International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 A Novel Methodology of Perception-Based Decision Making for Fault Diagnosis of Complex Systems Dr. Tarun Chopra Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Govt. Engineering College Bikaner, (India)-334004 Abstract— This research paper proposes methodology for implementation of perception based decision making architecture for fault diagnosis applications, as introduced by the author in his previous paper. Keywords— Perception, CTP I. INTRODUCTION As pointed out in previous section, the Primary Level Decision Making System involves decision making regarding the presence of Normal or Faulty State of operation according to the perception based rules formulated by granulation of the measured parameters. Fault diagnosis is an important and difficult task in process engineering involving decision making. Presentation of process data to the operators is of crucial importance. The data should be presented to the operator in a compact and understandable manner with an ability to provide explanations and offer insights into process’s near-term and future behavior. The perception based information [1] helps operators to recall a similar looking situation from the past experience associated with a known fault and recommend corresponding diagnostic tests. Thus, the operators will not be required to consider an exhaustive set of diagnostic tests but just the most probable ones. This form the basis of our proposed methodology. II. METHODOLOGY FIGURE 1: PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE BASED DECISION M AKING OF PERCEPTION- The architecture of perception-based decision making system as proposed in previous paper has In general, measurements are crisp numbers, been presented here again as Figure 1 for the whereas perceptions are fuzzy numbers or, more convenience of readers. generally, fuzzy granules, that is, clumps of objects The description of major components of both the in which the transition from membership to nonPrimary Level Decision Making System and the membership is gradual rather than abrupt. Secondary Level Decision Making System has been In CTP, reasoning is viewed as a form of presented in the following sub-sections. computation, using methods based on CW [2]. The reasoning with perceptions is a process of arriving at an answer to a specific question, given a A. Primary Level Decision Making System ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 3617 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 collection of perceptions as propositions expressed in a natural language. These propositions are converted into their canonical forms, in the generalized constraint language. The computation with perceptions is based on propagation of generalized constraints from premises (antecedent propositions) to conclusions (consequent propositions). The canonical forms of propositions are usually constraints of the basic, possibilistic type, which are applied in the fuzzy IF-THEN rules. With regard to the fault diagnosis problem, the rule of the constraint propagation is designed as the inference rule in fuzzy logic. The proposed approach has been applied to the data of the actuator in Evaporator section of Sugar plant. Table I shows the measured parameters in Evaporator section of Sugar plant and their description. TABLE I: DESCRIPTION OF MEASURED PARAMETERS S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Measured Parameter CV P1 P2 T F X Parameter Description Control value (controller output) Juice pressure (valve inlet) Juice pressure (valve outlet) Juice temperature (valve inlet) Juice flow (5th evaporator outlet) Servomotor rod displacement Range Units 0 – 100 % 0 - 1000 kPa 0 - 1000 kPa 0 - 150 °C 0 – 100 m3/h 0 – 100 % In order to facilitate the comparison of results obtained from Primary Level Decision Making System, four parameters i.e., CV, P1, P2 and T, out of the six measured parameters have been chosen as inputs for classification, in a manner similar to those used by the different research groups working on DAMADICS problem [3].The samples of data sets used, along with their corresponding States of Operation are shown below in Table II. TABLE II: SAMPLES OF NORMAL AND FAULT C ONDITION DATA SETS ISSN: 2231-5381 S. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CV 0.288918 0.280923 0.273793 0.267556 0.262236 0.257854 0.254428 0.251971 0.250493 0.25 0.646946 0.633957 0.620438 0.606445 0.592031 0.577254 0.562172 0.546845 0.531333 0.515698 Per Unit Values P1 P2 0.848398 0.649772 0.833168 0.657497 0.834738 0.645968 0.849471 0.652681 0.876689 0.657492 0.899756 0.645002 0.918182 0.648521 0.915854 0.657435 0.898526 0.646777 0.877526 0.644796 0.87281 0.644814 0.902156 0.649424 0.916895 0.654207 0.914581 0.644305 0.899666 0.648835 0.875233 0.657562 0.848311 0.645474 0.833449 0.647429 0.836225 0.658318 0.847036 0.647919 T 0.215597 0.215279 0.213769 0.214891 0.212955 0.214835 0.216716 0.213865 0.219413 0.214909 0.215475 0.212305 0.215314 0.214386 0.214558 0.214471 0.215474 0.216462 0.216847 0.214857 State N F The fuzzy IF-THEN rules have been formulated based on the granulation of the data. The general form of these rules is as follows:Rk: IF x1 is A1 k and ……..and x 4 is A4 k THEN Class k for k=0,1 (1) Where, Ai k = U Aij Class k i=1, 2, 3, 4 and j=1, 2 and U denotes the union of fuzzy sets Aij associated with class k, realized by maximum operation over the membership functions. The fuzzy classification system, in the form of the connectionist architecture, has been finally employed to draw the fault diagnosis inference. B. Secondary Level Decision Making System Secondary Level Decision Making System carries out further analysis and confirmation of the results obtained from the first level or Primary Level Decision Making System. It is essential, since an unreported fault condition bearing resemblance with the normal state of operation (i.e. incipient fault condition misclassified as normal condition), Page 3618 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 may seriously harm the costly plant machinery and and Sk is a linguistic evaluation of the rate of halt the entire operations, if not dealt with at the change in function Y, such as “slowly decreasing”. right time. In addition, it also separates out the abrupt faults from incipient faults. The methods of reconstruction of fuzzy function given by such rules are based on general Since data sets in most of the complex systems, methodology of information granulation and including the sugar plant problem considered here computing with words. are large, it is very difficult for a human being (Technical operator) to capture and understand their In the proposed approach, while summarizing contents. In such cases, a generalized description in trends in time series data, the aspect of dynamics of terms of rules in natural language would be very change or the rate of change of variables F and X helpful. The process of extraction of such rules has been considered. It can be described by the from time series database of faulty and normal slope of a line representing the trend. Thus, to operation conditions measured at uniformly spaced quantify dynamics of change the interval of time moments for the Evaporator section of the possible angles [−90◦; 90◦] may be used. However, Sugar plant under consideration, is exhibited in this it might be impractical and not consistent with section. human reasoning, to use such a scale directly while describing trends. Therefore fuzzy granulation may Trends in time series database are identified as be used in order to meet the operators’ needs and linearly increasing, stable or decreasing functions, task specificity. and therefore a given time series data may be represented as piecewise linear functions. Evidently, As mentioned earlier, four out of the six measured the intensity of an increase or decrease (slope) will parameters were considered in the primary level matter, too. Thus, the terms like “slowly decision making. The hitherto unused variables F decreasing” have been formulated for proper and X from the datasets are hence considered in the representation of trends. Secondary level decision making, with Normal, Abrupt and Incipient fault as three outputs. The Perception based functions linguistically describe selection of only these two variables is supported dependencies between variables on the basis of by the results of Correlation and Principal perceptions about the character of such dependency. Component Analysis carried out on the datasets These perceptions may have different nature. They comprising of all six parameters. may be based on the experience, on common sense, on authoritative opinion, on the results of non-fixed Correlation and Principal Components Analysis are observations or measurements (on non-fixed used for exploratory analysis to understand the statistics). nature and relationship between variables. Correlation is a measure of the association between Example of such perceptions is: two variables i.e., it indicates if the value of one variable changes reliably in response to changes in “In Incipient fault condition, the Flow is slowly the value of the other variable. The purpose of decreasing”, Principal Component Analysis is to identify a set of underlying factors that explain the relationships In canonical form such sentences may be rewritten between correlated variables. Generally, there will as rules: be fewer underlying factors than variables, so the Rk : If X is Tk then Y is Sk result of factor analysis is simpler than the original set of variables. where Tk is a linguistic value such as “Incipient Fault” of an independent variable X,such as “Flow” ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 3619 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 Correlation and Principal Component Analysis was carried out on the available datasets. The format of various data elements is now described:- TABLE V: FACTOR IMPORTANCE Factor Eigen value 2.37766 0.46142 0.02020 - 0.00057 - 0.16852 - 0.33434 1 2 3 4 5 6 Variance % 83.156 16.137 0.707 . . . Cumulative % 83.156 99.293 100.000 . . . Input Data: All the six measured parameters have been used as predictor variables as indicated in table III, with the type of fault as target variable. The dataset includes all nineteen categories of the fault with Following criteria were set for the analysis:equal weights assigned to them. Stop when cumulative explained variance = 80% TABLE III: SUMMARY OF VARIABLES Minimum allowed Eigen value = 0.50000 S.No. Variable Class Type 1 CV Predictor Continuous After analysis of the performance, number of 2 P1 Predictor Continuous factors retained is 1. 3 P2 Predictor Continuous There are several methods of rotating the factor 4 T Predictor Continuous matrix, that make the relationship between the 5 X Predictor Continuous variables and the factors easier to understand. Here, 6 F Predictor Continuous the most popular Varimax rotation method has been 7 Type of fault Target Categorical used. A Varimax rotation is an orthogonal transformation. That means the factor axes remain III. RESULTS orthogonal to each other, and the factors are The correlation between six variables is presented uncorrelated. After a Varimax rotation, some of the in the form of a six by six matrix as shown in Table factor loadings will be large, and the rest will be IV: close to zero making it easy to see which variables correlate strongly with the factor. After performing TABLE IV: CORRELATION M ATRIX the Varimax rotation, it can be observed from table CV P1 P2 X F T VI that Factor 1 retained by PCA is related to CV 1.0000 -0.3719 -0.0419 0.4973 -0.5184 0.0004 variables X and F. P1 -0.3719 1.0000 -0.0518 -0.2102 0.2624 0.0006 P2 -0.0419 -0.051 1.0000 -0.0001 -0.0096 -0.0006 X 0.4973 -0.2102 -0.0001 1.0000 -0.8584 -0.6589 F -0.5184 0.2624 -0.0096 -0.8584 1.0000 0.4314 T .0004 0.0006 -0.0006 -0.6589 -0.6589 1.0000 TABLE VI: R OTATED FACTOR LOADING M ATRIX Variable CV P1 P2 X F T Fac1 0.5006 -0.2745 0.0008 1.0108 * 0.8881 * 0.4911 Using Principal Component Analysis as Factor extraction method, the relative and cumulative amount of variance explained by each factor has This justifies the selection of two variables F and X for further analysis.It is now required to generate been calculated in Table V. epistemic rules using these two variables ( F and X ) as Inputs and State of Operation as Output. There are several options available for this purpose, like k-Means Clustering, Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering, Decision trees etc. Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 3620 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 8- August 2013 offers several advantages like time saving due to being one pass algorithm and higher accuracy. Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering has hence been selected for model identification and generation of epistemic rules. The results obtained from trend granulation confirm the nature of operation as Normal or help in separating the abrupt faults from the incipient faults. Decision Making for fault diagnosis needs a classification framework that can perform better than existing classifiers even in the presence of uncertainties. These include uncertainty about the meanings of the words that are used in a rule, uncertainty about the consequent that is used in a rule, uncertainty about the measurements that activate the FLS, uncertainty about the data that are used to tune the parameters of a FLS, etc. In the considered case, this becomes very important in view of the close resemblance of different categories of faults among themselves and that of incipient fault with normal state of operation. In order to accomplish this and to counteract the impact of uncertainty on classification framework, the concept of a Type-2 FLS has been incorporated here. The experiments carried out by using Type-2 FLS strengthen the intuition that Type-2 FLS IV. CONCLUSIONS A new classification system has hence been proposed by using Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm (T2FCM). T2FCM is applied to the training data for the selection of best segments. Thus, finally the proposed methodology successfully separates out the three states of operations (including the overlapping cases) i.e. Normal, abrupt and incipient fault conditions in the form of distinct clusters. REFERENCES [1] Zadeh L.A., “Toward a perception-based theory of probabilistic reasoning with imprecise probabilities”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 105, 2002, 233–264 [2] Zadeh L.A., “From computing with numbers to computing with words—from manipulation of measurements to manipulation of perceptions”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 45, 1999, 105–119. [3] Puig V., Stancu A., Escobet T., Nejjari F., Quevedo J., Patton R.J., “Passive robust fault detection using interval observers: Application to the DAMADICS benchmark problem”, Control Engineering Practice 14, 2006, 621–633 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 3621