g ' i7 o' +o 3E'; (rg @ - .:;r. Ei.,.z Fi !e w**F&) N o.(r--1 : ffiiTA S{AFR/ o41 / al / zo1 4-g.E'.rl.pl. TITEd GOVERNMENT OF INDIA qtsEk+q qfe}erur dqfl qq;E grena OF SECRETARIAT TRAINING & MANAGEMNET gr2n aN ISo 9 00 1 : 2 0 08 I NSTITUTI oN) {-;rr5',."r931 e001 :2008 iNSl'i'IU]'E / znflrq; ir.i ufe]8Tu-t fre+m / Departrnent of Personnel and Training q'qil-fi,fis'.<,rizR aoiordo (g{rarl qfu€-{ /AdministrativeBlock,JNU[oLD)Campus 3rffiq rrr+i amt, a* ffi-t1oo5z 'l-elephirireii / otor Palme Marg, New Delhi - ig}Irt{: AL1.-26L05592 Telefax/ tdfh-m: 1-1,0 067 01,1-261,041,83 Eaizn, ""-$ % + kqz-Er, zorq e-* u, ^-!' g{qtrl h gaft aiqrf,qzfus{ra &Trla €R?jrR fi esfr ,)Ti-l;i ^'\ +rn.r s:r{I h rq fr{rrqs qq lnt$a &TR?{ i'r-r.q-R d; H-E-q mTsiaq rOrd-qr qfrerfr, ;r$ F"m qan-€-a gffi $cfr-+€zl oTqiaq *r:lfIrrrr-lra Fr.orq,,mfiaB-m 8lr+' sq-*,a 1l,J-:-i .fttq,ii-{ ((r3m frsrrrr) BEg, q.ru TdtlliT(dR-fl\r€') urqe-*a €"JTy,l gr5qil-ffi ilqI wE ${r3ii q{ 5;rd ((r(rfi-(rfl) qfc}erol I HEiqq €fr-fl. .T 1.fi{,41,., ijelr lrcsr E-fErd, flfi{-fi q?i qfle}stur Blrpr & 3{sffa (r.F garq olqfilq *pepifi-uarra) qi-.crq-6-JT aEi mru *-{B{t q1 i;ild (arr4ufl) qfal*tut sro*s3h? ir, 6-r sn*aa mrar H r qR8'zmfrs EMi, 3Eslr4' 3Tfr6ik$i, '/irlmor -{rOr,qq.,} f,?{I 5dh T{,Im'qT enffii fi frC id;rim 08.09.2o14 d fr6WUra' q"5r+oi7,;i;,1,;,;r,.i;i 2r.10.2014 A]f; 'diir, liirr3fi w ry{}Id qaq-fi-fl zFT 3Ir*ffI Enqr 4q[ aIl. t *-{f, og qfreTrmi * qrdrlqtff d rip; t?.r; t ;rt q-qq $qT:il rl.: ll.jr,q;Fr dt?{Qr: i qrdqfr-fl 61 3fl-*f,a. Brtzn z3-o?-2o1s S t3-o3-2015 E".5 fuqr ar rcr r ilr;q,;r,i-f aI, Fnr alaih-d fiTffBa 6Ti Fd (,zF qla-Isflt qft!-{ q-6il fr alff ftn{Tr fi cT geni a?dl itqri.f r;';i d-qn'r{e; q{ 3Tqf,tg 6{ ftq rTqr t. | {n fr zF-dI arfi'rq,"l q-tua gT ftt{-$fr ori-uT ITqq-€"ti1 ,fi ::.;i1 ;j;sT}Id ar?-rr ];aa miE t-o qaq?i-ff mr :ir*s-a a-fr .F.t gTrII rzlFffl qiff,T sET Ll-n :m,r g-rnzir di qfr&rTfut fr fr(' qfalqTrr mTd-fi-fl qf,T;il aTr"{d Aerr sltftcn ?. q-qcI qifl"-ir .i.{ r-cl?r \Tfa-IeTuT t ili t i Ttfl[crat ffi eru zjl.t", :;tis]Fl drn t trT . .E / FILE NO:A-33041tl/2014_ltSTNi STrGr TI{fi,R /GOVERNMBNT OF'INDI;I TrFfdaq cfiIqrq inn ftta?r itana INSTI.I.UTE oF SECRETARTAT TRAINING & MAN,,\GEMENT rsn$(f'ffit 900r :2008 drqr l AN IS0 900 r :2008 -r I NST. ! U.TION) fifihi, r,d grrErETUr fuIr' / DEPARTMENT OF'PERSONI*I,]i-, & .I'RAINING csr*frfr aara, r.*.'fu. q$Tr) / ADMrNtsrRATrvrE Br_ocK. JN, cAMpus (oLD), -3ltilitF' crda ,rrr'[', + fu* fi0067/oLoF,'AL]\{E MAR(;. N'ir\/ DELHI _ n r0067 {rfirqi TIiLEPHONE ry -0ll-26105592; }#hfir/ FAX - {}r l_26t04183 fr-dlqr ,JlJate; o4th Dec.. ,2014 To All Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of rnoia AII Attacfl-red Offices of the Govt. of lndia The Conrptroller and Audito, C.n.rrf All Union Territory Adminisirati*; ' of lnrdia, IJr:w 1. 2. 1 5. 6. p",,..,, Al Duoordrnate Offices of the Govt. of lndia, All Autonomous Bodes/pSUs State Govt. (AR Deptt.) 7. sub: Training course on Basic course Advanced clourse on rvlrnrg;;;;-t Management services (BMS) and S"il;;" {AMs) Sir/Madam, lsrM, an attached office under Dopr, conducts ccurses on Management services viz' Basir: course on Management Services ancl Advanced course on Management services' The Basic course on Management services was held from 08th september, 2014 to 21;-o;i*n,"'irr'ro for Jr. Anarysts/section ;ffffiT:1"ffiT:il"JResearch Assistance and the equivareni onry 0e 2' An Advanced course on Management services (Alvis) is scheduled to be herd from 23'd February,2a15 to ledrirrr[r..,,;;r;'A Training circurar inviting the nominations for the course has already been issuer] and uploaded on ISTM website' Due to row response in in" prrt, rsrM either ccurd not conduct or had to postpone this Elasic and Advanceo wtanagement seruices course. participaiir,r,,o be er misa,ocationRunning of both "f ffiff;"JffiJ1,":ffJ:::.b"; I 3. ISTM has organized about 53 AMS courses an* ;:ii BMS Courses fron 1965 to 1997 when the Ministries/Departments used tc ltarre a cedicated lnte:'nal Work Study Unit. Presently, in most of the Government offices either Work Study Units do not exist or their work is being looked after hyr tl-,e 615"r" administration and establishment units. It is also understood thai tire conipletion of BMS Course has been a criteria/conditional requirement in the Recruitment Rules for promotion to higher grades. A review of these courses is riow being examined. Therefore, all Mini:itries/Deptts. etc. are requested to exarurine their requirement of such courses in future. They may also intinrate whether the . criteria of completion of suclrr courses continues to be a requirem*nt in the recruitment rules for promotion. 4. An early response in this regard would be highl',, appreciated. This would facilitate ISTM to arrive at a considered decision bzlsed cir your inputs given its commitments towards optimum utilization of its resource$. Yours faithfully ?n .fi rft l} '' fli*^',-4 (H. Covind\' Deputy Directoi Copy to: 1. 2. 3. Director (A), Deptt. of ARPG , sth Floor, Sardai' Fatel Bhawan Deputy Siecretary (Ms. Nirmala Dev), Staff lnspection Unit, sth Floor, 'A' - wing, l.-ok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi 110003 Deputy{iecretary, (Sh.R. K. Kureel), Room rro ?25C, Deptt. of Expenditr-ire, M/o Finance, North Block, New Delhi I 3. Htrtrfi q$ rte: +i rggg crm's-q airorqtzBen-qi S'qrs r.o sBffia 3{iafrfi mr$ $tqqa (rcrm. g3ril +-{dr 2fi. i{rt8{7T s3 (rrETe-s qr.dq-m-fi aerl 8t a\,a('fl qrdffi-ffi 6-1 3rr*f,a o-* gort i q-&iila *i, :rtg-cn-d{ qq,r,rit 6T-st!-di di qr d o'rS :+sq-tra ucno' F+c*na ;rfr t $rrET Ttr6l- 6t* 3t;q qelrfi-r freI TeIIrt;n \$-qii Etti fu-qr UI {6r t t q-6 sfr $rrflr arar H t+. ff('dT('*. qrrrf,ia'61 rzirtr{ trs ;:i q"ffi h frq erff fr $lffra aErrs qrt sfr t r ga urqe-m-df frr +rtrqrl ry at qta*or foqT si w t r rra' os{t }iTerqizfusTrat 3{rfr t 3r{itr t fu A r+fi q-o fa qes-m-rri .Fr sTfti-ur a :rrqqq+-ar anr rrftqlor of I i W sfr {fr-d o,t Pa erqr qaffi fr frr' S q-rcrqr[-+T] mt W u:;;] gqql rrq-{s o-+r g:n H gqr qr[dr t + Eertrd rnr si:"iz(E 5rrqiJT s-r* ffl €sqd 6r qRE-f,dT h'arfa.;r{ {s riEicr ii qfiq q-agcff &ti I $-fl$ Flrq-{i .u :rnr$ uTLE qq-at }' :ncrn w gffit-a ffi:f A-i nt gfrqT tffi r smffi F{ 1 ) 'B-*qrq; ,i.-rrrd,fuI ftarrrT, 5qi -nr ,.,g,rx ilil, grar q1-f, raa, -g ft,""ff r e.Flq ffiar tql, Fem g;qf+rn qRe, 5q-TafPi, r,.fdq, nfi6 a;+cn rda, ;r$ aF.fr 1to oo3 rq ef-Tq isi jTR fi +-ft), qrsa egqr- zzs S, eqq fta+pr, frFa aill ".iiaj, e$ frx-S r dTffi, "- #rtt4-+ (('{. rilfria) sq frecFn' qfrfrft- /),