International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 1- March 2016 A New Leakage Reduction Technique at Nanoscale circuit Design Vikas Singhai #1, Saima Ayyub #2, Paresh Rawat#3 # PG Student [VLSI], Dept. of ECE, Truba College of Science and Technology Bhopal Bhopal, India Abstract— The popularity and necessity of portable electronic systems by users have strongly influenced VLSI designers to make great effort for reduced silicon area, improved speeds, long duration battery life, and great reliability. The VLSI designers always try to save power consumption while designing a system. The performance of circuit is strongly influenced by the choice of logic style to design the digital circuit. In a few technology generations, leakage power is supposed to become a main contributor of total power consumption. Power consumption has become primary design issue and needs suitable power management in the design of digital circuits where switching and standby mode affects the performance of system. In this paper we have calculate the leakage power consumption of conventional gates and proposed leakage reduction techniques over various gates at 32nm process technology with supply voltage of 0.8V by using HSPICE simulator at 100MHz frequency. Keywords— Leakage Power, SCE, NAND gate, Sleep transistor. VLSI designers to make great effort for reduced silicon area, improved speeds, long duration battery life, and great reliability. The VLSI designers always try to save power consumption while designing a system. The performance of circuit is strongly influenced by the choice of logic style to design the digital circuit. Design optimization at circuit level is very important to avoid any degradation in output voltage level, to achieve less power consumption, to have less propagation delay in critical path and to be reliable at reduced supply voltage as we scale down towards deep sub micron technology. Switching activity of circuit affects the dynamic power consumption but with the technology scaling, the number of transistors is continuously reduced which increases the static leakage power at lower supply voltage. In a few technology generations, leakage power is supposed to become a main contributor of total power consumption. Power consumption has become primary design issue and needs suitable power management in the design of digital circuits where switching and standby mode affects the performance of system. II. RELATED WORK I. INTRODUCTION It is time we explore the well-engineered deep submicron CMOS technologies to address the challenging criteria of these emerging low-power and high-speed communication digital signal processing chips. The performance of many applications as digital signal processing depends upon the performance of the arithmetic circuits to execute complex algorithms such as convolution, correlation, and digital filtering. Fast arithmetic computation cells including adders and multipliers are the most frequently and widely used circuits in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) systems. The semiconductor industry has witnessed an explosive growth of integration of sophisticated multimedia-based applications into mobile electronics gadgetry since the last decade. However, the critical concern in this arena is to reduce the increase in power consumption beyond a certain range of operating frequency. Moreover, with the explosive growth, the demand, and the popularity of portable electronic products, the designers are driven to strive for smaller silicon area, higher speed, longer battery life, and enhanced reliability. The popularity and necessity of portable electronic systems by users have strongly influenced ISSN: 2231-5381 In order to maintain the performance of the chip along with high driving capability at lower supply voltage, the VTH is reduced. However, the Threshold Voltage (VTH) scaling results in the substantial increase of the Subthreshold Leakage Current (I SUB) as VTH is exponentially proportional to ISUB. In DSM technology three domination leakage current occurred in the CMOS device such as ISUB, IGATE, and IBTBT, as shown in Figure 1. G S D Substrate Gate Leakage Subthrehold Leakage Reverse Biased Junction BTBT Bulk Fig. 1. Shows Various Leakage current in DSM technology Page 39 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 1- March 2016 2.1 Leakage power dissipation III. LEAKAGE CURRENT IN BASIC NAND GATE Total Power dissipation is calculated as:PTotal = PDynamic + PSwatching + PShort-circuit + PStatic Where PT is the dynamic or switching power dissipation, occurs due to charging or discharging the parasitic capacitances in node voltage transition. PST is the static or leakage power dissipation, combination of the subthreshold leakage power due to the not ideal off state. PShort-circuit is the short circuit power dissipation occurs during switching operation when both the Pull Up and Pull Down networks are in ON state. P Static is the static DC power dissipated The main power contribution is CMOS technology is basically Sub-threshols Leakage and gate oxide leakage current is the dominant in nanometer regime. a) Sub-threshols Leakage Sub-threshold leakage current is very significant component of the leakage power and this current passes from drain to source through the channel [6-7]. The sub-threshold leakage current is caused basically due to carrier diffusion between the source and drain region of the transistor in weak inversion. For a particular MOS transistor whenever applied gate to source voltage is less than the threshold voltage of the transistor, there is no flow of current. Mathematically When Vgs < Vt Ids =0 A graph is prepared by nodes and links, which represented by transistors and their interconnection respectively. Figure 2, shows the Graphical representation of 2 input NAND gate. Here a, b are the inputs and y is the output of the given circuit. VDD and GND are the power supply and ground nodes. This logic gate is used as a basic gate for implementation of every other gate for simulation. It is used CMOS logic design style. Here two input NAND logic gate is used as a basic gate for each logic and combinational circuit. Firstly NAND gate and its variants are created using CMOS design style. Secondly all the test circuits are implemented by NAND gate and analyzed by using these variants. it. For Simulation HSPICE is taken as a simulator tool. It requires a spice code (Transistor level net-list) of the desired circuit for their parameters calculation. All the circuits are mapped with 180nm, 130nm, 90nm, 65nm and 45nm BPTM technology file. This file contains every physical design details of a CMOS transistor, where 45nm is the effective length of CMOS transistor. All kind of analysis with mapping of this file is shown through the flow of HSPICE design flow. Firstly the proposed NAND gate circuit operation is explained. In sleep mode, the sleep transistors are off, i.e. transistor M1, M2 and Y1,Y2 are off. We do so by making S=0 and hence S‟=1. Now see that the working of the basic NAND gate the output of the NAND gate is one either input is Zero with different combination of the input vector. VDD b) Gate oxide tunnelling current Tunnelling through gate oxide occurs because thickness of gate oxide layer is gradually reduced as technology is reducing[7]. The gate oxide tunnelling current is caused because of tunnelling of electrons through nMOS capacitor with a heavily doped n+ polysilicon gate and p type substrate. The sleepy stack technique divides existing transistors into two transistors each typically with the same width half the size of the original single transistor‟ s width. Then sleep transistors are added in parallel to one of the transistors in each set of two stacked transistors; the divided transistors reduce leakage power using the stack effect while retaining state. The most efficient approach for leakage power reduction is sleepy keeper approach. As we know that PMOS transistor is connected to Vdd & NMOS transistor is connected to GND. A NMOS transistor will not pass Vdd efficiently, so to overcome this problem to maintain a value of “1” in sleep mode, the sleepy keeper approach is used. ISSN: 2231-5381 M1 M2 a y M3 b M4 GND Fig.2. Graphical representation of 2input NAND gate During operation of two input NAND gate (i.e. input vector „00‟), then transistor M1 and M2 turn ON and transistor M3 and M4 turns of in which take part in leakage current. When input vector(i.e. is 01) the transistor M2 and M4 turn off and take part in leakage contribution, at input vector 10 M1 and M3 turns off and take part in leakage current contribution. When input vector is 11 maximum leakage current flows by the two M1 and M2 transistor. These Page 40 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 1- March 2016 parameters are Leakage Current (I Leak), Static Power dissipation (PST) and Dynamic Power dissipation (P D), Total Power (PT), delay and PDP. Performance of CMOS circuits is depends on these parameters. For DSM circuits mainly ISUB is the dominating component of power dissipation in CMOS IC. III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY In this section, we discuss the structure and operation of the proposed low-leakage-power design stack with sleepy keeper. The proposed circuit is compared with well-known previous approaches, i.e., Conventional Gates. In Proposed approach we have taken two technique stack approach with sleepy keeper approach to reduce the leakage power consumption in the circuit. Here we use two NMOS Sleep transistor in pull down network and two Sleep transistor PMOS in pull up network, so as to provide the stacking of the transistor for further leakage reduction. To maintain the proper logic level “1” we insert NMOS transistor parallel to PMOS stacked transistor in pull up network, to connect sleep transistor to Vdd to the pull up network. In sleep mode, this NMOS transistor connects Vdd to the pull up network when sleep transistor cut off. Similar action also repeat in pull down network the two Sleep NMOS transistor provide the stacking effect (Fig.7.). To maintain the value “0” in sleep mode a PMOS transistor connect parallel with two NMOS transistor. To maintain an output value to “0” PMOS transistor connected to GND in sleep mode. For Proper Logic NMOS connect to Vdd and PMOS connect to GND. The stacking of the transistor reduces the leakage power in proposed approach and enhances the performance of the circuit by maintaining proper logic of the circuit. Vdd Fig.4. Output Wave form of Proposed Circuit V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Leakage current for Proposed circuit is calculated by using Berkley Predictive Technology Module (BPTM) in HSPICE simulator using 32nm process technology with supply voltage of 0.8V at 10MHz frequency and CL=1pf. Leakage power of conventional gate is compared with Proposed technique implemented in with all the input vector combination at 250 C and 1000 C temperature respectively. Transient analysis of proposed technique with Nand gate is shown in Fig.4. It is observe that output wave form provides proper logic. Table I. Leakage Power Consumption of Basic Gates at 32nm at 250 C Gates P3 S1 N3 P4 NOT AND P2 P1 Input1 NAN Out N1 Input2 D NOR N2 EXO N4 R S2 Leakage 32nm 00 10.14 8 21.34 6 3.921 1 20.26 7 49.28 0 Power Consumption at 01 24.8 10 11 48.6 30.0 59.9 0 31.2 2 12.5 7 24.9 49.7 3 24.3 3 43.7 42.9 0 43.7 0 49.2 8 P5 N5 Gnd Fig.3. Proposed Circuit ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 41 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 1- March 2016 Table II. Leakage Power Consumption at 32nm at 1000 C Gates NOT AND NAN D NOR EXO R Leakage Power Consumption (nW) 00 01 10 11 73. 44.9 87 8 116 185. 163.9 164. .1 1 4 28. 96.3 75.11 89.8 07 1 0 146 44.8 42.66 51.2 .8 8 4 87. 170. 170.9 87.4 44 9 8 4 Gate NOT AND NAND NOR EXOR Leakage Power Consumption at 32nm 00 01 10 11 2.580 11.3 8 12.77 43.0 15.3 54.4 9 8 3 2.340 7.70 5.30 3.94 0 8 4 3.117 11.4 11.4 13.8 4 1 8 14.19 10.5 10.5 14.1 9 9 9 Table IV. Leakage Power Consumption of Proposed Technique at 32nm at 1000 C Gate s NOT AND NAND NOR EXOR Leakage (nW) 00 18.8 3 9 88.5 3 4 14.6 0 7 22.0 7 0 46.0 1 6 ISSN: 2231-5381 Power 01 25.7 Consumption 10 85.3 11 96.5 3 28.0 90.9 4 22.6 4 25.8 44.1 2 25.7 8 33.7 43.2 1 33.7 6 46.0 1 In nanometer scale CMOS technology, subthreshold leakage power is compatible to dynamic power consumption, and thus handling leakage power is a great challenge. In this paper, we present a new circuit structure named “stacking with sleepy keeper Approach” to tackle the leakage problem. . It proposes a technique for reducing the leakage current during idle mode of circuit. The proposed technique can be applied on high performance, low power application, where leakage is major concern such as microprocessor, memory units and other portable devices. 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