Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel Appointment---t . No. P~r (AP) AS (3)-10/20.07 NOTIFICATION In Notification exercise partial modification Rules; inserted dated 28-05-2014, extension Horticulture 30.06.2016 department's for Government of' Himachal ,Not,ification No.Fin(C)-A(3)-2/2013 the Governor, Himachal in service of Sh. a of period and in in her under rule 56 (dd) of th~ vide Pradesh Finance Department's grant this No. Per (AP) AS (15) 4/2013 dated 12-11-2014 of. the powers vested Fundamental of Pradesh is pleased to Gurdev one-year Singh, Director w.e.f.01.07.2015 of to or till further orders. P. Mitra Chief Secretary to the Goverhment of Himachal' Pradesh. 9~a'nuary, 2015 .. Endst. No. As above Copy to:1. The Additional Chie'f Secretary (Horticulture) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla. 2. The Director of Horticulture, HP,Shimla-171002. 3. The Sr. AG (Audit) HP Shimla-3. 4. The Sr. DAG (A&E) HP Shimla-3 . 5. Sh. Gurdev Singh, Director of Horticulture, Himachal Pradesh. 6. The Controller (F&A), Department of Pers~nnel, HP Secretariat, Shimla-2. 7. The Treasury Officer, Capital Treasu]J' S..·. imla. '. . 8. Guard file. , . . .. ~ Additional Secretary (Personnel) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh