&pvernma*t *f l{lmscfu *X Wxa&*xh ?e*kx,!**l &dal*att*aa V*eat A*w*,Z & I*drx*trlal ?r*9ae*xg S*" tr*tr{{"e}S{*}IAlpOtS t}ated:*!r [l*partm*ct txaz\***, *?zx "&*ke $$frrIeerI0iY c)n the r*cr)rnmandation of ttre lltparrair-r"i,*i F.i**n:*ti*r: fr:::rruljtt**, t}:e (}*verr:or, H*rach*al Fracl*sh i* pieesed t* *rder trrrr11161i6,-, ih* of the folJo*'ing Head of Ilepar-tni**ir i.if rliff*r*nt di*r:ig:linr* t* thc pc*ts Frir:cipal {F*lvtre}:::i*s}, ula:Ea-f i6a:ett*d} in tLr+ jlalr scal* of Fl..*. l5Sflil-39100+BTCO G"p. nri r.*guier basis fi*:n {he de"l* *f j*ining a-x Frincipar {F-..ri.rrtg*hnir:i *.I .i.r. piace e,f crf ,-,nqii:-rrl,- $r. IName & Designatiorr No" snrl ,J !! 4 nine;h e Iglg,"q-ri! Engg). Smt. I'{eena Guleria. HOD{Continr:pi.inr. QI:ri Puneet Mahaie"n, Htf Df Corrrnuier I Sf,ri D,R. sha HOD{Compurer Hnr Shd-$5glei IJpFsl, Hop(Cc 'ipurer Iirtrrr Eg,esi _l '2' These oflis:ers will rernain on probation fr:r a per-iorl of {\r.'{} }'ears fr$m the clate of joinirrg arrcl will aicr t:e *r:ritled to e.xerr-:jsr: option hr fixation of pay und.er the provisi';::g of F,R. ?? '*-'ithin a period of one.month from the clate of issue of thi* order. 3. The covernor, Himachal pradesh is furi]:*r pi*ae*d to *:eier the posting of ti:ese principals a_q ilfrder. in ih*- pubiie ir, tei'e st:Place of Poetlng I I Si:ri Dinesh $harma .$nit, Meena Guieria. Shri Funeet I Shri D.R. Sha Shri Neeraj Uppal oor't=oiiteril.rc ili;ra Gcvt. Polytechnic l{nllu - Giir.t. Palvtechnic Fi:nuaur Gcvt. Polyterhnir: Sahil: --ru,?.: Covt. Folyt*c1-,nir Lafiaul Sp-itj at 1i1* &hOiI* *fficrr* v;i11 bry t:ttxr;"ivr prrsL trt 1l:*ir n*11' Bl"&"trf,* *f p*sting*' Ti:r Fr*:::*1i*i1 ill .l ,i&i,- ,:f ;*ir:.!;:g ii-:t trrsrs.u a::e slrbject i* fin*l *1:tt'JJt}* *' T?:ns* t-]:-*ra{ri;{rl1s &:rurre r ,;'ir'"''i:l?i i'{4*4;j:CI*S- tii-iti{ Lr-'}E}: Raj Rana Vs Stat'r: sf }"{'tr}' lr ffiY &x&xu Fri**lP*t &ecr*tary {f,S} t* t&* Govt. sf Hlmache! Pra{P*h *rq*st $er" &s &kove, Ested: Shirrrl* ar*t - ''i. 301d S J&'{ '8, i tci:" fr:r irrfrrr:tratir:n afii1 n'llt*$s8-1'y gc"ion i* fcrwarcl*<l -tfr* Prir"ciXral Acfflii*tilnt rirq*rsl (Auditi. HP, $hln:lc-1?i003' ;iTi:eAccountantGt:rr:rr:'l{A&l!*},HF,Shirnla-17I0*3' T**hriir--al lirlucati*n vocati*xal & lndu*-rri*-l Tr*inirng' HP $'iinrl*rnagar! Iiisl"t' I-{arT di- 1 7440 i' 4. The Prirtcipa-i, sov*rriiner:t Polytechnic, Ka:rgra/ Kriltr"l/BilesFi'lf Laha.ul- $piti/ chajm}:al Sun*erna6er/ Kinnar"rr/ ;; Facnta-sahi h/ 3. Thr pirecter, Hanrir Pur / JNCEC .$u:rctcrnagar' 5. Shri Dirr**h sharrrtn, Ii$D .*, 7. {Ek:*troni*s 8i, Telee'lm Engg}, Govt' Folytechnic Chamha (l Ii))" t--iovl" Foi3'tnchnic ,Bnrt. kleena *uI*rra, IlflD {e*ntinuatiot: Sdu), $unclerr:agar-, Dintt Mandi (l iF)' $hri Lurtctt M*ir*ja-[, IIOD (Computer EnEE]' Glrvt' P*lytec]rr:'ic Harnirpur (HP). I *!rri D.R. Slta-rnra, Il{iI-J (Cornputer Enggi, JN *avt Eugineering ilollege Sundcrnagar, I)istt Mandi (HP)' g. $trri Neerqi Upprt, IIOD (Computer Engg)' Gor't' Folyrechnic Sundernagar, Distt. Mnnrli (l'lP)' iii. Persolral file of concrtrtri:d oflicers' I l1,Guard file, li 4h, (B.RJ tf,trftur] Under EecreT+ry {TEl to the Garrt. of, lllnaeehal Fr*dorh Phone-S17?-GS38478 ' **rr*rralt:e*t <pf klj;r*axh*,L Wtx& **b, ?*sla:ri*a! &du*xtl*r: V*ea&{xza*} & : $az*t:ptr€a! ?ral*irag *epartra:*i:t F ,l.., ptuys;g'gllslkSl* ; **3* n*aed; Skimlx-**u tk,* ;i ki *,'rt; {L' l'i vA o,",j\ t& "?*axxxy * X{324 ry*rus!$ereq$ 'i.lre Hir:atl"ial pr*-d*sh .i* pie*-sr.ei i,* *r*i*r :!:t i:il:'Lcfrir"iJ'"*hri R.l.i. Shar&-r&, F:ii:rcip*J "+,,rth t?A,.,._:T ir.c;n **yi. JJ'ri',1*,-l:rri': Ha,ngra rc ti*vt. F*i3t*chni; ,$ur:qjrrr:.sg*:- vi** 3:ni, rrinita .{,''.':, F::r:*ix*-l ar:d flrnt t"ri::ita &qra, Frin*ipai is fxril:sr u::;*f*:y** r-* fro:,.*:.r"ior., Fclvtr:r:hni* Eila*p-:. *gain*t r.-a;efi.t prrt -t,ir}: j*r:n*lilat* effe*; ii: r-tiIii- tiitt:ie$t r-.l11't. ': Slrri R.!i, $lha:.,,:* and $,rrt. !,{nita A{r*, FTir:u:paLs ,-i:r*0.:lr.:r.t to reF*r-t f*r d'*r;; ai tir*ir ggy,' p-r]gr* *f i:c:arir:g alrri s,:-*mil -;,-:!i:l.rg r*i:ort rr: the thia r,fflce. BY GSE]}ER Fr. Saqret*ry {Teeh"&du,} to thc sxdst. f{*.&e s,be*e Dated: *nr*rf-?lernrnent crrp'i' .i#ffi;}#,*ffi1ff* fsi infrx-rrr*tir:rr ru:d rrce*sary action is forrva:-rleri to ;- I 3 ;Aff gffu I T.he Fr. Acco,"rutar:.t iiener-al {Aurlii), Hp, *Ehimia-i?ift03 ,1. The Ac;ourlrsrir $en*ral(A&Ei, H.F, $himla-I71003. .1. '1'li* Direct*.r, Technic*l Eclucation Vocaiic:nal & Inrtusm-la-l Tlaining, H.P. Sundernagar-, Distt. hlzurdi-I74401, The Frinripal, Govt. Frlytechnic, Kfirgre, Distt l{angra(HFi. :,. 5. Th* Frincipal, Goi'r, Folytechnic sundernag*r, Distir,tan,-{i litF;. lr. Sh. R.li. $hrurna, Princip;r1, Govt. Polytechnic Hzurgra ilip). i Sml. \':nita Ar3ra, Friircipal, Govt. Po1yter:hnic Bilaspur, Camp ai FIa:tlrp:.rr, HI). .9. P+rEorral fite ctf concer:rerl oflicers. (j iiLrttrd fiie. 4^*, (8.R. $if,[.ur] Undet Sccretnry {Tech.Edu,,} t* the Sovernrnent of Hlnaaehal Fradnsh Plrone"OI77"e6?,*4f e