26 NOVEMBER 2015 Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present: Councillors R Reynolds (Chairman) R Shepherd (Vice-Chairman) Mrs S Butikofer N Coppack Mrs P Grove-Jones S Hester P High N Pearce P Rice S Shaw B Smith N Smith Mrs V Uprichard Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds – substitute for S Ward Mr V FitzPatrick – Priory Ward Mrs S Arnold – Portfolio Holder J Rest – observer Mrs M Prior - observer Officers Mrs N Baker – Head of Planning Mr A Mitchell – Development Manager Mr R Howe – Planning Legal Manager Mr D Watson – Development Management Team Leader Mr J Shaw – Senior Engineer, NCC Highways Development Control Mr D Mortimer - Development Management Officer (NCC Highways) (147) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DETAILS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from Councillor S Ward. One substitute Member attended the meeting as shown above. (148) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. (149) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following interests were declared: Minute 151 Councillor: S Hester Development Committee Interest Neighbour and had previously worked for the applicant 1 26 November 2015 (150) S106 AGREEMENTS - UPLIFT CLAUSES The Committee considered item 1 of the Officers’ reports which brought to its attention recent appeal decisions relating to the use of uplift clauses (sometimes also known as “clawback” clauses) within Section 106 agreements, reviewed the use of such clauses, and proposed amendments to the Council’s standard uplift clauses. The Head of Planning and Planning Legal Manager answered Members’ questions: Existing agreements were still sound in terms of uplift clauses and would not be impacted by the changes. The proposals were intended to speed up delivery. The Council had a legitimate right to require faster implementation. Uplift clauses could be used if developments took longer. Developers could avoid the uncertainty of uplift clauses by building quickly. Most developments would not be subject to uplift clauses. The proposals would only apply to undetermined applications. There would be no change in the way viability was assessed. It was proposed by Councillor B Smith, seconded by Councillor P W High and RESOLVED unanimously 1. That the changes to the use of uplift clauses as outlined in the report be approved and applied to all undetermined applications as at 26 November 2015 and for all future planning applications. 2. That scheme viability will only be assessed at outline stage when the proposed development includes significant Section 106 Agreement requirements and/or exceptional development costs as determined by the Council. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications; updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered Members’ questions. Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents, letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for inspection at the meeting. Having regard to the above information and the Officers’ report, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below. Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1 unless otherwise stated. Development Committee 2 26 November 2015 (151) HINDRINGHAM - PF/15/1191 - Erection of detached two-storey dwelling (resubmission PF/14/1499); Land adjacent Lion House, 6 The Street for Mr & Mrs P Iles The Committee considered item 2 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr Iles (supporting) The Development Management Team Leader emphasised the policy issues relating to this application. He recommended refusal in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning. Councillor V FitzPatrick, a local Member, stated that Hindringham was well connected with nearby villages and was on a bus route. Whilst the proposal was technically in breach of policy, the site was in between two existing dwellings and he considered that the proposed dwelling was a well-proportioned, well-designed family home which was needed in the village. He requested that the Committee approve this application. Councillor S Hester, a local Member, having declared an interest in this application, spoke but did not vote on this application. He referred to the policy issues and stated that the proposal was infill development in a residential area. He considered that it would result in little impact on traffic or the sewerage system. He urged Members to consider if the policy reflected the setting of the dwelling. The Development Manager explained the rationale which had been used for identifying settlements in the Core Strategy. Many other settlements were covered by the Countryside policy area and applications for dwellings in those settlements had been consistently refused as they were unsustainable. A previous application for a dwelling on this site had been refused in March 2015. He advised the Committee to refuse this application as recommended. It would be open to the applicant to test the decision on appeal. In response to a question by Councillor P Rice, the Development Manager explained that other development in the village had been approved under the previous Local Plan. The Authority was in the process of reviewing its Core Strategy, but this was not a matter for this Committee to consider. He was unaware of the planning history of containers on the application site. Councillor R Shepherd referred to proposals in the Countryside which had been refused by the Committee. The Committee had to be consistent and the current application was clearly contrary to policy. However, this was a difficult application. Councillor P W High stated that he appreciated the views which had been expressed but the Committee had to stand by current policy. He proposed refusal of this application, which was seconded by Councillor Mrs V Uprichard. Councillor Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds stated that, whilst she liked the proposal, this was not the forum in which to change policy. Councillor N Coppack considered that it would be common sense to allow this development. Development Committee 3 26 November 2015 Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones and Councillor B Smith referred to the need to adhere to policy and expressed concerns regarding precedent if this application were approved. RESOLVED by 10 votes to 2 That this application be refused in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning. Councillor S Hester abstained from voting on this application. (152) WALCOTT - PF/15/0503 - Retention of single-storey replacement dwelling; The Glen, Helena Road for Mr & Mrs Robinson The Committee considered item 3 of the Officers’ reports. The Development Management Team Leader emphasised the flood risk issues relating to this application. Councillor N Smith considered that there was no more danger to the occupants of the replacement dwelling than there had been previously. The Development Manager explained that replacement dwellings were expected to be designed to minimise risk to life and limb from flooding. Councillor B Smith expressed concern that this building was in the flood zone and from photographs displayed the original building had been badly damaged by flooding. He considered that the barrier was insufficient and the building as constructed would not resist flooding and serious inundation by the sea. He proposed refusal of this application. Councillor R Shepherd stated that the land sloped in a southerly direction which would make matters worse. He seconded the proposal, and with the proposer’s agreement added that enforcement action should be taken. Several Members spoke in support of refusal of this application. Councillor P W High asked if it was possible to negotiate improvements to the barrier as an alternative to enforcement action. The Development Management Team Leader stated that the issue was not just with the barrier but the building itself which could not withstand pressure from an overtopping event. RESOLVED by 11 votes to 0 with 2 abstentions 1. That this application be refused in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning. 2. That the Head of Planning be authorised to commence enforcement action for the building to be removed from the site within 12 months from the effective date of the Notice, under Section 172 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended. Development Committee 4 26 November 2015 (153) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/15/0886 - Variation of conditions 3 & 18 of planning permission ref: 11/0509 to permit retention of revised projecting windows to east elevation; Quayside Court, The Quay for T Gill and Son (Norwich) Ltd All Members had received correspondence in respect of this application. The Committee considered item 4 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mr Arguile (Wells Town Council) Mr A Grey (objecting) Mr D Reeve (supporting) The Development Management Team Leader read to the Committee a letter which had been sent to the Chief Executive from Solicitors acting for the freeholders of the completed development, expressing concerns regarding delays in dealing with the application. He also read to the Committee a letter which had been sent to Councillor V FitzPatrick by Solicitors acting for a previous director of Novus Homes expressing concern in respect of a number of inaccuracies which had not been verified with his client. The Development Management Team Leader summarised the points raised in two letters of support which had been received from owners of two of the flats in Quayside Court. An email had been received from the Management Company explaining that damage was caused to the projecting window by a lorry reversing into the opening to turn round and not by a vehicle entering Croft Yard. There had been no problems when residents moved in. The Development Management Team Leader drew attention to a typographical error on page 16 of the report, which should have read .710 m instead of mm. He outlined the main points in the report. The Development Management Team Leader reported that measurements had been rechecked on site. The windows were set slightly higher above Croft Yard than approved, not lower, and the projection on the east elevation was approximately 30mm more than approved. The east elevation did not encroach onto Croft Yard and the wall to wall width of Croft Yard had not been reduced. He stated that this application could have been dealt with as a non-material amendment. The intention of condition 4 had been to prevent any additions at a later date to the front elevation only. He displayed photographs which had been shown at the previous meeting and additional photographs of lorries using Croft Yard. He requested delegated authority to approve this application. Councillor V FitzPatrick, a local Member, expressed concerns that the Committee was being asked to consider facts of which they had no prior knowledge. He referred to the photographs of a removal lorry using Croft Yard, which appeared to rebut a statement made at the time of the original application that it was unlikely that vehicles would strike the building. He referred to the representations which had been read by the Development Management Team Leader. He expressed concern at the confusion regarding the position of the building and the windows. He considered that this application should be refused on highway safety grounds given the possibility of a vehicle striking a bay window and endangering members of the public and residents of the flats, and on residential amenity grounds as vehicles manoeuvring in or out of Croft Yard would prevent people accessing their properties in The Granary, Development Committee 5 26 November 2015 Croft Yard or Quayside Court for several minutes. He stated that Croft Yard was a public highway and condition 4 stated that no structures should overhang the highway. Councillor S Hester, a local Member, considered that in this instance the additional projection was not a minor non-material amendment as 30mm could make a great deal of difference to large vehicles in a tight situation. He referred to the Council’s duty of care and expressed concern that there was a real danger that someone could be hit by falling debris. He requested that the Committee refuse this application and hoped that the developer would reduce the projection considerably. The Senior Engineer (NCC Highways) explained that there were no public vehicular rights of way whatsoever over Croft Yard. There was a public right of way on foot only. However, it was a public highway with the same status as other footpaths. The Highway Authority’s remit was to consider highway rights and safety of pedestrians using the road. He stated that the photographs of the delivery vehicle and refuse vehicle demonstrated that they could get past the projecting window. The Highway Authority was unable to take any action. Councillor R Shepherd stated that lorries could enter and exit Croft Yard, which was one of a number of small yards in Wells. He referred to the civil nature of the traffic issues. He referred to Government guidance and stated that the windows as built had not resulted in a substantial difference from the previous approval. He proposed delegated approval of this application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones asked if any complaints had been received that refuse lorries were unable to access the yard. The Development Management Team Leader stated that he could not verify this. Councillor N Smith stated that drivers of large vehicles would be unable to see the projection in their mirrors when reversing into the yard. He considered that there would be no danger to drivers but anybody underneath the window could be endangered. In response to a question by Councillor Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, the Development Management Team Leader stated that the emergency services had raised no objections when the development was built. Councillor P W High seconded the proposal for delegated approval. The Planning Legal Manager referred to the history of this site. He stated that the Committee’s role was to determine the planning application in accordance with the Development Plan unless other material considerations indicated otherwise. He referred to issues which had been raised which were not material considerations. He advised the Committee that, in his opinion, there were no defensible reasons on which this application could be refused. Councillor B Smith considered that the colour of the windows was an issue and asked if anything could be done to make them more visible. The Chairman suggested that chevrons could be applied to the building. RESOLVED That the Head of Planning be authorised to approve this application in accordance with her recommendation. Development Committee 6 26 November 2015 (154) WIVETON - PF/15/1208 - Installation of 30 metre high shared telecommunications base station tower with six antennas and associated ground-based equipment cabinets; Friary Farm Caravan Park, Cley Road, Blakeney for Arqiva This application had been withdrawn. (155) APPEAL DECISIONS - RESULTS AND SUMMARIES The Committee noted item 6 of the Officers’ report. At the request of Members, the Planning Legal Manager updated the Committee on an appeal which had been lodged against the refusal of application PF/14/0925 (Bodham wind turbine). He also stated that the legal challenge by objectors against the Inspector’s decision to approve planning application PF/13/1521 (Cromer Crematorium) had been struck out by the Court. It was understood that the objectors’ representative had put forward some possible changes to the approved scheme but the District Council is not a party to any negotiations. (156) EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 6 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act. (157) PLANNING ENFORCEMENT SCHEDULE OF CURRENT CASES The Committee considered paragraph 7 of the Officers’ exempt reports which updated the situation previously reported concerning the schedule of outstanding enforcement cases and unresolved complaints more than three months old as at 30 September 2015. RESOLVED That the report and annexed Schedules of cases be noted and that those cases which have been resolved be removed from the Schedules. The meeting closed at 12.05 pm. CHAIRMAN 14 January 2016 Development Committee 7 26 November 2015