International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 5 - Apr 2014 Design and Simulation of I2C bus using Verilog G.KrishnaKishore#1, 1 Asst.Professor in VBIT K.Shruti#2, 2 B.TECH student in VBIT Abstract: The paper mainly focuses on to “Design and Simulation of I2C Bus Protocol” which allows faster devices to communicate with slower devices and leads communication with each other over a serial data bus. I2C bus require less wiring, few connection pins and less number of traces required on printed circuit boards. M.Varsha#3 3 B.TECH student in VBIT I2C devices available today support 400Kbps operation. High speed operation may allow I2C to keep up with the increasing demand for bandwidth in multimedia and other applications. Index terms: I2C Bus, master, slave, verilog, Finite state machine I. INTRODUCTION I2C Bus provides communication between system processor and peripheral devices. It is used to minimize system-level hardware. Data transfer over I2C bus will improve system performance since the transmission of digital data is much less susceptible to interference from environmental noise sources. II. SPECIFICATIONS The I2C Bus is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus that provides a simple and efficient method of data transmission over a short distance between many devices. I2C provides good support for communication with various slow, on-board peripheral devices. I2C bus is considered to be simple, with low-bandwidth and it is a short distance protocol.. I2C also links multiple devices together. I2C comprises two signals namely serial data (SDA) and serial Clock (SCL). The device which initiates a transaction on the I2C bus is termed the master. A device being addressed by the master is called a slave. Master controls the clock signal. The I2C protocol supports multiple masters and multiple slaves. Masters and Slaves can receive and transmit data bytes. Standard I2C devices can operate up to 100Kbps, where as fast-mode devices operate up to 400Kbps. The ISSN: 2231-5381 Figure 1: I2C bus configuration III. FEATURES I2C requires has only two bus lines; a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). Devices that are connected to the bus are software addressable with unique addresses. It is a true multi-master bus which overcomes collision detection and arbitration to prevent data corruption if two or more masters simultaneously initiate data transfer. Serial, 8-bit oriented, bidirectional data transfers can be made at up to 100 Kbit/s in the Standard-mode, up to 400 Kbit/s in the Fast-mode, up to 1 Mbit/s in Fast-mode Plus. Serial, 8-bit oriented, unidirectional data transfers up to 5 Mbit/s in Ultra Fast-mode. On-chip filtering rejects spikes on the bus data line to preserve data integrity. The number of ICs that can be connected to the same bus is limited only by a maximum bus capacitance. More capacitance may be allowed under some conditions. IV. PROTOCOL OF I2C Physically, the I²C bus consists of the 2 active wires SDA and SCL and a ground connection. The active wires are bi-directional. The I2C protocol specification states that the IC that initiates a data transfer on the bus is considered the Bus Master. Consequently, at that time, all the other ICs are considered to be Bus Slaves. Page 244 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 5 - Apr 2014 the RW bit. Every slave in the system is assigned a unique address such that, no two slaves in the system can have the same address. Only the slave with an address matching with the one transmitted by the master will respond by providing an acknowledge bit in return by pulling the SDA low at SCL clock cycle. Figure 2: I2C bus connected between 2 devices. SDA, SCL connected through pull up resistors. A standard communication consists of four parts: START signal generation Slave address transfer Data transfer STOP signal generation DATA-TRANSFER:-Once the successful slave addressing has been achieved, the data transfer can proceed on a Byte-by-byte basis in the direction specified by the RW bit sent by the master. Each transferred byte is followed by an acknowledge bit on SCL clock cycle. If the slaves access NEG-Acknowledge, the master can generate a STOP signal to stop the data transfer and start a new transfer cycle. If the master, as the receiving device, does not acknowledge the slave, the slave releases the SDA line for the master to generate a STOP or Repeated START signal. START signal: - When the bus is free/idle, it means no master device is engaging the bus where both SCL and SDA lines are high. A master can initiate a data transfer by sending a START signal. A START signal, usually represented by S-bit, which is a high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL is high. The START signal denotes the beginning of a new data transfer. STOP signal: - The master terminates the communication by generating a STOP signal. A STOP signal, usually represented by P-bit, which is a low-tohigh transition of SDA while SCL is at logic‘1’. Figure 4: I2C Data transfer Figure 5: I2C Data Format Figure 3: START/STOP conditions SLAVE ADDRESS TRANSFER: - The first byte of data transferred by the master immediately after the START signal is called the slave address. This is a seven-bit address followed by a RW bit. The data transfer direction to the slave is signaled by ISSN: 2231-5381 V. FINITE STATE MACHINE Design of an I2C bus involves the usage of a Finite State Machine (FSM). We can easily implement FSM using Verilog in this paper. Page 245 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 5 - Apr 2014 A finite state machine is a sequential circuit that uses a finite number of states to keep track of its history of Operations, and based on this history and its current Inputs, it determines what to do next. Input output States SIMULATION RESULTS current excitation Next state logic State Memory Register state state Output Control Logic Clock Figure 7: Master-Slave top RTL Schematic Figure 6: Block Diagram of FSM VI. RESULT ANALYSIS The I2C bus protocol is designed using verilog and implemented in Xilinx_ISE_DS_Win_13.2_O.61xd.0.0. The device utilization summary is given below: Device Utilization Summary (estimated devices) Logic Utilization Number of Slice Registers Number of Slice LUTs Number of fully used Bit Slices Number of bonded IOBs Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRL s Use d Availabl e Utilizatio n 94 19200 0% 148 19200 0% 84 158 53% 28 220 12% 1 32 3% Figure 8: Schematic Internal Master and Slave RTL Figure 9: Master and Slave top module ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 246 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 5 - Apr 2014 VII. CONCLUSION The design process is simplified using verilog HDL to design the I2C bus. The designer can write his design description without choosing any specific fabrication technology. If a new technology emerges, designers do not need to redesign the circuit. He simply input the design program to the logic synthesis tool and creates a new gate level netlist using the new fabrication technology. The logic synthesis tool will lessen the circuit in area and timing for the new technology. VIII. REFERENCES [1] The I2C Bus specifications version 2.1 January 2000 [2] UM10204 I2C -bus specification and user manual Rev. 4 — 13 February 2012 [3] I2C bus Inter Integrated Circuits bus by Philips Semiconductors [4] Embedded Platform Excalibur Altera, [5] Muhammed Ali Maidu, Janice Gillispie Mazidi & Rolin D. Mckinlay, the 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, using Assembly and C, second Edition, Pearson Education. [6]IEEE Computer Society. IEEE Standard Verilog® Hardware Description Language, IEEE Std 1364 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 247