Government of Himachal Pradesh Technlcal Education Department No. EDN(TElBl6lLl2O13 Dated:Shimla-2, the lott' SePtember, 2OL4 Notificatlon In partial modiflcation to this Department's Notificatlon of even no. dated 31.01.2014 and in exercise of the in her under Rute 56(dd) of the Fundamental Rules, lnserted vide Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance powers vested Department's Notification No. Fin(cl-Al3l-2 I 2O13 dated 28.O$.2OL4, the Goveinor, Hlmachal Pradesh is pleased to grant extension ln senrices of Shri P.K. Sharma, HOD(Applied Sciences & Humanittes| for a period of one year w.e.f. O1.09-2014 to 31.O8.2O15. By Order K. SanJay Murthy Ptinclpal Secretary (TE) to the Government of Hlmachal Pradesh Endst. No. As above, Dated:Shimla-2, the 1Ou' Septembet, 2OL4 for lnformation and necessa_ry. ac_tion to:copy -i. forwarded tt principal Accountant General(Audit), HP, Shimla-3. " General(A&E), HP' Shimla-3' 2. The*A,ccountant Educatlon vocati6nal & Industrial Technlcal 3. The Director, Training, HP, Sundernagar' Distt Mandi (HP)' 4. The Controller, Printing & Statlonery, HP, Shlmla-5' 5. The Prlnclpal, Govt. Polytechnfcp) Kandaghat, Distt Solan(HP). 6. Shri P.K. sharma, HoD(Applied sciences & Humanities), Govt. Polytechnic (W) Kandaghat, Distt Solan (HP)' 7. Personal file. 8. Guard file. Government of Himachal Pradesh