• Implementation of WRC-15 decisions related to the Space... Capture of the antenna gain toward the geostationary-satellite orbit diagram...

SpaceCap 7.1.10 Update 5 May 2016
SpaceCap 7.1.10 adds the following features:
Implementation of WRC-15 decisions related to the Space Plans
o Capture of the antenna gain toward the geostationary-satellite orbit diagram (B.3.e) is now
required for submission under Appendix 30/30A in Region 2 having frequency assignments
in the band 12.5-12.7 GHz
o Separate the capture of power density data for Article 6 (C.8.b.2) and Article 8 (C.8.a.2)
under Appendix 30B
Review and improvement of the structure notice module that allows an automatic splitting of
groups based on frequencies and class of stations criteria (for BR internal processing)
SpaceCap 7.1.9 Update 15 March 2016
SpaceCap 7.1.9 adds the following features:
Improvement of the capture of antenna patterns
Improvement of the capture of RES49/552 data in case of modification of previously submitted
frequency bands/channels
Correction to the capture of coordination data: now the function that allows users to copy the
entered data to all groups in the notice or in the beam is taking into account the geographical
area designation
Review and improvement of the structure notice module that allows an automatic splitting of
groups based on frequencies and class of stations criteria (for BR internal processing)
Modification of SpaceCap required for the implementation of process under No.11.41A: create
group mapping history after each resubmission of notification(for BR internal processing)
New SpaceCap procedure to directly process any coordination with its API in SpaceWisc (for BR
internal processing).
SpaceCap 7.1.8 Update 30 June 2015
SpaceCap 7.1.8 adds the following features:
The capture of special section numbers (A13 data) is now complying with the latest BR publication
number format (up to 5 digits)
Correction in RS49/552 Builder: the action code symbol at notice and/or group level is now
automatically generated in accordance with the action taken on the RS49 filing (new submission or
modification of an existing RS49 filing). For more explanation on the use of the action code symbol,
please refer to Note 3 Chapter 1 of Section III of the Preface.
SpaceCap 7.1.7 Update 29 May 2015
SpaceCap 7.1.7 adds the following features:
The capture of the power control data related to assignments subject to the Appendix 30A in
Region 1 and 3 (feederlink Plan and List) has been changed:
It is now possible to introduce one power control value per assignment within one group.
It is also allowed to apply one single power control value to all assignments in one group.
The capture of power control value per emission has been modified: the C8 data (Power
Characteristics of the transmission) have been removed.
Additional data validation rules have been implemented.
SpaceCap 7.1.6 Update 18 March 2015
SpaceCap 7.1.6 adds the following features:
The capture of NGSO under CR/NOTIF and API templates has been improved:
The capture of the limit of A4b6a data (the latitude ranges) has been extended to include
The A4b orbital information capture has been improved
The capture of a large number of orbital planes (A4b4 data) is now possible (up to 4 digits)
The “both” option (mixed 9.1/IA and 9.1/IB API notices) for API capture is now disabled (in
accordance with the launch of SpaceWisc)
The computation of the BR40 data (Geographical Coordinates of the Launch facility) has been
changed: it now converts decimal latitude/longitude with 4 digits (instead of 2) in the fractional
part to degrees, minutes, and seconds
The capture of C10d5a data (Radiation Pattern) has been corrected
SpaceCap 7.1.5 Update 13 February 2015
SpaceCap 7.1.5 adds the following features:
The BR Plan Beam Translation Builder has been upgraded in order to handle the current size of
tables in the Space Plans Systems (SPS) database.
SpaceCap 7.1.4 Update 6 February 2015
SpaceCap 7.1.4 adds the following features:
Removal starting from this version of the RS49 Wizard which has been used to create RS49
submission. This SpaceCap tool, which had to make use of SpaceQry or SNS online plus a plugin
(IWrocket) to generate a RS49 submission, is now obsolete
In the context of RS49/552, two bugs have been corrected:
o the builder now takes into account regional settings
o the contextual menu has been activated for external users so they can modify frequencies
SpaceCap 7.1.3
Update 12 November 2014
SpaceCap 7.1.3 adds the following features:
Capture of DGSO C.10.d.9 data (antenna dimension aligned with the geostationary arc): fixed the
format of the stored value
Copy paste test point coordinates from GIMS to SpaceCap: only 2 decimal digits are now stored in
the captured database
In the context of RS49/552 builder, various user interface improvements
SpaceCap setup program: fixed bug caused by the migration from version 11.5 to 20 of
SpaceCap 7.1.2
Update 18 July 2014
SpaceCap 7.1.2 adds the following features:
The A30B#A6/A8 strapping wizard and its documentation have been reengineered and improved:
additional strapping validation rules and the default strapping have been implemented
The Help file for the AP30B strapping wizard is available
The capture of Appendix 30B Article 6 information has been modified: the A3a/b data (responsible
administration and operating agency) have been removed
SpaceCap 7.1.0
Update 04 June 2014
SpaceCap 7.1.0 adds the following features:
 The new RS49/552 builder is now available and can be launched from the SpaceCap menu (Tools>Create RS49/552) or from the dedicated RS49/552 button on the right hand panel of the notice
 Help file on the new RS49/552 Builder is available and can be viewed from the SpaceCap menu
(Help -> New RS49/552 Builder)
 The capture of Appendix 30B Article 8 information has been corrected: the date of bringing into
use, the strapping uplink frequencies with downlink frequencies
 The message in the Attachment Wizard for B4b2 parameter (Gain vs Elevation Angle Diagram) has
been corrected
 The capture of A4b6 information (Orbital Operation: 6e and 6f Precession data) and the capture of
Phase data for orbital Plane has been improved
 The SNSExporter has been changed to a standard executable program in order to avoid some
technical issues raised when registering of this program in Windows 7 environment
Note: SpaceCap 7.1.0 and up requires the Microsoft .NET framework version 3.5 for a XP platform. Users
may download and install the framework from the official Microsoft download web site
SpaceCap 7.0.9
Update 19 November 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.9 adds the following features:
The user interface has been improved for: capture of nominal longitude on API notice form;
capture of service area on API group form; capture of the name of earth station and associated
earth station; support for regional settings date format
Capture orbital information corrected, allowing the user to add and save additional orbital planes
The user interface has been improved for: editing decimal numbers in all grids -- when the end
user types a wrong decimal symbol (according to the regional settings), it is automatically
replaced by the decimal symbol set in regional settings -The SpaceVal version is now referenced on the top of the page of each Validation Report
SpaceCap 7.0.8
Update 01 August 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.8 adds the following features:
Fixes abort when closing the tab form from the beam tab or station tab
Date of brining into use visible on the group form for earth station notification
Fixes problem that occurs only on windows 7. When clicking on the date of bringing in use control
the operating agency combo would be set to 999.
SpaceCap 7.0.7
Update 26 June 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.7 adds the following features:
Correction to save all orbit rows for non-geo A4b6j information
SpaceCap 7.0.6
Update 19 June 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.6 adds the following features:
Changes to non geo data not saved when op_ht was null - fixed
A17b,c,d,e Power Flux Density not visible from non geo form
hor_elev angle and distance should have only 1 decimal
API notice form fix message on opprovn click where it says beams will be deleted
Res 552 some more corrections to the scraft info
SpaceCap 7.0.5
Update 21 May 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.5 adds the following features:
Refinement and bug fixes for the Validation Error report
Res 552 the default beam name to be “RS552” instead of “RS49”
Correction to limit decimal places to 2 for the field op_ht in the orbit table
Removal of the error message “antenna characteristics not entered” when adding a new testpoint
to an existing list of testpoints
Pattern_id_x set to null for ap30B
Correction to the AP30b frequency control on the group form for AP30B notification
SpaceCap 7.0.4
Update 12 Apr 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.4 adds the following features:
Allow the capture of the AP4 data item A2a (Date of Bringing into use) for notification of Plans
Copy and paste for testpoints
SpaceCap 7.0.3
Update 08 Apr 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.3 adds the following features:
Improvement of the Validation Error Report print, export to text file, summary report
Emissions for plan filings – allow new digital symbol D
Correction to the calculation of the centre channel for Plan filings
SpaceCap 7.0.2
Update 18 Feb 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.2 adds the following features:
Corrects and error in the export where carrier_fr was exported 2X and would cause duplicate error
when rows in the carrier_fr were present
SpaceCap 7.0.1
Update 16 Jan 2013
SpaceCap 7.0.1 adds the following features:
Correction to the RS49WizardV7 to create grp_lnks
Correction to Advance publication group form when database is read only.
Correction to WebUpdate url.
Correction to Testpoint form – modification to antenna characteristics issued error message but
data was saved.