Information and communication technology in the context of technology development and

Information and communication technology in
the context of technology development and
transfer to address climate change
Side Event: The Effective Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
and the Intellectual Property (IP) System for Mitigating Climate Change
Tianjin, China, 7 October 2010
Wanna Tanunchaiwatana
Xiaohua Zhang
Adaptation, Technology and Science Programme, UNFCCC secretariat
ICT in addressing climate change
Technology is central to address climate change
• To stabilize the GHG concentration at lower level, GHG emission should
peak in the next two decades and further reduced thereafter.
• To achieve so, a portfolio of technologies that are currently available or
expected to be commercialized in coming decades should be deployed
• Even though, the climate change will stay and therefore adaptation should
enhanced which could significant reduce the risk of climate change
ICT in addressing climate change
A portfolio of technologies is needed
There is high agreement and much evidence that all stabilisation levels assessed can be achieved by
deployment of a portfolio of technologies that are either currently available or expected to be commercialised in
coming decades, ... {IPCC WGIII SPM}
ICT in addressing climate change
Technologies of adaptation are of same importance
• Traditional technologies consist of the many approaches that have been
developed and applied to adapt to weather hazards in traditional societies.
• Modern technologies are those that have been newly created since the
industrial revolution including many new, synthetic materials, new
chemicals, new varieties of crops (e.g. hybrid corn) and new water use
technology (e.g. drip irrigation).
• High technologies are some of the more recently developed technologies
that derive from scientific advances in recent decades including information
and communication technology, earth observation systems and geographic
information systems (GIS), genetically modified organisms, and the like.
• Future technologies are those that are yet to be invented or developed.
They might include a malaria vaccine, or various forms of geo-engineering
to reduce climate impacts, or crops that need little or no water.
ICT in addressing climate change
Technology features strongly under the UNFCCC process
• Article 4.1(c)
All Parties, …, shall: “Promote and cooperate in the development, application and diffusion,
including transfer, of technologies, practices and processes that control, reduce or prevent
anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in all
relevant sectors, …”
• Article 4.5
“The developed countries and other developed countries in Annex II shall take all
practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, the transfer of or access
to environmentally sound technologies and know how to other Parties, particularly
developing country Parties,”…
• Article 4.7
“The extent to which developing country Parties will effectively implement their commitments
under the Convention will depend on the effective implementation by developed country
Parties of their commitments related to financial resources and transfer of technology…”
ICT in addressing climate change
Moving from negotiation to implementation
• A technology transfer framework was adopted in COP7 (2001) and expert
group on technology transfer (EGTT) was constituted
• 92 non-Annex I Parties were funded by the GEF to conduct their national
technology needs assessment
• A web-based technology information system (TT:CLEAR) was set up to
facilitate information sharing
• Various activities were conducted including training on innovative financing
to technology transfer project
• Poznan strategic programme was set up under the GEF to further
strengthen implantation of DTT
ICT in addressing climate change
Enormous gaps still exist
• Decrease of RD budget over the last decade
• Significant scaling up and shift investment flow on ESTs are required
a) A increase of USD 260-670 billion is needed annually by 2030
• Big potentials in developing countries which are lack of access to ESTs
a) I&F flow (UNFCCC, 2007) concludes the investment flow needed by
developing countries which accounts for 46% of the total could
achieve 68% of global emission reductions
b) Current financing support on technology transfer to developing
countries is less than 2 billion per year.
ICT in addressing climate change
Technology needs a more revolutionary push
• All stages of technology development
a) R&D, demonstration, deployment, diffusion and transfer
b) Both financing and policy incentives
• Mobilizing finance
a) Increase public fund
b) Mobilize investment of private sector
c) Innovative market mechanism
• Enhance technology transfer to developing countries
a) Implementation oriented mechanism
ICT in addressing climate change
Technology Mechanism under elaboration
• Technology Mechanism consisting of:
A Technology Executive Committee
A Climate Technology Centre and Network
• Technology mechanism is highly expected to be formally established in
• Several issues still need more clarity in Tianjin and Cancun
a) Interaction among Technology Mechanism and the new Fund as well as the
overall managing body of the financial mechanism
b) Relationship between the Technology Executive Committee and Climate
Technology Center and Network
c) Reporting and Accountability of the Technology Executive Committee and
Climate Technology Center and Network
d) Intellectual property rights
ICT in addressing climate change
Role of information and communication technology in
addressing climate change - 1
• Advanced ICT could help to improve planning and dispatching therefore
greatly improve the energy efficiency
a) Intelligent Traffic Systems
b) Process control and optimization system
c) …
• Advanced ICT could help to change the modality of transportation
therefore reduce the emissions
• Advanced ICT could help to adapt the climate change particular the
extreme event
a) Early warning system
ICT in addressing climate change
Role of information and communication technology in
addressing climate change - 2
• Advanced ICT could help to disseminate the information of environmentally
sound technologies to developing countries to address climate change
a) Lack of technology information is one of barriers to access of ESTs by
developing countries
b) Technology information is one of the five themes of the technology
transfer framework established by decision 4/CP.7
c) A technology transfer clearing house has been developed and run by
the UNFCCC secretariat
d) The secretariat is seeking broad collaboration in this regard to
strengthen the access of technology information by developing
ICT in addressing climate change
Role of information and communication technology in
addressing climate change - 3
• Experiences on the development and transfer of ICT in the recent 20 years
could be drawn upon to promote the ESTs
a) What are the good practices on policy level in promote the
development and transfer of ICT?
b) What are the good practices on technical level in promote the
development and transfer of ICT?
c) To what extent that they could be taken advantage by climate change