Nov 23, 2013 Nora Ellen Groce, PhD Academic Resume Nora Ellen Groce, PhD Leonard Cheshire Chair Director, Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre Epidemiology and Public Health University College London 1-19 Torrington Place London WC1E 6BT United Kingdom +44-(0)207-3108-3177 <> Education B.A. M.A. Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1974. Anthropological Archeology. Brown University, 1976. Cultural and Medical Anthropology, Folklore. Brown University, 1983. Medical and Socio-Cultural Anthropology. Additional Education Visiting Fellow 1977-78. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Folklore and Folklife, Post-Doctoral Fellow Harvard Medical School, Domestic Violence Program, Boston Childrens’ Hospital, Fellow, 1984-86. Post-Doctoral Fellow Brown University, World Hunger Program, Fellow, 1986-1988 Career 1974-1976 Professional Archeologist, Supervisor on pre-historic sites in United States (Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi) and Central America (Michteca-Alta Project, Mexico). 1978-1981 Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Lecturer, Department of Anthropology. Courses in Cultural Anthropology, Qualitative Research. 1981-1983 Brown University, Providence Rhode Island. Pre-doctoral Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health. Dissertation title: The Social Implications of a Genetic Disorder: Hereditary Deafness on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, 1660-1950. 1982-1983 Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology. 1984-1986 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. National Institute of Mental Health Post-Doctoral Fellow. Topic: Domestic Violence and Disability, Department of Pediatrics, Boston Childrens’ Hospital. 1 1984-1991 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Summer Semesters, Courses in medical anthropology and general anthropology 1986-1988. Brown University, Providence, RI Post-Doctoral Fellow, Feinstein World Hunger Program, Research on malnutritional causes of disability. 1988-1990 Harvard Medical School, Research Scientist, Department of Pediatrics, Boston Children's Hospital. 1990-1992 University of Connecticut, Director, Cross-Cultural Program. Newington Children's Hospital. 1991-2008 – Yale University, New Haven Connecticut 1992-1993 Lecturer, Division of Health Policy, School of Public Health. 1993-1999 Assistant Professor, Yale School of Public Health, Division of Health Policy 1993-97; International Health Division 1997-2009. 1999-2008 Associate Professor, Clinical Educator Track, Global Health Director, Yale/WHO Collaborating Centre: 2001-2008 Director: Yale Urban Health Program 1996-2000 Joint appointments: Yale Department of Anthropology Yale Institute of Social and Policy Studies 2008-on Lecturer, Yale Medical School; Yale School of Nursing 2008- on – University College London Leonard Cheshire Chair and Director of the Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health : Professional Honors/ Fellowships 1976-1980 Brown University, Department of Anthropology. Merit Scholar. 1981-1983 NIMH Pre-Doctoral Fellow Dissertation Research: Hereditary Deafness on Martha's Vineyard. Brown University. 1984-1986 Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health. (NIH) Child Abuse Service, Dept. of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. 1994 Lowell Weicker Award. Connecticut Family Coalition Advocacy Efforts on Behalf of Disabled Children and Families. 1994 New England Health Care Assembly Blue Ribbon Award Project: Inner-City Summer Playground Program for Disabled Children/ Cross-Cultural Program, Newington Children's Hospital Department of Recreation. 2003 University of Michigan. Distinguished Alumnus Award: Social Science Policy and Advocacy. 2005 State of Connecticut. Governor's Award for Service. 2 Grant History Alan Feinstein Fellow in World Hunger. The Disabling Effects of Childhood Micro-nutritional Deficiencies. The World Hunger Program, Brown University. 9/1/1986-8/31/1991. Nora Groce, Fellow/PI: $ 60,000 National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), IDEAS Project International Rehabilitation Policy Review. 6/1/1989-5/31/1991. N. Groce, PI: $20,000 Rehabilitation International, Travel Grant for Historical Research, Ireland. 1991. N.Groce, PI: $2,500 Newington Children's Hospital. N.Groce, PI: $45,000 Research on Family’s Guide to Connecticut. 1/1/1992-12/31/1993. Program on Non-Profits Faculty Research Award, Yale University. The Parents’ Movement and the Disability Rights Movement. 6/1/1993-5/31/1994. N. Groce, PI: $ 2,300 Veterans' Administration, Assessment, National DSS Program Outreach Efforts. Yale Division of Health Policy. 10/1/1994-6/1/1997. Robert Rosenheck, PI: $ 34,864 US Department of Health and Urban Development (HUD) Grant, Office of the Secretary, Yale University collaborative Dixwell-Newhallville Project. 6/1/1996-5/31/1997. C. Farrar, PI.: $10,963 Pew Foundation Health Professions Training Grant. Yale Urban Health Program, Project. PIs: R. Horwitz, M. Grey, M. Merson. 9/1/1995-8/31/1997. Co-Director. $25,000 United States Department of Health and Human Services, HRSA Health Professions Training Grant. #1D 38-AH00093. (The Yale Urban Health Program). 1/7/97- 30/6/2000. N. Groce, PI: $453,000 UNICEF-New York. UNICEF/ Yale Global Survey of the Status of Disabled Adolescents. 1/6/19975/31/1998. N. Groce, PI: $5,000 Lilly Endowment. Yale Urban Health Program & Yale Divinity School: Referral Patterns into the Health Care Systems from Inner-City African-American Churches. 1/7/98- 6/30/00 Groce, PI: $ 50,000 National Center for Excellence in Women's Health, Yale Medical School. Reaching Women in Inner-city Populations Project, J. Hendricks, PI: N. Groce, Contract: 1/7/98-6/30/99. $ 40,000 World Health Organization, Division of Disability and Rehabilitation. Policy Paper on Disability, World Health Organization. 1/11/98-6/30/00. N. Groce, PI: $ 20,000 National Institute of Health, Minority International Research Training Grant. 2000-2002/ Grant and Renewal. N. Groce, PI.: $50,000 Center for the Study of Globalization: Fellowship Program for the EPH Global Health Division. (20032004) N. Groce, PI.: $ 10,000 3 World Bank. Review and Revision of Training Materials for Field Based Development Personnel to Insure Inclusion of Persons with Disability, 5/1/2003-4/31/2004. N. Groce, PI: $14,000, World Bank. Global Survey on HIV/AIDS and Disability. 1/31/2003-4/31/2005. N. Groce, PI: $90,000 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Women's International Science Collaboration Program, Travel Grant for Development of Jamaica Project. 11/1/2003-2/11/2004. N. Groce, PI: $4,000 CIRA Pilot Project. KAP towards HIV/AIDS among Deaf Individuals in Swaziland. 3/1/20032/28/2004. Nora Groce, PI: $19,982 CIRA Small Grants Award for Student Research Support. Inclusion of HIV/AIDS Messages in Traditional Rites of Passage. 4/1/03-3/30/04. N. Groce, N. Mawar, Co-PIs: $10,000 Center for the Study of Globalization. Global Fellowship Program for the EPH Global Health Division. 5/1/2003-12/31/2004. N. Groce, PI: $ 10,000 International Labor Organization (UN – ILO). Impact of HIV/AIDS Disabled Populations: Preparation of Materials for Interventions at the Community Advocacy Level. 1/1/06-6/1/06. Groce PI: $ 40,000 UNICEF, New York. Thematic Group Chair and PI of Report “Violence against Disabled Children.” UN Secretary General’s Report on Violence against Children. 6/1/05 N. Groce, PI: $9,500 Rehabilitation International/Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). Empowering Adolescents around HIV/AIDS Issues: Developing and Testing Materials in Tanzania and Mozambique. 12/1/05-11/30/06. N. Groce, PI: $40,000 WHO – Geneva. Grant to Develop Guidelines on Violence against People with Disabilities. N. Groce PI: $9,500 Clinton Foundation: Yale/Ethiopia Hospital Management Initiative. E. Bradley (PI), 10% salary support, 2006-07. CDC/ASPH – Disaster Management and Bioethics Grant. Yale Center for Public Health Preparedness B. Leaderer/ L. Degutis (PI), 20% salary support. UNFPA/WHO Sexual and Reproductive Health for Persons with Disabilities – Project to develop Guidelines for UNFPA/WHO. N. Groce, PI. 9/1/07 – 8/30/08. $15,000. YCCI- Community Alliance Research and Engagement (CARE) Evaluating the Impact of Violence Prevention Program on Urban Youth’s Violence Perception and Behavior. N.Groce; K.Shuval Co-PIs: $24,658. US Agency for International Development (US AID) - in conjunction with American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC. Engaging with Disabled Peoples’ Organizations in Development Cooperation. Zambia/ Pakistan/ Mexico. 9/1/07 – 8/31/ 10. $1,700,000. 3 years. 4 World Bank – Community Health Workers in Zambia and Lesotho – Workforce Retention in light of competing priorities. Groce N, Wang, H. Co-PI. May-July, 2008. $ 48,000 Harvard University – Review and writing of position paper on use of internet by persons with intellectual disabilities. Summer, 2008. N. Groce PI. Harvard Small Grant Award. $8,000. United Nations Secretariat – Review and recommendations for integration of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and UN Millennium Development Goals. June-July 2008, N. Groce PI. $12,000. DFID – United Kingdom – Cross-Cutting Disability Research Grant. Groce, PI. August, 2012. UK N. Groce PI. £1,300,000. 3 years. September 2009- International Labour Organization (UN ILO) Disabled Beggars, Pilot Project, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. N. Groce PI. June 2010-Jan 2011. £20,000. UNICEF Cooperative Technical Partnership with Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, UCL. N. Groce PI, 2011-2013 £65,000 UNICEF. Situational Analysis of Children with Disabilities, Tanzania. N. Groce PI. May 2012- July 2013. £53,000 DFID Public Health And Social Benefits Of At-House Water Supplies. P.Hunter (PI) University of East Anglia, Subcontract, N Groce, UCL. 2012-2013. ESRC/DFID. Social Protection Project in Vietnam. N. Groce PI, with D. Mont, S.Mitra, M. Palmer. Sept. 1, 2012-August 31, 2013. £257,000. FIRAH. Transition of Traditional Care Homes to Community Centres: A Case Study. N Groce PI. £60,000 NIH (US National Institutes of Health) Global Institutions and the Politics of International Disability N. Groce PI on behalf of R. Lang (Principal Author). UNICEF Headquarters New York. Disability Unit. Cooperative Technical Partnership on Children with Disabilities with Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre. N. Groce PI, 20112013. £35,000 Leonard Cheshire Disability. UK Study: Exploring Disabled People’s Barriers to Independence. £40,000 UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Design for Well-Being: Street mobility and accessibility: Developing tools for overcoming older people’s barriers to walking Pathways to Impact. J. Mindell PI. N Groce 10% Salary Support. Total Grant: £1,100,000 Senior Advisor/ Project Advisory Group (unfunded): 5 European Union. Equitable: Enabling university and equitable access to healthcare for vulnerable people in resource poor settings in Africa. SAFOD; Trinity College Dublin; University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Senior Research Advisor – 2009-2012 University of Toronto: HIV/.AIDS outreach project in Cameroon. CIDA Funding. 2007-2010. National Council on Disability (USA) Accessibility of Overseas Facilities and Programs Funded by the United States. Human Rights Center. American University, Washington, DC. 2009-2011. Advantage Africa. The Reduction of Sexual Abuse of Persons with Disabilities in Kenya. Robert Aley, PI. FIRAH Funded. 2012-2014. AusAID. Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women with Disabilities in the Philippines. PI: Catherine Vaughan, University of Melbourne, Australia. Project Advisory Group. Major Invited Lectures/Keynote Addresses 1986 Invited Lecture “The American Deaf Community, an Historical Overview.” Gallaudet Conference on Deaf History. 1987 Invited Lecture. Wingspread Conference on the Disabled Child. Johnson Foundation, Wisconsin. 1987 Distinguished Lecturer Series. “Disability: A Social Science Perspective.” The Center on Human Policy, Syracuse University. 1989 Distinguished Speaker Series. “International Child Health: New Avenues for Service Delivery and Research.” Department of Anthropology, Cornell University. 1989 Invited Lecture. “Assessing Programs for the Disabled in the Developing World: Social and Cultural Considerations.” Queen's University, Ontario, Canada. 1990 Keynote Speaker. “International Rehabilitation: Reflections and Recommendations for the Future.” Conference on the History of International Disability Research. US Department of Aging in conjunction with US Dept. of Education and National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation. 1991 Keynote Speaker. National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research Conference, US Department of Education (NIDRR) Rehabilitation International, World Rehabilitation Fund and The World Institute on Disability, Washington. 1992. Principal Speaker. “Culture and Disability: Rearing Children in a Culturally Diverse World.” Wingspread Conference Center, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. 1993 Keynote Speaker. “Furthering the Goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act through Disability Policy and Research.” National Council on Disability, US Senate Hearings, Capitol Hill, Washington. 6 1995 Keynote Speaker. “Designing Culturally Sensitive Programs for the Multi-Handicapped Child and Family.” US Department of Maternal Child Health, 8th Annual National SPRANS Grant Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia. 1996 Invited Lecture “A Social Science Perspective on Genetics, or Why US Society Views Bench Science with Suspicion.” Encountering Genetic Technologies Forum. The Hastings Center, New York. 1997 Distinguished Lecturer Series. “Disability as a Social Construct.” United States Council for International Rehabilitation, Washington, DC. 1997 Keynote Speaker. “Urban Health: The Yale Urban Health Program.” Connecticut Association of Public Health. 1997 Invited Lecture. “Violence against Disabled Women: A Human Rights Concern.” International Leadership Forum for Women with Disability, Washington. 1998 Invited Speaker. “Traditional Concepts and Practices Concerning Disability.” Disability Studies Methodology. Behinderung und wicklungszusammenarbeit, Bonn, Germany. 1998 Distinguished Lecturer Series. “Current Global Concerns and Disability Policy.” Disability Studies Series. Brown University. 1999 Invited Speaker. “Community Based Rehabilitation: An Epidemiological Approach.” University College London. 2000 Invited Speaker. “Disability Studies and the University.” Harvard University Conference on Disability Studies. May 22-25. 2000 Invited Speaker. “Ethics and Anthropology - the International Health Implications of ‘Doing Anthropology’." New York Academy of Science. April 23. 2001 Distinguished Speakers Series. “New Directions in Ethnic and Minority Disability Advocacy.” Center for Independent Living. Houston, Texas. 2001 “New Directions in Ethnic and Minority Disability Advocacy.” Center for Independent Living. University of Texas, Houston, Texas. Invited Lecture. February 16. 2002 Seminar Series. “Rethinking Disability Policy in Light of Global Public Health.” Department of Community Health Brown University. 2002 Invited Lecture/ Session Leader “Accounting for Disability in National Census Projects: Problems on the Ground.” First Washington City Group Meeting on Disability Statistics. Centers for Disease Control/World Health Organization. Invited Lecture. April 12-14. 2002 Keynote Speaker. “Providing Culturally Competent Disability Services to Persons Born in Other Countries.” National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research, US Department of Education, Washington. 7 2002 Principal Speaker/ Panel member. “Disability and Global Health: Policy Priorities. Rehabilitation International World Congress, Osaka, Japan. 2003 Invited Speaker. “Deafness in a Community Context.” International Conference on Genetics, Disability and Deafness. Gallaudet University, Washington DC, 2003 Invited lecture. “World Bank Adolescents and Disability.” Address to Bank Staff through the Disability Division and World Bank Institute. 2003 Invited Speaker. “Disability in a Time of HIV/AIDS.” Panel in honor of the career of Lucile Newman. American Anthropological Association. Chicago. 2003 Keynote Speaker. “World Bank. HIV/AIDS and Disability: A Population at Grave Risk.” Co-Sponsored by the Global HIV/AIDS Program and the Office of the Advisor on Disability and Development. World AIDS Day. 2004 National Symposium on HIV/AIDS, Violence and Disability. South African National Research Symposium. Pretoria, South Africa. Invited Speaker. 2004 Invited Speaker .Disability and HIV/AIDS: Address to Rehabilitation and AIDS Units, WHOGeneva.” World Health Organization. 2004. Invited Speaker. “The Impact of the AIDS Crisis on Global Disability Development.” World Bank. Global Disability and Development Network Washington. 2004 Panel Member. United Nations, New York. Global Convention on the Rights of individuals with Disability. Speaker, Panel on the Role of Rehabilitation in the Convention on Disability. Organized Through Landmine Survivors. 2004 Invited Speaker. Inclusion International, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.: “Findings from the Yale/World Bank Global Survey on HIV/AIDS and Disability.” 2004 Expert Testimony. United Nations High Commission on Human Rights. Panel on Health in Ethnic and Minority Communities. Geneva, Switzerland. 2004 Invited Speaker. International Conference on Public Health and Human Rights. “Public Health and the Global Disabled Community.” University of Melbourne, Australia. 2004 Plenary Session. The World Bank. “The Yale/World Bank Global Survey on HIV/AIDS and Disability.” The World Bank, Washington, DC. 2004 Keynote Speaker. International Conference on HIV/AIDS and Disability. Bonn, Germany. 2005 Workshop on Disability. Conference on Health and Human Rights. Carter Center/Emory University. Co-Presenter with Lord, L and K. Gurnsey 2005 Keynote Speaker. Conference on HIV/AIDS and Disability Conference. University of Toronto. 8 2005 Harvard University Law School. “Disability and Human Rights.” November, 2005 Panel Chair World Bank, Washington DC. Videoconference Meeting on HIV/AIDS and Disability for the Caribbean Region. 2005. Speaker. Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Symposium on Global Bioethics. November 15-18th. 2006 Principal Speaker. United Nations. Convention on Disability Meetings – Address on Health and Disability. Organized through Rehabilitation International New York. 2006 Chair’s Forum Invited Speaker. .American Public Health Association Meetings, Boston. Invited Speaker, Social Justice Series. Disability and Public Health. Equal Health Opportunity Committee (EGIC) 2006. Keynote American Public Health Association Meetings, Boston. - Equal Health Opportunity Committee Scientific Session. 2006 Speaker. “Violence Again Disabled Children: Report and ‘next steps’ from the UNICEF Report. “Inclusion International, International Meetings. Acapulco, Mexico. 2006 Panel Member. UNFPA New York. Expert Meeting on Sexual and Reproductive Health for Persons with Disabilities. 2007 Visiting Scholar in Residence, University of Alberta Department of Bioethics, University of Alberta, Canada. 2007 UN Secretariat – New York. Experts Meeting on Rolling Out the Convention on the Rights Expert Testimony on Health and Development. of the Disabled. 2007 Talk presented with Susan Girois, MD; HIV/AIDS and Disability; African Decade/AIDS Campaign, Cape Town, South Africa. 2007 Pediatric Grand Rounds “International Child Health Issues – the Coming Decade.” Dartmouth Medical School Department of Pediatrics. 2007 Invited discussant. World Bank, Washington, DC. UN Working Group on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 2007 Chair UNFPA-funded workshop on Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS. .Disabled Peoples International. Seoul, South Korea. September. 2008. Speaker and Advisory Board Member. First Stellenbosch Conference on Evidence to Action in Disability. University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. December. 2008. Keynote Speaker and Chair of Working Group. UNFPA/WHO Working Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health of Persons with Disabilities. Brasilia, Brazil. December. 9 2008. Keynote Speaker. Community Preparedness for Vulnerable Populations: A regional conference. Yale University- New Haven. 2008. UN Convention on rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Call for Action on Poverty, Discrimination and Lack of Access. Chair: Pre-Conference Workshop: “Disability Prevalence”. Addis Adda, Ethiopia – May. 2008 Keynote Speaker HIV/AIDS and Disability: Key Public Health Concerns. International Conference onHIV/AIDS and Disability. Health Canada. Toronto. 2009 Speaker and Panel Member. Department of Social and Economic Affairs, United Nations: Forum on the Emerging Theme of the Global Economic Crisis, Poverty and the Implementation of The Convention. Conference of States Parties, UN. New York 3 September 2009 Department of Social and Economic Affairs, United Nations: Forum on the Millennium Development Goals and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Conference of States Parties, UN. New York 4 September 2009 Invited Speaker. Ethics Committees and the Field Researcher. Conference: Research Ethics Committees: Help or Hindrance. National Health Research Society. UCL Centre for Philosophy, Justice and Health. 2009 Presentation to Human Rights Division, Amnesty International. Disability and Human Rights. London. 2009 Presentation to Board of Directors Group (MRG) London Vulnerable groups and Minority Rights. Minority Rights 2009 Invited Speaker. Ethics Committees and the Field Researcher. Conference: Research Ethics Committees: Help or Hindrance. National Health Research Society. UCL Centre for Philosophy, Justice and Health. Oct.. 2009. Presentation to Graduate Student Group Disability and International Development: New Areas of research, University of Leeds. 2009 Keynote speaker. MEDSIN Conference Medsin conference on Vulnerable Groups at Nottingham University. October. 2009 Disability and HIV/AIDS: The Global Epidemic. UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities. United Nations, New York.. Dec 2nd 2009. International Day for Persons with Disabilities. Round table discussion: Educational Opportunity: Key to the Future. United Nations, New York. Dec. 2nd 2009 Keynote Speaker. Seattle Club on Research and Developmental Disability. University College 10 London. Dec. 7, 2009. 2010 Keynote speaker. Vulnerable Populations and Global Health: Areas of Concern.’ Conference Organizer; University College London, April 15. 2010 Session Chair. Disability Research and Law Conference, University of Galway. Galway, Ireland. April 26-27. 2010 US National Council on Disability: Overseas Assessment Study Roundtable Discussion. American University, Washington, DC. June 21st. 2010 Chair, Satellite Session – ‘AIDS and Disability – Country-level Perspectives.’ Vienna International AIDS Conference. 21 July 2010. 2010 Chair and session Moderator. United Nations, New York. Conference of States Parties on The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in conjunction with the States Parties Convention on the Millennium Development Goals. Session: Implementation of the CRPD: Disability-inclusive monitoring and evaluation of the MDGs.’ 1-3 Sept. 2010 Guest Speaker, University of East Anglia (UEA). Faculty of Health. Global Health and Disability. 20 November 2010. 2010 Discussant.Showing it Works: Pathways to Better Health. UCL Open Event. November 29th. 2010 Keynote Speaker. United Nations, New York. AIDS and Disability: An Emerging Concern. World AIDS Day Presentation. UN Department of Social Affairs/ UNAIDS/ US Mission to the UN. December 2, 2010. 2010 Speaker. UN State Department, Washington DC. World Disability Day. December 3, 2010. 2011. Inaugural Lecture, Leonard Cheshire Chair, University College London Feb 7, 2011 2011 DERN Seminar. Disability Equality Research Network. Invited Speaker. London School of Economics. Oct 25. 2011 BOND Group. Research in Global Disability Work. With Raymond Lang. London 2011. Global Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD/ World Bank) Expert Meeting on Indicators for Monitoring Inclusive Millennium Development Goals: Implementation. Maputo, Mozambique. 2011 Pediatric Grand Rounds. Disabled Children and Adolescents. Kathmandu Medical School 2012 Chair and panel speaker. Leonard Cheshire Disability/UNESCAP, Bangkok. DisabilityInclusive MDGs and Aid Effectiveness’ conference. Mar 14-16 2012 Moderator. UNICEF. Organizing Meeting for the Global Partnership for Children with 11 Disabilities. Bangkok, Thailand. May 17. 2012 Rapporteur. US Leadership Conference for International Disability Rights, United States Department of State, Washington DC. May9-10. 2012 Panel Member BOND Group. Members Advisory Panel for International Development Select Committee Inquiry on Disability and Development. Houses of Parliament. UK 2012 UN Conference of States Parties to the CRPD, UN Headquarters – New York a. Chair. Side Event: The Right to Earn a Living: Young Women with Disabilities – a call to action b. Panel Member. Harnessing the Power of Partnerships with Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Insights into Successful Transitions to Adulthood. LCD Co-sponsor of Event. c. Speaker: HIV, Disability and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Challenges and Opportunities 2012 Panel Member. UNICEF, New York. Forum on the Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities. Organizing Meeting. Sept. 14-15 2012 Speaker. University College London. Recent Advances in Global Health: Highlights. October 3rd. UCL, London. 2013 Session Moderator. United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Mental Well-being, Disability and Development. April 29-May 1, 2013. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2013 UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs – Regional Consultation. Disability Inclusive Development Agenda Towards 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2-May 4 2013. Speaker: ‘Kick Starting the Process of Change. University of Galway. The UN Convention on The Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Voice & Choice. 5th International Disability Law Summer School. Gerard Quinn, Director.. June 20, 2013 2013 Presenter. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York. Forum on The Post-2015 Development Framework and Disability. UN Headquarters, NYC July 19-20, 2013. 2013. Speaker. Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Psycho-social effects of participation in social protection programmes. Conference: Transforming Cash Transfers. London: Oct 16-17. 2013. Groce N. Disability: A missing piece in international development. Tuesday Ageing and Disability Inter-disciplinary Research Seminar Series, Norwich Medical School, University of East Angelia. Oct 22, 2013 2013 Groce N. Financial Inclusion 2020: Global Forum Disability Sessions: Exploring Accessible Microfinance Solutions for All. Participant: Opening Panel, Oct 27th 12 Professional Societies - Chairs, Committees US National Council on Disability – Member, Foreign Relations Sub-Committee, 1998- present. Society for Disability Studies: Founding Member, 1983, Board of Directors, 1983-1989, Chair, Advocacy Committee, 19881998. National Coalition on Foreign Policy and Disability. Founding Member, Board Member, 1994-2001. Advisory Boards/ Technical Advisory Roles United Nations Organizations: United Nations Secretariat – Review Committee for the Review and Revision Panel for UN Standard Rules on Disability. January, 2002-2004. World Bank – (1) Chair: Disability and HIV/AIDS World Bank/ Yale University Project; (2) Author: Disability and Adolescents White Paper; (3) Advisor for the Monitoring and Evaluation Section on Integration of Disability Perspective into World Bank Institute Programming. 2002-2008. UNICEF – (1) Advisor and regular consultant to UNICEF on Disability. (2) Member, 12 person Advisory Group for preparation of Disabled Children's Study for UNICEF Digest, 2003. (3) UNICEF Innocenti Research Institute, Florence, Italy. (4) Global Partnership on children with Disabilities (5) Advisory Panel – State of the World’s Children Report. Disabled Children. 2013 (6) Cooperative Technical Partnership, Disability Unit, 2012-2014. UNICEF & UN Secretary General’s Office, New York a) Chair, Thematic Group on Violence against Disabled Children. Chair and Principal Author of background report for UN Secretary General’s Report on Violence against Children. (United Nations Secretary General’s Office, October, 2006) UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs. a) Chair: Committee on Disability and the Millennium Development Goals. 2008-on b) Member – Expert Advisory Group on Mental Well-Being, Disability and Development. World Health Organization, Geneva: a) Advisor to Disability and Rehabilitation Section, 1999-present Chair & Principal Author: World Health Organization Policy on Disability, 2000-2001; b) Traditional Medicine Division. Advisor, Social Science &Traditional Medicine. 2001-2005 c) Director, Yale/WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Promotion, 2004-2008. 13 d) The UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/ WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), through WHO, Geneva. Member, Committee on Training, 2008-2012. UNFPA, New York Advisor on Reproductive Health – Persons with disabilities. 2006- 2009.; Chair, Committee on Guidelines on Sexual and Reproductive Health. AfriNEAD - Network to link disability researchers throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Member, Advisor Board. 2007 – on-going UNAIDS – Global Contact Group on AIDS and Disability. Member, Advisory Board. 2010 – on-going. International NGO Organizations Advisor to grassroots Public Health, Medical and/or Disability Advocacy NGOs in the following countries: United States, Canada, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ghana, Cameroon, Ethiopia. Hesperian Foundation - California - Advisory Board; Consultant to Women's Health Project; Disabled Women and Health Project. 2004-2006. Landmine Survivors, Inc., Washington, DC. Advisor, Training Manual for Policy Makers and Public Health Officials. 2004-2006 Rehabilitation International, New York. Regular Advisor on Policy and Development on Secretary General, New York, 1990- 2008 Chair: History Policy Project Advisory Group, 2000-2002. Disabled Peoples’ International. 2005-on. HIV/AIDS Consortium Advisory Board. African Campaign on Disability and HIV/AIDS – Advisory Board. 2006 – Present. The African Decade, (South Africa) in conjunction with Handicap International Headquarters (Lyon, France). International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) Millennium Development Goals Committee/ United Nations Committee, 2009-on; HIV/AIDS Committee (Advisor), 2009-on. Amman Imman Water Project – Niger. Member, Board of Directors. 2009-on. HelpAge. Global Age Watch Index. Expert Advisory Board, 2013. US Non-Governmental Organisations – National & Local National Council on Disability (US) - International Watch: Ad Hoc Group on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability. Advisory Board. 1999-2008 14 US: Connecticut State Department of Children and Family Services Advisor: Ethnic and Minority family issues; domestic violence services.1995-2008. US - Board of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Mental Retardation, Connecticut State Department of Mental Retardation. Re-appointed by Governor, 2001. (Board Member 19942005) Academic Boards/ Review Bodies York University - Toronto, Canada. Institute for the Study of Critical Issues in Disability Studies. Member: Advisory Board, Graduate Studies Program, 2002-present University of Buffalo: Center for International Rehabilitation Research and Information Exchange - University of Buffalo Member: Advisory Board, 2001-2008. Harvard University– Harvard Law School Project on Disability. Advisory Committee, 2009-on. McGill International Advisory Committee on Disability and Equity. 2011-2012 National Research Council, South Africa. Grants Reviewer. 2012. National Research Council of Norway, Public Health and Medicine Division. Grant Reviewer 2011, 2012. University College London Grand Challenges, Global Health Committee UCL Lancet Commission Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change 2008-2009. UCL Lancet Commission on Healthy Cities, 2010-2011. UCL Lancet Commission on Culture and Health, 2012-2013. Organizing Committee, Population Footprints UCL-Leverhulme Symposium, 2011-2012. North American Advisory Committee University College London Institute for Global Health Advisory Board – Chair, Vulnerable Populations Group North American Programme Advisory Board, External Reviewer External Reviewer, Masters of Science Programme in Rehabilitation and Disability Studies. University of Dublin. Dublin, Ireland 2011-2013. Editorial Boards 15 Research in Social Science and Disability. Monograph Series, JAI Press. Editorial Board. 1997present. Encyclopedia on the Community. Member: International Advisory Board. Sage Press, 20012005. Disability Studies Quarterly. Member, editorial board, 1983-2000. Co-Editor, Film and Book Reviews, 1990-1996. Ethnographica: Journal of Disability and Culture. Editorial Board, 2009- on Yale Journal of International Affairs 1995- 2008. Disability & Society – Editorial Board – 2012- on African Journal on Disability and Development, 2012-on Lancet Global Health. International Advisory Board. 2013-on Regular Reviewer for the Following Academic Journals The Lancet Social Science and Medicine New England Journal of Medicine American Anthropologist Medical Anthropology Quarterly Medical Anthropology American Journal of Public Health Disability Studies Quarterly Research in Social Science and Disability Health and Development AIDS Care AIDS Yale-China Journal Journal of Epidemiology Health and Human Rights Pediatrics World Development African Disability and Development World Health Bulletin Study Sections/ Commissions/ Research Councils 2003-2008. United States Department of Education, National Institute of Rehabilitation and Disability Research (NIDRR). 2001-2008. American Schools of Public Health (ASPH)-Faculty Advisor for ASPH/CDC/Public Health Fellowship Program. 2000-2008. American Schools of Public Health. Alan Rosenfeld Global Health Fellowship Program. Faulty review representing Yale. Dean’s Nomination Committee. 2006 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Study Section. AIDS and Related Research (AARR) IRG in the Behavioral and Social Approaches to the Prevention of HIV/AIDS (BSPH). 2007 UNFPA – Experts Meeting on Sexual and Reproductive Health for the Disabled. (Chair) UNFPA – New York. 2004- on Planning Committees on AIDS and Disability for UN Global AIDS Meetings: Mexico City, 2008; Vienna 2010; Washington DC 2012. 2006-2007 American Schools of Public Health/Centers for Disease Control (ASPH/CDC) Vulnerable Populations Collaboration Preparedness Group. 16 2004-6 UN Secretariat – New York – UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Member, international consortium of activists, policy makers and scholars changed with drafting and negotiate a new Convention on the Rights of the Disabled. Areas of contribution: access to health, development, cultural participation. Passed by UN General Assembly, March 30, 2006. 2009. UCL (University College London)- Lancet Commission on Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change. 2009 United Nations/ WHO, Department of Social and Economic Affairs (DESA) – Chair, Expert Panel on Disability and the Millennium Development Goals. 2010-on. International Disability and Development Committee (IDDC). Task Force on UN Policy. UN AIDS Working Group on Disability and HIV/AIDS (Chair);.HIV Committee. FULL BIBLIOGRAPHY Peer-Reviewed Original Articles 1. Groce N. Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language. Natural History 1981: 89:6:10-15. 2. Groce N. Cross-Cultural Research in Disability: Current Strengths, Future Needs. Disability Studies Quarterly, 1986:7:3:45-51. 3. Scheer J., Groce N. Impairment as a Human Constant: Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspectives on variation. Journal of Social Issues, 1989:44:1:23-4. 4. Groce N. Cross-Cultural Research: Combining International Health with International Development. Disability Studies Quarterly, 1989:6:2:12-15. 5. Groce N, Scheer J. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Disability. Social Science and Medicine, 1990:30:8:836-839. 6. Groce N. Traditional Folk Belief Systems: An Important Factor in Policy Planning. One-in-Ten, Rehabilitation International/UNICEF. 1990:1:4-39. 7. Groce N. Women and Children in Armed Conflict Situations: Report of UNICEF/Rehabilitation International Study on Conflict Related Disabilities in Five Nations. One-in-Ten, UNICEF/Rehabilitation International, 1991:6:3:18-27. 8. Groce N., Zola IK. Multiculturalism, Chronic Illness and Disability. Pediatrics, 1991: 91:5(2):10481056. 9. Groce N. Furthering the Goals of Americans with Disabilities Act Through Disability Policy Research in the 1990s: Commentary. Proceedings, Washington: National Council on Disability. 1993:56-57. 17 10. Groce N. Rehabilitation Policy: A Review. International Rehabilitation Review, 1995:12:4:36-42. 11. Groce N. Quantifying the Quality of Life: A Social Scientist's Perspective on the World Banks' Disability-Adjusted Life Years. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 1995:3:1131-1141. 12. Groce N. Disability and Religious Institutions: A Social Science Perspective. Disability Studies Quarterly, 1995:11:1:16-23. 13. Groce N. Review of the Recent Literature on Vulnerable Groups: the Blind, the Elderly and the Caregivers. American Ethnologist, 1995. 14. Groce N. Emerging Issues in Disability Studies: Monitoring the World Bank. Disability Studies Quarterly, 1996:12:1:14-18. 15. Groce N. Bell Greve: A Pioneering Figure in International Rehabilitation. Journal of Rehabilitation, 1996:26:1:10-22. 16. Bretsky P., Blanc D. Phelps S, Ranson J., Degutis L. and Groce N. Epidemiology of Firearm Mortality and Injury Estimates, State of Connecticut, 1988-1993. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 1996:28:2: 176-182. 17. Linnehan MJ., Andrews S., Groce N. College Health Providers' Knowledge, Management Practices of Genital HPV Infection. Nurse Practitioner, 1996:21:5:73-85. Attitudes and 18. Groce N., Reeve ME. Traditional Healers and Global Surveillance Strategies for Emerging Diseases: Closing the Gap. Emerging Infectious Disease, 1996:2:4:351-353. 19. Groce N. Parent Advocacy for Disabled Children and the Disability Rights Movement: Similar Movements, Different Trajectories. PONPO Working Paper NO. 237/ISPS Working Paper No. 2237. Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University, 1997. 20. Groce N. Women with Disability in the Developing World: Arenas for Policy Revision and Programmatic Change. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 1997:8:1:178-193. 22. Groce N. Firearm Violence, Disability and Rehabilitation: Policy Revision in Light of Shifting Demographics. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 1999:9:2:93-110. 23. Groce N. Girls and Women with Disability: A Global Challenge. One-in-Ten UNICEF/ Rehabilitation International 1997:14:2:2-5. 24. Groce N. Framing Disability Issues in Local Concepts and Beliefs. Asian-Pacific Journal of Rehabilitation, 1999:10:1:4-7. 25. Groce N., Chamie M, Me A. (1999) Disability-Adjusted Life Years: Serious Implications for current and future health resource allocations. International Rehabilitation Review. 1999:49:1- 2:12-15. 18 26. Groce N., Degutis L. Rehabilitation Needs as a Result of Firearm-Related Injury: A Four-Year Retrospective Study from an Inner-City Hospital in the United States. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 1999:22:4:781-789. 27. Linnehan MJ, Groce N. Psychosocial and Educational Services for Female College Students With Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection. Family Planning Perspectives. 1999, 31:3:137-141. 28. Groce, N. Disability in Practice and Theory in a Cross-Cultural Perspective: Rethinking Disability. The Lancet. 1999:354:9180:756-757. Editor - Invited Special Issue 29. Hanson H, Groce N. From Quarantine to Condoms: The Need for New Responses to the HIV Epidemic in Cuba. Medical Anthropology. 2001:19:3:259-292. 30. Linnehan MJ, Groce N. Genital Human Papillomavirus: Case Study. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 2000:14:8:439-446. 31. Gannotti M, Groce N, Handwerker WP, Cruz C. Socio-Cultural Influences on Disability Status in Puerto Rican Children. Physical Therapy 2001:81:9:1512-1523. 32. Groce NE, Marks J. Eugenics and Anthropology - the Great Ape Projects and Disability Rights. American Anthropologist. 2000:102:4:818-822. 33 Groce NE, Marks J. Ominous Undercurrents of Eugenics in Action. New Haven: Yale Institute for Social and Policy Studies Journal. 2002:4:24-38. 34. Groce, N. HIV/ANDS and Persons with Disability: Overlooked and at Grave Risk. The Lancet, 2003:361: April 26:1401-1402. 35. Reeve ME, Groce N, Persing J, Magee S. An International Surgical Exchange Program for Children with Cleft Lip/ Cleft Palate in Manaus, Brazil: Patient and Family Expectation. Journal of Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate. 2004, 15:1:170-174. 36. Hansen H, Groce N. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Quarantine in Cuba. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 2004, 290:21:2875. 37. Gannotti M, Groce N, Kaplan L. Difference in Perceived Unmet Needs and Expectations of Providers by Spanish and English Speaking Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs. Behavioral Pediatrics 2004: 38. Yousafzai A, Groce N, Wirz S. HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices among a Deaf Population in Rural Swaziland. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 2004, 27:3:1-5. 39. Groce N. Disabled Adolescents: Rethinking Current and Future Approaches. The Asia Pacific Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation. 2004:15:2:42-63. 40. Groce N., Trasi R. The Myth of Virgin Rape and the Disabled: An Undocumented Epidemic. The Lancet 2004:363:1663-1664 May 22. 19 41. Groce N. HIV/AIDS and Disability: Findings from the World Bank/Yale Global Survey. Health and Human Rights. 2005: 8:2:215-224. 42. Groce N, MacNamara M, Mawar R. Inclusion of HIV/AIDS Messages in Indigenous ‘Rite of Passage’ Ceremonies: Reaching Young People in Tribal Communities. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 2006: July-August, 8:4:303-315. 43. Groce N. Cultural Beliefs and Practices that Influence the Type and Nature of Data Collected onIndividual Disablity through National Censuses. In Research in Social Science and Disability. Special Issue: International Views on Disability Measures: Moving Towards Comparative Measurement. 2006: 4:41-55. 44. Groce N, Yousafzai A, Zalud S, Wirz S. HIV/AIDS and Disability: a pilot survey of HIV/AIDS knoweldge among a deaf population in Swaziland. Disability and Rehabiliation. 2006: 29:4: 319-325. 45. Groce N, Yousafzai A, Van der Mass F. HIV/AIDS and Disability: Differences in HIV/AIDS Knowledge between Deaf and Hearing Populations, Nigeria. Rehabilitation. 2007:29:5:367-371. 46. Groce N. Der kulturelle Kontext von Behinderung. Das Zeichen. (Journal for Language and Culture of the Deaf) 2006:74:20:392-397. 47. Groce N, Ayorla P, Kaplan K. Immunization Status among Disabled Children in Coastal Ecuador: A pilot study with unanticipated findings. Journal of Paediatrics. 151:2:218-220. 48. Neri S, Bradley B, Groce N. Frequency of HIV Testing Among Persons with Disabilities: Results from the National Health Interview Survey, 2002. AIDS Education and Prevention. 19(6), 545 - 554. 49. Groce N, Montero F. Youth with Disabilities: Habilitation, Rehabilitation and General Health Care. One-in-Ten. International Rehabilitation Review. UNICEF. 2008: 26, 16 - 18. 50. Rutten A. Levin L, Stuart J, Kemer K, Groce N. Social Catalysts in Health Promotion Implementation. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2008:62:560-565. 51. Costello A. et al. (Groce). The University College London (UCL) – Lancet Commission on Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change. The Lancet. 2009: 373:1693-1733, 52. Becker J, Theodosis C, Jacob S., Wira C, Groce N. Surviving Sepsis in Low-Income and MiddleIncome Countries: New Directions for Care and Research. Lancet Infectious Disease. 2009:9:9:577-582. 53. Shuval K, Pillsbury C, Cavanaugh B, LcGruder L, McKinney C, Massey Z and Groce N. Evaluating the Impact of Conflict Resolution on Urban Children’s Violence Perceptions and Behaviors in New Haven, Connecticut through a Community-Academic Partnership. Health Education Research 25(5), 757 - 768. 54. Groce N. Disability and Global Health. Health Matters. Spring 2009: 75:17-19. 20 55. Clark C, Silverman J, Shahrouri M, Everson-Rose S, Groce N. 2010. The Role of the Extended Family in Women’s Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Jordan. Social Science and Medicine: 20:144151. 56. Officer A, Groce N. Key Concepts in Disability. Co-Editor of Special Issue. The Lancet. 2009. 3749704-1795. 57. Groce N, Trani JF. 374:9704:1800. 2009. Disability and the Millennium Development Goals. The Lancet. 58. Shakespear T, Iezzoni L, Groce N. The Art of Medicine: Disability and the training of health professionals. The Lancet 2009. 374: 9704:185-1816. 59. Rohleder P, Swartz L, Schneider M, Groce N, Eide A. HIV/AIDS and Organizations in South Africa. AIDS Care. 2010. 22:2:221-227. 60. Novick, G., Sadler, L.S., Kennedy, H.P, Cohen, S.S., Groce, N., Knafl, KA. 2010. Women’s Experience of Group Prenatal Care. Qualitative Health Research 21(1): 97-116. 61. Shuval K, Pillsbury C, Cavanough B, McGruder M, McKinney C, Massey Z, Groce N. 2010. Evaluating the Impact of Conflict Resolution on Urban Children’s Violence-related Attitudes and Behaviors in New Haven, Connecticut, through a Community-Academic Partnership. Health Education Research. 25:5:757-768. 62. Groce N. Bakshi P. 2011. Illiteracy among Adults with Disabilities in the Developing World: A Review of the Literature and a Call for Action. Journal of Inclusive Education. 15:101153-1168. 63. Montgomery M, Desai, Groce N., Elimelech M. 2011. Location Matters: Spatial Proximity to Social Gathering Places and Risk of Trachoma in Rural Tanzania. Social Science and Medicine. 73, 1 - 5. 64. Shuval K, Harker K, Roudsari B, Groce NE, Mills B, et al. 2011 Is Qualitative Research Second Class Science? A Quantitative Longitudinal Examination of Qualitative Research in Medical Journals. PLoS ONE 6(2): e16937. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016937 65. Lang R, Kett M, Trani JF, Groce N. 2011. Implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: principles, implications, practice and limitations. ALTEREuropean Journal of Disability Research, 66. Groce N, Kett M, Trani JF, Lang R, Bailey N. 2011. Water and Sanitation Issues for Persons with Disabilities in Low and Middle Income Countries: A review of the Literature and Discussion of Implications for Global Health and International Development Efforts. International Journal of Water and Health. 2011:9:4:617-627. 21 67. Groce N, Kett M, Lang R, Trani JF. 2011. Disability and Poverty: The Need for a More Nuanced Understanding of Implications for Development Policy and Practice. Third World Quarterly. 32(8):1493-1513 68. Hoang D, Dinh A, Groce N, Sullivan L. (2011) Knowledge and attitudes of HIV-infected patients regarding HIV transmission and treatment in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2011. 9(4) :617-27. 69. Shuval K, Massey Z, OCaughy M, Cavanough B, Pillsbury C, McGruder L, Groce N. (2012) ‘I Live by Shooting Hill’: Perceptions of Conflict and Violence among Urban Youth Participating in Violence Prevention Programs in New Haven, Connecticut. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2012 (1):132-43 70. Trani JF, Browne J, Kett M, Bah O, Morlai T, Bailey N, Groce N. 2011.Access to health care, reproductive health and disability: A large scale survey in Sierra Leone. Social Science & Medicine 73 (10), 1477-1489 71. Komolafe, MA., Sunmonu, TA., Afolabi, OT., Komolafe, EO., Fabusiwa, FO., Groce, N., Kett, M., Disu, JO., Ajiboye, JK. & Olaniyan, SO. (2012). The social and economic impacts of epilepsy on women in Nigeria. Epilepsy and Behaviour 24(1):97-101 *72. Komolafe MA, Sunmonu TA, Fabusiwa F, Komolafe EO, Afolabi O, Kett M, Groce N. 2011. Women's perspectives on epilepsy and its sociocultural impact in south western Nigeria. African Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2012. Vol 30:2:1-8 73. Novick, G., Sadler, L., Knafl, K., Groce, N. (2012). The Intersection of Everyday Life and Group Prenatal Care for Women in Two Urban Clinics. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 23(2):589-603. 74. Rydin Y, Bleahu A, Davies M, Davila J, Friel S, DeGrandis G, Groce N, Hallal P, Hamilton I, Howden-Chapman P, Lai K, Lim JC, Martins J, Osrin D, Ridley I, Scott I, Taylor M, Wilkinson P. Shaping Cities for Health: complexity and the planning of urban environments in the 21st Century. The Lancet. (2012) 6736:12:60-90 75. Groce N. (2012) Disability and the Millennium Development Goals: A review of the MDG Process and Strategies for Inclusion of Disabilities Issues in Millennium Development Goal Efforts. United Nations/ Department of Social and Economic Affairs (DESA) UN Secretary General's Office, New York. 76. Groce N, Pohleder P, Eide A,, MacLachlan M, Mall S, Swartz L. (2013) HIV issues and People with Disabilities: A Review and Agenda for Research. Social Science and Medicine. 77: 31–40. 77.Novick G, Sadler L, Knafl K. Groce N, Kennedy H. (2013). In a Hard Spot: Providing group prenatal care in two urban clinics. Midwifery. 29:690-697. 22 78. Groce N, Kerac M, Farkas A, Berman-Bieler R, Schultink W (2013) ‘Inclusive Nutrition for Children and Adults with Disabilities. Lancet Global Health. 1:4:180-181 79. Groce N. Disability and the League of Nations: The Crippled Child’s Bill of Rights and A Call for An International Bureau of Information, 1931. Disability & Society (2013) in press) Technical Reports: (Major/ Recent) 1. Groce, N. 1999. Global Survey on Adolescents and Disability. Program for Children in Exceptional Difficult Circumstances. Division of Adolescents, Division of Disabled Child Advocacy. New York: UNICEF. 2. Groce N, Eigner W, Sandborg E. 2000. Global Policy on Disability, WHO. Geneva: WHO Disability and Rehabilitation Unit (DAR). (Chair and Principal Author: Policy Revision Initiative). 3. Groce N. 2002. Effectiveness of Traditional and Complementary/Alternative Systems of Medicine: The Need for Conceptual and Methodological Development. Geneva: WHO, Traditional Medicine Division. 4. Groce N. 2003. Adolescents and Youth with Disability: Issues and Challenges. International Policy and Program Review with Recommendations. Washington, DC. The World Bank. 5. Groce N. 2004. A Population at Risk: HIV/AIDS and Disability: Capturing Hidden Voices. Findings of the Yale/World Bank Global Survey of HIV/AIDS and Disability. Washington, DC: The World Bank. 6. Groce N. 2005. World Bank, Washington. Revision of Evaluation and Monitoring Training Course for Field Based Development Personnel to Insure Inclusion of Persons with Disability. 7. Groce N. 2005. World Bank. HIV/AIDS and Disability: What Field Staff Should Know? Bank Notes Series. Washington, The World Bank. 8. Groce N. 2006. Violence against Disabled Children. Report for UNICEF & United Nations Secretary General’s Office. Background Report for UN Secretary General’s Report: Violence against Children. UNICEF, New York/ UN Secretariat. 9. Groce N. 2006. Reconfiguring the Mozambique Health Service System: The need to include village based services and outreach. Results of field study in Mozambique, March 2006. The World Bank. WHO/International Labour Organization Series on HIV/AIDS and Disabilities – (Funded through grant from WHO/ILO) 10. Groce N. 2007. “What you need to know about HIV/AIDS: A manual for people with disabilities.” International Labour Organization – Geneva 23 11. Groce N. 2007. “Disabled Peoples’ Organizations and HIV/AIDS: a guide for organizations and fieldworkers.” International Labour Organization – Geneva 12. Rau S. Groce N. 2007. HIV/AIDS Awareness and Disability Rights Training Manual. Prepared by Rehabilitation International, Disabled Organization for Legal Affairs and Social Economic Development (DOLASED) and Miracles in Mozambique. December. 13. Prabu David P, Wingate M, Butler J., Canela J, Groce N, Hoffman Y, Jones A., Koh H, Nick G, Roush R, Rowel R, Sheyahshe M., Shultz J., Siador C.. 2008. The 2006-2007 American Schools of Public Health/ Centres for Disease Control Vulnerable Populations Collaboration Group Preparedness Resource Kit. Atlanta, Georgia. Centers for Disease Control. 14. Groce, N, Izutsu T, Reier S., Rinehard W, Temple B. 2009. UNFPA/WHO– Guidelines for Programs on Sexual and Reproductive Health for Persons with Disabilities. UNFPA/WHO. 15. Groce N, Wang H. World Bank. 2008. Community Health Care Workers in Lesotho and Zambia: A comparative field study on the looming crisis in health care staffing at the local level. Washington, DC: The World Bank. 16. Groce N, Trasi R, Yousafzai A. World Bank. 2008 HIV/AIDS and Disability: Guidelines for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in HIV/AIDS Outreach Efforts. Washington, DC.:The World Bank. (Spanish, French and Portuguese versions available on World Bank website). 17. Wang, H, Groce, N. 2008. Economic Valuations of Community Health Workers’ Recompense in Zambia. Health Systems for Outcomes Publication: Human Resources for Health. 18. Groce N. 2009. World Report on Disability. World Health Organization –2 contributions HIV/AIDS section; Vaccination of disabled children in Ecuador. 19. Groce N. 2009. Fifth Annual Appraisal of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons. Appendix B: Disability and the Millennium Development Goals. UN Division for Social and Economic Affairs (DESA), United Nations, New York. 20. Groce N, Derjani-Bayeh M. 2009. Mainstreaming Disability in MDG Policies, Processes and Mechanisms: Development for All. Report of the Expert Group Meeting. New York: UN – DESA. 21. Groce N., Murray B, Loeb M, Tramontano C, Trani JF. Mekonnen A. 2013. Disabled Street Beggars In Ethiopia: Findings from the UCL/ ILO Pilot Study. Geneva: International Labour Organization, United Nations. 2013; Summary of Findings, 2014. 22. Groce N. et al. 2012-2013: UNICEF Background Papers Series 22. Groce N. Guidance Note on Working with People with Disabilities 23. Groce N, Deluca M, Cole E. Fact Sheet on Children with Disabilities 24 24. Groce N, Lang R. Disability Prevention Efforts and Disability Rights: Finding Common Ground in Immunization Efforts. 25. Kerec M, Groce N. Scaling Up Disability and Nutrition: Stronger Together 26. Lang R, Kett M, Groce N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination against Women. 27. Groce N, Early Childhood Development and Disability: A Discussion Paper 28. Groce N, Deluca M, Lang R, Kett M. 2013. Survey of How Partners Perceive UNICEF’s Work on Disability: Experiences and Expectations. 29. Leonard Cheshire Centre. 2012-2013. Leonard Cheshire Disability. UK Study: Exploring Disabled People’s Barriers to Independence. 30. 2012-2013 Situational Analysis of Children with Disabilities in Tanzania. UNICEF Tanzania. 31. Wapling L, Lang R, Cole E, Kett M, Groce N. (2013) Research Toolkit for Disabled people’s Organisations: How to undertake and use applied research. London: Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre. 32. Groce N, Challenger E, Kerac M. 2013. Stronger Together: Nutrition-Disability Links and Synergies- Briefing Note. Background paper for: Nutrition Working Group: Global Partnership for Children with Disabilities. UNICEF, New York. Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, Working Papers Series. Series Editor. And: 1. Groce N, Bahkshi P. 2010. Illiteracy among Disabled Adults: An unexplored area of concern. Leonard Cheshire Disability, University College London: Working Paper Series. No. 10. 2. Bailey N, Groce G. 2010. Water and Sanitation Issues for Persons with Disabilities in Low and Middle Income Countries: A review of the Literature and Discussion of Implications for Global Health and International Development Efforts. Leonard Cheshire Disability, University College London: Working Paper Series. No. 12. 3. Trani JF, Bah O, Bailey N, Browne J, Groce N, Kett M. 2010. Disability In and Around Urban Areas of Sierra Leone. London. Leonard Cheshire Disability. 25 4. Groce N, London J. Stein M. 2012. Disability and Inheritance: An Overlooked factor in multigenerational poverty. Leonard Cheshire Working Papers Series in Disability and Development. No 13. (2012) 5. Lang R, Groce N. 2012. The Social Determinants of Health and Disability: A Position Paper Leonard Cheshire Working Papers Series in Disability and Development. No (2012) Guest Editorships, Forwards 1. Groce NE. Disability Studies Quarterly. Guest Editor, “Disability Cross-Culturally and Disability Internationally.” Society for Disability Studies, Brandeis University. 1987:6:3:110-198. 2. Groce NE., Scheer J. Social Science and Medicine. Guest Co-Editor, issue: “Cross-Cultural Approaches to Physical Disability”. 1990:30:8:837-901. 3. Groce NE. Disability Studies Quarterly. Guest Editor: Disability in an International Perspective. Society for Disability Studies. 1990:8:4:135-190. 4. Krefting L, Groce NE. Practicing Anthropology. Guest Co-Editor. Disability, Rehabilitation and Applied Anthropology. 1992:14:1:1-87. 5. Groce NE. “One Hundred and Fifty Million Disabled Children and Growing.” Guest Editor Onein-Ten. UNICEF/Rehabilitation International, 1994:13:1:1-14. 6. Groce NE. “Disability in a Cross-Cultural Context.” The Lancet. Guest Editor: Invited Series. 1999: 354:91880: 756-764 7. Groce NE. Disability, Poverty, Human Rights and the Need for Accurate Data. Editorial. Special Edition: ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research. 2009:3:185-187. 8. Groce NE; Officer A, Shakespeare T, McDonald R, Muller Z. Guest Co-Editor. Global Disability – Special Issue. The Lancet. 2009. 374:9704: Nov. 28-Dec 4. 9. Groce N. 2010. ‘Forward’ in T. Barron, JM Ncube. Poverty and Disability. London: Leonard Cheshire. The Disability and Inclusive Development Series. Reviews 1. Groce NE. Review essay, The Politics and Social Context of Child Abuse, Review on Parton and Pelton. in Journal of Health Policy, Politics and Law. 1986:16:5:10-13. 2. Groce NE. Johnson's Medical Anthropology. New England Journal of Medicine 1988:319:24:1123-1124. 26 3. Groce NE. The Broken Cord, M. Dorris and Darkness Visible, W. Styron in International Rehabilitation Review 1992:12:4:36-38. 4. Groce NE. "No Pity" - Disabled People and the New Civil Rights Movement. International Rehabilitation Review 1993:44:1:16. 5. Groce NE. Violence and Abuse in the Lives of People with Disabilities. International Rehabilitation Review, 1994:45:1:38. 6. Groce NE. Review: Women with Disabilities: Essays in Psychology, Culture and Politics. Journal of Disability Policy Studies 1994:5:2:112-114. 7. Groce NE. "Mother Father Deaf" Living Between Sounds and Silence. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 1995:9:3:-335-337. 8. Groce NE. Child Abuse: the Non-human Primate Data. Anthropology Quarterly 1997:2:8:12-14. M. Reite and N. Caine. Medical 9. Groce NE. Hollywood Speaks: Deafness and the Media. Gallaudet Today. 1996:5:6:23. 10. Groce NE. “Deaf Culture.” American Anthropologist. 2007. Film Reviews 1983-98 Film Review Co-editor, Disability Studies Quarterly. Society for Disability Studies, Irving K. Zola, editor, Volumes 1-13. 38 Reviews published. 1982-96 Regular film reviewer. American Anthropologist. 47 Reviews. Documentaries/Commentaries/ Media Interviews (major/recent) 1. Marks J, Groce N. ‘Don’t Slight Disabled for Animal Rights’ New York Times. 1997: Feb. 18th’t-slight-disabled-for-animal-rights-sake638960.html. 2.1998 BBC1 See/Hear Half-hour documentary on my research on Martha’s Vineyard’s Deaf Community. Broadcast 1998 and re-broadcast nationally. 1999, 2001. 3. 2000 Swedish National Television Our Deaf Heritage. Half-hour documentary on Martha’s Vineyard research. Broadcast nationally (Sweden) 2001. 4. 2003 BBC4 – Radio 4. Different Worlds Half hour discussion on BBC Radio 4 on deafness, disability and bioethics. Moira Hinckley, producer. 5. 2004 Interview for article: “HIV/AIDS and the Disabled: A new dynamic in the AIDS Crisis.” Richard Leone, Writer. The New York Times. Sunday, March 27th. 27 6. 2004 BBC World Service. Interview: The Impact of the AIDS Crisis on the Global Disability Population. April 13th, BBC World Service. 7. 2006 Disabled Lives – Multi-part series. Connecticut Public Broadcasting System. 2006-2007, Connecticut Public TV. 8. Kett M, Groce N. 2011. Disabled Children: A Global Perspective. International Child Health Newsletter. International Child Health Group, London. 9.2012. Speaker. Lancet Healthy Cities Commission Press Conference. UCL, London 10. 2012. BBC Newcastle. Interview on AIDS and Persons with Disabilities. December 2012. Chapters 1. Groce NE., 1981 “Growing Up Rural” in Children and Their Organizations: Investigations in American Culture. T. Sieber & A. Gordon, eds. G.K. Hall Publishers: Boston. 2. Groce NE. 1982 “The American Deaf Community in an Historical Perspective.” In The Deaf Community and the Deaf Population. P. Higgins, J. Nash. Monograph 3, Washington: Gallaudet College Press. 3. Groce NE. 1984 “The Need for Cross-Cultural Studies of Physical Handicaps.” In Social Aspects of Chronic Illness, Impairment and Disability. Stephen Hey, ed. Willamette University Press: Oregon 4. Groce NE. 1986 “Deafness on Martha's Vineyard.” in The Encyclopedia of Deaf Peoples and Deafness. NY: McGraw-Hill. 5. Groce NE. 1988 “Child Abuse and the Disabled: A Population at Risk.” In Child Abuse and Neglect. Martha Strauss, Baltimore: John's Hopkins University Press,. 6. Groce NE. 1989 “Assessing Child Health Programs in the Developing World: Social and Cultural Considerations.” In Proceedings. International Conference on Community Based Rehabilitation. Kingston, Ontario: Queens University Press. 7. Groce NE. 1992 “Mental Retardation in Small Town America: An Historical Perspective.” In Interpreting Disability: A Qualitative Reader P. Ferguson, D. Ferguson and S.Taylor, Eds. New York: Teachers College Press. 8. Groce NE. 1995 “Children and AIDS in a Multicultural Perspective.” In Silent Voices: Children in Families with AIDS. Geballe S, Gruendel J, Andiman W, Eds. New Haven: Yale University Press,. 9. Groce NE.1997 “They Were Just Like Everyone Else.” In Critical Strategies for Academic Thinking and Writing. M. Kiniry and M. Rose, eds. Boston: Bedford Books. 28 10. Groce NE. 1999 “Researching the Social Contexts of Disability: The Needs for Greater Theoretical Cohesion.” In Local Concepts and Beliefs about Disability in Different Cultures. B. Holzer, A. Miegel (ed.) Amsterdam: Foundation for Comparative Research. 11. Groce NE. 1999 “Universal Policies and Cultural Differences: Prioritizing Needs.” In CrossCultural Health Care: An International Perspective for Rehabilitation Professionals. R. Leavitt. (ed) NY: Saunders. 12. Groce NE. 2003 “Applying Anthropology.” In Yale Guide to the Health Professional. H. Spiro (ed). New Haven: Yale University Press. 13. Groce NE. 2003The Social Context of Disability. Encyclopedia of Disability. New York: Sage. 14. Groce N. 2004Immigrants, Disability and Rehabilitation. Providing Culturally Competent Disability Services to Persons Born in Other Countries. J. Stone, (ed.) NY: Sage. 15. Groce N. 2004Martha’s Vineyard. In The Encyclopedia of Disability. Y. Anderson, Ed. Sage. New York: 16. Groce N, Gannotti M. 2004 “Rights of the Disabled.” In Derechos Ecomoicos, Sociales y Culturales en America Latina: De la Teoria a la Practica. (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Latin America: From Theory to Practice). A.Yamina (ed).APRODEH, Asociacio Derechos Humanos del Peru. 17. Groce N. 2006 “Disability, Public Health and Social Injustice.” In Social Injustice and Public Health. Barry Levy & Victor Sidel (eds.) Oxford University Press. (Paperback: 2009) 18. Groce N. 2007 “Martha’s Vineyard Deafness. “ In The Encyclopedia of the Deaf Community. S. Bursch (ed). Washington: Gallaudet University Press. 19) Groce N. 2008 “Health Services: Disability and Rehabilitation.” In The Encyclopedia of Public Health. H. Heggenhougen (ed) Elsevier Publishers. 20. .Groce N. Bakshi P. 2013. Illiteracy among Adults with Disabilities in the Developing World. Nidhi Singal (ed). Disability, Poverty and Education. London. Routledge. 21) Groce N. 2013. “Disability, Public Health and Social Injustice.” In Social Injustice and Public Health. Barry Levy & Victor Sidel (eds.) Oxford University Press. Revised second edition. BOOKS & Monographs 1. Groce NE. Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language: Hereditary Deafness on Martha's Vineyard. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press English German Japanese Korean 1985 - 1st printing; 2013 – 12th 1990 - 1st printing; 2006 - 2nd 1992 - 1st printing; 2005 - 6th 2003 - 1st printing; 2003 - 2nd 29 printing. printing. printing. printing 2. Groce NE. The Town Fool: Mental Retardation in a Small-Scale Society. Wenner-Gren Foundation, New York. Monograph #12 in Society and Disability Series, 1986. 3. Groce NE, Kaplan LC. Access Connecticut: A Guide for Disabled Children and Their Families. Newington, Connecticut, Newington Children's Hospital, 1993. 4. Groce NE. The United States' Role in International Disability Activities New York: Rehabilitation International/ World Institute on Disability/ World Rehabilitation Fund, 1995. 5. Groce N, Kaplan J, Kaplan L. 2002. Accessible Connecticut: A Guide for Children with Disability in Connecticut. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. 6. Groce N. From Charity to Disability Rights: Global Initiatives of International Rehabilitation, 1922-2002. New York: Rehabilitation International, 2002. 7. Groce N., Murray B, Loeb M, Mekonnen A,Tramontano C, Trani JF. Mekonnen A. 2013. Disabled Street Beggars In Ethiopia: Findings from the UCL/ ILO Pilot Study. Geneva: International Labour Organization, United Nations. 2012; Summary of Findings, 2013 Conference Presentations – (Selected) 1980 Groce N. Deafness on Martha’s Vineyard. American Anthropological Association Meetings. 1981. Groce N. Hereditary Deafness and Social Inclusion. Albuquerque New Mexico. Western Social Science Conference, 1995 Groce N, Chamie M. “Quantifying the Quality of Life: Disability Adjusted Life Years and the World Bank.” International Statistical Institute, Beijing, China. 1997 “Teaching Domestic Violence to Public Health Students.” Innovations in Domestic Violence Interventions Conference. University of Connecticut-Storrs.1998 “The Links between Physical Therapy and Disability Studies.” The National Physical Therapy Meetings. American Physical Therapy Association. Boston, MA. February. 2005 American Public Health Association Meetings, Philadelphia. “Disability and Public Health: An Element of Social Justice.” In Ella Parsons Session on Social Justice Issues. 2008. Invited Speaker. Unite for Sight Conference. New Haven, Connecticut. April. 2009 Groce N, Bahkshi P. ‘Disabled Adults and Illiteracy: An unexplored area of concern. 10th UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development, Oxford University. Sept. 10. 2009 Groce N. Bahkshi P. ‘Illiteracy and Disabled Adults: the UCL comprehensive literature review study. Inclusive Education Conference Salamanca, Spain. October 30 2013 ‘Rewriting what Constitutes Education in Light of Global Disability Concerns. Ethics and Disability Research in Southern Contexts. BAICE Thematic Forum. Cambridge University, UK. May 3, 2013 2013 Mitra S, Mont D, Palmer M, Groce N. Out-of-pocket health expenditures in Vietnam: New evidence on coping mechanisms and consequences using national longitudinal data. Presented by Palmer, Health Systems in Asia Conference. National University of Singapore, December 13-16, TEACHING Teaching Experience, 1978-1990: Brown, Bowdoin, Harvard, Rhode Island School of Design (RISDI) Introduction to Anthropology (Harvard: 6 years; Bowdoin: 2 Years, UMass-Boston: 3 years); Medical Anthropology (Harvard: 6 years, Bowdoin 2 years); Folklore and Oral History: (Harvard 3 years; Bowdoin: 2 years); Folklore of New England: (Bowdoin 2 years; Brown University: 3 years); American Folk Art: (Rhode Island School of Design: 2 years). Teaching Responsibilities while at Yale – (1990-2008) Annual: 1) Introduction to Qualitative Research Methodology. (GHD 580b) Qualitative research core course for graduate students at the Yale Schools of Public Health, Medicine, Nursing.. Average: 12-20 graduate students. Taught 2001-2008.. 2) Introduction to Global Health (GHD 551b) Core course, Global Health Division, MPH Program. Average: 35-40 graduate students. Taught 1993-2008. 3) Topics in Global Health (GHD 513b) Core course, Global Health Division, MPH Program. Average: 35-40 graduate students. Taught 1993-2008. . 4) International Public Health Practice Seminar (556b) Average: 30-40 graduate students. Taught 2000-2008. Regularly taught at Yale: 5) Cross-cultural Issues in Health. (GHD 579a). Introduction to medical sociology & anthropology for graduate public health, medical and nursing students. Spring semesters, biannually. Taught 2000-2008.. Average: 15-20 graduate students. 6) Violence in Society. Biannually Survey course on domestic and global violence. Taught 1999-2005.-Average 15-20 graduate students. 7) Disability and Global Health. Biannually.. Advanced level seminar on global disability policy and practice. Taught 1997- 2008.Average 8-12 graduate students. Additional Teaching at Yale: Invited lectures, seminars and workshops at Yale School of Public Health, the Medical School, the Nursing School and Yale College 8-10 times per year. Various topics include cross-cultural/ ethnic and minority health, disability, violence and human rights. 31 Institute for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) Co-Chair: Working group on Disability and Bioethics. In addition to being Co-Chair of working group, responsible for speakers and Programming during the academic year. 2003-present. Domestic Violence Seminar Founding Faculty Advisor and Chair, 1996-2001; Faculty Advisor, 2001-2008. Co-sponsored by Yale Public Health and Yale Medical Students’ Association, open to the University and members of the New Haven community. Additional Teaching 2008. World Health Organization – Venice. Training Course on “Investment for Health: Integrating Health in All Policies. March 9-14, 2008. Course designed and run in collaboration with WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development (Venice); University of Padua Medical School, Veneto Region and Yale University. N. Groce, L. Levin and F. Lirussi, course directors. Teaching at UCL, 2008-on EPH Social Determinants of Health Summer School, 2009-on. Lecturer, Module on Disability. ICH Module on Disability. Lecture on Disability and Development 2009-on Regular guest lecturers in classes at Institute of Global Health and Epidemiology and Public Health on vulnerable populations, global health, disability and development. Student Thesis Research Supervision - Summary Yale University: 1990-2009 Yale Undergraduate BA/ BS Thesis: Department of Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, History Forestry, Engineering – Total 29 Yale University Masters Thesis A. Masters of Public Health THESIS - Global Health, Health Policy & etc. o o o o 1991-2009: 1st Reader for 89 Master of Public Health Thesis. 1991-2009 2nd Reader on 54 MPH Theses 1991- 2007: 8 Nursing/MPH Theses. 1991-2009 20 Medical Student Thesis MA Dissertation Committees: External Reader at other Universities (1990-2009) – 21 Thesis. Since 2009: 32 22) 2009. Karikari, Justice. AIDS and persons with Disabilities. York University, Canada. Critical Disability Studies Program. (MA Thesis). (On hold) 21) 2009. Bluewet, Cheri Ann. Physical Exercise among Young Women with Disability in Tanzania. MD Thesis, Stanford University Medical School. 23) 2009 Adeoye, Adewale. Developing an Evidence Base for Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR): A case study of the Tororo CBR programme in Uganda.. University of East Anglia, UK. 24) 2009.Hirji-Khalfan, Raihanna. The Inclusion of Disability in Existing International Development Programmes. York University, Toronto, Canada. 25. 2012.Cornfield, Dana. Highlighting the Invisible: Live Experience of Children with Disabilities in Peru. York University, Toronto, Canada. 26. 2012 Hearn, Paula.. Disability Inclusive Development Policies. York University, Canada. 27. 2012 Gebrehawariat, Rigbe. Advocacy on the Rights of Women with Disabilities in Ethiopia. MA Thesis, School of Social Work. Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. 28. 2013. Biggs N. HIV/AIDS Education in Kenyan Schools for the Deaf: Teacher’s Attitudes and Beliefs. School of Education. Oxford University MA Thesis – University College London, 2008-on 1.2009 Tuhumwire John Herbert Managing Epilepsy in Resource Poor Communities of Sub Saharan Africa: A case Study of Uganda. 2. 2009. Owen, Tanya. Access to Healthcare for Persons with Disabilities on Montserrat: Gender Perspective. 3 2010 Internal Examiner, ICH – 5 MPH Thesis 2010; 6 2011; 2 2012. DOCTORAL COMMITTEES PhD Thesis Committees 1) 1999 Corbin, Joanne. Influences on Parenting: Effects of the CoZi Pre-Kindergarten Program. HPA Dissertation. Reader. Yale University – School of Nursing 2) 2000 Daniels, Lois. Maternal Utilization of Pre-Natal Care Services: What Issues are Relevant to the Mothers. Health Policy and Administration. 1st Reader. HPA 33 3) 2001 Adams, Carmen. Diabetes Management Among Puerto Rican Women: Culturally Appropriate Approaches. School of Nursing. Yale University – School of Nursing 4) 2001 Klar, Robin. Domestic violence and current health policy implications. Yale University – School of Nursing 5) 2002 Gannotti, Mary. Disability in Puerto Rico. Ph.D. Committee: Anthropology, University. of Connecticut. Outside Reader. 6) 2003 Sullivan, Grace. After You Cry, You Feel Better: the Role of Grandmothers in Child Development in Contemporary Armenia. Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology, University of Connecticut. Dissertation Committee. 7) 2003 Shemitz Leigh. Understanding the Health of Cities: a Neighborhood Level Analysis of Poverty, Health, Land-Use and People in an Urban Ecosystem. Yale University School of Forestry. 8) 2003 Katsulis, Yasmina “Criminal Subjects: The Political Economy of the Tijuana Sex Industry.” Dissertation Committee. Yale University – Dept. of Anthropology. 9) 2004 Solomon-Kaplan, Nili. "Hard Yakka": A Study of the Community-government Relations that Shape Australian Aboriginal Health Policy and Politics. Yale University – Dept. of Anthropology. 10) 2006 Yiyuan, Sun. Breast Cancer Screen and Decisions for Delay in Seeking Services. Committee. Yale University – School of Nursing 11) 2007 Timura, Katherine. “Sometimes They Just Get Sick: Therapeutic decision-making, Children’s health and poverty in Salasaca, Ecuador.” Yale University – Dept. of Anthropology 12) 2008. Gao, Yifei Subgroups within China’s Rural-to-Urban Migrant Workers Facing the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Yale/China Program Fellow. Dept. of Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sent University, Zhongshan, China 13) 2008. Rohleder, Poul. HIV/AIDS and Persons with Disabilities in South Africa. Psychology Department, University of Stellenbosh, South Africa. 14) 2008. Wazakili, Margaret. Paradox of Risk: Sexuality and HIV/AIDS among Young People with Physical disabilities in Nyanga Township, South Africa. University of the Western Cape. (South Africa). 15) 2009 Kembhavi, Gayatri. Perceptions of Participation and Inclusion among Adolescents with Disabilities: Experiences from South India. University College London: Institute of Child Health. 16) 2009 Haozous, Emily. School of Nursing. Exploring Cancer Pain in Southwest American Indians. Yale 34 17) 2009 Scales, David. The Actors, Mechanisms and Influence in the Global Governance of Infectious Diseases. Medical School/Department of Sociology WHO- Geneva. Yale University – Dept. of Sociology. 18) 2009 Montgomery, Maggie.– Significant of Environmental Factors in Trachoma Prevention: Applications for hyper endemic communities in rural Tanzania – Yale University – School of Engineering. 19) 2010 Novak, Gina.Women’s Experience of Group Pre-Natal Care. Yale Nursing. School 20)2010 Bougdaeva Saglar – Post-Soviet Era Changes in Health Status: Nomadic Societies in times of stress. (Defending 2010). Yale University – Dept. of Sociology. 22) 2011 O’Neill, Moira. Institutionalized Disabled Children in the State of Connecticut – Transition to Adulthood. Yale University – School of Nursing 22) 2010 Schoenenberger, Vreeni. Bioethics and the Nestles Controversy. Yale University – History of Medicine. (Current) 23) Burghardt, Madeline. Missing lives: Families and institutionalization in Ontario. Critical Disability Studies Program. (Current) York University, Toronto Canada 24. Devkota, Hridaya. Maternal Health Care Service Access to Dalit Women with Disability in Nepal. UCL (current) 25. Keatley, Robert A comparative study of the HIV knowledge, attitude and practices of the Deaf community in Western Region, Kenya. UCL (Current). 26. Shannon, Geordan. Quantitative Analysis of International Measures of Gender Equity. UCL (Current) 27. Barak, Susan. York University. From Harassment to Homelessness: The Disability Connection (current) Ph.D Thesis –UCL Internal Examiner 1. 2010. Wong S. Nutritional Status of Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries. Examiner, PhD Dissertation. UCL. December 12, 2010. External 2. 2011. Grigulis A. The Lives of Malawian Nurses: the stories behind the statistics. ICH – UCL. Jan 23 2011. 3. 2013. Mathur, Manu. Exploring the Determinants of Socioeconomic Gradients of Oral Health among Adolescents Living in the City of New Delhi. Epidemiology and Public Health. 35 4. 2013. Ali, Afie. The impact of stigma and discrimination on psychological distress in people with intellectual disabilities, and access to health services: a mixed methods approach. 5. 2013 Leigh, Lizzie. The role of support in the physical and psychological health of coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients and their partners. Dept. of Epidemiology and Public Health. (In process) Ph.D Thesis –External Examiner 1.2010.Muhit, Mohammad. Developing a comprehensive approach to blindness and disability in children: Epidemiological and qualitative studies in Bangladesh. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.. International Centre for Eye Health. 2.2011. Miranda-Galarza, B. Decision Making in Ecuadorian Families with Disabled Children. Department of Disability Studies. University of Leeds. 3. 2012. Woodbury, Esther. Auto-Mobile: Disabled Drivers in New Zealand. University of Ontago, New Zealand. 4. 2013. Keogh. Mary. National University of Ireland, Galway. Mainstreaming Disability Development Aid: A comparative analysis fo the United States Agency for International development, the Australian Agency for International Development and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Post-Doctoral Fellows (Yale and UCL) 1) 2006. . Carolyn Kendall – Post-Doc., Doris Duke Fellows Program West Haven, VA. Yale Dept. of Medicine. Research on deafness and depression in returning veterans. Comentor with Robert Rosenheck, PhD. 2006. 2) 2006. Tara Vajayan. Dept. of Medicine. Robert Wood Johnson Fellows Program. Transition of HIV+ adolescents into the adult health care system. Co-mentor with Warren Andiman, MD. 3. 2012. Marko Kerac, PhD NIHR Clinical Lecturer and Specialty Registrar, Public Health & Welcome Trust Funding: Community Management of Acute Malnutrition in Infants aged <6 months (C-MAMI): formative research toward a future RCT. Junior Faculty Mentor/Advisor (Yale) 1) 2008. Moore, Brent. (Assistant Professor, Yale Medical School). Computer-based Drug Addiction Intervention Methodology. Yale Medical School. Co-Mentor, Training and Career Development KO1 - (Co-Mentor). Funded – NIH K Award. 2008. STUDENTS ADVISEES: 36 Yale University: 1991-2009 – Yale University - annually served as Faculty Advisor to an average of 10 Yale Masters of Public Health students, 4-6 Yale Medical students, 2-4 Yale Nursing students and 4-6 Yale Undergraduate students. Total during time at Yale – approx. 360. UCL. 2010-on Now serve as Advisor to Masters Students at Epidemiology. Other 2009-2010 Myroslava Tartar – Comparative Study – Women with disabilities: Uganda and Canada. Academic Advisor, Gordon Fellowship, Gordon Foundation, Canada Administrative Experience Yale University Director, Yale Urban Health Program. (1994-2000) A collaborative program between the Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health. Including seminar series, course development, course offerings, internship programs, involvement in community projects and programs. Initially funded with a $435,000 grant from the Pew Foundation, followed (1997-2000) with a $453,000 grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, HRSA Health Professions Training Grant. #1D 38-AH00093. Involved 43 Yale faculty and 25% of all EPH, Medical and Nursing students in one or more activity related to the Center. (1994-2000_ Senior Faculty Advisor. 1996-1997 US Department of Health and Urban Development (HUD) Grant, Office of the Secretary, Yale University. University Collaborative, Dixwell-Newhallville Project. Senior Faculty Administrator. 1998-2000 Yale Urban Health Program/Yale Divinity School Collaborative working in conjunction with colleagues at the Yale Divinity School with funding through the Lilly Endowment. #1853-000 collaborative project studying of Referral Patterns into the Health Care Systems from African-American Churches. Senior Faculty. 1998-1999 Faculty member participating in the National Center for Excellent in Women's Health, with particular attention to helping to design ways to better reach women in inner-city populations. Director. 2004-2008. Yale/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre. Responsible for re-certification of Center with WHO - (re-certified, September, 2007). Yale University-Departmental Service Activities:Epidemiology and Public Health (EPH) /University > Director, Urban Health Program. Responsible for overseeing all programming related in Urban Health Program: Lecturers, Courses, Programs, research. Estimated Numbers reached annually during course of program: 80% of all 1st year EPH students; 50% all 2nd Year EHP Students; 25% all students in EPH, School of Medicine and Nursing School. > 1996-2000 EPH Representative, Dean’s Interdisciplinary Task Force on Yale/New Haven Community Development. 37 > 1993-2007 Joint Appointments with Institute of Social and Policy Studies (1993-on) and with the Department of Anthropology. > 1999-2001 Yale Medical School, National Center for Excellent on Women's Health. Member, Advisory Board. 1999-2001. > 1998-2001 Faculty Advisor, Annual Domestic Violence Conference. Yale School of Public Health, Medical School & Department of Women and Gender Studies. >2001-2008. Co-Chair, Disability and Bioethics Group, Institute for Social and Policy Studies, cosponsored by the Schell Center for Human Rights, Yale Law School. > 2001-2008.: Faculty Advisor, Yale Women's Center. Yale College. > 2001-2008. Director, Yale/WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Promotion Research. Responsible for re-designation of Centre and new affiliations with Pan American Health Organization, WHOEuro/Venice, National School of Public Health, Athens, Greece. > 2003-2008. Faculty Member - African Studies Council >2003- 2008. Global Health Division Representative – Yale International Affairs Council >2004- 2008. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS: Peer Review Committee Yale School of Public Health Committees 1996-2006 Admissions Committee, Epidemiology and Public Health; 1993-2001 Community Project Review Committee; 1994-on Weinerman Memorial Committee, (Secretary, 1995-97); 1997-98 Task Force on Ethics; 1997-01 Academic Progress; 1997-99 Accreditation Committee - Social and Behavioral Task Force Subcommittee, Pledge Committee; 1998-on Medical Student Advisory Committee, EPH/ 1995-on Disciplinary Committee/ 2002-2008; Library Committee/ 2001-04 Minority International Research Training Fellowship (MIRT) through National Institutes of Health; 2002-04 Yale Center for the Study of Globalization Fellowship Chair, Committee; PI, Grant.; Member, Global Health Search Committees; Member, Social and Behavioral Studies Search Committee; 2003-05 Advancement and Promotions Committees. Medical School and University Committees at Yale. 1993-2000 Ad Hoc Medical Center Committee on School Based Health Clinics (EPH Representative). Yale School of Nursing/ Yale Medical School. Child Care Committee;1996-2000 Joint Committee: Yale Urban Health Program & Yale Divinity School. Working group on Inner-City Health and the Role of the African-American Church;.1999-on; 2000-on Interdisciplinary Working Committee, Hixon Center for Urban Ecology. Yale School of Forestry.; 2003-on African Studies Council, Yale; 2003-on International Affairs Council, Yale; 2004-on Faculty Advisor, Yale Undergraduates for UNICEF group.; 2007-on Faculty Advisor. Physicians for Human Rights, Yale Medical School. 2007-on Yale Council on Medicine, Humanities and the Arts. Member; 2004- Lindsay Fellowship Committee – Research in Africa; Yale University: Fellow, Trumbull College 2007- on UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Director, Leonard Cheshire Centre for Disability and Inclusive Development. 2008-on. Epidemiology and Public Health, Division of Biomedical Sciences. University College London. Division of Epidemiology and Public Health – University College London Grand Challenges, Global Health related work 38 2008- On Global Health Advisory Committee 2010; Chair – Vulnerable Groups Sub-Committee 2008-2009 UCL/Lancet Climate Change Commission 2010-2011 UCL/Lancet Health Cities Group ICH 2008-on UCL Global Disability Research Group UCL Promotions Committee UCL 2009-on North American Advisory Group 39