jftLVMZ ua0 HP/13/SML-2008- jkti=] fgekpy izn's k fgekpy izn's k jkT; 'kklu }kjk izdkf'kr f”keyk] eaxyokj] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 fgekpy izns'k ljdkj vf/klw p uk f'keyk&171002] 6 vDrwcj] 2008 la[;k ,y0,y0vkj0&Mh0¼6½&18@2008&yst--—fgekpy izns'k ds jkT;iky] Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn 200 ds v/khu iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fnukad 4&10&2008 dks vuqeksfnr fgekpy izns'k izkbZosV rduhdh vkSj O;kolkf;d 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk ¼izos'k dk fofu;eu vkSj Qhl dk fu;ru½ fo/ks;d] 2008 ¼2008 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 15½ dks o"kZ 2008 ds vf/kfu;e la[;kad 16 ds :i esa lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn 348¼3½ ds v/khu mlds vaxzsth izkf/kd`r ikB lfgr fgekpy izns'k jkti= ¼vlk/kkj.k½ esa izdkf'kr djrs gSaA vkns'k }kjk] vorkj pUn Mksxjk] lfpoA 1149&jkti=@2008&7&10&2008 ¼4189½ jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 4190 fgekpy izns'k izkbosV rduhdh vkSj vkSj Qhl dk 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 O;kolkf;d 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk ¼izos'k dk fofu;eu fu;ru½ vf/kfu;e] 2008 /kkjkvksa dk Øe /kkjk,a % 123456789101112131415- laf{kIr uke] foLrkj vkSj izkjEHkA ykxw gksukA ifjHkk"kk,aA izo's k dk fofu;eu] Qhl dk fu;ru vkSj vkj{k.k djukA izo's k ds fy, ik=rk ekin.MA lhVksa ¼LFkkuks½a dk vkcaVuA lhVksa ¼LFkkuks½a dk vkj{k.kA Qhl fu;e djukA mYya?kuksa ls fuiVus ds fy, fØ;kfof/kA 'kfLr;kaA jkT; ljdkj dh funs'k tkjh djus dh 'kfDr;kaA dfBukbZ;ksa dks nwj djus dh 'kfDrA ln~HkkoiwoZd dh xbZ dkjZokbZ ds fy, laj{k.kA fu;e cukus dh 'kfDrA 2008 ds v/;kns'k la[;kad 1 dk fujlu vkSj O;ko`fÙkA 4191 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 2008 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kad 16 fgekpy izns'k izkbosV rduhdh vkSj O;kolkf;d 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk ¼izos'k dk fofu;eu vkSj Qhl dk fu;ru½ vf/kfu;e] 2008 ¼jkT;iky egksn;k }kjk rkjh[k 4 vDrwcj] 2008 dks ;Fkkvuqeksfnr½ fgekpy izn's k jkT; esa izkbosV rduhdh 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa vkSj o`fRrd ¼O;kolkf;d½ rduhdh 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa esa izo's k dk fofu;eu djus vkSj Qhl dk fu;ru djus rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr ;k mlds vkuq’kafxd fo"k;ksa dk micU/k djus ds fy, vf/kfu;e vf/kfu;eA Hkkjr x.kjkT; ds mulBosa o"kZ esa fgekpy izn's k fo/kku lHkk }kjk fuEufyf[kr :i esa ;g vfèkfu;fer gks %& 1¼1½ bl vf/kfu;e dk laf{kIr uke fgekpy izn's k izkbosV rduhdh vkSj O;kolkf;d 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk ¼izo's k dk fofu;eu vkSj Qhl dk fu;ru½ vf/kfu;e] 2008 gSA 1956 dk 3 ¼2½ bldk foLrkj lEiw.kZ fgekpy izn's k jkT; ij gSA ¼3½ ;g 30 ebZ] 2008 dks izo`Ùk gqvk le>k tk,xk A 2- ;g vf/kfu;e fuEufyf[kr dks ykxw gksxk %& ¼d½ dsUnzh; ljdkj }kjk laof/kZr vkSj vuqjf{kr ls vU;Fkk fo'ofo|ky; ekus tkus okyh laLFkkvksa ;k jkT; vf/kfu;e ds v/khu LFkkfir fo'ofo|ky;ksa ;k bldh ?kVd bdkbZ;ka(s vkSj tks rduhdh O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd f'k{kk iznku dj jgh gS(a vkSj ¼[k½ fdlh fo'ofo|ky; ls lgc) izkbosV lgkf¸;r ;k vlgkf¸;r rduhdh O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk,a] tks fo'ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx vf/kfu;e] 1956 dh /kkjk 2 ¼³½ ds v/khu LFkkfir dh xbZ gSAa laf{kIr uke] foLrkj vkS j izkjEHkA ykxw gksukA jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 3bl vf/kfu;e es]a tc rd fd lUnHkZ ls vU;Fkk visf{kr u 4192 ifjHkk"kk,aA gks]& ¼d½ Þlgkf¸;r laLFkkÞ ls dsUnzh; ;k jkT; ljdkj ls ;k lgk;rk vuqnku ;k foRrh; lgk;rk dk laforj.k djus okyh dsUnzh; ;k jkT; ljdkj dss fu;U=.kk/khu fdlh fudk; ls iw.kZr% ;k Hkkxr% foRrh; vuqnku ;k lgk;rk izkIr dj jgh izkbosV rduhdh laLFkk vfHkizrs gS vkSj blds vUrxZr vYila[;d laLFkk Hkh gksxh( ¼[k½ ÞlkekU; izo's k ijh{kk ¼dWkeu ,UVªl VsLV½Þ ls rduhdh ;k o`fRrd ikB~;Øe ¼dkslZ½ esa izo's k ds iz;kstu ds fy,] jkT; ljdkj }kjk] jkti= esa vf/klwpuk }kjk izkf/kd`r fdlh vfHkdj.k }kjk ;k ,slh vf/klwpuk gksus rd jkT; ljdkj }kjk lapkfyr izo's k ijh{kk vfHkizrs gS( ¼x½ ÞQhlÞ ls izo's k ds fofHkUu izoxks± vFkkZr~ lkekU; lhVks]a izcUèku lhVksa vkSj vfuoklh Hkkjrh; dksVk ds fy, vè;kiu Qhl vkSj fodkl izHkkjksa lfgr leLr Qhl vfHkizrs gS( ¼?k½ ÞlkekU; izoxZÞ ls jkT; ljdkj }kjk fofgr jhfr esa Hkjs tkus ds fy, vkcafVr] izcU/ku izoxZ dh lhVksa ¼LFkkuks½a dks NksMd + j] laLFkk ds fy, eatjw LFkkuksa ¼buVsd½ esa ls lhVsa ¼LFkku½ vfHkizrs vkSj foof{kr gksx a h( ¼³½ ÞizcU/ku izoxZÞ ls laLFkk ds izcU/ku ds fy, vkcafVr eatjw LFkkuksa ¼buVsd½ esa ls ml }kjk lkekU; izo's k ijh{kk }kjk voèkkfjr ikjLifjd ;ksX;rk ¼b.Vj&ls&eSfjV½ ds vk/kkj ij fu’Ik{k vkSj ikjn'khZ jhfr esa Hkjs tkus okys LFkku vfHkizrs vkSj foof{kr gksx a (s ¼p½ Þrduhdh ;k o`fRrd ¼O;kolkf;d½ ikB~;ØeÞ ls bUthfu;fjax] QkesZlh] ukWu bUthfu;fjax esa vuqeksfnr o`fRrd ikB~;Øe ; k O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øe ;k rduhdh f'k{kk dk dksbZ vU; jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 ikB~;Øe vfHkizrs gS tks ml ikB~;Øe dks fofu;fer djus okys lEcfU/kr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu ekU;rk izkIr ;k vuqeksfnr gaS( ¼N½ Þvfuoklh Hkkjrh; Nk=Þ lss fons'k esa jgus okys Hkkjrh; ukxfjdksa ds izfrikY; ¼okMZ½ vfHkizrs gSa rFkk ftUgksua s fons'k ls vgZrk ijh{kk mRrh.kZ dh gks( ¼t½ Þvf/klwpukÞ ls leqfpr izkf/kdkj ds v/khu jkti= esa izdkf'kr vf/klwpuk vfHkizrs gksxh( ¼>½ Þjkti=Þ ls jkti=] fgekpy izn's k vfHkizrs gksxk( ¼´½ ÞizkbosV rduhdh] O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkÞ Lks ,slh laLFkk vfHkizrs gS tks dsUnzh; ljdkj] jkT; ljdkj ;k la?k 'kkflr iz'kklu ;k dsUnzh; ;k jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vfHkdj.k ;k ifjdj.k }kjk LFkkfir u gks ;k laof/kZr u gks ;k pykbZ u tkrh gks( ¼V½ ÞvgZrk ijh{kkÞ ls lEcfU/kr dkuwuh izkf/kdj.k }kjk rduhdh ;k o`fRrd ikB~;Øe ds izFke o"kZ@l= ¼lseLs Vj½ esa izo's k ds fy, fofgr U;wure ik=rk vgZrk ;k blds led{k vfHkizrs gS( ¼B½ Þeatjw LFkku ¼buVsd½Þ ls jkT; ljdkj }kjk izkbosV bUthfu;fjax ;k O;kolkf;d laLFkk esa izR;sd ikB~;Øe esa Nk=ksa ds izo's k gsrq dqy eatjw dh xbZ lhVsa ¼LFkku½ vfHkizrs vkSj foof{kr gkasxh( ¼M½ ÞjkT;Þ ls fgekpy izn's k jkT; vfHkizrs gS( ¼<½ ÞjkT; ljdkjÞ ls fgekpy izn's k ljdkj vfHkizrs gS( vkSj 4193 4194 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 ¼.k½ Þvlgkf¸;r laLFkkÞ ls lgk;rk izkIr u djus okyh izkbosV bUthfu;fjax ;k O;kolkf;d laLFkk vfHkizrs gSA izos'k dk 4¼1½ jkT; ljdkj izkbosV rduhdh] fofu;eu] laLFkkvksa esa izo's k gsrq fofHkUu izoxks± ds fy, izo's k dks Qhl dk fu;ru vkSj fu;r djsxh vkSj vkj{k.k djsxhA vkj{k.k djukA O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd fofu;fer djsxh] Qhl ¼2½ jkT; ljdkj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd fdlh Hkh laLFkk esa lHkh izoxks± ds vUrxZr izo's k fu’Ik{k vkSj ikjn'khZ jhfr esa fn;k x;k gSA ¼3½ jkT; ljdkj] lfpo ¼rduhdh f'k{kk½ dh v/;{krk essa ,sls lnL;ks]a tSls jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf/klwpuk }kjk fofufnZ’V fd,a tk,a] ls feydj cuus okyh ,d izo's k vkSj Qhl lfefr ¼ftls blesa blds Ik'pkr~ ^lfefr^ dgk x;k gS½] jkT; ljdkj dks izo's k nsu]s vkj{k.k djus] lhVksa ¼LFkkuks½a dk vkcaVu djus rFkk Qhl dh jhfr dh flQkfj'k djus ds fy,] xfBr djsxhA ¼4½ jkT; ljdkj izo's k vkSj fujh{k.k djsxhA Qhl lfefr ds dk;Zdj.k dk ¼5½ mi/kkjk ¼3½ ds v/khu xfBr lfefr vkSj blds lnL;ksa ds fucaèku vkSj 'krs± le;&le; ij jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf/klwpuk }kjk fofufnZ’V dh tk,axhA ¼6½ ;fn jkT; ljdkj dk lek/kku gks tkrk gS fd fdlh laLFkk us bl vf/kfu;e ds fdlh micU/k dk mYya?ku fd;k gS rks og] ;FkkfLFkfr] fgekpy izn's k fo'ofo|ky; ;k vf[ky Hkkjrh; rduhdh f'k{kk ifj’kn~ ;k jk’Vªh; O;kolkf;d izf'k{k.k ifj’kn~ ;k jkT; O;kolkf;d izf'k{k.k ifj’kn~ ls ,slh laLFkk dh ekU;rk ;k lgc)rk dks izR;kg`r djus ds fy, flQkfj'k dj ldsxhA jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 ¼7½ jkT; ljdkj laLFkkvksa esa izo's k dh Ik)fr esa lq/kkj ykus] laLFkkvksa }kjk Qhl izHkkfjr djus vkSj fdlh vU; ekeys] tks Ik)fr ds fuckZèk ifjpkyu dks lqdj cukus rFkk f'kdk;rksa dks nwj djus ds fy, vko';d gks]a dh ckcr leqfpr dkjZokbZ] tgka dgha vko';d le>h tk,] djsxhA 4195 ¼8½ lfefr dk dksbZ Hkh dk;Z ;k dk;Zokgh dsoy bl dkj.k vfofèkekU; ugha le>ha tk,axh fd lfefr esa dksbZ fjfDr gS ;k mlds xBu esa dksbZ =qfV gSA ¼9½ dksbZ Hkh O;fDr tks izkbosV lgkf¸;r ;k vlgkf¸;r laLFkk ls lg;qDr gS izo's k vkSj Qhl lfefr dk lnL; cuus ds fy, ik= ugha gksxkA ¼10½ izo's k vkSj Qhl lfefr dk lnL; ;fn ,slk dksbZ d`R; djrk gS tks jkT; ljdkj dh jk; esas lfefr dk lnL; cus jgus dh n`f’V ls v'kksHkuh; gS rks og mldk lnL; ugha jgsxk % ijUrq lfefr ds ,sls fdlh lnL; dks lquokbZ dk volj fn, fcuk gVk;k ugha tk,xkA ¼11½ izo's k vkSj Qhl lfefr jkT; ljdkj }kjk bl ckcr vfèklwfpr fofu;eksa ds vuqlkj Lo;a viuh izfØ;k fojfpr dj ldsxhA ¼12½ izo's k vkSj fofu;eu lfefr fdlh izkbosV lgkf¸;r ;k vlgkf¸;r o`fRrd ¼O;kolkf;d½ 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk ;k ekus tkus okys fo'ofo|ky; ls] fofgr rkjh[k rd ,slh lwpuk] tks lfefr dks] ,slh Qhl] tks laLFkk }kjk izR;sd o`fRrd ¼O;kolkf;d½ ikB~;Øe dh ckcr fu;r dh tk ldsxh] dk fu/kkZj.k djus esa leFkZ cukus ds fy, vko';d gks] nsus dh vis{kk dj ldsxh vkSj bl izdkj vo/kkfjr dh xbZ Qhl ,slh vof/k ds fy, fof/kekU; gksxh tSlh jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf/klwfpr dh tk,A 5¼1½ izkbosV rduhdh] O;kolkf;d ;k Ok`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLa Fkk esa izo's k gsrq ik=rk ekin.M ,slk gksxk tSlk jkT; ljdkj }kjk le;&le; ij vo/kkfjr vkSj vf/klwfpr fd;k tk,A izos'k ds fy, ik=rk ekin.MA 4196 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 ¼2½ jkT; ljdkj] izR;sd ,sls 'kS{kf.kd ikB~;Øe esa izo's k ds fy, lkekU; izo's k ijh{kk lapkfyr djok ldsxh ;k fdlh vU; vf[ky Hkkjrh; Lrj dh izfr;ksxh ijh{kk dh ;ksX;rk ¼eSfjV½ vaxhdkj dj ldsxhA rFkkfi jkT; ljdkj] vkS|ksfxd izf'k{k.k laLFkku] vkS|ksfxd izf'k{k.k dsUnz vkSj O;kolkf;d izf'k{k.k dsUnz ds ekeys es]a vgZrk ijh{kk esa izkIr ;ksX;rk ¼eSfjV½ dks Lohdkj dj ldsxhA ¼3½ izo's k ljdkj }kjk le;&le; ij vo/kkfjr dh tkus okyh jhfr vkSj izfØ;k ds vuqlkj fu’Ik{k vkSj ikjn'khZ jhfr es]a izR;sd rduhdh ikB~;Øe gsrq lHkh izoxks± esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds dsUnzhd`r dkmaWlfyax }kjk vkosnuksa dh dsUnzhd`r izkfIr;ksa }kjk izR;sd izoxZ esa lkekU; izo's k ijh{kk ;k fdlh vU; vf[ky Hkkjrh; Lrj dh ijh{kk esa ;ksX;rk ¼eSfjV½ ds vk/kkj ij fu;eksa ds vuqlkj fn;k tk,xkA LkhVksa ¼LFkkuksa½ dk vkcaVuA 6¼1½ izkbosV rduhdh] O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk dqy eatjw LFkkuksa ¼buVsd½ ds de ls de lkB izfr'kr LFkku lkekU; LFkkuksa ¼vksiu lhVl½ ds :Ik esa vkjf{kr djsxh tks dkuwuh vkj{k.kks]a tks jkT; ljdkj }kjk vo/kkfjr fd, tk,a] lfgr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼3½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj Hkjs tk,axAs ¼2½ izkbosV rduhdh O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk esa ;ksX;rk ¼eSfjV½ ds Øe esa dqy eatjw LFkkuksa ¼buVsd½ ds iUnzg izfr'kr ls vufèkd LFkku vfuoklh Hkkjrh;ksa ds cPpksa ;k izfrikY; esa ls /kkjk 5 dh mièkkjk ¼3½ ds micU/kksa dss vuqlkj Hkjs tk,axs % ijUrq ,slh lhVksa ¼LFkku½ dk vfuoklh Hkkjrh;ksa }kjk dsoy ln~Hkkoiwod Z mi;ksx fd;k tk,xkA ¼3½ jkT; ljdkj] izkbosV rduhdh O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa esas izcU/ku lhVksa ¼LFkkuks½a dh izfr'krrk vf/klwpuk }kjk fu;r dj ldsxhA izcU/ku lhVsa ¼LFkku½ ;ksX;rk ¼eSfjV½ ds Øe esa /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼3½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj Hkjh tk,axhA jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 7leLr izkbosV rduhdh 'kS{kf.kd vkSj o`fRrd laLFkk,a] ukxfjdksa ds lkekftd vkSj 'kS{kf.kd :i ls fiNM+s oxks± ds mRFkku ds fy, vkSj vuqlfw pr tkfr;ksa vkSj vuqlfw pr tutkfr;ksa ds fy, ,sls foLrkj rd] tSlk jkT; ljdkj }kjk le;&le; ij bl ckcr fo|eku fof/k ds vuq:i jkti= esa vf/klwfpr fd;k tk,] lkekU; izoxZ rFkk izcU/ku izoxZ esa izo's k ds fy, lhVsa ¼LFkku½ vkjf{kr djsxhA 8¼1½ jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu;qDr lfefr] fuEufyf[kr dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,] jkT; esa fLFkr izkbosV rduhdh] O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa }kjk leLr izoxks± ds izo's k ds fy, izHkkfjr dh tkus okyh Qhl dk lEiw.kZ :i ls vo/kkj.k djsxh] vFkkZr~ %& ¼d½ laLFkk dh vofLFkfr( ¼[k½ rduhdh] O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd ikB~;Øeksa dh izd`fr( ¼x½ Hkwfe rFkk Hkou dh ykxr( ¼?k½ miyC/k volajpuk rFkk miLdj( ¼³½ ladk;] iz'kklu rFkk j[k&j[kko ij mixr ;k mixr fd, tk jgs O;;( ¼p½ laLFkk ds lao/kZu rFkk fodkl ds fy, visf{kr ;qfDr;qDr ykHk ¼mijksDr ewy Qhl ds nl ls ckjg izfr'kr ls vf/kd ugha½( vkSj ¼N½ dksbZ vU; lqlx a r ckr] ftls jkT; ljdkj Qhl ds vo/kkj.k ds fy, U;k;ksfpr rFkk leqfpr le>sA ¼2½ mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu Qhl dk vo/kkj.k djus ls iwo]Z ;FkkfLFkfr] mDr lfefr lEc) rduhdh] O;kolkf;d vkSj o`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa vkSj ,slh laLFkkvksa esa igys ls gh v/;;ujr Nk=ksa ds izfrfuf/k;ksa rFkk mu Nk=ksa ds 4197 lhVksa ¼LFkkuksa½ dk vkj{k.kA Qhl fu;r djukA 4198 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 izfrfuf/k;ks]a tks mu laLFkkvksa esa izo's k pkgrs gS]a dks Qhl ds vo/kkj.k dh ckcr fyf[kr esa vius fopkj fcUnqvksa dks vfHkO;Dr djus dk ;qfDr;qDr volj nsxhA ¼3½ mi/kkjk ¼1½ vkSj ¼2½ esa vURkfoZ’V fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq, Hkh jkT; ljdkj yksd fgr esa vufUre Qhl vo/kkfjr dj ldsxh % ijUrq mi/kkjk ¼1½ vkSj mi/kkjk ¼2½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj ,slh vufUre Qhl ds fu;ru dh rkjh[k ls lkB fnu dh vof/k ds Hkhrj Qhl fu;r dh tk,xhA ¼4½ dksbZ laLFkk fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa fdlh Nk= ls ,d 'kS{kf.kd o’kZ ls vf/kd vof/k ds fy, Qhl izHkkfjr ugha djsxhA RkFkkfi laLFkk ds fgr ds laj{k.k ds fy, ;g Nk= ls vfr'ks’k Qhl ds fy, cU/k i= ;k cSd a xkjaVh dh vis{kk dj ldsxhA mYya?kukas ls fuiVus ds fy, fØ;kfof/kA 9¼1½ jkT; ljdkj bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/kksa ;k rn~/khu tkjh fdlh vf/klwpuk ds mYya?ku dh ckcr ifjoknksa ¼f'kdk;rks½a dks xzg.k djus ds fy, jkti= esa vf/klwpuk }kjk ,d uksMy vf/kdkjh] tks jkT; ljdkj ds vfrfjDr lfpo dh iafDr ls uhps dk u gks] fu;qDr djsxhA ¼2½ jkT; ljdkj bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/kksa ;k rn~/khu tkjh fdlh vf/klwpuk ds mYya?ku ds fy, Loizjs .kk ls vos{kk dj ldsxhA ¼3½ jkT; ljdkj] ifjoknh }kjk yxk, x, vfHkdFkuksa ij ;k Loizjs .kk ij tkap djok ldsxh vkSj fuEufyf[kr dkjZokbZ;ka dj ldsxh] vFkkZr~%& ¼d½ ifjokn dks nkf[ky&n¶rj dj ldsxh];fn bldh jk; esa ;g rax djus okyk] vuke ;k Nn~euke okyk ifjokn gS( ¼[k½ ifjoknh dks vfrfjDr lwpuk nsus ;k vius vfHkdFkuksa ds leFkZu esa 'kiFk&i= izLrqr djus dk funs'k ns ldsxh( ;k ¼x½ ekeys ds rF;ksa vkSj ifjfLFkfr;ksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, ,slh dkjZokbZ dj ldsxh tSlh ;g leqfpr le>sA jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 ¼4½ mi/kkjk ¼3½ ds v/khu tkap dk lapkyu djus ds fy, laf{kIr izfØ;k dk vuqlj.k fd;k tk,xk vkSj tkap iSra kyhl fnu dh vof/k ds Hkhrj iwjh dj yh tk,xhA 4199 ¼5½ uksMy vf/kdkjh dks] izkbosV rduhdh] O;kolkf;d ;k o`fRrd 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa ds vfHkys[k dks ns[kus] vfHkizkIr djus rFkk mudh laoh{kk djus ds lkFk gh fdlh Hkh O;fDr ;k fdlh lqlx a r 'kkldh; vfHkys[k] ftls og vko';d le>s] dks leu djus gsrq flfoy U;k;ky; dh 'kfDr;ka gksx a hA 10¼1½ jkT; ljdkj] ;fn mldk lek/kku gks tkrk gS fd fdlh izkbosV 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk us bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/kksa esa ls fdlh dk ;k rn~/khu tkjh fdlh vf/klwpuk dk mYya?ku fd;k gS rks og fuEufyf[kr lHkh ;k buesa ls dksbZ dkjZokbZ dj ldsxh] vFkkZr~ %& ¼d½ ,slh laLFkk dh lgc)rk ;k ekU;rk dks fo'ofo|ky; ;k fdlh vU; izkf/kdj.k ;k fudk;] ftlls ,slh laLFkk lgc) gS] ls izR;kg`r djkuk( ¼[k½ ,slh laLFkk ij tqekZuk vf/kjksfir djuk tks vf/kdre ikap yk[k #i, ds v/;/khu] Nk=ksa ls vf/kd izHkkfjr Qhl dh jde ds iUnzg xq.kk ls de ugha gksxk] vkSj tqekZuk tek u djkus dh n'kk esa ;g Hkw&jktLo ds cdk;k ds :Ik esa olwyh; gksxk( ¼x½ ,slh laLFkk dks ml Nk= ds izo's k ;k jftLVªhdj.k dks jn~n djus ds funs'k nsuk] ftls laLFkk esa bl vf/kfu;e ds micUèkksa ;k rn~/khu tkjh vf/klwpuk ds mYya?ku esa izo's k fn;k x;k gS( vkSj ¼?k½ ,slh laLFkk dks ml Nk= dks izo's k nsus ds fy, funs'k nsuk] ftldks izo's k nsus ds fy, xyr rkSj ij oafpr fd;k x;k gSA ¼2½ mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu dksbZ dkjZokbZ djus ls iwoZ jkT; ljdkj }kjk ,slh laLFkk dks lquokbZ dk ;qfDr;qDr volj fn;k tk,xkA 'kkfLr;kaA jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 jkT; ljdkj 11 11- jkT; ljdkj le;&le; ij rduhdh 'kS{kf.kd vkSj o`fRrd dh funs'k tkjh laLFkkvksa dks ,sls funs'k tkjh dj ldsxh tks mldh jk; es]a bl vf/kfu;e ;k djus dh 'kfDr;kaA rn~/khu tkjh vf/klwpukvksa ds iz;kstu dks dk;kZfUor djus ds fy, vko';d ;k lehphu gks vkSj ,slh laLFkk,a ,sls tkjh funs'kksa dh vuqikyuk djsxhA 4200 dfBukbZ;ksa dks nwj djus dh 'kfDrA 12¼1½ ;fn bl vf/kfu;e ds fdlh Hkh micU/k dks izHkkoh djus esa dksbZ dfBukbZ mRiUu gksrh gS] rks jkT; ljdkj jkti= esa izdkf'kr vkns'k }kjk] tks bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/kksa ls vlaxr u gks] ,sls micU/k dj ldsxh tks mls dfBukbZ dks nwj djus ds fy, vko';d izrhr gkas % ijUrq ,slk dksbZ vkns'k bl vf/kfu;e ds izkjEHk dh rkjh[k ls nks o’kZ dh vof/k dh lekfIr ds Ik'pkr~ ugha fd;k tk,xkA ¼2½ bl /kkjk ds v/khu fd;k x;k izR;sd vkns'k blds fd, tkus ds Ik'pkr~] ;Fkk'kh?kz jkT; ds fo/kku e.My ds le{k j[kk tk,xkA ln~HkkoiwoZd dh xbZ dkjZokbZ ds fy, laj{k.kA 13- bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu ;k rn~/khu tkjh vf/klwpuk ds v/khu ln~HkkoiwoZd dh xbZ ;k dh tkus dks vk'kf;r fdlh ckr ds fy, dksbZ Hkh okn] vfHk;kstu ;k vU; fof/kd dk;Zokfg;ka] jkT; ljdkj ;k jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf/kdkjh ;k deZpkjh ;k jkT; ljdkj }kjk izkf/kd`r fdlh vU; O;fDr ;k izkf/kdkjh ds fo#) ugha gksxhA fu;e cukus dh 'kfDrA 14¼1½ jkT; ljdkj] jkti= esa vf/klwpuk }kjk] bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/kksa dks dk;kZfUor djus ds fy, fu;e cuk ldsxhA ¼2½ mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu cuk, x, fu;e] jkti= esa iwoZ izdk'ku dh 'krZ ds v/;/khu gksx a As ¼3½ bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu cuk;k x;k izR;sd fu;e] cuk, tkus ds Ik'pkr~] ;Fkk'kD; 'kh?kz] fo/kku lHkk ds le{k] tc og l= esa gks] dqy feykdj nl fnu dh vof/k ds fy, j[kk tk,xk] tks ,d l= esa ;k nks ;k nks ls vf/kd ØeorhZ l=ksa esa lekfo’V gks ldsxh vkSj ;fn] ml l= ds] ftlesa jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 og bl izdkj j[ks x, gksa ;k Bhd ckn ds l= ds] volku ls iwoZ fo/kku lHkk fu;e esa dksbZ ifjorZu djrh gS ;k lger gks tkrh gS fd fu;e ugha cuk;k tkuk pkfg,] rks rRi'pkr~] ;FkkfLFkfr] ,slk fu;e ,sls ifjofrZr :Ik esa izHkkoh gksxk ;k mldk dksbZ izHkko ugha gksxk] rFkkfi ,sls fdlh ifjorZu ;k ckfryhdj.k ls ml fu;e ds v/khu igys dh xbZ fdlh ckr dh fof/kekU;rk ij izfrdwy izHkko ugha iM+x s kA 4201 15¼1½ fgekpy izn's k izkbosV rduhdh vkSj O;kolkf;d 'kS{kf.kd laLFkk ¼izo's k dk fofu;eu vkSj Qhl dk fu;ru½ v/;kns”k] 2008 dk ,rn~}kjk fujlu fd;k tkrk gSA 2008 ds vè;kns”k la[;kad 1 dk fujlu vkSj O;ko`fÙkA ¼2½ ,sls fujlu ds gksrs gq, Hkh] bl izdkj fujflr v/;kns”k ds vèkhu dh xbZ dksbZ ckr ;k dkjZokbZ bl vf/kfu;e ds rnLFkkuh micU/kksa ds vèkhu dh xbZ le>h tk,xh A jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4202 AUTHORITATIVE ENGLISH TEXT THE HIMACHAL PRADESH PRIVATE TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (REGULATION OF ADMISSION AND FIXATION OF FEE) ACT, 2008 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Sections : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Short title, extent and commencement. Applicabiltiy. Definitions. Regulation of admission, fixation of fee and making of reservation. Eligibility criteria for admission. Allocation of seats. Reservation of seats. Fixation of fee. Mechanism for dealing with contraventions. Powers of the State Government to issue directions. Power to remove difficulties. Protection of action taken in good faith. Power tn make rules. Repeal of Ordinance No. 1 of 2008 and saving. jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4203 Act No. 16 of 2008 THE HIMACHAL PRADESH PRIVATE TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (REGULATION OF ADMISSION AND FIXATION OF FEE) ACT, 2008 (AS ASSENTED TO BY THE GOVERNOR ON 4TH OCTOBER, 2008) AN ACT to provide for regulation of admission and fixation of fee in Private Technical Educational Institutions and Professional Technical Educational Institutions in the State of Himachal Pradesh and for the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh in the Fifty-ninth year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1. (1) This Act may be called the Himachal Pradesh Technical and Vocational Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act , 2008. Short title extent and commencement. (2) It extends to the whole of the State of Himachal Pradesh. (3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on 30th of May, 2008. 2. This Act applies to,— (a) The institutions deemed to be Universities, or Universities established under a State Act or constituent units thereto, other than those promoted and maintained by the Central Government; and imparting technical vocational or professional education; and Applicability. 4204 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 (b) The private aided or unaided technical , vocational or professional educational institutions affiliated to a University, which has been established under section 2(f) of the University Grants Commission Act,1956. Definitions. 3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,— (a) “aided institution” means a Private Technical Institution, receiving financial aid or assistance in whole or in part from the Central or the State Government or from any Body, under the control of Central or the State Government disbursing grant- in- aid or financial assistance and shall include a minority institution; (b) “common entrance test” means an entrance test for the purpose of admission to a technical or professional course conducted by an agency authorized by the State Government, by a notification published in the Official Gazette or, pending such notification, by the State Government; (c) “fee” means all fee including tuition fee and development charges for various categories of admissions viz . open seats , management seats and NonResident Indian quota; (d) “general category” shall mean and imply seats from out of the sanctioned intake of institution; not being seats in the management category, allocated to be filled by the State Government in the manner prescribed; (e) “management category” shall mean and imply seats from out of the sanctioned intake allotted to the management of the institution for being filled by it in a fair and transparent manner, on the basis of the 3 of 1956 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 inter-se merit determined by a test; common entrance (f) “technical or professional course” means any approved professional course in engineering, pharmacy, non- engineering or vocational courses or any other course of technical education which are recognized or approved under the respective Act governing that course; (g) “Non-Resident Indian Student” means the wards of Indian citizens residing abroad and who have passed the qualifying examination from abroad; (h) “notification” shall mean a notification published, under proper authority, in the Official Gazette; (i) “Official Gazette” shall mean the Rajpatra of Himachal Pradesh; (j) “private technical, vocational or professional educational institution” means an institution not established or promoted or run by the Central Government, the State Government or the Union Territory Administration or any agency or instrumentality of the Central or the State Government; (k) “qualifying examination” means the minimum eligibility qualification or its equivalent prescribed by the concerned statutory authority for taking admission in first year/semester of the technical or professional course; (l) “sanctioned intake” shall mean and imply the total number of seats sanctioned by the State Government 4205 4206 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 for admitting students in each course of study in a private engineering or vocational institution; (m) “State” means the State of Himachal Pradesh; (n) “State Government” means the Government of Himachal Pradesh; and (o) “unaided institution” means a private engineering or vocational institution, not being an aided institution. Regulation of admission, fixation of fee and making of reservation. 4. (1) The State Government shall regulate admission, fix fee and make reservation for different categories in admissions to private technical, vocational or professional institutions. (2) The State Government shall ensure that the admission under all the categories in an institution is done in a fair and transparent manner. (3) The State Government shall constitute a Admission and Fee Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Technical Education) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Committee’), consisting of such members as may be specified by the State Government, by notification, to recommend the mode of admission, making of reservation, allocation of seats and fixation of fees etc. to the State Government. (4) The State Government, shall oversee the working of Admission and Fee Committee. (5) The terms and conditions of the Committee constituted under sub-section (3) and its members shall be specified, by the State Government, by notification, from time to time. jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 (6) If the State Government is satisfied that the institution has contravened any of the provisions of this Act, it may recommend to the Himachal Pradesh University or All India Council for Technical Education or National Council for Vocational Training or State Council for Vocational Training , as the case may be, for withdrawal of recognition or affiliation of such institution. (7) The State Government shall take appropriate action whenever deemed necessary, with regard to improvement in the system of making admissions in the institutions, charging of fee by the institutions and on any other matter which may be necessary to facilitate smooth running of the system and to remove grievances. (8) No act or proceedings of the Committee shall be deemed to be invalid by reason merely of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of the Committee. (9) No person who is associated with a private aided or unaided institution shall be eligible for being a member of the Admission and Fee Committee. (10) A member of the Admission and Fee Committee shall cease to be so, if he performs any act which in the opinion of the State Government is unbecoming of a member of the Committee: Provided that no such member shall be removed from the Committee, without giving him an opportunity of being heard. (11) The Admission and Fee Committee may frame its own procedure in accordance with the Regulations notified by the State Government in this regard. 4207 4208 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 (12) The Admission and Fee Committee may require a private aided or unaided professional educational institution or, a deemed to be University to furnish, by a prescribed date, information as may be necessary for enabling the Committee to determine the fee that may be fixed by the institution in respect of each professional course, and the fee so determined shall be valid for such period as may be notified by the State Government. Eligibility criteria for admission. 5. (1) The eligibility criteria for admission to a private technical, vocational or professional educational institution shall be such, as may be determined and notified by the State Government from time to time. (2) The State Government may get a common entrance test conducted or adopt merit of any other all India level competitive examination for admission to each such educational course. However, in case of Industrial Training Institute or Industrial Training Centre and Vocational Training Centre, the State Government may go by merit obtained in the qualifying examination. (3) The admission shall be made on the basis of common entrance test or any other all India level examination in accordance with merit in each category as per rules and by way of centralized receipt of applications, and by making centralized counseling of such students in all the categories for each technical course, in a fair and transparent manner in accordance with the manner and procedure as may be determined by the State Government from time to time. Allocation of seats. 6. (1) A private technical, vocational or professional educational institution shall reserve not less than sixty percent seats of the total sanctioned intake as open seats which shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 5, with statutory reservations as may be determined by the State Government. jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4209 (2) In a private technical vocational or professional educational institution not more than fifteen percent seats of total sanctioned intake shall be filled up from amongst children or wards of Non-Resident Indians in order of merit as per provisions of subsection (3) of section 5: Provided that such seats shall be utilized bona fide by the Non-Resident Indians only. (3) The State Government may, by notification, fix the percentage of management seats in private technical vocational or professional educational institutions. The management seats shall be filled in the order of merit as per provision of sub-section (3) of section 5. 7. All private technical educational and professional institutions shall reserve seats for admission in general category and management category, for advancement of socially and educationally backward classes and for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to such extent, as may be notified by the State Government in the Official Gazette, from time to time in conformity with prevailing law in this regard. Reservation of seats. 8. (1) The Committee appointed by the State Government shall determine fee, to be charged by a private technical , vocational or professional educational institution, located in the State, having regard to the following factors, for all categories of admissions as a whole, namely:— Fixation of fee. (a) the location of the institution; (b) the nature of the technical, vocational or professional courses; (c) the cost of land and building; (d) the available infrastructure and equipments; (e) the expenditure incurred or being incurred on the faculty, administration and maintenance; 4210 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 (f) the reasonable profit, required for the growth and development of the institution (not being more than 10% to 12% of the basic fee determined as above); and (g ) any other relevant factor, which the State Government deem just and appropriate for the determination of fee. (2) Before determining fee under sub-section (1) , the said Committee shall give the concerned technical, vocational or professional educational institutions and the representatives of the students already studying in such institutions and the representatives of the students, who intend to seek admission in those institutions, a reasonable opportunity to express their view points in writing with regard to the fee determination. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- sections (1) and (2), the State Government may, in the public interest, determine a provisional fee: Provided that the fee shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) within a period of sixty days from the date of fixation of such provisional fee. (4) No institution shall charge fee from any student for a period of more than one academic year in any circumstances. However, in order to safeguard interest of the institution, it may require submission of bond or Bank Guarantee from the student for the balance fee. Mechanism for dealing with contraventions. 9. (1) The State Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a Nodal Officer not below the rank of a Additional Secretary to the State Government for entertaining complaints with regard to the contravention of the provisions of this Act or any notification issued thereunder. jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4211 (2) The State Government may also take a suo-moto notice of the contravention of the provisions of this Act or any notification issued thereunder. (3) The State Government may cause an enquiry to be made into the allegations levelled by the complainant or on its suomoto initiative and take the following actions, namely:— (a) file the complaint, if in its opinion, it is a vexatious, anonymous or pseudonymous complaint; or (b) direct the complainant to furnish additional information or an affidavit in support of his allegations; or (c) take such action ,as it may deem appropriate, keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the case. (4) For conducting an enquiry under sub-section (3), a summary procedure shall be followed and the enquiry shall be completed within a period of forty five days. (5) The Nodal Officer shall have the powers of a civil court to access, obtain and scrutinize the records of the private technical, vocational or professional educational institutions as well as summoning of any person or any relevant official record, which he may deem necessary. 10. (1) The State Government may, if it is satisfied that a private educational institution has contravened any of the provisions of this Act or any notification issued thereunder, take any or all of the following actions, namely:— (a) cause the withdrawal of affiliation or recognition of such institution from the university or any other authority or body to which such institution is affiliated; Penalties. 4212 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 (b) impose a fine on such institution which shall not be less than fifteen times of the amount of excess fee charges from the students subject to a minimum of rupees five lacs and in the event of non-deposit of fine, it shall be recoverable as arrear of land revenue; (c) direct such institution to cancel the admission or registration of a student, who has been admitted to such institution in contravention of the provisions of this Act or the notification issued thereunder; and (d) direct such institution to admit a student to whom admission has been wrongly denied. (2) Before taking any action under sub-section(1), a reasonable opportunity of being heard shall be provided to such institution by the State Government. Powers of the State Government to issue directions. 11. The State Government may, from time to time, issue to the technical educational and professional institutions such directions as in its opinion are necessary or expedient for carrying out the purposes of this Act and the notifications issued thereunder and such institutions shall comply with the directions so issued. Powers to remove difficulties. 12. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of this Act, the State Government may, by an order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to it to be necessary for removing the difficulty: Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a period of two years from the date of commencement of this Act. jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4213 (2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the legislature of the State. 13. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the State Government or any officer or employee of the State Government or any other person or authority, authorized by the State Government for anything, which is done or intended to be done in good faith under this Act or the notification issued thereunder. Protection of action taken in good faith. 14. (1) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act. Power to make rules. (2) Rules made under sub-section (1) shall be subject to the condition of previous publication in the Official Gazette. (3) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the Legislative Assembly, while it is in session for a total period of ten days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the successive sessions aforesaid, the Legislative Assembly agrees in making any modification in the rule or agrees that the rules should not be made, the rule shall, thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be,so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule. 15. (1) The Himachal Pradesh Private Technical and Vocational Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Ordinance, 2008 is hereby repealed. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, any thing done or any action taken under the Ordinance so repealed, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of this Act. Repeal of Ordinance No. 1 of 2008 and saving. jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4214 FOOD CIVIL SUPPLIES & CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Shimla-2, 3rd October, 2008 No. FDS-F(10)8/2006.—In super cession of this Department notification of even number dated 20.6.2007, now the flying squads are re-constituted as under:— 1. North zone comprising Districts Kangra, Chamba(except Pangi Sub-division), Una and Hamirpur. This zone will be headed by District Controller, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Dharamshala, alongwith following staff:— 1. 2. 3. Food and Supplies Officers, Food and Supplies, Una ,District Una. Inspector, Food and Supplies, Chamba. Inspector, Food and Supplies, Hamirpur. 2. Central Zone, comprising Districts Bilaspur, Mandi, Kullu (except Anni/Nirmand) Lahaul Sub -Division and Pangi Sub- Division. This zone will be headed by District Controller, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Mandi , alonwith following staff:— 1. 2. 3. Food and Supplies Officers, Food and Supplies, Kullu, District Kullu. Inspector, Food and Supplies, Bilaspur. Inspector, Food and Supplies, Karsog. 3. South Zone, comprising Districts Shimla, Solan, Sirmour, Kinnaur, Spiti Sub-Division of Lahaul and Spiti District and Anni and Nirmand sub-Division of Kullu District:— This zone will be headed by District Controller, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Shimla, alongwith following staff:— 1. Food and Supplies Officers, Food and Supplies, Nahan, District Sirmour. 2. Inspector, Food and Supplies, Nalagarh. 3. Inspector, Food and Supplies, Rekong Peo. jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4215 The functions of above all flying squads are as under:— 1. to check the diversion of food grains under TPDS. 2. to check the hoarding, profiteering and mal-practices of essential commodities by the traders. 3. to conduct surprise inspections under various Control Orders issued by the Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department. 4. The flying squads will conduct surprise inspections in the Districts under their jurisdiction to achieve above objectives. 5. They should conduct minimum of two inspections in a month without prefixed date and compliance report will be sent to the Directorate. It is further ordered that head of all these flying squads will exercise the powers of Controllers in their respective zones under the following Control Orders:— (a) H.P.Hoarding and Profiteering Prevention Order, 1977. (b) H.P.Commodities Price Marking and Display Order, 1977. (c) H.P Trade Articles (Licensing and Control) Order, 1981. (d) H.P Specified Articles (Regulation of Distribution) Order, 2003. The in-charge of the Flying Squads will submit monthly report to the Director, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, H.P. Shimla-9 latest by 5th. of every month about the progress of surprise checking and inspections. By Order, Sd/Secretary (FCS&CA). ________ TOURISM & CIVIL AVIATION DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Shimla-2, the 3rd October, 2008. No. TSM-F (6)-3/2001-II.—In exercise of the powers conferred under rule-6 and rule8, sub-rules (1) of the Himachal Pradesh Aero sports (Amendment) Rules, 2006, the Governor, jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4216 Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to nominate following persons as non- official members of Technical Committee and Regulatory Committee constituted by the Government vide notification No.TsmF(6)-3/2001-loose dated 28.5.2007 as under:— Technical Committee : 1. Sh.Jyoti Prakash S/o Sh.Krishan Chand, Village Bir, Tehsil Baijnath, Distt.Kangra, H.P. Representative of H.P. State Aero Sport Association. 2. Sh.Roshan Thakur S/o Sh. Shobha Ram, Prop. of Himalayan Institute of Adventure Sports and Mount Course, Burwa, Manali, Distt. Kullu. 3. Sh.Desh Raj S/o Sh.Honsar Ram, Village Keor, P.O. Bir, Tehsil Baijnath, District Kangra Regulatory Committee: For Manali Area: 1. Sh.Bhagat Ram S/o Sh.Mehar Chand, VPO Burura, Tehsil Manali, Distt.Kullu, Technical Member, Indian Paragliding Asson.Manali. For Bir-Billing Area : 1. Sh. Jyoti Prakash S/o Sh.Krishan Chand, Village Bir, Tehsil Baijnath, District Kangra, H.P. Representative of H.P.State Aero Sports Association. 2. Sh.Desh Raj S/o Sh.Honsar Ram, Village Keor, P.O. Bir, Tehsil Baijnath, District Kangra. By order, (MANISHA NANDA), Secretary (Tourism). jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 4217 HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION the 4th October, 2008 No. EDN-A-Ga(18) -7/06 .—The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to order to fill up the seats of B.Ed. courses in the private B.Ed. Colleges of the State of Himachal Pradesh in 2008-09 only in the following ratio:— 1. Arts = 60 2. Science(Med.) = 20 3. Science(Non-Med.) = 20 By order, Sd/Pr. Secretary. _________ fgekpy izns'k fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx ] f'keyk&171002 vf/klwpuk fnukda % 29 flrEcj] 2008 la[;k%,p-ih-bZ- vkj-lh@416-&& vkj-lh@416-&&fo|qr] vf/kfu;e] 2003 ¼2003 dk 36½ dh /kkjk 127 ds lkFk ifBr /kkjk 181 dh mi&/kkjk ¼2½ ds [k.M ¼; .k½ }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa rFkk bl fufer l'kDr~ djus okyh vU; lHkh 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] fgekpy izn's k fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx vlkèkkj.k jkti=] fgekpy izn's k ds 24 ekpZ 2005 ds vad esa izdkf'kr fgekpy izn's k fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx ¼vihy izkf/kdkjh dks vihy djus dh izfØ;k½ fofu;e] 2005 esa la'kks/ku djus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr izk#Ik fofu;e cukus dk izLrko djrk gS] ,Rkn~ }kjk fo|qr ¼iwoZ izdk'ku ds fy, izfØ;k½ fu;e] 2005 ds fu;e 3 ds lkFk ifBr mDr ds vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 181 dh mi&/kkjk ¼3½ }kjk ;Fkksifs {kr ds vuqlkj mu ls vke izHkkfor gksus okys O;fDr;ksa dh lwpuk ds fy, izdkf'kr fd, tkrs gaS( vkSj ,rn~ }kjk ;g uksfVl ¼lwpuk½ fn;k tkrk gS fd mDr izk#i fofu;eksa ij] buds jkti=] fgekpy izn's k] esa izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls rhl ¼30½ fnu ds volku ij] fdlh Hkh vk{ksi ;k lw>ko lfgr] tks bl ckcr mDr vof/k ds Hkhrj izkIr gqvk gks@gq, gks ij fopkj fd;k tk,xkA jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 bl fufer vk{ksi ;k lq>ko lfpo] fgekpy izn's k fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx] D;ksFa ky def'kZ;y dkEiySDl] [kfyuh] f'keyk&171002 dk lEcksf/kr fd, tkus pkfg,A 4218 izk#i fofu;e 1- laf{kIr uke vkSj izkjEHk-& jEHk-&&¼1½ bu fofu;eksa dk laf{kIr uke fgekpy izn's k fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx ¼vihy izkf/kdkjh dks vihy djus dh izfØ;k½ ¼izFke la'kks/ku½ fofu;e] 2008 gSA ¼2½ ;s fofu;e jkti=] fgekpy izn's k] esa izdk'ku dh rkfj[k ls izo`r gksx a sA 2- fofu;e 3 esa la'kks/ku-&&fgekpy ku-&& izns'k fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx ¼vihy izkf/kdkjh dks vihy djus dh izfØ;k½ fofu;e] 2005 ds fofu;e 3 ds mi&fofu;e ¼2½ esa vk, 'kCn **,d frgkbZ** ds LFkku ij 'kCn ^^vk/ks** izfrLFkkfir fd;k tk,A vk;ksx ds vkns'k }kjk] gLrk@& lfpoA &&&&&& HIMACHAL PRADESH ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION SHIMLA NOTIFICATION Shimla, the 29th September, 2008 No.HPERC/416.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 127 read with Clause (zo) of sub-section (2) of section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) and other powers enabling it in this behalf, and which, the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, proposes to make the following draft regulations, further to amend the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure for filing appeal before the Appellate Authority) Regulations, 2005, published in the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh (Extraordinary), dated 24th March, 2005, as required by sub-section (3) of section 181 of the said Act, and the HPERC (Procedure for Previous Publication) Rules, 2005 are hereby published for the information of all the persons likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft regulations will be taken into consideration after the expiry of thirty days form the date of their publications in the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh, together with any objections or suggestions which may within the aforesaid period be received in respect thereto. 4219 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 The objections or suggestions in this behalf should be addressed to the Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, Keonthal Commercial Complex, Khalini, Shimla – 171002. DRAFT REGULATIONS 1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These Regulations may be called the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure for filing appeal before the Appellate Authority) (first Amendment) Regulations, 2008. (2) These Regulations shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh. 2. Amendment of Regulation 3.—In sub-regulation (2) of regulation 3 of the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure for Filing Appeal before the Appellate Authority) Regulations, 2005, for the words, “one third” for the word “half” shall be substituted. By the order of the Commission Sd/Secretary. ________ yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx “kqf) i= f”keyk&2] 20&12&008 la0 ih0ch0MOY;w0 ¼ch0½,0&¼5½18@2007-&& ¼ch0½,0&¼5½18@2007-&&bl foHkkx )kjk tkjh dh xbZ lael[;k fnukad 11&1&2007 ¼eqgky yB;k.kh] rS0 caxk.kk] ftyk Åuk esa Åuk&vX/kkj&e.Mh jkT; mPp ekxZ ckjs½ esa n”kkZ;s x;s [kljk uEcjksa ds jdok dks fuEu vuqlkj i<+k tk;s A fooj.k xzke yB;k.kh [kljk ua0 1 334 jdok v”kq} 0&01&26 0&01&04 [kljk ua0 1 334 jdok ”kq} 0&02&26 0&00&95 4220 jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 7 vDrwcj] 2008@15 vkf'ou] 1930 384 0&00&54 384 0&01&00 658 0&00&24 658 0&00&76 725 0&07&25 725 0&00&28 630 0&00&05 630 0&00&85 320 0&01&20 320 0&01&32 767 0&00&65 767 0&05&65 760 0&01&08 760 0&01&88 770 0&00&55 770 0&02&55 698 0&00&54 698 0&06&54 vkns”k )kjk] gLrk{kfjr@& lfpo A fu;U=d] eqnz.k rFkk ys[ku lkexzh] fgekpy izn's k] f'keyk&5 }kjk eqfnzr rFkk izdkf'kr