LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS IN LOW DISORDER AND DIMENSION GREATER THAN THREE. N. ZYGOURAS Abstract. We consider a simple random walk on Z d , d > 3. We also consider a collection of i.i.d. positive and bounded random variables ( Vω (x) )x∈Z d , which will serve as a random potential. We study the annealed and quenched cost to perform long crossing in the random potential −(λ + βVω (x) ), where λ is positive constant and β > 0 is small enough . These costs are measured by the Lyapounov norms. We prove the equality of the annealed and the quenched norm. 1. Introduction Consider a simple random walk (Sn )n≥0 on Zd , d > 3 and denote by Px its distribution when it starts from x ∈ Zd . Consider also λ, β > 0 and a collection of i.i.d. random variables ( Vω (x))x∈Zd , independent of the walk. We denote by P the distribution of this collection. We assume that Vω is nonnegative and bounded. We think of Sn as a random walk in the random potential (−λ − β Vω (x) )x∈Zd . One of the fundamental quantities in the study of random walks is the Green’s function , which is defined as ∞ h PN i X Gλ (x, y, ω) := Ex e− n=1 (λ+βVω (Sn )) ; SN = y N =1 We may think of the Green’s function as the expected number of visits to y ∈ Zd of a random walk starting at x ∈ Zd , before it gets killed by the potential −(λ+βVω (·)). It is known [11] that when |x − y| tends to infinity, self-averaging phenomena take place, that result to an almost sure asymptotic exponential decay of the Green’s function. In particular, it is shown by Zerner [11] that there exists a nondegenerate norm αλ (·) on Rd such that for P − a.e. disorder ω (1.1) lim − x→∞ log Gλ (0, [x], ω) = 1. αλ (x) The norm αλ (x) is called the quenched Lyapounov norm. It was first introduced in the continuous setting of Brownian motion in a Poissonian potential by Sznitman. Equation (1.1) is the discrete analogue of his shape theorem [9]. The Lyapounov norm is a measure of the cost of the random walk to perform long crossings, in the potential −(λ + βVω (x)). To make this more clear we consider Date: September 4, 2007. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60xx. Key words and phrases. Random walks, random potential, Lyapunov norms, mass gap estimate. 1 2 the quantity (1.2) N. ZYGOURAS h PTy i eλ (x, y, ω) := Ex e− n=1 (λ+βVω (Sn )) , where Ty = inf{n : Sn = y} is the hitting time of the site y. One can think of eλ (x, y, ω) as the probability of the random walk, which starts at x to hit the site y before it gets killed by the potential. The Lyapounov norm can be now defined as follows. For any x ∈ Zd 1 log eλ (0, [nx], ω), P-a.s. n The P − a.s existence of the limit is guaranteed by the following supermultiplicative property (1.3) (1.4) αλ (x) = lim − n→∞ eλ (0, x + y, ω) ≥ eλ (0, x, ω) eλ (x, x + y, ω). It is easy to conclude from (1.3) and (1.4) that x ∈ Zd , n ∈ N αλ (nx) = nαλ (x), x, y ∈ Zd , αλ (x + y) ≤ α(x) + α(y), and one can use these properties to extend αλ as a norm in Rd . Besides the P − a.s. asymptotic exponential decay of the Green’s function, one is interested to know the averaged or annealed asymptotic exponential decay of it. It turns out that this is governed by the annealed Lyapounov norm βλ (x), x ∈ Zd and in analogy with (1.1) we have that (1.5) lim − x→∞ log E Gλ (0, [x], ω) = 1. βλ (x) The annealed Lyapounov norm βλ is defined for x ∈ Zd by (1.6) βλ (x) = lim − n→∞ 1 log E eλ (0, [nx], ω) n and in analogy with the quenched case, it can be extended as a norm on Rd . The existence of the above limit is guaranteed once again by the subadditivity of − log E eλ (0, [nx], ω), as this follows from (1.4). Another very important property of the Lyapounov norms is that they govern the large deviations properties of the random walk Sn in the random potential −β Vω (x), x ∈ Zd . This fact was first established in the deep work of A.-S. Sznitman [9], and was later extended in the discrete case by Zerner and Flury [11],[6]. In fact, it was the need to describe these large deviations, that led to the introduction of the Lyapounov norms. To be more precise, consider the measure (1.7) where ZN,ω out that 1 e−β PN n=1 Vω (Sn ) dP , 0 ZN,ω i h PN = E0 e−β n=1 Vω (Sn ) is the normalisation constant. Then it turns dQ0,ω := ³S ´ n Q0,ω w x w e−n I(x) , n ¡ ¢ where I(x) = supλ>0 αλ (x) − λ . Similar large deviations principle holds also for ¡ ¢ the annealed measures, with the annealed rate function J(x) = supλ>0 βλ (x)−λ . (1.8) LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 3 It was conjectured in [9] that in high dimensions and low disorder the annealed and quenched norms coincide. We will prove in this paper that, for d > 3 and β small enough, αλ ≡ βλ , thus verifying the conjecture. More precisely we have that Theorem 1.1. For any λ > 0, and d > 3 there exists a β∗ (λ) > 0, that depends on λ, such that if 0 < β < β∗ , then αλ (x) = βλ (x), for every x ∈ Rd . This belief was based on analogies with the situation of directed polymers [2],[4]. In this case one considers a space-time potential β Vω (x, n), (x, n) ∈ Zd−1 × N, as a collection of i.i.d. random variables, and a simple (d − 1)−dimensional random walk (Xn )n≥0 . It has been proved among many other things, that when d ≥ 4 and the disorder is low, i.e. β is small enough, then the fraction h i PN E0 e−β n=1 Vω (Xn ,n) h i, PN EE0 e−β n=1 Vω (Xn ,n) converges P − a.s, as N → ∞, to a strictly positive random variable W∞ . In fact, the convergence to a strictly positive limit can be shown to be an equivalent characterization of the low disorder regime. The belief that the annealed and the quenched Lyapounov norms are equal, was further reinforced by the very nice work of M.Flury. In [5] it was established that if (Xn )n≥0 is a random walk on Zd , d > 3, with a drift in the coordinate direction ê1 , then, as N tends to infinity h i h i PN PN 1 1 (1.9) − log E0h e−β n=1 Vω (Xn ) ∼ − log E E0h e−β n=1 Vω (Xn ) , N N for β small enough. Here E h is the expectation of the random with drift in direction x̂1 . In our setting, the presence of λ > 0 in (1.2) penalises the walks that move very slowly towards the target site y, thus imposing an effective drift on the random walks Sn . In other words our situation parallels in a sense the directed case, and at the same time is a generalisation of [5]. The method we follow to prove Theorem 1.1 uses ideas of [5], which are also present in the work of Bolthausen and Sznitman [3] in the context or random walks in random environments. Central in our work, as well as in [5],[3], is a secondto-first moment estimate, which, among other things, depends on what is known as a mass gap estimate ( see section 3). The mass gap estimate appears in [5], but it can traced back to works related to the behavior of self avoiding walks, see for example [7]. It states roughly that the annealed cost of a walk to move from a hyperplane to a hyperplane at distance L, restricted to move only in between the hyperplanes and such that the graph of the walk cannot be splitted into two nonintersecting sets, is exponentially faster, in L, than the cost of the walk, with just the restriction to move in between the hyperplanes. It has in some sense the same flavor as the exponential moment estimate on the displacement , up to a regeneration time, of a random walk in a random environment [8]. The mass gap estimate is proved in [5],[7] using a rather involved multiscale argument. This argument is also difficult to extend when the walk’s drift is not along a coordinate axis, which is essentially the framework we will be working. In section 3 we provide a simple proof independent of the direction, in the case that β is small. Moreover, 4 N. ZYGOURAS in the case that the direction coincides with a coordinate axis, we provide a proof for arbitrary β, which significantly simplifies the already existing ones. The proof of Theorem 1.1 proceeds as follows. In Section 2 we show how the point-to-point Lyapounov norms are related to the point-to-hyperplane Lyapounov norms. Moreover, we relate the presence of λ in (1.2) to the presence of an effective drift for the walk in the random potential and state the second-to-first moment condition. In Section 3 we prove the mass gap estimate. In Section 4 we built a Markovian Structure in our model, in such a way to parallel the situation in directed polymers. In Section 5 we proceed to the estimate of the second-to-first moment. Finally, in Section 6 we show some consequences of the equality of the two norms. 2. Some Auxiliary Results In this section we prove some auxiliary results, that lead to the statement of the main estimate in Proposition 2.16. A notational convention, that we follow through out the paper, is that we refrain denoting in the expectations of the random walks the starting position, if this is 0. In this case, will just write P, E, as opposed to P0 , E0 . 2.1. Dual Norms. We define the dual to the quenched Lyapounov norm as 1 (2.1) αλ∗ (`) := sup ; ` ∈ Rd {x∈Rd : `·x=1} αλ (x) and the dual to the annealed Lyapounov norm as 1 (2.2) βλ∗ (`) := sup ; ` ∈ Rd {x∈Rd : `·x=1} βλ (x) . The dual norms αλ∗ (`) and βλ∗ (`) are in fact norms and they govern the cost for the walk to perform crossings from a point to a hyperplane. This is described in the following proposition, the proof of which can be found in [6]. Reference [6] contains further properties of these norms. The continuous analogue of the next proposition was proven in [8]. Proposition 2.1. Let ` ∈ Rd and T`,L = inf{n : Sn · ` ≥ L}. Then we have that ¸ · PT `,L 1 1 − n=1 (λ+βVω (Sn )) lim − log E e = ∗ , L→∞ L αλ (`) and lim − L→∞ ¸ · PT `,L 1 1 log EE e− n=1 (λ+βVω (Sn )) = ∗ , L βλ (`) The next proposition justifies the characterisation as dual norms and it will lead to the important observation of Corollary 2.3 Proposition 2.2. Consider the quenched and the annealed dual norms αλ∗ (`) and βλ∗ (`). Then 1 (2.3) (i) αλ (x) = sup ∗ {`∈Rd : `·x=1} αλ (`) (2.4) (ii) βλ (x) = sup 1 . ∗ {`∈Rd : `·x=1} βλ (`) LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 5 Proof. We will only prove (i), the proof of (ii) being identical. Let us denote by αλ∗∗ (x) the right hand side of (2.3). By the definition of the dual norm αλ∗ we have that, for every ` ∈ Rd , αλ∗ (`) ≥ αλ1(x) , for every x ∈ Rd such that ` · x = 1. Thus, αλ∗∗ (x) := sup 1 ∗ {` : `·x=1} αλ (`) ≤ αλ (x). On the other hand, αλ∗∗ (x) := = = sup 1 ∗ {` : `·x=1} αλ (`) sup = sup {` : `·x=1} inf {` : `·x=1} {y : `·y=1} sup inf αλ (y) = ¡ {` : `·x=1} {y : `·y=1} 1 sup{y : `·y=1} sup 1 αλ (y) inf {` : `·x=1} {y : `·y=1} ¡ αλ (y) + ` · (x − y) ¢ ¢ αλ (y) − αλ (x) + ` · (x − y) + αλ (x). By the convexity of αλ (·) it follows that there exists an ` ∈ Rd such that for every y ∈ Rd , αλ (y) − αλ (x) + ` · (x − y) ≥ 0, and so αλ∗∗ (x) ≥ αλ (x). ˆ = β ∗ (`), ˆ for every unit vector `ˆ ∈ Rd , then the quenched Corollary 2.3. If αλ∗ (`) λ and annealed Lyapounov norms are equal, i.e. αλ ≡ βλ . Proof. It follows immediately from the fact that αλ∗ and βλ∗ are norms and Proposition 2.2. 2.2. A Change Of Measure. In this paragraph we show how the presence of a positive λ in the potential gives rise to an effective drift for the walk. Let `ˆ ∈ Rd be an arbitrary unit vector, ` = |`| `ˆ and denote by P ` the random walk with transition probabilities ( (y−x)·` e , if |x − y| = 1, Z` (2.5) π` (x, y) = 0 , if |x − y| 6= 1. Pd Z` = 2 i=1 cosh(êi ·`), where (êi )di=1 denote the canonical unit vectors. Notice that ˆ > 0. The Radon-Nikodym the random walk P ` has a drift such that E ` [(S1 −S0 )· `] derivative of the biased random walk P ` with respect to the simple random walk P on the σ-algebra Fn = σ{Si : 0 ≤ i ≤ n} is easily computed to be µ ¶n P n dP ` ¯¯ 2d e i=1 (Si −Si−1 )·` . ¯ = dP Fn Z` Let us now compute " # · PT ¸ PT`,L ˆ ˆ `,L dP ¯¯ −λT`,L − β V (S ) − i=1 (λ+β Vω (Si )) ` ω i ˆ i=1 E e =E e ¯ dP ` FT`,L ˆ ¸ · PT ˆ PT`,L ˆ `,L log(2d/Z ` ) −λT`,L ˆ − ˆ i=1 β Vω (Si ) . (2.6) e = E ` e− i=1 (Si −Si−1 )·`−T`,L We will now choose |`|, such that (2.7) log( 2d ) + λ = 0. Z` Pd That is, we will choose |`|, such that Z` = 2d eλ , or i=1 cosh(eˆi · `) = d eλ . Notice that if |`| = 0, then the left hand side of the last equation is equal to d, while for 6 N. ZYGOURAS |`| → ∞, it tends to infinity. Thus, there will be a |`|, depending on λ, such that (2.7) is satisfied. For this |`|, (2.6) is equal to ¸ · PT`,L ˆ ˆ )·` − i=1 β Vω (Si ) . E ` e−S(T`,L e Notice |`| L ≤ S(T`,L ˆ ) · ` ≤ |`| L + |`|, since T`,L ˆ is defined as the first time that the d random walk enters the half space {x ∈ Z : x · `ˆ ≥ L}. We then have that · PT ¸ · ¸ Tˆ ˆ `,L −ST ˆ ·` − P `,L `,L e i=1 β Vω (Si ) e−|`| L−|`| E ` e− i=1 β Vω (Si ) ≤ E` e · PT ¸ ˆ `,L ≤ e−|`| L E ` e− i=1 β Vω (Si ) . Thus we have proven that ˆ so that Proposition 2.4. Let `ˆ ∈ Rd an arbitrary unit vector and choose ` = |`| `, Pd it satisfies (2.7), or equivalently i=1 cosh(eˆi · `) = deλ , then ¸ · PT ˆ `,L 1 − i=1 (λ+β Vω (Si ) ) lim log E e L→∞ L · PT ¸ ˆ `,L 1 ` − i=1 β Vω (Si ) = lim log E e − |`|. L→∞ L Clearly, the analogue of Proposition 2.4 for the annealed measures is also valid. We can combine Propositions 2.1, 2.4 and Corollary 2.3 to arrive at Corollary 2.5. If for every unit vector `ˆ ∈ Rd · PT ¸ ˆ `,L 1 ` − i=1 β Vω (Si ) log E e lim L→∞ L · PT ¸ ˆ `,L 1 ` − i=1 β Vω (Si ) (2.8) = lim log E E e , L→∞ L where ` ∈ Rd is chosen as in Proposition 2.4, E ` is defined by (2.5) and T`,L = ˆ ˆ inf{n : Sn · ` ≥ L}, then αλ ≡ βλ . Our focus will therefore be to verify the assumption of the last corollary, when β is small enough. From now on, ` ∈ Rd will be an arbitrary, fixed vector with rational coordinates and `ˆ the corresponding unit vector `/|`|. P ` denotes the distribution ˆ of the walk with transition probabilities as in (2.5), corresponding to the chosen `. We denote by h i Pd ê · `ˆsinh(ê · `) i ` i=1 i ˆ (2.9) h := Ex (S1 − S0 ) · ` = P > 0, d i=1 cosh( êi · `) ˆ the lentgh of the projection of the local drift on the direction `. ˆ The reason we have chosen the vector ` to have rational coordinates is to be able to construct renewal structures, through which we obtain our estimates. One way to see the difficulties that would arise if one considers an `ˆ with irrational coordinates is to notice that in this case, except from trivial situations, the hyperplane z · `ˆ = 0 includes no points of the lattice, other than 0. LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 7 Let us also assume, without loss of generality, that `ˆ · êi > 0, for i = 1, . . . , d. Let ˆ (2.10) l1 := ê1 · `, ˆ which contains 0, from the the distance of the hyperplane with normal vector `, corresponding hyperplane which contains (1, 0, . . . , 0). Due to the fact that ` has rational coordinates, there will only be a finite number of hyperplanes in between the above mentioned ones, which are normal to `ˆ and contain lattice points. ˆ that are needed We denote by r the number of hyperplanes with normal vector `, d ˆ ˆ to exhaust the lattice points {z ∈ Z : 0 < z · ` ≤ l1 }. Since ` has rational coordinates, it follows that r is finite. It is easy to see, that the closest hyperplane ˆ which contains lattice points is at distance l1 /r from the with normal vector `, d hyperplane {z ∈ R : z · `ˆ = 0}. In the rest of the paper we will work in the framework set in these last paragraphs. In particular, we will prove the equality of the point to hyperplane dual norms for vectors with rational coordinates. The equality at arbitrary vectors will then follow by the continuity of αλ∗ (·) and βλ∗ (·) - recall the fact that they are norms. 2.3. Bridges and Irreducible Bridges. It will be convenient for our analysis to make one more reduction. Namely to reduce the evaluation of the point to hyperplane dual norms to the evaluations of masses of bridges. We will explain the terminology in the sequel. PN Definition 2.6. Let us define the local time at x ∈ Zd as L(M,N ) = n=M +1 1x (Sn ). Definition 2.7. Let ω i , i = 1, . . . , p, p ≥ 1 independent copies of ω ∈ Ω and Li(M i ,N i ) , i = 1, . . . , p the local times for p random walk trajectories, M i < N i . Then we define h i P P i −β p (p) x Vω i (x)L(M i ,N i ) (x) i=1 Φβ (M 1 , . . . , M p ; N 1 , . . . , N p ) = − log E e h i P P i −β p (p) x Vω (x) L(M i ,N i ) (x) i=1 Φ̃β (M 1 , . . . , M p ; N 1 , . . . , N p ) = − log E e (p) Notice that in Φβ we consider random walk trajectories in independent poten(p) tials, Vωi , while in Φ̃β we consider the trajectories in the same potential Vω . In order to lighten the notation we will often write the above functions as (p) (p) Φβ (M i ; N i ) and Φ̃β (M i ; N i ). In the case that M i = 0, for i = 1, . . . , p, we (p) (p) will write Φβ (N i ) and Φ̃β (N i ) instead. Finally, when p = 1 we will write Φβ , (1) instead of Φβ . The next proposition collects some properties of the function Φβ , which are easy to verify Proposition 2.8. (i) For M, N integers we have that Φβ (M + N ) ≤ Φβ (N ) + Φβ (M ). (ii) Let N1 < N2 < N , then Φβ (N ) ≥ Φβ ([0, N1 ] ∪ [N2 , N ]). (iii) If (S(n))0≤n≤N1 ∩ (S(n))N1 ≤n≤N1 +N2 = ∅, then Φβ (N1 + N2 ) = Φβ (N1 ) + Φβ (N2 ) 8 N. ZYGOURAS The notation used on the right hand side of (ii) means that in the evaluation of Φβ ([0, N1 ] ∪ [N2 , N ]) we consider the local time L[0,N1 ]∪[N2 ,N ] := LN1 + LN2 ,N . The proof of (ii) makes use of the monotonicity LN ≥ L[0,N1 ]∪[N2 ,N ] , while the proof of (iii) the independence of the potentials seen by the two parts of the walk. Finally, the proof of (i) makes an easy use of Hölder’s inequality. More precisely, we have h i L LM (x)(x) h i E e−βVω (x)LM +N (x) M +N ≥ E e−βVω (x)LM (x) , and h E e −βVω (x)LM +N (x) +N ) (x) i L(M,M L (x) M +N h i ≥ E e−βVω (x)L(M,M +N ) (x) , and it only remains to multiply the above inequalities, take the product over the sites x and use the independence of the potentials. Definition 2.9. We define the entrance times TL := inf{n : S(n) · `ˆ ≥ L}, and T̃L := inf{n : S(n) · `ˆ ≤ L} Notice that TL coincides with T`,l ˆ , which appears below (2.8). For simplicity we will be using the notation TL instead. Definition 2.10. (i) Consider the walk ( S(n) )M ≤n≤N . We will say that the walk forms a bridge of span L, and denote it by Br(M, N ; L), if ˆ S(M ) · `ˆ ≤ S(n) · `ˆ < S(N ) · `, for M ≤ n < N , and (S(N ) − S(M )) · `ˆ = L. When M = 0, we will write Br(N ; L) instead. (ii) Let us denote ∞ h i X h i (2.11) B(L) = E ` e−Φβ (TL ) ; Br(TL ; L) = E ` e−Φβ (N ) ; Br(N ; L) . N =0 Definition 2.11. Consider the random walk (S(n))M ≤n≤N . We will say that the random walk has a break point at level L, if there exists an M < n < N such that S(n) · `ˆ = L and ˆ S(n1 ) · `ˆ < S(n) · `ˆ ≤ S(n2 ) · `, for n1 < n ≤ n2 . Definition 2.12. (i) Consider the random walk ( S(n) )M ≤n≤N . We will say that the random walk forms an irreducible bridge of span L, and we denote it by Ir(M, N ; L), if it forms a bridge of span L with no break points. When M = 0 we will write Ir(N ; L) instead. (ii) Let us denote ∞ h i h i X (2.12) Iβ (L) = E ` e−Φβ (TL ) ; Ir(TL ; L) = E ` e−Φβ (N ) ; Ir(N ; L) . N =0 Definition 2.13. Let us define the (annealed) mass for bridges by h PT L i 1 mB (β) = lim − log EE ` e− n=0 β Vω (Sn ) ; Br(TL ; L) L→∞ L 1 = lim − log B(L). (2.13) L→∞ L LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 9 ˆ that we choose. We will refrain, Notice, that mB (β) depends on the direction `, though, from denoting this explicitly. Proposition 2.14. There exists a constant C < 1, such that for every L, Ce−mB (β)L ≤ B(L) ≤ e−mB (β)L . Proof. Regarding the rightmost inequality we have that, for every L1 , L2 h i B(L1 + L2 ) = E ` e−Φβ (TL1 +L2 ) ; Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 ) h i ≥ E ` e−Φβ (TL1 +L2 ) ; Br(TL1 ; L1 ) ∩ Br(TL1 , TL2 ; L2 ) = Br(L1 )B(L2 ), where in the last equality we used Proposition 2.8 (iii). The right hand side of the desired inequality follows now by the supermultiplicativity. Regarding the leftmost inequality, we will obtain a submultiplicative inequality. This will be done as follows. We will observe a path in Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 ) until the first time it crosses level L1 , the contribution of which to the partition function is essentially B(L1 ), and then from the last time that the path lies below level L1 until the first time it lies on level L1 + L2 . This contribution is essentially B(L2 ). Let S L := sup{n : Sn · `ˆ ≤ L}. In more detail, using again Proposition 2.8 (ii) and (iii), we have h i B(L1 + L2 ) ≤ E ` e−Φβ (TL1 −1)−Φβ (S L1 ,TL1 +L2 ) ; Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 ) h i X = E ` e−Φβ (TL1 −1)−Φβ (S L1 ,TL1 +L2 ) ; S L1 = M, SM = x, STL1 −1 = y, Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 ) M,x,y = X M,x,y · ¸ E ` e−Φβ (TL1 −1) ; STL1 −1 = y, 0 < inf Sn · `ˆ · Py` ( SM = x )1L1 −l1 <x·`≤L ˆ 1 n≤TL1 · ˆ ·Ex` e−Φβ (TL1 +L2 ) ; Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 − x · `), inf 1≤n<TL1 +L2 ¸ Sn · `ˆ > L1 . We now want to make use of the fact, that the above expectations and probabilities, as functions of the intial point, really depend on which hyperplane the initial point belongs to, and not on the point itself. To make use of this, let us denote, for any point x, by [x] to be a representative lattice point of the hyperplane, that x belongs to. With a slight abuse of notation we will use the notation [x] for the corresponding hyperplane, as well. Then, using the translation invariance of the last expectation, we have, that the above is estimated by · ¸ X X ` −Φβ (TL1 −1) ˆ E e ; STL1 −1 = y, 0 < inf Sn · ` · Py` ( SM ∈ [x] )1L1 −l1 <[x]·`≤L ˆ 1 [x],y n≤TL1 · M ` ˆ ·E[x] e−Φβ (TL1 +L2 ) ; Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 − [x] · `), inf 1≤n<TL1 +L2 ¸ Sn · `ˆ > L1 , and since X X ` Py` ( SM ∈ [x] )1L1 −l1 <[x]·`≤L = P[y] ( SM ∈ [x] )1L1 −l1 <[x]·`≤L , ˆ ˆ 1 1 M M 10 N. ZYGOURAS the last is equal to · ¸ X X ` E ` e−Φβ (TL1 −1) ; STL1 −1 ∈ [y], 0 < inf Sn · `ˆ · P[y] ( SM ∈ [x] )1L1 −l1 <[x]·`≤L ˆ 1 n≤TL1 [x],[y] M · ˆ e ; Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 − [x] · `), · ¸ X ` −Φβ (TL1 −1) ˆ ≤ E e ; 0 < inf Sn · ` · ` ·E[x] −Φβ (TL1 +L2 ) ¸ inf 1≤n<TL1 +L2 Sn · `ˆ > L1 n≤TL1 [x] · X sup ˆ L1 −l1 ≤[y]·`<L 1 M ` P[y] ( SM ∈ [x] )1L1 −l1 ≤[x]·`≤L ˆ 1 · · ` E[x] −Φβ (TL1 +L2 ) e ¸ ˆ ; Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 − [x] · `), inf 1≤n<TL1 +L2 Sn · `ˆ > L1 It is easy to see, that there exist constants C1 , C2 , such that, for every [x] with L1 − l1 ≤ [x] · `ˆ ≤ L1 , · ¸ ` −Φβ (TL1 +L2 ) ˆ ˆ E[x] e ; Br(TL1 +L2 ; L1 + L2 − [x] · `), inf Sn · ` > L 1 1≤n<TL1 +L2 ≤ C1 B(L2 ) and · E ` e −Φβ (TL1 −1) ¸ ˆ ; 0 < inf Sn · ` ≤ C2 B(L1 ) n≤TL1 The only difference between the above expectations and the corresponding values B(L1 ) and B(L2 ) is that either the initial of final point of the trajectories in the corresponding expectations might not lie on the beginning or ending hyperplane, that determine the bridges. Nevertheless, they lie nearby, and so we could change the beginning or ending of these paths in a deterministic way, so that they become typical bridges of spans L1 and L2 , respectively. The cost for these alterations is clearly uniformly, over L1 , L2 , finite ( it depends, though, on β and kVω k ). We, therefore, have that X ` B(L1 + L2 ) ≤ C1 C2 sup P[y] ( L1 − l1 ≤ SM · `ˆ ≤ L1 ) B(L1 )B(L2 ). ˆ L1 −l1 ≤[y]·`≤L 1 M Since the random walk P ` has a drift, the constant X ` C1 C2 sup P[y] ( L1 − l1 ≤ SM · `ˆ ≤ L1 ) ˆ L1 −l1 ≤[y]·`≤L 1 M is finite, uniformly in L1 . From this, the leftmost inequality of the proposition follows by submultiplicativity. Finally, we show that as β → 0 the annealed mass converges to 0. Proposition 2.15. The annealed mass is continous at β = 0, and therefore lim mB (β) = 0. β→0 LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 11 Proof. Clearly, mB (0) = 0 and so we only need to prove the continuity at 0. But this follows immediately from the fact that h i 1 0 ≤ mB (β) ≤ lim − log E ` e−βkVω kTL L→∞ L E ` [TL ] ≤ βkVω k lim , L→∞ L where we used Jensen’s inequality at the last step, and the fact that, due to the drift of E ` , the last limit is finite. 2.4. The Second To First Moment Condition. The next proposition highlights the main estimate. The validity of (2.14) or equivalently (2.16) implies the equality of the Lyapounov norms. In the rest of the paper we will be working towards the proof of (2.16). Proposition 2.16. Let Py`1 ,y2 denote the joint distribution of two independent (2) (2) random walks with distribution Py`1 and Py`2 . Let also Φ̃β and Φβ definition 2.7. If · ¸ 1 2 PTL PTL 1 2 EE ` e− i=1 βVω (Si )− i=1 βVω (Si ) · ¸ <∞ (2.14) sup 1 2 PTL PTL 1 2 L − βV βV ` 1 (Si )− 2 (Si ) i=1 ω i=1 ω EE e as defined in then h PTL i h PTL i 1 1 log E ` e− i=1 β Vω (Si ) = lim − log EE ` e− i=1 β Vω (Si ) . L→∞ L→∞ L L d If (2.14) is valid for every vector ` ∈ R with rational coordinates ( or, in other words, for the corresponding to it unit vector `ˆ = `/|`| ), then the annealed and quenched Lyapounov norms are equal. (2.15) lim − Proof. The left hand side of (2.15) is greater or equal than its right hand side. This follows by Jensen’s inequality, since h PTL i h PTL i 1 1 lim − E log E ` e− i=1 β Vω (Si ) ≥ lim − log EE ` e− i=1 β Vω (Si ) . L→∞ L→∞ L L and by dominated convergence the left hand side of the last inequality is equal to the left hand side of (2.15). Suppose, now, that this inequality is strict. Consider, then, the function h PT i L E ` e− i=1 β Vω (Si ) h PT i, Uω (L) = L EE ` e− i=1 β Vω (Si ) and observe, that, in the case of strict inequality, a.s. Uω (L) → 0 as L → ∞, since then the numerator will decay exponentially faster than the denominator. A straightforward computation shows that the left hand side of (2.14) is equal to supL E Uω2 , and so (2.14) impies that Uω is uniformly bounded in L2 (P). It therefore follows, that EUω (L) → 0, as L → ∞. On the other hand, this is a contradiction, since EUω (L) = 1, for every L. Finally, we can combine Corollary 2.5 with the continuity of the dual norms to obtain the equality of the Lyapounov norms. 12 N. ZYGOURAS Proposition 2.17. The estimate (2.14) is valid, if the following estimate is valid h i (2) P −Φ̃β (N 1 ,N 2 ) ` 1 2 E e ; Br(N ; L) ∩ Br(N ; L) 1 2 1 2 N ,N y ,y h i < ∞. (2.16) sup sup P (2) −Φβ (N 1 ,N 2 ) ` L y1 ,y2 ; Br(N 1 ; L) ∩ Br(N 2 ; L) N 1 ,N 2 Ey 1 ,y 2 e Proof. We will establish, that the left side of (2.16) bounds, up to constants, the left side of (2.14). To this end, we restrict the expectation in the denominator of (2.14) to the paths, that belong to Br(TL1 ; L) ∩ Br(TL2 ; L), to get that this denominator is bounded below by h i X (2) 1 2 E ` e−Φβ (N ,N ) ; Br(N 1 ; L) ∩ Br(N 2 ; L) . (2.17) N 1 ,N 2 Regarding the numerator in (2.14) we have that it is bounded above by # " j P PTL X X j − j=1,2 βVω (Sij ) j j ` j i=M +1 EE e ; S 0 = M , SM j = y , for j = 1, 2 M 1 ,M 2 y 1 ,y 2 X = ³ ´ j j P ` SM · j = y , j = 1, 2 X ˆ 2 ·`≤0 ˆ M 1 ,M 2 −l1 <y 1 ·`,y " ·EEy` 1 ,y2 ≤ C3 X e − P j=1,2 · sup j i=1 βVω (Si ) # ; inf S (n ) · `ˆ > 0 j j j nj <TL ³ ´ j j P ` SM · j = y , j = 1, 2 X ˆ 2 ·`≤0 ˆ M 1 ,M 2 −l1 <y 1 ·`,y (2.18) j PTL X ˆ 2 ·`≤0 ˆ −l1 <y 1 ·`,y N 1 ,N 2 h i (2) 1 2 Ey` 1 ,y2 e−Φ̃β (N ,N ) ; Br(N 1 ; L) ∩ Br(N 2 ; L) . The last inequality is obtained in a similar fashion as the corresponding estimates at the end of Proposition 2.14: one needs to change in a deterministic fashion the end points of the trajectories in the last expectation, in order to obtain bridges of span L. The resulting constant C3 depends on β and kVω k. Since, due to the drift of P ` ´ ³ X X j j P ` SM = y , j = 1, 2 j ˆ 2 ·`≤0 ˆ M 1 ,M 2 −l1 <y 1 ·`,y is finite, we can combine the estimates of (2.17) (notice that the expectation in this relation is independent of the starting point ) and (2.18) to obtain that the left hand side of (2.16) dominates (up to constants) the left hand side of (2.14). 3. Mass Gap Estimate Let us define define the following random variables M0 := 0, η0 := 0 ˆ η1 := inf{n : Sn · `ˆ > S0 · `} ˆ D := inf{n : Sn · `ˆ < S0 · `} M := sup{Sn · `ˆ: n ≤ D} M1 := sup{Sn · `ˆ: η1 ≤ n ≤ D ◦ θη1 } LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 13 and inductively ηi := inf{n > ηi−1 : Sn · `ˆ > Mi−1 } Mi := sup{Sn · `ˆ: ηi < n < D ◦ θη }. i Proposition 3.1. Let β small enough. Then there exists ρ = ρ(λ) > 0, such that ∞ X (3.1) L: e(mB (β)+ρ)L Iβ (L) < ∞. l L∈ r1 N Proof. Let us first prove the result for the case, that β = 0. Let ρ0 > 0 to be specified later. ∞ X L : L∈ l1 r eρ0 L I0 (L) ∞ X = N L : L∈ l1 r ∞ X N k=1 ∞ X ∞ X = L : L∈ l1 r ¡ ¢ eρ0 L P ` Ir(TL ; L); TL = ηk h Pk−1 Pk E ` eρ0 i=1 (Mi −Sηi ) eρ0 i=1 (Sηi −Mi−1 ) ; N k=1 i D ◦ θη1 < · · · < D ◦ θηk < ηk−1 = TL ∞ X ≤eρ0 L : L∈ ∞ X l1 r h Pk−1 E ` eρ0 i=1 (Mi −Sηi +1) ; N k=1 i D ◦ θη1 < · · · < D ◦ θηk−1 < ηk = TL = eρ0 ∞ X k=1 (3.2) = eρ0 ∞ X h Pk−1 E ` eρ0 i=1 (Mi −Sηi +1) ; i D ◦ θη1 < · · · < D ◦ θηk−1 < ηk < ∞ h ik−1 E ` eρ0 (1+M ) ; D < ∞ . k=1 h i We now need to show that, for ρ0 small enough, E ` eρ0 (1+M ) ; D < ∞ < 1. Since for ρ0 = 0 the last quantity equals P i` [ D < ∞] < 1, it is enough to show that h ` ρ0 M for ρ0 small enough E e ; D < ∞ < ∞. To this end, we estimate the tails ¡ ¢ ` P M > x; D < ∞ . Notice, that this event implies that the walk can backtrack ˆ ]. below 0, only after it goes beyond level x, that is only after time [ x/(ê1 · `) Therefore, we have X ¡ ¢ P ` ( D = n) P ` M > x; D < ∞ ≤ (3.3) ≤ X n>[ x/( ê1 ·`ˆ) ] P ` (Sn · `ˆ < 0) < e−Cx , n>[ x/( ê1 ·`ˆ) ] where the last inequality, for some C > 0, follows from standard large deviation results. This proves that (3.2) is finite, and thus the mass gap estimate for β = 0. To prove (3.1) for arbitrary small β, we pick ρ = ρ0 /2. By Proposition 2.15, we 14 N. ZYGOURAS have that for β small enough, mB (β) + ρ < ρ0 . Using also the fact that Iβ < I0 , we have that (3.1) writes as ∞ X L: L lr 1 ∞ X e(mB (β)+ρ)L Iβ (L) < =1 L: L lr 1 eρ0 L I0 (L) < ∞, =1 by the first part of the proof. The next proposition proves the mass gap estimate for any arbitrary β. We state it in the case that `ˆ = ê1 . Proposition 3.2. Assume, that `ˆ = ê1 . Then, for any β > 0, there exists a ρ = ρ(λ) > 0, such that X (3.4) e(ρ+mB (β)) L Iβ (L) < ∞. L Proof. For the sake of this proof only, Pk` , k an integer, will denote the distribution of the random walk P ` starting from level k. That is, starting from the hyperplane {x : x · `ˆ = k}. Let us observe the walk that forms the Ir(L), until the first time it hits level L − 1. This part of the walk, (Sn )n≤TL−1 , might have break points, and let k ∈ [1, L − 1] be its first break point. In order to have an Ir(L), the walk needs to backtrack, in order to cover that break point. Based on this observation, we can write the following renewal equation Iβ (L) ≤ L−1 X ¡ ¢ Iβ (k) Pk` TL−1 < D < TL Bβ (L − k + 1). k=1 We now multiply by e(ρ+mB (β)) L and sum up the inequality in L. ∞ X e(ρ+mB (β))L Iβ (L) ≤ L=2 ∞ L−1 X X ¡ ¢ e(ρ+mB (β))k Iβ (k) eρ(L−k) Pk` TL−1 < D < TL L=2 k=1 = emB (β)(L−k) Bβ (L − k) ∞ ∞ X X ¡ ¢ e(ρ+mB (β))k Iβ (k) eρ(L−k+1) Pk` TL < D < TL+1 k=1 L=k emB (β) (L−k+1) Bβ (L − k + 1). We can now use the inequality emB (β) (L−k+1) Bβ (L − k + 1) ≤ 1, from proposition 2.14, to get the bound ∞ X e(ρ+mB (β))L Iβ (L) ≤ L=2 = ∞ X k=1 ∞ X e(ρ+mB (β))k Iβ (k) ∞ X ¡ ¢ eρ(L−k+1) Pk` TL < D < TL+1 L=k e(ρ+mB (β))k Iβ (k) k=1 ∞ X L=k ¢ ¡ eρ(L−k+1) P ` M = L − k; D < ∞ LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS and ¢ as in (3.3), we have that for ρ small enough ∞ := δ < 1. Therefore (1 − δ) ∞ X P∞ L=k 15 ¡ eρ(L−k+1) P ` M = L−k; D < e(ρ+mB (β))L Iβ (L) < δe(ρ+mB (β)) Iβ (1), L=2 thus proving our claim. 4. Markovian Structure In this section we built a Markovian structure with the purpose to formalise the notion of direction that underlies our model, and therefore make the analogy with dierected polymers [4] more transparent. The notion of direction is based on the following regeneration structure. Due to the presence of a drift, or equivalently the presence of a positive λ, the path of the walk includes points, such that after the walk hits them, it does not go below the hyperplane they belong to. In other words the trajectory of the walk consists of a union of irreducible bridges. We formalise this as follows Definition 4.1. The measure P β denotes the distribution of the Markov process ˆ τi ), with transition probabilities (S(τi ), S(τi ) · `, pβ (yi+1 , Li+1 , ni+1 ; yi , Li , ni ) := emB (β)(Li+1 −Li ) · h i ·Ey`i e−Φβ (ni+1 −ni ) ; Ir (ni+1 − ni , Li+1 − Li ), S(ni+1 − ni ) = yi+1 . Let us mention, that the notation in the above above definition would had been lighter, if we had considered, equivallently, the Markov process (S(τi ), τi )). The reason we insist in the above notation is to highlight the levels where the renewals take place. This will make things more transparent later on. The next proposition shows, that the above kernel is indeed a probability kernel. Proposition 4.2. For any β we have that ∞ X L : L∈ ∞ X l1 r h i emB (β)L E ` e−Φβ (N ) ; Ir(N ; L) = 1. N N =0 £ ¤ P∞ Proof. Consider B(L) = N =0 E ` e−Φβ (N ) ; Br(N ; L) , and decompose the expectation according to the level of the first break point. We then obtain the following renewal equation X B(L) = I(k) B(L − k). 1≤k≤L P P Define b(s) := B(L) and i(s) := L≥1 sL emB (β)L I(L), for 0 < L≥0 s e s < 1. Then the previous equation can be transformed to the equation (4.1) L mB (β)L b(s) = 1 + b(s) i(s). By proposition 2.14 P∞ we have that £b(1) = ∞, and so¤ (4.1) implies that i(1) = 1, or P∞ that L : L∈ l1 N N =0 emB (β)L E ` e−Φ(N ) ; Ir(N ; L) = 1 r 16 N. ZYGOURAS The mass gap shows that S(τ1 ) · `ˆ has exponential moments under P β . The next proposition shows that τ1 has also exponential moments. The proof follows the lines of the moment estimates of the regeneration times of random walks in random environment [3]. Proposition 4.3. For β small enough, there exists a constant c1 such that P β (τ1 > u) ≤ e−c1 u . Proof. Consider h as defined in (2.9), then µ ¶ µ ¶ h h β β β ˆ ˆ S(τ1 ) · ` > u + P τ1 > u, S(τ1 ) · ` ≤ u . P (τ1 > u) ≤ P 2 2 Regarding the first term we have that µ ¶ h i h h h ˆ P β S(τ1 ) · `ˆ > u ≤ e−ρ 2 E β eρS(τ1 )·` ≤ Ce−ρ 2 u , 2 by the exponential mass gap, Proposition 3.1. Regarding the second term we have that µ ¶ XX ∞ £ ¤ h β ˆ P τ1 > u, S(τ1 ) · ` ≤ u = 1N >u, L≤ h u emB (β)L E ` e−Φβ (N ) ; Ir(N ; L) 2 2 L N =1 X X ¡ ¢ h ≤ e 2 mB (β)u P ` Br(N, L) N >u L≤ h 2u ¡ h h ¢ ≤ e 2 mB (β)u P ` S(u) · `ˆ ≤ u 2 On the other hand Nn · `ˆ := S(n) · `ˆ − S(0) · `ˆ − Pn−1 ES` i−1 (Si − Si−1 ) · `ˆ is a P ` ¯ ¯ ˆ n−1 ·`ˆ¯ ≤ 1+h martingale. By (2.9) we have that increments of Nn ·`ˆ satisfy ¯Nn ·`−N - recall that under P ` , S(0) = 0. Moreover, on the set {S(u) · `ˆ ≤ h2 u} we have that Nu · `ˆ ≤ − h2 u. By Azuma’s inequality [1] we have that i=1 (u−2)2 ¡ ¡ h2 h h h h ¢ h ¢ e 2 mB (β)u P ` S(u)·`ˆ ≤ u ≤ e 2 mB (β)u P ` Nu ·`ˆ ≤ − u ≤ e 2 mB (β)u e− 32(1+h) u , 2 2 and this implies the result for β small enough, since mB (β) tends to 0, as β tends to 0. The following corollary generalises the mass gap estimate and it will also be usefull. Corollary 4.4. For β and θ small enough, we have that i h E β eθ|S(τ1 )| < ∞. Proof. The proof follows easily from the previous proposition and the observation that |S(τ1 )| ≤ τ1 . LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 17 5. Second To First Moment Estimate We are now moving towards the proof of the main estimate (2.16). We will need to consider two independent copies of the walks with distributions Py`1 , Py`2 . We will denote the two paths by (Sn1 ) and (Sn2 ), respectively. We denote their joint distribution by Py`1 ,y2 . These two copies will then naturally give rise to two independent copies of the Markovian process defined in Definition 4.1. We will denote this joint distribution by Pyβ1 ,y2 . Let τi1 and τi2 as defined in Definition 4.1, corresponding to the two independent Markovian copies. We then define ι1 (N1 ) := inf{n : n X τi1 ≥ N1 } i=1 ι2 (N2 ) := inf{n : (5.1) n X τi2 ≥ N2 }. i=1 and ζi1 := 1{∃j : Ir(τi1 ;`i )∩Ir(τj2 ;`0j )6=∅} . (5.2) The random variable ζi1 indicates whether the two copies intersect within an irreducible bridge. Ir(τi1 ; `1i ) will denote the i − th irreducible bridge for the first walk, and similarly Ir(τj2 ; `2j ) the j − th irreducible bridge for the second walk. Lemma 5.1. Consider two walks (Sn1 )n≤N1 and (Sn2 )n≤N2 . Let Φ̃(2) (N1 , N2 ) and Φ(2) (N1 , N2 ) as defined in Definition 2.7. Then if α(β) := 2βkVω k, we have ι(N1 ) −Φ̃(2) (N1 , N2 ) ≤ α(β) X τi1 ζi1 − Φ(2) (N1 , N2 ) i=1 L1N1 (·) L2N2 (·) Proof. Let and be the local times of the paths (Sn1 )n≤N1 and (Sn2 )n≤N2 , respectively. Let also (Vω (x))x∈Zd and (Vω0 (x))x∈Zd two independent copies of the disorder. We have by Definition 2.7 that ³ ´ X −Φ̃(2) (N1 , N2 ) = log E exp − βVω (x)( L1N1 (x) + L2N2 (x)) . x∈Zd Moreover, by adding and subtracting the term βVω0 (x)L1N1 (x), we have that ³ ´ log E exp − βVω (x)( L1N1 (x) + L2N2 (x)) ³ ´ = log E exp − β (Vω (x) − Vω0 (x))L1N1 (x) · ³ ´ exp − βVω0 (x)L1N1 (x) − βVω (x)L2N2 (x) 1 1 2 ≤ log eα(β)LN1 (x) Ee−β Vω (x)LN1 (x) Ee−β Vω (x)LN2 (x) 1 2 = α(β)L1N1 (x) + log Ee−β Vω (x)LN1 (x) + log Ee−β Vω (x)LN2 (x) , where α(β) = 2βkVω k. Repeating the same calculation with N1 and N2 interchanged we obtain that X (5.3) −Φ̃(2) (N1 , N2 ) ≤ α(β) L1N1 (x) ∧ L2N2 (x) − Φ(N1 ) − Φ(N2 ) x∈Zd 18 N. ZYGOURAS Let τi1 and τi2 be the time durations of the ith irreducible bridge for the walks S 1 and S 2 , respectively. Then we have that (5.4) X ι(N1 ) L1N1 (x) ∧ L2N2 (x) ≤ X τi1 ζi1 , i=1 x∈Zd that is, the total amount of time, that the first walk spends on sites visited also by the second walk, is bounded by the total time of the irreducible bridges of the first walk, inside which, it intersects with the second walk. The result now follows from (5.3) and (5.4). Let us point out that if ζi1 , was equal to zero for every i ≥ 1, then we see from the previous proposition, that the estimate (2.16) holds trivially. This, of course, would not be the case, and so the main point is to be able control the frequency of the event ζi1 > 0 and the exponential moments of the duration of the corresponding irreducible bridges. This is summarised in proposition 5.3, which follows. We denote first by σ11 = inf{i ≥ 1 : ζi1 > 0}, (5.5) and in a similar way we define σ12 . We will also need the following general estimate on Green’s function, which is proven in [3] Proposition 5.2. ([3]) Let p(x), x ∈ Zd a probability distribution on Zd , with covariance matrix Σp . Let pn denote the n-fold convolution of it and X X G(z) := pi (x)pj (x + z). i,j≥0 x∈Zd If d ≥ 4 and there are constants γ1 , γ2 , γ3 > 0, such that X p(x)eγ1 |x| < ∞, Σp ≥ γ2 Id x∈Zd | X xp(x)| ≥ γ3 x∈Zd then there exist constants K1 (d, γ1 , γ2 ), K2 (d, γ1 , γ2 , γ3 ), such that sup pn (x) < K2 n−d/2 x∈Zd sup (1 + |x| x∈Zd d−3 2 )G(x) < K3 It is clear that the distribution p(x) := P β (S(τ1 ) = x) is nondegenerate, so the covariance matrix satisfies Σp ≥ γ2 Id (Id is the identity matrix). Also , that P P | x∈Zd xp(x)| ≥ γ3 for appropriate γ3 , and by Corollary 4.4, x∈Zd p(x)eγ1 |x| < ∞. Therefore, the previous proposition is applicable, and this will be usefull in the following proposition. Proposition 5.3. For β small enough it holds that · ¸ α(β)τσ11 1 1; σ (5.6) sup Eyβ1 ,y2 e < ∞ < 1. 1 y 1 ,y 2 LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 19 Proof. We decompose the expectation with respect to the positions of the random walks at the beginning of the irreducible bridges, inside which they intersect. Using also the Markov property we have that · ¸ α(β)τσ11 β 1 1 Ey1 ,y2 e ; σ1 < ∞ = = (5.7) = h i 1 Eyβ1 ,y2 eα(β)τm1 ; σ11 = m1 , σ12 = m2 ∞ X m1 ,m2 =1 ∞ X X h i ¢ ¡ 1 Pyβ1 ,y2 S 1 (m1 ) = x1 , S 2 (m2 ) = x2 Exβ1 ,x2 eα(β)τ1 ; ζ11 > 0 . m1 ,m2 =1 x1 ,x2 We now use the fact, that the event ζ11 > 0 implies that τ11 + τ12 ≥ |x1 − x2 |. In other words if the walks starting at x1 , x2 intersect inside their first irreducible bridges then the total duration of these bridges has to be greater than their initial distance. Then (5.7) is estimated by -we also use the fact that τ11 and τ12 have the same distribution∞ X X β ¡ ¢ 1 2 Py1 ,y2 S 1 (m1 ) = x1 , S 2 (m2 ) = x2 e−α(β) |x −x | m1 ,m2 =1 x1 ,x2 ∞ X ≤ X h i 1 1 2 Exβ1 ,x2 eα(β)τ1 eα(β)(τ1 +τ1 ) ; ζ11 > 0 ¡ ¢ 1 2 Pyβ1 ,y2 S 1 (m1 ) = x1 , S 2 (m2 ) = x2 e−α(β) |x −x | m1 ,m2 =1 x1 ,x2 = ∞ X X h i 1 Exβ1 ,x2 e4α(β)τ1 ; ζ11 > 0 ¡ ¢ Pyβ1 ,y2 S 1 (m1 ) = x, S 2 (m2 ) = x + z e−α(β) |z| m1 ,m2 =1 x,z i h 1 β Ex,x+z e4α(β)τ1 ; ζ11 > 0 By Proposition 4.3, for β small enough, we can bound the above by ∞ X X β ¡ ¢ C Py1 ,y2 S 1 (m1 ) = x, S 2 (m2 ) = x + z e−α(β) |z| . m1 ,m2 =1 x,z Define G(z; y1 , y2 ) := ∞ X X ¡ ¢ Pyβ1 ,y2 S 1 (m1 ) = x, S 2 (m2 ) = x + z . m1 ,m2 =1 x Thus, we have obtained that h i X α(β)τσ1 1 1; σ e−α(β) |z| G(z; y1 , y2 ) < ∞, Eyβ1 ,y2 e 1 <∞ ≤ z by Proposition 5.2. Therefore we can apply the dominated convergence in (5.7) to obtain that h i α(β)τσ1 1 1; σ lim Eyβ1 ,y2 e 1 <∞ β→0 £ ¤ ¡ ¢ = Py01 ,y2 σ11 < ∞ = 1 − Py`1 ,y2 the walks do not intersect < 1, 20 N. ZYGOURAS unifromly in y 1 , y 2 , since d > 3. This clearly implies that for β small enough (5.6) is valid. We are finally ready for the proof of the main estimate. Proposition 5.4. Uniformly on y 1 , y 2 ∈ Zd and β small enough, we have that h i (2) P −Φ̃β (N 1 ,N 2 ) 1 2 ` e ; Br(N ; L) ∩ Br(N ; L) E 1 2 1 2 N ,N y ,y h i < ∞. (5.8) sup P (2) −Φβ (N 1 ,N 2 ) ` 1 ; L) ∩ Br(N 2 ; L) L E e ; Br(N 1 2 1 2 N ,N y ,y Proof. Proposition 2.14 implies that the left hand side of (5.8) is bounded by h i 2 1 2 Ey` 1 ,y2 e−Φ̃β (N ,N ) ; Br(N 1 ; L) ∩ Br(N 2 ; L) ∞ X Ce2mB (β)L (5.9) N 1 ,N 2 =1 Moreover, we have the decomposition ∞ [ Br(N j ; L) = (5.10) k=1 [ k \ [ Ir(nji ; `ji ) (`ji )i≤k (nji )i≤k i=1 `1 +···+`k =L for j = 1, 2. Using this fact, Lemma 5.1 and Proposition 2.8 (iii) we have that (5.9) (we drop the constant C) can be estimated by L h Pk 1 1 1 Ey`1 ,y2 eα(β) i ni ζi ∞ X X X X k1 ,k2 =1 (`ji )i≤kj j `1 +···+`j j =L k N1 ,N2 (nji )i≤kj j n1 +···+nj j =N j k sup j k Y Y j j emB (β)`i −Φβ (ni ) Ir(nji ; `ji ) i j=1,2 i=1 (5.11) = sup L ∞ X Eyβ1 ,y2 h e α(β) Pk 1 i j τi1 ζi1 ; k X `ji = L, j = 1, 2 i i=1 k1 ,k2 =1 Denote by σ1j = inf{i : ζij > 0}. In the case that σ11 > k 1 , the last expectation is equal to Pyβ1 ,y2 h j σ1j j >k ; k X i `ji = L, j = 1, 2 ≤ 1. i=1 So it follows that (5.11) is bounded by 1 + sup L ∞ X kj h i X Pk 1 1 Eyβ1 ,y2 eα(β) i τi ζi ; σ1j = sj , j = 1, 2; `ji = L, j = 1, 2 X i=1 k1 ,k2 =1 sj ≤kj , j=1,2 For any y1 , y2 ∈ Zd , denote by (5.12) Ψ(y1 , y2 ) := sup L ∞ X k1 ,k2 =1 Eyβ1 ,y2 h α(β) e Pk 1 i j τi1 ζi ; k X i=1 i `ji = L, j = 1, 2 LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 21 and kΨk := supy1 ,y2 ∈Zd Ψ(y1 , y2 ). Use the Markov property of the coupled measure Pyβ1 ,y2 at (s1 , s2 ) to write the expectation as ∞ X 1 + sup L h 1 Eyβ1 ,y2 eα(β)τs1 ; σ1j = sj , j = 1, 2 X k1 ,k2 =1 sj ≤kj ESβ1 (τ 1 ),S 2 (τ 2 ) [ eα(β) 1 2 s ≤ 1 + kΨk X Eyβ1 ,y2 j Pk 1 i=s1 +1 τi1 ζi ; s h α(β)τs11 e σ1j ; i j k X j `ji =L− i=sj +1 s X `ji ] i i=1 = s , j = 1, 2 sj ; j=1,2 h α(β)τ j i σ1 = 1 + kΨkEyβ1 ,y2 e ; σ1j < ∞, j = 1, 2 , where we used the fact that sup L X Ezβ1 ,z2 [ eα(β) Pk 1 i=s1 +1 j τi1 ζi ; kj ≥sj k X j `ji =L− i=sj +1 s X `ji ] = Ψ(z 1 , z 2 ). i=1 Thus we have obtained the estimate h α(β)τ j i σ1 Ψ(y1 , y2 ) ≤ 1 + kΨkEyβ1 ,y2 e ; σ1j < ∞, j = 1, 2 . Since y1 , y2 are arbitrary we have that h α(β)τ j i σ1 kΨk ≤ 1 + kΨk sup Eyβ1 ,y2 e ; σ1j < ∞, j = 1, 2 . y1 ,y2 and by Proposition 5.3, it follows that kΨk < ∞ for small enough β. This concludes the proof. Proof of Theorem 1.1. It follows from Proposition 5.4, Proposition 2.17 and Proposition 2.16. 6. Some Consequences Let us mention in this paragraph some consequences of Theorem 1.1. It is in general difficult to obtain asymptotic properties of Green’s function for random walks in a potential - not necessarilly random. As far as we know, the only case that this has been successful is the case when the potential is constant [11]. In this case it has been computed that Theorem 6.1. (Zerner) Suppose that the potential Vω is identically equal to 0 and let αλ (·), λ > 0 the corresponding Lyapounov norm. Then for x = (x1 , . . . , xd ) ∈ Rd we have that d X αλ (x) = xi sinh−1 (xi s), i=1 where s > 0 solves the equation eλ d = d p X 1 + (xi s)2 . i=1 22 N. ZYGOURAS The situation where the potential is inhomogeneous becomes much more involved. In the annealed case, one expects that the random walk behaves as if it was in a constant, averaged potential. Still, though, this correspondence is non trivial. In the low disorder regime, W.M. Wang [10] has obtained an asymptotic expansion, with respect to the disorder β, of the annealed Lyapounov norm. Using supersymmetric methods, she obtained that in the low disorder regime the annealed Lyapounov norm becomes asymptotic to the Lyapounov norm of a walk in a constant potential. Let Gλ (x, y) denote the Green’s function corresponding to a constant potential −λ. The translation of the main result in [10] is the following Theorem 6.2. (Wang) For every λ > 0 there exists a β0 , such that for 0 < β < β0 and every x, y ∈ Zd , log EGλ (x, y, ω) = log Gλ̃ (x, y) + O(γ 4 (β))(|x − y| + 1), where µ λ̃ = log ¶ 1 ẽ , 2d with ẽ := 2deλ − γ(β)E[v] − γ 2 (β)E[(v − Ev )2 ] G2λ1 (x, y) − γ 3 (β)E[(v − Ev )3 ] G3λ1 (x, y) 1 (2d eλ − γ(β)Ev) 2d and γ(β) and v defined by the relation λ1 := log β V (x) := − log(2deλ ) + log(2d eλ − γ(β) v(x)), x ∈ Zd Notice that γ(β) ∼ 0, as β ∼ 0. Moreover, the importance of the above theorem is that the expansion is uniform as |x − y| → ∞. Our Theorem 1.1 can be combined with Theorems 6.1 and 6.2 to provide an asymptotic expression of the quenched Lyapounov norms αλ (·) in the low disorder regime. Corollary 6.3. For every λ > 0, there exists a β∗ , such that for every 0 < β < β∗ αλ (x) = βλ (x) = α̂λ̃ (x) + O(γ 4 (β)), where α̂λ̃ (x) := lim N →∞ 1 log Gλ̃ (0, N x). N Finally, Corollary 6.3 in combination with Corollary of Theorem 7.2 in [10], shows that the quenched Lyapounov norm αλ can be extended as an analytic function in λ in the right half plane of the complex plane. This answers, in the case when d > 3 and β small enough, another question posed in [9]. Acknowledgement: This work was initiated when I was visiting ETH-Zurich. I am greatful to Alain-Sol Sznitman for suggesting the problem and for sharing his ideas with me. In particular, I would like to thank him for pointing out the references [3], [5] as well as the connections of these works with the present one. I would also like to thank the referee of this paper, whose remarks improved a lot its presentation. LYAPOUNOV NORMS FOR RANDOM WALKS 23 References [1] Azuma, Kazuoki Weighted sums of certain dependent random variables. Thoku Math. J. (2) 19 1967 357–367. [2] Bolthausen, Erwin; A note on the diffusion of directed polymers in a random environment. Comm. Math. Phys. 123 (1989), no. 4, 529–534. [3] Bolthausen, Erwin; Sznitman, Alain-Sol; On the static and dynamic points of view for certain random walks in random environment. Special issue dedicated to Daniel W. Stroock and Srinivasa S. R. Varadhan on the occasion of their 60th birthday. [4] Comets, Francis; Shiga, Tokuzo; Yoshida, Nobuo; Probabilistic analysis of directed polymers in a random environment: a review. Stochastic analysis on large scale interacting systems, 115–142, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 39, Math. Soc. 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