Full Council 22 February 2012 Agenda Item No___12__________ REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL ON THE MEMBERS’ SCHEME OF ALLOWANCES - JANUARY 2012 Summary: The purpose of this report is to recommend to Full Council the allowances and expenses to be paid to Members to take effect from May 2012. In accordance with the requirements of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, the Council set up an Independent Remuneration Panel as agreed at the December 2011 meeting of Full Council. The membership and terms of reference for the Panel were also agreed at the December meeting of Full Council. Conclusions: The Council is required to observe as part of the legislation, the following; ‘before an authority makes or amends a scheme, it shall have regard to the recommendations made in relation to it by an independent remuneration panel’. The findings and recommendations of the Panel are detailed in this report. Recommendations: That Members consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, adopt a scheme of allowances and amend the Constitution accordingly. Specifically, it is recommended that: a) the Basic Allowance should remain at £4,054.88 pa; b) the Scheme should remain index linked to officers’ pay awards; c) the broadband allowance should remain at £180 pa subject to Members agreeing a reduction to reflect the change in market prices since 2008; d) the Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) for the Leader of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x3 the basic allowance; e) the SRA for Cabinet Members with Portfolio should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x2.33 the basic allowance; f) the SRA for Regulatory Committees of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.67 the basic allowance; g) until the relevant provisions of the Localism Act 2011 come into force, the SRA in respect of the Standards Committee be paid Full Council 22 February 2012 to the non-elected Chairman of that committee less the basic allowance; h) the SRA for the Chairman of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.33 the basic allowance; i) the SRA for the Leader of the main opposition group should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.33 the basic allowance; j) payment of £50 per session (0.5 of a day) should continue to be made to co-opted members of the Standards Committee; k) the carers’ allowance should be set at the national minimum wage for Child Dependants and the national minimum wage plus £3 for Non-Child Dependants, with discretion being delegated to the Chief Executive to increase this amount when individual circumstances justified a higher payment; l) the payment of a carers’ allowance should be confirmed as being extended to attendance at outside bodies and that this should be explicitly stated within the Constitution; m) the existing travelling and subsistence expenses scheme should be maintained, and it should be subject to amendment in accordance with prevailing national agreements; n) the changes proposed by the Panel are not backdated, but should take effect from the beginning of the municipal year, in May 2012; o) Members’ Allowances should remain ineligible for admission to the Norfolk Local Government Scheme; p) the existing arrangements for temporarily stopping the payment of allowances to a Member while suspended from their role are maintained until the relevant provisions of the Localism Act 2011 come into force removing the power to suspend a Member from their role. Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: All All Tony Ing, Strategic Director – Information 01263 516080, tony.ing@north-norfolk.gov.uk Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 1. Introduction 1.1 The Independent Member Remuneration Panel (IRP), which was appointed for a 4 year term with effect from 14 December 2011 consists of 3 members; Paddy Seligman, John Wollocombe and Richard Draper. The Chair of the Panel was selected by its members at the start of the meeting where it was agreed that John Wollocombe would be the Chairman. 1.2 The IRP met on 13 January 2012 to consider the available evidence before making the recommendations being put to the Council and was assisted by the Chief Executive, Corporate Director – Information, and the Democratic Services Team Leader. Full Council 22 February 2012 1.3 The Panel agreed the Terms of Reference as outlined below in section 2 of this report and were appraised of the full range of roles covered by Members in carrying out their duties as District Councillors in relation to the current Scheme of Members’ Allowances. 1.4 Consideration was given to the Terms of Reference of the Council’s Committees and the frequency they meet as per the published Programme of Meetings. 1.5 Comparative data on Members’ Allowances Schemes throughout Suffolk and Norfolk were also studied to help set a contextual benchmark for the North Norfolk Scheme. 2. Terms of Reference 2.1 The Regulations provide that the IRP can make recommendations to the Council on the following matters: i) The amount of basic allowance which should be payable equally to each elected Member. ii) The roles and responsibilities for which a special responsibility allowance should be payable and the amount of each such allowance. iii) Travelling and subsistence. iv) Co-optees’ allowance. v) Whether an allowance in respect of expenses of arranging for the care of children and dependants should be included and, if appropriate, the amount of allowance and means by which it is determined. vi) Backdating of allowances to the beginning of a financial year in which the scheme is amended. vii) Annual adjustments of allowances. viii) Which Members are to be eligible for contributory membership of the Local Government Scheme. ix) Whether basic allowance or Special Responsibility Allowance are eligible. 3. Issues Considered and the Panel’s Conclusions 3.1 The issues under consideration and the Panel’s conclusions were as follows:- 3.2 Basic Allowance The current scheme provides for a payment of a basic allowance, in the sum of £4,054.88pa. The Basic Allowance is intended to reflect time commitment for all councillors for ward work, meetings with Officers and attendance at group meetings. After receiving evidence in respect of both committee and ward roles and reviewing comparative schemes across Norfolk and Suffolk, and being mindful of the prevailing economic circumstances and the fact there had been no significant or material structural changes, the Panel felt that it was appropriate to maintain the basic allowance at its Full Council 22 February 2012 current value. The Panel also felt that it was appropriate that Members’ allowances remained index linked to the staff pay award. While the Panel was comfortable with the allowance for broadband remaining at £180 pa, it was recommended that Members should consider a lower rate of (say) £150 pa, being mindful of the changes in market prices since the previous review. Such a reduction would realise a saving of £1,440 pa. Recommendations To recommend that the basic allowance should remain at £4,054.88 pa To recommend that the Scheme should remain index linked to officers’ pay awards To recommend that the broadband allowance should remain at £180 pa subject to Members agreeing a reduction to reflect the change in market prices since 2008. 3.3 Special Responsibility Allowance Special responsibility allowances (SRAs) are calculated as a multiplier of the basic allowance. The Panel considered this to be an appropriate way to calculate SRAs and concluded that it should continue. SRAs can be paid to those members of the Council who have significant additional responsibilities over and above the generally accepted duties of a councillor. The Panel considered the full range of responsibilities that could attract the payment of a SRA under executive arrangements. 3.3.1 Leader of the Council The Leader currently receives a total allowance of £12,164.62 pa, which is calculated on a multiplier of x3. The Panel noted the role of the Leader and the importance of the role. The Panel considered that an increase in the multiplier could be justified to reflect the significant responsibilities of the position, however, in the current economic circumstances it was not felt appropriate to make a recommendation to do so at this time. Recommendation To recommend that the SRA for the Leader of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x3 the basic allowance. 3.3.2 Cabinet Members with Portfolio Currently, Cabinet Portfolio Members receive a total allowance of £9,447.54 pa, which is calculated on a multiplier of x2.33. The Panel had regard to the roles and responsibilities of Cabinet Members and was satisfied the allowance should remain unchanged. The Panel also agreed that, as currently the case, the role of Deputy Leader should not attract an allowance over and above that of a Cabinet Member with Portfolio as this was considered to be a party political/management appointment. Recommendation To recommend that the SRA for Cabinet Members with Portfolio should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x2.33 the basic allowance. Full Council 3.3.3 22 February 2012 Chairmanship of Regulatory Committees – Overview & Scrutiny, Development, Licensing, Standards and Audit Currently, these Members receive a total allowance of £6,771.96, which is calculated on a multiplier of x1.67. The Panel considered the terms of reference of these committees and the regulatory responsibility they hold, which was considered to represent a significant time commitment. The Panel noted that, in accordance with Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011, at some point after March 2012 the arrangements for Standards will change. There will no longer be a provision for the co-option of independent members to a Standards Committee, therefore, the role of the chairman would revert to an elected member. However, until the relevant provisions come into force the current arrangements must continue. Recommendations To recommend that the SRA for Regulatory Committees of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.67 the basic allowance. To recommend that, until the relevant provisions of the Localism Act 2011 come into force, the SRA in respect of the Standards Committee should continue to be paid to the non-elected Chairman of that committee less the basic allowance. 3.3.4 Chairman of the Council The Chairman of the Council currently receives a total allowance of £5,392.66 pa, which is calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.33. The Panel considered the significance of the ambassadorial role of the Chairman in the North Norfolk Community. However, it was felt there was no justification for increasing the multiplier in the current economic circumstances. Recommendation To recommend that the SRA for the Chairman of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.33 the basic allowance. 3.3.5 Leader of the main opposition group The Panel considered the role of the Leader of the main opposition group, which is currently paid a total allowance of £5,392.66 pa, which is calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.33 the basic allowance. The Panel considered the role in the context of the regulations and the requirement that the allowance payment reflected the time commitment of the role. Recommendation To recommend that the SRA for the Leader of the main opposition group should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.33 the basic allowance. 3.4 Co - opted members The Council is currently required to appoint co-opted members to the Standards Committee as independents and parish members to undertake duties relating to the Code of Conduct. These Members are currently paid an allowance of £50 per session Full Council 22 February 2012 (0.5 of a day) in the interest of seeking to attract talented independent member participation and recognition of the role. Co-opted members are also entitled to claim for reasonable travelling and subsistence expenses. As previously mentioned, the Localism Act 2011 will remove the requirement to appoint independent members to the Standards Committee, although provisions will remain for the co-option of parish members. Recommendation To recommend that payment of £50 per session (0.5 of a day) should continue to be made to co-opted members of the Standards Committee. 3.5 Carer’s Allowance At the time the carers’ allowance was considered by the Panel in 2007, it had seemed reasonable to link it to the national minimum wage. Having reviewed comparative data across other Norfolk and Suffolk authorities, it was apparent that carers’ allowance was paid at different rates for different categories of dependants and that virtually all those authorities extended the payment of carers’ allowance to attendance at outside bodies. The Panel was mindful that costs of care could vary significantly depending on the nature of the care needed. The cost of carer’s allowance was £907.63 in 2010/11 and is £743.27 in 2011/12, year to date. Recommendations To recommend that the carers’ allowance should be set at the national minimum wage (currently £6.08 per hour) for Child Dependants and the national minimum wage plus £3 for Non-Child Dependants, with discretion being delegated to the Chief Executive to increase this amount when individual circumstances justified a higher payment. To recommend that the payment of a carers’ allowance should be confirmed as being extended to attendance at outside bodies and that this should be explicitly stated within the Constitution. 3.6 Travelling and Subsistence The current scheme is based upon nationally set rates that are payable in respect of meetings and attendance in relation to rightful responsibilities or representation of views, for example, meetings of the Council, site visits, outside organisations etc. The Panel could see no justification for moving away from these arrangements. Recommendation To recommend that the existing travelling and subsistence expenses scheme should be maintained, and that it should be subject to amendment in accordance with prevailing national agreements. 3.7 Backdating of Allowances The Panel could see no justification for suggesting that allowances should be backdated to the beginning of the financial year in which the scheme is to be amended. Recommendation To recommend that the changes proposed by the Panel are not backdated, but should take effect from the beginning of the municipal year, in May 2012. Full Council 3.8 22 February 2012 Provision for Pensions There is no requirement for members to be given a pensionable allowance and none of the authorities in Norfolk currently offer their members a pensionable scheme on allowances. In 2007, the Panel was satisfied that Members should not be offered access to a pensionable scheme and the current Panel was of the opinion that this position should be maintained having considered (i) levels of Councillor turnover at elections, (ii) the variable value of benefits to Councillors and (iii) the additional costs of admission and ongoing contributions. Recommendation To recommend that Members’ Allowances should remain ineligible for admission to the Norfolk Local Government Scheme. 3.9 Suspension The scheme currently provides for the payment of allowances to be temporarily stopped when a member is suspended from duty. Under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011, the power to suspend a member from their role will no longer be available as a sanction for breaching the authority’s Code of Conduct. However, until the relevant provisions come into force the existing arrangements must continue. Recommendation To recommend that the existing arrangements for temporarily stopping the payment of allowances to a Member while suspended from their role are maintained until the relevant provisions of the Localism Act 2011 come into force removing the power to suspend a Member from their role. 4. Financial Implications 4.1 The financial implications of the recommendations arising from the review of the Members’ Scheme of Allowances are relatively limited. It will be a matter for the Council to determine any additional costs or savings in relation to the Scheme when considering and deciding on the adoption of recommended changes. 4.2 There would be a small saving if Members decided to reduce the value of the broadband allowance and a small additional cost associated with the recommended changes to the carers’ allowance. Other changes in costs would primarily arise from national pay, travel and subsistence agreements. 5. Risks 5.1 The main risk associated with the review of the Members’ Scheme of Allowances is reputational in nature. When considering the findings and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, Members should evaluate them in the spirit intended and the context of the prevailing circumstances. While Members are required to have due regard to the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel, it is still a matter for the Council to decide whether it adopts the associated recommendations in full or part. Full Council 22 February 2012 6. Sustainability 6.1 There are no direct sustainability implications associated with the review of the Members’ Scheme of Allowances. 7. Equality and Diversity 7.1 The principal issue arising from the review that has equality and diversity implications concerns the recommendation in relation to the carers’ allowance. The Panel was of the opinion that the proposed uplift in this allowance and the associated discretion would have marginal financial implications and would help to reduce potential barriers to existing Members’ full participation and may encourage future prospective candidates to come forward, where they have caring responsibilities. 8. Crime & Disorder 8.1 There are no direct crime and disorder implications associated with the review of the Members’ Scheme of Allowances.