1 Confidential REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA SSN99.RT CENTRAL INSTITUTION OF STATISTIC 1999 SOCIAL SAFETY NET SURVEY HOUSEHOLD SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS LISTING I. LOCATION IDENTIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Province District/Municipality *) Sub-district Village/Village Unit*) Are Enumerator Area Number Segment Group Number Segment Number Sample Code Number Serial Number of sample household Village classification 01 02 03 Name of the head of household Number of Household members Number of household members aged 529 years old and in school 1. Urban 2. Rural 1. Least developed village 2. Developed village II. HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTIC 04 05 Number of household members aged 5 – 29 years old and no longer in school Number of woman aged 15-49 years old, married, and currently using contraceptive method III. ENUMERATION PARTICULARS 01 02 03 04 Name and NIP of enumerator Enumerator occupation: 1. Province 3. Sub-district staff staff 2. District 4. Hired worker staff Date of enumeration Signature of Enumerator 05 06 07 08 Name and NIP of Supervisor Supervisor occupation: 1. Province 3. Sub-district staff staff 2. District 4. Hired worker staff Date of supervision Signature of Supervisor 2 3 IV. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS EDUCATION AND HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS Taken from List of VSEN99.K Block IV A (column 1,2,4 and 5) H.H Name of Gend- Age members Household er (Year) Serial member M=1 number F = 2 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 2 3 4 Household members aged 5 – 29 years old School Attendance Not yet/none 1 ! [K. 12) In school 2 ! [K. 6] No longer in school 3 ! [K. 11] 5 Level of Education (code) 6 Did you get scholarship which started year 98/99 ? Source of scholarship (code) The monthly amount of scholarship (in thousand rupiah) How do you get the scholarship? (code) ! [K.12] If K.5=3, the reason no longer in school (code) 8 9 10 11 Yes 1 No 2 [K. 12] 7 Codes for column 6: [Level of education] Codes for Column 8: [Source of Scholarship] Codes for Column 10: (Scholarship funding) 1. Primary School/MI 2. Junior High School/MTs 3. High School/it’s level 4. Academy/University 1. Government JPS (= Social Safety Net) 2. Government Non-JPS 3. GN-OTA (Foster Parents National Movement) 4. Private 5. Others (foster parents, individual, etc) 1. Directly given at Postal Office 2. Giving power of attorney to the school teacher/ school committee 3. Directly from the school 4. BNI Bank 5. Others 4 5 Did you have any health complaints during the last three months? Did you go for treatment? Yes, Out patient 1 Yes, In patient 2 Yes 1 No 2 ! K.20] No 0 ! [K18] 12 13 IV. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS EDUCATION AND HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Women Aged 15 – 49 years old and married which also For All of Household members current user of contraceptive For Out Patient/In Patient, the last treatment If K.13=1 or 2, the place of treatment (code) If K.14 =5 or 6 ! [K.18] 14 If K.14=1 to 4, did you use the Health Cards? Yes 1 No 2 ! [K18] 15 ExpenDid you get diture charged (in thou Yes 1 sand No 2 rupiah) ! [K20] 16 17 If the treatment place is Private hospital/BUMN/Ot hers, or not using a Health Cards facility (K.14=5 or 6 or K.15=2) Source Cost out of patient/ expendi In patient ture 18 19 When did you start using the last method ? Was the last method that you used your own choice? Who advised you? (code) (code) 20 Yes 1 ![K.23] No 2 21 22 Source to obtain the method (code) If K.23=1 to 4, did you use the Health Cards? If K.23=5 or 6 ! [K.31] 23 Yes 1 No 2 ! [K31] 24 Codes for Column 11: [Reason no longer in school] Codes for Column 14, 23, and 27: [Place of treatment/ In Patient/ FP/Pregnancy examination] Codes for column 18, 31, and 37: [Source of Expenditure) 01. Age 02. Expensive 03. Married 04. Take care of household 05. Enough of education 06. The school too far 07. Unintelligent/not capable 08. Helping family /working 09. Parents lost their job 10. Parents income is not enough 11. Others 1. Government Hospital 2. Puskesmas/Pustu (Integrated Health Center/Supporting Puskesmas) 3. Polindes (Village Maternity Clinic) 4. Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) 5. Private hospital /BUMN (State Owned Corporation) 6. Others 1. Household 2. Health Insurance 4. Certificate of Poverty 8. Others Did you get charged ? Yes 1 ! [K30] No 2 ! [K33] 25 Codes for Column 20: [Use of contraceptive/the last method used] 1. After August 31, 1998 2. Before September 1, 1998 6 7 Asked to household members who are Source and FP cost/ pregnant women pregnancy examination Did you receive pregnan cy examina tions Place of pregnan cy examina tion (code) Yes 1 If ![K.33] K.27=5 No 2 or 6 [K.31] 26 27 If K.27=1 to 4, did you use Health Card for pregnan cy examination? Yes 1 No 2 ![K.31] Did you get charged 28 29 Codes for column 22: [Person who give an advised, the way/ contraceptive) 1. Doctor 2. Health workers/Midwife 3. Family Planning workers 4. Village officer 5. Husband 6. Relatives 7. Others Yes 1 No 2 ! [K33] If K25 or K29=1, the cost of last examina tion If the examination place is Private hospital/BUMN/Ot hers, or not using a Health Card facility (K.27=5 or 6/ K24 or K.28=2) (in The cost Source thousand of of last rupiah) expendi examinati ture on (in thousand rupiah) 30 31 32 Woman giving birth after August 31, 1998 Place of delivery (code) If K.33=4 to 8 ! [K.37] 33 Codes for Column 33: [Place of delivery] 1. Government hospital 2. Puskemas/Pustu 3. Polindes (Village Maternity Clinic) 4. Private hospital 5. Maternity hospital/Maternity house 6. Private Midwife Practice 7. Traditional Health Attendant 8. Others Did you use Health Card facility? Did you get charged ? Yes 1 Yes 1 No 2 No 2 ! ! [K37] [K.39] 34 If K.35=1, amount of expendi ture? Pregnant woman/post-natal women and children < 3 years Source of delivery (In thousand cost (code) rupiah) 35 36 After August 31, ’98 did you receive Cost of Suppledelivery mentary (in Food thousand Program rupiah) (PMT) If K.33=4 to 8/ if not using Health Card facility [K.34=2) 37 38 Yes 1 No 2 (other hh member) 39 Kind of food received (code) Where did you get the Supplemen tary Food Program? (code) 40 41 Codes for Column 40: [Kind of Supplementary Food Program ] Codes for Column 41: [Supplier of Supplementary Food Program] 1. Food 2. Vitamin 3. Food & Vitamin 1. Puskesmas 2. Polindes 4. Posyandu 8. Others 8 9 V. SOCIO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF HOUSEHOLD (To be asked to Household Head/ Wife/ Husband of Household Head) A. HEALTH 1.a. DId the household get information about Health Card? Yes 1 No 2 → go to [ Q. 2.a ] b. From whom? [Please fill in code 1 if Yes, code 0 if Not] 1. Village head/Village official 2. Puskesmas/Midwife in the village/”PLKB” ( Family Planning Field Workers) 3. Mass Media (TV, Radio, Newspaper) 4. Neighbor/relative 5. Others (elaborate …………………..) c. What do you know about Health Card? [Please fill in code 1 if Yes, code 0 if Not] The answer do not read it in front of respondent 1.Free treatment for poor people at the Puskesmas/Pustu/Polindes/ Midwife in the village 2.Free pregnancy examination for poor people at the Puskesmas/Pustu/Polindes/ Midwife in the village 3. Free childbirth for poor people at the Puskesmas/Pustu/Polindes/ Midwife in the village 4. Giving supplementary food for pregnancy woman and “batita” (children under three years) 2. a. Does the household having a Health Card? Yes 1 No 2 → [R.4] b. How did it obtain the card? 1. Given by village officer/health officer 2. Requested to village officer/health officer c. Did you get it after August 31, 1998? Yes 1 No 2 3.a. Did you use Health Card for treatment after August 31, 1998? Yes, always 1 → [R4] Yes, sometimes 2 Never 3 b. If Q.3.a = 2 or 3, why? [Please fill in code 1, if ‘yes’, code 0 if ‘no’] 1. Place of treatment too far 2. Expensive transportation 3. No daily service 4. The service is not good enough 5. Have to pay 6. Seldom/ never get sick 7. Afraid to go to Medical Service 8. Others c. If Q.3.b coded 1 more than one, the main is (please fill in as appropriated with code Q.3.b) B. EDUCATION [ To be asked if there is a household member aged 5-29 years old] 4. If Block IV Column 5 there was a household member’s coded 2, did the household have problem in paying education in year 1998/1999? Yes -1 No -2 → [Q.6] 5. How to solve the problem: [Please fill in code 1 if ‘yes’, code 0 if ‘no’] a. Postpone the tuition fee b. Borrowed c. Ask for aid/scholarship d. Sold items/pawned e. Try to have extra income f. Requested Certificate of Poverty from village head g. Others 6. If Block IV Column 5 there was a household member’s coded 1 or 3, did you really want to pay him/her to go to school? 1. Yes, if get the funding/aid 2. Yes, if the domestic economy getting better 3. Yes, because other reason 4. No C. ECONOMY 7. Was there any ‘labour intensive program’ in the last year Yes -1 No -2 Don’t know -3 8. a. Was there any household member who joined the Labour-Intensive Program in the last 6 months: Yes -1 No -2 → [Q.14] b. If there was, number of household members participating: Male:…………..persons Female: …………… persons 9. Number of man-days participated in Labour Intensive Programs in the last 6 months: Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Total …. …… …… ……. …. …… …………….. 10. The activity of Labour Intensive Programs joined: [Please fill in code 1 if ‘yes’, code 0 if ‘no’] a. Repairing river bank b. Cleaning gutter c. Re-constructing roads d. Cultivating unused land e. Others (elaborate……………….) 11. Average wage received per person per day: Rp. ………….. 12. Were there any wages received in form of commodities? Yes 1 No 2 → [Q.15] 10 11 13. Kind of commodities received: 1. 9 staple commodities → [Q.15] 2. Non 9 staple commodities→ [Q.15] 14. If Q.8.a=2, main reason did not join Labour Intensive Program: 1. Small payment 4. Not selected 2. The location too far 5. No need 3. Overload work 6. Don’t know 15. Does this household receive subsidies program aid/clothing distribution/food / 9 staple commodities in the last 6 months? 1. Yes, free 2. Yes, cheap purchase 3. Yes, both (free and cheap purchase) 4. No → [Q.17] 16. If Q.15 coded 1 to 3; a. How many times did you receive this aid during the past 6 months? ………times b. Donors: 1. government 4. Self-supporting 2. private/individual 0. Don’t know c. If you received the aid from “Self-supporting” , thourhg which activity was this done? [please fill in code 1 if ‘yes’, code 0 if ‘no’] 1. Free/selling cheap 9 staple commodities 3. “lumbung desa”/villgae rice barn 2. Collecting rice 4. Others 17. Were there any self-supporting Community activities in this village (during the last 6 months). [Please fill in code 1 if ‘yes’, code 2 if ‘no’, or code 0 for don’t know] a. Free/sold cheap 9 staple commodities b. Giving scholarship c. Distributed second-hand clothes d. Cultivated unused land e. Labour IntensiveProgram activity f. Skill training g. Others 18. Possession of valuable goods at time of enumeration and purchase/sale of valuable goods during the last 6 months [Please fill in 1 if ‘yes’, code 0 if ‘no’] Possessed Purchased Sold/Pawned a. Sewing machine a b. Radio/tape recorder b c. TV c d. Refrigerator d e. Jewelry/gold/gems stone e f. Satellite dish f g. Bicycle/ boat g h. Motor cycle/ motor boat h i. Car/ motor ship I j. Land j k. House/yard k D. WELFARE STATUS 19. Does each member of the household (in general) pray, according to their own religion? Yes 1 No 2 20. Do all the members of the household in general eat (essential food) 2 times a day or more? Yes 1 No 2 21. Do all household members have different clothes for home, work/ school and traveling? Yes 1 No 2 22. Is the floor of the house made of non-soil/earth? Yes 1 No 2 23. If the children are sick and or Eligible Couples want to use contraceptive, do they go to the facility/health workers and get the medicine/modern method? Yes 1 No 2 E. PERCEPTION 24. Opinion about procedures to determine families/households who have the right to receive health and education aid: [Please fill in code 1 if ‘yes’, code 2 if ‘no’, or code 0 for don’t know] a. The statement is very clear b. Need to have door to door registration for families/households who will receive aid. c. To determine/select families/households who will receive the aid, there should be a discussion in advance d. The family/household who will receive the aid should be announced first 25. Opinion of respondent about recipient of health card/ 9 staple commodities/ scholarship/ Labour Intensive Program: [Please fill in respondent opinion as well as for each kind of aid] a. Health Card c. Scholarship b. 9 staple commodities d. Labour Intensive Program Codes for respondent’s opinion: 1. All, appropriate 2. Majority, appropriate 3. Minority, appropriate t 4. Not appropriate 5. Don’t know 26. If there are other parties who want to give aid (capital, sembako, etc), who will be a key person (honest person) to handle aid distribution? 1. Head of village/village official 2. School teacher/principal 3. Religious leader 4. ‘Puskesmas’ doctor 5. Midwife in the village 6. Others (elaborate………..) 12