JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 100, NO. A9, PAGES 17,189-17,203,SEPTEMBER 1, 1995 One- and two-dimensional simulations of whistler mode waves in an anisotropic plasma P. E. Devine and S.C. Chapman SpaceScienceCentre,Schoolof MathematicalandPhysicalSciences, Universityof Sussex,Brighton,England J. W. Eastwood AtomicEnergyAuthority,CulhamLaboratory,Abingdon,Oxfordshire,England Abstract. We presentresultsfrom self-consistent, one- andtwo-dimensional, electromagneticsimulationsof the electronwhistlermodeinstabilityrelevantto the near-Earthnightside plasmasheetregionduringgeomagnetically disturbedtimes.Specifically,we studythe evolution of energetic,anisotropic(T• > T#) electrondistributions that areinjectedinto the nightsidering currentregionat geomagnetically disturbedtimes,the resultinggrowthof electron whistlermodewaves,andsubsequent electronpitch anglediffusionvia electronwhistler wave-particleinteractions.Growthof whistlermodewavesfrom an initial pitch angleanisotropy (T•. -- 4 T#) is studiedin the strongpitch anglediffusionregime(definedashavingscatteringtimesmuchshorterthana typicalelectronbouncetime in the nearEarth'sdipolaffield). The quasi-linearandsubsequent nonlinearevolutionof wavesandthe corresponding migration of electronsin velocityspaceis followedovertimescalessuchthation motionmay be neglected.Our simulationscontainwave frequenciesandgrowthratesthat are a significant fractionof the electrongyrofrequency(co- 0.5COc•, ¾- 0.1(l)cebeingtypical) andthe simultaneousevolutionof wavespropagatingbothparallelandnonparallelto the ambientmagnetic field direction.Effectsdueto thesearenot usuallyaccountedfor in applications of quasi-linear theoryto the problemof electronwhistlerwave-particleinteractions,sothat our self-consistentsimulationsof the electronwhistlerinstabilityprovidean importantinsightinto the applicabilityof quasi-lineartheoryto the velocity spacediffusionof electronsdue to electron whistlerwave-particleinteractions. We examinethe dependence of whistlermodewave growthrates,nonlinearwave modesaturation,andpitchanglediffusionrateson the [5value of the hot electronspecieswhichcontainsthe resonantpopulation,andwe comparethe differencesbetweenresultsof one- andtwo-dimensional simulations. In general,we havefound significantlylarger averagegrowthratesin a one-dimensionalthanin a two-dimensional geometry,by up to a factorof-2-3, with the differencebetweensuchgrowthratesbecoming largeras [5increases.As a result,we find pitch anglediffusionratesare significantlylarger (by up to a factorof- 10) in a one-dimensional geometry,andpitch anglediffusionrates increaseas [• increases.During the early wave growthperiodof the instability,pitch anglediffusionratesD s havebeenfoundto scaleto magneticwaveenergyB2w, approximately Ds o•B2w ' We alsoshowthatin the self-consistently evolvedsystem(containingseveralwave modes),thepitch anglediffusionis still consistentwith a usualquasi-linearapproachin which resonantparticlesare takento diffusealongsurfacesof constantwave frame energy. Introduction Magnetosphericwhistler mode wave-particle interactions (WPIs) have received much attention since Dungey [1963] suggestedthat the pitch angle diffusion driven by lightning-generated whistlerwavescould occurfor radiation belt electrons.Kenneland Petschek[ 1966] proposedthat the radiationbelt'strappedparticlelossconedistributions, which are anisotropicin velocity space,may themselvesgenerate whistlermode waves,which then interactwith the particles via WPIs. Copyright1995by theAmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber95JA00842. 0148-0227/95/95JA-00842505.00 Considerablework has addressedthe pitch angle diffusionof electronsdue to whistlermodewave-particleinteractions. Quasi-lineartheory has been applied to predict the growth of whistler waves from and the effect of whistler mode wave-particle interactionson anisotropicmagnetosphericelectrondistributions(havinga characteristic temperatureperpendicularto the magneticfield (T_•) exceeding thatparallelto the magneticfield (T//)) [e.g.,Rouxand Solomon, 1971]. Applicationof quasi-lineartheory to the pitch anglediffusionof electronshas often beenrestrictedby the followingassumptions: (1) smallwaveamplitudes(i.e., in the limit of growthrates ¾-• 0), (2) usuallywith wave frequen- cies tO<<tOce (electrongyrofrequencytOce),(3) usually neglectingenergydiffusionof electrons(purepitchanglediffusion), and (4) a wave spectrumusually containingwaves propagating parallelto the magneticfieldonly.Suchapplica17,189 17,190 DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLER SIMULATIONS tionhasfoundsuccess in describing thepitchanglediffusion electronwhistlerinstabilityas is the focusin thispaper(e.g. (andprecipitationrates)of electronsinsidetheplasmasphere, Matsumotoet al. [1984] investigatedthe generationof elecwhereassumptions (1)-(3) are reasonablywell satisfied[e.g., trostaticwavesin the presenceof an energeticelectronbeam electronwhistlerwave).We address Lyonset al., 1972]. Althoughmostquasi-linear applications anda monochromatic haveretainedrestriction(4) above,the importanceof includ- the quasi-linearand subsequentlynonlineargenerationof ing a full (nonmonochromatic) wave spectrumcontaining whistlermode waves due to anisotropicenergeticelectron in an initially unperturbed background magnetic bothparallelandnon-parallel propagating waveshasbeen distributions field,thesubsequent e•01ution of waves andthedistribution stressed [Lyons etal., 1972]. andthe differences introduced by a 2-D geomeOutside the plasmasphere,the validity of these usual of electrons, assumptions is lessclear,particularlyduringgeomagneticallytry. This simulationstudy principally concernsthe electron disturbedtimes. During a substorm,populationsof electrons whistler instability in two dimensionsfor the first time. A of pitchanglediffusionratesin sepaaretransported fromthemagnetotail intothenear-Earth ring combinedinvestigation currentregion,gainingin energyandanisotropy(a character- rateresonantregionsof velocityspaceandvelocityspacedifistictemperature perpendicular to the magneticfield exceed- fusionsurfacesis also presentedto addressthe questionof ing thatparallel, Tñ > T//) [e.g.,Ashour-Abdalla and Cowley, the applicabilityof quasi-lineartheoryto the velocityspace of electrons duetowhistler WPIs.A dependence of 1974]. Whistler mode wave growth shouldbe enhancedat diffusion suchtimes, leadingto a largerrate of pitch angle scattering electronpitch anglediffusionrateson the wave energydeninto the lossconeand thereforean increasedauroralprecipi- sityin the simulationsystemis obtained,andthe pitchangle tation. Krernser et al. [ 1986] observedan increasein electron dependence of the pitch anglediffusionrate in eachof three precipitation ratecorresponding to a periodof enhanced elec- separateresonantregionsof velocity spaceis investigated, tron whistler mode wave intensity during a magneticsub- both of which allow for a self-consistentinvestigationof storm, the enhanced precipitation therefore seemingly quasi-lineartheory predictionswith regard to the electron consistentwith pitch anglediffusiondue to electronwhistler velocityspacediffusion. We first describe the simulation method and our series of waves (at enhancedlevels due to growth from anisotropic electrondistributions). Whistlermodewaveenergypeaksat simulationstudies.Resultsfrom thesestudiesare then pre- muchhigherfrequencies (relativeto thelocalelectrongyrofrequency)thaninsidetheplasmasphere, frequenciesco~0.25- 0.5COce beingtypicaloutside theplasmapause. Thevalidityof the usualassumptions suchas purepitch anglediffusionand parallelpropagating wavesneedsto be investigated, a quantitativeunderstanding of the degreeto whicha usualquasi-linear applicationexplainsthe electronpitchanglediffusionin thisregimeis of primeimportance to thequestion of thedisturbed-timeaurora,sincethe electronwhistlerinstabilityis believedto be an importantmechanismby which energetic electronsareprecipitatedto form thedisturbed-time nightside sented and discussed. Simulation Details SimulationConfiguration A two-dimensional,relativistic, electromagnetic,selfconsistentparticle-in-cellsimulationcode has been developed using the virtual particle (VP) method of Eastwood [ 1991].All threevectorcomponents of electromagnetic fields E, B, and velocityv are retainedas variablesof two spatial aurora. dimensionsand time. Electronsare representedby a set of by a Computersimulationrepresents a usefultool with which computationalparticles,and here ions are represented to examinethe quasi-lineardiffusionand subsequent nonlin- fixed,chargeneutralizingbackground,althoughthisneednot ear evolution of unstable distributions. Previous whistler be so for otherapplications.Effectively,our implementation instabilitysimulationshave been performedin one-dimen- of the VP scheme differs from the more traditional 2-D elecsion(I-D) [e.g., Ossakowet al., 1972; Cuperrnanand Salu, tromagneticparticle-in-cellcodes [Birdsall and Langdon, from parti1973; Pritchett et al., 1991]. Usually, wave propagationin 1985] only in the methodof currentassignment suchsimulationsis restrictedto be parallel to the magnetic cles to the grid, so that an appropriategrid cell size is Ax field, andthereforeresonantWPIs to the n = -1 principal equaltotheDebyelength3•De. Thisavoids possible nonphyscyclotronresonance [Stix, 1962].It is possibleto study ical instabilities[Birdsall and Langdon, 1985], while still obliquelypropagatingwaves (nonparallelto the magnetic permittingall physicalwaveswith scalelengthsof the order field) in a 1-D simulation [e.g., Cuperrnanand Sternlieb, or greaterthana Debyelength(e.g.,Langmuirmodes,elec1974; Zhang et al., 1993]. This allows the effects of a tron whistler waves). restricted set of resonances that include n • -1 to be inves- Ourchoiceof doublyperiodicboundary conditions effec- tigated;for example, Zhang et at. [1993] investigatedthe tivelyquantizes the wavevectorsk = (kx,ky) allowedin growthfrom an anisotropic electronbeamof variouselectro- the system, resulting in a discrete set of "wave modes": staticandelectromagnetic wavemodesat variouspropaga- kx = _+(2•nx)/L x, where nx = O,1, 2..... Nx/2, with Nx tion anglesusinga seriesof 1-D simulations.However,wave thenumberof grid cellsin thex direction(a similarsetresults propagation is still restrictedto a singlefixeddirection(rela- for ky).We choose system lengths (Lx,Ly) to ensure the tiveto themagnetic field)in suchschemes. Theperiodic two- allowedwavemodesadequately covertheregionof k space dimensional (2-D)simulations presented hereallowwave thattheproblem of interest demands (seeFigure1, k = propagation angles bothparallelandoblique to theambient (kx,ky)= (k/l,kñ;seeFigures 2 and3 fora typicalresolution magnetic fielddirectionto beincludedin thesamesimulation of thelinearlypredicted growthregion).Theevolution of ini- andtherefore allowall otherpossible resonances (n • -1) tiallyanisotropic distributions canberepresented, although in additionto the principalresonance. Previous two-dimen- theperiodicboundaryconditions u•ed allowno sources or sionalelectromagnetic simulations have not dealt with the sinksof particles. However,in oursimulations thenumberof DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLER SIMULATIONS 17,191 pressure).Parameters are listedin Table 1. Eachof the four studieswas performedin both 1-D and 2-D. The quantityA represents the electronspeciesanisotropy(A = T.L/T#- 1), k = (kx,ky) = (k., and•// = n,kaT///(B02/2g0) isjusttheparallel • value of the electronspecies.In all studies,the densityof the simulation electron specieswas taken to representan electron plasma frequency of(o•,=105 rads-1. In all runs,the numberof simulationparticleswaschosen to ensurethat the velocity distributionf(v) was represented adequately. A temperature ratioof T.L/T# = 4 is somewhat large in magnetospheric terms.This was chosento ensure that whistlermode growth rates exceednonwhistlernoise level growthrates.For the purposeof this study,thisnoise consistsof statisticalfluctuationsin computationalparticle populations,electronplasma oscillations,and the bremsstrahlungradiationpresentin the system(and all of which are enhancedin the simulation,relative to a real system,due to Figure 1. The simulationconfiguration. usingfar fewer computationalthan there are real particles). Nonwhistlernoisewas kept to a reasonablelevel using 144 computational particleslying withina typicalmagnetospheric computational particlesper cell on a 128 x 128 cell grid in 2losscone(of size •0 = 5ø) is foundto be sufficiently small D runs,and 256 per cell on a 128 x 1 cell grid in 1-D runs. (-0.1%) suchthat our resultsare not foundto be affectedby Eachof the studieswasrepeated(in both 1-D and2-D) using includinga typicalmagnetospheric lossconesink. an isotropicelectronf(v) of the sameoverall temperature. The XWHAMP code, a graphicallyenhancedversionof Theseisotropicrunsare stableto the whistlerinstability,and the originalwaves in homogeneous, anisotropic,multicom- thereforereproducethe abovenoisefieldsonly andat similar ponent plasmas (WHAMP) code [Ronnmark, 1982], was levelsthat are presentin the relevantstudy.This allowsus to usedto allow comparisonof simulationresultsandlinearthe- makeanestimateof noiseeffectswith regardto ourresults.A ory. XWHAMP was usedto solvefor the linearly predicted lower numberof 144 particles/cellin 2-D nevertheless results complexfrequencyco- cor + iT (c%is real frequency, ¾is in a larger total numberof particlesthan in 1-D. The higher growthrate)over a desiredrangeof k space,giventhe fol- numberof 256 particlesper cell in 1-D gives an improved lowing physical parameters:electroncyclotronfrequency representation in velocity spaceover the entire population COce, electronplasmafrequencycoe, the parallelelectron (i.e., over the whole system)than would be obtainedin 1-D velocity distribution temperature kaY// = 1/2mV,2h#, and the with 144 particlesper cell, andthereforeimproves(relativeto perpendicular/parallel temperatureratio T•/T# (a bi-Max- 1-D 144/ce11) the statisticsof any quantitycalculatedoverthe wellian electronvelocity distributionfunction was used, so whole 1-D system(e.g., our pitch angle diffusion calculathat T•_/T# is the anisotropyof the electrondistributionf(v)). tions).Suchcalculationscan then be more readily compared An exampleof XWHAMP's resultsis shownin Figures2 and • r between 1-Dand2-D.System lengths (Lx,Ly) werechosen to 3 respectively, whichshowthedependence of (c%,¾)versus ensurethat an acceptableminimumnumberof allowed(disk//(at k•_= 0) andcontourlevelsof thegrowthrate ¾(k) in wave vectork = (k#, k•) space,for the parameters of our study1 (to be describednext). Both real and imaginaryfre• quenciesin Figures2 and 3 are normalisedto the electron Kx--4 i - 5 i - i 6 7 8 - :1 - i gyrofrequency 00c•;thisnormalization will be usedthrough- 0.9 out.Also,for thetemperature ratioused(T_L/T#--4), growth ratesare a significantfractionof the real wave frequencies 0.8 (thepeak¾,n,xof ¾(k) is approximately 20% of the real 0.7 wavefrequencyat the peakin Figure2). 0.6 , ' ßwavemodesallowedin system Simulation Studies 0.4 A set of studieshave beenperformedto investigatethe electronwhistlermodeinstability.The simulationconfigura- tionis sketched in Figure1, with an initiallyuniformmag- neticfieldB0 in thex direction. In eachsimulation, therun timewaschosento be 10xceelectrongyroperiods, thatis, run timemuchlessthananiongyroperiod. The setof four studiescontainsa single,hot (tensof keV) resonant electron species with an initially anisotropic (T.L/T# -- 4) bi-Maxwellian velocity distributionf(v). The difference between the four studies lies in the choice of elec- 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 k• v,h•/ face Figure2. Lineartheory parallel dispersion (k• = 0, Ky= 1) for our study 1. Dotted lines show the growth modesreprevalue of the resonant electron species (where sentedin the simulation (only parallel modes are shown). Calculationswere madeusingthe XWHAMP code(seetext). I] = n•kaT/(B•/2g0)istheusual ratioofkinetic/magnetic tronspecies temperature andthevalueof lB01; thatis,in the • 17,192 DEVINEET AL.' ONE-ANDTWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLERSIMULATIONS Ky=l 2 0.9' i' 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' ' ' ' ' " • " ... 0.005% over the entire run (as expectedfor our boundary ' ... Kx=11 0.8 ... Kx=10 0.7 0.6 . 0.5 ß 0.4 conditions suchthatno lossof energyoccurs),andby 10Zc• themagneticwaveenergydensityhasreached-3.1% (l-D) and-1.9% (2-D) of the initial electronspecieskineticenergy density(althoughin higher [• studies,the 1-D saturation waveenergyis not alwayslargerthanit is in 2-D). Notethat theaveragegrowthrateis largerin a 1-D run thanin a 2-D runwiththesame[•//value(seeFigure4b).FromFigure4b, takingthe spatiallyaveraged magnetic waveenergydensity 2 in the systemto vary as Bwave •: exp(2•t), the average growthrateof themagnetic waveamplitude in 1-D study1 is estimated to be •o = (0.076 +0.001)O,)ce, whilein the2-D study1 it is •2o = (0.054+0.016)O•ce. Forlinearcompari- 0.3 sonpurposes, theXWHAMP-predicted meanof the growth ratesof all simulationwave modeslying within the linearly 0.2 predictedgrowthregion(seeFigures2 and 3) is approxii i t i , mately0.074{0ce (l-D) and 0.05300ce (2-D), so that the i 0.1• 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 kñvth// / O}ce growthin themagnetic waveenergydensityat earlytimesis to a goodapproximation the meangrowthrate from linear theory.This meansthereis negligiblewavemodecoupling duringtheearlytimestages of theinstability(in both1-D and Figure3. Contour levelsof thelinearly predicted growth 2-D), and hencethe differencein 1-D/2-D growthratesis rate¾(k) /O•ce in thewavevector planek forstudy1.Dotted consistentwith linear theory also. In a 1-D geometry,all lations weremadeusingtheXWHAMPcode(seetext). wave energyis constrained to one of the allowedparallel propagating wave modes,which have relativelyhigher growthrates(for the samevalueof k//) thanthenonparallel crete) wave modesfell within the linearly predictedgrowth wave modes(which sufferfrom Landaudamping[e.g., Kennel & Petschek,1966]) that are presentin a 2-D geometry, linesshowwavemodesrepresented in thesimulation. Calcu- regionin k space(typically>5 modesin I-D, >10 modesin hencethe higheraverage1-D growthratesandwavelevels. Theanisotropy consequently fallsfasterin theearlystages of the k spacegrowthregion(¾> 0) to be inferred(seeFigures the 1-D runthanin the 2-D run (seeFigure4c). This is dueto 2 and 3). the higherwave levelsin 1-D than in 2-D over that time period. 2-D); use of the XWHAMP code allowed the resolutionof Results Growth of Dominant We will first discussin detail resultsfrom study1 to com- pareI-D and2-D resultsat a single[•//. Evolution of Magnetic Wave Energy in the System Initially, the magneticwave energyin the systemgrows exponentially(seeFigure 4b for the magneticwave energy densityin the simulationsystem),that is, accordingto linear theory.The growth of wave energyis accompaniedby a decreasein both the electronspecieskinetic energyand the electronspeciesanisotropy(seeFigure4); that is the system movestowardisotropyand hencea decreasing amountof "free" energy available for wave growth. Eventually (by t= 5- 6•ce(l-D) and8-9•ce(2-D)), thewaveenergysaturates at an almost constantlevel, see Figure 4b. The total energy in the system is conservedto within better than Wave Mode Lookingfirstat thegrowthof wavemodeenergies in the 1-D study1. Earlyin therun,thewavespectrum is quiteturbulentin thatmanywavemodesgrowin energy(seeFigure 5). The convenient dimensionless Kx valuesassigned to the wavemodesin Figure5 arerelatedto the unnormalized parallelwavenumber k// by Kx = 1 + (Lx Ik//I/ 2 n). As no electronbeamis presentin theelectronvelocitydistribution f(v), growthratesof wavesareexpected to be symmetric parallel/ antiparallel to the background magneticfield;thatis, wave modeshavingthe samek = Ikl, but oppositelydirectedk, shouldgrow at the samerate (within noiseuncertainties). Eachof the modeenergiesshownin Figure5 containsboth theparallel/antiparallel energyin thetwooppositely directed wavemodeshavingthe sameIkl (eachhas k•_= 0 (dimen- sionless Ky= 1+ (LyIk•.l/2•:)= 1),since weareconsidering Table 1, PhysicalParametersfor the Studies Parallel Electron Study Temperature Anisotropy lB0I,nT •// O•ce (l)pe k•tr//, keV A 8.82 keV 2.89 284 0.14 0.5 3.56 keV 2.95 100 0.45 0.176 6.91 keV 2.91 70 1.79 0.123 8.81 keV 2.89 56.9 3.45 0.1 DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL o.ox 3.8 WHISTLER SIMULATIONS 17,193 linear viewpoint(thereforenot entirely correctwhen wave amplitudeshave grown significantly),there is a maximum (a) wavemodekma x allowedto grow,depending on the current anisotropy, with kma x givenby Ossakow et al. [1972] -- ;t) = %'[ 10'8 c - 10-lo Hence, as kma x decreaseswith decreasinganisotropy (A = Tilt # -1), then as the simulationprogresses(A 0 2 4 6 8 10 decreasesin time) the rangeof availableresonantk modes (c) decreases. As kmaxfalls belowthe initially availablehigher Ikl modes,there is a shift of magneticwhistlermodewave energytowardslower Ikl modes.This canbe seenfrom Figure 5, with magneticenergyshiftingin time from modeKx = 2 4 6 8 10 7 • 6 • 5 • 4. Clearly, when the anisotropydecreases markedlyfrom its initial level, the quasi-linearwave spect/Xc, trumwill not agreeexactlywith the linearlypredictedspecFigure 4. Variationwith time of (a) kineticenergydensity trum, with the maximumof the spectrumbeing displaced (KE), (b) averagemagneticwave energydensity(ME), and toward a lower frequencythan predictedby linear theory. (by ~ 8'c•.,)in l-D, all (c) electronspeciesanisotropy A during1-D and2-D study1. AlsoseenfromFigure5, eventually 10'• Notethatunits ofenergy densities areJm'3. modesbut one seem to have saturated,and we are left with a a 1-D geometry).The resultsshow different wave modes growing at different rates. Numericallyobtainedreal and imaginary(growth) wave mode frequenciesfor individual wavemodesagreefairly well with lineartheory(XWHAMP) predictions duringthe early stagesof the run. For example, this dominant wave mode is not the lowest wave mode single,dominantwavemode(Kx = 4) in thesystemthatpropagatesparallelto the backgroundmagneticfield. Note that resolvedby the simulation;that is, we are not observinga system-related shift toward ever lower Ikl modesuntil we reachthelowestpossiblesimulationmode.Sucha final spectrum, dominatedby a singlewave mode,couldfavor saturatheapproximate growthrates(normalised to 0•c,)of wave tionof magneticwaveenergyby nonlinearmagnetictrapping by Ossakowet al. [1972]. modesKx = 5, 6 are0.1 +10% and0.11 +20%, respectively, effects,assuggested Figure6 showsthe magneticwaveprofileBy (x,t) during whilethe linearlypredictedgrowthratesfor thesemodesare 0.11 and0.12, respectively. theearlytime stagesof 1-D study1. Electronwhistlerwaves As wave energyincreasesand anisotropydecreases, the propagatingparallelto the backgroundmagneticfield (B0 electromagnetic wavesright circugeneraltrendis for higherIkl modesto saturatein energyand along•) are transverse for magneticenergyto shifttowardlower Ikl modes.From a larlypolarized about B0, sothatBy(x,t) isoneof thepairof 10? , , ! , , , , , , •tal K•4 ............. K•5 ....... K•6 ................... K•7 xxxxxx K•8oooooo '• 10 6 ',.•10 s • 10 4 10• o I I I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t/'Cc, Figure5. Magneticenergyin resonant wavemodesKx=4-8 duringthe 1-D study1. Othermodesin thesystemcontainnonwhistlernoiseonly anddo notgrownoticeablyin time. 17,194 DEVINE ET AL.' ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL :i!"? • , .. i ';:.• :,.4•:,:' . WHISTLER SIMULATIONS '.. .... %c•, ,,,..... ,..... 't.... '35' ,,,.'..,' '. :.•:. ', ß' -.,. ",• ";.a(' .,. ......... ...... •':':., . ,,'",:.,' ,:::':'"'• ','"->'" "2'•' '3.• .:.• ,-•?• ', ,.•\.'•::':'• x'•'::•,. , ',+. :•,, "• d,.' .v•:, ' .•.,',. '•.',. ,:'., 20....... t.•.:', ':•::. ','•..%•it•....,,,, ,',•,.,4, .:,./"::'. ...... ß :•,:, :..../.,•,, • ,,, •,•..'• ......... ..•:• •"•:•. ''.'." ..... •..,..' "•,• 0,'.'• •' •:•'"'. ,.'..,.c':•,...•,.: ",,> '..•. ',....... ,...1/' :•' '".. •' .,.• •'•.•.:•..:!-.:•v• .,:•i:•:;.': ::•:.';:: ." ...... ,',,,'•,,,'•,.".• ,., '..," :":-%3.: ,¾;'": •.:,'<•' c..•'.. •.:::,,::•*•:•:t• .c'v •:;• :,,,,,.';l .x•:,:,:::•:•:• .:--, . .... ß,•,.' ......... ,..,,'..v...:•>,,•' ,., ?,•'.?•,>,. v',...•:../i. ......"(•"'"'. Z• :":.•-o ":*::•.• .......i:':'--.:; R.•:•: ::•.'• •>,".', ' ",..'.•Z"',,'•,'., '." \":'.% ,'•"'"' '<"" ' •';,.... '" '.':.:'"•' ,.•'•"".-:", '• '-;"';Z." "'•:/":x..',.". :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ß -. •' .. •.....• :,,.........•"-.',:•--' '..,:..¾, .....'•.6¾..•.,•.,..•.."?,•:: ',,"•.....•"•i''•./,,:•.• ....... :•.•','. •?,,:•..,•."-' :•:•':;'•.:;.:•::•: . ß............ v:".,..•3.,•:.• ::•:'5'::.: ,.'.'• :.'t.'::b:•¾?,?•,;?'• ;•:'",.'"> •?*".•"::•:'2':'3:::'"'"..,. ..... :'",.'-.h•:.•:•!• i•!• • ................... :::"'t"•":':".."-•. ...... '.....',,.•' .....'"..• .•:-....?':• ':';4• .•,,..,x. I:•:; ,':i•!!:!; •00 •20 0 x!Ax Figure6. Magnetic waveprofile By(x,t) during theearlytimestages of 1-Dstudy 1.Distance x ismeasured inunitsofgridcells(Ax);themagnetic wavefieldamplitude ismultiplied by 3x108 . circularlypolarizedcomponentsof the magneticwhistler in growingnonparallel(ki • 0) wave modes(early in the wavefield.Henceboththe growthof magneticwaveampli- run,up to 90% asmuchenergyresidescollectivelyin nonpartude and the shift in time of wave energytowardlonger allel growthwave modesas in parallel growthwave modes wavelengths areseenin By(x,t)of Figure6. Theresultantcollectively),thoughof two wavemodeshavingthesamek// (Kx)butdifferentk• (Ky),theonewithlowerk• (i.e.,the wave fieldBy(x,t) inthesimulation, isessentially (excluding noise contributions) thesum •Bkoe' (•'r-ø•t+•k) ofallthedis- moreparallel(lessoblique))tendsto growfaster.This canbe crete linearly predictedgrowth whistler wave mode waves seenfrom Figure 7, which showsthe growthin magnetic (eachof amplitude Bk0,wavevectork, frequency o)k= wave energy for linearly predicted growth wave modes {l}rk-[' iYk' initial phase•)k) propagating both paralleland (Kx,Ky), eachof thesamedimensionless parallel wavenumantiparallel to B0 (Kx = 4 to 8 in Figure5). Fromsucha setof berKx= 5,anddifferent perpendicular wavenumbers Ky= 1oppositelypropagatingwaves,togetherwith the periodic 6. A similartrendof magneticwave energyshiftingtoward boundaryconditions employedin the simulations, onemay expecta form of standingwave to eventuallydevelopin 104o By(x,t), provided a fixedphase relationship between theindividual wave modes exists (see Zhang et al. [1993] for the caseof beatingbetweenlongitudinalelectronplasmawaves). However,individualwave modesare expectedto be randomlyphased, withtherebeingnoobvious phaserelationship betweenthedifferentmode•)ks. Henceearlyin thesimula- ß• tion (approximately t < 3- 41;ce), whenthe wavespectrum containsseveralwavemodesof comparable energy(seeFig- ure5), theresultant wavefieldBy(x,t) in Figure6 doesnot ß• appearto be representative of a stationarywave.Later in the run, as the wave spectrumbecomesdominatedby fewer modes,the resultantwave field approaches the sumof pairs • of oppositely propagating waveshavingroughlyequalamplitude(withinnoiseuncertainties) andhavinga clearerphase relationship. In 2-D runs the wave spectrumis found to be far more turbulent,sincea far greaternumberof growthwavemodes arepresent. Thereisnolonger therestriction thatki = 0 (Ky 10e 107 106 10s i 1040 1 = 1). Instead,a full setof valuesfor the dimensionless per- i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 7 i 8 i 9 10 t/xce pendicular wavenumber Kynowresults asdidforKx.Earlyin the run, it is found that the region of k-spacethat grows appreciablyagreeswell with thatpredictedby lineartheory, with individualwavemodegrowthratesagreeingfairly well with linearpredictions(as in I-D). Significantenergyresides i 2 Figure 7. Magnetic energy in resonantgrowth modes (Kx,Ky) having thesamedimensionless parallel wavenumber Kx = 5 anddifferent perpendicular wavenumbers Ky,during the 2-D study1. DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLER SIMULATIONS 17,195 lower Ikl modesastime progresses is seenin 2-D aswasseen in l-D, with the orderof suchshiftingnow beingfrom domi- nantwavemodeshavingKx = 6 -->5 -->4. This is bestseen from Figure 8, which showsthe growthin collectivemag- netic waveenergy ateachKx,summed overallKy(k.•);that ß ß 2 is, we areplottingthe sum•]B•:x•:y overK,.Y' for eachKx. Dur- ingthe10Xce runtimein 2-D,wedonotobserve a finalspectrumdominatedby a single,parallelpropagatingwavemode in thesystem(aswasseenin l-D). The energyspectrum late in therun(after~ 9xc,) is dominated collectively by those 107 wave modeshavingKx = 4 (seeFigure8). However,this energyis sharedroughly equally betweenthe two wave 105 modes (Kx,Ky) = (4,1)and(4,2)(seeFigure 9 between 9 and 10x•,).Resultsobtained by extending the 2-D run timeto 20Xce(seeFigure9 after10x•) showthateventually (by 161;ce ) the2-D wavespectrum becomes dominated by a sin- 1050 2 i 4 6 gle, largeamplitude,parallelpropagating wavemodehaving i 8 i 10 1•2 1•4 1•6 1•8 20 fiX,., (Kx,Ky) = (4,1);thatis,thesame eventual dominant mode of the 1-D studydominatesthe 2-D studybut at a latertime (at Figure 9. Magnetic energy in resonantgrowth modes approximately 8x•.• in I-D, 16x• in 2-D). In both (Kx,Ky) having thesamedimensionless parallel wavenumber geometries, however,thisoccursat a timeoutsidetheperiod Kx = 4 anddifferent perpendicular wavenumbers Ky,during for whichwe expectquasi-linear diffusionto occur,aswill be the 2-D study1. discussed next. resonances with wavemodesof the samek/!(Kx) butdifferent Pitch Angle Diffusion: Study 1 In orderto investigatethe pitch anglediffusionof electronsdue to the whistlermodewavespresentin the system, we havecalculated"snapshots" of the localpitchanglediffusionrate in threeseparateregionsof velocityspace,at varioustimesduringthe simulations. Theseregionswerechosen k.• (Ky)arepredicted (by lineartheory)to havevirtually identical n = -1 resonant particle parallel velocities V#res = (tOr--tOce)/k//,sincethe real frequency(1) r shows very little variation(constantwithin -2%) with k.• at a fixed k!! (for the parameters relevantto our studies).Hencein our 2-D studies,our threestripsare expectedto containcontributobevelocity space "strips" ofwidth+10• ms'l,centred at tionsto the local pitch anglediffusionof particlesfrom resov#= -7.84x 107ms'l, -5.15x 107ms'l, and-3.69x 107 nanceswith a whole set of parallel and nonparallelmodes m s'1.Eachof these strips lieswithinthelinearly predictedwhichhavedimensionless parallelwavenumbers Kx = 5, 6, regionof velocityspacein whichwe expectthereto ben = -1 and7, respectively.Only regionsof velocityspacein which electron whistler mode resonances with wave modes for are expectedelectronwhistlerwave n = -1 resonances were whichKx = 5, 6, and7 (thesemodesareincludedin Figure5). selectedbecauseonly suchresonances occurin a 1-D geomeIn l-D, sincewavespropagateparallelto the magneticfield try for whichwhistlerwavespropagateparallel/antiparallel to only, theseresonances are limited to the threewave modes the backgroundmagneticfield [e.g.,Stix, 1962], andour aim Kx=5,6, and7, all withKy= 1 (ork.•= 0). In 2-D,n = -1 is to make 1-D/2-D comparisonsof pitch angle diffusion 1011 • • , , , , , , , rates. Thestripwidthof +10a m s'1 waschosen asnarrow , Kx=4 101ø -- Kx--5 -'- Kx--'6 • ..... Kx--7 •' .-...... .... " "" - "' 10g f o Kx--8 Total 10s 10? enoughto allow us to distinguishseparateresonances with wavemodeshavingdifferentKx, whilecontaininga sufficient numberof particlesto producemeaningfulstatisticsin our calculations(typically severalhundredparticleslay within a 1-D strip and more than this in 2-D). Henceforth,we shall refer to thesethree stripsas mode 5, mode 6, and mode 7, respectively. To calculatea snapshotof the local pitch angle diffusionratefor a particularmode(henceforth kx = Kx=5, 6, or 7), overa time interval(t, t + x), we first selectall particles lying within the modeat time t. At time (t + x), we calculate the changein pitch angle (Ao• in rad) over the period x for each particlethat was in the mode at t. A normalizedlocal pitchangle (p.a.d.) rateD• fora mode kxisthencalculated I 0s as: 10s 0 , I i 2 , 3 i 4 , 5 i 6 i 7 i 8 , 9 (2) 10 wheretheaveraging{...) is performedoverall theparticles Figure 8. Collectivemagneticenergyat eachKx, summed in the velocityspacestripcorresponding to the modeof inter2 totheelectron gyrofreoverallKy,forlinearly predicted resonant growth modes dur- est,andD•n•(inrad), isnormalized ing the2-D study1. quencyfce. Our choiceof x = 20At simulationtime steps 17,196 DEVINE ET AL.' ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLER SIMULATIONS (At) representsa small fraction of an electrongyroperiod phasedependentas well as v// dependent.Mean velocity (typically 1:<1:c,/8), andwecalculate •)ekx foreach ofthe changesare small, hence individual energy exchanges threemodes, ro•ughly 3 times pergyroperiod. Thusaseries of (betweenwave andparticle)are small(basedon the average snapshots of Dekx is obtainedby choosingx to be much kineticenergyper particleof the entire electronspecies,a shorterthanthetimeintervaloverwhichwaveenergyis seen typicalelectronexperiencesa net lossin its kineticenergyof to grow (i.e., muchshorterthanan electrongyroperiod-see -1% for the chosentime period, which accountsfor the Figures4 and5 for wavegrowth).Notethatuseof a standard growthof waveenergyoverthe sameperiod).As notedearquasi-linearapproach[Kenneland Engelrnann,1966] leads lier, the wave spectrumis turbulentduringthis time period, to a diffusionratethatappliesto time periodsof the orderof and wave-particleinteractionswith sucha spectrumof ranasa stochastic an electrongyroperiod or more(overwhichthe waveenergy domlyphasedturbulencecanbe characterized is assumednot to grow significantly),sincethe equation processdescribedby a diffusionequation(see,for example, describingthe time evolutionof f(v) is Larmor-phase-aver- [Kennel& Petschek,1966] for a treatmentof pitchangledifaged.In our studies,waveenergydoesnotgrowsignificantly fusion).In our simulations,the turbulentspectrumis effecover the period 1: for which our snapshots of the p.a.d.are tively representedby a collectionof discretewave modes. calculated.Hence, althoughour p.a.d. rates are calculated However,ourresolutionof the turbulentspectrum(-5 modes over muchshortertime scalesthan wouldbe doneusinga in I-D, >10 in 2-D) is sufficientlylarge that the quasi-stoquasi-linearapproach,we shallseethatcertainfeaturesof the chasticprocess occursin ourchosenquasi-linear regime. p.a.d.arewell-described usingsuchan approach. After t = 4.5Xc•,the particledynamics becomestrongly Calculated p.a.d.rates•)akxat various timesduring the nonlinear,with much largerchangesin particlevelocityand earlygrowthperiodof waveenergyin boththe 1-D and2-D energy occurring,and our estimate of p.a.d. in localized runs of study 1 are shownin Figure 10. Figure 11 shows regionsof phasespaceis no longerapplicable.In thisnonlinvelocityspacetrajectories,in the simulationrestframe,of 30 ear regime,the 1-D wave spectrumis essentiallydominated of the particleslying within mode7 at t = 0, duringthe 1-D by one/twolargeamplitudewave modes(seeFigure5), and study1. FromFigure11we seethataftert = 4.5Xce individ- the stochasticdescriptionno longerapplies.Instead,some ual particletrajectories in velocityspaceindicatea morepro- particlesnear resonancemay become "trapped"for some nouncednonlinearbehaviour.We identify the end of the time aroundresonance,seenas oscillationsin parallelvelocperiodof quasi-lineardiffusionby inspectionof individual ity v// at a "trapping"frequencyandcenteredaboutthe resoparticlephasespacetrajectories,shownas a verticaldashed nant parallel velocity [e.g., Sudan and Ott, 1971]. line in Figure 11, andonly presentp.a.d.ratesup to thistime Oscillations in v// areevidentin someof the particletrajectoin Figure10.In ourchosen quasi-linear regime(t < 4.5x•.e), ries of Figure 11a, and may indicatethat trappingeffects particletrajectoriesare characterizedby slow variationsin becomeimportantlater in the run. At a given time, someof velocityand energy,thoughsomeparticlesmove in v space theseparticlesappearto be trapped,while othersdo not. on a muchfastertimescalethan the "bulk" of particlesover Althoughthis chosengroup of particlesare all initialized the sametime period,therebysuggesting that resonanceis with the sameparallel velocity v/l, they have differentper(a) Mode5 0.04 o.o• o •DJ o o•.• 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 35 4 4.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 (b) Mode6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 (c) Mode7 0.08 / 0'06 l- ........ x 0.04• • • X o.o• 0 • 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/'•ce Figure 10. Calculatedpitch anglediffusionratesfor (a) mode5, (b) mode6, and (c) mode7 regionsof velocityspacein 1-D (crosses) and2-D (opencircles)study1. DEVINE ET AL.' ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL x 10• i i i , ! SIMULATIONS 17,197 2x•. e, nonwhistler noisein b• renders the1-Dand2-D (a) i WHISTLER i resultsindistinguishable. 3. Nonwhistlernoiseeffectspreventusfrom distinguishing the whistler-produced p.a.d. rates in the three different regionsof v space.Sincewe haveusedmorethan 100 parti- I I I cles/cell in our simulations (almost 2.5 million total number in 2-D), andwith thenetnonwhistler noisein thecodehaving -2 0 I I I I I 2 3 4 I I I I I 5 6 7 8 beenobserved toscale to 1/Npcel 1(Npcel 1= number ofparti9 10 cles/cell), a further reduction in this effect can not be realisti- cally achieved with this or similar particle-in-cell 6 • (b) x 10•6 , i i • 'l ' i i i computationaltechniqueswithoutthe useof a noisereduction technique(s)that significantlylowersthe noiselevel. In additionto the p.a.d. calculationsdescribedabove,we havemadean additionalsetof study1 calculationsin which i 4 thep.a.d. rateD•x isinvestigated asafunction ofpitchangle • = atan(vz/Iv,l), that is, b•(c•) is investigated, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t/%e Figure 11. Individual v spacetrajectoriesof 30 particlesin the simulationrestframe,eachof whichlay within mode7 at withineachof the threemodeskx = 5, 6, and7. Becauseof thepitchangleanisotropyof the simulationelectronspecies, thenumberof simulationparticlesat smallpitchanglesis relativelysmall.This wouldleadto largestatisticaluncertainties inb• (ct) atsmallctif weattempted tocalculate b•k•(ct) usingthe simulationelectronspecies.Hencewe havechosen tocalculate D• (Ix) byusing a setof 10,000 "tracer" parti- clespermode,eachof whichis movedaccordingto the wave fieldspresentin the systembut doesnot actuallycontributeto thewavefields.Suchparticlesallowusto uniformlypopulate velocityspaceregionsof interestin large enoughnumbers pendicular velocities and positions. Hence the particles that statistical problems can be overcome. To calculate whosetrajectoriesare shown in Figure 11 all start out with b• (c•) for a particular modekx overthetimeinterval differentinitial velocitiesand positionsand thereforediffer- ( t, t + z), we firstloadthe 10,000tracerparticlesuniformlyin ent Larmorphaseswith respectto the wave fields.As a result, perpendicular velocity v•_at the centerof the mode(% = theirsubsequent phase. space motion ismarkedly different. const.),at thetime t. Theseparticlesaretagged,accordingto Pairsof valuesof D•kxarepresented in Figure10 to show theirpitchangle,intooneof a number Of5øbinscovering the thestartof thesimulation, in the1-D study1, (a) velocity% 2 v2•)versus and(b) labframeenergy (v//+ time. estimates of thepossible uncertainty in thecalculated dueto noisewave fields,noiseasdiscussed previouslymeaning any nonwhistlerwave modenot expectedto grow from a linear viewpoint.Estimatingsuchuncertaintiesallows us to identifythepitch anglescatteringdue solelyto whistlermode range{x= 0 to 90ø.At time(t + z), thenormalized p.a.d.rate is calculatedin eachbin, asin (2) but now with theaveraging beingperformedover all particleslying withinthebin at time t. To completethis set of calculations,the nonwhistlernoiseproducedp.a.d. in eachbin was estimatedin the relevantisowaves. Toestimate uncertainties inD• duetonoise inapar- tropic noise level run, therebyallowing an estimateto be ticular study,we repeatedthe simulationswith an initially madeof the p.a.d. as a functionof pitch anglein eachmode isotropicelectronf(v) to generatesimilar noise level growth kx duesolelyto electronwhistlerWPIs. rates. The normalized p.a.d. rates due to nonwhistlernoise Beforelookingat the resultsof suchcalculations,we shall alonewere estimatedfrom eachisotropicrun, and uncertain- considerthe p.a.d. processwithin one of our modesin some tiesin D• arerepresented bytherange ofvalues spanned by detailandmakesomepredictions regardingtheexpectedvarthe centersof the pairsof symbolsin Figure 10. Inspectionof iation inD• (Ix). Weshallfirstconcentrate onthep.a.d. ina 1-D geometry. Modecalculations showtheaveragechangein p.a.d.ratesin Figure10thenreveals the• following: 1. The pitch anglediffusionrate D• growsin time as a particle'swave frame energyto be conservedwithin -4% the magneticwave energyin the systemgrows.To a reasona- duringthe periodß over whichour p.a.d.ratesare calculated bleapproximation, wehavefoundD• •: B2•,whereB2•is for the 1-D study 1 (and conservedwithin lessthan this in 2the magneticwave energydensityin the system.For exam- D). Hencewe considerparticlesto move alonga diffusion ple,overthetimeperiod t = (2.5-4) Xce, thep.a.d. rate surfaceof constantenergyin therelevantwaveframeduring increases by a factorof- 1.7-2.7,whileB2•growsbya factor theperiodz overwhichp.a.d.ratesarecalculated. Denoting of-2.2. Such a result is predicted from a quasi-linear the parallelcomponent of the wavephase-velocity as v//w, approach(see, for example, Kennel and Petschek [1966], thensucha surface is described by (% - V//w)2+ v2•= const, equation(3.10)). andis a usualfeatureof a quasi-lineartreatment[e.g.,Lyons, 2. The pitch angle diffusionrate due to whistler mode 1974]. Figure 12 showsthe geometryof a mode in phase wavesis largerin 1-D thanin 2-D for t > 2Xce.By 4Xcethe space.With referenceto Figure 12, we may write the disp.a.d. rate in 1-D is roughly 10 times that in the 2-D study placementA of a resonantparticlealongits diffusionsurface (the wave energydensityin the 1-D studyis approximately as 10.6 timesthat in the 2-D studyat this time, seeFigure 4b). We have alreadyseenhow the magneticwave energygrows more rapidly in I-D, hencethis resultis not so surprising,as the p.a.d. rate scalesto the magneticwave energy.Before where (vL,c•L) are the particle'slab frame (rest frame) 17,198 R-----1 DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLER SIMULATIONS :esonance ] V-I-L ......--......... V.l.w : ß ! ßoo ßo ß .- lab o tame wavqframe : diffusionsurface o.O . : wherethevelocityVkx//R = V/ire • is takento betheresonant parallelvelocityfor the mode(kx)of interest. Often,thelimit Iv//r•I Iv. wl (notea n = - 1 resonant particle and the correspondingwave have oppositelydirected velocitycomponents alongthe backgroundmagneticfield) is takenin a quasi-lineartheoreticalapproach[e.g.,Kenneland Petschek,1966]. In thiscase,we canimaginethe originof the waveframe O' in Figure 12 beingtakenclosetowardthe origin O of the lab frame. As a result, the diffusion surfaces approachsurfacesof constantlab frame energy,the changein lab framevelocityAv is very smallcomparedto the displace- mentA along thediffusion surface ((Av)2<< A2 in(3)),and • V/ires : VLCOSO• • --• Vllw •'• Figure 12. A simplisticsketchshowingthe diffusionof a resonantparticle along its diffusion surface.The displacement of the particle along this surfaceis representedby A. Dashedlines and subscriptsw indicatethe wave frame, subscriptsL indicatethe lab frame (simulationrestframe). velocity and pitch angle, (AvL, Actr) the changesin these quantities,and (f•v,•) are unit vectorsin the directionof increasingvelocity and pitch angle, respectively.Note a ratherexaggerateddisplacementA has been usedin Figure 12 in orderthai the geometricaleffectsof the p.a.d.process may be seenclearly.Sinceall particleswithin the samemode havethe sameparallelvelocityv//= V//re s, thenwe may substitutefor a particle'svelocityvL withina mode cos b•k = ( • '• A : ) ( cosct)2( ¾kxl/ R 1 ) "•--•c e (4) Comparing(3) and (4), we seethat Av representsa correctionto the pure pitch angle diffusionapproach,so as to take into accountthe geometricaleffect of a displacement along a diffusionsurfaceof constantenergyin the resonant wave frame, that doesnot in generalcoincidewith a surface of constantlab frame energy. Such a geometricaleffect is allowedfor in the quasi-linearcalculationsof Lyons[1974], sinceno assumptionis made about the ratio Iv.r•s?v.wl. Hence we use the pitch angle diffusioncoefficientof Lyons [1974] to predict the variation in the normalizedp.a.d. rate D•nx(ct) withpitchanglect,withina givenmodekx, and ¾//res ¾L -- pure pitch angle diffusionoccurs.In our simulations,a ratio Iv.=Xv. wl• 1 is typical (as depictedin Figure 12). However,evenwith sucha ratio, at low pitch anglesthe diffusion surfaces will approachsurfacesof constantlab frameenergy, and pure pitch angle diffusionshouldbe a good approximation, that is, at low particle pitch angleswithin one of our modes(kx) we expect ct This is a geometricaleffectdueto the stripnatureof a resonantmode in v space.We wish to solvefor the variationin Actt with oc t withina givenmode.Approximately (seeFigure 12) over the full pitch angle range. This was done by using --nka_ Lyons'equation(6) for the p.a.d. coefficientD• applicable to a resonanceof a given order n (n = -1 for our interests), with a resonantwave modeof perpendicularwavenumberki (andat a givenk//). SinceLyons'definitionof thep.a.d.coef- ficient is Dn•x'-(vACt) 2/(2At) (At being anappropriate scattering time),useoftherelation v - V•x #•/cosctwithina (vAc•)• = A•- (Av):, where we are henceforthdroppingsubscriptsL for convenience. Now assuminga fixed displacementA for all particle given mode allowed the variation in our normalizedp.a.d. rateD•kx(ct) = ((Act):)/At tobepredicted foreach ofour modes. The result is b'•x •:(cocel coax - (sin ct) 2)2, (5) pitch angleswithin the mode (reasonable, sincein a 1-D geometryall particles within the same mode are resonant whereconis the real frequencyof the relevantmodekx of ahdtheconstant of proportionality in (5) contains the with the same wave mode) and substitutingfor v = vL = interest, energy of the resonant wave mode. ¾//res / COS ct, thenwe have In order to see whether the p.a.d. occurringwithin our simulationcan be describedusing the simple geometrical approachdescribedabove,we have calculatedthe predicted 2 (ac) 2= [(a)2_(av) 2](coscO 2 V//res variation in ba•x(ct) withineachof ourthreechosen reso- nantmodes,usingboththepurepitchanglediffusion approxFrom this expression,the variation in the normalized imation(see(4)) andthe full-diffusionLyons'basedequation t) using(5), therealfrep.a.d. rateD• x(ct) (see(2))withpitchangle, within agiven (5).Tobeableto predictb•kx(c modekx, canbe predicted quencyco•of eachmodekx was.taken fromthelinearlypre- dicted disl•ersion (co,k//) foreachmode(seeFigure2). Tracer-obtained resultsare presentedin Figure 13 for the p.a.d.b• x(c t) at t = 2.5Xc•. Nonwhistler noiseerrorbars have been usedrather than pairs of valuesand representthe DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL estimated uncertainty in D•k.(at) duetononwhistler noise, WHISTLER SIMULATIONS 17,199 In attempting to apply these descriptionsto tracer- calculatedfrom a set of tracerswithin the relevantisotropic obtained results forthep.a.d.• (at) inthe2-Dstudy 1,we noiselevelrun.Noteagainthatweareconsidering the1-D found that an unacceptablylarge level of noise uncertainty stud y 1.Clearly, within aparticular mode, thep.a.d. rateD•k. (~+25%)in D• (at) prevented usfromdistinguishing the decreaseswith increasingat, as we would expectbasedon either (4) or (5). For each mode shown in Figure 13, two curves have been drawn to represent the variation in qualityof the fit of eachof the two predictioncurvesto simulation-obtainedresults.A higherrelativenoiseuncertaintyin D•k.(at) is pres. entin 2-D thanin 1-Dduringourchosen periodbecausethereis a largerlevel of nonwhisD• (at) as predicted by the purepitchanglediffusion quasi.-linear tler noise in a 2-D simulation(e.g., 2-D allows electron plasmaoscillationsin more than just one fixed direction). thecurves ((A/v•,//n) 2/(Xfce) in(4))waschosen bytrial Also, ashasalreadybeenseen,the 2-D whistlerwave energy and errorto give a reasonable-looking fit to the Simulation growsmore slowly than in 1-D. Hence a longer period of results(for a particularmode,the amplitudeof the two curves time is necessaryfor 2-D whistlerwave levelsto grow suffiwas taken to be the same). From Figure 13, it can be seen cientlyover nonwhistlernoiselevelsfor this comparison, by that,in general(thoughmostnoticeablyin mode5, whichhas which time we are outsidethe chosenquasi-linearperiod of approximation(4) and the full-diffusionLyons' basedequa- tion(5). The unknown"amplitud e" of variations of eachof the largestratio Iv.r•/v. wl= 0.88 of the threemodes),at 4.5Xce(thechosenquasi-linear periodbasedon 1-D particle pitchangleslessthanaboutat< 50¸ - 60¸ , thereare not significantdifferences(within noiseuncertainties)in the agreementwith the simulation-obtained resultsof the two separate predictioncurvesbasedon (4) and (5). Recallingthat derivation of (4) useda pure pitch anglediffusionapproximation,it can be seen (Figure 13) that for pitch angles below at< 50¸ - 60 ¸ , the pitch anglediffusionwithin our threeresonantmodesis well-described by a purepitchanglediffusion approach.The pure pitch angle diffusion approximation dynamics).Nevertheless,2-D p.a.d. resultsshow the same general trendof a decreasing p.a.d.rateD• asthepitch angle at increases within a mode, consistent with D• (at)~ ( cos at)2(see(4)). Effectof Increasing15//:Studies2 - 4 As we increasethe [5//valueof the electronspecies, we observelarger averagemagneticwave energygrowth rates becomes less accurate, within noise uncertainties, in all (seeFigures14a and 15a), as predictedby linear theory.The modesabove at> 65¸ . The agreementwith Lyons' predic- averagegrowthratespresentedin Figure 15a were calculated tions(our (5)) is suchthat the predictedcurvespassthrough from the growth of averagemagneticwave energy (Figure all simulation-obtainedresults (within noise uncertainties)in 14a) in the samemanneras describedearlierfor study1 mode 5 and all but two/one in modes 6 and 7. resultsand representan averagegrowth rate of magnetic go (½) o.o'7' . Mode 7 ['__i•Yuør e•_•'; .CI• .ffc• 'i•'n ' ]_ o.o• 4 O.Ol øo 1o a,o =•o 4o •o •o •'0 8o ¸] Figure13. Variation inthetracer-obtained p.a.d.rates•. (a) withpitchangleatin(a)mode 5, (b)mode 6,and(c)mode 7 regions ofvelocity space att = 2.5•Xc• eduring the1,Dstudy 1.Foreach mod e,thedashed andsolidcurvesrepresent thepredicted v.ariation in Da• (at) basedonour(4) and(5), respectively. 17,200 DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLER SIMULATIONS netic wave energy saturates,as we would expect when (a) b•/•x•: B2 W' Strength of Pitch Angle Diffusion [=• . I ll Toinferwhether a givenvalueof O•kximplies strong or 10-• ! I i I 0 2 4 6 8 10 weak pitch anglediffusionis occurring,we will estimatethe time taken for a magnetosphericelectron to be scattered acrossa realisticloss cone, given that it movesin a region where thepitchangle diffusion rateisthef)•k•obtained from (b) our simulations. We will then comparethis time to a typical magnetospheric lossconeelectron'sescapetime, whichis the time taken for a loss cone electron to be lost to the atmos- phere in the absenceof scattering(typically a 1/4 bounce 1 period).Takinga typicallossconesizeat L- 6 as3ø [Parks, 1991], thenthetimetakenfor aninitially0øpitchangleelec- ß x tron to be scattered out of the loss cone is roughly T/.c.... (3)2/D•., whereD• = b(xk/c e (andis thencon- c ) verted tounitsoi• [deg2s -1]). A typicalelectron (tensof keV) on L shell(L- 6) has a bounceperiod TB of a few seconds Figure 14. Variationwith time of (a) magneticwave energy [Parks,1991]. We will take a typicalnormalisedp.a.d.rateof -3tad2forloss cone particles, taken frommode density (ME)inJm-3and(b)electron species anisotropy (A) D•, = 5x10 5 calculations at t -- 2.5xcein the2-D study1 (sincethep.a.d. in the 2-D studies. rate within a modeincreaseswith decreasingpitch angle,the p.a.d.ratefor lossconeparticlesin a particularmodeis a facwaveamplitude in thesystem. As we increase [•//,thetypical tor of-3-4 timeslargerthan that obtainedby averagingover parallelelectronenergyrequiredfor cyclotron resonance with all its pitch angles,and hencethis chosenvalue is somewhat one of the growth wave modesin the systemdecreases(see largerthanthe pitchangleaveragedvalue(Figure 10) for this stronger afterour chosen the magnetic energyper particleof KennelandPetschektime).Sincethe•).a.d.becomes -3 represents a lowerlimitto [1966]); that is, the magnitudeIv//I of the parallelelectron time,a valueof D•, = 5x10 the p.a.d. occurring in these studies. A scattering time of velocityv// requiredfor resonance decreases into a regionof T/.c= 7x10-5 siscalculated bythemethod described above. increasingdistributionfunctionf(v). As 13//increases, magnetic waveenergysaturates earlier Assumingthat a typical loss cone electronexperiencedthis (seeFigures14a and 15b), as a resultof the increasinggrowth p.a.d. rate for more than about 51.tsec,it would have been rates.The differencebetween 1-D and 2-D averagegrowth scatteredout of the loss cone well before completinga rates,for thesame13//value, becomes largeras 13//increases.bounce(i.e. T/.c <<TB/4), hencein this sensewe observe pitchangle diffusion. Since thevalue of D•kxonwhich Again,thesimUlation-obtained rateof growthof magneticstrong waveenergydensityat earlytimesarecloseto themeanpre- this calculationwas basedrepresentsa lower limit to the dictedby linear theory.For example, in study2, it is found p.a.d.occurringin our simulations,it appearsthat,in magnet- that •lO = (0.172 +_0.01) (.t}ce , •2D•--•(0.092+_0.025) (t}c.e, whilst the linearly-predictedmeanof the growthratesof all simulation modes lying within the growth region are 0.6 0.158(0ce (l-D) and0.123(Oce (2-D).As 13//increases, more 0.4 cyclotronresonances(n) becomepossiblein 2-D (our !-D geometryallowsn = -1 resonance only) sincetheIv//Irequired for such resonancesdecreases(into a region of increasing f(v)), and so we might reasonablyexpectmore differences 0.2 between 1-D and 2-D results. Note that the difference between1-D and2-D averagegrowthratescanbe as largeas by a factor- 2.6. Accompanyingthe increasedwave growth ! o 2D[ x o øo i i :'is I (b) rate(andhence waveamplitude as•//increases) area more .rapiddecreasein the electronspeciesanisotropy, with a lower end-of-runanisotropylevel (seeFigure 14b). Along with an increasing growth rate, the normalized p.a.d.ratesincrease as 13//increases (seeFigure16).This explainsthefasterrateof decrease in theelectronspecies ani- sotropy as •// increases. Duringthegrowthperiodof wave energy,thep.a.d.ratein 1-D is largerthanin 2-D for the same 13//value.As [•//increases, theperiodduring whicha quasilinear approachis expectedto hold shortens,sincewave energygrowsmorerapidly(andthereforewavemodesreach Figure15, Variationwith 13//of(a) averagegrowthrate¾ nonlinearamplitudes/saturation sooner).In all studies,p.a.d. and(b) saturation timestsat of averagemagneticwaveenergy ratesareseento saturate at roughly thesametimeasmag- in the 1-D (crosses)and2-D (opencircles)studies. DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLER SIMULATIONS 17,201 (a) 1D, Mode6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Study1 Study2 Study3 Study4 0.2 0.1 • o I o o I o o o I (a) 2D, Mode6 0.4 0.3 b•kx 0.2 0.1 Nm 0 m m xo m I I 1 2 x 0 0 x x 3 t/ '•ce Figure16. Normalized mode 6 pitchangle diffusion rates bakx in(a)1-Dand(b)2-Dstudies. ospheric terms,strongpitchanglediffusionoccursthrough- not exactlycorrespond to the linearlypredicted wavespectrum.This hasbeenpreviouslynotedin a quasi-linear theoreticaltreatment by RouxandSolomon [ 1971], andearlyonedimensional electronwhistler-instability simulations[e.g., Discussion Ossakow et al., 1972].The dependence of pitchanglediffusionratesonwaveenergyseems reasonable froma quasi-linWehave examined howaninitially anisotropic velocity distribution (T, > T/l) may lead to the growthof whistler ear viewpoint[e.g., Kenneland Petschek,1966]. The usual theoryof resonant diffusion[KennelandEngelmodewaves,and the subsequent pitch anglediffusionof quasi-linear negligiblewave growth-rates/amplielectrons via electronwhistlermodewave-particle interac- mann,1966] assumes tions.Our key resultswere:(1) As waveenergygrows,the tudes(¾-• 0). Often, real wave frequenciesare assumed anisotropy of the resonantelectronspeciesdecreases, and muchlessthanthe electron cyclotron frequency (co<<coce waveenergyshiftstowardslowerfrequencymodes(gener- [e.g., Kennel and Petschek, 1966]), which allows for an of purepitchanglediffusion.Neitherof these ally withoutreachingthe lowestresolvedwave modein the approximation arecharacteristic of thesimulations presented here simulation). (2) Wavegrowthratesbecomelargerasthe [5 conditions arebotha significant valueof the resonant electronspecies increases. (3) Larger (growthratesandreal wavefrequencies average growthratesareobtained in a 1-D geometry thanin a fractionof coc•,seeFigures2 and3). Nevertheless, at early 2-D geometry, thedifference increasing as[5increases, being stagesin the simulations, resonant particlewaveframeenerlargerbyupto a factorof- 2.6forthestudies weperformed.giesandthevariationof thep.a.d.rateasa functionof pitch anglewithina resonant regionof v spacesuggests thatresoas magnetic wave energy Bw grows, approximatelynantparticlesdiffusealongsurfaces of constant energymeasD,kx o•B2•.(5) During theearlywavegrowth stages of the uredin the wave frame,with a pure pitch anglediffusion studies, pitchanglediffusion ratesarelargerin a 1-D geome- descriptionsufficingbelow pitch anglesabout at< 50ø. It try,by upto a factorof-10. (6) For thechosen parameters,thusappears thata quasi-linear description of thep.a.d.procstrongpitch angle diffusion of electronsvia WPIs occurs essseemsreasonableduringthe early stagesof the simulathroughout. (7) Duringthe earlywavegrowthstagesof the tions,duringwhichwave energieshavenot grownto large studies, resonant particlesmoveon velocityspacediffusion nonlinearamplitudes.Later in the simulations,when the surfaces of constant waveframeenergy, withthepitchangle wave spectrumhas becomedominatedby a single largediffusion for suchparticles beingconsistent with thequasi- amplitudewavemode,particletrajectories indicatethatnontheory of Lyons [1974]. (8) Pitch-anglediffusionrates lineartrapping of particles maybeoccurring. Analysisof parincrease asthe [5valueof theresonant species increases. (9) ticle trajectoriesand a studyof trappingin the nonlinear Laterin the run,particletrajectories suggest thatnonlinear regimeof the simulations havebeenperformedand will be trappingof resonantparticlesby large amplitudeelectron reported in a separate paper.Sucheffectsmayplayan imporwhistlermodewave(s)maybe occurring. tantrolein the overallsaturation of waveenergyseenin the The effectof the shiftof magneticwaveenergytoward simulationstudies.We do notexpectsucha saturation mechlowerfrequency modesis thatthefinalwavespectrum does anismto be too importantin the magnetospheric problemof out our simulations. (4)Pitch-angle diffusion rates/5,• have been found togrow 17,202 DEVINE ET AL.' ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL pitch anglediffusiondue to whistlermodeturbulence,since wave lossfrom the wave-growthregionbecomesan important factor in determining saturation,and our simulations havenotmodeledsucha loss.However,a simulationstudyof trappingeffectsmay prove to be of someuse in situations wherethe wave-particleinteractionsare coherentandnonlinear (as opposedto the quasi-linearturbulentcasemore usually treated),which may play somerole in the generationof magnetospheric VLF triggeredemissions,as reviewedby Matsumoto [ 1979]. WHISTLER SIMULATIONS conesink consideration is purely to allow the robustness of our resultswith respectto particle loss to be evaluated). Effectsof waveenergylossat the simulationboundaries on the evolutionof the instabilityare less clear and are suggestedasfuturework at the endof the discussion. Nevertheless,sincethe quasi-linearaspectsof our simulationresults aretakenfromtheearlypartof the simulation (first4-5xce electrongyroperiods), duringwhichtime we do notbelievea greatdeal of wave lossfrom the simulationregionwould occur(basedon the linearlypredictedwavephase-velocities, Our simulationparameterswere chosento be of interest the transit time of a whistler wave across our simulation box to theproblemof whistlermodewavegrowthfrom andpitch being-8-9 xce),wedonotfeelthequasi-linear aspects of our anglediffusionof anisotropicenergeticelectrondistributions resultswould be significantlyaffectedby a boundarywave usedin thesestudies). that are injectedinto the nightsidering currentregionunder loss(for theparameters an enhancedcross-tailelectricfield duringmagneticallydisAn understanding of the magnetospheric problemoutturbedtimes[e.g.,Ashour-Abdalla& Cowley,1974;Krernser lined abovehas relevanceto an understanding of the diset al., 1986]. Our study1 parametersarerepresentative of the turbed time aurora. Recent interest in the pitch angle plasmapause regionon the nightsideduringgeomagnetically diffusion due to electron whistler WPIs has also been in the disturbedtimes.Note a rather large anisotropy(temperature questionof which wave modesare responsiblefor the elecformingthe diffuseaurora.It is nowgenerratio T.•/T# --4) was usedto overcomenon-whistlernoise tronprecipitation levelsinherentin 2-D electromagnetic particle-in-cellsimula- ally acknowledged that the precipitationof electronsforming tions(T.•/T# -- 1.5- 2 appearing to be moremagnetospheri-thediffuseaurorais unlikelyto be a resultof pitchangledifcallyreasonable [e.g.,Krernseret al., 1986]).Higher[5value fusion due to electron-cyclotronharmonic wave-particle studies([5 from approximately 4 to 30) containan electron interactions,sinceobservedelectricfield strengthsare too speciesof unrealistically large [5 valuein magnetospheric i lowto account fortheobserved intensities of lowenergy(less termsand were madeto investigatethe effectsof increasing than10 keV energies)diffuseauroralelectrons[e.g.,Belmont [5onthephysicsof theinstability.Sincethe 1-D/2-D simulationspresented herecovera wide rangeof parameters (electron temperature,backgroundmagneticfield strength),they are alsoof generalinterestto a linear and nonlinearunderstandingof the whistlermodeinstabilityandelectronwhistler wave-particleinteractions. In all simulations we found,for a given initial electrondistributionand backgroundmagnetic field(given[5 value),the timescalefor pitchanglediffusion in a 2-D geometryto be greaterthan that in a 1-D geometry (lower p.a.d. ratesin 2-D), therebyindicatingthe needfor inclusionof both parallel and obliquepropagatingwhistler wavesin a 2-D geometryfor a propertreatmentof the wave growthandelectronpitchanglediffusionassociated with the electronwhistlermodeinstability.Our resultsalsoshowthat, duringthe wave growthperiod of the instability,the quasilinear pictureof velocity spacediffusionalong surfacesof constantwave frame energy[e.g., Lyons,1974] to be valid, even when growth-ratesare not negligible,severalwave modes(both parallel and oblique) are growing simultaneously(2-D wavepropagation)andrelativelylargereal wavefrequenciesexist.In addition,even whenthe ratio of wave- et al., 1983; Roeder and Koons, 1989]. Johnstoneet al. [1993] (hereinafterreferredto as JWLH) haverecentlyproposedelectronwhistlerwavepitchanglediffusionasa candidatefor the precipitationmechanismof low energyelectrons (<10 keV) into the auroral loss cone. In JWLH, a "diffusive equilibrium"modelwas employedto representthe continuousprecipitationof electrons,in whichwave growthfrom an unstable loss cone distribution of electrons balances wave losses,and electroninjectionat largepitch anglesbalances electronprecipitationthrough the loss cone. This model requiresboth a lossof wave energyand particlesfrom the interactionregion.Our simulationsweredesignedto investigate nonequilibriumsubstorm-injectedelectron distributions,ratherthana lossconedistribution,haveno absorption of wavesat the boundaries,and are thereforenot directly applicableto JWLH's paper.However,we believethereto be two resultsfrom our simulationsof interestto JWLH's proposal.First,our simulations showthatstrongpitchanglediffusion (in magnetosphericterms) of resonant electrons havingenergiesbelow 10 keV canoccurvia electronwhistler wave-particleinteractions. The electronsresonantwith mode 7 in our study1 (seeFigures10 and13 for thepitchangledifphasevelocity(%) to resonant electron parallel-velocity (v#res) is notnegligible <lv, I 1 typicalhere),a pure fusionratesof mode7 resonantelectrons)have minimum resonantenergies 1/2 meV/Ires 2 = 3.9 keV, beingresonant witha whistler wavemodeat a frequency 0•= 0.670•c•.Wavemode pitch anglediffusiondescriptionof velocityspacediffusion appearsto be appropriatefor pitch angles below about c•< 50ø. The simplifications presentin our simulations, relative to the magnetospheric problem,need to be borne in mind.Our simulationswereessentiallyperformedin a closed box (periodicboundaryconditions)from whichno particleor waveenergylossoccurs,and in whicha discretesetof simulationwave modesare allowed.As outlinedat the beginning of the paper, our resultsare not found to be affectedby includinga realisticlossconesinkfor particlesat theboundaries of the simulationbox, sinceso few simulationparticles fall within a realisticlosscone(typically-5 o for the plasma sheet;note our simulations are not loss cone driven, the loss 7 is a linearly predictedgrowth mode in our study 1, and althoughit is not the dominantmodein the wavespectrum, it containssignificantmagneticenergyover the chosenquasilinear time period (see Figures5 and 8). Significantwave energy at such relatively high wave-frequencies(say 0•> 0.50•c•)allowsthepitchanglediffusion of electrons having energiesmuchlower than consideredin the past(where 0•<<0•c•wasthe usualassumption [e.g.,Kenneland Petschek,1966]. This is heavily stressedin JWLH, in fact, it is vital for the pitch anglediffusionof low energyelectronsto occur.Our simulations showthatit is possibleto causestrong DEVINE ET AL.: ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL WHISTLER SIMULATIONS 17,203 pitchanglediffusionof low-energy(<10 keV) electronsvia Hardy, D.A., D.M. Walton, A.D. Johnstone,M.E Smith, M.P. Gough, A. Huber, J.Pantazis,and R. Burkhardt,Low-energy suchWPIs, providedthereis significantwave-energypresent plasma analyzer,IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 40(2), 246-251, overtheresonantfrequencyrange,andhencea consideration 1993. of the wave data is necessaryin proposingelectronwhistler Johnstone,A.D., D.M. Walton, R. Liu, and D.A. 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