International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 Study on Role of Fines and Ultrafines in Enhancement of Properties of Concrete Ajeesha M R#1 Rohini G Nair#2 #1 P G Student, Department of civil engineering, Ilahia college of engineering &Technology, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India #2 Assistant Professor, Department of civil engineering, Ilahia college of engineering &Technology, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India Abstract— This paper presents an estimation of role of ultrafine slag Alccofine in the enhancement of properties of concrete. This includes comparison between properties of normal concrete and concrete with partial replacement of cement with ultra-fine slag Alccofine 1203. Ultra-fine slag materials are very much important for improving the durability and workability of concrete to sustain a longer life span and producing a greener and quality concrete. Incorporating ultra-fine slag as a mineral admixture improves the workability and pump ability of fresh concrete. The ultra-fine slag acts as filler thus also reduces permeability. In this paper fresh and hardened state property of high strength concrete with partial replacement of cement by ultra-fine slag Alccofine 1203 is finding out. Keywords— High performance concrete, Alccofine, durability, ultrafine slag, compressive strength, cement, aggregate. I. INTRODUCTION High performance concrete is a concrete mixture, which is having high durability and high strength when compared to normal concrete. It contains one or more of supplementary cementitious materials like fly ash, silica fume or ground granulated blast furnace slag and super plasticizer. Concrete has undergone high development in the past few years in India and it is the most widely used construction material in India. The developments in construction present opportunities for developing new concrete materials that is superior to the normal concrete. This particular study deals with the study of role of ultra-fines in enhancing the properties of concrete. An ultrafine slag is introduced in the concrete to obtain the high performance concrete. Slag using is ―ALCCOFINE 1203‖, which is a supplementary cementitious material suitably replaces Silica fume used in high performance concrete. Concrete is made up of Ordinary Portland cement. Fresh state and hardened state properties of concrete is to be determined and compared with the normal concrete of same grade. Durability of concrete containing Alccofine is studied. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Cement The cement used to cast specimen was Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade. The tests conducted on cement according to relevant Indian Standards [11] were specific gravity, consistency test, initial and final setting time and fineness . The properties of cement were tabulated in Table 1. ISSN: 2231-5381 TABLE 1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT Sl. No Properties Value 1 Specific gravity 3.015 2 Standard consistency 35% 3 Initial setting time in minutes Final setting time in minutes Average compressive Strength 75 4 5 310 56.5 N/mm2 B. Alccofine 1203 Alccofine 1203 is basically a slag based supplementary cementitious material. It is having optimized particle size distribution. Alccofine 1203 comply with Indian Standards [12]. Physical composition of alccofine is given in the Table 2 TABLE 2 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ALCCOFINE Properties Magnitude Fineness (cm2/g) >12000 Specific gravity Bulk density (kg/m3) 3.11 700-900 1.5 micron 5 micron 9 micron Particle Size Distribution D10 D50 D90 TABLE 3 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ALCCOFINE Compound Percentage CaO SO3 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO 61-64% 2-2.4% 21-23% 5-5.6% 3.8-4.4% 0.8-1.4% Page 354 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 C. Fine Aggregate In this study M sand was used as the fine aggregate. Properties of fine aggregates are tested as per relevant Indian Standards [13] and the results are tabulated in Table 4. TABLE 4 PROPERTIES OF FINE AGGREGATE Properties Magnitude Specific gravity Bulk density, kg/m3 Porosity,% Grading zone 2.56 1830 29.67 Zone II Fineness modulus 3.13 Water absorption 10 % D. Coarse Aggregate Natural angular coarse aggregate of sizes 20mm and 12mm are used for the study. Different properties of coarse aggregates were tabulated in Table 5. TABLE 5 PROPERTIES OF COARSE AGGREGATE Properties Particle size Specific gravity Bulk density Water absorption Natural Coarse Aggregate 20mm 2.75 1340 kg / m3 1.03 % Natural Coarse Aggregate 12 mm 2.625 1327 kg/ m3 1.94 % E. Super Plasticizer In this study Master Glenium Sky 8233 was used as super plasticizer. Master Glenium SKY 8233 is an admixture of a new generation based on modified poly carboxylic ether. The product has been primarily developed for applications in high performance concrete where the highest durability and performance is required. III. MIX DESIGN In the present investigation a mix of M30 grade concrete was used and designed as per relevant Indian Standards specification [15]. Total 6 mixes of concrete with different proportion of Alccofine which is 0%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% replaced with cement content on which the experimental investigation is carried out. Mixes were designated as MA 0, MA 4, MA 6, MA 8, MA 10, MA 12. Quantities of materials for 1 m3 of each mixes are as given in the Table 6. MA8 MA10 MA12 326.6 319.5 312.4 28.4 35.5 42.6 142 142 142 835 835 835 IV. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME The procedure for mixing high performance concrete is similar to that of conventional concrete. The materials were mixed thoroughly in a drum mixer to produce fresh concrete. To obtain a homogeneous mix, aggregates were mixed and binders (cement, and Alccofine) were added to the system. After remixing, water was added to the dry mix. Finally, super plasticizer was introduced to the wet mixture. In the fresh concrete slump cone test was performed to ensure the workability according to an Indian Standard specification [16]. The cube specimens of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm, cylindrical specimen of height 300 mm and 150 mm diameter , beam of size 100 mm 100 mm 500 mm were prepared. The concrete was cast into steel moulds using a minimal amount of Greece and compacted well. The specimens were demolded after 24 hours and water curing for 28days. The compressive strength of concrete cubes of each mixes was determined after 7 days and 28 days of water curing. Flexural strength and splitting tensile strength of each concrete mixes was determined after 28 days of water curing. For durability studies concrete cubes after 28 days of water curing were immersed in chloride and sulphate solutions for 56 days. And loss of strength and weight was determined. All testing were done according to Indian Standard specifications [17]. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Workability Slump test of each concrete mix were performed and the corresponding slump value is calculated. Mix of Alccofine and Super plasticizer improve the workability. This is due to the reason that alccofine have better particle size distribution, which provides dense matrix pore structure resulting in to reduced water content and better workability. Alccofine particles are smaller than the cement particles. So it fills even the minute space between different materials and the combined action of Alccofine and chemical admixture results in more cohesive mixture and workability increases. TABLE 6 MIX PROPORTIONS Mix Cement kg Alccofine Kg Water litres Fine Aggregate kg Coarse Aggregate kg MA0 MA4 MA6 355 340.8 333.7 0 14.2 21.3 142 142 142 835 835 835 1156 1156 1156 ISSN: 2231-5381 1156 1156 1156 Fig. 1 Variation of slump with addition of Alccofine Page 355 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 B. Compressive strength The 7th and 28th day compressive strength of different concrete mixes were found out. Maximum value of splitting tensile strength obtained is about 3.75 N/mm2 which is greater than the tensile strength of normal concrete. It is due to the dense pore structure which may obtained by better packing effect of alccofine. D. Flexural strength The results of flexural strength obtained were shown below. Fig. 4 Variation of flexural strength Fig. 2 Variation of 7th day and 28th day compressive strength It is evident from the results that incorporation of alccofine in concrete positively affects its strength under compression. There is a significant increase in the compressive strength of concrete both in 7 days and 28 days testing. Compressive strength gets increased even due to small quantity of alccofine itself. But the maximum enhancement is obtained at 8-10% alccofine replacement. Beyond that there is no significant change in the compressive strength. The increase in strength is due to the presence of alccofine, which results in to the formation of dense pore structure and increased secondary hydrated product due the inbuilt CaO content. C. Splitting tensile strength Splitting tensile strength of different mixes was found out. Test results indicate that inclusion of Alccofine in concrete improved the splitting tensile strength of concrete. Alccofine due to its pozzolanic nature give an improved paste characteristics and good transition zone. Spitting tensile strength is greater in alccofine concrete when comparing to control mix. Splitting tensile strength increases gradually with increase in alccofine content. Dense pore structure of alccofine concrete and secondary hydrated products also contributes to more strength. Flexural strength of concrete also increases due to the addition of alccofine in to the concrete. Maximum value of flexural strength obtained is 9.08 N/mm2. Increase in flexural strength is observed due to increase in amount of alccofine. E. Durability test Compressive strength of concrete cubes after 56 days of immersion in chloride and sulphate solution was found out. Loss of strength and loss in weight of specimen were compared. Fig. 5 Variation of Compressive Strength of Cubes Subjected to Chloride Attack Fig. 6 Variation of Compressive Strength of Cubes Subjected to Sulphate Attack Fig. 3 Variation of splitting tensile strength ISSN: 2231-5381 The average loss of compressive strength of concrete is considerably low in concrete containing alccofine. This Page 356 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 indicates that incorporation of Alccofine in concrete could be considered to be reasonable in the aspects of more chemical resistance. It was observed that weight loss after sulphate and chloride attack was very low for concrete containing alccofine when compared to normal concrete. This is due to its more compactness and low permeability. my sincere gratitude to whom all in diverse ways contributed to the success of this project work specially Mr. Shyju Nair (Zonal Head Ambuja Cements Ltd). The help and support rendered by all the teachers and students Civil Engineering Department of Ilahia college of engineering and technology was also valuable in making this paper. 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