Grant Funder Highlight: National Endowment for the Humanities

Newsletter of the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations
Marilyn Woodman, Director
ext. 2679,
Patti Thornton, Assistant Director
ext. 2670,
Lynn Korza, Assistant Director
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Kate Wallen,
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March 2015
Grant Funder Highlight:
National Endowment for the Humanities
Digital Humanities Start -up Grants support the planning or i nitial
stages of di git al initi atives in any ar ea of the humaniti es. Innovation is a
hallmark of this grant category, which incorporates some risks in the pursuit of
innovation and excellence.
Deadli ne: September 16, 2015 . Th e p r o g r am s t af f r ec o m m en d s t h at
applicants submit a draft proposal si x weeks befor e the deadline t o
( in order to obt ai n feedback.
For more i nfor mati on c hec k grants/di gital humanities -start-sept -11-2014. pdf
Enduring Questions Grants support f aculty members pr epari ng a
new course on a fundamental conc ern of human life. A pr oposed
question -driven course would encour age scholars to join t oget her i n a
deep and s ustai ned pr ogram of readi ng to encount er influential i deas,
works, and t hink ers.
Deadli ne: September 10, 2015 . The program staff recommends
applicants submit a draft proposal bef ore August 14 to
(enduri ngquersti ons@neh. gov ).
For more i nfor mati on c hec k grants/enduring questions -sept -11-2014.pdf
Summer Stipends supports indi vi duals pursui ng advanced research
that is of value to humaniti es schol ars and/or general audi enc es.
Recipi ents usually pr oduce articles, books, di gital mat erials, or scholarl y
resourc es. Support is avail abl e for a peri od of two consecuti ve mont hs.
Deadli ne: October 1, 2015.
For more i nfor mati on c hec k grants/summer stipends -sep-30-2014-edit. pdf
Duke University https://
In This Issue:
 Upcoming Opportunities and Deadlines: Science Funding (page 2)
 Upcoming Opportunities and Deadlines: Humanities and Social Science
Funding (page 3)
 Accessing SPIN (page 4)
American Chemical Society
ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences, deadline: November 1, 2015
ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences, deadline: November 1, 2015
Association for Women in Mathematics
Mathematics Education Research Travel Grants, deadline: May 1, 2015, October 1, 2015, and February 1, 2016
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program, deadline: May 18, 2015
Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Lectureship, deadline: May 18, 2015
Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry, deadline: August 3, 2015
Senior Scientist Mentor Program, deadline: September 10, 2015
Environmental Protection Agency deadlines: Vary
National Geographic Society deadline: Rolling
National Institutes of Health
Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA), deadlines: June 25, 2015, October 25, 2015, February 25, 2016
National Science Foundation
Fastlane Homepage
EHR Core Research in STEM (ECR), deadline: September 10, 2015
Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER), deadline for biology, computer/info science: July 21, 2015
Major Research Instrumentation (MRI), estimated deadline for full proposal: January 13, 2016
NSF Science, Technology, and Society (STS), deadline: August 3, 2015
Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI), deadline (none): Proposals accepted any time
Research in Engineering Education (REE), deadline: September 17, 2015
Research Corporation
The Cottrell Scholars Award develops outstanding teacher-scholars, pre-proposal deadline: May 15, 2015; full proposal
deadline: August 15, 2015. Once a Cottrell Scholar, faculty members will be eligible for a suite of career advancement
awards. Please watch the website for announcements/changes in this program.
Spencer Foundation
Small Grant Proposals, upcoming deadlines: June 2, 2015, August 20, 2015
ACLS (American Council of Learned Societies)
ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships, deadline: TBA early July 2015, anticipated to be late September 2015
Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies, deadline: TBA early July 2015, anticipated to be early October
American Philosophical Society
Franklin Research Grant, deadlines: October 1 and December 1, 2015
Earhart Foundation Fellowship
Earhart Foundation Fellowship to support professionals in economics, international affairs, government/politics, and
philosophy, deadline: Ongoing, applications should be submitted no less than 120 days before commencement of project
work period
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Clark Fellowships that extend and enhance the understanding of the visual arts and their role in culture, deadline:
October 15, 2015
Various opportunities. Link for “What is Fulbright” and “How to Find a Fulbright Award” Webinars:
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Guggenheim Fellowship, deadline: September 19, 2015
IREX (International Research Exchange Board) deadlines: Vary
Mass Foundation for the Humanities
Grants support public programming in the humanities in Massachusetts, including film, lecture, reading and discussion
series; exhibits; media pre-production and distribution; and other public activities. The standard maximum award is $5,000,
some thematic and media grants can be as high as $10,000. Deadline: May 1, 2015
NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) deadlines: Vary
NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities)
Digital Humanities Start-up Grants, deadline: September 16, 2015
Digital Humanities Implementation, deadline: February 17, 2016
Digital Humanities for the Public, deadline: June 10, 2015
Enduring Questions, deadline: September 10, 2015
Fellowships at Independent Research Institutions, deadlines vary by institution
Summer Stipends, nominated proposals submit electronically by October 1, 2015
Paul P. Fidler Research Grant
Paul P. Fidler Research Grant for faculty who plan to conduct research on issues of college student transitions,
deadline: July 1, 2015
As you begin thinking about your next research project, we encourage you to consider utilizing SPIN,
an extensive research funding opportunity database. SPIN contains over 40,000 opportunities from
more than 10,000 sponsors and it’s available through the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations
at Smith. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
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