International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015 Design and Implementation of less quiescent current, less dropout LDO Regulator in 90nm Technology Madhukumar A S#1, M.Nagabhushan#2 #1 M.Tech student, Dept. of ECE. M.S.R.I.T, Bangalore, INDIA #2 Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE., M.S.R.I.T, Bangalore, INDIA Abstract – There is a great demand for battery-powered portable devices now-a-days. For reducing the standby power and maximizing the battery runtime in these devices, power management is compulsory. Here one such power management module called low-dropout (LDO) regulator is proposed and designed in 90nm technology. It converts an input of 1V to an output of 0.5-0.932V. A two stage operational amplifier is used as an error amplifier (EA) which is having high gain and high output swing in order to reduce the size of power MOS transistor. The reference voltage of 0.5V for the LDO is derived from a piecewise curvature compensated BGR in order to have LDO regulated output invariant to temperature. These advantages permit the proposed LDO regulator to operate over a wide range of operating conditions by achieving current efficiency about 99.99%, 68mV dropout voltage, 0.02µA quiescent current with a load regulation of 0.17mV/mA and line regulation of 5.41mV/V at 0.932V output. Keywords– Low-dropout (LDO) regulator, less quiescent current, LDO tuning range, load regulation, Proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT),Complimentary to absolute temperature ( CTAT). I. INTRODUCTION Now-a-days battery powered devices such as mobile phones, laptops, PDA’s etc are quite demanding in the current market trend and also these are likely to be the most important consumer products. The one critical parameter that needs to be considered in working of these devices is the battery power. Once the battery power starts draining and the efficiency of these devices reduces with respect to the time. Hence power management needs to be done for these battery equipped devices. The one such power management module ISSN: 2231-5381 we can think of is regulator. Regulator is of two types namely linear regulator [1] and switching regulator [10]. In this paper one example of linear regulator i.e. low-dropout (LDO) regulator is designed and implemented in 90nm technology. A low-dropout regulator is a DC linear voltage regulator which can operate with a very small input–output differential voltage. For a good LDO it must have high tuning range, high current efficiency, low quiescent current I Q and very less dropout voltage especially for sub 1-V operation. A number of previous papers focused on reducing the dropout voltage and reducing the quiescent current [1] – [6] of LDO regulator. The design in [1] consumes a quiescent current of about 60µA which is really a high value. If quiescent current increases means the current efficiency decreases which is a disadvantage. Hence in this paper the quiescent current reduces to a very small value. Also the dropout voltage in design [1] is 150mV which is a large value especially in sub 1V operation. Hence in this paper the dropout voltage also reduced to a small value. II. IMPROVED PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS A LDO regulator basically consists of mainly four blocks namely an error amplifier (EA), a power MOS transistor (M P), a feedback network and a bandgap reference circuit (BGR) as shown in Fig. 1. At the output side LDO regulator consists of load capacitor (CL) and resistor (RSER) in order to compensate for the stability of the circuit. Some of the improved performance parameters are discussed in the following sections. Page 381 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015 D. Small area of LDO circuit. The power MOS transistor used here in the LDO loop consumes more area of the total overall consumed area by the LDO circuit. Hence the aspect ratio of this power MOS transistor must be reduced. This can be done by increasing the swing and gain of the error amplifier (EA). III. LDO REGULATOR CIRCUIT DESIGNING LDO regulator consists of mainly four blocks and designing of all four blocks are explained in the following sections. Fig.1. Block diagram of proposed LDO A. ERROR AMPLIFIER The error amplifier is a two stage transconductance amplifier as shown in Fig.2. A. High Power Supply Rejection. In order for LDO to give a constant accurate output voltage especially in sub-1 V operation noise suppression must be done. In order to suppress the noise here in the proposed LDO architecture the error amplifier uses two stages. The first stage of EA is used to attenuate the power noise and the second stage of EA rejects the common mode noise at its inputs. And also power noise cancellation at gate of power MOS increases PSR. B. High Stability by LDO compensation. Here the power MOS MP contributes a non-dominant pole at a low frequency. In order to compensate for stability i.e. to cancel this non-dominant pole a large equivalent series resistance of CL (RSER) is required to produce a low frequency zero. C. Very less dropout voltage and Quiescent current (IQ). The dropout voltage of LDO is the difference between the input and the output voltage. Quiescent current is the difference between the input and the output current. For a good LDO both these should be very less. The dropout voltage is directly proportional to the maximum load current of the circuit. Hence by choosing the maximum load current as low as possible we can achieve very less dropout voltage. If dropout voltage decreases means the Quiescent current also decreases to very low value in the circuit. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig.2. Two stage Error amplifier (EA) The first stage is the differential amplifier and second stage is the common source amplifier. Here in order to achieve the phase margin of amplifier greater than 60 0 the compensation capacitor is selected as 800 fF. The transistors M1 and M2 are matched transistors and are designed by first selecting the transconductance of M1 and M2 as 130µ in order to have high gain bandwidth product. The transistors M3 and M4 are matched transistors and are designed using the high input common mode range parameter. By knowing the bias current for the circuit I5 transistors M5- M7 are designed. Page 382 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015 The gain and swing of the amplifier must be more in order to reduce the aspect ratio requirement of the power MOS transistor. The gain of the first stage and second stage is given by equation (1) and equation (2) respectively. The total gain is the sum of these gains in dB i.e. in equation (3). (1) (2) (3) B. POWER MOS TRANSISTOR. Power MOSFET used here is the PMOS with high aspect ratio. The value or the aspect ratio of the power MOSFET is based on the dropout voltage and the maximum load current required. To have very less dropout voltage, we need to use very less load current. The relationship between dropout voltage and maximum load current is given in equation (4). From this relation the power MOS is designed. Fig.3. Piecewise curvature compensated BGR (4) C. PIECE WISE CURVATURE CORRECTED BGR. Fig.4. Reference curves for first order and curvature compensated BGR The proposed piecewise corrected BGR is shown in Fig.3. It consists of consists of a startup circuit, a conventional firstorder BGR and the proposed curvature-corrected current generator. We know that the first order BGR generate a reference with slightly negative temperature coefficient as is given in Fig.4. The curvature-corrected current generator provides a piecewise nonlinear current given in equation (5) to correct the nonlinear temperature dependence to achieve lower negative TC as shown in Fig.4. Proposed architecture uses two NMOS differential input opamps, of which one is used to generate PTAT and second opamp is used to generate a CTAT. Due to the positive TC of R5/R2, a PTAT voltage is achieved at the gate-source voltage of transistor M12. This voltage is used to overcome the negative TC and tries to move the reference curve upwards with respect to temperature. The reference voltage generated by this piecewise curvature compensated BGR is 0.5 V which is used by the LDO regulator circuit as a reference voltage. (5) D. FEEDBACK NETWORK (6) The feedback network consists of two resistors R1 and R2. These resistors are designed by taking the regulated output voltage required and the reference voltage from bandgap reference circuit as given in equation (7). (7) ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 383 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015 IV. IMPLEMENTATION, RESULTS & ANALYSIS The complete schematic circuit of the two stage error amplifier is created in virtuoso schematic editor and is as shown in Fig.5. The functionality is shown Fig.6.when the input is given to inverting terminal of EA. Fig.8. Piecewise curvature compensated BGR Fig.5. Two stage error amplifier (EA) Fig.9. BGR output curves – VREF, CTAT and PTAT Fig.6. Inverting output The complete LDO regulator circuit is created in cadence virtuoso schematic editor and is shown in Fig.10. The gain of the EA obtained is ~50dB i.e. 48.929dB and the same gain plot is shown in Fig.7. Fig.10. Complete LDO regulator circuit Fig.7. EA gain plot The piecewise curvature compensated BGR is shown in Fig.8. and the outputs obtained with respect to the temperature is shown in Fig.9. and the reference voltage is 500mV. ISSN: 2231-5381 The LDO regulator test circuit with load resistance RL for plotting the load regulation is shown in Fig.11. Page 384 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015 Fig.11. LDO regulator test circuit with RL This LDO can be tuned in the range from 0.5 V to 0.932V in increments of 10mV, 50mV and 100mV. This can be done by changing the values of R1 and R2 resistors. Fig.13. Variation of Vout vs. Vin at 500mV regulated voltage Table 1.1. Line regulation at 500mV regulated voltage Case (1): When LDO is tuned to give a regulated output voltage of 500mV. The LDO can be tuned to 500mV by using resistors R1 and R2 at the output side to 1Ω and 500Ω respectively. And by varying load resistor RL we can see the load regulation of LDO. Fig.12. shows the outputs from internal blocks when LDO tuned at 500mV. Fig.12. LDO outputs when it is tuned to 500mV We can infer from the above figure that the output from Error amplifier is 752.724mV in order to keep power MOSFET in saturation region so that the output will be a regulated constant voltage i.e. 500mV. The variation of output regulated voltage with respect to input voltage is called line regulation and is plotted in Fig.13.for regulated voltage of 500mV. The corresponding values of output versus input are tabulated as shown in the table 1.1. ISSN: 2231-5381 Vin(mV) Vout(mV) 518.56 500.26 560.045 500.702 606.364 500.919 668.0 501.162 729.714 501.414 852.4 501.922 911.2 502.18 968.571 502.441 Case (2): When LDO is tuned to give a regulated output voltage of 932mV. The LDO can be tuned to 932mV by using resistors R1 and R2 at the output side to 430Ω and 500Ω respectively. Fig.14. shows the outputs from each and every block when LDO tuned at 932mV. The line regulation and is plotted in Fig.15. for regulated voltage of 932mV. The corresponding values of output versus input are tabulated as shown in the below table.1.2. Page 385 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015 Fig.14. . LDO outputs when it is tuned to 932mV Fig.16. Load Regulation at 932mV output voltage We can infer from the above graph that the variation of output voltage is very less with respect to the load current i.e. load resistor RL which is a good characteristic of LDO. Fig.15. Variation of Vout vs. Vin at 932mV regulated voltage Finally all the parameters of LDO regulator are calculated and tabulated in the table 1.3 and in the same table all the parameters of this work are compared with the recent previous work of [1]. In this work the quiescent current and dropout voltage are decreased to a very less value. The current efficiency also increased and load regulation is decreased as well which is a good characteristic. Table 1.2. Line regulation at 932mV regulated voltage Table 1.3. Comparison of LDO Parameters Vin(mV) Vout(mV) Parameters Ref1 [2014] This work 949.283 932.058 Technology 90nm 90nm 1.00376V 932.835 Vin 1V 1V 1.05025V 933.315 LDO Tuning Range 0.5 – 0.85 0.5 – 0.932 1.116V 933.875 In Increments of - 10mV,50mV,100mV 1.17247V 934.3 Dropout Voltage 150mV 68mV 1.19346V 934.725 Max Load current, Imax 100mA 1mA Quiescent Current, IQ 60µA 0.02µA Current Efficiency 99.94% 99.99% Efficiency of LDO 84.94% 93.19% Line Regulation - 5.41mV/V Load Regulation 0.28mV/mA @ Vout =0.85V 0.17mV/mA @ Vout = 0.932V After this 932mV regulated output voltage if we want to tune further means it’s not possible because the power MOS transistor enters into linear region and hence we cannot expect a regulated voltage at the output side and hence the dropout voltage is 68mV. Load regulation is a measure of the circuit’s ability to maintain the specified output voltage under varying load conditions. The plot of load regulation i.e. variation of output voltage with respect to load resistor is shown in Fig.16. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 386 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015 V. CONCLUSION The paper describes a LDO which is working with very less dropout voltage of about 68mV and very less quiescent current of 0.02 µA which are the characteristics of good LDO. The LDO output is invariable to temperature since reference voltage [7] P. Pournima,” Piecewise Curvature-Corrected Bandgap Reference in 90 nm CMOS”, IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering ,Volume 1,Issue 2,August 2014. [8] J. Hu, B. Hu, Y. Fan, and M. Ismail, “A 500 nA quiescent, 100 mA maximum load CMOS low-dropout regulator,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Electron. Circuits Syst., Dec. 2011, pp. 386–389. for regulator is derived from BGR circuit which also again [9] Phillip. E. Allen, Douglas. R. Holeberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Second Edition, Qxford University Press 2002. good characteristic. The designed LDO can be used to provide [10] -switching regulators. stable voltages in the range from 0.5V to 0.932V and this range of voltages can be used as stabilized source voltages for devices working in sub 1 V operation. REFERENCES [1] Chung-Hsun Huang, Member, IEEE, Ying-Ting Ma, and Wei-Chen Liao “ Design of a Low-Voltage Low-Dropout Regulator” , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL. 22, NO. 6, JUNE 2014. [2] M. El-Nozahi, A. Amer, J. Torres, K. Entesari, and E. SanchezSinencio,“High PSR low drop-out regulator with feed-forward ripple cancellation technique,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 565– 577,Mar. 2010. [3] H.-C. Lin, H.-H. Wu, and T.-Y. Chang, “An active-frequency compensation scheme for CMOS low-dropout regulators with transient-response improvement,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. 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