DIRECTORATE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, VOCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING, HIMACHAL PRADESH, SUNDERNAGAR H.P. N* - a1 -u1 Dated: ]:1-8 orrreE 4{ e)BpER On the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee, the ing Senior Assistants in the Pay Band-3 of Rs. 10300-34800 plus Rs. 4400 Grade Pay arc I reret:y prornoted to the post of Superintendent Grade-II in the Pay Band-3 of fr"r {.). lo I 1 0 300-34800 s; pllts Rs.4800 Grade Pay on regular basis with immediate effect and posted in ilhre Institutiorrs as shown against their names: I I li !1, 5tr. I 1 i I i- Present Place Name of the official 5r -t Lel<tr Rirn, of lPostino sentor le;; sr.,amsni- Place of posting on promotion Govt" Polytechnic, Utiaipur lQ-e 3 ;i Smt. Dev Kali, Senior I Govt. ITI, Solan Aqq!st91t Sh. Paclam Chand, 5 Ass_istant .-. _ (Sg) Senior _ Smt, Reeta Rani, Senior 6 i O p_ a l_l NQEI,_S-14 gle-q qq 9 a 5rttt. Cltander Karrta, Serrior I Govl. ITI, Govt. Polytechnic, Barrikhet Asqip!p1,"[(Sc) , lE_r]qqqlrylqla 5l'r. Arnan Luthra, 5enior I Covt. fri. frf afig-irh--- clraeri of poitins srriii /_ Govt. B. Pharmacy, r) ue issqqQ sqpqt?!ely._ Govt. ITI, Bilaspur Go;t.- B. Phaimjcv,' nohioo- - Rohroo Govt. ITI, Saliana Assista nt I I I 15 str. B;ti R;m fh;tiui, aenioi Assista rr Govt. IT1, Mandi Directorate of Teclrnical t Slr. Ram Prasad Sharma, Govt. ITI, Shimla Senior Assistant r1 I ".'. ]U l I I I I -'a Aqs!rlqr! (AS) 5 h. Na ra irr S ing h, Sen ior Covt. ITI, SolJn Govt. Polytechnic (W), Kandaghat Aqslst41t (SC) Snrt,, Cl-rarrcler Rekht, Seiiioi Govl. Polytechnic, l1 i"! $h. Onkar Chand, Senior Assistant 5tr. Ashok I(umar, Senior Govt. ITI, Rampur Go;f.-ifi; cnumarwl; - Kaqgla Govt, ITI, Jawali Itrssista nl" .t I I ! $h. Balwant Singh, -cicnior ] Directorate Directorate of Assista nt Education, Teclrnical Education, i l-1. H. Technical P., Sundernaqar' P., Sundernagar I t- -l-lre above officials shall be on probation for a period of 02 years. Ttre above offi<-ials are hereby directed to join their respective place of posting within one rnonth [ir-,tr l-lie issu;rttr-e of this pronrotiorr orcJers, failing whicl'r it shall be presumed that the official i:; nr.,t r,arillirrg to join on promotion & it shall also be treated that he/she has forfeited the ;rrr:rrioLiorr ancl next official in the senioritylpanel shall be pronroted. >4- Director Technical Education Vocational and Industrial Training Himachal Pradesh Contd.P/2 Ericjst. No. Copy srv(IE )HB(2)7/olr-promotio nttct**-r#fi6q * %u."0, to:- 27-Q{ 1. The Drawing action. 2. The Director/Principal, Govt, B. pharmacy, Rohroo & ABVGIE&T, Pragtinag ar, H.p. for information and necessary action. & Disbursing Officer of this Directorate for information ancl necessary 3. The Principal, Govt,. polytechnic, Kangra, (w)Kandaghat, Banikhet and Govt. Polytechnic, Udaipur (Camp at JNGEC, Sundernagar),- H.p. for information and necessary action. 4. The Principal, Govt, ITI, (f.13115hi, Dharamshala, Nalagarh, Shimla, Jawali, Chamba, Nahan, Rampur, Ghumarwin, Saliana, Bilaspur, Solan Jnd Mandi, t-t.p. for information and necessary action. 5. P.A. 6. The above named officials (By Name) for information and necessary compliance, 7. P.F. of the above officials for record. to Director internal for information and record. B. Assistant E-2 & E-3 of Establishment Branch for information and acLion. necessary TechnicaT Eciucation Vocational and Industrial Training Himachal Pradesh .%r^*'t-