SGA Senate Minutes Tuesday, October 28, 2014 7:00 PM—8:05 PM

SGA Senate Minutes
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
7:00 PM—8:05 PM
I. Call to Order 7:00PM
II. Roll Call 7:00PM
III. Fiber Smith Charter Presentation 7:03PM
1. A community for people who enjoy the fiber arts—knitting, crochet, sewing, anything,
Will host an open gallery to display their products, create one large project together,
and might knit-bomb campus. They would also teach skills to new members. Open
interest meetings are currently being held weekly and lots of people have been coming.
IV. Approve last week’s minutes 7:10PM
2. Motion passes 40-0-3
V. Vote on Disability Alliance – 7:11PM
1. Motion Senator Dorie, second Senator Molly
2. Passes 39-0-3
VI. Smith College News Charter Presentation 7:14PM
1. They cover events that happen on campus, including videos and interviews. They're on
YouTube at SmithCollegeNews and their videos are also on channel 88 and on
Facebook. They want to use social media as a way of getting information to students
and give students a voice/platform.
VII.Her Campus Smith Bylaw/Constitution 7:16PM
1. HerCampus is a large organization with over 250 chapters across the United States. It's
an online magazine geared towards college women. Their goal is to provide news,
events, entertainment, etc.
2. There's everything from 'fun' content to serious pieces, and one of Her Campus Smith's
goals is to help students get experience in journalism.
Open Forum 7:27PM
1. Quality of Life Committee – 7:29 PM
1. Senator Dorie: People are in favor of pet-friendly housing, but the concern is the
limitation on the types of pets—logistically, this seems difficult. Senators Molly and
Rose are also worried about allergies and Smith being held liable for allergic
2. Senator Sarena: Keeping dogs might be a bad idea, because you're gone most of the
day and they might bark or bother people.
3. Senator Zoe: It should be more like a co-op where you have to interview to get in
and it's not just a free for all
4. Senator Theo: The houses they're looking at right now are Conway, co-ops, etc –
houses for older students and Adas, not just anyone.
2. Restructure Committee – 7:35
1. Senator Dorie: They had a meeting last week where they talked about the idea
of passing the restructure bit by bit and coming to Senate with small pieces
1. Senator Katie W.: Worried we might lose sight of the bigger picture
2. Senator Emma U.: Likes the idea as long as it's given as part of a larger
framework, because it's easier than breaking down one big thing and trying
to understand it
2. Today they're planning on going over the proposal that was given last year and
dissecting it piece by piece
3. They're also looking for a social media coordinator
3. Facilities Committee – 7:40
1. Senator Dorie: Possibility of smoke-free areas or potentially a smoke-free campus,
so please bring the idea of smoke-free campus back to your house to get feedback
2. The reason we don't have trashcans is because of sustainability – the fact that there
aren't a lot of trashcans is so that people are encouraged to use more reusable
3. Senator Ruth mentioned the skunk problem, but facilities can't do anything about
4. Senator Sarena moves to continue discussion, Rose seconds – 7:45
5. Senator Emily H. understands the trashcan policy, but suggests that there be at
least one trash can on campus
6. Senator Madeline: It would make more sense to have designated smoking areas
than to have smoke-free areas.
7. Senator Zoe: We should table smoking discussion, take it back to houses, and bring
it back next week.
8. Senator Ellen: Capen feels like having lights on in hallways all the time is
1. Facilities Committee reports that some of the more recently renovated houses
have motion-activated lights, but if your house hasn't been recently renovated
then it can't be done.
4. HerCampus Discussion – 7:48 PM
1. Senator Zoe: Confused as to why they need to be chartered
1. Laura, ORC Chair: When an org is chartered, they're able to use the Smith name.
The problem right now is that they're not chartered and using the Smith name
anyway. She also wants to know why this group is different than the Sophian.
Also, they can't have articles legally belong to HerCampus, which is currently
the case – everything needs to belong to the club itself.
2. Senator Molly: Sponsors sending them goods is very questionable. It's like
companies paying students to endorse products under the Smith name
3. Senator Rose: We shouldn't vote on this until we hear more, since it sounds like
a legal issue.
4. Laura, ORC Chair: It will forever be an issue until HerCampus relinquishes the
right to the material
5. Senator Molly: Regardless of the Smith name and rights to the articles, things
like the product endorsements and the fact that they were hired outside instead
of elected are very questionable.
6. Greta: Has the rules committee gone over the details? Are people allowed to
apply to an outside organization instead of being elected?
7. Laura: HerCampus has the right to decline student-elected leaders, which isn't
in keeping with Smith organization policy
IX. Announcements 8:04PM
1. Rides to the polls are leaving on Tuesday from 11:30 to 5 outside of JMG.
2. Send out house emails, CC
3. Come to the Restructure Meeting after Senate
X. Adjournment 8:05PM