Sampling and Interpolation on Certain Nilpotent Lie Groups Brad Currey Azita Mayeli Vignon Oussa Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Saint Louis University St. Louis, MO 63103 Email: Deopartment of Mathematics Queensboro College City University of New York Bayside, NY 11362 Email: Department of Mathematics Bridgewater State University Bridgewater, MA 02325 Email: Abstract—Rank-one left-invariant subspaces of L2 (G) that are sampling spaces and possess the interpolation property with respect to a class of discrete subsets of G are characterized for certain two-step nilpotent Lie groups G. I. I NTRODUCTION Let G be a locally compact group, H a closed subspace of L2 (G) consisting of continuous functions, Γ a discrete, countably infinite subset of G, and let ρ be the restriction mapping f 7→ f |Γ on H. The sampling problem can be posed very generally: describe those pairs (H, Γ) for which ρ is a bounded injective map into `2 (Γ) with bounded inverse. If ρ is surjective then we say that (H, Γ) has the interpolation property. Sampling on groups has been extensively studied; see for example [6], [8], [10]. Of special relevance are several portions of the monograph [5], without which the work presented here would not be possible. Here we consider sampling on left-invariant subspaces. For x ∈ G denote the left translation operator φ 7→ φ(x−1 ·) by Lx ; a subspace H of L2 (G) is left-invariant if H is closed and Lx (H) ⊂ H holds for all x ∈ G. Given a leftinvariant subspace H that consists of continuous functions, and a countable discrete subset Γ of G, (H, Γ) is called a sampling pair if there is c > 0 such that for all φ ∈ H kφk2 = 1X |φ(γ)|2 . c (I.1) γ∈Γ If (H, Γ) is a sampling pair, then there is S ∈ H such that φ 7→ φ ∗ S is the orthogonal projection of L2 (G) onto H, and φ= 1X φ(γ)Lγ S c (I.2) γ∈Γ holds for all φ ∈ H, where the sum (I.2) converges in L2 and uniformly [5, Theorem 2.56]. It is then immediate that the system { √1c Lγ S : γ ∈ Γ} is a Parseval frame for H. We say that c is the sampling constant for the sampling pair (H, Γ), and that √1c S is the sinc-type function for (H, Γ). Now recall the following fact. Theorem I.1. Let (H, Γ) be a sampling pair. Then the following are equivalent. (i) (H, Γ) has the interpolation property (ii) { √1c Lγ S : γ ∈ Γ} is an orthonormal basis for H. Proof: Let A denote the analysis operator for the Parseval frame { √1c Lγ S}γ∈Γ . If (i) holds then A is surjective. Let δγ denote the canonical basis element in `2 (Γ); then k √1c Lγ Sk = kA∗ δγ k = kδγ k = 1 and (ii) holds. The converse (ii) =⇒ (i) is immediate. In what follows we describe families of sampling pairs and characterize those that have the interpolation property, first when G is the Heisenberg group, and then when G belongs to a family of nilpotent Lie groups that resemble the Heisenberg group in certain key aspects. Finally, we discuss partial results for more general subspaces and classes of nilpotent groups. II. T HE H EISENBERG GROUP CASE Assume that G is the three-dimensional simply-connected Heisenberg group, realized as R3 , with the group operation (x1 , x2 , x3 ) · (y1 , y2 , y3 ) = (x1 + y1 , x2 + y2 , x3 + y3 + x1 y2 ). We recall some basic facts about harmonic analysis on G. For x ∈ G, λ ∈ R \ {0}, define the unitary operator πλ (x) on L2 (R) by (πλ (x)f ) (t) = e2πiλx3 e−2πiλx2 t f (t − x1 ), f ∈ L2 (R). Then x 7→ πλ (x) is an irreducible representation of G, and for λ 6= λ0 , the representations πλ and πλ0 are inequivalent. The group Fourier transform is defined on L1 (G) ∩ L2 (G) by the weak operator integral Z φ̂(λ) := φ(x)πλ (x)dx, λ ∈ R \ {0}; G φ̂(λ) is a trace-class operator for all λ ∈ R \ {0}, and for each \ x ∈ G, (L x φ)(λ) = πλ (x) ◦ φ̂(λ). One has Z 1 2 kφkL2 (G) = kφ̂(λ)k2 |λ|dλ (2π)2 R\{0} where kφ̂(λ)k is the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the operator φ̂(λ), and the group Fourier transform extends to a unitary isomorphism of L2 (G) with the Hilbert space of operatorvalued functions L2 R \ {0}, HS L2 (R) , (2π)−2 |λ|dλ ; here HS(L2 (R)) is the Hilbert space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on L2 (R). Given a closed left-invariant subspace H of L2 (G) with orthogonal projection P : L2 (G) → H, there is a unique (up to a.e. equality) measurable field {P̂λ }λ∈Ĝ of orthogonal projections on L2 (R), such that [ (P φ)(λ) = φ̂(λ)P̂λ holds for a.e. λ. The spectrum of H is the (equivalence class of the) set E = E(H) = {λ : rank(P̂λ ) 6= 0}. If P is given by φ 7→ φ ∗ S where S is a convolution idempotent belonging to H, then the corresponding measurable field is the group Fourier transform Ŝ of S. Now let H be a left-invariant subspace for which rank(P̂λ ) ≤ 1 a.e.. There is a measurable field {eλ } of functions in L2 (R), such that Pλ = eλ ⊗ eλ , a.e.λ. The map φ 7→ φ̂(λ)eλ (t) (λ ∈ R \ {0}, t ∈ R) defines a unitary isomorphism of H with the closed subspace L2 (E × R) of L2 (R \ {0} × R), where E is the spectrum of H, and carries the measure (2π)−2 |λ|dλ. Denote this isomorphism by R. Fix ψ ∈ H and g = Rψ; then for each x ∈ G, R(Lx ψ) = L̂x g where L̂x g(λ, t) = e2πiλx3 e−2πiλx2 t g(λ, t − x1 ). Now for α > 0, β > 0, let Γα,β = αZ × βZ × Z ⊂ G. It is clear that the systems T (ψ, α, β) = {Lγ ψ : γ ∈ Γ} and Tb (g, α, β) = {L̂γ g(λ, t) : γ ∈ Γ} are equivalent. For λ 6= 0 fixed, writing g(λ, ·) = gλ , then λ T̂k,l,0 defines the unitary Gabor operator T̂k,l : λ T̂k,l gλ (t) = Tk M−λl gλ (t) = e −2πiλlt λ g (t − k). λ For u ∈ L2 (R) set G(u, α, β, λ) = {T̂k,l u : (k, l, 0) ∈ Γα,β }. We say that g ∈ L2 (E × R) is a Gabor field over E with respect to Γα,β if, for a.e. λ ∈ E, G(|λ|1/2 gλ , α, β, λ) is a Parseval frame for L2 (R). If g is a Gabor field over E with respect to Γα,β , then standard Gabor theory implies that k|λ|1/2 gλ k2 = αβ|λ| ≤ 1. The following provides an explicit construction of a large family of sampling spaces. Proposition II.1. ([3, Proposition 2.3] and [2, Proposition 2.1]) Let E ⊂ R \ {0} and g ∈ L2 (E × R). (a) If Tb (g, α, β) is a Parseval frame for L2 (E × R), then g is a Gabor field over E with respect to Γα,β . (b) Suppose that E is translation congruent with a subset of the unit interval. If g is a Gabor field over E with respect to Γα,β , then Tb (g, α, β) is a Parseval frame for L2 (E × R). Explicit construction of (rank-one) sampling spaces is given by the following. Theorem II.2. Let E be a subset of R \ {0} having finite measure, let e ∈ L2 (E × R) such that eλ is a unit vector in L2 (R) for a.e. λ, and let S = R−1 (e). Then the following are equivalent. (i) Tb ( √1c e, α, β) is a Parseval frame for L2 (E × R) (ii) (H, Γα,β ) is a sampling pair where H is the left-invariant subspace with convolution projection S. If the above conditions hold, then e is a Gabor field over E, and E is included in the interval [−1/αβ, 1/αβ]. Note that the band-limitation E ⊂ [−1/αβ, 1/αβ] arises from the well-known condition ([7, Corollary 7.3.2]) for Gabor systems mentioned above: k|λ|1/2 eλ k2 = αβ|λ| ≤ 1. If α = β = 1, then the following is proved in [3, Proposition 2.5]. Corollary II.3. Let E ⊂ [−1, 1]. The the following are equivalent. (i) Every left invariant rank one subspace of L2 (G) with spectrum E is a sampling space. (ii) E is translation congruent with a subset of the unit interval. We have a precise criterion for the interpolation property in this situation. Theorem II.4. Let H be a left-invariant subspace of L2 (G) with P̂λ rank one for a.e. λ ∈ E = E(H). Suppose that for some lattice parameters α and β, (H, Γα,β ) is a sampling pair. Then the sampling constant c = 1/αβ. Moreover, (H, Γα,β ) has the interpolation property if and only if Z 1 |λ|dλ = 1/αβ (2π)2 E and in this case, αβ ≤ 1. Proof: Let S be the convolution projection for H, with R(S) = e. The sinc-type function for (H, Γα,β ) is √1c S. Then { √1 Tγ S}γ is a Parseval frame for H and Tb ( √1 e, α, β) so by c Proposition II.1, λ ∈ E, we have √1 e c c is a Gabor field over E. Hence for a.e. 1 k|λ|1/2 √ eλ k2 = αβ|λ|, c and the relation c = 1/αβ follows immediately. Now H has the interpolation property if and only if { √1c Tγ S : γ ∈ Γα,β } is an orthonormal basis for H, if and only if k √1c Sk = 1. But 1 k √ Sk2 = αβkSk2 c = αβkVe (S)k2 Z = αβ keλ k2 |λ|dλ E Z = αβ |λ|dλ. E This proves the first part of the theorem. Now if (H, Γα,β ) has the interpolation property, then, since E ⊆ [−1/αβ, 1/αβ], we have Z Z 1/αβ = |λ|dλ ≤ |λ|dλ = 1/(αβ)2 . E λ−1 Hence for each k, the sequences {hfλ−1 , T̂k,l eλ−1 i : l ∈ Z} λ and {hf (λ, ·), T̂k,l eλ i : l ∈ Z} are Fourier coefficients for orthogonal functions and we have X λ−1 λ e i = 0. hfλ−1 , T̂k,l eλ−1 i hfλ , T̂k,l λ [−1/αβ,1/αβ] so αβ ≤ 1. We now construct a concrete example of a sampling pair with the interpolation property. We assume that α = β = 1; note that in this case the interpolation property is equivalent with E = [−1, 1]. In light of Theorems II.2 and II.4, it is evident that in order to construct a sampling pair (H, Γ1,1 ), it is enough to construct e ∈ L2 ([−1, 1] × R) with keλ k = 1 for all λ ∈ [−1, 1] such that Tb (e, 1, 1) is a Parseval frame for L2 ([−1, 1] × R). The following lemma is crucial for this purpose. Lemma II.5. [2, Lemma 2.5] (see also [5, Lemma 6.13]) Let e ∈ L2 ([−1, 1] × R) such that e is a Gabor field over [−1, 1] with respect to Γα,β , and such that the orthogonality condition X λ−1 λ e i=0 (II.1) hfλ−1 , T̂k,l eλ−1 i hfλ , T̂k,l λ l Hence the equation (II.1) holds. III. A CLASS OF NILPOTENT L IE GROUPS Let G be a simply connected Lie group with Lie algebra g of dimension n satisfying the following conditions g = a ⊕ b ⊕ z, [a, b] ⊆ z,, where a, b, z are non-zero abelian algebras such that a = R-span {X1 , X2 , · · · , Xd } , b = R-span {Y1 , Y2 , · · · , Yd } , z = R-span {Z1 , Z2 , · · · , Zn−2d } , and where [X1 , Y1 ] [X2 , Y1 ] P = det .. . k,l holds for a.e. λ ∈ (0, 1] and for all f ∈ L2 ([−1, 1] × R). Then the system Tb (e, α, β) is a Parseval frame for L2 ([−1, 1] × R). We can now construct e ∈ L2 ([−1, 1] × R) so that with S = R−1 (e) and H = L2 (G)∗S, then (H, Γ1,1 ) is a sampling pair with interpolation. Example II.6. [2, Example 2.6] For λ ∈ (0, 1], put eλ = 1[ 1 −1, 1 ] λ λ and eλ−1 = 1[−1,0] . Then e defined by e(λ, t) = eλ (t) for λ ∈ (0, 1] and e(λ, t) = 1[−1,0] (t) for λ ∈ [−1, 0) is a Gabor field over [−1, 1] with respect to Γ1,1 satisfying the conditions of Lemma II.5. Proof: We compute that for any f ∈ L2 ([−1, 1] × R) and for λ ∈ (0, 1], λ−1 hf (λ − 1, ·), T̂k,l e(λ − 1, ·)i Z = f (λ − 1, t)e2πi(λ−1)lt 1[−1,0] (t − k)dt R Z 1 s = f λ − 1, e2πils ds 1−λ λ−1 Ikλ−1 where Ikλ−1 = [−(1 − λ)k, −(1 − λ)k + (1 − λ)]. Similarly, Z hf (λ, ·), ek,l,0 (λ, ·)i = f (λ, ·)e2πiλlt 1[ 1 −1, 1 ] (t − k)dt λ λ ZR 1 s = f (λ, ) e2πils ds λ λ Ikλ with k, Ikλ [Xd , Y1 ] ··· ··· ··· [Xd , Y2 ] · · · [X1 , Yd ] [X2 , Yd ] .. . [Xd , Yd ] Λ = {λ ∈ z∗ : P (λ) 6= 0}. For each λ ∈ Λ, there is an irreducible unitary representation πλ of G obtained by inducing from the character χλ (exp Z) = exp(2πiλ(Z)) of the normal subgroup corresponding to z + b. For each φ ∈ L1 (G) ∩ L2 (G), the group Fourier transform of φ is the trace-class operator-valued function on Λ defined by Z φ̂(λ) = φ(x)πλ (x)dx G and kφk2L2 (G) = 1 (2π)n−d Z kφ̂(λ)k2 |λ|n−2d dλ, Λ giving an isomorphism of L2 (G) with L2 (Λ, HS(L2 (Rd )), (2π)n−d |P (λ)|dλ). In this section we suppose that Γ is integral: Γb = exp (ZY1 + · · · + ZYd ) , Γa = exp (ZX1 + · · · + ZXd ) , and and (Ikλ−1 + k) ∪ Ikλ = [λk, λk + 1]. (III.1) is a non-vanishing homogeneous polynomial in the unknowns Z1 , · · · , Zn−2d . The group Fourier transform for G is obtained via the method of coadjoint orbits, and is very similar to that of the Heisenberg group. Let g∗ be the linear dual space of the vector space g; P is naturally regarded as a polynomial function on g∗ . For ` ∈ g∗ such that P (`) 6= 0, the coadjoint orbit of ` is ` + z⊥ = {f ∈ g∗ : z ⊂ ker(f − `)}. Thus almost all coadjoint orbits are parametrized by = [1 + λk − λ, 1 + λk]. It is easily seen that for each Ikλ−1 ∩ Ikλ = ∅ [X1 , Y2 ] [X2 , Y2 ] .. . Γz = exp (ZZ1 + · · · + ZZn−2d ) , and put Γ = Γz Γb Γa ⊂ N. (III.2) Now, let Λ0 = {λ ∈ Λ : |P (λ)| ≤ 1} and C ⊂ z∗ = Rn−2d be a bounded set such that o n e2πihk,λi χC (λ) : k ∈ Zn−2d is a Parseval frame for L2 (C, dλ) . Put E = Λ0 ∩ C. Once again, each e ∈ L2 (E ×Rd ) such that keλ kL2 (Rd ) = 1 determines a left-invariant rank one subspace H = H(e). The following is proved in [9]. Theorem III.1. There is a rank-one left-invariant subspace H with spectrum E such that (H, Γ) is a sampling pair. There is also a result for interpolation. Theorem III.2. Suppose that E = Λ0 ∩ C is such that Z 1 |P (λ)|dλ = 1. (2π)n−d E Then there is a rank-one left-invariant subspace H with spectrum E such that (H, Γ) is a sampling pair with the interpolation property. IV. C ONCLUSION The above shows that the group Fourier transform facilitates very explicit constructions for sampling and interpolation spaces on a class of nilpotent Lie groups, provided the spaces are left-invariant and rank-one. Further results on sampling for the Heisenberg group, for left-invariant subspaces that are not necessarily rank-one, can be found in [5]. We describe a few results and prospects, where one or more of these conditions is relaxed. First, suppose that G is the Heisenberg group, and that S(φ) is a principal shift invariant space that is included in a rankone shift-invariant space. Let g = Rφ ∈ L2 (Λ × R) so that the image of S(φ) under the group Fourier transform is S(g, α, β) = span Tb (g, α, β) . For each (λ, t) ∈ Λ × R put Θgk (λ, t) := 0 0 X 00 t − l 00 t − l g λ−l , −k g λ−l , . λ − l00 λ − l00 0 1 00 l ∈ β Z,l ∈Z Then we have the following (δ0,k is the Kronecker delta.) Theorem IV.1. [2, Theorem 2.8] Tb (g, α, β) is an orthonormal basis for S(g, α, β) if and only if Θgk (λ, t) = δ0,k a.e. (λ, t). Proof: We provide the proof for the case α = β = 1. For each γ = (k, l, m) ∈ Γ1,1 the function (λ, t) 7→ e2πiλm e−2πiλlt g(λ, t − k)g(λ, t)|λ| is absolutely integrable. With Λ = R \ {0}, we can apply periodization and Fubini’s theorem to calculate Z Z hT̂γ g, gi = e2πiλm e−2πiλlt g(λ, t − k)g(λ, t)|λ|dtdλ Λ R Z Z = e2πiλm e−2πilt g(λ, t/λ − k)g(λ, t/λ)dtdλ Λ R Z 1Z 1 e2πiλm e−2πilt Θgk (λ, t)dtdλ = 0 0 Suppose that Tb (g, α, β) is an orthonormal basis for S(g, α, β). Note that Θgk is a (1, 1)-periodic integrable function on T × T. cg (m, l) = 0 for all integers m and l, and If k 6= 0, then Θ k cg (m, l) = 0 holds for all hence Θgk ≡ 0. If k = 0, then Θ 0 g c (0, 0) = 1. Hence Θg ≡ 1. (m, l) 6= 0 while Θ 0 0 On the other hand, if Θgk (λ, t) = δ0,k a.e. (λ, t), then the above reasoning can be reversed to show that the system Tb (g, α, β) is orthonormal. Next, suppose that G is a simply connected nilpotent Lie group having irreducible representations that are square integrable modulo the center [1]. Each member of the class of groups considered in Section III, and in particular the Heisenberg group, satisfies this condition. Let z denote the center of its Lie algebra g. Then there is a homogeneous polynomial function P on z∗ such that almost all irreducible unitary representations of G are parametrized (up to equivalence) by the set Λ = {` ∈ z∗ : P (`) 6= 0}. By choosing a suitable basis for the Lie algebra of G, one can fix a global coordinate system (x1 , x2 , . . . , xd , y1 , y2 , . . . , yd , z1 , z2 , . . . , zr ) on G (r = dim z) with useful properties. Principle among these is that for each λ ∈ Λ, there is a corresponding irreducible representation πλ acting in L2 (Rd ) by an expression of the form πλ (x, y, z))f (t1 , . . . , td ) = e2πihz,λi e2πiL(x,y,t,λ) f (t1 − x1 , . . . , td − xd ). The group Fourier transform is formally exactly as before: for φ ∈ L1 (G) ∩ L2 (G), Z φ̂(λ) := φ(x)πλ (x)dx G is trace-class, and kφk2L2 (G) 1 = (2π)n−d Z kφ̂(λ)k2 |P (λ)|dλ, Λ giving an isomorphism of L2 (G) with L2 (Λ, HS(L2 (Rd )), (2π)n−d |P (λ)|dλ). Given E ⊂ Λ and e ∈ L2 (E×Rd such that keλ kL2 (R) = 1 a.e., a rank-one left-invariant subspace H of L2 (G) is obtained just as before, with convolution idempotent S such that Ŝ(λ) = eλ ⊗ eλ . H is identified with L2 (E × Rd ) as before. Fix a countable discrete subset Γ of G = Rd × Rd × Rr of the form The parameter set for the irreducible unitary representations of G is the set Γ = Γx × Γy × Zr . Λ = {λ1 Z1∗ + λ2 Z2∗ + µY2∗ ∈ g∗ : λ1 6= 0}; Put Γ1 = Γx × Γy × {0} ⊂ Γ. For g ∈ L2 (E × Rd ), we say that g is a Parseval frame field if {πλ (γ)gλ : γ ∈ Γ1 } is a Parseval frame for L2 (Rd ) for a.e. λ ∈ E. Though the group Fourier transform is conceptually no different than that of the Heisenberg group, it differs in several important particulars. The Heisenberg group, and the class of groups considered in Section III, are two-step groups: all second-order commutators in the group are trivial. By contrast, among groups with irreducible square-integrable representations modulo the center, there are members with non-vanishing commutators of arbitrarily high order. As a consequence, the function L(x, y, t, λ) that appears in the expression for the irreducible representations πλ is now polynomial of arbitrarily high degree. In particular, the system {πλ (γ)gλ : γ ∈ Γ1 } is no longer a proper Gabor system. However, since the function L is independent of the central variables z1 , . . . , zr , the proof of the following is essentially a repetition of the proof of Proposition II.1. for each (λ1 , λ2 , µ) ∈ Λ, there is an irreducible unitary representation π(λ1 ,Λ2 ,µ) of G acting in L2 (R) by π(λ1 ,Λ2 ,µ) (x, y1 , y2 , z1 , z2 )f (t) Proposition IV.2. Let E ⊂ Λ and let H be a rank-one, leftinvariant subspace of L2 (G) with spectrum E. Let φ ∈ H with g = Rφ ∈ L2 (E × Rd ). (a) If {Lγ φ : γ ∈ Γ} is a Parseval frame for H, then g is a Parseval frame field over E. (b) Suppose that E is translation congruent with a subset of the unit cube in Rr . If g is a Parseval frame field over E, then {Lγ φ : γ ∈ Γ} is a Parseval frame for H. Hence it is of interest to consider examples of such groups for which the function L has a suitable form. Conversely, it is also of interest to apply coorbit theory to construct sampling spaces directly, then to study the Gabor-type systems that arise a posteriori from the preceding result. We remark also that for nilpotent Lie groups with irreducible representations that are square integrable modulo the center, general shift-invariant spaces are characterized in [4], so that further study of shift-invariant spaces in light of the preceding would be of interest as well. We conclude with an example of a simply-connected twostep nilpotent Lie group that does not possess irreducible square integrable representations modulo the center. Here we see that the expression for a typical irreducible unitary representation of G is not a simple product of a unitary exponential on the center and a (generalized) Gabor system. Example IV.3. Let G = R × R2 × R2 with group product (x, y1 , y2 , z1 , z2 ) · (x0 , y10 , y20 , z10 , z20 ) = (x + x0 , y1 + y10 , y2 + y20 , z1 + z10 + xy1 , z2 + z20 + xy2 ). = e2πi(λ1 z1 +λ2 z2 +µy2 ) e−2πi(λ1 y1 +λ2 y2 )t f (t − x). Let Γ be the set of integer points in G, denoted by γ = (k, l1 , l2 , m1 , m2 ). Let Γ1 = {(k, l1 , 0, 0, 0) : k, l1 ∈ Z} and Γ0 = {(0, 0, l2 , m1 , m2 ) : l2 , m1 , m2 ∈ Z}. If E is a subset of Λ for which the characters {e2πi(λ1 z1 +λ2 z2 +µy2 ) : l2 , m1 , m2 ∈ Z} are a Parseval frame, then it is natural to define a frame field over a set E as a function g ∈ L2 (E × R) such that for a.e. (λ1 , λ2 , µ) ∈ E, {π(λ1 ,λ2 ,µ) (γ)g(λ1 ,λ2 ,µ) : γ ∈ Γ1 } = {e−2πiλ1 l1 t gλ (t − k) : l1 , k ∈ Z} is a Parseval frame for L2 (R). This is a perfectly good Gabor system, but the expression for π(λ1 ,Λ2 ,µ) is not given by the product of this Gabor system with a unitary exponential on the parameter set Λ: the latter includes the additional modulation e−2πiλ2 y2 t . It follows that the proof of Proposition IV.2 no longer works; generalizations of Proposition IV.2 to such groups would need to overcome this obstruction. R EFERENCES [1] L. Corwin, F.P. Greenleaf, Representations of nilpotent Lie groups and their Applications, Part I: Basic Theory and Examples, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 18, Cambridge University press, Cambridge, 1990. [2] B. Currey, A. Mayeli, A density condition for interpolation on the Heisenberg group, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 42 (2012), 1135 –1151. [3] B. Currey, A. Mayeli, Gabor fields and wavelet sets for the Heisenberg group, Monatsh. Math. 162 (2011), 119–142. [4] B. Currey, A. Mayeli, V. Oussa Characterization of shift-invariant spaces on a class of nilpotent Lie groups with applications, Four. Anal. Appl. 20 (2014), 384–400. [5] H. Führ, Abstract Harmonic Analysis of Continuous Wavelet Transforms, Lect. Notes in Math. 1863 (2005), Springer [6] H. Führ, K. 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