International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 1 – March 2015 Performance analysis of trinary /quaternary Multivalve Logic Digital Circuit Braj kishor1, Anand Kumar Singh2, Sachin Bandewar3 1 IV SEM, SSSCE Bhopal (M.P.) Asst. Prof. EC Deptt. SSSCE Bhopal (M.P.) 3 Asst. Prof. EC Deptt. SSSCE Bhopal (M.P.) 2 Abstract: Multivalve logic carry more information on a single line . It minimizes the number of gates needed and largest number of gates in any path from input to output. Minimizing number of gates will reduce the chip area, and minimizing depth will give opportunity to use highest clock frequency. In this paper the multivalve logic gates has been design in multivalve system and output as binary valued circuit. Keywords: - MVL, Current mode, Voltage mode, BITSWAP, Current mirror. Designing of quaternary logic reduces the number of digits to half compare to binary logic. A. Binary Logic The binary logic has two levels in input and output represented by i.e 0 and `1. An AND Binary gate has two or more inputs and produce one output as follows: output =1; if all the inputs are high, output=0; if one or more inputs are low. Similarly in Or logic binary gate has two or more inputs and produce one output as follows: output =0 ; if all the inputs are high, output=1; if one or more inputs are high. I INTRODUCTION The binary logic have two logic levels is input and output represented by 0, 1. While the ternary and quaternary logic have three ( i.e 0, 1, 2) and four (0, 1, 2, 3) logic levels. MVL reduces the number of interconnects wires since it carries more information on a single line. Many arithmetic and logical function are design using MVL but there successful implementation is yet to be done. The ternary number system can be writtenas0,1,2,10,11,12,20,21,22,100,101 ,102,110,111,112, 1000 .etc whereas the quaternary number system can be written as0000,0001,0002,0003,0010,0011,0 B.Ternary/Quaternary logic level The major area of binary logic base ICs are occupied by the interconnection. The more effective utilization of interconnections possible uses a larger set of signals over the same area in multiple valued logic (MVL) devices. The higher radix in use is the ternary (radix-3) and the quaternary (radix-4). Two logic systems are available in ternary logic, balanced ternary logic -1, 0 and 1 and simple ternary logic 0, 1 and 2. The quaternary logic uses 0, 1, 2 and 3 logic levels. Figure 1 shows ternary logic with a supply voltage. Figure 2 shows quaternary logic levels. 012,0013,0100,0101,….etc. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 28 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 1 – March 2015 Fig 1 Ternary logic level Figure 1 Quaternary logic levels. II.RELATED WORK LITERATURE REVIEW Milton Ernesto Romero, Evandro Marina Martins, Ricardo Ribeiro dos Santos, and Mario Enrique Duarte Gonzalez design the ternary and quaternary logic gates on 0.35um technology. They design the multiplexer and latch circuit using these multivalve gates. But there work is not considered the parametric analysis of power consumption, delay, fan in and fanout capabilities [1]. They get power consumption in the range of 721uw to 1370 uW and the delay in the range of 30ns to 550ns [1]. Fatwa Sarica1 and Avni Morgul design a new latch and restoration circuit which improves the performance ISSN: 2231-5381 of previously designed flip-flop circuit. The major problem with this multi-valued logic circuits is that they are not self restored unlike the binary logic circuits. The predefined current levels can be deviate from their original values due to some variations in active element dimensions, power supplies, technology parameters, etc [2]. Vasundara Patel, k s gurumurthy design the quaternary multivalve logic base addition, subtraction and multiplication operations. Minimal functions have been obtained from the Karnaugh diagrams for the addition and multiplication and then simplified as much as possible using all possible gate types. Minimal functions obtained from the minimal polynomials extracted from the Karnaugh diagrams [3]. Ternary logic system contains three input logic levels i.e 0, 1, 2. In this logic there find different logic circuit gates. In quaternary logic system, logic levels ranges from 0 to 3 as against 0 and 1 in binary logic. The logic system uses logic gates and their operation is known as operators. Quaternary algebra operators are classified in two categories, namely fundamental operators and functional operators. The fundamental operators are those selected operators that are sufficient to completely define the quaternary algebra and can be used to derive other operators which includes AND, OR, NOT, BITSWAP and the functional operators are those operators that are described as the combination of two or more fundamental operators which includes Inward Inverter, Outward Inverter, Equality, MIN, MAX, XOR logics. the Page 29 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 1 – March 2015 A. Fundamental Operators: AND/ OR/ NOT Gate: These gate have two or more than two inputs and one output. The truth table is shown below: Table 1: Truth Table for Fundamental Operators: Input Input A B AND Y OR Y NOT BIT A SWAP 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 3 2 2 A 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 0 3 A NOT gates have one input and produce one output in quaternary algebra. BIT SWAP swaps the two bits of the binary equivalent of the quaternary operand. It leaves the symmetrical numbers unchanged but inverts the asymmetrical numbers. Some example are BITSWAP AND (AND followed by BITSWAP), BITSWAP NOR (NOR followed by BITSWAP), BITSWAP XNOR (XNOR followed by BITSWAP) etc. In the BITSWAP NAND, NOR, NOT and XNOR the inverter is obviously NOT but not the inward or outward inverter. B. Functional operators Inward Inverter, Outward Inverter, Equality, MIN, MAX, XOR. The inward inverter inverts the input just like the NOT; but after that, it changes the ISSN: 2231-5381 symmetrical values to nearest asymmetrical values. Therefore, when the output of the NOT would be 3 or 0, in the case of the inward inverter, the value will be 2 or 1, respectively. These inverters may as well be used with other operators to form compound operators; some Examples are the inward AND, the inward OR and the inward XOR where the inward inverter follows the AND, OR and XOR operators respectively [4, 5, 6]. Table 2: Truth Table for Functional Operators: Input Input A B 0 0 0 XOR Inward Outward INV INV Max Min 0 2 3 0 0 1 1 2 3 1 0 0 2 2 2 3 2 0 0 3 3 2 3 3 0 1 3 0 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 0 1 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 3 2 3 3 0 1 0 3 3 The outward inverter inverts the input just like the NOT, but after that it changes the asymmetrical values to nearest symmetrical values. So when the output of the NOT would be 2 or 1, in the case of the outward inverter, the value will be 3 or 0, respectively. The operator is named as outward or full inverter because it converts the output of the NOT to the nearest absolute state. If we consider an outward inverter instead of the inward inverter in the above examples, then we get the outward AND, the outward OR and the Page 30 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 1 – March 2015 outward XOR operators, respectively. MAX Gate is just like OR gate, Min Gate is just like OR gate. III.METHODOLOGY AND IMPLEMENTATION We can design the multivalve logic gate truth table and then by converting binary equivalent truth table to multivalve logic truth table, we can design the CMOS layout on MICROWIND layout editor tool. Multiplexor type logic is design for implementation of quadrature value logic. It has n + l inputs, one of which is an n valued Control input whose value determines which of the other n-valued inputs is selected for output. Where xk is a fourvalued controlling or selecting input that takes on values (0, 1, 2, 3). For xk =0, input x, is selected; for xk =1, xp is selected, and so on. Thus, in general xo = < x l, x2, x3, x4>, using the stringsequence notation introduced in the main text. For this implementation we can use transmission gate logic. Fig Transmission Gate base quadrature value logic. Depending on the working MVL can be realize in voltage-mode or current-mode logic. in voltage mode , the data is transfer in the form of voltage levels, whereas in current mode the data is transfer in the form of current levels. in voltage mode the circuit density will increase and a very ISSN: 2231-5381 little power can be dissipated per cell to avoid the chip from overheating. As Power dissipation is directly proportional to square of supply voltage, thus reduction in supply voltage will reduce power consumption. As a result, we have limited radix at voltage-mode. Using transistors having variable threshold voltages can be thought as a solution for voltage mode designs but it is still limited with quaternary logic levels. In current mode logic allow higher radix than voltage-mode circuits. The main advantage of the current-mode multi-valued circuits is the simplicity of the addition operation. A.Basic Multi-Valued Circuit Elements Sum: The major benefit of current-mode implementation of multiple-valued circuits is its summation operation. Currently coming at the node is equal to its algebraic summation as P: y = x1 + x2 +…..+ xn, (algebraic sum). Addition operation in voltage mode binary circuits need an XOR and AND operator which has 20 transistors in total. Current mirror Mirror circuits are used to produce the copy of input currents. They can be designed as n-type or p-type. Current mirror is use to increase output current driving capability, because current-mode Page 31 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 1 – March 2015 CMOS logic allows fan-out of only one. In addition, by rescheduling transistor sizing, several current values in the design can be multiplied by a constant scale factor k. Switch: The NMOS or PMOS transistors can be use as a switch The voltage level at gate terminal will switch on or OFF the MOSFET device which control the current flow through this switch[7,8]. IV. CONCLUSION Logic having more than two levels to a single wire decreases the number of wires for the same range of data, and this reduce number of pins required for design. The reduction in logic circuit also reduces the wire interconnection length which in turn decreases resistance and capacitance of contacts and interconnections, and the interconnection delay can be greatly decreased. By using the platform of binary logic system the complexity of digital circuit is reduce in design circuit higher than binary logic system is multivalve logic. CMOS technology is chosen for the circuit realization; embedding MVL circuits in binary structure will perform better than binary only. Multiple-valued logic has many theoretical advantages -its potential to increase the functional density of metal-limited digital integrated circuit layouts by reducing the number of signal interconnections. ISSN: 2231-5381 REFERENCES: [1] Milton Ernesto Romero, Evandro Mazina Martins, Ricardo Ribeiro dos Santos, and Mario Enrique Duarte Gonzalez " Universal Set of CMOS Gates for the Synthesis of Multiple Valued Logic Digital Circuits" IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems—I: Regular Papers, Vol. 61, No. 3, March 2014 pp no. 736. [2] Fatma Sarica1 and Avni Morgül “Basic Circuits for MultiValued Sequential Logic" 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dec 2011 pp no. 56. 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