Compressive Sampling of Stochastic Multiband Signal Using Time Encoding Machine Dominik Rzepka, Dariusz Kościelnik, Marek Miśkowicz Department of Electronics AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland Email: drzepka, koscieln, miskow Abstract—In this paper we present an improvement of architecture of the Asynchronous Sigma-Delta time encoding machine, which makes it suitable for sampling the wideband sparse analog signals. Since the values of the samples are encoded into sampling instants, this is a signal-dependent sampling scheme. By superseding the commonly used multitone model of the input signal with multiband stochastic model, the randomness of the sampling instants is obtained. This allows for the reconstruction of signal using compressive sampling methods without additional randomization hardware. The simulation results validate the presented approach. I. I NTRODUCTION The introduction of Shannon-Nyquist theorem in the middle of 20 century paved a way for the digital processing of analog signals and inspired a research on the effective hardware architectures for analog-to-digital conversion. The beginning of the 21 century came with the introduction of Compressive Sampling (CS) paradigm, which opened possibility for the reduction of sampling rate for the redundant signals, and posed a challenge of the analog-to-information converter design. The mandatory requirement for the compressive sampling sampling scheme is known as a Restricted Isometry Principle (RIP) [1]. For the signals expressed using orthogonal expansions, RIP is equivalent to maintaining the energy of the samples taken at sub-Nyquist rate, close to the energy of the sampled signal. This can be realized using the generalized random measurements, as in the multiband wideband converter and random demodulator, where the signal is convolved with a pseudorandom sequence or sequences [2], [3]. Another option is to sample the signal nonuniformly, according to the deterministic periodic sequence (multicoset sampling [4]) or with the random locations of samples [5], [6]. An interesting approach was presented in [7], where the time encoding paradigm was used, resulting with the signal-dependent nonuniform sampling. In this setup, the input signal values are encoded using Asynchronous Sigma Delta Modulator (ASDM) time encoding machine into the train of pulses that changes sign at the times (quasi-digital signal). The advantage of the ASDM is its simplicity and ultralow power consumption [8]. The disadvantage, which is particularly visible when the This work was supported from Statutory Activity & Dean’s Grant (AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunication). 978-1-4673-7353-1/15/$31.00 c 2015 IEEE signal is sampled under the Nyquist rate, is that the dynamics of the output pulse lengths depends not only on the input signal dynamics, but also on its spectrum. This results with increased quantization noise. The second disadvantageous effect was observed in the ASDM architecture for the multitone input signals. Since such signals are periodic, also the periodicity (cycles) of the sampling pattern appeared, which had a negative influence on the fulfilling the RIP property. This problem was solved in [7] by introducing the random disturbances of the input signal, which reduced the effect of cycles. In this paper the improved architecture of ASDM is presented to solve the problem of dependence between signal spectrum and the dynamics of the output pulses. This was achieved by adding the simple sample-and-hold circuit before the input of the ASDM and triggering it at the edges of output quasi digital signal. Furthermore, instead of the multitone input, the multiband stochastic signal is used as the model of input signal. This class of signals is well suited for the radio signals, where the spectrum divided into channels is often sparse, because only some part of them is used at once. The randomness of the input signal results with the randomness of the sampling instants. We show, that such sampling scheme becomes equivalent to additive random sampling, which was successfully used as the compressive sampling scheme [5], [6]. Therefore for this class of signals the additional randomization hardware is not necessary. The satisfaction of RIP is provided by theory of structured random matrices [1]. The simulation results validate the presented approach. II. C OMPRESSIVE SAMPLING Let us consider the multiband signal , whose energy is present only in the of the of total subbands , each of width Hz. The maximum frequency component can be at most Hz. Do we need to sample the signal at the rate S/s to be able for its reconstruction? Even though it is required by a Shannon-Nyquist theorem, such standard approach does not take into account the sparsity of the signal . Landau proved [9], that it is sufficient to sample such signal at the , that is twice the summary width of nonempty subbands. The reconstruction of signal is possible using the variant of bandlimited interpolation [10] providing that the location non-empty subbands is known. Unfortunately, this knowledge is not always available. This is where the compressed sensing comes with help. In the original finite vector space formulation, compressed sensing guarantees with high probability that -dimensional vector containing only non-zero components can be recovered from the vector composed of measurements, where . Relation between signal and measurements is given by consumption and simple architecture [8]. The architecture of the ASDM time encoding machine consists of an integrator and the Schmitt trigger operating in a negative feedback loop (Fig. 1). The integrator is fed by a difference of the input and the output of the Schmitt trigger , where signal . The ASDM operation is described by the equation (1) (5) is matrix. Equation (1) constitutes underwhere determined system of linear equations with infinite number of solutions. However, if the matrix is designed properly, there exists an unique, the sparsest solution (where the sparsity denotes the number of non-zero components in ). This solution can be obtained by solving the optimization problem ( -minimization) subject to where is an initial observation time. As long as the ASDM output is in the high state ( ), the voltage of the integrator output grows. When reaches a lower ), the modulator threshold of the Schmitt trigger ( output is switched to , and starts to increase. The waveforms on the integrator and ASDM outputs, and , for a given signal are presented in the Fig. 2 During (2) x(t) Unfortunately (2) is computationally unfeasible, since direct minimization of is NP-hard problem. But the same solution (with high probability) can be obtained by minimization of the -norm , known as a Basis Pursuit algorithm subject to y(t) z(t) Fig. 1. Architecture of the Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulator (3) which is soluble using linear programming methods in the polynomial time. Another effective way to find minimum norm solution of (1) are greedy algorithms [1]. The stability of the recovery depends on the structure of the matrix , which should satisfy the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) (4) for all -sparse vectors , with small value of for reasonably large [1]. In general, proving the RIP for the deterministic construction of matrix is a challenging problem. The most common strategy to circumvent it is to consider the ensemble of random matrices and prove that given its probabilistic properties, the RIP is satisfied with the high probability. CS framework can be used also to recover perfectly the continuous-time signals, if they can be expressed using finite expansion (multitone signals, finite rate of innovation signals [3]). In the case of the signals represented by an infinite expansion, such as multiband signals, the truncated models are used in practice [4]. Despite of such approximation it is still possible to obtain the high quality reconstruction of continuous-time signal with acceptable computational requirements [3], [5], [6], [11]. III. T IME E NCODING M ACHINE A. Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulator Conception of time encoding is an interesting alternative for classical analog to digital converters, providing the low power Fig. 2. Example of the signals in the ASDM: input and the Schmitt trigger output , integrator output the time interval , is changed by , so according to (5) while (6) Finally, the width of -th pulse of is (7) where is the mean value of in the interval . The pulse widths on the ASDM output can be considered as samples of the mean value of the input signal , as shown explicitly by (7). For zero input signal, the ASDM produces the waveform of duty cycle with pulse width . is defined as the self-oscillation period of the ASDM. To assure the correct operation of the ASDM, the input signal must be bounded by , which limits the pulse widths to . In order to guarantee finite pulse widths, the input signal must obey even stronger limit pulse widths , where . This bounds the by (8) where is the modulation depth. B. Digitalization of the pulse length The information about the source signal is encoded into lengths of the pulses in quasi-digital signal . To process this data digitally, the values must be quantized. The dynamic range of of should correspond to the range of used pulse lengths, and signal reaching the values should result with the values reaching the and . However in the ASDM, according to the (7) the pulse length depends not on the maximal or minimal value in , but rather on the average of in this interval interval. Since , then even full scale signal will be encoded into the narrowed interval where . Averaging in the interval can be represented in a frequency domain as a filtering with transfer function . Then for the input the signal average is bounded by (9) C. Sample-and-Hold Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulator The problem introduced in the previous subsection can be solved by adding a sample and hold circuit coupled with the ASDM as shown in Fig. 4. This relevant modulation and corresponding architecture will be now called SH-ASDM (Sample-and-Hold ASDM). At the time instant , the sample of the input signal is latched in the sample-and-hold circuit. The value provided to the integrator input causes the generation the pulse of length , which is a function of the value of instead of average , like it was in the case of ASDM. After the time , the next sample is taken, and the procedure of time-encoding of an instantaneous signal value repeats. The relation between the sample value and the pulse length is determined by equation (10) which gives (11) The relationship (11) clearly indicates, that length of intervals does not depend on the signal average, but on the signal value. The output is also a square wave, like in classic ASDM, which provides a backward-compatibility. x(t) xq(t) y(t) z(t) yielding Fig. 4. ASDM extended with sample-and-hold circuit The result of this effect is shown in the Fig. 3 For the increasing frequency of signal the width of the interval decreases. As the digitization of the signal requires quantization with the fixed dynamics and quantization step, the higher frequencies are encoded into the significantly smaller number of bits than the full-scale. Furthermore, for some frequencies we have , which makes such timeencoding ambiguous. As a result, time encoding with ASDM is inapplicable to the sampling the signal with frequency considerably larger than , which is a common situation in the compressed sensing. The modification of the ASDM structure is therefore indispensable. IV. C OMPRESSIVE SAMPLING WITH SH-ASDM A. Model of the input signal Let us define the wide-sense stationary stochastic Gaussian process with the autocorrelation and corresponding power spectral density with frequencies limited to the -band of the width Hz. Such process can be represented using series (12) where function (13) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Fig. 3. Shrinking of the output pulse range 35 40 forms the orthogonal basis for the space of bandpass signals contained in -band. Discrete stochastic process comprises of the normally distributed random variables with autocorrelation function . The desired multiband stochastic process is obtained by summing the processes according to (14) where the set with cardinality determines, which subbands are occupied by the signal. The autocorrelation function of is . In the compressed sensing scenario, the and are given, but the is unknown and has to be determined. Such model is a stochastic counterpart of the union of subspaces [3]. The signal is to be sampled by SH-ASDM. However, due to the conditions described in Section III, the signal should be bounded by . This is not fulfilled by the marginal distribution of , which is Gaussian and have infinite tails. Note that even if the distribution of was compactly supported, the (12) does not have to be bounded, because of the infinite sum (15). The boundedness of the stochastic process can be assured by transforming Gaussian process using nonlinear function (15) By setting we get the stationary stochastic process with marginal distribution [13]. Unfortunately, the nonlinear transformation does not preserve autocorrelation of the process . The resulting autocorrelation of does not have exactly multiband power spectral density. Despite of it, the multiband model can be still used for the reconstruction, as the samples of acquired using SH-ASDM can be transformed back using the function , and processed as the samples of the original multiband signal . B. Structured random sensing matrix As mentioned in Section II, the solution of the underdetermined linear system (1) is possible for the matrix fulfilling the RIP condition (4), at least with the high probability. This requires the proper choice of basis for reconstruction and the sampling scheme (usually randomized) allowing for the operation with finite number of samples. One of the random matrices class satisfying RIP are the structured random matrices [1]. Assume, that is a set of functions orthonormal in the interval , that is for every we have (16) and there exists a constant , such that every function follows inequality . This conditions define the bounded orthonormal system. Now suppose, that random sampling points are chosen independently and distributed uniformly in the interval . Then (17) has the unique solution minimizing with probability at least [1] if the number of measurements follows , for some universal constant . In the case of the reconstruction of multiband signal, the set of functions defined as (13) is in the interval also bounded orthonormal system for , with . C. Distribution of sampling points The distance between consecutive sampling instants is given by (11). Let be the random variable, describing this distance for the full scale input stochastic signal with uniform distribution . Then the probability density function can be calculated as a function of (11) as (18) with expected value . Location of -th sampling instant is a sum of random variables , , falling into the class of additive random sampling [12]. Sampling point density follows (19) In the limit we have which is also mean sampling rate [12]. Fig. 5 shows the convergence of to the limit for the different values of . Parameters and were set to maintain . 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Fig. 5. Sampling point density function for different modulation depths . Mean sampling interval is equal to 1. The rate of convergence is affected by the and cor. For the normally relation between consecutive intervals distributed intervals it can be shown that positive correlation increases the rate of convergence, while negative correlation slows it down [12]. In the case of sampling with SH-ASDM, the consecutive sampling intervals depend on the which are correlated consecutive samples according to autocorrelation function of process . For coarse analysis it can be assumed, that , which is justified by the small influence of transformation on the autocorrelation function [13]. Therefore for -th sample we have autocorrelation (20) The minus in (20) is a result of sign inversion in every second sample, stemming from the principle of ASDM operation. Since the difference in (20) is itself a random variable, then correlation is also random. The probability density function of correlation the can be derived for the given and . To demonstrate the effect of the correlation, the example of the sampling points distribution for the multiband signal is given in the Fig. 6. Despite of the fact K 3 2 K 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Fig. 6. Sampling point density function for the , and normalized histogram for SH-ASDM samples location, for multiband input signal with two active subbands, Hz. V. N UMERICAL EXPERIMENTS The theoretical framework from Section IV.B provides the method for recovery of sparse signal for the dimensionality of sample vector approaching infinity and uniformly distributed, independent sampling instants. When SH-ASDM is used, the sampling instants are random but not independent and not exactly uniformly distributed. Furthermore, in practice the number of samples is finite, which implies also finite so that orthogonality condition (16) is fulfilled only approximately. To validate the compressed sampling algorithm in realistic setup, a few experiments were conducted. The input signal was constructed using to the truncated equation (15) with , using random, uncorrelated Gaussian vectors . The support was chosen at random, with the sparsity in the range and fixed number of bands . This resulted with the signal energy concentrated in the interval . Samples were acquired according to the (11) using SH-ASDM sampling scheme. To reduce the effects of the truncation of infinite series (15), only the middle part of signal was used for the recovery, and only the samples from this interval were processed. Consequently, the subject of recovery were the vectors . The number of measurements was chosen in the range from to by adjusting the parameters of the SH-ASDM, so that samples would fall in the desired interval . For the recovery the Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit was used [11]. The complete signal processing chain is shown in the Fig. 7. Fig. 7. Signal processing chain for the compressive sampling using SHASDM For the each settings of and , the 10 random signals were generated and the recovery of the frequency support was attempted. The statistics of the valid recoveries is shown in the Fig. 8 . It is visible, that success of the recovery depends on the modulation depth . This remains in agreement with 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 M 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 M K the conclusions of the Section IV.C - the deeper modulation, the faster the convergence to the uniform distribution of the sampling instants. K of the slower convergence than in the uncorrelated case, the distribution of sampling points approaches uniform for , which is desired to fulfill the RIP for the structured random sensing matrix. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 M 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 M Fig. 8. Empirical success of the support recovery. Black corresponds to 100% empirical success probability, white - 0% empirical success probability VI. C ONCLUSION Compressive sampling using the Asynchronous SigmaDelta Modulator architecture is possible at the small cost of additional sample-and-hold device. 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