International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 1- Dec 2013 An Efficient and Novel Query Answering Support for Uncertain Location-Based Queries 1 S.Rama Sree,2Mrs.K.S.B.Ambika Associate Professor,2M.Tech Scholar 1,2 Aditya Engineering College, Aditya Nagar, Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh 1 Abstract: Searching of spatial information over search engines is still an important research issue in the field of spatial data mining.We are proposing an empirical model of mechanism for location based(Spatial) databases, Even though various approaches are delivered by the various researchers for finding the result based on the keywords, and usually spatial query is a combination of a location and set of features. In our approach we are handling the spatial queries in two ways and returns the only user specified number of optimal results, we implemented a cache based approach for efficient results. Instead, current systems use ad-hoc combinations of nearestneighbor (NN) and keyword search techniques to tackle theproblem. For instance, an R-Tree is used to find the nearestneighbors and for each neighbor an inverted index is used tocheck if the query keywords are contained. We show that suchtwo-phase approaches are inefficient. I.INTRODUCTION II.RELATED WORK The World-Wide Web has reached a size where it is becoming increasinglychallenging to satisfy certain information needs. Whilesearch engines are still able to index a reasonable subset of the (surface)web, the pages a user is really looking for are often buried underhundreds of thousands of less interesting results. Thus, searchengine users are in danger of drowning in information. Adding additionalterms to standard keyword searches often fails to narrowdown results in the desired direction. A natural approach is to addadvanced features that allow users to express other constraints orpreferences in an intuitive manner, resulting in the desired documentsto be returned among the first results. In fact, search engineshave added a variety of such features, often under a specialadvanced search interface, but mostly limited to fairly simple conditionson domain, link structure, or modification date. A spatial keyword query consists of a query area and a setof keywords shown in below figure. The answer is a list of objects ranked accordingto a combination of their distance to the query area and therelevance of their text description to the query keywords. Asimple yet popular variant, which is used in our runningexample, is the distance-first spatial keyword query, whereobjects are ranked by distance and keywords are applied as aconjunctive filter to eliminate objects that do not containthem. Unfortunately there is no efficient support for top-k spatialkeyword queries, where a prefix of the results list is required. Spatial query processing has takes an intresting research area in now adays of research in the field of spatial query processing in terms of spatial object.Spatial object is a combination of Spatial entity and feature,Initally it process the query as query oriented results and the results can be sorted according to their Euclidean distance ISSN: 2231-5381 In this paper are proposing a cache based approach for handling the queries jointly with corresponding geocoding parameters. In the traditional approaches various mechanism introduced for the spatial query processing either by the distance measures or either by the clustering approaches, for grouping the similar type of object by measuring the distance with the centroids .In a nutshell, given a user query consisting of several keywords, aStandard search engine ranks the pages in its collection in terms of Their relevance to the keywords. This is done by using a text indexStructure called an inverted index to retrieve the IDs of pagescontaining the keywords, and then evaluating a term-based rankingFunction on these pages to determine the k highest-scoring pages.(Other factors such as hyperlink structure and user behavior areAlso often used, as discussed later). Query processing is highly optimizedTo exploit the properties of inverted index structures, storedIn an optimized compressed format, fetched from disk using efficientScan operations, and cached in main memory. Let D be a dataset in which each object p ∈ D is a pair (λ, ψ)of a spatial location p.λand a textual description p.ψ(e.g.,the facilities and menu of a restaurant).Similarly, a spatial keyword query [3] q = _λ, ψ_ has twocomponents, where q.λis a spatial location and q.ψis a setof keywords. The answer to query q is a list of k objects thatare in Page 33 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 1- Dec 2013 ascending order of their distance to the query locationq.λand whose descriptions contain the set of query keywordsq.ψFormally, let the function dist(・, ・) denotes the Euclideandistance between its argument locations, and let D(q.ψ) ={p ∈ D | q.ψ⊆ p.ψ} be the objects in D that contain allthe keywords in q. The result of the top-k spatial keywordquery q, q(D), is a subset of D(q.ψ) containing k objectssuch that ∀p ∈ q(D) (∀p_ ∈ D(q.ψ)−q(D) (dist(q.λ, p.λ) ≤dist(q.λ, p_.λ))). The joint top-k spatial keyword query Q isa set {qi} of such queries.We introduce the following notion to capture useful informationon a joint query Q: (i) Q.λ= MBRqi∈Qqi.λis the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the locations of the subqueries in Q, (ii) Q.ψ= ∪qi∈Qqi.ψis theunion of the keyword sets of the subqueries in Q, and (iii) Q.m= minqi∈Q|qi.ψ| is the smallest keyword set size of asubquery in Q.We later define a variable qi.τthat captures the upper boundkthnearest neighbor distance of subqueryqi. The value Q.τ=maxqi∈Qqi.τthen represents the maximum upper bound kthnearest neighbor distance of all the subqueries in Q.3Referring to Figure 1, the joint query Q contains threesubqueriesq1, q2, and q3 (shown as shaded dots). The objects(e.g., restaurants) are shown as white dots. We have that:q1.ψ = {curry,sushi}, q2.ψ = {seafood, sushi}, q3.ψ ={curry, seafood}. Note that Q.λdenotes the MBR of theshaded dots in the figure. We also have: Q.ψ= {curry,seafood, sushi} and Q.m= 2. and input querynode and compare all features of the query node with all node features until it meets the leaf node and add the results to the list frequently and returns the result Input: Query, Cache Queries Output: Result set generated for query Procedure: If Query available in cache Result related to query: =ForwardToTreeprocess (Query) Else Result related to query: = GeocodingtreeProcess (Query) Geocoding process(Query): Parameters Qi—Input Spatial Query Qj(j=1…n) ---Set of Queries contains same Location Dist[j] (j=1…..n)-----Array for set of distances Procedure: (xi,yi)---Geocodings of Qi (xj,yj)--- Geocodings of all queries with respect to location Dist[i]=Euclidean distance between the geocodes While not leafnode Read nodes from tree For Q.features If Q.features[i]==Q.features[j] Add to list End while Sort list by feature and distance Return list. ForwardToTreeprocess () Figure1: A Dataset of Spatial Keyword Objects III.PROPOSED SYSTEM In this paper we proposed an efficient approach for handling the spatial query based on geocodings(latitude and longitudes) and for optimal performance we introduced Cache mechanism. we implemented both approaches with cache and withoutcache. Our entire process is divided in to two phases based on cache and geocodes. Geocoding process receives the query and find and the geocodings of the respective user from where he made a query and get the geocoding values from the all the queries from the tree. Find the distance with all the query nodes ISSN: 2231-5381 1. Build an empty list 2 .Make a root node 3. if Qi in cache and status=false For j=0 to n Compare features(Qi,Qj) status=true; For Each child in tree If(status==true) Getnodebyfeature (Qi); Getnodebyfeature (Qj); End Else Empty list () End For Each 4.Add nodes to list Page 34 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 1- Dec 2013 5.Return list Step By Step process: 1. User provides the spatial query which involves the spatial object and feature 2. if data not available in cache Server retrieves the Object oriented results, Ex:((Object, Feature) Else Retrieves the Optimal results from the cache 3. filter the feature oriented results from the Object oriented results 4. Retrieve the Geo codings of the end user and calculate the Euclidean distance between the end user geocodings the filtered results 5. Sort the results based on Euclidean distance IV.CONCLUSION Finally we proposed an efficient a novel search implementation on spatial databases with simple implementation than the complex tree constructions like Rtrees, in both cache based and non cache based(with geocodings),our algorithms shows an optimal results than the traditional approaches. REFERENCES [1] Y.-Y. Chen, T. Suel, and A. Markowetz. Efficient query processingin geographic web search engines. In SIGMOD, pp. 277–288, 2006. ISSN: 2231-5381 6. 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Presently he is pursuing his M.Tech [Computer Science] from this college and he received his B.Tech from Sri Prakash College of Engineering, affiliated to JNT University, Hyderabad in the year 2006. His area of interest includes Database Management Systems, Data Mining, all current trends and techniques in Computer Science. S. Rama Sreeobtained her B.Tech. Degree in Computer Science & Engineering from AcharyaNagarjuna University, Guntur and M.Tech.Degree in Computer Science from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, India. She is currently a Research Scholar and working as Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, India. She has 13 International Journal Papers and 5 National/International Conferences to her credit. Her Research interests include Software Engineering, Cost Estimation, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Neuro Fuzzy Systems. Page 36