Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Finding aid prepared by EBL Special Collections Staff This finding aid was produced using the Archivists' Toolkit December 09, 2013 EBL Manuscripts Collection 2004-10-28 Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Table of Contents Summary Information ................................................................................................................................. 3 Historical or Biographical Note.................................................................................................................... 4 Collection Scope and Content Summary...................................................................................................... 4 Administrative Information .........................................................................................................................5 Subject Headings........................................................................................................................................... 5 Collection Inventory...................................................................................................................................... 6 Series 01: Subject Files.......................................................................................................................... 6 - Page 2 - Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Summary Information Repository EBL Manuscripts Collection Creator Cunningham, Eileen R., (Eileen Roach), 1894-1965 Title Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers Date [inclusive] 1915 - 1965 Extent 7.0 Cubic feet Abstract Personal papers of medical librarian Eileen Roach Cunningham, who was best known for developing the Cunningham Classification for Medical Literature in 1929. Ms. Cunningham was librarian at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine from 1929-1956 and was elected president of the Medical Library Association in 1947. The collection is arranged by subject, including various professional organizations, particularly the MLA. Other organizations include: American Library Association, Council of National Library Associations, and UNESCO. Also there are several files on Cunningham's involvement in various international programs, conferences, and research projects on medical librarianship. Preferred Citation Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers. Eskind Biomedical Library Special Collections, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN. - Page 3 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Historical or Biographical Note Eileen Roach Cunningham (1894-1965) was a Vanderbilt Medical librarian, author and international leader in medical librarianship. She developed and published the Cunningham Classification for Medical Literature. She also served as President of the Medical Library Association in 1947. Eileen Roach Cunningham was born in 1894. Before coming to Vanderbilt, Eileen worked as a research assistant in the anatomy department at Johns Hopkins. She joined the staff of Vanderbilt's medical library in 1926, and she developed a new scheme of classifying medical literature by anatomical system. Eventually, the Cunningham Classification for Medical Literature went through four published editions and was adopted by medical libraries throughout the world. It was later used as the basis for both the Army Medical Library and the National Library of Medicine's classification plans. Mrs. Cunningham was appointed Associate Librarian at Vanderbilt School of Medicine in 1928 and Head Librarian in 1929. Mrs. Cunningham was an active member of the Medical Library Association, and chaired the MLA committee charged with obtaining foreign medical and scientific literature. In 1935, she attended the first conference of the International Federation of Library Associations. Mrs. Cunningham's interest in international cooperation played an important part in the rest of her career. In 1947, she became only the third woman president in the Medical Library Association's history; and in 1949, she was honored with the first Marcia C. Noyes Award for medical librarianship. After she formally "retired" in 1956 from Vanderbilt, she continued her work in the Medical Library community. Within two years, she had gone off to organize the Basic Medical Sciences Institute in Karachi, Pakistan. Thereafter, she continued her travels, attendance at library functions, and public service work. For more information and pictures please see the VUMC Online Biography of Eileen R. Cunningham. Collection Description Personal papers of medical librarian Eileen Roach Cunningham, who was best known for developing the Cunningham Classification for Medical Literature in 1929. Ms. Cunningham was librarian at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine from 1929-1956 and was elected president of the Medical Library Association in 1947. The collection is arranged by subject, including various professional organizations, particularly the MLA. Other organizations include: American Library Association, Council of National Library Associations, and UNESCO. Also there are several files on Cunningham's involvement in various international programs, conferences, and research projects on medical librarianship. Collection contains correspondence (both professional and personal), pamphlets, articles, photographs, reports, programs, and other materials. - Page 4 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Administrative Information Publication Information EBL Manuscripts Collection 2004-10-28 Notes about Access to this Collection All collections are subject to applicable VUMC privacy and confidentiality policies. Collection specific restrictions: No Restrictions. Reproduction Rights Copyright is retained by Eskind Biomedical Library Special Collections. Subject Headings Personal Name(s) Cunningham, Eileen R., (Eileen Roach), 1894-1965 Darrach, Marjorie J. Doe, Janet Marshall, Mary Louise, 1893Noyes, Marcia Crocker, 1869Troxel, Wilma Subject(s) Librarians Libraries, Medical Library and Information Technology Medical Informatics Vanderbilt University. School of Medicine. Library VUMC History Women in Medicine - Page 5 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files Collection Inventory Series 01: Subject Files Box Folder 1st Edition--Cunningham Classification system for medical literature MISCELLANEOUS. Reprints, library memoranda. 21 items, including 164 duplicates. REPRINTS. Extra copies of Mrs. Cunningham's article "Some of the 224 Problems in Establishing Medical Libraries in Remote Areas"-(about 100 copies). Copy of the R and all of ERC's other articles in File 59. TRAVEL. News clippings, maps, travel brochures, and notes by 237 Mrs. Cunningham for travel to Washington, D.C.; Mobile, Alabama; Massachusetts; Australia; Uganda; Peru; and the Orient. +20 items. ADDRESS BOOK. Eileen Cunningham's address book, updated to the 266 1960's. DONDALE, MARION. MLA president, 1953-54. Correspondence, 77 1952-54. 13 items. ADAMS, SCOTT. Deputy Director, National Library of Medicine. - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 Correspondence, 1956-63. 4 items. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE. Programs and information, 1937-56. 16 items. AMERICAN DOCUMENTATION INSTITUTE. Memoranda and correspondence, 1951-57. 39 items AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS. Study of Abstracting. Correspondence with Dwight E. Gray (1949), and forms. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (I). Correspondence and reports, 1943-49. 57 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (II). Correspondence, 1956-58 11 items. - Page 6 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (III). Joint Committee on Library - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 100 Work as a Career. Correspondence and memoranda, 1947-57. 23 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (IV). Library Education Division and other newsletters, 1956-61. 17 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (V). Correspondence, 1955-64 regarding ALA membership dues and other matters. 9 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (VI). Library Education Division. Correspondence, 1954-57. 3 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (VII). Correspondence with Janet Doe, Marie Marshall, and others relating to education for medical librarianship, 1949-50. 25 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (VIII). Joint Committee on Library Education, Subcommittee on Certification. Correspondence and reports, 1955-57. 13 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (IX). Reports and correspondence relating to accrediting library schools, 1951-57. 57 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (X). Board of Education for Librarianship, Committee on Accreditation. Reports and correspondence, 1951-57. 14 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (XI). Bibliography Committee. Reports and correspondence, 1954-55. 15 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (XII). Joint Committee on / Indexing and Abstracting, 1938-39. 9 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (XIII). Material relating to Princeton Conference on training and education for librarianship, 1947-49. 8 items. GREGG, DR. ALAN. Director of the Rockefeller Foundation. Professional and personal correspondence, 1942-56. Some from the 1940's concerns Mrs. Cunningham's work with Latin American libraries. Also letters from Mrs. Gregg to ERC (1957-61), and one from J. - Page 7 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files GREGG, DR. ALAN. Director of the Rockefeller Foundation. Professional and personal correspondence, 1942-56. Some from the 1940's concerns Mrs. Cunningham's work with Latin American libraries. Also letters from Mrs. Gregg to ERC (1957-61), and one from J.L Hydrick (1943). 32 items. "H." CORRESPONDENCE. Miscellaneous correspondence, mostly - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 personal, 1956-62. 10 items. HALLAM, BERTHA. An MLA president. Correspondence, 1955-57. 20 items. HARDY, SIR WILLIAM AND LADY ALICE. Correspondence, 1931-40. A delightful personal letter from Sir William (1931), am eminent British biologist and Flexner Lecturer. Later letters from his wife; those for the war years (1939-40) are particularly interestin HARDY, SIR WILLIAM AND LADY ALICE. Correspondence, 1931-40. A delightful personal letter from Sir William (1931), am eminent British biologist and Flexner Lecturer. Later letters from his wife; those for the war years (1939-40) are particularly interesting. Also several informal photographs. 11 items. [JOHNS] HOPKINS INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL HISTORY. Programs and photographs taken at meetings, 1938-39. Also notes taken by Mrs. Cunningham and a portrait signed for her by Henry Sigerist. 31 items. HOSPITAL LIBRARIES AND LIBRARIANSHIP. Pamphlets, memoranda, bibliographic lists, and correspondence; some from France, Belgium, Uruguay, and the U.N., c1949-50. 16 items, including duplicates. INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION. "The Population Involved in International Education: A Report on the Central Index of Educational Exchanges." Pamphlet, c1956. 36th Annual Report (1955). 2 items. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MEDICAL LIBRARIANSHIP (I). Correspondence with William LeFanu, Hilda Clark, and others, 1953-55. 41 items. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MEDICAL LIBRARIANSHIP (II). Correspondence with William LeFanu and others, 1955-63. Some is - Page 8 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files personal and refers to Mrs. Cunningham's illness and retirement. Several handwritten letters by her. 20 items, excluding duplicates INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MEDICAL LIBRARIANSHIP (II). Correspondence with William LeFanu and others, 1955-63. Some is personal and refers to Mrs. Cunningham's illness and retirement. Several handwritten letters by her. 20 items, excluding duplicates of a memorandum. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION. - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 Correspondence and memoranda, 1947-64. Some correspondence relates to Mrs. Cunningham's work in Pakistan during 1958-60. 22 items, excluding duplicates. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF LIBRARIANSHIP. Pamphlet, reading lists, and handwritten notes relating to a conference held at the University of Chicago Graduate Library School, 1953. 4 items. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FINANCES [MLA Committee on International Cooperation]. Budget reports and correspondence, 1955-56. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE, MISCELLANEOUS. Correspondence and reports relating to various foreign scholarship recipients who studied at the Peabody School of Library Science, 1948-55. 10 items, excluding duplicates. See also File 182. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE SCHOLARSHIP, MLA. Europe and Middle East. Scholarship applications and supporting materials, correspondence, 1947-55. Also reports and personal letters from scholarship recipients to Mrs. Cunningham. 17 items. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE SCHOLARSHIPS. Rockefeller Foundation, Miscellaneous Correspondence. Letters rewarding applications for scholarships 1948-60. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, ARGENTINA. Application information and correspondence, 1947-52. Includes one interesting letter on U.S.-Arqentine relations. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, ASIA. Application information and correspondence -1951-55. 9 items. - Page 9 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, AUSTRIA. Application and - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 correspondence (mostly personal), with Dr. Hilde Primus, 1950-60. Dr. Primus, of Vienna, studied at Peabody during 1950-51. Includes photographs of Dr. Primus and her family . [INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, BRAZIL & COLOMBIA]. Untitled file containing correspondence about students from Brazil and Colombia, and a letter from Margueriete [Prime?] to Mrs. Cunningham concerning accommodations for students visiting Chicago, 1949-51. [INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, BRAZIL & COLOMBIA]. Untitled file containing correspondence about students from Brazil and Colombia, and a letter from Margueriete [Prime?] to Mrs. Cunningham concerning accommodations for students visiting Chicago, 1949-51. 5 items. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, INDIA. Application forms, recommendations, reports, correspondence, and photographs, 1948-64. Some personal letters between Mrs. Cunningham and former students. 55 items. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, IRELAND. Application form, recommendation, and personal correspondence with Jessie Webster, Ulster librarian, 1950-61. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, JAPAN. Information concerning two Japanese applicants for MLA fellowships, 1953-54 2 items. [FIRST] INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MEDICAL LIBRARIANSHIP, London, 1953. Preliminary correspondence, programs, text of a talk on classification systems by Mrs. Cunningham, other memoranda, and photographs. 46 items, excluding duplicates. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MEDICAL LIBRARIANSHIP, 2ND. Washington, D.C., June, 1963. Memoranda, news clippings, invitations, photographs. 15 items. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF LIBRARIES AND DOCUMENTATION CENTERS [3RD] (I). Brussels, September 8-18, 1955. Correspondence, memoranda, photographs, and invitations. 47 items. See also File 229. - Page 10 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF LIBRARIES AND - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 - 133 DOCUMENTATION CENTERS, [3RD] (II). Memorandum to president and board of directors, MLA (October 15, 1955). 15 copies. INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION APPLICATION. Questionnaire, notes, correspondence, and news clippings relating to MLA scholarships, 1948-55. 12 items. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS (I). Conferences at Baste (1949), Rome (1951), Vienna (1953). Correspondence, memoranda, programs, and photographs. 34 items. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS (II). Correspondence, 1933-55. One letter (1944) from Archibald MacLeish. 68 items. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS (III). Conference in Berne, 1962. Programs and photographs. 10 items. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS (IV). News. Newsletters and correspondence, 1955-64. 11 items INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS (V). The first conference, held at Madrid, 1935. Programs, lists, photographs, and Postcards. 31 items INTERNATIONAL PAPER ABSTRACT (MADRID). Abstract of paper read by Mrs. Cunningham at Madrid conference of IFLA, 1935. English and French versions, with price list of German periodicals. Title of paper: "The Present Status of the Publication of Literature i INTERNATIONAL PAPER ABSTRACT (MADRID). Abstract of paper read by Mrs. Cunningham at Madrid conference of IFLA, 1935. English and French versions, with price list of German periodicals. Title of paper: "The Present Status of the Publication of Literature in the Medical and Biological Sciences " 10 items INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION ON DOCUMENTATION. Pamphlet: "It's YOUR Federation. FID publ. no. 256" (1951). - Page 11 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files [W.K.] KELLOGG FOUNDATION. Correspondence regarding fellowships - 134 - 135 - 136 - 137 - 138 - 139 - 140 - 141 - 142 - 143 - 144 for Latin American scholarship recipients studying at Vanderbilt, 1951-55. 17 items KEYS, TOM. Librarian, Mayo Clinic, and an MLA president. Correspondence, mostly personal, regarding Mrs. Cunningham's retirement from Vanderbilt and work in Pakistan, 1956-58. 6 items KRUMBHAAR, E.B. of University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Correspondence relating to Springer negotiations, 1933. 8 items JAPAN. Correspondence with and concerning Yoshinari Tsuda, Japanese scholarship recipient who studied at Vanderbilt; 1951-57. 16 items JOHANNSENS-CHILE CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence with Erica and Ileana Johannsen-Oehrens, Chilean sisters (of Danish extraction) who studied librarianship at Vanderbilt, 1950-56. 19 items. JORDAN, MILDRED. Medical librarian at Emory University and MLA colleague. Correspondence, 1946-54. 10 items. JOURNALS- HISTORIES FOR BULL[ETIN OF THE] HIST[ORY OF MEDICINE?]. Reprints containing historical information on several leading medical journals; latest are dated 1962. 5 items LARKEY, SANFORD V. Medical librarian at Johns Hopkins and a president of MLA. Correspondence, 1935-56. Note in file: "All material pertinent to the International Committee removed. ERC." "L." Correspondents include John Lind (1932), Robert A. Lambert (1957), Lee Ash of the Library Journal (1959), Dr. Rudolph Light (1960), Mildred and Wayne Lowell (1961), Cecilia Leslie (1961, 1963). 7 items. LATIN AMERICA. ALA INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY BOARD. Correspondence, mostly with Lewis Hanke, Director, the Hispanic Foundation; and Dr. Rudolph Gjelsness, 1943-48. 35 items. LATIN AMERICA. GENERAL. Correspondence, memoranda, reprints, and vitae concerning MLA fellowships and other aspects of Mrs. Cunningham's work with Latin American libraries, 1943-55. - Page 12 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files LATIN AMERICA. GJELSNESS. Correspondence with Rudolph Gjelsness, - 145 - 146 - 147 - 148 - 148 - 150 - 151 - 152 - 153 - 154 chairman, Committee on Library Cooperation in Latin America, 1943-45. 12 items. LATIN AMERICA. PERIODICALS. Correspondence and bibliographic lists, c1943. 11 items. LATIN AMERICA. PUBLICATIONS. Correspondence, bibliographic lists, reports, 1943-50. 67 items. LATIN AMERICA PUBLICATIONS. (TRIPS, SPEECHES, ETC.) Press Clippings, letters, manuscripts relating to Mrs. Cunningham's work in Latin America, c 1943-44. This includes accounts of her travels souveneirs, etc. 30 Items LATIN AMERICA. ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, Correspondence with Clark H. Yeager, J.L. Hydrick, and others concerning the training of librarians in Latin America, 1943-52. 28 items. LATIN AMERICA. ARGENTINA. Curriculum vitae, reports, and correspondence with Rudolpho Tannchen, an Argentine librarian and MLA scholarship recipient, 1952-57. 2 items. LATIN AMERICA. BRAZIL. Correspondence, in part relating to the adoption of the Cunningham System in Brazilian libraries, 1944-47. 13 items. LATIN AMERICA. COLOMBIA. Reports and correspondence relating to Mrs. Cunningham's work in reorganizing libraries in Bogota, 1942-44. 11 items. LATIN AMERICA. EL SALVADOR. Letter of introduction for, and postcards from, Rosa Z. Velasquez of San Salvador, an MLA/Kellogg fellow who studied with Mrs. Cunningham, 1953-54. Also photographs of the library in San Salvador. 4 items. LATIN AMERICA. MEXICO. Correspondence and reports concerning Mrs. Cunningham's work with Mexican libraries, 1943-44. 21 items, including duplicates. - Page 13 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files LATIN AMERICA. PERU. Reports and correspondence relating to Mrs. - 155 - 156 - 157 - 158 - 159 - 160 - 161 - 162 Cunningham's survey of the medical library at the University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru (1943), 1943-48. 31 items. LATIN AMERICA. UNIVERSITY OF SAN MARCOS [Lima, Peru]. Correspondence (1943-52), mostly with Dr. Carlos Monge, dean of the medical school; and Marguerita Summers, a Rockefeller scholarship recipient. 122 items. Other references to Mrs. Cunnlngham' LATIN AMERICA. UNIVERSITY OF SAN MARCOS [Lima, Peru]. Correspondence (1943-52), mostly with Dr. Carlos Monge, dean of the medical school; and Marguerita Summers, a Rockefeller scholarship recipient. 122 items. Other references to Mrs. Cunnlngham's work with Latin American libraries are found in Files 37, 40, 100, 105, 115, 118, 134, 138, 163, 218-19, 226, 228, and 255-56 LENTZ, ROBERT. Mrs. Cunningham's successor as chairman of MLA Committee on International Cooperation. Correspondence, 1956 - 57. 10 items. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Correspondence with Luther Evans (Librarian) and other members of the Library of Congress staff, 1950-52. Also resumes and application forms, including one for ERC. 25 items. See also File 254.U.S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LUDDINGTON, FLORA BELL. Chairman, ALA International Relations Board. Correspondence, 1950-55. 22 items. MAKERERE MEDICAL COLLEGE. Kampala, Uganda. Correspondence with Dr. Alexander Galloway and others, 1949-50, concerning a "want list" of periodicals for this library. 28 items. MANSON, CLARA. Medical librarian at Stanford [?] Personal correspondence, 1955-63. 3 items. MARSHALL, MARY LOUISE [Marie]. Medical librarian at Tulane University, MLA president during World War II, and Mrs. Cunningham's colleague in much committee work. Professional and personal correspondence, 1950-60. One letter ( 1956) contains an interesting - Page 14 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files MARSHALL, MARY LOUISE [Marie]. Medical librarian at Tulane University, MLA president during World War II, and Mrs. Cunningham's colleague in much committee work. Professional and personal correspondence, 1950-60. One letter ( 1956) contains an interesting account of the last days of Dr. Rudolph Matas, and of his history of medicine in Louisiana, on which Miss Marshall collaborated. 41 items. METCALF K[EYES] D. Librarian, Harvard University. Correspondence - 163 - 165 - 166 - 167 - 168 (1943 - 46) regarding Mrs. Cunningham's work with Latin American libraries and development of a classification scheme for the Army Medical Library. 21 items. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence, letters of recommendation, room reservation requests, etc. Most are library related; but there are personal letters from O.C. Carmichael, Karl Mason, Canby Robinson, and others. Organized alphabetically by cor MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence, letters of recommendation, room reservation requests, etc. Most are library related; but there are personal letters from O.C. Carmichael, Karl Mason, Canby Robinson, and others. Organized alphabetically by correspondent; dates mostly late 1940's early 1950' s. 237 items. MUNTHE, DR. WILHELM. Norwegian librarian and president of the International Federation of Library Associations. Correspondence (two letters are from Mdnthe's wife), 1934-47. MUNTHE, DR. WILHELM. Norwegian librarian and president of the International Federation of Library Associations. Correspondence (two letters are from Munthe's wife), 1934-47. Letters from the immediate prewar period are interesting, in light of Mrs. Cunningham's work on German periodicals and the international situation. 12 items MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (I). Programs, news clippings, and other memorabilia from annual meetings, 1928-50. +50 items, including duplicates. MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (II). Committee on International Cooperation. George Peabody College. Correspondence (1954-56) and excerpts from the Peabody College catalogue. 9 items. - Page 15 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (III). General correspondence - 169 - 170 - 170A - 171 - 172 - 173 - 174 - 175 - 176 (1935-48), covering such topics as foreign periodicals, Army Medical Library, MLA Handbook, programs for annual meetings. 62 items. MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (IV). Programs, photographs, correspondence, etc., relating to annual meetings, 1939-61. 50 items. MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (V). Annual reports, lists of officers, memoranda, etc., 1955-60. 13 items. MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (VI). Committee reports, questionnaires, and memoranda, c1950-54. Some correspondence. 15 items. MLA ABSTRACTING SURVEY.* Correspondence with various medical societies concerning the abstracting of medical literature, 1947-48. +50 items. More information on Mrs. Cunningham's plan for a new abstracting service may be found in Files 208, 210, 2 MLA ABSTRACTING SURVEY.* Correspondence with various medical societies concerning the abstracting of medical literature, 1947-48. +50 items. More information on Mrs. Cunningham's plan for a new abstracting service may be found in Files 208, 210, 217, 232-34, 242-43, and 264. MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMITTEE (I). Correspondence and reports, 1954-56. Several reprints of an article by Dr. R.H. Kampmeier. 26 items, excluding duplicates. MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMITTEE (II). Original plans for Medical Union List. Correspondence, 1952-55. Cards containing bibliographic entries. 72 items, including duplicates, excluding cards. MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMITTEE (III). Correspondence and memoranda, 1950-56. Some material for 1952 duplicates that in previous file. 168 items, including duplicates. MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMITTEE (IV). Correspondence and memoranda (1955-56), mostly concerning Mrs. Cunningham's desire to give up the committee chair. 20 items, excluding many duplicates. - Page 16 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMITTEE (V). Memorandaum to Wilma - 177 - 178 - 179 - 18 - 180 - 181 - 182 - 183 - 184 - 185 - 186 Troxel, MLA president (April 30, 1955); letter excerpt from Eleanor Johnson to Mrs. Cunningham (1955?), with many duplicates of both items. MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMITTEE (VI). Correspondence and memoranda, 1954-56. 66 items, excluding duplicates. MLA BY-LAWS COMMITTEE. Correspondence and memoranda relating to changes in MLA by-laws, 1947-48. Also copies of previous by-laws dated 1934. +70 items, with duplicates. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (XIV). Committee to Aid Libraries in War Areas. Correspondence and final report, 1943-49. 20 items. MLA COMMITTEE ON AWARDS AND OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS. Correspondence and report, 1947-48. 7 items. MLA COMMITTEE ON INDEXING. Correspondence and memoranda, mostly between Mrs. Cunningham, Janet Doe, and W.B. McDaniel (then president of MLA), 1945-47. Some correspondence relates to Springer periodicals. +85 items, including duplicates. MLA COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION. General correspondence and list of scholarship recipients, 1953-61. 16 items. MLA COMMITTEE ON PERIODICALS AND SERIALS (I). Correspondence (1940-45), mostly relating to acquisition of foreign periodicals. Most letters are 1940. 78 items. MLA COMMITTEE ON PERIODICALS AND SERIALS (II). Correspondence, 1937-39. Also a note pertaining to the 1932 MLA meeting in San Francisco, at which Mrs. Cunningham first protested the rising cost of German periodicals. 31 items MLA COMMITTEE ON PERIODICALS AND SERIALS (III). Correspondence (1941-44) relating to importation of foreign periodicals during wartime. 59 items. MLA COMMITTEE ON PERIODICALS AND SERIALS (IV). Correspondence (1945-55) regarding re-establishment of medical periodical imports after World War II. 93 items. - Page 17 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files MLA COMMITTEE ON PERIODICALS AND SERIALS (V). - 187 - 188 - 189 - 19 - 190 - 191 - 192 - 193 Correspondence and memoranda, 1949-53. Interesting exchanges with Harold Oatfield, Charles Brown, Wilfrid Bonser and others concerning Springer periodicals and Mrs. Cunningham's role in reducing their cost in MLA COMMITTEE ON PERIODICALS AND SERIALS (V). Correspondence and memoranda, 1949-53. Interesting exchanges with Harold Oatfield, Charles Brown, Wilfrid Bonser and others concerning Springer periodicals and Mrs. Cunningham's role in reducing their cost in the 1930 ' s. 102 items. MLA COMMITTEE ON PERIODICALS AND SERIALS (VI). Various memoranda on the price of European periodicals, 1935-40. 5 items, with many duplicates. MLA COMMITTEE ON PERIODICALS AND SERIALS (VII). Annual reports for 1937 and 1938. 2 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (XV). Programs, reports, and correspondence relating to ALA conferences and meetings, 1938-55. 30 items. MLA ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE. Correspondence with Janet Doe, Sanford Larkey, and others concerning the endowment program for MLA, 1948 - 49. +70 items, with duplicates. MLA EXCHANGE. Correspondence (1946-48), including some wonderfully acrimonious letters from Mildred Naylor, manager of the exchange during Mrs. Cunningham's year as MLA president. 164 items, including duplicates. MLA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda, 1947-49. 22 items, excluding duplicates. MLA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE/ALA FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS. Correspondence and memoranda concerning possible construction of a Federation of National Library Associations, 1948-49. 33 items, including duplicates. - Page 18 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files MLA FINANCE COMMITTEE. Correspondence, mostly with Bertha - 194 - 195 - 196 - 197 - 198 - 199 - 20 - 200 - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 Hallam (chair of the finance committee during Mrs. Cunningham's tenure as MLA president), 1947-49. 65 items. MLA HANDBOOK. Bibliographic lists of reference works for medical libraries, c1954. 6 items. MLA INTERLIBRARY LOANS. Correspondence with Janet Doe and George L. Baney, chair of the Interlibrary Loans Committee, 1947-48. 14 items. MLA LIBRARY METHODS COMMITTEE. Correspondence with Mildred Crowe, chair of the committee during Mrs. Cunningham's year as president, 1947. 4 items. MLA MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. Correspondence with Dr. William A. Fitzgerald, chair during Mrs. Cunningham's presidential term, and others, 1947-48. Also sample application for library membership in MLA. 57 items. MLA MIMEOGRAPHED REPORTS. Various memoranda and reports, 1953-55. 8 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (XVI). Serials Round Table Committee. Reports and correspondence, 1946-53. 21 items. MLA MISCELLANEOUS. Correspondence from Mrs. Cunningham's year as president, 1947-48. 67 items. MLA OFFICERS. Correspondence, 1930 - 47. Some later letters concern a change in the method of electing officers which Mrs. Cunningham inaugurated. Filed separately as 6 postcards from Heath Babcock, an MLA secretary. 127 other items. MLA OFFICIAL FILE. Correspondence and copies of MLA Bulletin. 1962-63. 10 items. MLA PLACEMENT BUREAU. Correspondence, mostly with Mrs. Breed Robinson, chief of the bureau, 1947-48. 32 items, including one post card. MLA SECRETARY (I). Correspondence with various MLA secretaries-Restricted - Page 19 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files MLA SECRETARY (I). Correspondence with various MLA secretaries, 1948-61. Most letters concern committee business, but one (to Mrs. Henrietta Perkins, 1956) contains personal information about Mrs. Cunningham\'s retirement and her brother\'s health. 52 items. --Restricted, contains PHI MLA SECRETARY (II). Correspondence, mostly with Edna Poole - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 21 - 210 - 211 (secretary) and Heath Babcock (past secretary) during Mrs. Cunningham's presidential year, 1947-48. 125 items. MLA SPECIAL DELEGATES. Correspondence (1947-48) between Mrs. Cunningham and delegates to various MLA meetings. 40 items. MLA SUBCOMMITTEE ON SPECIAL LIBRARY EDUCATION. Foreign Language Project. Correspondence, reprints, and memoranda, mostly concerning an article written by Mrs. Cunningham and Margueriete Prime, 1956-58. 58 items. MLA SURVEY. Correspondence with Janet Doe, W.B. McDaniel, and others concerning the possibility of developing a new abstracting service for world medical periodicals, 1947 (File 172). 104 items. MLA TREASURER. Receipts for travel and secretarial expenses, 1950-55. Correspondence relating to MLA committee expenses, 1948-50. +20 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (XVII). Miscellaneous correspondence, 1954-55. 8 items. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Abstracting Survey, 1947-54. Correspondence with Dr. Maurice Visscher, Dr. Bart Bok, and others; also various memoranda. 92 items. NEW ZEALAND. Correspondence with Mr. Harry D. Erlam, medical librarian at the University of Ontago Medical School, New Zealand. Letters (1954-57) are personal; also a snapshot of Mr. Erlam and bride (1955), his curriculum vitae (1952), and a rather bad po NEW ZEALAND. Correspondence with Mr. Harry D. Erlam, medical librarian at the University of Ontago Medical School, New Zealand. Letters (1954-57) are personal; also a snapshot of Mr. Erlam and bride - Page 20 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files (1955), his curriculum vitae (1952), and a rather bad poem written for Mrs. Cunningham (1953). 10 items. NOYES, MARCIA. A founder and president of MLA- the "original" of the - 212 - 213 - 214 - 215 Noyes Award. Correspondence (1933-35) relating to Mrs. Cunningham's work with German periodicals. Letter from Eleanor Fair (1939) mentioning Miss Noyes, and an invitation to a testimonia NOYES, MARCIA. A founder and president of MLA- the "original" of the Noyes Award. Correspondence (1933-35) relating to Mrs. Cunningham's work with German periodicals. Letter from Eleanor Fair (1939) mentioning Miss Noyes, and an invitation to a testimonial dinner in her honor (1946). 16 items. PAKISTAN (I). Records of Mrs. Cunningham's service as head of the Library of Basic Medical Sciences Institute, Karachi. Monthly, quarterly, and annual reports, 1958-60; lists of staff; text of article by Mrs. Cunningham; correspondence with Mr. and Mrs. C PAKISTAN (I). Records of Mrs. Cunningham's service as head of the Library of Basic Medical Sciences Institute, Karachi. Monthly, quarterly, and annual reports, 1958-60; lists of staff; text of article by Mrs. Cunningham; correspondence with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Andreas (1960-65). 62 items. PAKISTAN (II). Miscellaneous correspondence, including Christmas newsletters containing lengthy descriptions of Mrs. Cunningham's travels. Correspondents include Janet Doe, Marjorie Darrach, Marie Marshall (1958-59). Alsonewsclippings, snapshots, and a Ka PAKISTAN (II). Miscellaneous correspondence, including Christmas newsletters containing lengthy descriptions of Mrs. Cunningham's travels. Correspondents include Janet Doe, Marjorie Darrach, Marie Marshall (1958-59). Alsonewsclippings, snapshots, and a Karachi phone directory (1959). 91 items, in original order. PAKISTAN (III). Correspondence (1957-60), mostly with William H. Headlee, Dean of Indiana University Medical Center, which was giving the Karachi library financial support. Also personal information forms filled out by Mrs. Cunningham, private financial r - Page 21 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files PAKISTAN (III). Correspondence (1957-60), mostly with William H. Headlee, Dean of Indiana University Medical Center, which was giving the Karachi library financial support. Also personal information forms filled out by Mrs. Cunningham, private financial records, etc. 64 items. PAKISTAN (IV). Correspondence (1958 - 61) with Dr. Headlee and with - 216 - 217 - 218 - 219 former assistants at the Karachi library. Also invoices, etc., for shipping of Mrs. Cunningham's personal belongings; reprints; and notes on personnel. 96 items. Other material o PAKISTAN (IV). Correspondence (1958 - 61) with Dr. Headlee and with former assistants at the Karachi library. Also invoices, etc., for shipping of Mrs. Cunningham's personal belongings; reprints; and notes on personnel. 96 items. Other material on Mrs. Cunningham's work in Pakistan Is found in Files 60. 63. 109, and 230 PARIS UNIVERSITY. Correspondence (1948- 53) with the Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Medicine. Minutes and memoranda relating to the meeting of the UNESCO Interim Committee on Medical and Biological Abstractinq, Paris, April, 1948. 32 items, including d PARIS UNIVERSITY. Correspondence (1948- 53) with the Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Medicine. Minutes and memoranda relating to the meeting of the UNESCO Interim Committee on Medical and Biological Abstractinq, Paris, April, 1948. 32 items, including duplicates. PAZOS-PEREZ, MISS LYDIA (CUBA). Correspondence ( 1949-60), with a Cuban MLA scholarship recipient; apparently, she was later involved in the resistance to Batista. Interesting comments on political conditions in Cuba; news clipping, and photographs. PAZOS-PEREZ, MISS LYDIA (CUBA). Correspondence ( 1949-60), with a Cuban MLA scholarship recipient; apparently, she was later involved in the resistance to Batista. Interesting comments on political conditions in Cuba; news clipping, and photographs. 15 items. PAN-AMERICAN UNION. Correspondence with Marietta Daniels (librarian for PAU) concerning Latin American scholarship recipients, 1953-57. Copies of OAS memoranda and a newsletter, "Inter- American Library Relations" (1957-60). Also- irrelevantly- a London T - Page 22 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files PAN-AMERICAN UNION. Correspondence with Marietta Daniels (librarian for PAU) concerning Latin American scholarship recipients, 1953-57. Copies of OAS memoranda and a newsletter, "Inter- American Library Relations" (1957-60). Also- irrelevantly- a London Times obituary for a writer names F.W. Bain (1940). 32 items. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (XVIII). Correspondence between - 22 - 220 - 221 - 222 - 223 - 225 - 226 - 227 - 228 Mrs. Cunningham and the ALA, 1943-48. 64 items. PEABODY COLLEGE (SYMPOSIUM). Correspondence and outline for a conference entitled "Parent-Teacher Leadership for Civic Action," June, 1948. 4 items. POSTELL, W.D., OFFICIAL. MLA president, 1953. Correspondence (1952- 53) concerning chairs of several MLA committees. 5 items. PRIME, MARGUERIETE. An MLA president, librarian at the American College of Surgeons, and Mrs. Cunningham's colleague in several published works. Personal and committee-related correspondence, 1951-61. 58 items. PROGRAMS. Programs for plays and classical concerts, dating mostly from 1925-45. These run the gamut from the Fisk University Choir to the New York Metropolitan Opera. 63 items. REVUE INTERNATIONAL DE LA DOCUMENTATION. Correspondence, invoices, etc. relating to-above article, 1962-64. Also draft versions of the article. 11 items. ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. MLA Committee on International Cooperation. Correspondence (1942-61) relating to Mrs. Cunningham's work with Latin American and European libraries, MLA scholarships, etc. 117 items. SCIENCE SERVICE. Correspondence with Watson Davis, head of Science Service (Institution for the Popularization of Science), 1944-51. Reprints of an article by Davis and editions of the Science Servine newsletter. 16 items. SECONDI, JUAN CARLOS. Correspondence, 1949-58. Sr. Secondi was an MLA fellow (1949-50), and later worked at the Buenos Aires medical school library. Reprints; news clippings; and photographs of Sr. Secondi, Mrs. Cunningham, and Eleanor Steinke. 29 ite - Page 23 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files SECONDI, JUAN CARLOS. Correspondence, 1949-58. Sr. Secondi was an MLA fellow (1949-50), and later worked at the Buenos Aires medical school library. Reprints; news clippings; and photographs of Sr. Secondi, Mrs. Cunningham, and Eleanor Steinke. 29 items. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION. Correspondence (1940-55), - 229 - 23 - 230 - 231 - 232 including letters exchanged with Irene Strieby, SLA president. Biographical notes on SLA nominees, 1944-56 (not inclusive). Programs for annual conventions, 1939, 1948, 1954; photograph SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION. Correspondence (1940-55), including letters exchanged with Irene Strieby, SLA president. Biographical notes on SLA nominees, 1944-56 (not inclusive). Programs for annual conventions, 1939, 1948, 1954; photograph of Mrs. Cunningham at 1954 convention. ERC's report (as SLA representative) on Congress on Libraries and Documentation Centers, Brussels, 1955 (see files 124-25). 33 items. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Report by Mrs. Cunningham as chairman, Committee on the Cost of Current Periodicals; "sent out July, 1933, zone chairmen." 4 copies. STEINKE, ELEANOR. Assistant Librarian at Vanderbilt's medical library, 1946-56; Librarian, 1956-68. Correspondence (1956-64), including personal notes, other letters sent by Mrs. Cunninham or mentioning her, and Christmas newsletters. Topics include ERC's STEINKE, ELEANOR. Assistant Librarian at Vanderbilt's medical library, 1946-56; Librarian, 1956-68. Correspondence (1956-64), including personal notes, other letters sent by Mrs. Cunninham or mentioning her, and Christmas newsletters. Topics include ERC's retirement, her travels, Pakistan, and VMCL. (These letters were donated by Miss Steinke after Mrs. Cunningham's death.) 27 items. STRIEBY, IRENE M. Correspondence (1948-60), including one letter to Mrs. Strieby from Janet Doe. Many letters Personal and handwritten. 29 items. SURVEY (ABSTRACTING COMMITTEE). Correspondence with Janet Doe and Walt McDaniel, 1946-52; reports, memoranda, etc. 88 items. - Page 24 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files SURVEY CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence with Dr. The'rese Grivet - 233 - 234 - 235 - 236 of UNESCO, 1948. SURVEY CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence with Dr. Therese Grivet of UNESCO, 1948. SURVEY. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence with Charles Brown, Charles David, Dr. Springer, and others concerning German periodicals, UNESCO, SLA, etc., 1947-61. 116 items. "T" MISCELLANEOUS. File includes: - Personal letters from Dr. Edna Tompkins, 1957-64. Dr. Tomkins was an associate of Dr. Sydney Cunningham at Johns Hopkins and Vanderbilt, and lived with the Cunninghams in Nashville. Letters refer to Dr. Cunningham "T" MISCELLANEOUS. File includes: - Personal letters from Dr. Edna Tompkins, 1957-64. Dr. Tomkins was an associate of Dr. Sydney Cunningham at Johns Hopkins and Vanderbilt, and lived with the Cunninghams in Nashville. Letters refer to Dr. Cunningham, and to a biographical sketch written by Dr. Tompkins after his death (copy in SYDNEY CUNNINGHAM BIOGRAPHICAL FILE). l0 items. Copy added, along with a letter from ERC to Dr. Tompkins (1963), giving biographical information about Dr. Cunningham. - 2 letters from Mrs. Cunningham's goddaughter, Agna Thompson (1944-45). - 2 letters from Ruth Tews, Hospital Librarian at the Mayo Clinic, and a reply from Mrs. Cunningham (1957). - Letters and a photograph (with family) of Hsieuchen L. Tao, a Chinese librarian who studied at Peabody (1957-63). 15 items. TENNESSEE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Correspondence and memoranda relating to the TLA and Nashville Library Club, e.g.: a petition on behalf of the Tennessee State Library, and correspondence (1951); list of officers of Nashville Library Club (1947-52); report TENNESSEE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Correspondence and memoranda relating to the TLA and Nashville Library Club, e.g.: a petition on behalf of the Tennessee State Library, and correspondence (1951); list of officers of Nashville Library Club (1947-52); report of income for NLC (1938); convention brochure for TLA (1955). 11 items - Page 25 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files TRAVEL (BERMUDA). Itinerary, correspondence, guest list, and programs - 238 - 239 - 24 - 240 - 241 - 242 - 243 - 244 - 245 - 246 - 247 from a tour of Bermuda taken by Mrs. Cunningham in May, 1965. TRIP (EUROPE) 1962. News clippings, itineraries, travel brochures, photographs, and a Christmas newsletter describing a lengthy trip to Europe and the Middle East. +50 items. AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION. Correspondence and reports (1940-61), mostly relating to Mrs. Cunningham's work on standardization of periodicals. 46 items. TROXEL, WILMA. OFFICIAL. Correspondence during Miss Troxel's year as MLA president, 1954-55. One letter has personal information on Marion Dondale's death; another has a handwritten note by Dr. R.H. Kampmeier. 22 items. UNESCO. Mimeographed copy of "[Eleanor] Fair's chart for UNESCO Conference. Oct. 1944. " 1 item. UNESCO ABSTRACTING. Correspondence with Vernon Clapp of the Library of Congress, and Dr. Hugh Clegg of the British Medical Journal, 1947-55; related memoranda and correspondence. 100 items. UNESCO CONFERENCE, MISCELLANEOUS. Correspondence (1948 52), minutes, and photographs relating to the International Conference on Science Abstracting, held in Paris, June, 1949. 66 items. UNESCO INTERNATIONAL CLEARING HOUSE FOR PUBLICATIONS. Correspondence, memoranda, and handwritten notes, 1947-51. 20 items. UNESCO COORDINATING COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Minutes and Correspondence, 1949-50. 4 items. UNESCO LIBRARIES SECTION. Memoranda and correspondence (1948-53), mostly with E.J. Carter, Head, Libraries Section, UNESCO. 55 items. UNESCO MEETINGS. Memoranda, correspondence, and news clippings regarding UNESCO meetings, 1946-49. Report on one meeting, given - Page 26 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files before the parent/teacher conference at Peabody (1948). Copies of the Congressional Record and ALA newsletters. 24 items. UNESCO NATURAL SCIENCES, 1947-49. Correspondence, mostly with - 248 - 249 - 25 - 250 - 251 - 252 - 253 - 254 Dr. Irena Zhukova, Natural Sciences Section, UNESCO. 83 items. UNESCO NATURAL SCIENCES, 1950+ . Correspondence ( 1950-55) with Dr. J.E. Holstrom and others of the Natural Sciences Section, UNESCO. 72 items. ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY. Material relating to the founding of the National Library of Medicine, 1945-63. 40 items. UNESCO (U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE) [U.S. Dept. of State, UNESCO Relations Division]. Correspondence (1947-49) and reports, travel information, etc., relating to Mrs. Cunningham's attendance at a UNESCO conference. October, 1947. 68 items. URUGUAY. Correspondence, curriculum vitae, and application forms for two MLA scholarship hopefuls, Lucia Botta and Marta Scheiner, 1948. Photograph of Montevideo University Hospital. 6 items. U.S. BOOK EXCHANGE. Correspondence and reports, 1948-55. Mrs. Cunningham worked with this organization in her capacity as chair of the MLA Committee on International cooperation. 23 items. U.S. GOVERNMENT. Signed correspondence with Estes Kefauver, Albert Gore, Sr., J. Percy Priest, J.W. Fulbright, the U.S. Surgeon General, and others concerning MLA affairs and political issues, 1934-56. Copies of Congressional bills, military insignia, and U.S. GOVERNMENT. Signed correspondence with Estes Kefauver, Albert Gore, Sr., J. Percy Priest, J.W. Fulbright, the U.S. Surgeon General, and others concerning MLA affairs and political issues, 1934-56. Copies of Congressional bills, military insignia, and- irrelevantly- handwritten lists of books read by Mrs. Cunningham, 1958-64. 70 items. U.S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Routine correspondence (1946-48) with Luther Evans, Librarian, and Vernon Clapp, Acting Librarian of Congress; letters generally concern luncheons or other informal meetings. 16 items. - Page 27 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT (I). Correspondence (1943-48) regarding Mrs. - 255 - 256 - 257 - 258 Cunningham's work with Latin American libraries, American assistance to libraries in war-devastated areas, and cost of books and periodicals. Reprints of an article, "Telling the World Abo U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT (I). Correspondence (1943-48) regarding Mrs. Cunningham's work with Latin American libraries, American assistance to libraries in war-devastated areas, and cost of books and periodicals. Reprints of an article, "Telling the World About America" (1947). 28 items. U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT (II). Correspondence (1949-52) with the Division of Libraries and Institutes: subjects include Latin American, German, and Japanese libraries; and an exchange of material between foreign libraries and Vanderbilt. 24 items. VANDERBILT. A disappointingly meager file; includes the following memoranda: - "Activities of Medical Library Personnel" (c1952). - "Alphabetical List of Current Periodicals Available at Vanderbilt. . . ." (1956). - annual report to Dean Youmans (1956) VANDERBILT. A disappointingly meager file; includes the following memoranda: - "Activities of Medical Library Personnel" (c1952). - "Alphabetical List of Current Periodicals Available at Vanderbilt. . . ." (1956). - annual report to Dean Youmans (1956). - report on the library's space needs, addressed to Chancellor Branscomb (1958). 44 items. Some correspondence from Mrs. Cunningham, library annual reports, etc., are to be found in the VANDERBILT MEDICAL SCHOOL ARCHIVES and in the LIBRARY MORGUE. Also the VANDERBILT SCHOOL OF MEDICINE VANDERBILT. HISTORY OF MEDICINE ARCHIVES. 4 sets of correspondence: - letter (1935) from Mrs. Cunningham to the daughter of Walter Reed (whom ERC knew as a child); mentions donation of a letter and Bible of Dr. Reed's to Vanderbilt. Another letter (1929) VANDERBILT. HISTORY OF MEDICINE ARCHIVES. 4 sets of correspondence: - letter (1935) from Mrs. Cunningham to the daughter of Walter Reed (whom ERC knew as a child); mentions donation of a letter and Bible of Dr. Reed's to Vanderbilt. Another letter (1929) mentions Mrs. Reed. -correspondence with Dr. James Neal (1936), mentioning - Page 28 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files Vanderbilt's acquisition of the Weaver Collection and the personal library of Dean Canby Robinson. 3 items. - memo from Dr. Mar} Hollender of Vanderbilt to T. Mark Hodges, Library Director (1976), donating an article written by Mrs. Cunningham. Handwritten note in reply gives biographical information on ERC. - letter: founding of Society on Medical History (1953). WATERS, EDWARD N. Joint Committee on Education for Librarianship. - 259 - 26 - 260 - 261 - 262 - 263 Correspondence (1952-58), with an entertaining personal quality. Committee appointments and chairs; comments on a report by Mary Louise Marshall, etc. 55 items. ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY. Correspondence and reports, 1948-50. 11 items. WIGMORE, ETHEL. Correspondence (1946-62) with an English/Canadian librarian, WHO colleague, and friend. Miss Wigmore's later letters grow increasingly depressing. WOMEN'S LIBRARY. Correspondence and text of a speech by Mrs. Cunningham before the American Medical Women's Association, 1949. The occasion honored the centennial anniversary of the graduation of America's first woman doctor, Elizabeth Blackwell. Good pho WOMEN'S LIBRARY. Correspondence and text of a speech by Mrs. Cunningham before the American Medical Women's Association, 1949. The occasion honored the centennial anniversary of the graduation of America's first woman doctor, Elizabeth Blackwell. Good photograph includes Mrs. Cunningham, Janet Doe, and Mary Louise Marshall. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (I). Teaching Seminar. correspondence, application forms, and minutes regarding Mrs. Cunningham's participation in a WHO seminar on European training in medical librarianship, Geneva, 1953. 16 items. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (II). Correspondence with Dr. Norman Begg, Director, WHO; Ethel Wigmore; Dean John Youmans, and others regarding Mrs. Cunningham's plans to conduct a European seminar on medical librarianship during 1954. The plan fell through fo WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (II). Correspondence with Dr. Norman Begg, Director, WHO; Ethel Wigmore; Dean John Youmans, and others - Page 29 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files regarding Mrs. Cunningham's plans to conduct a European seminar on medical librarianship during 1954. The plan fell through for lack of funds. 28 items. WHO ABSTRACTING. Correspondence with various WHO officials - 264 - 265 - 267 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 (1948-53) on Mrs. Cunningham's idea for a new medical and biological literature abstracting service. 31 items. CUNNINGHAM CLASSIFICATION FOR MEDICAL LITERATURE (B.). Typescript of A Classification for Medical Literature, 5th Edition, on which Mrs. Cunningham was working at the time of her death. The edition was completed by Eleanor Steinke and Mary Louise Gladish, CUNNINGHAM CLASSIFICATION FOR MEDICAL LITERATURE (B.). Typescript of A Classification for Medical Literature, 5th Edition, on which Mrs. Cunningham was working at the time of her death. The edition was completed by Eleanor Steinke and Mary Louise Gladish, and published in 1967. 3 copies of Classification for Medical Literature. 2 copies of 4th edition 1955 and 1 copy of the 2nd edition 1937. ARTICLE. Acknowledgements of reprints of Mrs. Cunningham's article on establishing medical libraries in remote areas (1964). Some personal and handwritten. BEEM, BLAKE. Librarian, University of Louisville's medical library. 4 items, 1944-45. BIBLIOGRAPHY, UNION LIST OF SERIALS. Correspondence relating to the Joint Committee on the Union List of Serials, 1956-57. 8 items. BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. Correspondence (1938-49) concerning Mrs. Cunningham's association with this journal, initially as editor in charge of bibliography. 35 items. BISHOP, WILLIAM. Librarian, University of Michigan. Correspondence relating to acquisition of foreign periodicals and international librarianship, 1933-46. 70 items. - Page 30 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files BRITISH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Correspondence concerning - 32 - 33 BROWN, CHARLES (II). Continuation of the above, 1935-47. 44 items. - 34 BULLETIN, MLA. Correspondence relating to information about Mrs. - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 conferences, etc., 1949-53. 33 items. BROWN, CHARLES (I). Correspondence, mostly relating to acquisition of German periodicals, 1932-34. 76 items. Cunningham, or to editorials by her, 1938-61 Copy of one guest editorial. 39 items. CENTRE INTERNATIONALE DE L'ENFANCE. Correspondence, in part pertaining to adoption of the Cunningham classification system in French libraries, 1951-53. 24 items. CHILE UNIVERSITY. Correspondence regarding Mrs. Cunnlngham's work in aiding the university's library, 1947-54. 13 items. CHITALE, SUBHADRA. Correspondence, 1954-60. Dr. Chitale was an Indian doctor who visited Vanderbilt in 1955. 6 items. CLARK, HILDA. Correspondence, 1955-61. Also a letter and information on the Alaw Gregg Fund (see Files 100, 107.) 9 items. COLOMBIA. Correspondence concerning the training of several Colombian librarians at Vanderbilt, 1951-58. 23 items; one from a correspondent in Cuba. COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION. Correspondence snd reports, 1947-48. 19 items. COUNCIL OF NATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS(CNLA) (I). Information on the formation of the CNLA, and on publication on a Union List of Medical Serials, 1956. 7 items. COUNCIL OF NATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS (II). Joint Committee on Library Education. Correspondence and reports, 1947-55. 32 items. - Page 31 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files COUNCIL ON NATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS (III). Joint - 44 - 57 - 58 - 59 Committee on Library Education- Publicity. Correspondence and reports, 1944-57. 84 items. CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (I). Biographical information, including: - personal data prepared for entries in Who's Who in America (1957) and Directory of American Scholars (1951): education, experience, publications, etc. - copy of entry in Who's CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (I). Biographical information, including: - personal data prepared for entries in Who's Who in America (1957) and Directory of American Scholars (1951): education, experience, publications, etc. - copy of entry in Who's Who in the South and Southwest (1952) - curriculum vitae written by Ruth Mason for article on ERC in American Standards (1949). -curriculum vitae sent to MLA placement bureau (1948). Also some accompanying correspondence for this material. +45 items. CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN- PERSONAL (II). News clippings describing Mrs. Cunningham\'s career, c1949-65. Newspaper obituaries, 1965. Tribute to ERC read before Vanderbilt Women\'s Club (1966); resolution in her memory passed by MLA\'s Southern Regional Group CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN- PERSONAL (II). News clippings describing Mrs. Cunningham\'s career, c1949-65. Newspaper obituaries, 1965. Tribute to ERC read before Vanderbilt Women\'s Club (1966); resolution in her memory passed by MLA\'s Southern Regional Group (1965). Copies of American Standard article about her (1949). Note on the Cunningham International Scholarship Awards, inaugurated in her memory. Article on Mildred Crowe Langner which mentions Mrs. Cunningham (1978). Program for meeting of NLA Southern Chapter honoring her (1984). Notes on disposition of her belongings, notification of friends after her death, etc. Obituary for ERC written by Mrs. Langner (1965). +50 items CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (III). Reprints and Bibliography. Copies of articles written by Mrs. Cunningham (1929-64). Complete bibliography of her works. +50 items. - Page 32 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (IV). Photographs: portraits and - 60 - 61 - 62 snapshots, including: -photograph of Mrs. Cunningham in The Vanderbilt Alumnus, 1939. -two portraits of Mrs. Cunningham, c1942; one was used in a Nashville Banner feature article, 1956 CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (IV). Photographs: portraits and snapshots, including: -photograph of Mrs. Cunningham in The Vanderbilt Alumnus, 1939. -two portraits of Mrs. Cunningham, c1942; one was used in a Nashville Banner feature article, 1956. -Eileen Cunningham and Eleanor Steinke in front of Vanderbilt Hospital, December, 1949. -snapshots of Vanderbilt's "Medical Library, 1926-64" (all c1950). -Medical Library staff, June, 1951. Identified on reverse. -Mrs. Cunningham and MLA scholarship recipients at Vanderbilt Medical Library: Mr. Mohan Kamat (Bombay) and Dr. Hilde Primus (Vienna), June, 1951. -sepia photograph of Mrs. Cunningham, 1958. Pen & ink copy drawn by Tom Cash, 1967. photographs taken during Mrs. Cunningham's work at the Basic Medical Science Institute, Karachi, 1958-59. Pictures of staff, facilities, and Karachi street scenes; visit by president of Pakistan, etc. -picture postcard of Ft. Nashboro, n.d. -photograph of Mrs. Cunningham taken at dedication of the new Vanderbilt Medical Center Library, November, 1964. -6 photographs of the Eileen Cunningham Exhibit in Vanderbilt Medical Center Library, c1964. -two snapshots of VMCL staff (February, 1965). Identified an reverse CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN- PERSONAL (V). Miscellaneous correspondence concerning Mrs. Cunningham's career in the MLA, 1932-65. Appointments to committee chairs and conferences, invitations, etc. Nomination and acceptance of MLA presidency (1947), and lett CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN- PERSONAL (V). Miscellaneous correspondence concerning Mrs. Cunningham's career in the MLA, 1932-65. Appointments to committee chairs and conferences, invitations, etc. Nomination and acceptance of MLA presidency (1947), and letters written during her presidential year. Honorary membership in MLA, 1960. +50 items. CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (VI). Letters of congratulation written during Mrs. Cunningham's presidential year (1947-48), and after her reception of the first Marcia C. Noyes Award (1949). Writers include Janet Doe, Marie Marshall, Sanford Larkey, W - Page 33 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (VI). Letters of congratulation written during Mrs. Cunningham's presidential year (1947-48), and after her reception of the first Marcia C. Noyes Award (1949). Writers include Janet Doe, Marie Marshall, Sanford Larkey, W.B. McDaniel, and others. A letter from Dean Goodpasture gives biographical information about Miss Noyes. 36 items. CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN- PERSONAL (VII). Correspondence, - 63 - 64 certificates, and news items illustrating Mrs. Cunningham's career; organized into four main groups as follows: -souvenir items regarding Mrs. Cunningham's education, her appointment as Librarian CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN- PERSONAL (VII). Correspondence, certificates, and news items illustrating Mrs. Cunningham's career; organized into four main groups as follows: -souvenir items regarding Mrs. Cunningham's education, her appointment as Librarian and Professor of Medical Library Science; correspondence and news clippings about her travels (1916-49). correspondence with Janet Doe, Walton McDaniel, and others concerning Mrs. Cunningham's consideration of positions with the New York Academy of Medicine Library (1938) and the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (1942). -letters of congratulation after her retirement from Vanderbilt (1956-58). -letters, news clippings, and certificates pertaining to her work in Pakistan and with the Nashville chapter of the United Nations Association (1954-65). +100 items, in rough Chronological order. Janet Doe, Walton McDaniel, and others concerning Mrs. Cunningham's consideration of positions with the New York Academy of Medicine Library (1938) and the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (1942). CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (VIII). Travel notes, brief essays, and memoirs written during Mrs. Cunningham's library career. Also photographs and correspondence (mostly in German) with Mrs. Fran Fischer of Stuttgart (1948-50), Arne M0ller of the Danish Te CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (VIII). Travel notes, brief essays, and memoirs written during Mrs. Cunningham's library career. Also photographs and correspondence (mostly in German) with Mrs. Fran Fischer of Stuttgart (1948-50), Arne M0ller of the Danish Technical Library (1952-53), and other foreign and local correspondents. 45 items. - Page 34 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (IX). Schoolgirl prose written by - 65 - 66 - 67 Eileen Ferguson Roach. Essays: "Mt. Blanc from Chamonix"; "How Light Came into the Wonder Chamber of the World"; "Nature Goddesses"; "The Irrational Element in Myths." Also two book revie CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (IX). Schoolgirl prose written by Eileen Ferguson Roach. Essays: "Mt. Blanc from Chamonix"; "How Light Came into the Wonder Chamber of the World"; "Nature Goddesses"; "The Irrational Element in Myths." Also two book reviews (c1920), and a becoming photograph of Eileen (c1914). 12 items. CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (X). Newspaper cartoons and clippings, mostly from the 1920's; satirical poems, plays, and essays written by Mrs. Cunningham and other members of the medical school faculty during the years 1925-37. Items include "Alfred" (Blal CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (X). Newspaper cartoons and clippings, mostly from the 1920's; satirical poems, plays, and essays written by Mrs. Cunningham and other members of the medical school faculty during the years 1925-37. Items include "Alfred" (Blalock), a poem by Cobb Pitcher; an ode entitled "Nashville Forever!" by B.B. (Barney Brooks?); variations on a limerick ("There was an old man named De Soto. . . ."), written for Sam Clark; and a play, "If Its Vanderbilt Its [sic] Well Built," with parts for the faculty members and their spouses. Also newsletters, biographical information, and photographs of Mrs. Cunningham, c1914-65. 24 literary items, excluding news clippings and photographs. CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (XI). Correspondence with Pearl Mason (Dr. Karl Mason\'s wife and Dr. Sydney Cunningham\'s secretary; the Masons and Cunninghams were friends), 1936-37. Items include: -ERC to Pearl Mason (cDecember, 1936), thanking t CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN-PERSONAL (XI). Correspondence with Pearl Mason (Dr. Karl Mason\'s wife and Dr. Sydney Cunningham\'s secretary; the Masons and Cunninghams were friends), 1936-37. Items include: -ERC to Pearl Mason (December, 1936), thanking the Masons for friendship and support during the fall. -telegrams and letters concerning the death of Hedwig Bagge (see File 69) while Mrs. Cunningham was visiting Dalhousie University Library in Canada (July, 1937). See also related correspondence - Page 35 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files between Pearl Mason and Dr. Sydney Cunningham regarding Miss Bagge\'s death and Dr. Cunningham\'s move to Albany (1937). SYDNEY CUNNINGHAM BIOGRAPHICAL FILE. CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (XII). Family correspondence, - 68 - 69 including, in part: -Letters written after the death of Mrs. Cunningham's brother, Erwin Roach, regarding the disposition of items in his will, 1957-58. -Letters from Dr. Sydney Cunnin CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (XII). Family correspondence, including, in part: -Letters written after the death of Mrs. Cunningham's brother, Erwin Roach, regarding the disposition of items in his will, 1957-58. -Letters from Dr. Sydney Cunningham, Winifred Bate Cunningham (his second wife), and Mrs. Joe Cunningham (1961-64), relating to Dr. Cunningham's illnesses and death (May, 1963). Also much correspondence with library friends, former scholarship recipients, etc., and a photograph (c1935), of a sewing club which included Vanderbilt faculty wives and Hedwig Bagge. Total 80 items. CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (XIII). Miscellaneous personal correspondence; some of the more interesting items include: -letters from Chancellor and Mrs. Harvie Branscomb (1957-59). -two letters from Dr. Alfred Blalock (1959-60), mentioning his fi CUNNINGHAM, EILEEN -PERSONAL (XIII). Miscellaneous personal correspondence; some of the more interesting items include: -letters from Chancellor and Mrs. Harvie Branscomb (1957-59). -two letters from Dr. Alfred Blalock (1959-60), mentioning his first wife's death and his remarriage. - a letter from Mrs. Barney Brooks after the death of Sydney Cunningham (1963). -a WKDA hit parade (c1963?), with notes by ERC on songs by Porter Wagoner and the Osmond Brothers. -correspondence with the Bagge family of Sweden, 1904-65. Members of this family were prominent in Swedish politics. Eileen visited them as a child, and Hedwig Bagge became her godmother and lived with the Cunninghams until her death. Items include: a letter from Adolf Bagge to Eileen (1904), which mentions a childhood accident; letters from Gosta, Algot, and Gertrude Bagge (1940-65); obituaries for Adolf, Hedwig, and Gosta Bagge. Some letters are in Swedish. Total 70 items in file. - Page 36 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files DALTON, JACK. Committee on Education for Librarianship. - 70 - 71 - 72 - 73 - 74 - 75 - 76 - 78 - 79 - 80 Correspondence, 1952-62. 28 items. DARLING, LOUISE. Letter from Mrs. Cunningham to Louise Darling, and copy of a paper by Mrs. Darling, 1963. 2 items. DARRACH, MARJORIE. Medical Librarian, Detroit Public Library, an MLA president, and ERC's longtime colleague. Correspondence, 1932-63. Some in mid-1930's relates to acquisition of German periodicals. One letter from Janet Doe. 63 items. DAVIS, LORA FRANCES. File actually contains one letter from Mrs. Cunningham to Lora Frances Davis (1957), letter to Miss Frances Damen (1957), letter from Mr. Charles Dove ("December 29"), and letter from R.B. Downs, Director of University of Illino DAVIS, LORA FRANCES. File actually contains one letter from Mrs. Cunningham to Lora Frances Davis (1957), letter to Miss Frances Damen (1957), letter from Mr. Charles Dove ("December 29"), and letter from R.B. Downs, Director of University of Illinois Library (1945). 4 items. DRAPER, WESLEY. A president of MLA. Correspondence and memoranda, 1955. 11 items. DOE, JANET (I). Librarian at the New York Academy of Medicine, Mrs. Cunningham's successor as MLA president, and her closest friend. Correspondence, 1934-47. Sections of some letters excised. 78 items. DOE, JANET (II). Correspondence, 1948-65. Note by ERC: "Keep as record of a friendship which means & has meant so much" 124 items EUROPEAN ADDRESSES AND CORRESPONDENCE, MISCELLANEOUS. Letters to and from various correspondents, mostly librarians, 1949-55. 25 items. EXCERPTA MEDICA (I). Correspondence between Mrs. Cunningham and the editorial board, 1947-50. 88 items. EXCERPTA MEDICA (II). Correspondence, 1951-55. 46 items. - Page 37 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files FINLAND. Letter from Hilkha Kauppi (April 15, 1958), a Finnish medical - 81 - 82 - 83 - 84 - 85 - 86 - 87 - 88 - 89 - 90 librarian who visited Mrs. Cunningham at Vanderbilt. Also a picture of Mrs. Kauppi and her two children (1960). FRANKENBERGER, CHARLES. Librarian, Medical Society of the County of Kings, Brooklyn, New York; an MLA president. Correspondence, 1933-38. 7 items. GERMAN PERIODICALS (I). Reports to MLA, lists, and resolutions, 1933-34. 20 items, including duplicates. GERMAN PERIODICALS (II). Correspondence with Dr. Ferdinand Springer, 1933-37. Some of Dr. Springer's letters are not translated. Also included is a letter from Dr. Springer to the Medical Library Association (1926). 30 items. GERMAN PERIODICALS (III). Official statement regarding cost of German periodicals made at MLA meeting, June, 1 33. Also preliminary correspondence, price lists, and an article dealing with the subject. 24 items, including duplicates. GERMAN PERIODICALS (IV). Correspondence (1933-39), mostly with Dr. H. Degener, Director of the Verlag Chemie; and Donald B. Gilchrist, Librarian, University of Rochester. 34 items. GERMAN PERIODICALS (V). Correspondence with American, German, British, and French librarians and publishers, 1933-39. 39 items. GERMAN PERIODICALS (VI). Correspondence with Alfred L. Robert, medical librarian, Columbia University, regarding Springer negotiations, 1932-34. 35 items. GERMAN PERIODICALS (VII). General correspondence, reports, and news clippings, 1933-36. Contains a letter from Janet Doe (1933). 32 items. GERMAN PERIODICALS (VIII). Correspondence with J.C. Harding, chairman, MLA Bulletin, 1931(?)-35. Two letters are undated. Also small photographs of Mr. Harding(?). 35 items. - Page 38 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files GERMAN PERIODICALS (IX). Miscellaneous correspondence, including - 91 - 93 - 94 - 95 - 96 - 97 - 99 letters of thanks, support, etc., for the work of Mrs. Cunningham's committee, 1931-37. +122 items. GERMAN PERIODICALS (XI). ALA Committee on German Periodicals. Meeting of October 16, 1933, Chicago. Dr. Springer's proposals; Mrs. Cunningham's response; minutes of meeting; price lists. 4 items, with many copies of each. GERMAN PERIODICALS (XII). Correspondence with M. Myrtle Tye, medical librarian at Emory University, Atlanta, preliminary to ALA meeting in Chicago, 1932-33. 17 items. GERMAN PERIODICALS (XIII). Various reprints: pamphlet on cost of medical periodicals; account of MLA meeting, June, 1933; letter sent to German scientific societies asking for their aid in lowering the cost of German periodicals. 3 items, with d GERMAN PERIODICALS (XIII). Various reprints: pamphlet on cost of medical periodicals; account of MLA meeting, June, 1933; letter sent to German scientific societies asking for their aid in lowering the cost of German periodicals. 3 items, with duplicates. GERMAN PERIODICALS (XIV). MLA periodicals, reports, and lists, 1934. 2 items, with duplicates. GERMAN PERIODICALS (XV). Committee on German Periodicals. Memoranda, price lists, etc., 1933-35. 8 items, with duplicates. GERMAN PERIODICALS (XVII). Reports adopted May and August, 1934. Also price lists and reprints of articles by Charles Brown and Mrs. Cunningham. 5 items, with duplicates. For more information on Mrs. Cunningham's work with German periodicals, s GERMAN PERIODICALS (XVII). Reports adopted May and August, 1934. Also price lists and reprints of articles by Charles Brown and Mrs. Cunningham. 5 items, with duplicates. For more information on Mrs. Cunningham's work with German periodicals, see files 31-34, 131-32, 136, 166. 181, 183-89, 212, 234. - Page 39 Return to Table of Contents Eileen Roach Cunningham Papers 20 Subject Files GERMAN PERIODICALS (X). Miscellaneous correspondence, including 15 letters exchanged with Dr. H.A. Krdss (1933-39), and 15 exchanged with Dr. Gisela von Busse (1951-55). 32 items. - Page 40 Return to Table of Contents x 92