International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) A Review on Research and Development in Wind Turbine Blade Design using Composite Materials Amol V. Deshmukh1, Sagar Sali2,Dheeraj S. Deshmukh3 12 M.E. Student, 3Professor and Head of Department 123 Department of Mechanical Engineering SSBT’s, College Of Engineering, and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. (M.S.), India Abstract- Turbine blade design plays very important role in overall performance enhancement of wind turbines. Proper blade design is required to obtain desired cross section to generate maximum torque for driving wind turbine generator. In this paper review of different composite materials, their comparisons, structures, methods imparted for reinforcement of composite materials are discussed. This paper provides an overview of recent studies of composite laminates for wind turbine blade design and summarizes performance of Wind Turbine Blade with mechanical properties of composite materials. In this paper blade design considerations for improving efficiency of the blade, new materials for wind turbine, design to minimize stress concentrations are discussed. Different material for wind turbine blade and mechanical properties of advanced composites are re-viewed. Keywords-Carbon Fiber Composites,Failure Criteria, Mechanisms, Fatigue Resistance, Glass Fiber Composites. I. INTRODUCTION One of the primary goals for blade research is to keep blade weight growth under control. The efficiency of the wind turbine depends on the material of the blade, shape of the blade and angle of the blade. Therefore, the material of the turbine blade plays a vital role in the wind turbines. The material of the blade should possess high stiffness, low density and long fatigue life features (Fig. 1) [1]. technology improves and evolves. There is a trend toward lighter weight systems. Light weight, low cost materials are especially important in blades. A wide range of materials are used in wind turbines. There are substantial differences between small and large machines and there are projected changes in designs that will accommodate the introduction of new material technologies. Most composites are made up of just two materials. One material (the matrix or binder) binds together a cluster of fibers or the fragments of a much stronger material and the second material (the reinforcement) surrounds these fibers or fragment. Researchers want to improve the performance of the composite, such as making them more resistant to impact [2]. Mechanical and physical properties of fibrous composite materials are beneficial compared to other constructional materials of wind turbine blades. The major advantages of this type of materials are low weight and high strength [6] [7]. Therefore, wind turbine blades built up with composite materials have much less weight than traditional constructions. Composite materials reinforced with fiberglass (Fig. 2a), carbon (Fig. 2b) and Kevlar (Fig. 2c) fibers are considered [8]. Figure 2: Composite materials: (a)Fiber Glass (b)Carbon (c)Kevlar [8] Figure 1: Typical Blade profile and its cross-section [1] The components of turbines are changing as the ISSN: 2231-5381 Most rotor blades in use today are built from glass fiber-reinforced-plastic (GRP). Other materials that Page 104 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) have been tried include steel, various composites and carbon filament-reinforced-plastic (CFRP). As the rotor size increases on larger machines, the trend will be toward high strength, fatigue resistant materials. As the turbine designs continually evolve, composites involving steel, GRP, CFRP and possibly other materials will likely come into use. Blades are primarily made of GRP, while use of CFRP may help to reduce weight and cost to some extent. Low cost and reliability are the primary drivers for material selection. Carbon fiber reinforcements are being introduced into blades. These can be used to improve the stiffness and tensile strength in the fiber direction, as compared to materials containing glass, but the gains in compressive strength are generally significantly lower. Thus, it is often most economical to use a mixture of glass and carbon, with carbon being used mainly to increase the global blade stiffness. The development of products that provide a better combination of strength (including good adhesion), stiffness and toughness than those available at present would be a great step forward. However, such materials must not degrade in service and should, if possible, be recyclable [10]. II. BLADE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Examples of the concepts that SNL is developing include [3]: 1. More efficient blade structures (thick airfoils, designs that fully integrate structure and aerodynamics, and slenderized blade geometries) 2. Adaptive structures (passive bend-twist coupling and active devices) 3. Materials, fatigue and manufacturing 4. New materials for wind turbine blades such as carbon, carbon-hybrid, S-glass and new material forms 5. Design details to minimize stress concentrations in ply drop regions 6. Less expensive, embedded blade attachment devices. III. MATERIALS FOR WIND TURBINE BLADES The material selection of the wind turbine blades plays an important role in the wind turbine designs. In selecting materials for an application, technological considerations of material properties and characteristics are important. The economic aspects of material selection, such as availability, cost of raw materials and cost of manufacturing, are equally important [12], [13]. One of the most important ISSN: 2231-5381 factors affecting selection of materials for engineering design is the properties of the materials. The important properties of the materials are mechanical, thermal, chemical properties, etc.The material of which a part is composed must be capable of performing part’s function (always it must be possible or not) without failure. A material in a given application must also be reliable. A material must safely perform its function. Also cost of the materials and cost of processing the material plays role. In any material selection, the following requirements should be focused, they are: High material stiffness is needed to maintain optimal shape of performance. Low density is needed to reduce gravity forces. Long-fatigue life is needed to reduce material degradation [12] [14] Figure 3: Ashby material selection diagram [1], [16], [17] Wind energy is harvested by the rotation of the wind turbine’s rotor blades. Rotor blades have historically been made of wood; but because of its sensitivity to moisture and processing costs, modern materials such as glass fiber-reinforced-plastic (GFRP), carbon fiberreinforced-plastic (CFRP), steel and aluminium are replacing the traditional wooden units. Composite materials are becoming more important in the construction of wind turbine blade structures. The primary advantages of composite materials are their high strength, relatively low weight and corrosion resistance. It was recognized that structures are hybrids of different engineering materials and that to achieve true benefits from advanced composites, developments in this area must include the integrated structural system as well. It is important to create Page 105 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) critical mass for this technology if it is to be successful in a commercial exploitation. [17] Composites are classifiedaccording to their matrix phase. There are polymer matrix composites (PMCs), ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) and metal matrix composites (MMCs). Materials within these categories are often called “advanced” if they combine the properties of high strength and high stiffness, low weight, corrosion resistance, and in some cases special electrical properties. This combination of properties makes advanced composites very attractive for aircraft, aerospace structural parts and wind turbine blades [18]. A matrix supports the fibers and bonds them together in the composite material. The matrix transfers any applied loads to the fibers, keeps the fibers in their position and chosen orientation, gives the composite environmental resistance and determines the maximum service temperature of a composite. IV. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ADVANCED COMPOSITES If composites combine the properties of high strength values and high stiffness values, with low weight and corrosion resistance, these materials are often called as advanced composite materials (ACMs). Advanced composite materials are also known as advanced polymer matrix composites [19]. These are generally characterized or determined by unusually high strength fibers with unusually high stiffness, or modulus of elasticity characteristics, compared to other materials, while bound together by weaker matrices (Fig. 4). These are termed advanced composite materials (ACM) in comparison to the composite materials commonly in use such as reinforced concrete, or even concrete itself. The high strength fibers are also low density while occupying a large fraction of the volume [28]. 1) Fiber Orientation:This range of values is determined by the orientation of the plies to the applied load. Proper selection of ply orientation in advanced composite materials is necessary to provide a structurally efficient design. The part might require 00 plies to react to axial loads, 450 plies to react to shear loads and 900 plies to react to side loads. The fibers in a unidirectional material run in one direction and the strength and stiffness is only in the direction of the fiber. Pre-impregnated tape is an example of a unidirectional ply orientation. The fibers in a bidirectional material run in two directions, typically 900 apart. A plain weave fabric is an example of a bidirectional ply orientation. These ply orientations have strength in both directions but not necessarily the same strength (Fig. 5) [29]. Figure 5: Bidirectional and unidirectional material properties [29] The plies of a quasi-isotropic layup are stacked in a 00, –450, 450and 900sequence or in a 00, –600 and 600 sequence. (Fig. 6) These types of ply orientation simulate the properties of an isotropic material. Many wind turbine blades composite structures are made of quasi-isotropic materials. Figure 6: Quasi-isotropic material lay-up [20] Figure 4: Advanced composites general characteristics [28] ISSN: 2231-5381 Warp indicates the longitudinal fibers of a fabric. The warp is the high strength direction due to the Page 106 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) straightness of the fibers. A warp clock is used to describe direction of fibers on a diagram, spec sheet, or manufacturer’s sheets. If the warp clock is not available on the fabric, the orientation is defaulted to zero as the fabric comes off the roll. Therefore, 900 to 0º is the width of the fabric across (Fig.7). mechanical interference coupled with surface treatment and chemical bonding between the fiber and the matrix. Typically they are defined as standard, intermediate and high modulus fibers. Carbon fiber properties are given in Table 1 [18]. Standard Intermediate High modulus modulus modulus 3450-4830 3450-6200 3450-5520 Tensile MPa MPa MPa Strength Young’s 220-241 290-297 345-448 Modulus GPa GPa GPa Elongation 1.5-2.2% 1.3-2.0% 0.7-1.0% at break Table 1: Carbon fiber properties [18] Figure 7: A warp clock [20] Knitted or stitched fabrics can offer many of the mechanical advantages of unidirectional tapes. Fiber placement can be straight or unidirectional without the over/under turns of woven fabrics. The fibers are held in place by stitching with fine yarns or threads after preselected orientations of one or more layers of dry plies. These types of fabrics offer a wide range of multi-ply orientations. Although there may be some added weight penalties or loss of some ultimate reinforcement fiber properties, some gain of interlaminar shear and toughness properties may be realized. Some common stitching yarns are polyester, aramid or thermoplastics. (Fig. 8) [20]. Aramid fibers have the highest strength to weight ratio compared to other commercially available fibers. Kevlar manufactured by DuPont is a familiar brand name. Aramid fiber exhibits similar tensile strength to glass fiber, but can have modulus at least two times as great Aramid is very tough allowing significant energy absorption but, compared to carbon, it is lower in compressive strength and has poorer adhesion to the matrix. It is also susceptible to moisture absorption. Aramid fiber properties depend on the structure used and can be tailored for high toughness or high modulus. Aramid (Kevlar) fiber properties are given in Table 2 [18]. Tensile Strength Young’s Modulus Elongation at break Kevlar 29 Hightoughnes s 3.6 GPa Kevlar 49 High modulus 3.6-4.1 GPa Kevlar 149 Ultrahigh modulus 3.6 GPa 83 GPa 131 GPa 179 GPa 4% 2.8% 2.0% Table 2: Aramid (Kevlar) fiber properties [18] 2) Resins Figure 8: Nonwoven material (stitched) [20] Carbon fiber is the reinforcement material of choice for “advanced” composites, Carbon fiber exhibits excellent fatigue resistance which does not suffer from stress rupture compared with glass or aramid fibers. Carbon fibers are supplied in tows and may vary from 1000 fibers per tow to hundreds of thousands per tow. Untreated carbon fibers do not wet easily, so adhesion to the matrix must be achieved by ISSN: 2231-5381 The resin systems used to manufacture advanced composites are of two basic types: thermosetting and thermoplastic. Thermosetting resins predominate today, while thermoplastics have only a minor role in manufacturing advanced composites. Thermoset resins require addition of a curing agent or hardener and impregnation onto a reinforcing material, followed by a curing step to produce a cured or finished part. Once cured, the part cannot be changed or reformed, except for finishing [21]. Some of the more common thermosets include: epoxies polyurethanes phenolic and amino resins bismaleimides (BMI, polyimides) polyamides of these, epoxies are the most Page 107 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) commonly used in today’s PMC industry. These resins range from low-viscosity liquids to highmolecular weight solids. Typically they are highviscosity liquids. Fiber reinforcement materials are added to the resin system to provide strength to the finished part [18]. V. COMPOSITE TESTING SNL has had an ongoing effort to characterize composite materials for wind turbine use. Much of the related fatigue testing of composite materials has been and continues to be performed by Montana State University (MSU), which first published the DOE/MSU Composite Material Fatigue database in 1997 [3,4]. This document, which is updated yearly, contains the results of static and fatigue coupon testing of commercially-available composite materials. 1)Effects of Fiber Type The effects of fiber type on tension and compression fatigue resistance are shown in Fig 9. Where the stress and strain based fatigue resistance in tension (R = 0.1) and compression (R = 10) are compared [4] [5]. The four laminates, representing three main fiber types all with epoxy resins, are: E-glass (or AdvantexTM), QQ1 ELT- 5500-EP WindStrandTM, WS1 Carbon hybrid (Grafil 34-600, 48k tow), P2B The laminates have differing contents of 00 plies relative to 450 plies, slightly different fiber contents, and different processing. Notable differences in fatigue performance are that the carbon hybrid is superior in terms of stress, and shows a much higher fatigue exponent as com-pared to the glass fiber materials tested at R = 0.1 (tension-tension fatigue). The same can be said of the performance of carbon at R = 10 (compression-compression fatigue). Of the glass laminates, QQ1 is notably less fatigue resistant than E-LT-5500-EP in tension while the converse is true in compression. WindStrandTM is generally similar to the best of the E-glass laminates in each case, but slightly stronger in terms of stress, in tension. The aligned strand structure of the WindStrandTM WS1 laminates may be advantageous as compared with the stitched fabrics used for QQ1 and E-LT-5500 [25]. 10. Carbon fiber reinforced laminates for wind blades are most limited by compressive strength and ultimate strain [22] [23]. Additionally, the presence of even minor amounts of fiber misalignment has been shown to reduce static and fatigue properties significantly [24]. Maximum compressive properties are obtained with laminates which have the straightest fiber alignment, generally unidirectional prepreg 0 0 plies; poorest properties have been found with woven fabrics, particularly with large tows. Figure 11 compares the compressive static and fatigue properties for three carbon fiber materials: P2B, relatively thick (0.3 mm) prepreg with unidirectional carbon fiber 0 0 plies; MMWK C/G-EP, infused tri-axial fabric with +450 and -450 E-glass plies sandwiching 00 carbon strands; and CGD4, VARTM processed 00 stitched carbon fabric with E-glass 450 plies. The P2B laminate gives properties typical of other large tow prepregs. The CGD4 laminate is among the best stitched or bonded carbon fabrics tested [22], but not as good as the prepreg, apparently due to slight misalignment in the fabric strands. The MMWK-C/G- EP laminate properties were at least equivalent to various prepregs tested in this program, with very straight strands held in place by the glass 45’s. This fabric contains about 25% off-axis material by volume which reduces the strength and modulus values relative to 100% unidirectional carbon laminates [25]. Figure 10: Comparison of compressive fatigue resistance of hybrid laminates with carbon 00 plies and E-glass 450 plies: materials P2B (prepreg); MMWK C/G-EP (infused stitched hybrid tri-axial fabric); and CGD4E (VARTM stitched fabrics) at R = 10. 2)Effect of Carbon Reinforcement Carbon hybrid laminates are compared in Figure ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 108 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Figure 9: Fatigue comparison of multidirectional laminates based on E-glass (QQ1 and E-LT-5500), WindStrandTM (WS1) and carbon (P2B) fibers at similar fiber contents, in terms of stress (top) and strain (bottom), epoxy resins, R = 0.1 (left side) and R = 10 (right side). Major issues have been identified which can produce severe fatigue damage or failure in good quality coupons at maximum absolute strains in the range of 0.2 to 0.4%: 1. Glass fiber laminates with less fatigue resistant fabric architectures at higher fiber contents, loaded in tensile fatigue with R-values in the -0.5 to 0.1 range. 2. Delaminations at ply drops and ply joints, for plies greater than 1.0 mm thickness for glass fibers, or 0.6 mm for carbon fibers (most R-values). 3. Matrix cracking in off-axis plies, for R-values with a significant tensile component (glass and carbon fiber laminates, various resins). 4. Carbon fiber laminates compressive strength and its sensitivity to fabric or other fiber waviness. 5. Delamination and adhesive failure in complex details under both static and fatigue loading. 6. Hot/wet conditions can exacerbate these issues (with the exception of the first). ISSN: 2231-5381 VI. FINDINGS FROM REVIEW Following important points are found during review of literature: The relatively new WindStrandTM based laminates, in addition to moderately higher modulus, show very good fatigue resistance under both tension and compression loading, compared to E-glass. Carbon, either prepreg or the infused triax hybrid fabric, is very fatigue resistant under all loading conditions; other infused fabrics have shown reduced compression resistance. The increased volume has resulted in an expected reduction in cost.Delamination resistance under pure and mixed modes is strongly matrix dependent, with epoxies generally providing the most resistance. Ply drop delamination at high fatigue cycles occurs at low strains regardless of R-value, position through the thickness or overall laminate thickness. The thickness of material dropped at a single position is an important geometric parameter; improvements have been demonstrated for treatments of the ply drop edge, including chamfering and pinking. CONCLUSIONS Stiffness helps for preventing buckling of parts of the blade against compressive stresses. Structural arrangement and dimensions in accordance with materials selection helps in making the Blade lightweight thus minimizing the cost. As per study composites are unique in their ability to be tailored for Page 109 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) different properties using various reinforcement configurations and matrix materials. Advanced composites like fiber-reinforced composites of the type used in wind turbine blades are laminates that can be very strong and stiff when loaded in their own plane, but are much weaker when loaded out-of-plane because the layers, or plies, can more readily be pulled apart. Increasingly enabled by the introduction of newer polymer resin matrix materials and high performance reinforcement fibers of glass, carbon and aramid, the penetration of these advanced materials has witnessed a steady expansion in uses and volume. As per the review it is concluded that new polymer resins and reinforcement fibers of glass, carbon and aramid are most effective performance enhanced materials. REFERENCES HOGG, P., “WIND TURBINE BLADE MATERIALS, SUPERGEN WIND PHASE 1 FINAL ASSEMBLY”, UNIVERSITY OF LOUGH-BOROUGH, 25TH MAR. 2010. 2) EKER, B., AYS¸EGUL¨ AKDOGAN, ˘ ALI VARDAR., “USING OF COMPOSITE MATERIAL IN WIND TURBINE BLADES”.JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE, VOL. 6, ISSUE 14, P. 2917-2921 3) THOMAS D. ASHWILL AND JOSHUA A. PAQUETTE,“COMPOSITE MATERIALS FOR INNOVATIVE WIND TURBINE BLADES*”,WIND ENERGY TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES† ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87185 4) J. F. MANDELL AND D. D. 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