SPKIA2000.PL REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE, BKKBN, AND UNICEF 2000 MOTHER AND CHILD HEALTH AND EDUCATION MULTI-INDICATOR SURVEY Confidential I. IDENTIFICATION 1 Province 2 Regency/Municipality *) 3 Subregency 4 Village/ Kelurahan *) 5 Village/Kelurahan classification 6 Enumeration area number 7 Segments group number 8 Sample code number 9 Household sample serial number 1 2 3 1. Urban 2. Rural II. SURVEYING CHARACTERISTICS Name and employment identity number of 4 Name and employment identity number of enumerator surveyor Enumerator’s occupation: 5 Surveyor’s occupation: 1. BPS Provincial staff 3.Subregency staff 1. BPS Provincial staff 3.Subregency staff 2. BPS Regency staff 4. Hired worker 2. BPS Regency staff 4. Hired worker Date of enumerating 6 Date of surveying *) Cross out inapplicable category Household serial number (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1) Name of head of household (2) 2) Number of household member 3) Number of household member aged 0-59 months 4) Number of household member aged 5-17 years old Surv eyor Enum erator Surv eyor Enum erator (3) (4) (5) (6) Sur vey or (7) Enu mera tor (8) III. FIELD SUPERVISING 6) 5) 7) Number of Number of Number of household member household women aged 0-59 months aged 15-49 member b) a) who is years old using has birth orphans sleeping net certificate aged 0-14 years old Sur vey or (9) Enu mera tor (10) Surv eyor (11) Enu mera tor (12) Surv eyor Enum erator Surv eyor Enum erator (13) (14) (15) (16) 8) Number of household member aged 5-17 years old who had not attended school during this school year Surv Enum eyor erator 9) Number of women aged 15-49 years old Who had heard/ read about HIV/ AIDS 10) Number of women aged 15-49 years old who has married and is pregnant Surv eyor Enum erator Surv eyor Enum erator (17) (19) (20) (21) (22) (18)