Dear Parent:

Dear Parent:
Thank you for your interest in the Westminster College Preschool Lab. Enclosed is our
registration information for the 2016-2017 school year, as well as general information about our
program. If you have any questions, please call our preschool at 724-946-7174, or myself, Dr.
Mandy Medvin, at 724-946-7360. We encourage you to contact us if you would like to schedule
a time to observe our classroom activities.
We look forward to the possibility of having your child in our school.
Mandy B. Medvin, Ph.D.
Director, Preschool Lab
Westminster College Preschool Lab
Tuesday & Thursday;
Monday, Wednesday & Friday;
9:00-11:40 a.m., for age 3
9:00-11:40 a.m., for age 4
Westminster College Campus, Hoyt Science Resources Center
Limit of 14 children for age 3; Limit of 18 children for age 4
September - May
What are we? The Westminster Preschool is a laboratory school setting designed to provide a
developmentally appropriate preschool experience to children from the surrounding community.
This facility also serves as an active center for child study and research for Westminster College
Staff: Our experienced staff includes a director with a Ph.D. in Psychology, a head teacher with
a B.A. degree in Elementary Education and certification by the Pennsylvania Board of Academic
Schools, and a teacher with B.A. degrees in Elementary and Early Childhood Education. In
addition to our permanent staff, there is a trained college aide in each class.
Philosophy: We foster a creative and nurturing learning environment that encourages a strong
sense of self-accomplishment in children. Our curriculum is appropriate for each child’s
developmental needs. The Preschool Lab is accredited by the National Association for the
Education of Young Children (NAEYC). NAEYC guidelines for developmentally appropriate
practice are incorporated into our preschool philosophy.
Tuition: (two semesters in a school year)
Two days a week
9:00-11:40 a.m.
Three days a week
9:00-11:40 a.m.
$340.00 per semester/$680.00 per year
$440.00 per semester/$880.00 per year
A $20.00 processing fee is required for registration.
Westminster College Preschool Lab
General Information:
Preschool Lab brochures containing general information about our philosophy and activities
are sent out by the Psychology office (724-946-7284) on request. Also, parents are welcome to call
the Preschool Lab (724-946-7174) to make arrangements to observe our program. Please call after
noon on weekdays, as school is in session in the mornings. Information about our registration
procedures and the registration forms are available by the middle of November, 2015 for the 20162017 school year. Children who turn three by September 1st enroll in the two-day T/TH class.
Students who are four years old by September 1st enroll in the three-day M/W/F class.
Registration Dates and Procedures
The Preschool Lab will accept registration forms from the public for the 2016-2017 school
year from Monday, February 1 to Friday, February 5, 2015. No registration forms will be accepted
prior to February 1. Forms received before February 1 will be returned. This will be mail-in
registration only. Your child’s enrollment status will be mailed to you by the end of March 2016.
We know you will be anxious to learn if your child has secured a space in our school. We want to
let you know as soon as possible but would appreciate your patience in waiting for your letter of
confirmation of acceptance, either in the classroom or waiting list status, instead of telephoning the
school. However, if you have not heard from us by the end of March, please call the Psychology
office (724-946-7284). All parents will receive a postcard to confirm receipt of registration forms.
Registration Priority Categories**
1. Currently enrolled students in the 2015-2016 Westminster College Preschool Lab program.
2. Siblings of currently enrolled students in the 2015-2016 Westminster College Preschool Lab.
3. Legacy: Siblings of children who attended the Westminster College Preschool Lab during a previous
school year.
4. Westminster College: Children of faculty, administration and staff.
5. Open enrollment from the surrounding community.
The Westminster College Preschool Lab is an inclusive school, and our teachers work closely with families
to provide a safe, supportive environment for each child. If your child has been identified as showing a
developmental delay we will ask you to provide all necessary information regarding your child’s strengths
and needs so our staff will be able to plan appropriately. Please note that while we have welcomed children
with special needs since our school opened in 1990, there are no special educators on staff. Therefore, at
times, other services beyond our program may be necessary.
Registration Selection Process
A. At the end of registration week all registration forms will be sorted by age, class requested, Priority
Category, and gender, and entered into our computer. A random selection process within each
Priority Category, beginning with Category #1, will be used to fill available openings. Selection will
proceed in order through the respective Priority Categories, (identified on the previous page), moving
to a lower priority only after children in a higher Priority Category have been enrolled, if openings
B. Children not enrolled as a result of the selection process will automatically be placed on the appropriate
class Waiting List according to their position or standing (e.g., - First, Fifth, etc.), resulting from the
random selection process within each Priority Category. Families placed on a Waiting List will be
notified promptly. If a space becomes available, the first person on the Waiting List will be notified.
Families may remove their children from the Waiting List by calling the Psychology Office (724-9467284).
C. Parents withdrawing their child after the start of the school year are responsible and liable for payment
of the full tuition for the semester in which the child is enrolled. If another child is enrolled to fill the
vacated space, the tuition will be pro-rated. All children must be in attendance by the second week of
each semester.
D. A $20.00 non-refundable processing fee is required for each preschool child at the time of registration.
To be included in the initial selection process, please return the enclosed packet of forms with the
required processing fee to the Psychology Office during the week of February 1 to February 5, 2016. Send
your form through U.S. mail to Preschool Lab Registration, Westminster College, 319 South Market
Street, New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001, Attention: Dr. Mandy Medvin.
The Westminster College Preschool Lab admits students of any race, color, religion, gender, and
national or ethnic origin.
Class Information and Fee Schedule
3 year-old
4 year-old
Meeting Days
9:00-11:40 a.m.
9:00-11:40 a.m.
$340. /semester*
*There are two semesters in a preschool year.
The goal of the Westminster College Preschool Lab is to provide a developmentally appropriate
learning environment that enables children to freely explore, discover and create. Please note that the
curriculum of each class is specifically targeted to the age of the children in the class.
There are two semesters in a school year (September-December, and January-May). The fee
includes a daily snack and all art supplies and materials. The full tuition is payable the first day of each
semester at the Psychology Office. If a parent finds this payment schedule difficult to meet, alternatives
may be discussed with the Director. Make checks payable to Westminster College Preschool Lab.
Westminster College Preschool Lab
All 3 Registration Forms must be received for your application to be considered.
Director: Mandy B. Medvin, Ph.D.
Head Teacher: Deborah Roud, B.A.
Teacher: Melissa Moore, B.A.
Child’s Name________________________________ Birth Date_______________ Sex
Racial/Ethnic Background: White
Native American
Address __________________________________________________ Phone ____________________
__________________________________________________________ Cell Phone ________________
E-mail Address ______________________________________________________________________
Father’s Name_______________________________________ Business Phone __________________
Mother’s Name _______________________________________ Business Phone __________________
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Person to contact in the event neither parent can be reached:
_____________________________________ ________________________
My child is receiving early intervention services due to a 25% delay in one of the five primary
developmental areas (circle the appropriate category): physical, language and speech, social and emotional,
adaptive, cognitive.
Registration Category:
Currently enrolled Preschool Lab student
Sibling of currently enrolled Preschool Lab student
Legacy: Sibling of previously enrolled Preschool Lab student
Westminster College: Children of faculty, administration, or staff
Open Enrollment
Please indicate class session:
(M/W/F) 3 days a week - 4 year olds, 9:00 - 11:40 a.m.
(T/Th) 2 days a week - 3 year olds, 9:00 - 11:40 a.m.
Calendar year: September-May
$440.00 per semester
$340.00 per semester
(There are 2 semesters in a school year.)
Processing fee of $20.00 enclosed. (Please make check payable to Westminster College Preschool Lab.)
I hereby certify that the information on this form is complete and correct:
Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature
Preschool Lab Registration
Westminster College
319 S. Market Street
New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001
Attention: Dr. Mandy Medvin
Forms must be received between February 1-5, 2016
through U.S. mail.
Westminster College Preschool Lab
All 3 Registration Forms must be received for your application to be considered.
During the school year, children in the preschool may be asked to participate in research
carried out by staff members and students of Westminster College. Most sessions designed for the
preschoolers last from five to twenty minutes, and are pleasant experiences for the children. A
child's participation in research is dependent upon the teachers’ judgment of the situation that
particular day. If a child is not willing or if the teacher feels a child should not participate that day
(i.e., due to illness), his/her participation is deferred to another day. Some of our research will
involve simply observing the children during the regular activities in the classroom. Parents may
also be asked to participate in research or child study activities--such as allowing a student
interviewer to visit you or filling out forms concerning child behavior or parent practices. All
information will be kept confidential, and children are free to withdraw from the study at any time.
We will make available summary information involving ongoing studies conducted through the
Preschool Lab.
Children in the preschool may also be audiotaped, photographed, or videotaped using a
digital camera or recorder by staff members and students of Westminster College for classroom or
research use. The recording will not interfere with the normal activities of the preschool in any
way. From your child's perspective, it will simply be an ordinary day. After a project is
completed, to protect the privacy of your children all files will be returned to the preschool. The
preschool staff may also view these files as a means of evaluating preschool activities.
We appreciate your cooperation. We monitor our research projects to insure that the
burden of research activity to any one group of children or parents is minimal.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As a condition of enrollment in the Westminster College Preschool Lab, I agree to allow my child,
__________________________________, to participate in any and all research, observational,
and audio or videotaping projects carried out in the Preschool Lab which have been appropriately
approved by a faculty member in the Psychology program. I will also supply data necessary to
research projects and related activities in child development approved by the Director of the
Westminster College Preschool Lab in the Psychology program. I understand that I may call the
Preschool Director, Dr. Mandy Medvin (724-946-7360), or Debi Roud (724-946-7174), with any
additional questions I may have.
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
Westminster College Preschool Lab
All 3 Registration Forms must be received for your application to be considered.
How did you hear about the Westminster College Preschool Lab? Please check all the appropriate
box(es) below:
1. A friend
2. A relative
3. Faculty / student / staff of college
4. Co-worker
5. Newspaper:
The Globe
New Castle News
6. Child currently enrolled
7. Sibling of a child currently enrolled
8. Child was enrolled in a previous year
9. Website
10. Other: Please describe __________________________________________________
Thanks for your help!