Publications Books: [1] S. French (1982) Sequencing and Scheduling. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. [2] S. French, R. Hartley, L.C. Thomas and D.J. White, (Eds) (1983) Multi-Objective Decision Making. Academic Press, London. [3] S. French (1986) Decision Theory: an Introduction to the Mathematics of Rationality. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. [4] S. French, R. Hartley, L.C. Thomas and D.J. White (1986) Operational Research Techniques. Edward Arnold, London [5] S. French (1989) Decision Analysis: Reading and Notes. Chapman and Hall, London. [6] S. French and J.Q. Smith (Eds) (1997) Bayesian Analysis in Practice. Edward Arnold, London. [7] S. French and D. Rios Insua (2000) Statistical Decision Theory. Edward Arnold, London. [8] S. French, J. Maule and N. Papamichail (2009) Decision Behaviour, Analysis and Support. Cambridge University Press. [9] D. Rios Insua and S.French (eds) (2010) e-Participation. A Group Decision and Negotiation Perspective. Springer, Dordrecht. Books (in preparation): [10] S. French (2012) Decision Theory: an Introduction to the Mathematics of Rationality. 2nd Edition. Sugar Land, Probabilistic Publishing. Editorship of Journal Special Issues and Encyclopaedias [11] General and Founding Editor of the Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 1990 – 2000 [12] S. French, Ed, (2003). Special Issue: The Challenges in Extending the MCDA Paradigm to eDemocracy. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 12 61-233. [13] S. French, Ed, (2007) Special Issue: Interface Issues in e-Democracy, International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management. 7(2) 105-208 [14] Member of the Editorial Board responsible for the sections on decision analysis and Bayesian statistics: B. Everitt and E. Melnick (Eds) (2008) Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment, Wiley, Chichester. Journal Papers – () indicates a refereed paper: [15] S. French and K.S. Wilson (1978), ‘On the treatment of negative intensity observations’ Acta Crystalographica A34, 517-525. () [16] S. French (1978) ‘A Bayesian three-stage model in crystallography’, Acta Crystalographica A34, 728738. () [17] S. French (1980) ‘Updating of belief in the light of someone else's opinion’, J. Royal Statistical Society A143, 43-48. () [18] S. French (1981) ‘Measurement theory and examinations’ British J. Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 34, 38-49. () [19] S. French (1981) ‘Consensus of opinion’ European J Operational Research. 7, 332-340. () [20] S. French (1982) ‘On the axiomatization of subjective probability’, Theory and Decision 14, 19-33. () [21] S.J. Oatley and S. French (1982) ‘A profile-fitting method for the analysis of diffractometer data’ Acta Crystalographica A38, 537-549. () [22] M. Vassiloglou and S. French (1982) ‘Arrow's Theorem and examination assessment’ British J. Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 35, 183-192. () [23] S. French and B. Robson (1983) ‘What is a conservative substitution?’ J Molecular Evolution 19, 171175. () [24] M. Kingdon, S. French, G. Pierce and A. Woodthorpe (1983) ‘Awarding grades on differentiated papers in school examinations at 16+’ Educational Research 25, 220-229. () [25] S. French (1984) ‘Interactive multi-objective programming: its aims, applications and demands’ J Operational Research Society 35, 827-834. () [26] S. French (1986) ‘The weighting of examination components’ The Statistician 34, 265-280. () [27] S. French (1986) ‘Calibration and the expert problem’ Management Science 32, 315-321. () [28] S. French and M. Vassiloglou (1986) ‘Examination assessment and strength of performance’ British J. Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. 39, 1-14. () [29] S. French (1989) ‘Statistical and Decision Theoretic Aspects of Examination Assessment’ Trab. Estadistica. 4, 33-66. [30] S. French (1990) ‘The Common Core: do we need one?’ IMA Journal on Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. 8, 180-183. () [31] S. French (1990) ‘On being Numerate’ Leeds Review 33, 119-134. [32] S. French and D. Rios Insua (1991) ‘A Framework for Sensitivity Analysis in Multi-Objective Decision Making. European J Operational Research 54, 176-190. () [33] S. French (1991) ‘Recent Mathematical Developments in Decision Analysis’ IMA Journal of Mathematics in Applied Business and Industry, 3, 1-12. () [34] S. French, R.M. Cooke and M.P. Wiper (1991) ‘The use of expert judgment in risk analysis’ Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 27, 36-40. () [35] S. French, G.N. Kelly and M. Morrey (1992) ‘Decision conferencing and the International Chernobyl Project’ J. Radiological Protection 12 (1), 17-28. () [36] S. French, P. Allatt, J.B. Slater, M. Vassiloglou and A.S. Willmott (1992) ‘Implementation of a decision analytic aid to support examiners judgements in aggregating components’ British J. Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 45, 75-91. () [37] S. French, G.N. Kelly and M. Morrey (1992) ‘Decision conferencing after Chernobyl’ Radiation Protection Bulletin 130, 4-8 [38] S. Aumonier and S. French (1992) ‘Decision Conference on Emergency Reference Levels’ Radiation Protection Bulletin 133, 7-11. [39] S. French (1992) ‘Mathematical programming approaches to sensitivity calculations in decision analysis’ J Operational Research Society, 43, 813-819. () [40] S. French, G.N. Kelly and M. Morrey (1992). ‘Decision Conferencing as a Group Interview Technique in the International Chernobyl Project’ Insight 5, 23-27. () [41] S. French and J.Q. Smith (1993) ‘Using monitoring data to update atmospheric dispersion models with an application to the RIMPUFF model.’ Radiation Protection Dosimetry 50, 317-320. () [42] J.Q. Smith and S. French (1993) ‘Bayesian updating of atmospheric dispersion models for use after an accidental release of radiation’ The Statistician 42, 501-511. () [43] M.P. Wiper, S. French and R.M. Cooke (1994). ‘Hypothesis test based Calibration Scores’ The Statistician 43, 231-236. () [44] S. French (1995) ‘Uncertainty and Imprecision: Modelling and Analysis’ J. Operational Research Society. 46, 70-79. () [45] M.P. Wiper and S. French (1995) ‘Combining Experts' Opinions using a Normal-Wishart Model.’. Journal of Forecasting, 14, 25-34. () [46] S. French (1995) ‘An introduction to decision theory and prescriptive decision analysis’ IMA Journal of Mathematics in Applied Business and Industry 6, 239-247. () [47] S. French (1996) ‘Multi-attribute decision support in the event of a nuclear accident’ J. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 5, 39-57 () [48] David Rios Insua, Jacinto Martin, Les Proll, Simon French and Abdellah Salhi (1997) ‘Sensitivity analysis in statistical decision theory: a decision analytic view’ Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 57, 197-218 (*) [49] S. French (1997) ‘Uncertainty Modelling, Data Assimilation and Decision Support for Management of Off-site Nuclear Emergencies’ Radiation Protection Dosimetry 73, 11-15. (*) [50] M. Ahlbrecht, R. Borodin, V. Borzenko, J. Ehrhardt, S. French, V. Shershakov, A. Sohier, E. Trakhtengerts and A. Verbruggen (1997) ‘Decision Support Issues in RODOS: the needs of decision makers.’ Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 73, 81-84. (*) [51] G.N. Kelly, U Baverstam, S. French and W. Weiss (1997) ‘Summary and Conclusions to the Aronsborg Workshop’ Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 73, 299-308. [52] J. Ehrhardt, J. Brown, S. French, G.N. Kelly, T. Mikkelsen, and H. Müller (1997) ‘RODOS: decision making support for off-site emergency management after nuclear accidents.’ Kerntechnik, 62, 122-128. (*). [53] Z. Xie and S. French. (1997) Towards a constructive approach to act-conditional subjective expected utility models. TOP 5 , 167-186 (*). [54] N. French and S. French (1997) ‘Decision Theory and Real Estate Investment’ J. of Property Valuation and Investment. 15, 226-232. [55] J.Q. Smith, A.E. Faria, S. French, D. Ranyard, D. Vleeshhouwer, J. Buhonova, T. Duranova, M. Stubna, L. Dutton, C. Rojas and A. Sohier (1997) ‘Probabilistic data assimilation within RODOS’ Radiation Protection Dosimetry 73, 57-59. (*) [56] S. French, L. Simpson, E. Atherton, V. Belton, R. Dawes, W. Edwards, R. Hämäläinen, O. Larichev, F. Lootsma, A. Pearman and C. Vlek (1998) ‘Problem formulation for multi-criteria decision analysis: report of a workshop’ J. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 7, 242-262. (*) [57] K.N. Papamichail and S. French, (1999), ‘Generating Feasible Strategies in Nuclear Emergencies - A Constraint Satisfaction Problem’, Journal of the Operational Research Society 50, 617-626. (*) [58] E. Atherton and S. French (1998) ‘Valuing the Future: a MADA example involving nuclear waste storage’ Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 7, 304-321. (*) [59] E. Atherton and S. French (1999) ‘Valuing the Future: An application of Hyperbolic Discounting with Time Era Weights’. Risk and Decision Policy. 4, 17-29. (*) [60] P. Bennett, S. French, J. Maule, D. Coles, A. McDonald (1999) ‘Improving Risk Communication: a programme of work in the Department of Health’ Risk Policy and Decision. 4, 47-56 (*) [61] E. Atherton and S. French (1999) ‘Structuring Long-Term Decisions.’ Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. 1 213-338. (*) [62] K.N. Papamichail and S. French (2000) ‘Decision Support in Nuclear Emergencies’ Journal of Hazardous Materials. 71, 321-342. (*) [63] T. Bedford, S. French and E. Atherton (2005) ‘Supporting ALARP decision-making by Cost Benefit Analysis and Multi-Attribute Utility Theory’ Journal of Risk Research. 8, 207-223 (*) [64] K.N. Papamichail and S. French (2003) ‘Explaining and Justifying the Advice of a Decision Support System: A Natural Language Generation Approach’ Expert Systems with Applications 24, 35-48. (*) [65] S. French (2003) ‘Modelling, making roles of sensitivity analysis’. TOP 11, 229-252. (*) inferences and making decisions: the [66] K.N. Papamichail and S. French (2005) ‘Design and evaluation of an intelligent DSS for nuclear emergencies’ Decision Support Systems. 41 pp 84-111. (*) [67] T. Rickards and S. French (2004) ‘The Google Paradox: more information, less perspective’. European Business Forum Issue 16, Winter 2003/4 86-87. [68] C. Niculae, S. French and E. Carter (2004) ‘Emergency Management: Does it have a sufficiently comprehensive understanding of decision-making, process and context?’ Radiation Protection Dosimetry 109, 97-100 (*) [69] C. Niculae and S. French (2003) ‘Bringing understanding in societal decision making: explaining and communicating analyses?’ Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 12, 191-202 (*) [70] G N Kelly, R Jones, M J Crick, W Weiss, M Morrey, J Lochard, and S French (2004) ‘Summary and Conclusions: Capabilities and Challenges’ Radiation Protection Dosimetry 109, 155-164. [71] S. French, A.J. Maule and G. Mythen (2005) ‘Soft Modelling in Risk Communication and Management: Examples in Handling Food Risk’ Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56, 879888. (*) [72] S. French and C. Niculae (2005) ‘Believe in the Model: Mishandle the Emergency’. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. 2, issue 1. (*) [73] S. French and J. Geldermann (2005) ‘The varied contexts of environmental decision problems and their implications for decision support.’ Environmental Science and Policy 8, 378-391 (*) [74] French, S. and Xu, D.-L. (2005) Comparison study of multi-attribute decision-analytic software. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 13, 65-80 (*) [75] V. Bertsch, S. French, J. Geldermann, R. P. Hämäläinen, N. Papamichail and O. Rentz (2006) ‘Multicriteria Decision Support and Evaluation of Strategies for Environmental Remediation Management’ OMEGA doi: 10.1016/ (*) [76] R. Shepherd, G Barker, S. French, A. Hart, J. Maule and A. Cassidy (2006) ‘Managing Food Chain Risks: Integrating Technical and Stakeholder Perspectives on Uncertainty’ Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57 (2) 313-327. (*) [77] S French, D Rios Insua and F. Ruggeri (2006) ‘e-Participation and Decision Analysis.’ Decision Analysis 4, 1-16. (*) [78] E Carter and S French (2006) ‘Are current processes for nuclear emergency management in Europe adequate?’ J Radiation Protection. 26, 405-414 (*) [79] K.N. Papamichail, G. Alves, S. French, J.-B. Yang and, R. Snowdon (2006) ‘Facilitation Practices in Decision Workshops.’ J. Operational Research Society. 58, 614-632 (*) [80] S. French and Murray Tordoff (2007) ‘Decision Support Systems’ Communications of the ACM 50 (3) 39-40. [81] French, S., Carter, E. and Niculae, C. (2007) Decision Support in Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Situations: Are we too focused on models and technology? Int. J. Emergency Management, 4(3), 421–441. (*) [82] French, S. (2007) Web-enabled strategic GDSS, e-democracy and Arrow’s Theorem: a Bayesian perspective. Decision Support Systems. 43, 1476–1484 [83] Bayley, C. and French, S. (2008) Designing a participatory process for stakeholder involvement in a societal decision. Group Decision and Negotiation. 17,195–210 (*) [84] S. French, C. Bayley and N. Zhang (2008) ‘Web-based Group Decision Support for Crisis Management’ International Journal of Information Systems in Crisis Response and Management. 1 (1) 41-53 (*) [85] Wu, S., Hrudey, S.E., French, S., Bedford, T., Soane, E. and Pollard, S. (2009) A role for human reliability analysis in preventing drinking water incidents and securing safe drinking water, Water Research, 43 3227-3238 (*) [86] G.C. Barker, C. Bayley, A. Cassidy, S. French, A. Hart, P.K. Malakar, J. Maule, M. Petkov, R. Shepherd (2010) ‘Can stakeholder perspectives be used effectively in managing food chain risks?’ Risk Analysis 30(5), 766-781. (*) [87] C. Bayley and S. French (2010) ‘Public Participation: Comparing Approaches’ Journal of Risk Research. 14(2), 241-257. (*) [88] S. French (2011) ‘Aggregating Expert Judgement’. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. 105(1),181–206 DOI 10.1007/s13398-011-0018-6 (*) [89] S. French, T. Bedford, S. Pollard and E.C. Soane (2011) ‘Human Reliability Analysis: A Critique and Review for Managers’ Safety Science 49, 753–763. (*) [90] S. French (2012) ‘Cynefin, Statistics and Decision Analysis’. Journal of the Operational Research Society. In press (*) [91] S.French (2012) ‘Expert Judgement, Meta-Analysis and Participatory Risk Analysis’ Decision Analysis 9(2): 119-127 (*) [92] T.J. Stewart, S. French and J. Rios (2013) ‘Integration of Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Scenario Planning’ Omega. 41, 679-688 (*) [93] N. Papamichail and S. French (2013) `25 years of MCDA in Nuclear Emergency Management'. IMA Journal of Mathematics in Management. (in press) (*) [94] Chapters in Books and Proceedings – () indicates a refereed paper: [95] E. Dodson, P.R. Evans and S. French (1974) ‘The use of anomalous scattering in refining heavy atom parameters in proteins’ in S. Ramaseshan and S. Abrahams (Eds) Anomalous Scattering. Munksgaard. 423-436. () [96] S. French and S.J. Oatley (1982) ‘Bayesian statistics: an overview in S. Ramaseshan, M.F. Richardson and A.J.C. Wilson (Eds) Crystallographic Statistics: Progress and Problems, Indian Academy of Sciences, 19-51. () [97] S. French (1983) ‘Decision analysis and life-cycle costing’ in J.K. Skwirzynski, (Ed) Electronic System Effectivness and Life-Cycle Costing, Springer-Verlag, 633-646. () [98] S. French (1983) ‘A survey and interpretation of multi-attribute utility theory’ in [2] 263-277. () [99] M. Vassiloglou and S. French (1983) ‘Examinations and multi-attribute utility’ in [2] 307-322. () [100] F. Ruiz-Diaz and S. French (1983) ‘A survey of multi-objective combinatorial scheduling’ in [2] 59-75. () [101] S. French (1984) ‘Fuzzy decision analysis: some criticisms’ in H.J. Zimmermann, B.R. Gaines and L. Zadeh (Eds) Fuzzy Sets and Decision Analysis, North Holland 29-44. () [102] S. French (1984) ‘From decision theory to decision analysis’ in R.E. Eglese and G.K. Rand, (Eds) Developments in Operational Research, Pergammon Press, 77-87. [103] S. French (1985) ‘Group consensus probability distributions’ in J. Bernardo, M.H. DeGroot, D.V. Lindley and A.F.M. Smith (Eds) Bayesian Statistics II, North Holland, 182-203. [104] S. French (1987) ‘Conflict of belief: when advisors disagree’ in P.G. Bennett (Ed.) Analysing Conflict and its Resolution, Oxford University Press, 93-111. () [105] S. French (1987) ‘The analysis of multiple choice tests in educational assessment in R. Viertl, Ed. Probability and Bayesian Statistics, Plenum Press, 175-182. () [106] S. French, J.B. Slater, M. Vassiloglou and A.S. Willmott (1988) ‘The role of descriptive and normative techniques in examination assessment’ in H.D. Black and W.P. Dockrell, Eds, New Developments in Educational Assessment. British J .Educational Psychology Monograph No. 3, 15-32. [107] S. French and D. Rios Insua (1990) ‘Partial Information and Sensitivity Analysis in Multi-Objective Decision Making’ in A.G. Lockett, Ed., Improving Decision Making in Organisations. SpringerVerlag. () [108] S. French, R.M. Cooke and F. Vogt (1991) ‘The use of expert judgement in the context of a physical model’ In Bernardo, J.M., Berger, J.O., Dawid, A.P. and Smith, A.F.M., Eds, Bayesian Statistics IV. Oxford University Press, 617-624. () [109] S. French, R.M. Cooke and M.P. Wiper (1991) ‘The use of expert judgement in risk analysis’ in P Sander and R Badoux, (Eds), Bayesian Methods in Reliability Kluwer 119-134 Reprint of [34] [110] S. French (1992) ‘The Role of Sensitivity Analysis in Decision Analysis’ in C. Holtham (Ed) Executive Information Systems and Group Decision Support. Chapman and Hall, 99-123. [111] S. French (1992) ‘Strategic Decision Analysis and Group Decision Support’ In P. Dewilde and J. Vandewalle (Eds) Computer Systems and Software Engineering. Kluwer, 217-230. [112] S. French (1992) ‘Professionalism, software engineering and courseware’ In Bateman, D. and Hopkins, T (Eds) Developments in the Teaching of Computer Science. University of Kent. [113] S. French (1992). ‘The use of decision conferencing to determine intervention levels and other counter measures after a nuclear accident’. In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Intervention Levels and Countermeasures for Nuclear Accidents Cadarache October 1991 CEC (EUR14469) 586-594. [114] S. French and Y. Liang (1993) ‘Decision Support Systems: a decision analytic view’ In J. Norman (Ed) OR Society Tutorial Papers 1993. [115] S. French and Z. Xie (1994) ‘A review of recent developments in utility theory’ Sixtos Rios (Ed) Decision making: trends and Challenges. Kluwer. 15-31 () [116] S. French (1994) ‘Utility: probability's younger twin?’ P. R. Freeman and A.F.M. Smith (Eds) Aspects of Uncertainty. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. 171-180 () [117] J.Q. Smith, S. French and D.C. Ranyard (1994) ‘An efficient graphical algorithm for updating estimates of the dispersal of gaseous waste after an accidental release’. In A. Gammerman (Ed) Probabilistic Reasoning and Bayesian Belief Networks. Alfred Waller, Henley-on- Thames. 125-144. [118] S. French (1996) ‘The framing of statistical decision theory: a decision analytic view’ in J. Berger, J.M. Bernardo, A.P. David and A.F.M. Smith (Eds.) Bayesian Statistics 5: Proceedings of the Fifth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics Oxford University Press, 147-164. [119] Y. Liang and S. French (1995) ‘A knowledge-based data fusion model: extracting information from messages on electronic bulletin boards’. ECAC’95 - European Chinese Automation Conference. [120] S. French, E. Halls and D.C. Ranyard (1997) ‘Equity and MCDA in the event of a Nuclear Accident’. In G. Fandal and T. Gal (Eds) Multiple Criteria Decision Making. LNEMS 448, Springer Verlag, Berlin. 612-621 () [121] V.Borzenko and S.French (1995) ‘Decision analytic methods in RODOS’ In A Karaoglou, G.Desmet, G.N.Kelly and H.G. Menzel (Eds) The Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident. EUR 16544 EN. CEC, Luxembourg. [122] E. Atherton and S. French (1997) ‘Issues in Supporting Intertemporal Choice’. In M.H. Karwan, J. Spronk and J. Wallenius (Eds) Essays in Decision Making. Springer, Berlin 135-156. (*) [123] S. French (1997) ‘Source term estimation, data assimilation and uncertainties’. Proceedings of the Sixth Topical Meeting on Emergency Management. American Nuclear Society, San Francisco. April 1997. (ISBN 0-89448-623-3). 427-430. (*) [124] S. French, M.T. Harrison and D.C.Ranyard (1995) ‘Event conditional attribute modelling in decision making on a threatening nuclear accident.’ In [6] 131-150. (*) [125] S. French (1998) ‘Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty modelling in decision support systems’. In K. Chan, S. Tarantola and F. Campolongo (Eds) SAMO: Second Interanational Symposium on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output. European Commission, Luxembourg. 117-120 (*) [126] S. French, K.N. Papamichail, D.C. Ranyard and J.Q. Smith (1998) ‘Design of a decision support system for use in the event of a radiation accident’ F. Javier Girón and M. L. Martínez (Eds) Decision Analysis Applications Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 3-18. [127] S. French and J Maule (1999) ‘Improving Risk Communication: Scenario-based Workshops’. In P. Bennett and K Calman (Eds) Risk Communication and Public Health. Oxford University Press. 241253. [128] S. French, J. Ehrhardt, J. Bartzis and N. Papamichail (1999) ‘RODOS: Decision Support for Nuclear Emergencies - a Demonstration’. In D.K. Despotis and C. Zoupondis (Eds) Integrating Technology and Human Decisions: Global Bridges into the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, ISBN 09667118-1-5. New Technologies Publications, 49a Stoumari Street, Athens. GR-10682. Greece. 434-438. [129] S. French, K. Sinkko, J. Ehrhardt, A. Sohier, J. Lochard and M. Morrey (1999) ‘The decision support needs of the decision makers who have to deal with Chernobyl-like accidents.’ In D.K. Despotis and C. Zoupondis (Eds) Integrating Technology and Human Decisions: Global Bridges into the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, ISBN 09667118-15. New Technologies Publications, 49a Stoumari Street, Athens. GR-10682. Greece. 443-447. [130] S. French, J. Bartzis, J. Ehrhardt, J. Lochard, M. Morrey, N. Papamichail, K. Sinkko and A. Sohier (2000) RODOS: Decision support for nuclear emergencies. In S.H. Zanakis, G. Doukidis and C. Zopounidis (Eds). Recent Developments and Applications in Decision Making, 379-394, Kluwer Academic Publishers. [131] S. French (2001) ‘Modelling, making inferences and making decisions: the roles of sensitivity analysis (Extended Abstract)’. In P. Prado and R. Bolado (Eds) SAMO2001: Proceedings. Ciemat, Madrid. 45-48. [132] S. French (2002) ‘Utility Theory’. In Abdel H. El-Shaarawi and Walter W. Piegorsch (Eds) Encyclopedia of Environmetrics. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. 2302-2309. [133] K.N. Papamichail and S. French (2003) ‘An expert system for formulating strategies in nuclear emergencies’ German Operational Research Society Proceedings of a Workshop on Fuzzy Sets, etc. [134] P. Drinkwater, C.M. Adeline, S. French, K.N. Papamichail and T. Rickards (2004) ‘Applying the Manchester Method in an e-learning environment’ ECEL Proceedings, Electronic Journal of eLearning. [135] T. Bedford, J. Quigley and S. French (2004) ‘A comparison of data-driven and model-based approaches to quantifying railway risk’ ESREL 2004, Abstract ID: 0612. [136] S. French and C. Niculae (2004) ‘Believe in the Model: Mishandle the Emergency’ ISCRAM2004 [137] S. French and E. Carter (2005) ‘Nuclear emergency management in Europe: a review of approaches to decision making.’ ISCRAM2005 Proceedings. [138] S. French, E. Carter and C. Niculae (2006). ‘When Experts or Models Disagree’. ISCRAM2006 Proceedings. [139] N. Zhang, C. Bayley and S. French (2008) ‘Web-based Group Decision Support for Crisis Management’ ISCRAM2008 Proceedings. [140] S. French (2008) Entry on ‘Decision Analysis’ In [14] pp 447-451 (*) [141] S. French (2008) Entry on ‘Players in a Decision’ In [14]. pp 1277-1278 (*) [142] S. French (2008) Entry on ‘Societal Decision Making’ In [14]. pp 1640-1642 (*) [143] S. French, J. Maule (2010) ‘Exploring and Communicating Risk: Scenario-based Workshops’. In Peter Bennett, Sir Kenneth Calman, Sarah Curtis, Denis Smith, Eds (2010) Risk communication and public health. 2nd Edn. Oxford University Press), 299-316. [144] S. French, C. Bayley and N. Zhang (2008) ‘Web-based Group Decision Support for Crisis Management’ In N. Koch, Ed (2009) E-Collaboration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Information Science Reference, New York. pp 721-734. Reprint of [84]. [145] D. Rios Insua and S. French (2010) ‘e-Democracy: A Group Decision and Negotiation-Oriented Overview’. In [9] 1-12 [146] S French (2010) ‘Decision Support Systems’. In [9] 65-82 [147] S. French (2010) ‘The Intenet and the Web’. In [9] 153-162 [148] S. French and D. Rios Insua (2010) ‘e-Democracy: the Road Ahead’. In [9] 345-348. [149] G.L. Kolfschoten, S. French, F.M. Brazier (2012) 'Cognitive Load in Collaboration – Decision Making'. Proceedings of Groups, Decisions and Negotiations 2012, Recife, Brazil, May 2012.