Efficient use of satellite spectrum and approximation of national spectrum fees

Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM)
Frequency Management Division
BR Workshop on the efficient use
of the spectrum/orbit resource
Efficient use of satellite
spectrum and approximation
of national spectrum fees
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
 dirk-olivier.von-der-emden@bakom.admin.ch
6 May 2009
Spectrum Fees
ERC Report 108 on
fees for sat. services
Prospects and
Permanent sovereignty over natural
• International law principle
• Peoples and nations have permanent ownership of
and control over their natural wealth and resources
• General Assembly Resolution 1803 (XVII) of 14 December 1962,
"Permanent sovereignty over natural resources„
• Radio spectrum is a scarce natural resource
• Finite natural resource
• Can neither be created nor be destroyed
• Radio spectrum is a public good
• Rivalrous and non-excludable good („common good“ in economics)
BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, 6 May 2009)
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
Spectrum Fees
ERC Report 108 on
fees for sat. services
Prospects and
United Nations’ 1967 Space Treaty
• Overarching principle: both space and celestial bodies
are not subject to national appropriation
• Outer space is res communis (or res nullius)
• Definition/delimitation of outer space ?
• Beyond « air space » ? Lower boundary at 100 km (plus minus
10 km) above sea-level ? etc.
• If appropriate, how to ensure a sustainable management,
use of scarce resources in space ?
• Administrations have no jurisdiction over these resources
(beyond the vaguely delimited boundary)
• Scope for action by International Organisation(s) ?
BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, 6 May 2009)
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
Spectrum Fees
ERC Report 108 on
fees for sat. services
Prospects and
ITU Constitution & Radio Regulations
• Article 44 Constitution & No. 0.3 Preamble RR
• radio frequencies and the geostationary-satellite orbit (GSO)
• are limited natural resources
• their use should be rational, efficient and economical
• Nature of the „rights“ of administrations in Space Plans or
emanating from coordination/notification procedures ?
• Administrations curtail their sovereign rights
(i.e. no previously inexistent rights created  no „property rights“ on part of GSO)
• ITU is a Specialized Agency in the United Nations system
• Responsibilities with respect to the GSO :
• Legal Subcommittee of COPUOS  policy issues ?
• ITU  technical aspects ?
BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, 6 May 2009)
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
Spectrum Fees
ERC Report 108 on
fees for sat. services
Prospects and
Consequential impact on national
licensing policies for spectrum access
If applicable,
jurisdiction over
space object
Licensing of
spectrum use makes
possible licensing of
up- and downlink
BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, 6 May 2009)
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
Licensing of radio
equipment allows
only for licensing of
Spectrum Fees
ERC Report 108 on
fees for sat. services
Prospects and
ERC Report 108 on Licence fees for satellite
services in the CEPT (October 2001)
• Trigger for the survey:
• Great variety of spectrum pricing policies within CEPT
• very diverse fees applying and diffuse explanations for the variety
• very difficult to compare fees (great diversity of criteria for the fee calculation)
• Satellite industry deemed satellite services non-competitive
because of
• wide variety of licensing regimes
• height of fees
• Observations based on the replies to the questionnaire:
• Spectrum-related fees are charged in all CEPT administrations
(but using different principles)
• No administration where the fees for all the systems are
generally low or high (there were however a few countries where the fees overall
were deemed very reasonable)
BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, 6 May 2009)
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
Spectrum Fees
ERC Report 108 on
fees for sat. services
Prospects and
Recommendations in ERC Report 108
• CEPT member states were encouraged to take a common
approach to satellite fees
• reduce number of fees
• charge fees based on common and transparent principles
• simplify and harmonise methods and criteria for calculation
of spectrum-related fee
• eventually, harmonise the types of fees charged
• Outcome:
• several administrations started internal investigations on
their fees, the criteria for calculations, and their height
BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, 6 May 2009)
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
Spectrum Fees
ERC Report 108 on
fees for sat. services
Prospects and
Approximation of models for satellite
spectrum fees : A case for ITU ?
• National spectrum fees may be one of the potential
instruments guaranteeing efficient use of satellite spectrum
• Satellite services are regional or global  detrimental effect of
inordinate spectrum pricing policies by administrations
• A coordinated approach with respect to models for satellite
fees could lead to a more efficient use of satellite spectrum
globally and facilitate cost estimations by satellite operators
• ITU may provide an excellent platform for discussions on
models for satellite spectrum fees
• Study and suggest calculation methods and criteria
• Undertake benchmarking, i.e. compare spectrum models
applied by administrations for comparable satellite services
BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, 6 May 2009)
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
Spectrum Fees
ERC Report 108 on
fees for sat. services
Prospects and
Thank you for your attention
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden
 dirk-olivier.von-der-emden@bakom.admin.ch
BR Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, 6 May 2009)
Dirk-Oliver von der Emden