~-~·-~----~-~-·--~--··-·-·"-_··-\ ..-- ....__. " a.. . &&< _.._._._-_..__._._._.._..._..._.__...__.. ,Ii i fVl~ \S"OC>\ ~~4-e,' •. r==--:='J~~·~~i)~y\~~_-fu;~i~~7:!: \,.....__ .._" \ ~:B.M'.~ ..~.~_L~~ i . ' . ' . A member of the North Norfolk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee ! ... C.l-CMD"_j' . () '" INVESTOR IN PEOPLE· 146 20 January 2016 . I I I NORTH ­ NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNC·Ii. .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . I I () Amember of the North Nort~lk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee INVESTOR IN ~EOPLE 147 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I . .. --:-1 l11i 1iIIIIii-~' . NORTH'; .NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL I· I I I I I I I I I I I I , () -- .!N''ESTOR IN PISOPLE Amember ollt1e North Nortoik Community Partnership . Licensing Sub-Committee 148 20 January 2016 I I I I I ,I _ 'C2 ... ~,' NORTH '. NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I 1­ I () --- Amember of the North No~lk COmmunity Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee , INVESTOR IN PEOPLE 149 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I .. . .. I . •.. .-<:::. 1 -. fft2] NORFOLK DisTRICT COUNCIL .' -I I I I I I I I I I I --.. 1 ....}._••. r ,••. ~ .. , •• _ ••. __ ._ J J:t~J~OJj~fu __ QE_. __ ='! ----.--.------ . .··;--~--i~~,£QC~~~I: .-.-.. --------~- .. -----~----------------J:hC:_.~ ,~_ i . tr) ~ -... Amember of the North Norf?lk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee INVESTOR IN PEOPLE 150 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL .~i.~_ , ;. 29 r C·) --.. INVESTOR IN PEOPLE A member of the North Norf~lk Community Partnership Licensing Sub-Committee 151 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I . I I .', I I I I I I I I I . I . Licensing Sub-Committee Appendix 7 . , 152 20 January 2016 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· Date 6/4/13 26/7/13 27/7/13 Complaints received Complaints received from 2 properties Event Punk Band Started afternoon and went onto 11:15pm . Beer Festival live music Complaints received from 2 properties. Out of Hours Beer Festival live Music - Complaint received from 1 property. Out of Hours I 28/7/13 Beer festival live music Complaint received from 1 property. Out of Hours 6/5/14 3 day music event in marquee 26/7/14 Festival weekend Punk bands Wedding in marquee 1pm - midnight Weekend music event Complaints received from 2 properties relating to the previous weekend. Out of Hours Complainant from 1 property 13/6/15 19/6/15 20/6/15 21/6/15 Complaint received from 1 property Complaints received from 3 properties \ \. 26/7/15 27/7/15 28/7/15 ·5/9/15 9/9/15 Weekend music event Complaint received from 2 properties Internal music Internal music 6/9/15 7/11/15 Internal music Internal music Complaint received from 1 property Complaint received from 1 property relating toa number of internal live music evenings Complaint received from 1 complainant· Complaint received from 1 complainant Note: Above complaints have been received from 7 different house-holds. Licensing Sub-Committee 153 20 January 2016 Appendix B – Representations from Responsible Authorities WK/150030136 Licensing Sub-Committee 154 APPENDIX O 20 January 2016 Appendix B – Representations from Responsible Authorities NORFOLK FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Group Manager Eastern Friars Lane GREAT YARMOUTH, NR30 2RP Tel: (01493) 843212 Minicom: (01603) 223833 Website: Licensing Authority North Norfolk District Council Council Offices, Holt Road Cromer Norfolk NR27 9EN Please ask for: Direct Dial: Email: My Ref: Your Ref: Malcolm Fram 0300 123 1375 00009821 25 November 2015 Dear Sir/Madam The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 With reference to – Licensing Act 2003 Premises: The New Inn, Front Street, Worstead NR28 9RW I acknowledge receipt of the application for the above premises. As these premises fall within the scope of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, I would like to draw your attention to the following guidance documents: Small and Medium Places of Assembly: This guide is for all employers, managers, occupiers, and owners of small (accommodating up to 60 people) and medium (accommodating up to 300 people) places of assembly including: Public houses; Clubs; Village halls; Community centres; Libraries; Marquees; Churches; and other places of worship or study. ISBN 13: 978 1 85112 820 4 Large Places of Assembly: This guide is for all employers, managers, occupiers, and owners of larger premises where more than 300 people could gather including: Shopping Centres (not the individual shop unit), Night Clubs and Public Houses, Exhibition and Conference Centres, Sports Stadia, Marquees, Museums, Libraries, Churches, Cathedrals and other places of worship or study. ISBN 13: 978 1 85112 821 1 Both of these publications are available to download from; It is necessary where material alterations are proposed to comply with the Building Regulations 2000. In this case an application must be submitted to the Local Building Control Authority or an Approved Inspector. WK/150030136 Licensing Sub-Committee 155 20 January 2016 Appendix B – Representations from Responsible Authorities Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me on the number shown above. Yours faithfully Malcolm Fram Fire Safety Officer For Chief Officer c.c. The New Inn, Front Street, Worstead, Norfolk NR28 9RW WK/150030136 Licensing Sub-Committee 156 20 January 2016 Appendix B – Representations from Responsible Authorities WK/150030136 Licensing Sub-Committee 157 20 January 2016 Appendix B – Representations from Responsible Authorities WK/150030136 Licensing Sub-Committee 158 20 January 2016 Appendix B – Representations from Responsible Authorities Public Health Directorate County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich Norfolk NR1 2UD Tel: 0344 800 8020 Customer service helpline Email: 9th December 2015 Licensing Manager – Lara Clare North Norfolk District Council Holt Road Cromer NR27 9EN Re: Review of Premises Licence – The New Inn (known at the White Lady) Public Health have received a copy of the application to review the premises licence for The New Inn. The reason for the review is due to the management persistently falling short of the licensing objective despite advice and assistance from the Licensing Authority. Public health fully support this review application and believe that the measures proposed are appropriate and fair. There is clear evidence that this premises undermines the licensing objective of public nuisance. The local authority have received a large number of calls from members of the public complaining about noise and rowdy behaviour emanating from the premises for a number of years and local officers have been attempting to assist with resolving problems by engaging with residents and having meetings with the management of the venue. We have seen and read a copy of a chronology detailing the concerns and complaints written by the local authority environmental protection team. In additional to the lack of control of noise and music, it is clear from the reports that the management have been weak in monitoring and adhering to advice despite many visits by officers and going over their finishing time late into the evening on a number of occasions. Antisocial behaviour in the form of noise is an important issue for public health. “It is recognised that noise exposure can cause annoyance and sleep disturbance both of which impact on quality of life. It is also agreed by many experts that annoyance and sleep disturbance can give rise to adverse health effects.” DEFRA Noise Policy Statement for England WK/150030136 Licensing Sub-Committee 159 20 January 2016 Appendix B – Representations from Responsible Authorities Page 2 Complaints about noise is recognised as one of the wider determinants of health in the Public Health Outcomes Framework. In Norfolk in 2013/14 there were 5,688 complaints about Noise. This means there are 6.5 complaint per 1,000 residents in Norfolk, lower than the national average of 7.5 per 1,000. Figures from The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) There has been many attempts from the Licensing Authority attempting to give the management the opportunity to improve the running of the venue prior to this review, specifically the intervention meeting in July 2015, however it seems that there has been no improvement seen. Therefore I hope the Licensing Committee take the comments from Public Health into consideration when making their decision. Yours sincerely Carol Doherty Public Health DAAT WK/150030136 Licensing Sub-Committee 160 20 January 2016 APPENDIX P Page 1 of 2 Statement of Witness (CJ Act 1967, 5.9; MC Act 1980,55 5A(3) AND 58; Me Rules 1981, r.70) STATEMENT OF Rose Mary Pacey Age of Witness: Age (or Over 21) .Occupation of Witness: Retired This statement (consisting of 2 sides each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe it to be true. Dated the. Signed: My name is Rose Mary Pacey. I live at Since Mr Gilligan took over The White Lady Pub and began to renovate the pub, . there have been regular problems with noise from music, which has affected me in my home as well as odour from the extraction unit, that has been fitted to his kitchen, which I can regularly smell in my garden. My garden shares a boundary with the pub, . so -any noise-from the pub garden- can -easily be heard" in- mine. -I have used my ­ outside space to construct an art studio and I spend a lot of my time there. I am in poor health and when the music is loud it· can make me very unwell. Noise from various events over the past few years have really affected me in my house. and . garden. Mr Gilligan seems to be increasing the number of events he has outside and. regularly uses a marquee which is set up very close to my home. I began to really dread the noise from events to such an extent that last year I put my caravan at a park in Wells and kept it there, so that I could escape when I needed to. Last year, during the preparations for Titchfest, I started to have the usual feelings of dread and arranged to go away for the weekend knowing that if I stayed I would not be able to go outside or open my doors and windows. Because of my poor health I would be trapped in my home, as my medication does not allow me to drive. I am reliant on a friend to drive me to places. When the music from the festivals start you can feel the noise radiating throughout your body, it is so loud. You cannot even talk. When The White Lady has outside music events the daytimes are bad enough, but the evenings have historically been really noisy. When I have stayed at home I cannot get to sleep, Signature Witnessed By: Signature: Licensing Sub-Committee .J \ s1' j)~c-_ d.O{~ 161 20 January 2016 Page 2 of 2 Continuation of Statement for: I cannot read, .1 cannot go outside to do my art and I cannot watch TV. I cannot get · away from it. I feel that Mr Gilligan· has no regard for residents and our feelings: It's such a shame as people would like to use the pub and its facilities· as we have no shop in the village. Since Mr Gilligan has taken over it's as if the pubs use has exploded. At times the noise has made me want to move away. This year I put my . caravan at another site. It was a desperate measure to get ayvay, as I couldn't really afford it and put myself in debt to fund it. I could not face having to stay at home during future events. The week before Titchfest I becarT!e aware of a function in the· afternoon on the Saturday, which was outside in the pubs marquee. The noise from the people gradually got 10Lider over the course of the day. When the music started it could clearly be heard in my house. I left that afternoon to go to my caravan, to escape the noise, but came back that night to sleep. The music was still on when I got back in the evening and I couldn't go to bed until it had stopped, which was late. The noise from the music was so loud I could hear the words of the songs inside my house with the doors and windows closed. I think it was a live band and disco. Over the Titchfest weekend this year, when the noise became too much I went to my caravan but returned to my house to sleep. When I got back on the Friday night the music was : ·still going and was. really loud and excessive. I think it went off about 11 :30pm to 11 :45 pm. The music was also still on when I returned home on the Saturday night to sleep. Again I had to wait until it was over to go to bed. On Sunday when I returned from my caravan it was also very loud but it finished a bit earlier around.1 0:00pm ­ 10:30pm. The music itself was extremely heavy at times. Over the Titchfest weekend I attempted to contract NNDC's out of hours service on a number of occasions but could ·not get to speak to anyone. In the past I have approached Mr Gilligan to tell him \ that that the noise was getting worse but I do not believe that he cares. He does not. seem to control the functions at his pub to keep the noise to a reasonable level. I believe that he does not care about his community. I should not have to leave my home regardless of whether I have good or bad health. If this was my home I would · have sold up a long time ago. I want the invasion of my home to stop. Signature Witnessed By: Signature: Licensing Sub-Committee ~rs-rj)~-C ~(J15~~ 162 20 January 2016 h...<1" - I 'I CJZ-V\~ ,-. Y\-j ~I~M . I ru:.-. f\.-.\ eV\ v \ VO Y\ Nt .LV\\C\ \ t\~\.\\:.. . NortL Worf'\1..-..P \~ \K Cr k~ Q. Pc\ CQ)~ CC!\AV\CA \ Hdtt t::'oc<ct CYC7M.e~ Nvr~Jc.. N R r;.. r YeD v I~ 1I "C:..e-Y'ls, /)\s~ D( E \\J --- J)eL- J)o,S InC) Le..G\''-A~ 0 rY0 ro s.Q.:v'\ C\ I'V\ [ ) CI v1 j C (/ m m e- Y1 ts \::2.£.- SO I citQ. ro b.e..- tv\ c\ cle. r . ~(Y1 ;VLj . Jk k./.h i~ ~C\c~) '0 t,l ~ -he\el V\ v L V\. \\A.Q.... Y\ e51l ~ 1 C\ YV\ ~ Yt) C0Y\ce~YLecJ c \ v"\C) vOo~; evl C\ 100\.-\1- r1::e.Q veil\.-r<;, h.e.l c\ 100 c OY\ 4 1'N2 1t0V\'~tC ~0d-.0' ~k \"V L\ U I YlS \VI. (\ ;Y!<l pCLc.T\-t \;\Cl5:.0Y\'fY1-0 '.0 \'-'0 tItX:.) cd 800 \Vi or JilQ ~ C0U IcJ lle-.-~V\ MO~o asS vOC71,,\d C1r\\~ 'aJc \..Q...peo\'\V\3~SOMSC ~c\,s;.00'§..G\s (VlC\dQ IVI ~ S,c,l\em£-Yll-- Q~ k911<; c"\Yl.d c.C-\V\. ~ ~l o,'oO\-\-t- t\ce.. \A.9 h~ OIfr?LlL-o So . S c\ VI/\, s..eY\.d\vL-~ IYI It:e S'bLQ m~Vl!--- C/L ll) 1 1'1.£ ss fer-- co (V] rvI £VlI;:, ~ b o\-\, L \ r Cl:t\ j h C\ V\ IL. j 0\, \ v c\ \ \ OK? HI.~ m.e.. TD elA L-­ £,GC.=J 0 0\-\\ r m3 tc 0 v,elOS· jQl.\V~ S lv\ '\V' c..e~~ vsR. PC\ CQ t -----:-1 \rcJ-o NORTH NORFOLK D.C. . Licensing Sub-Committee 163 zZ DEC 2015 - POSTAL SERVICES 20 January 2016