Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel Appointment..jV ****** l.l Dated Shimla-171 002, the ~ April,2010. NOTIFICATION The Governor, Himachal Pradesh, following Himachal Pradesh Administrative is pleased to ~der that the Service/Himachal Pradesh Secretariat Service Officers shall retire from Government Service on attaining the age of superannuation, on the date(s) shown against their name(s):- ["sf-r r'4ame·ofthe Offlcer··-·-_· --"-~- ~N I I ! HPAS Offi<:ers I I! i 1. i - I I 2. ! 0 __ -"~- ! I I I 3. I I •• - _ •••• ---~-_.----_ •• HPAS, ~--_.---- •••• -r-:;'" Dr. K.D. Lakhanpal, HPAS, \ - _.- .--.'.- _._~ ,:10.04.1953 ;30.04.2011 - - I I I i i I 103.04.1953130.04.2011 i Additional I ! I ._-_- I Shn Dhruv'Vashlst, ! Retiremt:n 't . Director of Transport, Himachal ! Pradesh, Shimla-4. . __ ~_ I B'rth I I !- -- --i-~-·_·;-_·· -.... ! ··.----rOate- .. oirDate --- of I I Director, Urban I Development, Himachal P~deshJ I Shimla-171002. II !" I I i I I· 08.05.1953 I 31.05.2011- i i I i 4. Shri Amrit Lal Sharma, HPAS, Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Kullu, I DistrictKuilu,H.P. Shri Baldev Oa5$Sharma, HPAS, I 08.04.1953 I 30.04.2011 I ____ Corporation, Hamhpur,. h_'amirpyr, H.P. Secretary I HP Ex-Servicemen . i Iii District! 1 I I I I I f j I HPSS Officers 1 I ;--1.-iShr(Sonan LalKaund~l,HPSS, .117.11:1953 30.11.2011 j ! Deputy Secretary (Forests. P&S) to ! . : i i : 2. I___ I 3. j f-. -4. tt~e Go~t..:of HP,_S __h_i._m_l_d_-_2_. ~I ~ ~1 ! Shri Moti Lal Sharma HPSS,· ! 15.07.1953 31.07.2011 ! Under ~cretary (Personnel) to the i ; GO'v1. HP. Shimla-2. i' 4----. __of ._'.______ i Shri Gian Dutt Sharma, HPSS, ! 26.01 .1953 \ j Under SecretaiY (Tech. Education)! to the Govt. of HP, Shimla-2. .; Shri Siler Singh ChaUdhary, 1 07.02.1g;::..,3 HPSS, Under Secretary (AH & IT) to ! ___ L~~_C?ovt. o!HP, S~imla-2. _-.l. - -.j Contd.P; (2) 15.- l'shri Raghu-Nath-Thakur, HPSS: .--, 25.68:t953 \ 31.08.2011 : t ! ! I I r-s:- : I ; I. I -1. I I I Sr. Pvt. Secretary 0/0' Hon'ble : Education Minister, Himachal:' ! Pradesh, Shimla-2. ! I Shri. Oharam Prakash Verma, I' 29.09.1953 I 30.09.2011 HPSS, Sr. Private Secretary 0/0 Additional Chief Seeretary=cum-FC 1 . I (Revenue) to the L__-J_~.!llmla-rt.1902. i 7. I I t Govt. 'HP,! of I --------- ---I ~ i Smt. ManJeetKaur, HPSS, I 25.11.1953 ! 30.11.2011 I \ J I Sr. Private Secretary 0/0 Pro. II I ! Secretary (Tourism & Civil Aviation) ! ! i to the Govt. of HP, Shimla-17'1 002. I I ' I I AshaSwarup Chief Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Endst. No. As above .. Dated Shimla-171 002, the - 2"1 1" April,2010.' Copy forwarded to:-: ' 1. All the Additiona! Chief Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla-171 002. 2. AU Principal Secretaries/Secretaries to the' Govt. of H.P. Shimfa-171· 002. 3. All the Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. . 4. The Director of Transport, Himachal Pra.desh, Shim!a-171004. 6. The Director, U~ban Developrrtent, . Palika Bhawan, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-1710Q9. 6. The Director. Samik \rVetfare, Hamirpuf, District Hamifllur;HimachaJ Pradesh. 7. The Accountant General (Audit), Himachal Pradesh, 'Shirma-171 003. 8. The Sr. Deputy Accountant General (A&E),'HimachaIPradesh,:Shimla-3 .. 9. The Additional Secretary (SAD)/Deputy SecretaF)'(SA;.A) to the Govt. of H.P., ~hi I -1710t1?· '. ;:,.. m.a .. . __ . 10.AU the Officers concerned for favour of information. 11. The Estate Officer. Directorate of Estates, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2. 12. The Controller (F&A) Department of Personnel, H.P. Sectt. ShirnJa-171 009. 13. Personal files/Spare copies/Guard filEt fL,-j' Joint Seeretary(PersOnneJ) tO,the Go~ernme~ Him~chalPradesh. -- .