International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 Comparative Study on the Seismic Performance of Integral and Conventional Bridges Lakshmy Kakkanatt. U#1, Rajesh. A. K* # PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India. *Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India. Abstract—In conventional construction of bridges, the superstructure consists of a series of simply supported spans separated by expansion joints and resting on bearings at the abutments and intermediate piers. But during in-service life of bridges, these joints and bearings become potential places for accumulation of debris and deicingchemicals, thereby deteriorating concrete and corroding steel reinforcements that lead to high life cycle cost including maintenance cost. Hence, engineers have recommended constructing bridges without joints, to reduce the initial and maintenance costs. Thus integral and semi integral bridges arise. This paper presents comparison on the seismic performance of conventional, semiintegral and integral bridges using finite element tool i.e., ANSYS. ANSYS help in finding seismic behaviour these bridges. Displacement and stress results are also analysed and compared. Keywords—bearings, conventional bridges, integral bridges, joints, semi-integral bridges I. INTRODUCTION A bridge is a structure that crosses over a river, bay, or other obstruction, permitting the smooth and safe passage of vehicles, trains, and pedestrians. A bridge structure is divided into an upper part (the superstructure), which consists of the slab, the floor system, and the main truss or girders, and a lower part (the substructure), which are columns or piers, towers, footings, piles, and abutments. To allow free expansion and contraction between superstructure and abutments, the traditional construction method has incorporated joints and bearings [1].The expansion joints and bearings, by virtue of their functions are sources of weakness in the bridge and there are many examples of distress in bridges, primarily due to poor performance of these two elements.As a way to reduce initial and maintenance cost, engineers recommend building bridges without joints [1]. Such bridges are known as integral bridges. The primary purpose of monolithic construction is to eliminate the need for deck movement joints and bearings at abutments [2]. The main difference between an integral bridge and a conventional bridge is the manner in which movement is accommodated. A conventional bridge accommodates movement by means of sliding bearing surfaces. An integral bridge accommodates movement by its flexible foundation. One of the most common problems in the seismic resistance of traditional bridge construction is unseating of the superstructure from the ISSN: 2231-5381 support bearings [3]. This problem can be eliminated in integral abutment construction as there are no support bearings. However, the system of joints and bearings used in traditional construction allows superstructure movements during a seismic event which result in a decreased demand on the foundation. In integral abutment construction, the foundation piles and abutment must be able to accommodate these increased demands [3]. In this paper, 3 types of bridges ie, conventional bridge (bridge with joints and bearings),semiintegral bridge (bridge with joints but no bearings) and integral bridge (bridge with no joints and bearings) are analysed in terms of seismic performance and displacement and stress results are compared using finite element tool ANSYS. II. LITERATURE REVIEW Wilson J.C. (1988) conducted a research study to assess the effects of the stiffness of monolithic bridge abutments on the seismic performance of IBs. In this study, a simple analytical model was developed that describes the stiffness of the abutments with six equivalent discrete springs for three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom. These springs are assigned various stiffnesses to include the effects of the abutment wall, pile foundations and soil. However, inertial effects arising from acceleration of the abutment and backfill mass during the excitations caused by an earthquake was not considered in this model [4]. Spyrakos and Loannidis (2003) have conducted a research study on the seismic behaviour of IBs. In this study, the effect of soil structure interaction on the seismic performance of IBs was evaluated. Linear elastic half space theory and a two-step approach were utilized to simulate the effect of soil structure interaction. The analytical model was also validated with field measurement. However, the nonlinear effects of soil-structure interaction were neglected and a single direct analysis technique that models the whole system including the superstructure, substructure and soil was not used due to its complexity [5]. Robert J. Frosch, Michael E. Kreger, Aaron M. Talbott (2009), conducted a study to evaluate the response of integral abutment bridges to seismic loading. For this, field investigation, analytical investigation and laboratory investigation were conducted.Results of the field, analytical, and laboratory investigations were used to evaluate allowable Page 339 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 bridge lengths based on seismic performance. Finally, design recommendations are provided to enhance the seismic performance of integral abutment bridges [3]. Ahmad M. Itani and Gokhan Pekcan (2011) investigated about seismic performance of steel plate girder bridges with integral abutments. Analytical investigations were conducted on computational models of steel bridges with integral abutments to determine their seismic behaviour as a system and to develop seismic design guidelines. Based on the analytical investigations and available experimental research, guidelines for the seismic analysis and design of integral abutment bridges were developed [6]. terms enable the elements to analyse flexural, lateral, and torsional stability problems. Elasticity, plasticity, creep and other nonlinear material models are supported. A cross-section associated with this element type can be a built-up section referencing more than one material. B. Material Properties Three materials are defined to model the bridge. They are concrete, steel and neoprene. Table I provides the properties such as elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio and density of the materials. V. TABLE I MATERIAL PROPERTIES III. MODEL DESCRIPTION Effective span of bridge = 21.75m Carriageway width =7.5m Live load = IRC class A Mix = M25 Footpath of 1500mm width is provided on both sides. 3 longitudinal girders are placed at a distance of 3m c/c. Width of longitudinal girder = 0.3m Thickness of deck slab = 0.24m Piers and bed blocks are also provided. IV. MODELLING OF CONVENTIONAL BRIDGE For modelling of conventional bridge, two bridge spans each having 22.32m length and separated by means of expansion joints of 40mm are selected. Bearings are also provided between the superstructure and piers. A. Elements Used 1)Solid 65: It is used to model concrete. The element is defined by eight nodes having three degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions. The concrete element is similar to a 3-D structural solid but with the addition of special cracking and crushing capabilities. The most important aspect of this element is the treatment of nonlinear material properties. The solid is capable of cracking in tension and crushing in compression. Special features of solid 65 are plasticity, creep, cracking, crushing, large deflection and large strain. 2)Shell 181:Shell 181 is used to model piers. It is a fournode element with six degrees of freedom at each node: a translation in the x, y, and z directions, and rotations about the x, y, and z-axes. It is well-suited for linear, large rotation, and/or large strain nonlinear applications. Change in shell thickness is accounted for in nonlinear analyses. In the element domain, both full and reduced integration schemes are supported. Shell181 accounts for load stiffness effects of distributed pressures. Sl No Material Elastic Modulus (N/mm2) Poisson’s Ratio Density(N/mm3) 1 Concrete 25000 0.2 2.4×10-6 2 Steel 2×105 0.3 7.85×10-6 3 Neoprene 6 0.499 9.65×10-7 C. Modelling of Bearings The elastomeric bearings, which are made of low damping rubber (neoprene) where the behaviour is nearly elastic, are idealized as 3-D beam elements connected between the superstructure and the substructures at girder locations. The height of the beam elements is set equal to the thickness of the bearings. Size of bearing is taken as 500×360×99mm. Thematerial used is neoprene. Shear modulus is taken as 1N/mm2 (IRC 83: part 2). D. Modelling of Reinforcement Smeared model method is used to model reinforcement. The smeared model assumes that reinforcement is uniformly spread throughout the concrete elements in a defined region of the finite element mesh. This approach is used for large-scale models. ANSYS allows the user to enter three rebar materials in the concrete. Each material corresponds to x, y, and zdirections in the element. The reinforcement has uniaxial stiffness and the directional orientation is defined by the user. 3 sets of real constants are used. Table II shows smeared model parameters required to model reinforcement. 3)Beam 188: Beam 188 is used to model bearings. It is suitable for analysing slender to moderately stubby/thick beam structures. The element provides options for unrestrained warping and restrained warping of cross-sections. The element includes stress stiffness terms, by default, in any analysis with large deflection. The provided stress-stiffness ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 340 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 elements, or all hexahedral (brick) volume elements to generate a mapped mesh. VI. TABLE II SMEARED MODEL PARAMETERS Constants Real Element Constants Type Particulars Set Material Real Real Constant Constant For For Rebar 1 Rebar 2 2 2 0.0327 0.00453 90 0 0 90 0.000994 0.001211 90 0 0 90 0.00302 0.00116 F. Boundary Conditions Displacement boundary conditions are needed to constrain the model to get a unique solution. To ensure that the model acts the same way as the experimental bridge, boundary conditions need to be applied at points of symmetry and where the supports and loadings exist. In traditional construction, the bearings are typically the controlling feature of a seismic design and the piers or abutments are assumed to be fixed. [3]. Fig 1 shows the model of conventional bridge in ANSYS. Volume Ratio 1 Orientation Angle θ Orientation Angle Φ Volume Solid 65 Ratio Orientation 2 Angle θ Orientation Angle Φ Volume Ratio Fig. 1. Model of conventional bridge. Orientation 3 Angle θ 90 0 0 90 Orientation Angle Φ Volume ratios are calculated using the equation (1) given below: (1) Where, Where, d = Diameter of the rebar Orientation Angle θ defines orientation measure from local X to Y axis. Orientation Angle Φ is the angle measured from local XY plane from X. E. Meshing Mapped mesh is used. For this, whole structure is divided into small areas.In this meshing, we can specify that the program use all quadrilateral area elements, all triangle area ISSN: 2231-5381 G. Loading and Analysis Live load is taken as IRC class A. For maximum bending moment on deck slab, the load with maximum intensity should be placed symmetrically with respect to the centre. Inorder to get the impact effect, the load is multiplied by impact factor. It is given as point loads as per IRC 6:2000. As it is known the design of bridges has to compromise both its functional and earthquake resistant performance, as they are conflictful components of the same problem and they impose opposite design requirements. ANSYS uses the Newton-Raphson approach to solve nonlinear problems. Here for seismic loading Ahmadabad Frequency Response spectrum (FRS) is taken into consideration. It consists of frequency and acceleration. Reciprocal of frequency gives time in seconds. Thus transient analysis can be done by entering time and acceleration as inertial loads. The main difference between the static and transient procedures is that time-integration effects can be activated in the transient analysis. Thus, "time" always represents actual chronology in a transient analysis. VII. MODELLING OF SEMI-INTEGRAL BRIDGE Modelling of semi-integral bridge is same as that of conventional bridge. Difference is that bearings are eliminated. Page 341 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 But 40mm joints are provided between the spans. VIII. MODELLING OF INTEGRAL BRIDGE Integral bridges act as a rigid structure. It minimizes the use of bearings and resists large lateral forces. So for the modelling of integral bridge joints and bearings are eliminated. Integral bridge requires flexible foundations to accommodate stresses produced from lateral forces. Inorder to maintain flexibility, the boundary conditions are set to restrain movements in vertical direction and accommodate the movements in horizontal direction. Fig 2 shows the model of integral bridge. Fig. 2. Model of integral bridge IX. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Table III shows deformation and stress results obtained after analysis. X. TABLE III DEFORMATION AND STRESS RESULTS SemiParameters Conventional Integral Integral Bridge Bridge Bridge Displacement (mm) 22.2943 17.4314 10.0279 Stress (MPa) 69.5941 66.7591 60.259 From the table we can understand that, deflection obtained for conventional bridge, semi-integral bridge and integral bridge are 22.2943mm, 17.4314mm and 10.0279mm respectively. It is found that integral bridge has smaller deflection when compared to other bridges due to its rigid nature. Deflection limit of a concrete bridge (including footpath) is . Here all the deflections are within the limit. integral bridge and integral bridge are 69.5941Mpa, 66.7591Mpa and 60.259Mpa respectively. Here also stress obtained for integral bridge is less than other bridges. So earthquake resistance of the bridge can be enhanced by using monolithical systems. With respect to seismic performance; increased redundancy, smaller displacements and elimination of unseating potential are main benefits of integral bridges over conventional bridges [6]. Integral construction provides increased seismic resistance with respect to traditional construction due to increased redundancy and continuity. Joints introduce a potential collapse mechanism into the overall bridge structure in conventional construction [6]. Integral abutments eliminate the most common cause of damage to bridges in seismic events, loss of girder support [1]. In integral bridges functional movements are maximized at the ends of the continuous deck where the monolithical connection of the abutment or pier with the deck is, while the central piers being usually higher and as such, more tolerant to deformations, experience lower displacements. Abutment flexibility was an important element in earthquake design of integral bridges. A more flexible abutment would lead to higher deformation demands on the other components along the lateral load path. Integral bridge takes the advantage of the inherent ability of reinforced concrete to dissipate part of the induced seismic energy by hysteretic behaviour while their redundancy is high [7]. Implementation of rigidly supported abutments or piers on integral bridges can be seen as a promising solution for the reduction of the seismic displacements of particular bridge.If the length of bridge is greater, intermediate joints will be provided with bearings to allow horizontal movements. But these joints will be lesser in numbers as compared to traditional construction. But it is well suited for small and moderate length bridges. XI. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, conventional, semi-integral and integral bridges were modelled and transient analysis is done using finite element tool ANSYS. Elimination of bearings improves the structural performance of integral bridges due to earthquake and it requires less inspection and maintenance efforts. It is found that integral bridge has smaller deflection and stress when compared to other bridges due to its rigid nature. Due to their increased stiffness, these bridges exhibits lower displacement demands. In integral bridges functional movements are maximized at the ends of the continuous deck. Unseating of superstructure from the support bearings can be eliminated. Therefore, integral bridges can be seen as a promising solution for the reduction of the seismic displacements. Further investigation, concerning soil structure interaction and temperature effects are necessary in order to study the interaction between the main parameters of the problem. In case of stress, Von Mises stress results are taken. The Von Mises stress obtained for conventional bridge, semi- ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 342 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to acknowledge the support received from the Ilahia College of Engineering And Technology, Muvattupuzha in connection with this work. REFERENCES [1] Vimala Shekar,Srinivas Aluri, Dr. Hota V.S.,GangaRao, ―Integral abutment bridges with FRP decks – case studies‖,in The 2005 – FHWA Conference, 2005, p. 113. [2] Integral abutment bridge design guidelines, VTrans, Integral Abutment Committee, 2nd Edition, 2008. [3] Robert J. Frosch, Michael E. Kreger, Aaron M. 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