Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 131h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will destroyed be Signed: Dated: Signed: Dated: . 1.'2:5.:.5.r. (.$ . NORTHNORFOLK.p.\$rR!GTq9.~~.qI~ ~ .. . 4 .~' - -~==:-=::------f(ec;;!ved by Electoral SelVices r-----------------------------.---t---------, North Norfolk District Council Register of Members' Interests (Parish Councils) No es 26 JUN 2015 ~~II t~~:\t~i1~9RfOU\ DISTRICT COUNCIL organisations reter,,::u These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. to rather than use abbreviations or acronyms. (b) If possible please type your responses. © Where there is no interest, please write "NONE". (d) There is no need to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is information which, if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to violence or intimidation. Registered Interests Employment Sponsors (a) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation This includes membership of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. Names of people and organisations who payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: This does not include expenses paid by the Authority but does include payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union. (i) my appointment with the Authority; or (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my duties for the Authority: i' Shareholdings Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital Contracts Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ...QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, .Q! a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director .Q! a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. Land and Property Address or description of the following: This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also includes land held in trust for you. (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. .a.. 3 f~.... ~~ t.ns . ~tl.. ~~Ib (k. ·....~.,....,..c~ "'.!2. II .f c:Q.j (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. I\J "L. 2 If necessary, in order to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups These include: I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13th July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. ~Il. Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13th July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed Nli.. 3 Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. Nil. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period wihich add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide 1h on the 13 July wihether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed Signed: Dated: . '. . Received by the 11)I11Q.l:l~ ...~h~\lQl-"~ .. IIk. . .QiI r-v: st.r.jGt-Jb-e~'*'---------.. Signed: Dated: NORTH NORFOLK. D.l.S.T.R!.QI G.oPN.GI.~ .. . ... t\ \I I "'\ ?n1~ 4 '~ .....'1.' North Norfolk District Council Register of Members'lnterests ---- Name: .. .f~r{£~, ...J) 1+.(/ .1]) .. ...~ r9 '( ... These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. Registered Interests Employment (a) Any employment, office. trade. II profession or vocation I l N°rJe Sponsors Names of people and organisations who payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: (i) my appointment with the Authority: or (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my duties for the Authority: _ _ _ _ _ _ _.c-- .. ! -.--.....-L I ! ._j IsI~:=gsTames of any company 0' othe, body which has a place of business 0' owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25.000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital I I I I I jV6"tJ? I I I ! I I i ~contractS---r-contraCtSwith the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ...QI.. a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ~ a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director ~ a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholdinq as defined above I \ , J1 10 IU IL I Iv ! I I -~ List contracts Wllich are for goods. services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. i I II I I I ii I Land and Property __ I Address or description of the following: (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. I Council's area I j'Jof\lt This is wiele enough to include you: houses. flats and moorings. It also includes lane! held in trust for you. If necessary. in order to clearly identitv your Jand. a plan should be attached ecJ0in9 it in reel. i I II'ibl Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I lor my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. I _ _ _ _ _-.1. 2 .­ © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups These include: I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth. Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. '-. \ Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: 3 These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the vaiue of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'h July whether these will fonn part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed :'6~t~~~' , f ~.' .'r:.' .(ii;jY · z:~} . s: ..".,'.'..:. Received by the N9'r.1I::l. ... h~~l+k-Q.iE~~7et:Iftei+-------'~- . . ...... Signed: ,.. ,., Dated: , ., NORTH. • r. N.ORF01K 'O'I,$T~!GIGQ.~~Nql.~ ..,.. "., ' -s n II IN 2015 -&; ­ 4 .. North Norfolk District Council Register of Members' Interests . .. ... i . _~~_~. II Name: iL_. Notes .__. . . •i to rather than US[l abbreviations or [ acronvrns. i I (a: Please state In i I fuillhe names of any ; I organisations referred I I i ;I These are the interests which you are required to ! register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism I Act 2011 I. lit is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to I disclos~ a registerabl~ inter~st.within 28 days of taking offlc~ With the AuthOrity or Within 28 days of declaring a new Interest at a meeting. 'I' l You must register your interests and interests of your I spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live I as a spouse or civil partner. .. I . I I I I ! (bl If possiote please I i© '.jIJhel·e ther e .s no I type your responses. I int·~res1. please write "NONE". I i I (cl) There IS no need to register "sensitive into.mat.on" provtdec I the Authoritvs I Moniloring bflic",r i agrees. ·Sensltive information is I iniormation whicn. if rnace public. could leild to vou or a person connected to you being subjected to violence or in: irnidatlon l ! I I Ii Registered Interests j Employment I I --_._.. . I This includes -~_.-t--::~--_._- ;' (a) Any employment, office, trade. . profession or vocation ! _--~_.-1 i membership of orne. I . pLlIJliC bodies. company oirectorships or trusteesruus etc but onlv if you receive I payment 01 other gale, : liilclucJinq expenses) i jll return ~ I Ii I 1 r I I I I I l-----.-J . ! Names of people and organisations who payor Sponsors , have paid or given a financial benefit towards I I I (i) my appointment with the Authority: or 1 Tllis does not jn.dU(~I:­ ~xpense~:; pak! ov tlv? '\ulllonty but does. ir:t.:lucle pavrneru Dr lif':.1IlClcil benefit 1:'0111 =: 'f ra~h.~ U~ !ic·1l (ii) The expenses I incur in carrvinq out my duties for the Authority: ._! I --l i I, ! i i I I ---~----~-'-l , Shareholdings Pli--:-:-------=-------------,------,---:-~ Names of any company or other body which ! I has a place of business or owns land in the I North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone 1 class of share capital j j I I ! i i 1 i :1 I 1 I I -----· h Contracts : -~---~---,-,---------i--..,.·--,·-------,-,--,.-':-·-·, J I j....- - - - - - , : Contracts with the North Norfolk District ' contracts whlcn [' I Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ....QL a : ~re :,~r gO~dS ., I f . ' hI( " . e r . l c e s 0, WO, ks D~ . Inn In whic or my spouse or partner) IS a not list contracts business partner, ..Q!: a company of which I (or Wllicl1 have been I my spouse or partner) am a director ...2.!: a completed. company or other body in which I (or my spouse I or partner) has a share holding as defined above ",I I_ i ',I 1~ hU 1\Vt t'\ff'I..,\~., ,4t,qt l)~ ~~g -r'otk (A. l'OlJlt ~v~ fpf~ ~r-y fJ ~ 1ry1~0)~) I I I Land and Property i i This Address or description of the following: wiele enoucn ;, to incluoe .vour : houses. flats and . moorings, Ii also Includes lund Ilelel in (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest ~~ ~ __. IS : t~)r I 'I I ' you. (~~ if rk;,:8,.SS<lIY, in order j... t.\~ '- ~NY(. ~ ~ K .:0 CI(~3r1'/ IdGllWy J'0\J~ 'l ~ ~ \oJ})" 1" ((,v.\~ '01;.. \11 "'\)A f~1 ~1l16~ Nt!) f'J~rt 4'io; //- ialld. IJ plan should Je 3"<1::"",d '2(igH'9 It ,n r~l:j (b) Premises let by the Authonty to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above, I , i ' __ . . L - , _ I L . . I -' © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: J ~Vi A J-1 l-tlffl. ~F 'lUI f1 f.fr671' f- t Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: 3 These include: • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 131h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed . --. Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: : This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. , These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'h July whether these will fonn part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed ., 'Signed: Dated: ............ . ............................ .l. ............................................................. Received by the North Norfolk nie::tri,.,t ··NORTHNORFOLKDlSIRICICOUN,C.I.L... Signed: ........... Dated: ............ ............................................................ _ 'Z ~ .1 ",\ ?n1~ JV'" 4 ............... . .............. - \ . ~.. r ---'-' -, " -;~' ." .:. .!,. INorth Norfolk District Council Register of ---:--------: I. Mem bers' , I I I I i I_r:!t~.~st~. . Name. _.. _ _ . . ._. __ l_~_~!~~ __. . _] i I (al _.................... Please slate in 'I fUll the names of any ; organisations referred to rather than use abbreviations or I acronyms i These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking, office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. I I (bl I If possible please type your responses. I© i I I I \j\jhere there is no interest. please write "r·JOi'JE·'. I I (eli T~ere:s no need , to reg,slel ' intonnauon" provitled \ the, Author;I!', Monitoring Office, 1 agrees. "Sensuive inlcnn8tion'1 is inicrmanon which, il lll iJde public, could lead to you or a person connected to you [Jeing subjected to violence or mtirnidation. I You must reqister your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. ! 'I I i i , Employment Registered Interests f (a) Any employment, office, trade. i I I, No t'se. CLeaner C 0 l'Yl(f}erc tal I ; 1 -L--_--------------.-.-: , This includes : , profession or vocation I I i membership of 011181 ' public bodies. company dlr'3clorships or trusteeships etc: but only it you receive I pavmelll or Olivo" oaiC! I I ;ncluding expensesj ! ill ~8turn. I I I Ir-------T ';-N-a-m-e-s-o---:-f-p--e-o-p-'--Ie-a-n"'"'d-o-r-g-a-n'-is-a-ti-o-n-s-w-'--h-o- pa y or I I Sponsors I ! have paid or given a financial benefit towards: i j (i) my appointment with the Authority: or uc -TTt1iSdOes 11ot-lnci l,?' --­ i expenses paid b',' \1:;0 I AUlhori:y but (toes I ll1clude pcP/ment or I rLr1f\l)cicd bf~ne/lt lrCnl"i ,:1 I I L (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my duties for the Authority: _ Tra':Js !...}:W:H~ r- I i ! I I i Shareholdings[ Names of any company : or other body -WhiCil---T-·--------------------j i has a place of business or owns land in the iI North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I i · . have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital ! I I I II I ! II ! I I I I I i ! I I"Contracts L_____ I I I i ---------1--------------.. -------1 ; Contracts with the North Norfolk District : List com-acts which ! I Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) or a ille tor oooos, . ! r firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a :;l~~·;:~~~(~:(~~~~~S Dc> I business partner, ..QI a company of which I (or wnich have been I my spouse or partner) am a director pj a completed. I company or other body in which I (or my spouse I or partner) has a shareholding as defined above _ I i I I I I I Land and Property . , ! : I -----------·----------·---------1 Address or description of the following: . (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. s fllis j. IS wide enouon ~o tnclu(li~\ your I Il\JU.sB:;,. l!;J(S and .noconqs. 11 d!SO includes land helel in trusi for you. -r~U(}C~ R. oa.cL vn Ur»es I e~ f'J~ (f 8'3v , I .!, It necessruv. in order to cltlarl/ identIfy YOU" .and. a rlcll) .;;hOLjld ')8 11iI8(118-:1 "'.1gi,],J it -n re~J. (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. I ! \ L. . I 1 © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups These include: I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'" July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. R. ofl1b/e rs A S50 cta1to{7 Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: rn cJneksle::) f Ja-~e';S M vnJes}e'6 re s'= (~ I. 3 These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed " , " Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in you r capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add.up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide 1h on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed sjgne Dated ···················..· , lj Received by the~N~ortC1!tlhll::J.QJj;QJt~llI:i.lj",C;"O'UwL~ Signed: Dated: , .. --. NOHTH ·NORF.OlKDISTR.ICT .cOUNCIL.. . '4 ~ JUl\I LU IJ 4 .,' . ,", ',' . ,\ ..~ "', ",:' ,"i'-7 ;'\ ~-) .~ .:.), I North Norfolk District Council Register of 1_ I ME:mb~!_~~.~.!erests I Name: C.Hl\\Sw.P~I;R .. R.o.~'N- i . p ._LNot_~~ . I (a, I I 0..'1.~.I.=-..:... I I Please stale in full the names of any ; organisations referred I to rather than use I abbreviations or acronyms. I 'I i These are the interests which you are required to I register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism I (bl If possible please ; I Act 2011 jtype your responses. \ I I If, i : It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. Where 1I1Ele IS ' no I interest. please write I 'NC'i'JE". I I (el) ThE!I'e is no neerl ' to reqister "sensuive I illformalion' providec l he Authoritv's j Monitoring Oliicel You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. aorees ~~11'" "S'IFitiv" "~~.'" I inlormation information wluch if public, could I macle leml 10 you or ,I 1 I 0. .... IS person connected to you beinq subjected to violence or imimldation. I I \ I • L .Beglstered Interests I Employment· - i-(aj Any employment, office, trade, orolession or vocation ' !I I I , -----~,----_._-_._--~_._- ._.) ; Ttusincruces .' i i membership of oiho: I public bodies. i company oireciorsnips (.1 , uusteesrups etc but ! only it vou receive ; i~a:/rne~li or other gaiq : 1:;1elueJlng expenses) in return. I i I I 'I· I ! I I I I I I I ! ! ,--~-------i" I I Sponsors I ! Names of people and organisations who payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: : (ii . '-ri Yhi s (Joe'3noti7ic;iuc!!?'-­ my appointment with the Authority; or 'I ·.~xpenS2~3 pald by nl'~ Aulhonlv bul does i mclude pa'/fllt3nt or iinanci;:d benefit irom :t r rade Urw.:,n 1 Oi) The expenses I incur in carrying out my . . duties for the Authority: I I --------------------------------------------, ---r------------------··--1 I I Shareholdings i I I i I I ~----_._--_.- i Contracts I I I I C:;R.f"l'5S II BEACH [ II \-\L.I\. I' ! i I ~and-and--"--' t Address or description of the following: I Property ·-----·--fhTs-\s'~vi d i ' u,... FSLE"7 (a) Premises In the North Norfolk District _. . II~u.~c..l-\l'=a..s.~u,,;..council's area which are owned or leased or I i'1L1I-II)ESLf.=-- -I i in which there is another beneficial interest. CI:;.r,~d.. l-.A~ll) A7 Hd..t: FAl2.h .1'1f-l-./i;tP5L/?j. HIJ.../..... i~f)l2.n lIoJS/;. I HA IJE-f./ /...O!:>C7E-l \I IS 1,012 flAil Joo~. 1~1U"'/9GSl.-G7 l1I2.wt;. j;~~r<.; (bi SoLim C;v':;-l2 1-/(f:nT/-f ! i :-0 ~:I!:-~~Hly \c!en1Ih YOt::" .311(:. ~l p1E!l1 shoui.J .J8 aitJ(!lfld e(i'~H!'11: ·n f8'~"J. i . P"AIUG-r=. . C/I t'dl'l VI'/'-I : A'l~ <;;.HOPPEeS 10 include your houses. flats and moorinqs. It also includes .anct held in trust for you. !! (l •.?cessary. in order 13tZ7Ct<-, if.. hilL S i e "(;rlc;Ugr;---'-l . Premises let by the Authority to a firm or : company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is A.1'1f'./13-.' a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. _~ "2 !: . _ - _ . _ - - - I 1 ~. © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups Clubs and Societies These include: I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 131h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the. information will be destroyed. I am a member of these clubs and societies: 1'1 U NVS.S. LF- 'i ::r..~SHCf2G ~(FE:: t5oAT. 3 These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed oj..,"",. if.~~.' I Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the value of the aift or hospitality, pleas-e estimate it. Also, you should .register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide 1h on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed . .·..· .·.. . . . . . . . .... . Signed ...... Dated: .....................;<........ Received by the TOllI ......................................... ''lUllulrUlstnct Council NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Signed: ............ ........................................................... Dated: ............. ~ ............... ........ 'ii' JUN' ·10'15······· ............................ ... 4 . '. c : "I.... " ,". .­ i f: 'f"'" ..•.. • \ I North Norfolk District Council Register o-f------------­ ! I Members' Interests i Notes I--~----- -----------­ I Name: I I (a) Please stare In I fuil the names 0: any I organisations referred I to rather than use i These are the interests which ! register with I Act 2011 I you are required to the Authority by section 30 of the Localism abbrevlations or Ii acronyms. I i . (bJ It possible please I (G:' '0Ihere there IS no I type your responses. lit is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a I new interest at a meeting. I i I You must register your int~rests and interests of your I spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live I as a spouse or civil partner. I I I I Registered Interests I Any employment, office. trade. profession or vocation I EmpToym~T (a)II I I I interest. please write I "NONE". I (en I I ~s There no need 10 r'3glster 'senSIIi'/e informEltion" provldeo the. AUlhorit.y'S Monitoring Officer I! acrees.: "Sensitive I inlonnation is , intormation which, it milcle public. could lead to 'Iou or a person connectecllO you being subjected to violence or intimidation. I i i . ._J ; Tnls includes : ! membership 01 other t pubi«; bodies, [\ companv directorships or i trusteeships etc but l oniy if you receive pavrneru 0, other gail (including expenses) 111 return. ! I· \ I I I i I ! I I I I ~---------II-f\James of people Sponsors I I and organisations who payor : have paid or given a financial benefit towards: I I Tilis does not incluc!ti--' expenses paj(J by lhp. Autnontv [lilt coos , ~(lctudE' pavrnent or I fin,lncicll benefit trom ' J ~: T ~ade U:ll0fl I (i) my appointment with the Authority: or I , (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my. ; duties for the Authority: 1---[ 1-.---------1 ! ! , ~._---_._. IShareholdings·t--'-N-a-m-e-s-o-'--fa-l-1y-co-m-p-a-n-y-o-ro-t-h-e-r~body which I __._._.~ I I 1 i has a place of business or owns land in the II\Jorth Norfolk District Council's area and in which 1, 1 have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25.000 or are more than 1°{, of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital I I " iI i I I I I I i I \ , I I I I I I II I I J I Contrac's-- \.. _. . . __ ~ \ _J __ 1 - _ _ _ Contracts with the North Norfolk District :! contracts whien i Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ..Q!:.. a <Ire lor goods i firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a Do [ business partner. ...QI a company of which I (or j which have been I i comoleteo i my spouse or partner) am a director ...QI a company or other body in which I (or my spouse I or partner) has a shareholding as defined above i ;~~~~:~~~(~~t~~;~;~S I I I I I I [ II . I i 1 h=-and anci---- Address or description of the following: . I Property : (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or In which there is another beneficial interest. -----;Ti)fs-,s;;..~:cie I 81l0l:gF''''j to Illclucle your houses. [I;lls and moorings. It also mcludes i<ll~c: held ill trust for ~/OU. !f neCt~Ssclry. I in on,!.;:! I -0 ck~ar"i iclcnttry ~iGU: 'and, 8 plan shou«! be G.~18CileQ t.'c!'Jlni.] :l :r1 r .?<'j I (b) Premises let by the Authorrty to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a snareholdinq as defined above. / rJOr!'" L .... _ . ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ___,_-_ .) i __L ..__~ ... I I " •'''' © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. It)'iJ »lVI ew 1'-1 u.I1' 0 (;0 Nfl· If Lobby Groups ,lo JLC-I S'.D~ These include: I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: , ~e11VI • • political parties . bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. 1 "re! ' C~~.p11 Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: 3 These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed !-~ .. ~- .... 4. " Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from Ihe same source over a short period which add up 10£25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'hJuly whether these will fonn part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed Signe Dated: . \K':':.~.·:-:.'..S . Received by the ~diC~'J:1tl, ... "'~~~~~~~:rr'TCr------, """ .1 Signed: Dated: ...... .NO'RTH.NO.RF.O~K..O!$T.8.1.Q.T.9.q~~I.~~~~ .. .., Q . .\UN "LU \J 4 .. .. ,',;, North Norfolk District Council Register of Members'lnterests Name: 'D~~.\.~§ :'R~.~ . These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. © Where there is no interest, please write "NONE". (d) There is no need to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is information which, if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to violence or intimidation. Registered Interests Employment (a) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation K\)I\d.€S\~ ~Lei S:.\-.ooi Tec.c~~ Sponsors ~~~. Names of people and organisations who payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: (i) my appointment with the Authority; or (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my duties for the Authority: 1 This includes membership of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. This does not include expenses paid by the Authority but does include payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union. ( .. .Bhareholdinqs " , Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital ~Q\Q Contracts Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ..QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ...Q!: a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director jg a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. N~ Land and Property Address or description of the following: Premises in the North Norfolk District (a) Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. ~c.~ ~O crffiI\.Qs This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also includes land held in trust for you. If necessary, in order to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. ea. N\~ ~R1l <&1)5 Premises let by the Authority to a firm or (b) company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. ~ 2 > .' '\ North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. © NoN>­ Lobby Groups I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: mAt\CH . ~~S~ {\cblcn ~a- , ClA..rcUcLC ~kU Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: N~ 3 These include: ·· political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond, The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the , register. If not the ,. information will be destroyed, These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond, The Authority will decide on the'13,h July . whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed .,., . :;, '.~ Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: ~_., This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed 6~t~~~ Received by the Signed: ........... Dated: ............ .·.·.·.·.·.·.· ......:...........................................................:. d~""h nictrif't Co: moil .. No.RIH.N.oRFo.LKDISTRICT.COUNC~L·· . .............. ......................................................... . .............. "} Q 111111 .. " ... ... ..., \lVI'4 LUIJ 4 \ North Norfolk District Council Register of ! Members' Interests i 1- Name: I 1 organisations referred I These are the interests which you are required to I register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism ! Act 2011 I Notes ---------.. . ~~I~~:~~~~~~l~;~~~--·-] .~f2:#\_._.$__r~~.S.()..... _........... I It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting_ I I , (bl It possible please I type your responses I© I Where there is no iruercsr. please write I "NONE'. (el) There is no !leed to rGgisler "sensitive inlorrnauon" provideo the Authority's Moniloring, Officer aqrees. "Sensitive I irf onnatioo ' is inlorrnation which, it \ made public. could leaci to you or a person connected to you being subjecteo to violence or intimidation 'I I You I i I )10 rather than LIse abbreviations or acronyms. must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. I I I I I i I I I Registered Interests I Employment _of -(a) Any employment office, I \ profession or vocation I I !I I I I trade. ! This includes i membership of other public bodies. company I directorships or : trusteeships etc but I C'/1[y if you receive payll1ent 0' other gain lii1clu(lin~! expenses} in return. i i I I , I ' I I I I I : , ' I ! , ~ i I i I I i I , _ ~----·T Names of people and organisations who payor Sponsors have paid or given a financial benefit towards I I I I ! I (i) my appointment with the Authority: or I I not inclll(i<~--' I This cJu-es p(ll(i by i '~xpense~3 Authonty but tl·ll~ noes ! wIi;llIde payment or ;in.Jnc181 b~nefit iro.» ,) Trade U!):Gn I .> (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my duties for the Authority: I ____________.i t:' \ ,------------r ------~-----------------------------------'l , I I ! ; i --i-~------------1 I -L-:--_ _----,­ Shareholdings I Names of any company or other body which i has a place of business or owns land in the i North Norlolk District Council's area and in which : I have shares or other securities with a nominal , value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1a.~ of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital i I \ I I ------- - r-Contracis with -theNorth-NOrlOlkDi-strict------·--- -,Jst co;rtracts-~\lhlc,i Ifr--:--Contracts ! Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) or a : i 1 , . - firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ..Qi a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director..Qi a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a share holding as deiined above are lor goods, <'"'rvlces 0' works Do ;'1;\ list'c~r~t;Clc;~ whicb have been completed. I I I / i 1 I i I , : Landand----~-lAddress or description of the followTri~cl-:------j--fhis \~lde enclUgh----j IS ! (0 '''Gluel,') you, Property , (a) Premises in the North Norlolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. ~ct SEA\h0-J , nousa::., flats ailel , I moorings. 1\ also Includes l,u,,1 hetel in .rust lor :lDU. I: n;:~cessary. ((O~ in cr.Icr \0 C\~j,:lrl~; identIfy yOU' 1 laneL £1 plan should be auacnert ,~:f!9i!'1'J It jV\.u1\Jk~~ (b) Premises let by the Authonty to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholdinq as defined above. . I I I i L~_ ._ ., :-­ L ---'I \, • © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups Clubs and Societies These include: I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the mtorrnation will be destroyed. I am a member of these clubs and societies: MUI~:SL~ ~ G:fSPON~~~ 3 Gifts and Hospitality This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of . the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed .. Signed: Dated: . .. Received by the N rth Norfolk District Council .. Signed: Dated: . I .. NORTH NORFOLK DISTRiCT COUNCIL .' 1 2.9.'JUN.Z01S 4 .. . 'r: l . -------------------------------.---------~ I I North Norfolk District Council Register of I Meml?ers' !!It_e_re_s_t_s_. _ I Name: .c.,t(,1/!!C?f'.(~~/!. t:'Y.~:!.~ Notes -,.---.,.----;- i --j (a) Please state in I lull the names 01 any organisations reterred I to rather than use , ! abbreviations 01 I acronyms. I . These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism Act2011 ! (b) II possible please Iype your responses. (l~ Where there is no interest. please write ·NONE··. It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. (d) There is no need to register 'sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is I information which, if made public. could I, lead to you or a 'I person connected to you being subjected to violence or I intimidation. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. i Registered Interests Employment --+ T(3)" I Any employment, office, trade. profession or vocation I I AVJil1,/l 1V :I AV J "111/,14 wE="'# {o/7f'~' ,LV/Nt:!J CeJ/7I'AI\." c 1" / "11 ! ---iI I his .ncruoes rnernoership of other : I i public bodies, I company ! directorships or : I trusteeships etc bllt only If you receive pavrnent or other g11111 I (including expenses) ; I . I 111 return. iI i I I i I I Sponsors I I , I ! ! Tilis elo,3snoITr"lcluele-1 expenses paid I)y tile I Authority !)ut does mclude payment or financia! benefit Irom il Tracie Union Names of people and organisations who payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: (i) i ; my appointment with the Authority; or (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my duties for the Authority: I II l,_ _ ~ I -l f .s I ' L Shareholdings ;-------;-;-:-:---+-:--,---------,-------------,------:--,------,---,---,----1-------- I I I Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25.000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone I class of share capital I 1< I ~1/ crIJ I'l.. C. J l (I '1"pJ 1511!V1I /' t: C I I I L-----------f-----.---------------,------------+---,--,-----~~_____! List contracts which I Contracts with the North Norfolk District I Contracts · II I I I I I Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) .sr. a I firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a I business partner, ..Q!: a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director..Q!: a company or other body in which I (or my spouse I or partner) has a shareholding as defined above are for goods. services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. \ I I I I I I I f Landan;r---hAddress or description of the following :. Property I l I (a) \ I Council's I ! I ii' I Premises in the North Norfolk District area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. g' C'.jj u(l tlJ /..-4 IV1;' I7v/IIOc1t.. 67 IVIIII ({/Jv I I l If necessary, in order to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached ec:ging it in red. I I II ! I iI This is wide enough to include your houses. flats ano moorings. It atso includes land held in trust for you. I (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or I, company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is ! a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. I L ~--_._~ 2 '", ,.... . © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups (10'11)1 • • /IVJ"717tl~/()A/ C I-J. & fl?~/k'" Clubs and Societies These include: I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: IJf /'~IlV6Y(Jt'l./ I am a member of these clubs and societies: political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance. etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13th July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed , 3 . Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts trom the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed . . ~~t~~~: ..· / Received by the ~ ioned: S gned Dated: . ':. u 'VI I V I " UI::>uICI ouncil NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL .. ,. .. o"'ii ','N' 7n1~· .. ·.. ·.. ·.. · ·.. ·.. ······ .. 4