12 15 1 5 Freshfields E 6 25 ANDREW'S 1 Sub Sta El CL Nous Chez 4 29.77m BM 29.4m Chapel 48 9 Ashdown 1 4 Sunholme Greenview Eastview 3 Greenacre Manor Farm Tennis Court Garage 5 The Hoppits Cottage p 16 7 25.3m d's har Orc End The House 1 rd Ashfo The Old 4200 Rise Larks Bakehouse Burnside tts The Coach House Rest Based on the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of HM Stationery Office. (C) Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. OS Licence No. 100018623 Millstone Moonraker Mill Thwaite Hill Cottage The Croft 6396 FB Mill Aldborough 6503 Drain 6981 h (u Pat m) Cottage Alice Lamberts 7200 NE LA 7200 EL AP Th e Ros y Rosebank 25.7m ar M DLE ID Meadow Flushing N L HIL Villas Temperance Carlton W M side BM Hill 26.35m iddl e ta ge Cot ay 26.9m Cottage Rose 8300 8300 8639 Dormond 25.6m BM 28.63m N Approximate Scale 1:5000 Plantation Mill Well CH Manor Cottage © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. 6185 Def Pond FB se Ro w alo ng Bu The Bays Well m) th (u Pa Lodge Thurgarton 8858 Drain © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Approximate Scale 1:5000 This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Drain Veksebo Tennis Court The Granary Grans Hideaway Haven Drain The Barn Arandora rch Chu Quaills 618900 Please note:- The Proposals Maps are updated on adoption of each Development Plan Document, some ‘designations’ are liable to change and it is recommended that you check the latest position with the Council. Drain Saplings Path (um) Aldborough Starlight side en re G Seefeld Amarante Springfield Manor Farm 28.9m Aldborough This map should be read in conjunction with the North Norfolk Core Strategy. Further information can be found on the Council’s LDF website - www.northnorfolk.org/ldf. GP phs Perro Aldborough ad Jose Me St ge Cricketers Centre Community Riverside Surgery 6758 in Doctors Corner Room Church s e Fir Th The Old Red Lion Apple Cotta PO Pp FB 5758 7264 ge 333700 Plumtree House Doctors Lodge Based on the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of HM Stationery Office. (C) Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. OS Licence No. 100018623 5 New inds dew Tra Stone Cottage Aldborough Green House Orchard Pond 6172 Def Old School Cottages Please note:- The Proposals Maps are updated on adoption of each Development Plan Document, some ‘designations’ are liable to change and it is recommended that you check the latest position with the Council. les 4200 8 Stab 26.5m DOW 'S MEA PIPIT Penfold Lumley The Haven Play Area ge ge Cotta Cotta Manor Rose ge ry Cotta Old Bake House John Brown's Longsto 3100 Cottage Bakehouse Welcome The Thatched Gallery 33 BM 28.35m 28.7m GP TCB 1 Heartsease Antares Rosebank Glanville The Chalet House 1 Chesterfield x Prince The PH St Anne's House Spring Drain ne Andrews ry House Tanne Jaymar 27 Beech Cottage 17 2 PRINC Longacre ns 0037 13 RO AD The Path (um) 11 4 17 TO N UR G AR 30 Abbotswood TH 3 Two Oaks CLOSE WAY LILLY 10 ET Stone House Cot tage This map should be read in conjunction with the North Norfolk Core Strategy. Further information can be found on the Council’s LDF website - www.northnorfolk.org/ldf. Path (um) The Birches House nd Greystones Po 12 GAR MAR SCHOOL ROAD ma 10 inia TINKERS 1 1 6 BM 28.25m 1 House 32 Meadow 4 The Grange 2 5881 Drain Thurgarton Drain ge Dra Rest Cotta Co tta ge Drain en Drain w Old 1 Ro k 2 Virg oo 3 tbr CS Wes 40 5 7 tta Idunno Drain The Haven nta tion e An ge in tta Dra Th Def Th Co Pla ap Br Mill Ch ett's 6 Corp/Ald Map.indd 2 5 e Co Drain HARMER'S LANE 1 9 CS Track Path 2 334900 PROPOSALS MAPS Proposal Map No. 16 of 24 618100 NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Local Development Framework Published September 2008 18/9/08 15:02:17 This Nor sec This Nor sec Pate provid cop writt This Nor sec Pate provid cop writt