Review of QOS Comparison of MANET Routing Protocol Vaishali rathod

International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)
Review of QOS Comparison of MANET Routing Protocol
Vaishali rathod1, N Y Suryavanshi2 student, Dept. of computer science and engg, Ssbt College of engg. Bhambori, jalgoan
Assistant professor, Dept. of computer science and egg, Ssbt College of engg. Bhambori, jalgoan
Abstract-MANET is known as a mobile ad hoc
network. It is one of the types of wireless ad hoc
network. A MANET is
infrastructure-less network of mobile device
connected without wires. In MANET every device is
free to move in any direction means the source node
can be send packet or data any destination node easily
in the network. In MANET all node cooperate and
dynamically establish and maintain routing in the
network. MANET is a self-forming, peer-to-peer, selfhealing network. In the past, many ad hoc routing
protocols developed and researched but still it is
difficult say which protocol performs well.we have to
discussed and Compare the performance of proactive
protocol such as DSDV, OLSR, reactive protocol such
as AODV, DSR and hybrid protocol is ZRP routing
KeywordsMobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET), Routing
Protocols, QoS, AODV, DSR, DSDV, OLSR, ZRP,
reactive protocol ,proactive protocol ,hybrid protocol.
A MANET is a collection of node or router
communicating through the radio waves. MANET
form temporary network without using structure.
These networks have no fixed routers, every node could
be router. All nodes are efficient for movement and can
be connected dynamically in random manner. In
MANET some nodes of may not be able to communicate
directly. Because of the mobile nodes the structure of
network changes dynamically and unpredictably. The
nodes may be located anywhere such as on airplanes,
ships, trucks, cars, perhaps even on people or very small
devices also [2]. In MANETs each device need to
forward traffic that is not related to its own use and
therefore each device work as a router. These nodes
can act as host/router or both at the sometimes. These
nodes have the ability to configure themselves and
because of their self configuration ability, they can be
deployed urgently without the need of any
infrastructure and without any geographical
restrictions. Each user in MANET moving freely
while communicating with others. The distance
between each user determines a radio contact between
each other that might not be uniform. Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks in an independent manner, and may lead to
a larger network, as an annex to the Internet. Internet
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Engineering Task Force (IETF) has MANET working
group (WG) that is devoted for developing IP routing
protocol [1].
Fig. 1. Structure of MANET.
Routing in MANET
A Mobile Ad Hoc Network is an Infrastructure less,
self-organized and multi-hop network with rapidly
changing topology. The necessity of the Routing
Protocol is that it must be able to respond rapidly to
the topological changes in the network. In these
networks, each node must be capable of acting as a
router as well as host. A result of limited bandwidth of
nodes, the source and destination may have to
communicate via intermediate nodes. Major problems
in routing Interference, and Dynamic Topology[3,4].
Routing is are Asymmetric links, Routing Overhead, a
process of finding a secure path from a source node to
a destination node via intermediate nodes in a
network. At least one intermediate node within the
internetwork entered during the transfer of
information. The term routing is very important for a
network. Routing is a process of finding an efficient,
reliable and secure path from a source node to a
destination node via intermediate nodes in a network.
Routing in MANET is a challenge due to dynamic
topology in network as mobile nodes can move in any
direction in the MANET. A routing protocol
maintains the network topology for a Wireless Ad hoc
Network. If a link breaks [5], routing protocols has the
responsibility to repair that link in order to maintain
the consistency of the network.
Classification of routing protocol
Mobile ad-hoc routing protocols are divided into
following categories[2].
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Proactive protocol also called as table driven protocol.
So that it maintains up-to-date routing information on
every node. Whenever there is a change in the
network topology, routing tables are updated
according to the change. The pro-active routing
protocols are same as current Internet routing
protocols such as the Routing Information Protocol,
Distance-Vector, Open Shortest Path First and linkstate. In Proactive routing algorithm the connection
time is fast because path is already available on each
node in the network. Most of the proactive routing
protocols proposed for mobile ad hoc networks have
inherited properties from algorithms used in wired
networks.The example of proactive protocol is DSDV
and OLSR [11].
Reactive protocol is also called on demand protocol
means it create a route when required, in which
routing tables are not updated up-to-date. The reactive
routing algorithm is to reduce the traffic needed for
routing. A reactive routing algorithm is to introduce a
delay when the first packet is sent to a destination as
path is not readily available. The reactive protocol is
AODV and DSR [12].
Hybrid protocol is take the advantages of both reactive
and proactive routing protocol. Initially proactive
approach is used to have route information then
reactively demand of the route is served to the needy
node. The hybrid protocol is ZRP [5].
be reduce the amount of overhead of the
network.DSDV uses two type of updates such as full
dump and incremental dump. full dump is used for
carries all the information related to available routing
and the incremental packets carry only the information
changed since last dump. The incremental update
massages are sent more frequently then the full dump
E.OLSR (optimized link state routing protocol)
OLSR is proactive or table driven routing protocol
[2].Clausen and Jacquet proposed Optimized Link
State Protocol. The MPR is an important concept in
OLSR [10]. MPR is used to reduce the overhead of
network.OLSR use the control message such as Hello
and topology control. Hello message is used for used
for finding the information about the link status.TC
messages are used for sending information about
neighbors which includes at one MPR Selector list.
OLSR is differentiated on the following three
important mechanisms: neighbor sensing, efficient
flooding and computation of an optimal route using
the shortest-path algorithm. Neighbor sensing detect
the changes in the neighborhood of node. In OLSR
Routes of every destination are available immediately
when data transmission begins and valid for a specific
period of time till the information is expired. OLSR
also use the Multiple Interface Design (MID) to allow
the nodes for multiple OLSR interface addresses and
the external routing information giving the routing to
the external addresses. Based on this information,
nodes in the ad hoc network can act as gateways to
another possible network.
C.AODV (Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector)
Fig. 2. MANET routing protocol.
A. DSDV(distance sequenced distance
DSDV is designed by Perkins and Bhagwat[9]. The
Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV)is
proactive Routing protocol and it is based on the idea
of Bellman-Ford Routing Algorithm. The main
contribution of this algorithm is to solve problem of
routing loop problem. Each entry in routing table
contain the sequence number, this number is generally
even if link is present ,otherwise odd number is used.
The sequence number is generated destination node
and emitter sends to the next update with this number.
The distance vector routing is less robust than link
state routing due to the problems of count to infinity
and bouncing effect. In DSDV, each device maintains
a routing table related to the entries of all the devices
in the network. DSDV provides a single path from
source to a destination, which is used to select the
distance vector shortest path routing algorithm. It can
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C. E. Perkins and E. M.Royer. Is developed by AODV
routing protocol [4].AODV protocol is a reactive
protocol and because it is on demand in nature routes
are created only when required.AODV is combination
of two routing protocol, these are DSDV and DSR. It
follows the basic on-demand mechanism of Route
Discovery and Route Maintenance from DSR,
sequence numbers, and periodic beacons from DSDV
plus the use of hop-by-hop routing. It uses routing
tables for one entry per destination, and the sequence
numbers are used to determine the convenience of
each packet.AODV initiate route discovery when a
source node wants to send the packet to its destination
nodes, it checks the entries in the route table a current
route is available or not. If route is available there, the
packet is forwarded to the appropriate destination. If it
is not there, the route discovery process is initiated. In
AODV three type of route message are used to
maintain and discover the links that are: RREQ, RREP
and RERR i.e. route request, route reply and route
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International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)
D.DSR (Dynamic source routing)
The Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR)[6] is a
simple and effective routing protocol for wireless ad
hoc network. The main feature of DSR is to use of
source routing, it means that sender knows the
complete path from source to destination. The DSR is
reactive protocol in nature that‟s why it cannot be
maintain routing table. There are two important
mechanism used in DSR :Route Discovery and Route
Maintenance. Route discovery used when source node
wants to send a packet to destination node, it checks,
the route cache whether the route information already
available or not. If the route information is not
expired, it will utilize that route to send data packet,
otherwise it will initiate the route discovery. Route
Maintenance mechanism is used to detect the network
topology when source node send a packet to
destination node. During the transmission each node is
responsible to detect, if its next hop has broken.
E .ZRP (Zone routing protocol)
The Zone Routing protocol is the hybrid routing
protocol. The ZRP contain the nodes into subnetworks (zones)[5].It is mainly suitable for the
network with large span and diverse mobility pattern.
ZRP take the advantages of both the proactive and
reactive routing protocols. Within each zone,
proactive routing protocol is to speed up the
communication among neighbors. And a reactive on
demand routing protocol is used for communication
nodes of different zones. When a destination is out of
the zone, on-demand routing protocol is initiated.ZRP
divides the whole network in to zones of the variable
size. IARP (intra zone routing protocol) is used to
communicate with the inside nodes of its zone and is
limited by the zone radius. It maintains routes interior
the zone, each node needs to update the routing
information continuously in order to determine the
peripheral nodes.IERP (inter zone routing protocol)is
offered by route discovery and route maintenance
.When is global discovery is needed, it can be used to
reduce the traffic. It is reactive routing component
which offers enhanced route discovery.BRP (border
cast routing protocol) is uses a map of an extended
routing zone, provided by the local IARP,to construct
bordercast tree.
Drawback of routing protocol
Above we have to discuss the MANET routing
protocol in detail, but there is some disadvantages also
in that routing protocol. The disadvantage of AODV is
Intermediate nodes can lead to inconsistent routes if
the source sequence number is very old. Another
disadvantage of AODV is multiple reply packets sent
for single route request message it increases a network
overhead .The problem with DSR is Reply storm
problem and Stale cache problem in which an
intermediate node send Route Reply massage using a
stale cached route, thus effect on other caches. In
DSDV it doesn‟t support multipath routing since
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single path to destination is maintained and Wastage
of bandwidth and large amount of network overhead
while transmitting periodic route update messages
.Disadvantages of OLSR protocol is lack of security,
routing overhead and no support for multicast. The
problem in ZRP is that, if the distance between source
and destination is more, zone area increases which
leads to more number of border casts to find border
zone increasing bandwidth utilization. Another is
selecting a zone radius regularly is a critical issue as
performance of ZRP depends on it.
Solution on Drawback
Solution of this routing protocol is that we can update
routing protocol algorithm, otherwise another routing
protocol is compare and see the result. Means other
routing protocol is better or not.
In this paper we have to discuss different MANET
routing protocol and provided comparison between
them. The routing protocol divided in to three main
categories these are proactive, reactive and hybrid
routing protocol. Each routing protocol has unique
features. Based on network environments, we have to
choose the suitable routing protocol .we reviewed and
compared all the protocols. While there are still many
challenges facing Mobile ad hoc networks related to
routing and security. Hence we come to the
conclusion that still no particular routing protocol in
mobile ad hoc networks that deals with every problem
in network. The security aspect which is very
important aspect for communication in ad hoc
networks is found missing in most of the routing
protocols being proposed. Therefore new efficient,
multipath, QoS aware and energy aware routing
protocols that address security concerns need to be
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