International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 5 Number 6 - Nov 2013 Low Power Coding Approach With Error Free Coding Scheme in VLSI Design 1 Rajyalakshmi 2SK Rahil Hussain M.Tech ,VLSI&Embeded Systems 2 Asst.Professor, Dept of ECE,Amrita Sai Institute of Science and Technology Paritala,Kanchikacherla(md),Krishna(Dt) 1 ABSTRACT—The low power has emerged VHDL definition using active HDL tool for as a principle design requirement in today’s its electronics industry. The need for low power synthesized on Xilinx ISE for synthesis and consumption FPGA editor for its practical realization. has become important functional simulation and to be consideration as performance & area. Even KEYWORDS — power optimization, bit several methods exists, still there requires transition, lagger algorithm, hamming code, enhancement for optimization of power bus shuffling, bit streams. consumption in VLSI circuits. There were several approaches in circuit level, but a INTRODUCTION very few approaches made at system level, such as bus transition power consumption. A The integration of devices in System large amount of power gets dissipated under On Chip (SOC) the issue of power the transition of bit sequence from ‘0’ to ‘1’ consumption is increasing. There is a need or ‘1’ to ‘0’ transitions. These powers could to develop simpler and efficient low power be saved if these transitions could be coding scheme, which can reduce the power minimized. optimization consumption at routing level and logical approach in bus transitions using Hamming- level. Though various techniques were coding scheme called ‘Lagger algorithm’ for developed transition power reduction in VLSI design is consumption in logical devices the other to be developed. As to minimize the power consumption approaches is also transition, the code bit streams are shuffled needed to be improved. In this work a focus before transmission using an Encoder unit is given towards minimization of power and bit streams are regenerated using a consumption in data transition time. For the decoder algorithm by bus shuffling scheme. evaluation of the developed approach the The proposed work is to be developed on coding approach is integrated with an error The power ISSN: 2231-5381 to minimize the power Page 287 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 5 Number 6 - Nov 2013 coding approach to evaluate the does the number of functional modules on a minimization of power consumption in chip transition. The error coding technique used requirements among the modules demand in the current low power coding approach. more complicated and more efficient buses. ERROR CODING TECHNIQUE Increasing communication SWITCHING POWER DISSIPATION In any digital system the information This is due to the charging and bits are fed into the encoder to encode the discharging of capacitive loads during logic information. changes. The dominant source of power dissipation Vector and the fault secure detector is thus the charging and discharging of the node capacitances also of the encoder verify the validity of the referred to encoded vector. If the detector detects any dissipation. as the dynamic power error, the encoding operation must be redone to generate the correct codeword. Transient The dynamic power dissipation and is given errors accumulate in the Digital words over by: = 0.5 time. In order to avoid a dynamic power ( ) dissipation. where C is the physical capacitance of the TRANSITION OPTIMIZATION USING POWER circuit, Vdd is the supply voltage, E(SW) SWITCH referred as the switching activity is the LOGIC average number of transitions in the circuit per 1/fclk is the clock frequency. Buses have been used as an efficient communication link functional A coding scheme called sequence- modules in very large scale integration switch coding (SSC) is developed to reduce (VLSI) systems. Whereas the size of the transition power consumption in this functional modules decreases with the work. development of semiconductor technology, transition-reduction coding schemes in that the size of VLSI chips increases, and so it is aimed at applications with the ISSN: 2231-5381 among It is different from previous Page 288 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 5 Number 6 - Nov 2013 stream-type data transfer pattern. SSC application that transmits more than two reduces the number of bus transitions by data sequentially for most operations. rearranging the transmission sequence of data. An algorithm called switch algorithm let us assume that there are 8data to is presented to show the feasibility of SSC. be sent via a bus as shown in figure is the This algorithm reduces around 10% of bus wave form of the bus ,when these are transitions in transmission of the benchmark transmitted without any modifications. If the files. A switched sequence is defined as the data is sent with a different order example sequence of words transmitted according to D1-D3-D4-D5-D6-D2-D8-D7,the an SSC algorithm. Let us express the from is changed as in figure. the number of hamming distance between a word, W and a transitions with the new order is 23 bus, B, as H(W;B). compared to 32 with the original order. wave about 28 percent of bus changing only the SEQUENCE SWITCH CODING TECHNIQUE transmission order reduces transitions .SSC which is based on this observation, is a method intended to reduce the power consumption of busses by changing only the data segment. The waveforms of eight-bit The effect of transmission sequence on bus transitions original order and Different order bus for the eight data are transmitted by the( SSC is the first general-purpose coding original order and a different order. So far, scheme that employs the sequence of data most of the previous transition-reduction in reducing the number of bus transitions. coding schemes have been developed for the SSC needs no prior information on data to granulated data, therefore, they have not be sent, and it can be applied to considered the sequence of data as an any important factor. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 289 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 5 Number 6 - Nov 2013 DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION illustrates the operational block diagram for the bus transition minimization using open consumption using the suggested switching switch Algorithm logic approach is suggested. The encoder unit consists of a comparator A. Bus Transition Optimization units and a counter unit for the generation of Technique data stream during coding phase. For the optimization of power consumption during transition The coding system reads the original optimization for encoding and decoding data stream and code to generate equivalent architecture is developed. in the below coded streams passed as source data to the illustrates the operational block encoding unit. The source data in binary diagram for the bus transition are passed to format is passed to the encoding unit in the encoding unit, after providing the error parallel format and are encoded using coding as explained in previous sections. Hamming code distance for transition These information bits are then coded for minimizations. The transition minimization low transition logic to reduce the power is carried with a parity code and is passed to Figure data transition a the decoder for power consumption minimization. The internal functional units ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 290 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 5 Number 6 - Nov 2013 for the operation of the suggested architecture is as explained below. xilinx ISE tool. The obtained simulation results are as shown below, The hamming code comparator unit A. Timing Simulation Observation: takes the three input data Din ,Bus and Switch bus for the calculation of hamming The obtained simulation observation on distance for Switch and input data with data performing write operation is as illustrated bus. below. The obtained simulation result for The decoder units with storage the encoding system is as shown above. The operation takes the hamming count and error-coded information’s are passed to the generates a count value based on the encoder unit where a switching scheme is hamming distance passed the comparison is developed made and if the hamming distance is transitions to reduce the transition power observed to be greater than the second value consumption. for the minimization of then status signal s=0 is generated or else a '1 'is generated . The decoding operation of the designed system and the probable storage operation for the decoding operation storing the segregated information for s='1' in digital location(mem1) and s='0' for digital location(mem2).Based on the digital location filled the data is segregated as block1 or block2 information RESULT For the evaluation of the suggested approach an simulation is carried out in The simulation result for the developed active HDL tool and synthesized using routing power transition minimization ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 291 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 5 Number 6 - Nov 2013 The modified data passed to the decoder encoder and decoder approach and the coded after switch logic transition is shown in information is evaluated for accuracy using above figure. It could be observed that the the decoding logic developed. The approach simulation result obtained after the decoding of logical transition for the coded data is of received modified information is same as developed using open switch logic scheme. the This Where the coded data stream is passed is illustrates the accuracy of the developed switched in an order to minimize transition switch decoder logic after data bit switching. based the code bit distance. original coded information. It illustrates the number of data transition seen for the given data which is observed to The developed system is observed to be reduced from 94 transitions to 49 be accurate and provides about 50% lower transitions in the developed approach. transition to the original data transfer. 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