GEOPHYSICAl, RI:œSI:,AI<CI I 1.}œrl"l'll!RS, V()l,. 28, NO. 2, I•Aœ;11!S 219-222, JANUARY 15, 2001 Particle-in-cell simulations of the lunar wake with high phase space resolution Paul C. Birch and Sandra C. Chapman Space and AstrophysicsGroup, PhysicsDepartment, University of Warwick, UK Abstract. The processby which the wake infills was consid- The evolution of the lunar wake in simpli1 fled geometrycanbe simulatedvia a I•D electromag- eredanalyticallyby Ogilvieet al., [1996].The observed netic particle-in-cell code. By using a sufficientnumber of particles per cell, we are able, for the first time, to resolvethe full phase space dynamics of both electrons and ions. This simulation begins immediately downstream of the moon, before the solar wind has infilled the wake region, then evolvesin the solar wind rest frame. The electrons immediately begin to move into the void but are trapped by two potential wells, thus generating vortices in phase spaceon both sidesof the wake, between which counter-streamingelectron beams interact. Ion beams are generated after the lighter electrons have moved into the void, creating a two-stream distribution which mixes in phase space due to the potentials created by the electron two-stream instability. Other structures are also evident. consistent with both WIND The simulations observations counter-streamingion beams set up a two-stream distribution in the centre of the wake, thus creating an instability. Once the instability has reachedits saturated state, the beamswill begin folding in phasespace and eventually produce a monotone-decreasing distri- bution. A simplesimulationof a plasmavoid [Farrell et al., 1998]produceda descriptionof the lunar wake, consistentin some respectswith the observationsmade with WIND at 6.5 RL. Due to the number of particles per cell usedby Farrell et al., [1998],only the ion dynamics were studied in detail. Ion beams were formed and subsequentlydisruptedby the two-streaminstability. A density rarefaction wave was also produced,as predictedand observed by Ogilvieet al., [1996]. We presentresultsfrom a similarlygeometricallysim- are and the results of earlier electrostatic simulations which focus only on the ion dynamics. ple 1•1D kinetic simulationof the lunar wake, but with significantlymoreparticlesper cell,therebyfully resolving both ion and electronphasespacestructureand dynamics for the first time. This enables a more complete 1. Introduction The solar wind flows past the moon, resulting in a wake structure behind it. Since the moon comparisonwith the WIND observations,in particular includingthe full electrondynamics.Resolvingthe electron dynamics also allows a more completeunderstanding of the ion dynamics. has no magnetic field or ionosphere,the particles that collide with the moon will be absorbed 2. and removed from the distribution. Directly behind the moon there will be a void in which no solar wind particles are present. Following the WIND spacecraft's encounter with the lunar plasma wake on December 27, 1994, a number of descriptions of the structure and dynamics of the wake have been produced. Observations by WIND showedmany characteristicsof the wake at about 6.5 The Particle-in-Cell Simulation The simulation was produced using a thoroughly 1 tested,selfconsistent, fullyrelativistic,collisionless lid particle-in-cell(PIC) code.In suchsimulations, the ion and electron distribution functions are representedby a collectionof superparticles. These "superparticles", alongwith the electricand magneticfields,can exhibit both full ion and electron kinetics. The velocities of the lunar radii (RL) downstream. These include significant ion and' electron depletions,increasedelectron "superparticles"and the fieldshave vectorcomponents temperature, counter-streamingion beams and rarefac- in three dimensions,but are a function of one configu1 and time. Knownas I•D simtion waves travelling away from the wake. Also de- ration spacedimension, tected were a number of electromagneticand electro- ulations, since V. B__- 0, the component of B along static waves [Ogilvieet al., 1996;Bosquedet al, 1996; Owen et al., 1996; Kellogg et al., 1996; Farrell et al., 1996;Farrell et al., 1997;Bale et al., 1997;Bale, 1997]. Copyright 2001by theAmericanGeophysical Union. the simulation is constant. The number of superpar- ticles directly determinesthe phasespaceresolutionof the simulation, here we use - 2500 per cell compared with - 40 per cell in Farrell et al., [1998]. Figure 1 showsthe geometryof the simulationwhich is similar to that usedby Farrell et al., [1998]. The simulation box begins directly behind the moon, perpendicularto the solar wind flow (-X direction)and parallelto the IMF (Y direction).A higherdimensional Papernumber2000GL011958. 0094-8276/01/2000GL011958505.00 219 220 BIRCH AND CHAPMAN: PIC SIMULATIONS Vconvect B •/SW -X OF THE LUNAR WAKE hind the moon, along the X axis. The initial void has begunto infill by 7 RL. A rarefactionwavetravelling awayfrom the wakeis evidentfrom t = 0 movingat the ion soundspeed,as predictedby Ogilvieet al., [1996]. Two high densityregionscan be seento form on both edgesof the wake. By examiningthe electricpotentials calculated from the electric field data, it is apparent that two potentialwellsform on either sideof the wake, -2 ISimulation slice trappingthe majority of the electrons(seeFigure3). Figure 1. Simulation geometry. The potential wellsare dynamicand quasi-periodically allow electronsto escape,resultingin the increasedelectron densitiesmovingaway from the wake or towards the centre that can be seenin figure 2. These clumpsof electrons travel faster than the electron thermal veloc- simulation would be required to describethe lunar wake when the IMF is at oblique angles,and bulk flowsother than in the solar wind flow direction as the simulation is performed in the rest frame of the solar wind with zero convection electric field. The IMF will pass almost unaltered through the moon since the moon can be assumed to be a perfect insulator and therefore no currents can flow to changethe field. The simulation then begins with a void in an otherwise Maxwellian distribution of ions and electrons which mimics the removal of solar wind particles by the moon. Full shadowingis ity sinceit will be the most energeticelectronswhich escapewhen an edge of the potential well is lowered. These perturbations in electron density also appear in the electricfield (not shownhere). The phasespace of the electrons showshow the potential wells capture the electrons and confine them to the two regions in the wake (Figure 4). Initially, the electronsmovetowards the centre of the wake, setting up the two potential wells. Note that these potential wells are selfconsistent:trapping the electronswhich set them up. Thesewellstrap all but the mostenergeticelectrons;the appropriatesincethe electronand ion gyroradii(95m latter form two streams at the wake centre. This twoand 417m) are significantlysmallerthan one lunar ra- stream distribution is unstable and subsequentlybegins dius (•1738km). Possiblecrustalremnantfieldswhich to mix in phase space, generating phase space vortices are of the order of the IMF at the lunar surface are ne- glected in this simple 1D simulation. As we move with the solar wind, simulation run time can be equated to a distance behind the moon, effectivelybuilding up a 2D picture of the wake, provided the IMF and solar wind flow remain constant. We choose an ion to electron mass ratio of 20 in order to evolve both ion and electron dynamics. This alters the simulation's ion plasma frequency and ion thermal velocity. Since the actual solar wind velocity is 25 times the ion thermal velocity vthi, the simulation also requires this relationship. Thus, the distance behind the moon is given by, X = Vconvt,where Vconv= 25vthi and and creating more potentials which trap the electrons. These vortices grows as more electrons are captured, eventually coalescingwith each other. The asymmetry is due to the nonlinearity of the fully evolved electron two-stream instability, resulting in one of the vortices dominating the others. The characteristic ion time scales are significantly longerthan the electrontime scales,due to their higher mass,so the ion dynamicsevolvein the presenceof the electric potentials created by the electrons. The potentials exclude all but the high energy tail of the ion distributionfrom the wake;theseform ion beams(Fig- ure4). After160•;e1 or 7 RL,theionbeams meetin t is measured in plasma periods, a•e1. Thisisequiva-the centre of the wake and flow past one another. This lent to X - O.0437RLt where t is in plasma periods and RL is the radius of the moon, i.e. half the width of the void. In reality, vtne> I/cony> Vt,,i; this may affect the magnitude of the potential and effectively rescales X = Vco•vt. With periodic boundary conditions, the simulation run time is limited to the time for the most energetic electrons toreach theboundaries andis103•;e1witha createsa counter-streamingion beam distribution as de- tectedby WIND [Ogilvieet al., 1996].The beamsare subsequentlydistorted, howeverhere this is not due to the ion two-stream instability, but is controlled by the electric potentials created by the electron two-stream instability. The timescalefor phase mixing due to ion two-stream instability wouldbe • 6 x 103a3•e 1 in our simulation. This processdoes not have su•cient time 2048 grid cell simulationbox (grid cell = Debyelength, to thermalize the ions in our simulation. Fluctuations in AD) and a void of 256ADin the centre(corresponding ion density with correspondingfluctuationsin electric to a boxlength of 214.5electron gyroradii, 8.4•). field (not shownhere) are alsofound travellingaway Largervoids(up to 512AD)havealsobeenconsidered. from the wake structure close to the ion sound speed and the ion thermal velocity. These coincidewith times 3. Results of the Simulations Figure 2 showshow the electron density evolves.The age of the simulation slice is equated to a distance be- when the ion beams exit the wake. Further simulations have been carried out using a larger initial void. Rather than a 256ADvoid as shown here, a 512At• void was used. With this alteration, the BIRCH AND CHAPMAN: PIC SIMULATIONS OF THE LUNAR WAKE 221 0.5 -2 -4 ....... 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 -X (RL)= V cony 30 35 40 45 xt Figure 2. Electrondensityevolutionshowsdistancealongsimulationbox Y(Rz,) againsttime (distancebehind moon)X(Rz,) with densitynormalised to the ambientsolarwind density.The simulationbox extendsto -F8Rz,. electronsstill moveinto the wake,then set up two potentials at the edges,the samesizeas previously.Then the samecounter-streaming electronbeamsare set up, howeverthere is more spacebetweenthe edgepotentials, allowingmorephasespacevorticesto be generated by the electrontwo-streaminstability. These vortices grow and coalesceto fill the wake. The ion beam evolution againis controlledby the potentialgeneratedby the electrons.Giventhat the moonis about 3.5 x 10sAD in diameter, one would expect many phasespacevortices to be generatedbetweenthe two edgepotentials, which grow and coalesceto fill the wake. 150w• in thesimulation. Figure5 shows thesimulationafter150w• whichcanbe compared withthe data from WIND; in particular, figure I in Ogilvie et al., [1996],whichshowsplasmaand magneticfield parameters observedduring the lunar wake crossing. The simulated ion density is in good agreement with the WIND data given the caveat that the solar wind ion density dropped while WIND was in the wake, whereas the simulation stant assumes ion and electron that the solar wind densities. WIND Electrons 4. Comparison has con- also detected Ions of Results with WIND Observations The WIND spacecraftpassedthroughthe wakeabout 6.5 RL behind the moon, which can be equatedto about -5 5 • • 0 E-5 5 o '-' ."=---5 2 -•- 0 o 5 > 0 0 -2 4O 2 Y(R L) -2 0 -X(RL) -1 0 1 Figure 3. A stackplot of electricpotentials(in unitsof Y(RL) eV) calculatedfrom electricfield data, plottedagainst distancealongsimulationbox Y(RL) and time transformedto a distancebehind the moon X(RL), begin- Figure 4. Cut in electron and ion phasespace;plotted are positionsalong simulationbox Y(R•) againstve- ningat 40u•t - 1.75Rz,, thenevery50w• - 2.19Rz,.locitiesalongsimulationbox(vy, in unitsof 10dms -•), The simulated obstacle is •1400 times smaller than the moon, so that the total potential drop is substantially less in the simulation. beginning withthetopplotat 0• • - 0R•, thenevery 100w•- 4.38R•.Ionvelocities multiplied byV•. 222 BIRCH AND CHAPMAN: PIC SIMULATIONS OF THE LUNAR WAKE 100 ß Dynamics of the ions are governedby electric potentials created by the electrons. 10-2 ß Only the most energeticions enter the wake, creating counter-streamingion beams. ._ z • "-'" 1 02 In comparison,WIND detected:i) ion and electron rarefactionwaves,ii) exponentialdensitydecreases from the wake edgeto the centre,iii) counter-streaming ion beamsin the wake, iv) increasedelectrontemperature in the wake and v) electrostaticand electromagnetic 10• '7 • E ß Increased electron temperature in the wake. Te 1 waves in and near the wake. 0 Variations in solar wind parameters while WIND was passingthrough the wake highlight a limitation of these i $$1 $ i i simulations. The anglebetweenthe IMF and solarwind -2 -1 0 1 2 flow varied between5ø and 60ø, with the magnitudeof Y(RL) the IMF also changing. This comparesto the simulaFigure 5. Simulationresultsat 6.5 RL showing:Ion tions where the angle is constrainedto be 90ø and magdensity(normalisedto the ambientsolarwind ion den- nitude constant. In order to simulate more closelythe sity), ion / electrontemperatures (unitsof 103K)and solar wind parameters during WlND's encounter with ion speed(unitsof 106ms-l), plottedagainstdistance the lunar wake, and other conditions, two dimensional along simulation box Y(RL). For comparisonwith simulationsare being undertaken. WIND data, in particularfig. 1 in Ogilvieet al., [1996]. Acknowledgments. This work was funded by PPARC and HEFCE and included usageof the GRAND and CSAR the rarefactionwaves,in agreement with the analytical T3E approachby Ogilvieet al., [1996]andwith simulations. facilities. The observedand simulatedtemperaturesare in rea- References sonableagreement. The electrontemperaturerisesin the wake accordingto both WIND and the simulations. Bale, S. D., et al., Evidence of currents and unstable particle distributions in an extended region around the lunar WIND foundthe electrontemperaturepeaksnear the plasma wake, Geophys. Res. Left., 2•, 1427-1430, 1997. centrewhereasthe simulationscan resolvepeakswhere Bale, S. D., Shadowedparticle distributions near the Moon, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 19,773-19,778, 1997. the phase space vortices are created. The observedion temperaturesare difficult to comparesincethe ion dis- Bosqued, J. M., et al., Moon-solar wind interaction: First resultsfrom the WIND/3DP experiment,Geophys.Res. tribution at this time is essentiallytwo beams.The ion Left., 23, 1259-1262, 1996. distributionsampledby WIND clearlyshowscounter- Farrell, W. M., et al., Upstream ULF waves and energetic streaming beams, which we also find in the simulation. electrons associated with the lunar wake: Detection of precursor activity, Geophys. Res. Left., 23, 1271-1274, 5. 1996. Conclusion By usinga highresolutionsimulation,weareable,for the first time, to fully resolvethe electronphasespace dynamicsand thus obtain a morecompleteunderstanding of the ion dynamicsin the lunar wake. This yields Farrell, W. M., et al., Electrostatic instability in the central lunar wake: A processfor replenishingthe plasma void?, Geophys. Res. Left., 2•, 1135-1138, 1997. Farrell, W. M., et al., A simple simulation of a plasma void: Applications to Wind observationsof the lunar wake, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 23,653-23,660, 1998. more complete comparisionswith WIND observations. In the high resolution simulationswe find: Kellogg, P. J., et al., Observationsof plasmawavesduring a traversal of the moon's wake, Geophys.Res. Left., 23, 1267-1270, 1996. ß Ion and electronrarefactionwaves(alsosimulated Ogilvie, K. W., et al., Observationsof the lunar plasma wake from the WIND spacecraft on December 27, 1994, by Farrell et al., [1998]). Geophys.Res. Left., 23, 1255-1258, 1996. C. J., et al., The lunar wake at 6.8 RL: WIND magß Two potential wells on both edgesof the wake, Owen, netic field observations, Geophys. Res. Left., 23, 1263trapping the majority of the electrons. ß Time fluctuations in the potential correlatedwith the release of bursts of electrons from the wake with associated E fluctuations. ß Electrontwo-streaminstabilitytrappingelectrons in the centre of the wake. 1266, 1996. P. C. Birch and S.C. Chapman, Spaceand Astrophysics Group, Physics Dept., University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK. (e-maih (ReceivedJune 27, 2000; revisedSeptember6, 2000; acceptedSeptember20, 2000.)