Allowance and Budgeting – Goes Hand-in-Hand Parent Involvement Grade 4 Handout 1 Savor/Spender 1. When my parents give me money, or I get money as a gift, do I save a portion of it? Yes No 2. Do I lose or misplace money often? Yes No 3. Do I often go shopping with my parents and ask them to buy me something that I don’t really need? Yes No 4. Do I have to ask my parents for extra money? Yes No 5. Do I have a savings account? Yes No 6. Do I save any of the money I get for allowance? Yes No 7. Do I buy things because my friends have it and I want to be part of the group? Yes No Allowance and Budgeting – Goes Hand-in-Hand Parent Involvement Grade 4 8. Am I unwilling to spend any of my own money? Yes No 9. Do I feel great when I see my bank account growing? Yes No 10. If I see a penny on the ground, do I pick it up? Yes No 11. Do I decide to save for something special, like a new bike, and then decide that my old bike is perfectly fine? Yes No 12. If I’m out with my parents and want pizza or ice cream, do I offer to pay for it if they say no? Yes No 13. When I travel, do I want to bring back presents for my friends? Yes No Which questions did you answer yes? _______________________________ Which questions did you answer no? ________________________________