GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH FINANCE( REGULATIONS) DEPARTMENT No.Fin(C)A(2)1/87, Dated Shimla-171002, the 21~ecember,2010 NOTIFICATION ; For other items ' expenditure under SOE- "Advertising and Publicity", the existing delegation to the Admin strative Department vide Notification as referred to above shall remain same. Department will en ure that expenditure is incurred within the budgetary provisions. The above orde~ shall come into force with immediate effect BY ORDER Principal Secretary(Finance) to the Gov!. of Himachal Pradesh. No. As above. Dated Shimla-17 002, the 21st December,2010 Copy to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Principal Secretary(T urism) to the Gov!. of H.P. with 5 copies. The Director, Tourism an Civil Aviation, H.P.Shimla-9 with 5 copies. The Accountant General( udit) H.P.Shimla with 10 copies. The Sr. DAG(A&E) H.P.S imla with 10 copies. All Heads of Departments in H.P. All District Treasury Offic !Treasury Officers in H.P. The Section Officer, Fina ce( Exp.) Wing, H.P.Sect!. Shimla-2. Guard File. Deput Govtj ..~. ary(Finance) to the chal Pradesh.