Smith College Committee on Faculty Compensation & Development
1 September 2015
18 September 2015
9 November 2015
28 March 2016
Fall 2015 semester projects (primary deadline)
Fall 2015 semester projects (secondary round)
Interterm and spring 2016 semester projects
All summer 2016 projects
Send completed application to Saari Greylock, College Hall 206 or
Consult the Moneybook (
) for all CFCD funding rules
ID No: 99
(a) Summary of Project: Purpose, goals, and anticipated timeline of the project, as well as procedures and anticipated outcomes. If you are requesting funds for an ongoing project, please summarize progress made to date, including publications, if any:
(b) Other Funding: Do you have any other research funding available to you, either from outside grants or through other College programs or departmental funds?
(c) IRB Review: Does this project involve the use of human subjects? This includes interviews and
surveys in all disciplines.
If so, have you sought approval from the appropriate Institutional
Review Board? If you have already consulted with the IRB and determined that you do not require formal approval, please indicate:
(d) Space/Equipment: Does this project require new space or equipment resources not currently available to you through your department or program?
CFCD Form 2: rev 25 August 2015 1
(a) Research Materials :
(Please identify items & amounts):
Subtotal: Materials $
(b) Travel and Daily Expenses :
Inclusive anticipated dates of trip(s):
Travel (90% of all transportation costs to occur during trip):
Calculation: 0.90 x $ = Subtotal: Travel $
Per Diem (meals & lodging, max $125/day):
Calculation: days x $ / day = Subtotal: Per Diem $
(c) Other, if applicable :
Please specify nature & amount of request:
Subtotal: Other $
CFCD Form 2: rev 25 August 2015 2