Full Council 18 April 2012 Agenda Item No______14_______ CONSTITUTION WORKING PARTY - ANNUAL REVIEW REPORT Summary: The Constitution Working Party has identified a number of sections within the Constitution document that require amendments and updates, for which approval is sought. In addition, Members of the Working Party have identified a number of provisions that will need amendment or updating that are contingent on the outcomes of structural review, the publication of regulations and guidance or technical review by other committees or officers of the Council. Conclusions: The Constitution should be amended or updated in accordance with the recommendations of the Constitution Working Party, where those amendments or updates are not contingent on other events or information. Recommendations: It is recommended that Members: (i) approve the Constitution amendments and actions proposed in Appendix C; (ii) note the provisions within the Constitution that will be reviewed after the management restructure is completed, to be reported to the Council for approval at a later meeting (Appendix D); (iii) note those provisions within the Constitution where amendments or updates stand deferred pending publication of relevant regulations and guidance (Appendix D); (iv) note those provisions within the Constitution that are to be referred for review by the relevant committees and/ or officers before amendments or updates are considered by the Constitution Working Party (Appendix D). Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: All All Tony Ing, Strategic Director – Information 01263 516080, tony.ing@north-norfolk.gov.uk Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 1. Introduction 1.1 Following the decision of Full Council at its meeting of 22 February 2012 appointing Cllrs A.M. Fitch-Tillett, V.R. Gay, K.E Johnson, A.M. Moore and H. Thompson to serve on the Full Council 18 April 2012 Constitution Working Party, a first meeting was convened on 9 March 2012. At that meeting Cllr H. Thompson was elected as Chairman. 1.2 In fulfilling their responsibilities, Members worked sequentially through the current Constitution focusing on changes arising from: • new or amending legislation (e.g. the Localism Act 2011) • relevant audit recommendations (e.g. the Corporate Governance audit) • operational experience of applying the Constitution since April 2011 • inconsistencies, referencing, formatting etc. identified within the document • any other relevant review or change of circumstances (e.g. agreed recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel). 2. Constitution Working Party findings 2.1 As a result of the considerations of the Working Party following meetings held on 9 and 28 March 2012, Members have identified those elements of the Constitution that should be amended or updated as a result of this initial work. These proposed amendments and actions can be found at Appendix C. 2.2 In addition, Members clearly highlighted those provisions in the Constitution that would require amendment but were contingent on the outcome of other activities (e.g. management restructuring and publication of regulations and guidance), as well as those provisions that require further work or consideration by other committees and/or officers before recommendations for amendment can be made. These can be found at Appendix D. 2.3 Members also discussed the format and style of the Constitution, proposing that the amended document should be re-issued in loose-leaf form to make it easier to incorporate future updates. 3. Financial Implications 3.1 There are no direct financial implications associated with the annual review of the Constitution. 4. Risks 4.1 In order to mitigate any potential risks associated with the Constitution, it is important that the document is updated to reflect any new or amended, relevant legislation to ensure the conduct of business and decision making processes are effective and legally sound. Full Council 18 April 2012 5. Sustainability 5.1 There are no direct sustainability implications associated with the annual review of the Constitution. 6. Equality and Diversity 6.1 There are no direct equality and diversity implications associated with the annual review of the Constitution. However, if there are any significant changes arising from the review, they will be subject to an equality impact assessment before being adopted by Council. 7. Crime & Disorder 7.1 There are no direct crime and disorder implications associated with the annual review of the Constitution. Full Council 18 April 2012 APPENDIX C Proposed Amendments to the Constitution Constitution Reference Amendment or Action Chapter 2, Full Council Paragraph 3.8, page 2.7, Opposition Business Amendment “Each opposition or minority Group will have the opportunity at up to three ordinary meetings of Council to propose a single item of business on the following procedural basis: (a) Opposition Group Leaders may submit a notice of opposition business in writing to the Chief Executive for the next ordinary Council meeting at least ten clear days before the date of the meeting to which it is addressed. (b) The written notice must identify the nature of the item to be discussed and the nominated representative of the political group who will present the business to Council, to which the Leader or appropriate Portfolio Holder will respond. (c) The written notice must relate to a matter which affects the Council or the District and must relate to a matter in respect of which the authority has a relevant function or legitimate local interest. (d) The Council may vote on the substance of the debate particularly where recommendations have been made for future actions. The time allotted for opposition business would be no more than 30 minutes.” Paragraph 12, page 2.12, Petitions and questions Action To review arrangements for managing questions and prepare a practical procedure to report back to a future meeting. Paragraph 18.6, page 2.22, Recorded vote Amendment “Notwithstanding Rule 18.5, if any Member present at the meeting so demands, the names for and against the motion or amendment or abstaining from voting will be taken down in writing and entered into the minutes. The procedure for a recorded vote shall be as follows: (a) The Chairman shall put the motion and the Chief Executive or Monitoring Officer shall call out the names of Members and record their votes or abstentions (b) The Chairman shall declare the result of the vote and the vote of each Member shall be recorded in the minutes.” Full Council 18 April 2012 Paragraph 20.3, page 2.23, Telephones and electronic equipment Amendment NEW PARAGRAPH page 2.25, Substitution Amendment “Each Member shall ensure that his/her mobile telephone and other electronic equipment is switched to, and kept on, silent mode throughout the meeting. The voice facility of such mobile telephones and electronic equipment shall not be used to make calls, receive calls or check messages. Only text or non-voice uses can be made of this equipment. The person presiding at the meeting may require all mobile telephones or electronic equipment to be switched off at any time, where necessary to ensure that such equipment does not interfere with the proper conduct of the meeting or lawful decision-making.” “When acting as a substitute, such a member is free to make their own independent decisions and is under no obligation to vote in accordance with the intentions or wishes of the member for whom he/she will substitute.” Chapter 3, The Executive Paragraph 1.1, page 3.5 Action Delete the note in italics Paragraph 3.1, page 3.6 Action Delete the note in italics Paragraph 3.2, page 3.6 Action Delete paragraph 3.2 as the reference to portfolio responsibilities was felt to be unnecessary. Chapter 5, Committees Paragraph 5.5, page 5.4, Recorded vote Amendment “If any Member present at the Committee so demands, the names for and against the motion or amendment or abstaining from voting will be taken down in writing and entered into the minutes. A demand for a recorded vote will override a demand for a ballot.” Part 5, page 5.11, Audit Committee Terms of Reference 1.2(b) Amendment “Reviewing the annual statement of accounts and whether appropriate accounting policies have been followed.” Full Council 18 April 2012 Chapter 9 – Rules, Codes and Protocols – Part 2 – Contract Procedure Rules Paragraph 9.2, pg 9.33 Amendment “All exemptions, and the reasons for them, must be recorded using the form in the Procurement Toolkit. Exemptions shall be signed by the Officer and the relevant Director, and countersigned by the Procurement Officer and the Monitoring Officer. All exemptions granted during the financial year will be summarised and reported for information within the Monitoring Officer’s Annual Report. Chapter 11, Members’ Allowances NEW APPENDIX, Basis of the allowance Action To introduce a new appendix, using the information provided to the Independent Remuneration Panel, to explain the roles and responsibilities of Members to the reader of the Constitution, providing context for the allowances paid. Chapter 12, Partnership Arrangements and Outside Bodies Paragraphs 1 to 4, page 12.1 Action Wherever reference is made to “area partnerships” delete the word “area”. Part 2, page 12.5 Amendment “For the avoidance of doubt, whenever a Member is appointed to represent the Council on any Outside Body or acts in their capacity as a Member of the Council on any Outside Body, then that representation should be declared in the Member’s register of interests.” Full Council 18 April 2012 APPENDIX D Provisions within the Constitution that will be reviewed after the management restructure is completed, to be reported to the Council for approval at a later meeting Constitution Reference Action Chapter 6, Officers Defer until the senior management restructure has been completed Provisions within the Constitution where amendments or updates stand deferred pending publication of relevant regulations and guidance Constitution Reference Action Chapter 3, Part 1, page 3.1, paragraphs 4b) and 5b), The Cabinet When the new Standards arrangements take effect, it will be necessary to delete these subparagraphs as there will be no sanction of suspension available. Chapter 7, Part 1 and 2 Standards and the Members’ Code of Conduct Defer until the new regulations and guidance are published. Chapter 11, paragraph 13, page 11.5, Allowances while suspended from Council Duties When the new Standards arrangements take effect, it will be necessary to delete this paragraph as there will be no sanction of suspension available. Provisions within the Constitution that are to be referred for review by the relevant committees and/ or officers before amendments or updates are considered by the Constitution Working Party Constitution Reference Action Chapter 4, Overview and Scrutiny Overview and Task Group currently looking at the Overview and Scrutiny function. Defer until the outcome of the review. Chapter 7, Part 3 and 4, Employee Code of Conduct and Member/ Officer Relations Refer for consideration by the Joint Staff Consultative Committee Chapter 9, Part 1 and 2, Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules Refer for consideration by the Corporate Finance Manager and Procurement Officer Chapter 10, Officer Employment Procedure Rules Refer for consideration by the Organisational Development Officer Chapter 12, Part 2, Outside Bodies Defer update until the schedule of Outside Bodies is agreed at the annual meeting of the Council in May 2012.