rrRST T'RIAL I \ql \ - \£18;). A....D \.).AJD~~l) ( \ 01'2.. ) l.£AV£5 . BP.IE.FS 1 LfG//L 11l:.I10 RJIND«11 A.I1INTIFFS /3RIEF/ I PosT-1i<llJL /979 (.39 L~I/Vt:..s) I~ ..... "'... FeR mt S(lRTtlER't U1B8OCI DISTRICT Of ~.~- 'FMli C·'E 0 nlE lISltUl STurs DISTRICT OOURT JOSEPHI.l~~~'lJ".JR..a.ERf( DIVISI(l!f TkBLE OF OOS'mfTS FEa .., ', .. ~ n:v.s BY ~'" to ISnlODUCnOlf no lIt. RD'o Rlrr JOSm,nHo ,. I\'. ClVIL ",CTIat ~o CA_!-76-34 TKf: cnT (IF UlBll(!CI, ET AL o "UlDI.TI'fJlJ:Z 1112 Tt)tl.l ",venue Lubbock, TellAs 79401 m~\S CI.RVo 1006 IJth Str-eet Lubbodt, Tuu 79401 K\U Co HUJ, 1402 Tuas t..nnue Lubbock, Tun 19401 Ifo.'fIELlloBESS(l!( Po O. Box 40.);) Lubbock, Tuas 19409 ( L\.'(£t..RnMl NA."lCf FIREB\lCJI t..IlnllR Metro Tower - Suite 150& 1120 8~dwaJ Lubbock, TexAl 79401 RDID.T Po D\VIIlCJIi Schoal of WV Toal Tech Unlnral~ Lubbock. Tu. . 19409 V0 0 0 • • 0 tHE APPLICABlE lAW • • 0 • • 0 • • 0 '\\.'fTI..sINClE SHOT" \'OTtNC 0 0 • • 0 • • 0 • • POOVIStO~S 0 • • 0 • • 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • • 0 • 0 • Oio\.\'GE rOOM Pt..J'EJt BiJr.LLOTS TO ."'CHIlfE VOTING Sl'Sml ,.'PLICA1tOlf OF tHE lAW 10 tHE n.CTS 0 0 0 0 • 0 • .0 SWIEI'DfG AlQI PDlw.srvz P.\ST DISCRIl1IXA.1tO!l' • • • bo nlE AOCIl1J:,A.1t: OF XIIlSEI BCTOflS • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 • • • 9 0 II • • • 0 0 0 0 Cllr.fCLUSlC!f • • • • • • • • • • • • • CDl1trtCA1E or SElVIer; • • 0 • 0 'nit REQtlIJIED RDlDl'I" OF 10. SIXGl..E-JlfJ:lJ1'Jl DISntICT SYS'fD( • •• 0 0 0 •• •• 0 0 0 • • 0 0 •• 0 •••••• J • t. 0 6 •• • 0 0 0 0 •• 12 18 •• UlmT • • • • • • • • • •• 1l'"IEDS •• • 0 TlI! !XJ'DlT n:sml)Kl • • 0 e. VI~"W • 0 lACK OF fURNSI\'E:SESS TO )JJ:~ORIn 1 0 111: DISCRnII~T(lRr 0 0 eo OF 0 o. 0 d. I~'f'J!Jl:E.'tCE • • 24 • • •• 25 0 • •• .);) • 34 0 0 •• o' J6 0 •• J7 • IS 11lE ID.'ln:D S'D.:ns DISTRICT OOIJRT FOR THE ~ORTHE'Jl'f WIl80Cl .ul.•tantially a,ree upon the law .pplicable to this case. The di.pute ia DISTRICT OF TEXAS abalt the .pplication of the 1101 to the f.ct. of thi. cue. DI\'ISICft .hall not acain state the appliable law in deuU, and iflltead reter the AcooJ'dilllly. we Court to our Trial Brief, vtdch we rnpettfuUy adopt and inccrporate henin by refeN'nce. In the nent the Defendant. Indiate at thh late date any dhilcre_t cOIII:erni", the 1101 applicable CIVIL ACnol( 11). CA.-S-76-J4 '_0 thia all, we .hall respond in our npl,. brief to illQ' aucb di .....'reeroent. THE CTTY OF WBBOCK, ET AL. In this brief, _ shsll only '~lIriae the .ppliable hlt (rtferrinc the Coun to our Tri.l Brief for. _ e coMpt"ehm.he cU.,cullicn of I\Ich 1101). addrell points .pacifically inquired. about bT the Court "'rin, trial. arteI then Thh post-trial brief h SIolt:W.tted jointly br the ndlltifr. aM the PlaintUf-Tnun'fllor in the above ""titled .. d n....hem caUIe. The Plaintiffa disC:UII the applicaticn of the hOI to the fileta ntablbbed by the teati...,. aJ'Id other .rldmce at tria11n this can. ilnd Phintiff-Inttn'enor rdy IolJlOll the SIl_ art-til and althoritiea in thia I. ~ bcept for certain objections to the relevance of _ pnsented by Plaintiffs and Plaintiff.Intenftlor .oiced Proposed P~Trial of the erldence bJ DefenhrlU in the Order il!Id at trial. there iI apparently no dilp.lte about tile law applicable to this cale. Plaintiffs ..d Plaintiff-Int.,.,enor ha•• nated the applicable law 1ft th.ir joint Trial Brief, DefendanU ftled no trial brief of their own and did ttOt otheNis. uke i .._ nuetWftU of law _de br lIlth ilIQ' of the Plailltiffs and Plaintiff-Intenenor 1ft naintifra' and PlaintUf-Inte"enor'. trial brief, . d ao we take it that. aU pudes .. -1- ) Proof of an a"rept, of JUdi factors ,endt. aft infernee of tbe cU..... II. nm: APPLtCABIZ lAW erillinlto". intent required bJ Wuhtnrtm ... the Fifth Circuit said in lfn,u! Sid" The .t."dAre! by wtdc:h to j\MI&e the mllstitlltionallty of the prul!1\t Aeeordlnll" sr_hlll of deedn,; City Council .e.bua in Lubbock h r""nlt in Vbtu.., Pnh 426 U.S. U9 (1976). II 5n F.2d 209. 211 (5th Cir. 1918). it II not fteeeuary to pro...e that the s,.ate- of at-lar,e electlonl IlCl"ur, in Lubbock _. orl&inall,. enacted with 1I1serllli.natory p.lrpolS, and in rejeethl 412 U.S. 7.5S (1971), as explic:aud i" ;i_r... Hslstshm .e!!.IIS!!. '.let. Cir. 1973), Afftd 011 other ,rounds l!Ar,hall. 424 U.S. 6J6 (1976). IlrtclaT ~ 554 r.2d 139 (5th Cir. 485'.2d 1297 (5th I dt,'. Irpaent to the eorttrary, the FUth Circuit said, 1ft Boldt" y Carntl1 hrhh SeppI 1M'" T Ikltrl of SUDSriHn un). tlpbU, AlaM, 511 F.2d :US, 2.46. (5th Cir. 1918): of Mion CwnSJ InnO<:lmtl, fo~lated City of t!onM LC!9hlan,. 456 , .Supp. 460 (V.D..... 1918) Cin pf hsld that an plu that perpetuates put intentional dherildnatim c:eft. 4etded. 434 u.s. 96fI (1978). 11 unconstitutional. -'\lsberty.., ''!ld!!a. In!nt!1 It /J11 F2d 7tJil. we noted that a plan neutral (notice ,t it. inception _,. n"en.Mbll b t _ unconsdtvrlonal wheft It II IUolntalned of apped rUed O«obt'r 19, 1978). and rebtecl <:aHI. Under thOH e...,., the for the JlUrpolS of deyaluatin, the ...otes of Blackl. Coun, look n the history of official nodal dhcri-.il\l.tiall and other fa ... i f th, ,"",au of the eYldence under the ii!!!!u: We allO delllOl'lltrated that criteril indlc.ates 1I1lution. of racial disc:rlmnatiOO'l in the polltieal \lIdt. lll"ol't'ed. tile lack of .cec.. then the hf,rence arisel that: the plln II beinl _inttilled vith requisite to the poUtlcd proeu. by the _noritt,. Invohed. the uek of rupon,heintent."' nnl to the need. of Ilinoritin. the pn.clusion of err~h, the S-n of _"aridn til the politieal proc:euu of th. puttdpation on ~lt,. (S71 r.2d It 2046). Onee a plaintiff 'Itablishe. pe,....at ... e a~ lweepin, actl of dherilinatl.on becaliU of in the put eonltttutin, 1I11\1tlon of the II1noritle.' ri&ht to ... ote, the de- the exhtmce of put dherillinadOll. the uhtetlee of hrce eleetion dbtric:u, fendant. thm h..., tbe burien of .hwiftl. " the require-ot of ... jorit,. you and anti-li",b shot ...etci", (or the ldnd of equi....lmt to that reprumted bJ the Lubbock Cit,. e-en election 1,.lt.), and ~ \ the absmee of an,. requi..-nt that can1l1daul Ihe 1ft and. nI'l II1norlth. preaerltly ha,.e equal IcO'" ' " hanl pt 'yp"nhpn pf flip" ,,""nUIl ni4mcs to the poUtieal procelleJ. CcerS! Mt,tl,,,pd. that the ~ SS4 r.2ci U9, 144-US (Sth f . - .. rtlcular Cir. 1911), cU't. dmied 434 U.S. 968 (1918). &fllvaphled sub-diltrleU. Proof of an IlCIrec,te of __ of tII..e f,eton eaubl1shu the fact of 1I11lltion of the ...otl", at""&th flit the Sup~ Coun.'. ded.t. In Vb"'! it 11 "ot fteee"l". to pI"O"fl ""'fltst ~ _Ile. ue". OIIe of tMM faeton in rifth Ciradt ~tecl1n it, dedli_ In I1BIK 11Ie .1eYftl m...ritia..... rlfth Ciradt b nell ca_, as tile which do .at c..,nit\lte an IldlIIl edlau.ti,.~ an .. followsl 1. We 1llack had __ l1eeted. to • (485 r.2d It 1.1)5). () ->- ~t., lilt Iceol'di", to the ease. nor tbe a:clutd,.. el~t. wtdeh can b, eonsidered. Ulted it <:lear tlat 0lMtty rifles. bJ the 2. Re-tention of the poll tllX aa • requisite to votinl until 1966. 3. Retention of • Ute-ncr ust until 1966. 4. COnditionin& of t'rimary pa"-ic:lpatlon u~ • phqe of tn. Durinl trill of the case, the Court inquired about the nanti-sin&le shot" pa"-y loyalty. provision in so- election codes, snd the ,pplicability of the law rep.rd.i1l4l: S. Prop<'"-y requirenmts for candidatel lind lupcorvilol'1l. such provisions to the facts of the instant case, 6. Desir,n"tion of the ool.lllty for the- Ule of fC'dC',..l votil\& 7. 8. 9. A.n anti-sinCle shot provision precllldea a \'Ottr in a _lti-tarldidate res:i,tnrs. electi. f . - votil\& for fewer than the nulIber of offices belnl .,oted for, Disqualification of certain blade cAAdidatri by the cou"ty it ,pplies only where there 11 C'lection ccmO.uion. flllleti_1 equivalent of the '1stell used. in Lubbock in wldch the ca"didatel Efftct of a lower sod_(XlftC*!.c 1nel upon the black'. ..at "-In at-larr;e for a p.rticular place lIot related to a"y &eo&raphlcal art! ability to participate. of the city. A. hip rate of block .,.,c:in&. h Beer y 110 place rC'quirftlC'nt, but it is virtually the United StAtU, 42S U.I, 130 (1916), Hr. Jllltice Marshall, 10. Various elKtonl .ethani. . . dissentinl, c_ud. upon the "antl-Ji"lle shot" provisia'l1 n. Lack of nsponuvene-II to the neC'd.s of black reddent •• shot' nale is a ~~t The FUth Circuit specifically noted aJld (Xlftlidered the prnence of .ute-wide for a, IIIlftJ candidate' a. the!"! are sc,ts to be filled, factors, lC'plly bowId to be present in a"1 local political lUbd1vhio", i" .,ater . .y be lnte,,"ted. in natuati"! auch factors, ill United St,tu Cpunty Mlnissippi V BoArd pf SUJ)f;nhp" pf Fpmrt as wll." onl, (IfIe of the candidates, (425 U.S, at 160, note 21), _jorlty-...ote requJ.~t as wll: S71 F.2d 951, 9SS <Sth Cil'. 1978). It is vell-set.tIed la" that sinpe-ber districts are to be Uled by die "The 'antl-sifllls that in allni1ti_ber district the .,oter . .at .,ate Thu" althouch the he -.aat vote for others Hr. Justice Marshall explained the "nIe . .jority-vote. requi~ is a Nle that the wi... er of an electi. _lit ha..... _jority of the vote. Thus, ill • District Courts, rathcor than . .lti..--ber or llind districts in Innti", court- ncc i"volvin& three or Mre candiutu, a pluralit, of ...otel'll caMet elect ordered. relief in case, of this lIature. their caad.idate, 2.491, 2.497 (1978); "..hilln v Hmll CgnnU T VhF", Lipacseb. _U,I,--, 98 S. Ct. JsbnMlII, 402 U.S. 690, 692 (1971). 410 U.S. 3lS, 133 (1973); &s.l1al Chllen V Heier, 420 U,S, 6J6, If !to CIlItdilbte wi. . , _jori~, there 11 • lWI_ff election." (425 U.S. at 160, ftote 21), " ~ If .,udea If the fifth Ciralit Court of "ppeals ha.,e referred. to the anti-dn.&1e mot pI"O'dal.... 639 (1976). -.... In !"stS! Sidn -... 571 F.2d 3J9 (5th Cir. 1918). the Cour't defined the anti-.sln~h shot provhiOll as followtt "There Is no .ntl-stncle ahot "'otlnl reatrietlan. A pro\1.alon Nquirinl thst eseh elector cast vote. for s. n:qulrd to run for positions by pllce." r.L1.ny candlll.'ltes aa the" s" position. is known ss tian.1 «juiv.lency un be e.dly underatood. alnJ:le shot nile. U\ snti- of votes tkat the 1IIJ\0rity candidate _.t Cet in order to win; ]I; candidaua nIl thea. If there a" ]I; dent'Clinated the "single-ballot-plurality" voti~ ~appor'tlO!P£Tlt R. Dbon. Dreos!'!tle RepC$'tnt"tion' i" LUI ""d 'rUtin ~nd ,",tarIm .505 (1968); SUn, Rtbtlpn tbe Pun systM to the Appol"tl!l!'!¢ to a Led.lAthe District (1964). didate. oUien. 'l'U5ll:!tr aJste-. at Rsprs- pf $lEftl 17 v. Pol Q. 74'Z An aMI-alnlte ahot nale InYaUdate, .11 bd10ta that do not &how "Olea for.a Il&nJ' eal\didatss a. there are positions. Hinorit,. 'll)ter, can be diaaoh'antlCN. by autb a nils because- it _,. force th_ to yote for n~nority candidlltea. thus depreciatinc the relative position of -.inority candid.aus. (Sn F.2d at U7, note 10). 'nIe antl-sil\&le ahot provision haa been reprded in a lIUlIbar of ca..a •• the functional equhalent of the place .,.atell. .. City of t!onrn., For eJliWple, the Court in Lguiphnll. 456 F. Supp. 460 (V.D. lao 1978) With. place I'fllUire.ent, ..t.n.ritle. QIInot, by votlnll: only for one candidate. deereaae the _bel' of TOtea that auc.h • candidate nSS'ds: to vin. This deetonl .dl_ 11 ~ however. the anti-single shot prorlsiOtl pn:yenu -.inoritlea 11'01I vDltllll only for me c.'UI- leeta vl.nnC'rs by nnldnl all eandlutn in the order of the n...aber of TOtea they recd..e. This fune- Votera' .bility to vote only for one of ,everal CIIndidates in at-larse election. can deeruse the nUllber An anti-single shot nih has appU- ution only in the context of an dectonl sdle-e that at- the top Ilovenr, candidates sre (456 F.Supp. at 466). ~ (notiee of appeal filed October 19. 1978), ..id, in dhcusstnl "mhandnl factors,'" altered the election law of a coyere:el SUte ill rfen a n. n J72). DuriPll trhl of this cu~, the witn"ss Hub, llerc:acl.o te.tified that ,he ",u not contacUd by D"pllnm.ent of Justice "pn-senhth'e. abcut the use of da,.. kloN the ebetioR "otln!: _chinu in Lubbock IIntn four (4) (99 5.(,.'(. be: ,hom the br"Olleleat possible acope, anel inellcat.ecl t.hat. an,. actiCIII vhich, ..,." in which .be "'"01" ,.,.'.- The SlIprt:lJle Collrt indiestecl that in oreler to effectllate: the articu- other t.hillla, woulel IInelennine t.he efferthene.. of 'latera allould be con- rielerecl t.o be: coven-cl by the A.ct (99 S.Ct. at. J72). n.e Su.p~ Court eli~ r.ln IIn,uc;cu,fllll,. (or the Lubbock Cit)' C-cil. due to the City of Lubbock', cuaseel other caae. to the: hl.lure to &lve the ninety (90) lI.,. notice ropqulrtd. by law c,,"cemln, the tblot the CC*Ildttee Re'porta auted. vithollt qual1fiestiCIII. that -EJection S PIlI! effeet ill ita opinion in ~ aftclnatecl .l1l eNft!:" (re. pa~r ballot, to the lise of .. type of "fodn& _ctdne; the Cit)' of of the Act requll"u reYin' of Lubbock pn only tvmty-elcht (28) . y ' , notice. i" .~rent YiolatlOft of the the covered jllrhelictiCIII.- cit ill' S. Rep. Ko. 9~295, p. 15 (1975); M.R. Rep. VOTI"~ Rilhts Act of 1965, 42 U.S.C. I 1911c (Ms. HU'Q.do tutifid lIo. 9 .....196. p. 8 (1975). U.S. Cocle ~. (, Acillin. ~ewa 1975, p. 781. D:\rninr; of Janu.ary 15, 1979). fhto diuud the .i,nific;;ance of such. e-n Oft the inqgind ~her the f"OU"' ha... 1ft- dlan,,, t..n"u r .... ,.per to _ fo,. of at .J1J-nJ). AceordiA&1,., _ votire cflan&n prior to iJopl-..ntad_ by (99 S.Ct. thillk t1M: chan&e fro- paper ballot a to a _chine .,..t_ of vatint: ~el be: _ch • chall&e coyeI'ecl by the Act. particularl,. in _ell!ne YOtins sy.te-, ,,,4 \lhrther sud! • d1*",f: ee-!.tlt\lte• • tMlolI_ in a view of Ha. Hereaclo'a fUrther -nWlcLu'll, pnctlce. or proeedurt with respret to .otlft.c'llll'lder 42 U.S.C. aclecpaatelJ aplainecl to tbe ".te.... anel ......orit.,. .oten felt eliacourse" and • 1971e at ~ed• lntl_elatecl at the Pft'apee:t of ht.vinc to lUe such a .,.at_ arlcl ..,. not bye "otinl Ricbu Act to chanael fro- paper ballaltS to _ . If _ sort of _ddne diaeo'"r pcb a esM, _ _aecl 01" the new ahall aMse t1M: Court. The esse of Dpucherty Cczunty ct9ma Ikerd at Edugti.... J VMts U.s. - ' 99 S.Ct. 368• .JU (l978), iJlltic:atea. ~er, that Coft&re:.. intended to reach any chanin that alter the eleetion law of a «rrered atate. rfen it 111 a _1101" _,.; the A.ct, _ the Court. saiel: t.hat the nn' .chine .,.at_ wa not yoted to the .... at..t that they woulel han i t the f~1" .,.ate- hael be", •'e have 10C.llted no case de.Uft& with tbe po..ible appliutlOfl of the COllI'Itinl or _rldJl& of ballota. teat.i~ onl1 "'fter c:aft_aa1Jl, tbe leehlathe hiator,' of CClnducled thn Con.&re:aa _ t 'to nactl any atate enaee-ta .....dI .,.at_ hael bem .4equately uplaiJlecl ba tt.-e for the ebet:lon. v. ,\Pi'LICA nlY.'t OF I. SlIfTJ'INC AJln i'ER\'~SlVE ~T DlSCRDIINUIO!f nil: lAW TO THE FACTS The e'fidence prelented b:r Plaintiffl and. Plaintiff-Intervenor ill tlIh We shall dhc:uu the "ppll~tion of the law to the faeu In e'lidence in this case under the &menl hudin,. IUCluted br cue utlblhh.1 I hiltory of lweepiftl and pern.lhe racid dlsc:rt.ination the case law, in order to R&dnlt blackl Ind .lexicnn-.'lneriCllna in Lubbock, Texaa. The Court hIS uken jucl.icid notice of the n__nul lutut.1 IIld Texu assist the Court in dettnrdnlllc the evidnu:e ntabU,h1"c udl of the _tten which Rlst be ",tablhhed in this liti""t!"". b:r conltitutiond prorlaionl h Plaintiff. and PlalntUl-Inttrtmor to prnail Initially, we respeetfuU,. ~rer KnlIO","dwD. filed on Ucc:ellber 14, 1978, dlri", the trial of thh eale. tor an IP.lttmded discussion of the -.anner in which the Diltriet. ~n.. political aubclh1.liona (Plaintiffa' Exhibit "a. 30), lind of th _ n u l atltUt.1 and Tex-I conatitutianal prorlaionl ill the State of Tual that illlpaSed k ..e utilised a vide varlety at fol'llls ot ncbl cl.iscr1l11nltion upon black c:lthenl (naintUf.' the fActs utabUshf"d. in evidence when -.kin, their findl",. or fact In ellln of this nature, ."d _ ~.peetruU,. adopt and In(A)rporate bJ reh""u t!\l.t Trial lte-.aranch. in the pre'f'ftt brief. cussed the asn of Whit"", Court hMdlecl it JlI.l!. 115lI!. R"u'trr Gown y &JId I,u,brm '" City or lionrpe In that Trial ~randwl. _ Ezldbit line clis- Lwhhn. ) 4 ) ' .Supp. I.-e acher thin", avc:h atltutu and Ta. . c:onlitituional ne.oc:ratic priury, fre. Yhidt black citisena of Tex-a were uc:lUlSed (nlindffa' Ex!I1bit Wo. 3». 704 (V.D. Tex. 1972), 456'.Supp. 460 (V.D. Wo. "0. 15). provishna created IIld enfarced I poll tax require-ent: tar "ati., IIld I white 412 U.S. 155 (1973) . . . tile Dhtrict lamE' the Stlte of Teul that deprived blackt of _anineful participation in the political proc:UUI of the State and ita the Coun to our Trial And Tual. t.hrou,p. ita atltuUI and ita StaU Constitution, Created and enton:ed 'firtuall,. .YeJ'7 repl"ehendble fanl of racid discriMina- 19111) tion lIIiflrt black citisenl f_d in lilY ot the other Southern Stlt.S of the (notice of Ippeal filed October 19, 1978), be<:auu we think that thia Court .lacka wre dl,ert.inlted apia,t. by Teu.a lUte lav, in I:In find pidance frca thOle cal" in dullne with the Ibmdant .'fi4ftlce Pft- United Stat... lented here b:r Plaintiffl Ind naintiff-Int.".enor, educ:.atiOPl, parkl. vaitill& . - . drittkiq f_talfl', II thil Court Ippli.1 the libnrl.l. t"'~ to -.n'J. Ipplic.able lav to the flctl of the preaent cue. acti" of tM lta~.1 Md..,. acher vayl. II relt~a, ruuurnnts. thh Caw't'l judidal and To. . c:onltitlrti"",l prorld0l11 CClIltabled in nain- ttffa' ExhIbit "0. 15 eaubUlhel. Althouch this VII not leereCltion b:r the Cit,. of Lubbock I' I ...udpaUtT. it _a -pine IIld pc:rv...in IUte-vid. racial Hlftptiaa and dilc:riId.Mt1ofl apinat blatkl. and it nece"lrily .pplied o -11- Mly ifI the polluc:al _bdlrlaiOPl of the City of Lubbock. ataWaIted by the t n t t - y of the vitnellu Harold Furthel'1llClre, II Cha~, !leY. I.. W'. Vilsan, T. J. PaUcrSOll, Ceor&~ Scott, Ros~ Wilson. Celludo earn. Liane! CaUndo, I, fo...... rd to a till~ as "cent as the "peal of the neid dherbd.nlltian and 'l'fOptl'L:\ll DtoLem, Dr. 'ndru Tijerina, JOl'l~ Moreno, and oth~r., vMt~ citi:r.~1II ucreptfon statutes and ftD.. eon.titlJticnal prvridona aet forth 111 Pldntiffs' of Lubbock, Tens, mpsecl in what th~ District Court In ~ u~ "Open, bl\ibiu 'fos. IS and 210. fl.1osrant, Url,opl-.i,tiC.ltf'd, purpos~f'ul Thh el~cttd ~p"uftlt.th~., T~I law, UJ'Itil into the urI,. 1910a (Plaintiffs' Eddbiu !fOI. IS and 20). (0156 f.Supp. at 463-464) in Lubh:lck, fVCI.I, asdut both bladt eithen. and Thf' City of Lubbock, throu&h itl dul,. S - of thne "da! aq,reption and di.srl.-f.nation statutes "",re not I"rpealed.. and. COM:i,...ed ill eCfect; a. a pan ot dhcrUdJl"t!an- II "tbe 1-. tiM patte"," 1~ hi.tory of aweepillC and Pf!rvuhe radal dilerildnltian and IeCrelation a"inat blacks and Nexic:M"""-eritana in Lubbock, Te:xa., produced. 1II.trve:ted the residenthl ptIttern. ahown by Uatlaony of Dr. Tijerina and the 1913 its Cit,. Attornt'Y to prePi'1"e "" ordina"c~ _kinl it a cn- tor bladt persan. to live in any part oC the dt,. other than an area de.i&nated in the ordinance, ordinance (Plaintiffl' Exhibit !'Co. 2), .. de nanable to the Court thrauCh and such the e%hlbita to th~ .tlpulationa In this cs..e (nalntlffa' Exhibit :fo. 5, M ordinance was dul,. prep"red by the City Attol.\'1. and enacted into bw, lif' submit the evidence .how., in 191J (Pb.intttf.' Elddbit !fo. 2). that onl.inMlC~ was eYer Cull,. (:!'llct~d or not, it .peak. yol~a Stlpulatian Exhibit. A. throuch D and pp). Blaeka are concentrated in one IlIlIll tftlether ceocnpMc area of the City of Lubbock, and thfl7' are plainl,. and unconttl.tabl,. about tbe __ ~piJllt and pervasive racial d.hcrbdnatlon that exi.ted In the Cit,. of Lubbock can«tltrated; ill that area becau.e of the _epinc and penui ye nchl d.i.- in an "Clpn, na,rant, unsophhtics.ud., p.u'Pos~ful- Ma1\nd' at th~ tiM it .... erltd.nation utd N:1I'Clltlon pneticed 'Ialnat the- in Lubbock, Te:xa •• fn:- the proposed. earliest history of the Cit,. of Lubbock. w~ point out for the ti_ hi.tory of ~pinl «uidanc~ of the Court that our f'Yidenee of the 1011II becl.uH of and ptnasiYe neial d:iscri.a1nati_ ap.1nst blades MId v!:y Ku:i~ri"". ill and. pern.ahe racial d.hc:ri.-f.nad.on aca1nat the. ill ~bbosk, The 101'1 hi.tory ot _epinc and pertuiu neid diasri_",uon a"ia.t tuti...". or other eYid.ense to contest or "but the a::I.stellct the black ..... of auc:h neial ctisai.ld.nation, or the filet that it .... _epl.nl and perndY. acdnst t:oth black. and -pin.c feu., fn:- ttl. earliest hi.toI7 of the Cit,. ot Lubbou. HexicaJt-<l\lle.ricans loOM not smb,ud by the Cit,. of Lubbock. and the Ddmcbnu have not pit in Si-.1larl,., Merl""-AMric.au are con- c:entnted 1ft cl.rly ddined. ceocnpbic arua of the City of Lubbock. Tex.... He:xl~caa cithena 01 Lu.bboe:k, TeDa. pradused. the C(:!'ler- all,. 1UbUaad.&rd. l_nb&e hGudq f_d in thoH PDnians ot the Cit,. of Lubbock. fe- •• Lubbock in "'-ich auch "'norith. are _centnted (note te.t~ of Sister Such neid d:iacri...nation a"inst blade. and Hmc.an-oAllerlcs.na reache. . . hI" bade into the past of Lubbock, fea., aa ane is able to 10. bdeed be.ct to Reciu Foppr). the Coundinl of the Cit,. of Lubboc". (note telti-.ny of Dr. tijeriftl) and N"a boeh .tnorldea Such d.laerildJr.ation Md aelI'Cption haa~ the _hera ot f~ obtaiJdnc ad.tqliIte eclLlcadon., joba. (note ttlatimon,. of o -13- -14- Isidro Guticrrn. in reference to the city sanitadorl Itrikes) decf'l'it nei~bor­ cquallty of access at the pre.ent tille. hoods, and Illo'l.ny other tH",s durin& the period of open, naCrant radal legre- standi", hiltory of svecping IJId pervllSive rac:ill1 dhcrilll1natior'l af\d legrega- gation and discril.dn:r.don in Lubbock, Tuaa tion again.t blacks and 'lexiCllll~erieanl in Lubbock, Texas, the Pillintiffa (note testilllony of Dr. Tijerina and Plaintiff-Intervenor in this caat ~ have the burden of shOld", that Md Ilarold Chatman). Plaintiffs ;'Ind Plaintiff_Inurvenor subtdt that the testi-.ony of the the effects of Po'\1t discrimination are ,till pretent. vitncsses Ilarold Chatlllo"Ul, Rev. ". W. Wnson, T. J. Patterson, Georee Scott, Rose liilson, Inst~ad, the burden is nov 011 the Defendants to provide ,,,bstantial evidence that such effects have Con:do Ga.":!., Lionel Galindo, !tepthaU ~Leor'l. Dr. Andres been dislip;ated. flnd Defendants have not earried thOlt burden. Tijerina. Jorge ~:orcno, and other witnesses who lived in Lubback durl", the The IIOIt De- f...,.dants have done vith respect to thil ~rtieuhr alpect of the cale is to shO'll' that the leea1 ~quire-.entl .....eeping and pervasiv... nchl discrillination snd segre,ati"", sgainst blacks IlCIIIber ne the with relpect to an racial and ethnic croups, but equality and ~lvdcan~m",rlcans in Lubbock. Texas, and th ... continuing effects of the of acce.. involve. . .ch IIIOre than the bare leeal requll'6lents to file for and UI!l('. all without contest or rebuttal fras the ~ff!lldants. nan for office. p;lst s('veral decades. lUIIply establishes the existence of the history of This bein, so. the ~f...,.dants hne the burden, in the presmt cale, of showl"" by substantial cvidf!llce, that the Ilinoritiel pruently ta'u lame to file for and run for office of City Council If we a . _ for the lake of are-t. however, that the nalntiffJ and fiaintlff-Intervenor have failed to sh_ past dhcrimnation sufficiently se- eq\Ial access to the politi~ proccsses of the ~ity. As the Fifth Cir..uit ex- vere to constitute ".-weeplnc ...d penalive" discrllllination, the burden would pressed it in ~ . "'nce plaintiff established fl put record of racial be _ Plaintiffs and. nflintiffMIntervenor to _ dlscriadnation and official W1responldveneSl \otlich requires the conclusion that eatablbh that the effectl of past dilcrlldnatior'l are still prelent, Ind it at least until a Ihort nUlllber of years put thf!1 had bem denied equal acce.. 11 relpectfully subdued that nalntlffs and nalntiff-Intervf!llor han cOIle to the political proeeSlu of the county fell to the defendants to calle &1" dty. fo~rd in the prelmt ea-iJ, it thm fONllrd vith mdence that enou8f1 of die ind- vith alC:h evidence in .~ance. forward vith evidence to li:\IIltrOUI black and Hmean-.\aerlean vltne..e. who teltlflell about conditions of palt raelal dilcrllllination in dentlofthepasthadbef!ftr'ClllOYed,andtheeffeetsofpastden1alofaccell Lubbock .lao teltifiell in V.riOUI _YI that the effects of sud! past dls- dhsipated, that there was pruently equality of acce... " crildlllltion Ire proeleftt Itill. 145). Deff!l'ldants have not CCDe (SSt r.24 at 144- -,s- '!'bere';"l telti_y frOlll .mberl of both "nority croups tNt their ~ a are still afraid to oppo.e the City Offi_ fOfVllrd vith substantial mdence to 1h00000that enough of the incidents of past diacrillination have been ...-ved to pt"Orlde ( In vielt of our evidence of the 1011«; dall in _roul inatlrlcel, e.c., testi...,. of T. J. 'aUerlon, Ilarold ChatlMn. () -, .. City ,cO"le~t. that tht'1 hue little .ill_.teell, lUld that tbey han blat I" ,li,ht confid,""ce i" the possibtUtJ ll...t the City \CIuld re.pond fa.onbl,. to any of thdr need. ",en if ,uch "«da W~ pft.mted Ceorce Scott and Dr. Tijerina). Dr. Tijerin. tutHied t\lrther that the evil effectsofrachldncrilllinationirtwbbock.resttlIYel'J"D.lchpresmt in the IIlind, and hurta of .:exlcan~.rican c1thert•• TIler. w.. prhe a vhole ~ple te.ti.,..,. to ~l eleYeft elelletlU li.ted by the Court vhidl. vhile _~ a"~cate artd with alldlar ehlller'lta 1Il3ke Ollt the fact of dilutiOl'l of the yotin& .tre",th of Illinoritiu. factor. are .et forth.l!ll![l The!!..daa: It pa,cu 4-S. and need not be repeated here. The .Ii1!:Ii.la faaora. and eltllblilhe. lC'Ven.l .dditional. closel,. related f.ctor. of the kindellllMn.tedirt!1.l::k!,a.. Ob'rloull,.. to de- or ethnic II"IlUP of .dequate edu.cation, hourinl, poUdClll • quality. and otht"r sicnific:a!tt llpe«.. of ther" rridertce in the pre.ent elle e;t.bli.h. at lellt .ix of the eIeym the same dfect vith rCSJ)'"a to blaeic. chism. of Lubbodl. by the witnellU ltarold Clu.tmn. T. J. ,.tter.on, Ceo",e SCOItt. and othera. !1!:tu:I not con.titutirt& a" exhall.the UIt, in the (Sote t",tillOn,. of tretot-mt for decade• •~ A. in I1.I:U.at no llinorit,. .-bel' hal eYer b«n elected to the Lubbock Citye-dl ill the entire Mlto.,. ol the City (naintHfs' Emiblt !fo. S• StiPilation. !fo•• J3,~ 34). A. in!iJ::l1uL there was ~notion throuchOllt Teu. of the: poll tax l't"qIIi~t for yotin. (I'Wrrtitfl' E:ddbit 1(0. 20). of a f~ n.tion. year. by the ell_nation of offici.l, U Jm. 'ecrep.tion IItd dbcriJd- The ey(dmce before this Court in the prt"unt ca.e .ffi~th·e1y sh_. that the dfea. of palt radal dhcriaination haye not betll sufficientl,. There wa•• ill ,ddition. II iIr ~ratic: ~ Oft the "electoral -echani'" of the vtdte f .... tII\1ch black penOll. were wholl,. excluded by fex. . .t,- tute (Plaintift.' £:ddblt !fo. XI). dissipatedtoallO'ltequalaceeaatothepolitiealprocclieiorthe~h,. by blacks and Held.<:An.-Alierican•• pri_..,., A. in .IU.I::!£KX. thert" 11 an ad..erae effect yoti", and partid,.tiOll itl the electoral procell cau.ed by the lower .odo-e_ _ c: l"el or the buck and Hexican",,",-ric:-.n "nority ,roup. in Lubbodt (!fote 1JI ~ or Dr,. John_ and Tijerina ud Father Kalf.. nn). Id.&h deer- of polarised Yoti,,& by n.ce and ethUc te.~ then b • ,"'p (Dr. J _ _'. u . u - y and .-tudy. PlaintLtf.' £:ddbit 11'0. 6, ,nd ~ of .... Mercado, """" Sa.lJ..rta....d Joe 'fallin). tben: 11 a ladi: or test~· And rin,U,.. II in ~ . ".pon.i••••• to the "et"da of mnoritb. (1ft the part or the Cit,. of lubbock. itl elected orrtdal., artd ita .ppointed offichh and _l'I'_ . -, in the Stllte of TUII, and the 'eYfllth bieh..st Infnnt .crullty nte for a city of Itl .he in tbe ..ntire United Statu (Sote ustt-1y of Dr. Orr aM PlaintUra f r.Jddbiu ~o •• II and 14). In addition to th.. IlbuY.. ~ th..r .. ar.. additicoPld factor. of the facton pre'fllt in th.. inatant ca.e. s~ 5. CUUf'd by the Fifth Circuit lind the Dtttrict Court. in oth..r rtd.1strlctil\l usu. Aeain, while the... factors listed in Iti",,,,,,,. I. they.~ .~ f.cility new utilhed by the City of l.4obbock to hOll... itl prilOl'l..ra and. fonltrly used to . _ extent for that purpo.... not fUctly the ..... a. those quite .iallarl aM to inUlnte the .dIoob of the Lubbock Independent Sd\ool Dtatrict. the United Statea hl*rtaent of Ju.tice lubbock :t.dopttd. or ""YI'd. tOVllrd "doptlnl• • 1923 City ord1n"nce IIl.lkine it a criminal off..n." for black. to live in anYl*rt of haYin, been a party in both allch a."•• and the J'laintUra the City of Lubbock fJ[Cfpt c:eruin deaipt..d arul. and the han", pre'failed ia both IlIdl use•• with rdid' " ..b, ,ranted by thit Court (~ote ,laiatUra f Ezhiblt 110. f'Xhtmcf of SIIth onUnanc.. _. knowI to both blacks ud Hmc.&1'l-Aaui canl liYi"" in Lubbock (J'laintiffaf F.dtibit It'o. 2. and. 2. Two rec.....t fedenl laltSUiu have bHn litle.ted in thi. COlirt. to correct radal .",re,.tion in the Lubbock County J.il. a kind I I tho... ...,..tioned and dis- 6. n). The Unit I'd. Statea Air Force. throush ita dedll'lated npre.enta- testilllOny of Ceoree Scott and. Lionel Clllindo). tive• •t Reelt Air Force Ba.e. TUII. ntar the CitJ of Lubbock, Car.. of the Lubbock City C...et ....,. it subltandal"d (J'lUfttUflf ha. lIad. to b e _ artively iaYol;Yed. in illY...tillti", co-plaint. E.xhtblt l"o. 7 IlJ\d testi..". of Iloae ViI... and Oelle Oained 1ft of ncial cU..crlain.tioft a,abut black and Hexican"",,-rican the forwtrly nddly Hlrel.ttd arul . .Inuin" for blllcQ aI!lIlIb.. n and Hfxia~r1call'. of the ""Ued State. Air Fono:e by budne..... and club. in the City of Lubbock in tht laat f...., Jur•• a"d f_d it and nchl Ie,re,ation. both a. to bladel necn....,. to . .liat al.noritie. here ia lI"in, .doption of a yl'an l. .'o. p1blic K~tiOft' on!i.nance to end. ..,ch nchl di.ulaiaatioa til black and Hu::ica~...rican area. of the city. II _I*red W'ith the .rea. where tbe whiu _jority liYea (!tote tt.tl..". ... 110."). T. ladal dilcrlld.nation _UftU.' ift Lubbodl:. TUIII. down to the of TOII1 Refe., Sister !techa Ind Oon...lo O.~). pnMl'lt• • • • ltabUaMtl by the telt~ of _rout v1tnf'l..... Public health Ifrvi«. pNl'rlded by the City of Lubbock. rudtiftl ia daba. louJ. buaiae...... relt_rant •• depart_t .tore., and .nd 'ervin, prt.-rily bllck. and ( (!fote tellt~ of Major Yinc. HiCllcd u6 nalat.irr.' bMbit Houlll\l is of • l _ r yalue fond is ,enerally of • lowr quality MeJdca~ria",. are ..,~ standard. W'ith Lubbode haYin, the Mlbeat infant aortalit)" rate -Jl>- -1" othu fu:ets of life in the c _ i t y (:cote t ...tillOnJ of tlajor 11. Blacks and Hexican.......ric:an. hue repeate4ly tried to vi" electiOl'l to the City Council, a"d have l1""ya failed, bei", Hicucci, Luciano Peres, Jorr;e Horeno and Ceor'le Scott). overvhe1Jled in eadl a"d e...ery electiOll by the radaUy polarised yotin, of the vldu IUjority (~ote Plaintiffs' ExMbtt ~o. 6 n"d naintiffl' Exhibit :fo. 5, StipllatiOl'l £X~ until this Court «ranted relief in federal litiptioll to correct the S"IIt, hiMt H, and te.th,OfIy of )laria Mercado, Joe Yaldn, and which is nquirinc Coun-ordered budn& Plaintiffs' Exhibit ~o. n, and teatiMoll)' of Dr. Tijerina in 12. There is a 1:lck of st,niCicant appoint-ent of blach and at-larae .,at_, and are th.la flln:her preclwl:ed by their econotd.c Hexican"""_ricans to key COIl'Dittees, cOllZliu1onl ..d board. .tatu. fn. havill& any .eani",(ul pan:ici.pation in City dections in the Lubbock City ,ove~t, (!fote tnd-:r of Ma. Mercado, lin. Vllson, lin. Cl"ehncl, there bei", mJ.y a fev token, Ind Joe Vlldn and Plaintiffs' Exhibit. !fol. 22 and 2J). and late, appoi"tllalts, alny of whidl "'ere ..,de subsequent to the filln& of thh bvsuit, of these .norit1e., and ordinarily nte erldence in this caR could be th.l. isolated into .e"nlU llllllhered de- only to POlts where their presence I' Jlinority __ ers is r - -..:a at . . lenet-h, but the fo~oinc Uat is INfficiellt to establi.h that quired by dleft are a ft\IlIber of hi&h1:r si&'lificanc factor. prelent in this ca.e thac SOllIe provilion of federal hv or replatiOfl', aa in the case of e-nit,. DeYdoPlent FWld. (~ou Phintiffa' F.xhJ.bit ~o. 5, Stipalation Exhibits AA throup fefl~ 10. Blackl and Hexican.....\lllerican. are not Ible to afford the hieb co.t. of NIlnin&: an elt'etion ca.p.icn in the preHnt ci.ty-vide refert'1\ce to the ....lexican" school in 4lbbock). 9. ae.... Wilson and Rey. CleTdand). in order to correct, continuin« at the preHnt ti-.e (See ~o *, altd teati-.y of De- elected officials of the City of L6l.bbodc nside in ,.rta of ttle Cit,. in vhid\ the bladr: ,"d Hexic.al'l-lowrican -.inorit1ea are concentrated, but aU re.ide in the predominantl,. tlhite arelll Plaintiffa' Exhibit ~o. 5, Sripalation Exhibit V). -n- '0 cOllsidered, and that .... obrloualy relacH Tery clo.ely co the Idnds I1m&cl fUll:r referred: to C1Ur frill vitne.. Cit,. CoundI.an Bill HcAliater). of the Cit,., -.inl,. in the Southwest pon:iOfl of the City can be of factors U.tH in (~ote Couft', ""_nltiGn .... d Is&uUt The Court: is 'lain respect- and 'iJIllar casea. "_rand_ in 1ltdcb 'lie dilQllled the DistrJ. ct nalustl. . of flctors 11. these in the !!!.!.ht!a and caRl (at pqu 4-11, Trill "-oran"). We apilt point aat for che III1dance of the Court, a. "-ran" bal. t), chat _ VIe did in our Trial I,pects of each sad eYel'7 one of the CVftlty~ Ill.,. (21) leparate facton ettlOlUed by the Diltrict ColIn: in the !'hL!.t....!... c. R(',('~t('r c;l.se, W m::!!!, Gravfl v 8;1.mu, J4J F.Supp. 704 (W.D. To:. 1972), "'e~ .lM'aOy p~st'nt in thb e.ase ;iltd. estabUshed bJ the evidence taken durin, THE I!ff!JUi'S Slf IlISCRltaNATORY INmn' Proof of the a"recate of the forecoinl f.«on ptrwit. an inferenu of the first three days of trhl thl"<lU£:h the founetll vitnt'Sses who bad testified the Iihcriainatory lntttlt bJ (1976), .nd it is not neulS'l')' to show that Lubbocll'. IJSU. of at-1&rce that ti_. the exhibits receivC'd in eyidenee, the stipl1.attons of the ~qui~ by Wuhinrtm y Dnis 426 U.S. 229 p.lrths, and the jvdic:lal notice taken by the Coun: of the Teps statutes ""d elf'edon. _s oripnally adopt" with diseri_natol')' intent. Constl.utional pro\1.sions ereatinj; and lIlaintdninl nch1 .elrelation aftC! dis- the at-lsrce plsn was adopted, Lubbock's vtdte IIII.jority enjoyed suth absolute cril:lination throur;hout the State of Texa,. Ve nsptetfully refer the Cow't to control of aU polltie.al procease., our Hst of those tventy-iline (29) uparate factors a • • et forth 1" aur Trial .,,15 the bucks altd. Kt'X1~rican., tlllt there is '(llIIe ",petition vith the other factor. dlicuSl" ahoye i .. thia briet. crillinatol')' pIa" of ele«tn, Cit,. officials. ot ,,11 of the factor' now estabUIh" ill ne" for SlIy consciously dis- But. however fo~lated, the and it 11 ..,conltitvtional because it is now belnl . .intain" for the purpose and Ht'X1U!l-Nleriean. hal bet?! and is now. dilutf'd, tit LuIlboek. fpa., by the presttlt at-1&t'le ehctton ache. of e1eedftl ..-bel" V I ' ItO at-lsrce plan adopted i" Lubbocll now perpetuate. p. .t radal dhcritdnation, the p~s"'t case requiru • fiJIdinl by this Court that the votiftl .t~lth ~ black, statewide nelal dlaerillinAtion . s N s_epin, .,..15 pt,.,.a.he thr'OucJ'lout the State of TUllS, both a. to tla:lonnj_, pac.e, 4-8, rather than reproclvclnl ttt. ap.t" heN, d"ee there It is plain that the ;llUrtl"U Indeed, W'hen of dJlwtinl the YOtel of blacks ... 15 Keldcart-l..erian.. of the Lubbock Ci~ Mstbtls llabpe sn ".211 209, %17 (5th Cir. 1978). Council. Bs>ldrn y 2J8, U6 (.5tb Cir. 1978); J(nrt.t I City 9( Sidn, S71 F.ld Indeeli, the reb"th.anell vith W'hlch the Cit,. of Lu.bboc:k is fi,liti", ttl, pre.ent law.uh. In the vel')' f.ce of the 10l'll-repcateli plus: bJ bladr• •n4 Kai~rican. to t.n a .,...tllll of ele«!", _lcipal offid.ah tlh.l.ch is filiI' sad. jlllt, _,. CCIII.titut:e still (urther sipdtiCl!lt mdence of di.crildftatOlT intent. Labbock City Council _bera ."e "ot atte-pted to f.dUt.t • • dlSlIle In the .,...tllll whlch would redress the iftju.ticu Ic:~teli t~h ,.an of dtacrl.-ination snd exclusion fr_ t_ poUtica.l life of the t_ p"Utlrt _.tnt ~ty. blt i",uad are fi,htlnC hard to prne"e aItd. conrt.it\ltic.\all,. dl.eri.sd.nstory at-larll SJsu•• That i. suftidClrt, inaeflr I ' intent i. ooneel1led.. bccauac keepin, the presmt ( (l qat:_ perpet_tel part. radal di.eri.sd..tion in the eleet:i..", processes of the Cit,. of lubbock. d. lACK OF RF.5I'1l:'lSn'E\'ESS TO HINORITY ~'EEIlS and fosters business interests of the white cocmaanity. The District Coun: in Ausberry sp.cifically r.j.cted spending of federal mon.y as a fonn of r.Virtually every witness presented by the Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Inter- sponsiveness, just as this Court must now reject it. ",usber" v. City of Yenor testified to one or more aspects of the lack of responsiveness to the needs Monroe, Loui.iana. 456 F .Supp. 460. 464-466 (Ii,D. La. 1978). of minoriti.s continually exhibited by the Defendant City of Lubbock. It is Regarding recent actions, such a~ the adoption of a public ac~ommod..t1oQ.s important to recogni:e that there are several facets to responsiveness in ordinance, or the childish cutting-down of a row of boundary trees (See fiaingovernment. As Dr. Charles Johnson testified, responsiveness is more than tiff.' Exhibit No.7) at the City of Lubbock C....t.ry s.parating the whit. There is symbolic responsivenes., service just allocation responsiveness. aection. from the minority sectiona, it is plain that these actions are too responsiveness, alloca.tion responsiveness, pollcy responsiveness, and relittle and too late. sponsiveness in tcnns of time or delay. A. this Court said during the D.c.mb.r 12. 1978. t.sti- mony of Luciano Perez, Director of the Human Relations Conmission in Lubbock, Th. City of Lubbock has tried to ••cabli.h that it is re.pon.iv. to the the City l:0t caught with its hand. in the cooki. jar. and now would like to needs of blacks and Hexican-Arnericans by showinf:: tvo things, basically: put the cookies back. (1) Hassiv• •p.nding of fed.ral money in ar.a. of the Cit)' wh.r. black< and Hexican~\merica"s are concentrated; and, (2) ( ) It ia too late for that. Hinor actions, however re- .pon.ive they might app.ar to be on an isolated. sup.rfidal basis. must b. recent act!m. taken on the vi....d and .valuated in light of this l ....uit in this Court and the ov.nth.lming eve of this lawsuit constituting responses to a fev aped!!': llinority needs. probability that the City nev.r ""uld have tak.n .v.n these fe.. action. had Th. compl.t. an.....r to the fir.t .howlRf: by the City is that it is not it not been for this la1llluit. responsiveness to spend federal money where federal law requirel federal The real attitude of the City of Lubbock toward the n.eds of blacks and money to be spent. The pertinent: question, and the very firlt queltion, to )lexican.t.a.rican. in this cOIIIIIunity is demon.trated. for exampl•• by the City's a.k about such .pending is this: standard and '0 How did th••• minority areas be.... 80 lUI>- inadequate pablic health aerrice. pro&ram. As Dr. Marjorie Orr testified, she blighted that they qualify for f.d.ral aid to restore and ill.... hired .tter the tiliRf: of this la.....it. and the budg.t of the City's PJ"O"'e them? The answer is clear: years and ~ar. of neglect, and aWlt health departlMftt was then. increased SOlIe 60%, but even with that increase, total unrespon.iv.n••• on the part of the City of Lubbock. _d. pollibl. the the .tandiRf: of this City in the rate of infant mortality in this Stat. and d.cay of th••• neighborllood.. And it is no act of r ••ponsh. bennolence on Mtion i • • elilln.ee, and etl.reetl)' affect. blacks and Mexican-.\meri cans more the part of the City of Lubbock to spend federal taxpaycp' I!mu in IIl.ROrity than any oth.r ••pent of Lubbock'. pop.llation. .rea •• particularly when .uch spendinl: fre.s city -.t.s for other p.lrposes () ( -25- -26- Even with the budg.t and pcrsonn~l dards. a dangerous intersection, the naJRing of a park, the elimination of improper increases, the City health department does not meet State stan- The p.>blic health clinic is located in an area that is highl:r incon- venient, and difficult for patients to reach. It is not adequately served pollee attitudes and practices, the correctian of unsatisfactory vorldng conditions, and related matters. by the City bus service, evm though that service is kept afioat by federal money. And a large part of its hJ.dget goes for "vector" mosquito cantrol, • In SUIll1lar;r. the Cit:r of Lubbock hal shewn only that cit:r ••rvice. are distributed throughout the cit:r. but th.re was no significant .vidence that budgetary practice unused in most other Texas cities as testified to by Dr. the City was appropriately r.sponding .pecifically to ne.d. of the minorit:r Orr. c_niti•• involved in thus distributing City ••rvice.. The real attitude of the Cit:r of Lubbock is shown. for example. in lta For exampl•• in the area of Housin& Code enforcement, various minority members have repeatedly in- mciall)' segregated and discriminator;r operation of ita municipal C<OIeter;r dicated a pressing need for vigorous for thirty years, since acquiring control of it in 1948, and the ron-dCMt, (~ot. t.stimon:r of Ton:r Rey••• C.org. Scott and Sister Regina). In it. ~.al enforcement, but none is forthcondng disgraceful condition of the black and Hexican.....t..tDerican area. of that cemetery. to .how that it distrih.lte. all ••rvice• •quall:r. the Cit:r pre.ent.d the t ••ti- 1\ watering system is nov being installed in the minority section of the mon:r of various vitn.s••• to the effect that there is no ov.rt withholding of tery, only JO years after the city acquired it. Celie- By contrast, the vtdte por- .enicel on the hasis of race or &eographic area: yet, the blighted condition .0 tions of the same cemetery have been maintained in 100d condition durinc the of s;t.me 30 years. it is the v.r;r fact of blight and decs:r in the minorit:r areas that ju.tifi•• Even in the burial of ita dead, this City deeonltratel clearly the use of federal funds to upgrade Rnd restore such areas. its real attitudes and motives. Dr. Charles John.on testified that the little re.pon.iv.n••• black. and Hexican~ericans receive man:r lainority neighborhood• •peaks for itaelf. and as indicated abov•• from the govel'1Ulleftt of the City of Lubbock comes, Significantl:r. the Cit:r did not a.k ita Fire Chief or it. A••istant Police Chi.f. when the;r testified. nor did it ask it. Cit:r Hanager. wheth.r!htt w.r. ordinaril:r. free confrontation. (k~tlan Park) ....... prote.U (sanitation strik••). aware of incident. or practice. of racial di.crimination. although the other demon.tration. (th. Harch of Faith). and similar action.. Cit:r vitn Th••• two sdnorit;r re asked that qu.stion at the concluaion of their direct te.ti- group. cannot .iIapl:r contact their repre.entativ•• in Ch:r Hall as wldt. -:r. citisens can, and request consideration of vtatever is needed. Plaintitf-Intenenor'. vitn•••e. ret;arding incident. of racial di .crimination Instead, they find it necessary to lDOunt long-tena, continuinc, maasive proteat:I, d~ltra­ tion., and similar tactics even for sOIlItthin& so IIlUJ'ldane as a traffic llpt at b:r and an red it in the negati..... the Lubbock police. the eYidence of di.crimination in hiring practices by the Lubbock Pollce and Fire Departaetlt. Itandsunrebutted:Jhe statistics shoving race and -7:1- The t.sti!aon:r of Plaintiffs' and Hon of ...icipal emplo;re•••peak for themselv.s and de- ( PtAIA/1)/FS' C:,i).J~ : JflP~C "L A) I1LP~£./ trIAC 5,fIP /A,) " 1'1/2 0. IIn-rtc tfF~'J""lf1)dN f))5C/f/-""1 I ,.A1-fruN./ ApI) ('"()().If'T> I.IP,.£,v, II s:) Jt:?~ J:2J 51!" .;T5i( (S'?" ~,It. 196~ ,iliff ~F (J,J£F z}fI~~" PI?'VJ~ /)15'11,1'1""/ c~<A.!> N!ff" p;;yJf'T 7JI,,"" r; ;~~,vv,,~,.t1 TH~ f~tJ8t..~,., CJF!f,l eM'C'F' r~N TE''-L ~GlCJ/ ~6IJM" -'. " ••• sucH /111 B~(JWA,) 5f11TIS1'ICS j(J~ ",AJ1j S ~""'rJ 5"'tM171A1 CiflrF ))~. Ex. P.EIIC HAl> 'P' T~ 0$ C"'U5r~ t E 50L !JP/) 7JJ1f'J''' rRINc,f>k c~e.u£ CPM ~cI I </$ If" CI U PI' c R''''''MMrMAJ " •• If nur- CIIAAlcE ,FdA" 71'JU W~.f "(514 E}J 4-'>'9- II IlOnstnte dhcrUdn;lt101'i 1 Lubbock Fire Depar't-ent. and 1n the Lubbock lolie nrtw her Cit any. ainority _ 1 ' 1 CICCI" &1I)'th1~ but the lIOn De defllr't....tl vhere -mal tty. if We Ire a_re of the CoW't's Yiev that the testt-ly of u;~r't witne..es litton. (naintith' in I use a!eh IS this is not IS helpful to the Court IS I faet-Cinder IS the t.UU.b1t S'o. S. Stipulation~_ )tl:). At IIOst. the City has shown IkWe u·stl-.y of other vitneaaes and other evidence. rf'sponall'erIf'SI ot allocat10n of unieel. brief ift dJlcussif\& the expert teati-.y. but that. sU.ncl1nfl alone. is ItOt the ruponsll'erIess to the needs of .noritle, contf'Clplated by the deddf'd uses. that there 11 as . .d1 alcn1CiC&nct In whit _I !!2I "id by the City's only "nd the " ' - Rebt1on. e-lsslon. appa_ ~ !!.U upert vltness IS 1n what he 'aid.· rently ~flarded by the City IS OI'ie of It I _11: responlh'e gesture•• 11 reprded Dr TUbsl did nM: rtcO!Dml tp the Cpurt that Lubbslck should sS'Jfttinur vi th by an r.tinority IX'Qbers who test1fied lbout 1t I ' I lOP• • "bone" 1ft T. J. Patterson's language, an 1neffeeth'e front with 110 power _lid no 1l1nuerlee. Ita at_laae nltM It need. He did not tfltifl thIS the IIt_brn nltc!! \9t.Ild bt but is I"tg.u'llcd by hs present Direetor. Luciano Perel. . . Inefrectil'e. It il re- Cpr ';h' I:;lrdt'd liS ineffective by Wa)"lle Dickey. wIIo served as OIIe or itl wtdte Ippo1nted Dr. Tubel vould not IlIke any IIaIIbf'r" I.cC(lJ'dinCly. we \till be 'Ie respectfully SIllIest to the CO\ll"t pf Lubbpck. .lIould do in th1l CI.e. 'nd Ce0ll:e SC(ltt. I black who "fused In Ippo1nt.erlt to tIlt ~ ..Ion. It i.llneffecthe llIld powerltu. and does not conl1:1tute mdetlu or "spon- tedniq\tt sheness to the n..eds of .u.orit1es. -w., 11 or In fact. to the Court', ObviOllI ,urprhe. and ours, re~dation It In reprd.in& what the Cow"!: Instud. Dr. Tltbel (1) disagreed with the statiatical our expu~ witness. Dr. Johnson. and (2) cli"Creed that OI'ie oould tOletherM (Dr. Tlehel's terwboloer. not oura) blac:kI and Hu::f.c.a........-.eri_ Dr. Charles John_. on the other "'..cI. testified that the at-l&t1Ie .,..UII "t keeps blac:kl _d Hexlean-J,llUlcans froo- bet"l elect" to the Lubboek We hprd Dr. hebe]. I I tile Cit,'. tlQlert vi~eas. althouch Dr. KdCanu .. alao tel'tln... Dr. HcHanu ua.lJted 01117 the City" ~bit. ~,ardiJl& its ..nte....... Oftly t _ telt.t-y of the City'. witn,,,,. before she teatltiN. De obri_17 __1.... of the Cit,'s responshenell to .nority ..... 111 1odMdr prlac:lpal c.c:lallloft (tt.,t 11n&1~r cliatricu ...... __tdq to . . wltll fII IIlftority -..ben) is CU\trary to the dec:bl. . II the ........ CoIal"t of tho tlIdted State. on preehely that _thr. _1'11 wet1_ ( () IIII CIty Council; tl\"t blacks .,d .:exic:all_'_rlcan. have in the past voted for those dtIes, COtlsldered " tach otMr. and c:.,n be expected to do so apIII in the future (and. the testi- Statea hal con.ht"tI)' held that II slnitl_bc:r 41.trict .,..t. . is the onl:r lIlony of HI's. Haria Ruls, of Slaton. 7e:us, C'StablIshed that the ..JIlt 11 true of blacks and ~:exl.c:an_\llIeric:llnS I" Sbt,,"'s sllll!:lt-4ltlDber d.htriet s,sttll of deetinl!: Cit,. oflidds which has existd sbce 19Z9h tllat black, .,..d. re_ed)' I Dbtrict Court CAn a croup. But the Supre-e COlIn: of the Urlited: order In Cille. of this nature, elll;pen: witnesses to the contrary notwithstandinl. "'hatever the "equit:r of representatlOO'l" ficure in • atatbtiesl study of lel'enllundred I.Mericall dtie• •)' _all. this COlIn: IIIIlSt follow the: path outlined by the Sup.-- Coun: and C'IIIplOJ • sincle- s;me kinds of radal segrel!:lItion Md dis<::rilll111l1tion It the hand, of the white _edler diltrict sy.t .. a. the rClStdy in thh ca.e, if an, relid .t an is to lII;ljOritJ I" Lubbock. Texas; be that deetioro retUl'1l' 1" Lubbock eltctiorIS . ' - l~nte4. 'nils is a. it PClUld be, for t.hi. Court is COtlcemed ill t.hia that a !linont,. -.bel' un be elected. to the Lubbodc Cit, Council if a ai",l_ case with Lubbock, Texa•• not with sel'enl hundM AMerican dtie, In a sutls- ll\eI:ber dhtri<::t systtll 11 adopted; tical .tudy. lind that a .lnl!:l_ber d.htrict .,..ttll vill lead to • better l:Urlidpl11 l!:ovel'1lltft'lt and a better coa-uuty in Lubboc:k, Dr. Johnson studied the evidence .1Id lIee4s of 1hl.J...£!1L based. hi. conclusion. priMaril)' upon the Lubbock situation. Md Neither Dr. Taebd nor Dr. Ndilnu, condlacted a .tud)' of Lubbock. Si&nIIi<::sntl,. Dr. Taebel frankly c:onccded that in cene",l he favon a .inl!:le-tlllber 41,trict sylttlll for th.t very rellion. The statistical _ethodol011' dhp.lte ce-e. to thbs on the tedmiquu used to dete~ne the expen. eli_cree polarisatica of voti", .nd the votu tunt- out of lli.norititl to aupport Idnorit)' calldidate•• They do not, inded they armot di ..."",, on the election retUI'1l' in Lubbock electIon,. Thou raw lipre., standing alone, ...-pl)' d_strate the correctness of Dr. JoIm.ca'. conclusion.. It b Dr. JohnMn correctl:r interpreted: the dection of State: Representati'ft' Froy Salin" fro- rM1ltric:ted. District. 75-8, and the CIt)' Council nce of Haris of little or IKl sipificanu in this bvsult vhst the Kereado, to _ that mnorlth. can and Ylll elect S1inorit)' _ben to the Lubbock Cit)' Coundl, i f w)' they an: &1'fm a COrIltitutIOO'lal opportunity to do .0 with a slnale-tMllbc:r di.trict .,.,t_ ordered by t.hi. Court. te:sti~ Dr. Johnson's _. buttressed. by Madison Sotder, »-eratic Party COUI'It:r Chainlllln, ii, rellrd to the SaU• • race. Ms. Mercado ~d " Dr. Jomaon d_urated in his report t"t . . .bel' of the Lubbock CIt)' Colftdl RO\II if she had NIl "equit)' of reprnmtation" lil'ln: . , be vith or without: .Ina:1e-tllber district under a properl:r devised. dn&1.--ber district .,.1t1B (natntiffs' Exhibit .,.It~ l'o. 6, N " ~7) • in several hundred Aaerian cititl. of up""i"" the delree 14 \111m 11l.at h .l"ll~r aiMpl)' a statistiesl -:r district .,.It__ to b. relate4 to the opportutdt:r of _norith, to 'ene on dt:r cOUl'ldls In aU of Ve Itre., that thh h not a _tt.e.r of t.heory or .peculatIon about -equit)' of repno.entation- flcurea, but i • •illpl.:r a _attu of uJdnl: note of the elect!.. rtCVft. in lAabbock. ( -n- Blacks vote fer black., or if Itvm a choicr .. -, f. THE RD"ItrlflED RDlEIlf 9' A SY'IGlE4lDlllm MSmICT STS1p1 c:l.n. vote Cor .lexlcan..,\_riean•• or if Civfll a choice hetvt'fIl a white and a The voter. of the City of Lubbock vere pre'fIlted vith the opPOrtunity black. thftl Cor a black. _'hite. vote for whitea, nae very ai_pIt' COflc:lulion to clIance tlle present at-la"e syrt_, altd tlle white _jority of the Ciq- cC the EIiltter is this: a sincle -.her distrlrt syat_ viU enable then two overwhd.inCly rejected the propo." dwICe (nalntiffs' t.xh1bit 1(0, 5, trinori ty sroups to ehc:t c:andidate. to the Lubbock City Council, but WIder Stipulation Exhibit 55) In January of 1975, The vote waa 1,862 In favor of the pruent a,t-larce I)·stem the whitt' Njority .lway. prevent. the election the clIance, and ",835 I&ainrt tbe chan&e (Pla1ntiff.' Exhibit !Co• .5, Slipof any Ilinority c:andidate. u.tlon Exhibit 55), It is t"'e that a blade per_ was once dected to the Luibbock Acc:ordl"lly, the bLack. M' llex1<:J1l-,\aericans have no I~ependfllt .-edy through the proce••ea of propoalnl charter alllendrlltnU. Sct>ool District School 8o.1rd, Ind a HulU1l"'\lIertc:an nov .enea a. In elected The Cit,. hal con.latently taken the poaltion that the City Council hal _bt'r of that Board.. But a. Dr, JohnilOn pointed out. the School &o.rd is .baolutely no a"thority to c:haft«e the preaent election not as important in the Minds of _ I t voterl II tht' Clq- Council, ..,.1 it ls an dection that UJ\l:l.lly lul •• _11 voter tUl1IOllt. ordinarily hinder. the effort. of a II1noritJ _her to be elected. T1'Iu', net itt the aqftlu of Iny mdence to jUltify retention of thl' It-hrr;e It sy.tetlo _s possible for a l!!lf.noriq- _ber to vin election to the School Board. in this City. evle1l thou&h II. t~ e~ected Exhibit :fo. 5, Stipulation EMibit !Co. 9.5: Tex. Rev. Ch. Stat" prior to n.. tl_ ..tlen cc.binl"& Sebool &o.rd dectiOQ with Ciq- eketiOQ in....ed a their lart;er YOUr tUl1Iout for School Bc.rd dection.. lo.t In such a co-b1ned dectiClft, where there ItaIIlm, the Hai~riean _bu nae bu.c:k Sdlool Board -.ber va. a of tbe Sclirool The onl,. _y to a.eftC1 the City Chlrter, and o:hs.n&e the election schNl", is by a _jority "'~e of the (tohlte) voters of the City of ~bbock (Plaintifh' lllinority _.ber UI'rIot vin lin election to the City Council. Turtherlllore, both lIlinoritJ _ben of the School Board were .,.st_ and c.annot do 10 under Iny dr~tanee. (ft.aintiffa' Exhibit No, .5, Stipulation No., 91-96), A lal'1e voter tUl1Iout Art, 1170). the bladl. and Halc:aJt-A_rlc::an. _'Ie no other plaee to tvm for ~ thut to thi. e-rt. TIle Vllte _jority. by its racially polari~ed votinC, prevent. the IIinorith. fro- eIeett.c -.inortt,. _her. to the' City ls"e voter t\Imout. "rd, JOIM ~il. TIle 1lh1te _jorlty, by its racially polari,," votl"" prevSltJ any tutifle' tbe Sdlool c:han&:e I" the at-1I"• .,..t_, Ull1 tMlI effectively insure. the eantinuation Board eleetlon required only a plunllty for election. while the City Cound.l of the \lftCOflJtltvtlona1 d.1luti&ll of the YOtinc .trenrth of bbeks and llmc.an.lectiona require a .. jority. No .-inority hal bfln eleeted to tbe Sdlool ~Qfl' ~ 1ft Lubbodt. rl,M • • • It 11 The pnHllt syst_ la not fair, It is not ju.t, it is ftot CClftJtltutional. One voaJ.d hope that eonsiderations of Ord1MrT decency wwld dictate to the white dthen. of Lubbock and to their ( () -JJ- -34- dtoctC'd offielab. that 80* way ahould be found to allow bbck citizena MId ~:exiclln"'\lIlerica.n dti:z:~a to serve on the body tN.t &overna th. in this City, but that hope haa clllllshtently failed, and it is now abwuS.atltly clear that PlaintUta and 'laint.iff-Ilttenenor haYe tolt.ablished In of die ele.tntl required to pre...a11 1ft t.his lit.ir;ation, and. t.h. llack chin"a and Mu:ic.an- only thh Court has the power and authority to do for Lubbol;:k what is ri&ht ".erican cithe". of Lubbock. represent.ed a. ela .. IaelIIber. by the nallleCl in this unfortunate situation. 'hint.Uta and .bintUf-r"ternnor. are entitled t.o the r-.edy t.hey seek. "'"hat thto Court must do is char; a sin&le-e-ber district IJste. dl tolectil\& City CcuncU _sbers, in which the Cound.l _ber _ t ~aide aeapeetflllly aut:aitted. Sa tnt- &t'or;raphic.al district that he 0:" ai'll' representl ..,d be yotC'd lIpon only br citl:oms residinr; in thllt saae district. _n be drrlsed aM ordered tMple_nted by the Court. It ahould not be lnord.inatel,- difficult to drrlae 1lIc.h a plan, and Dr. JohnSOtl'a ~port proridu ae...eral poarible -odell to choos. frClll in dravinr; the needed dist.rictl. -JS- REV. ROI JCNl3. et .1. ft&1lltiff. CIVIL AcrtOlf MO. CA-5-76-34 TlI& CITY tI U41BOC1, et al, Cf]tnnCA tt OF SDYIcr; " " " •• molt, ",,, ~ .,. -i:ti: do, of u ~ 1979. U'rYif;~ of a tn.o~ and oor"et !;OPJ of tM for~&oillJ Port-Trh1 Dtfmcianu mJJR.\NDtIH or rid of Phintlfh and PlaiMi(f-InterYenor waa . .de upon Ddendanu by hand-dtlivt'rinCtht' a_t'to tht'irattomt'J'. of "cord.a foll_1 Hr. John Ro", City Attonu,. Hr. J. . . ' . I~ter, City Trial-Attomt!1 lAW Sl! AWUUl PWlldfla .nd Pl.intiff-Interflnor Hr. TraYi. D. ShtltCll' Hr. Demh W. HcGil1 TraYi. D. SheltCll' "Allodat.. 1507 Thirteenth lIit~d: :::tS/L ATl'OR"t'I'f\1t PLU:1fTIFrS ~~~ tender thh H_ran_ of La" 011 Avard of "tumey. 'etl ill the .bon caprtoned IDol ftWlben.d cau••, for the plcianct of the :curt. 1. Lubbock City Hd1 916 Tu. . .eYeflll. Lubbock. TQt. 79401 or "'ttO!t'fETS F!D bt~by Coun,el for the naintiff. MIl Plaintiff-Int.n''''or, and tile chun rtpn..mted by th~ Plaintiff. arid 'laintiff-Inttn'enor, in thl. caat .re mtltled to .ttomeJ' feu under the J"tcerlt ~t to 42 U.S.C. I 1988, Public La" -,.,.. M-559, 94th Con&nu, Oct. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 2641, -tddl pl'OYi4u in pertl- tn 1m, &ft;J' .etl.oa or p!"OCtectlD,& to enforce .. prvrld_ of ItCtiolll 1978, 1919, 1980 arid 1981. of of Public La" 9'-.318, or 1a OIl behalf of the 0n1~ &ft;J' th~ ReYi.ed Stabltea, titb II ani .cd_ or pI'1)ceeclilll, by or State. of '"-erIca. to enforee. or dlarci"C • 'fio!atl_ fJ/I• • ph'fi11011 of the United Statu Cod'. fir tnt~",al R~vmue titb 'fI of the ChU Meht. Act of 1964, the court, i. ie. clllCretl_, ..,. allow th. pre,..il1l1l party, other than the A copy of t " tat of 'dI•• t,t.te 11 .ttac:hed hereto and incorpor.ted herelll II Appendix ' . , !tie (a) tht ~bm.h. lqblati-q ItiIrtOIIT of thi, «,tue ••tabU,bed dlat: ,tawt. 1I'Pli•• to caM, like the pruent tIla data of -.aee..tt (b) _e wtdch "ere pendlnC on tlrw .tatvt. 11 t. be irlterpreted to pl"O'rid~ for .n attomey. lee. 1" • aueee••fuI 41 U.S.C•• 1983 'VU'U 01 are spedal drCUlUtaneu _ina .ud! an .~rd unJuat: c:aM \ilUe•• then and, (e) fte. lllay be awarded ~.u.s.s... Then a.pe~. of the new .t.tllte vl11 b. d.hc:ussed. i" the order Just (t,) Tht c1"ett. The Moun Repo"- plainly .tated the ConIrnatonal intnlt tlat the new tl'I.~IIeftU 1ft .ceordanee vlth .ppUeable deehion. of the Suprc:se Court, the bill is intnlded. to app17 to all UM' pendtac va. the statute would apply retroae:thely to ~na eues, ift ~enU b)o Report also refer. to !IDd1S!" Risres:nd Schm lot"' The II. . . 416 U.S. 696 the date of it. ""actMtM, 1ft order to COllptl'lSllte couul for HrrlCU reuSe,," prior to enact_to prill.dple 11 well enablJahed.: nd.. court• •Iat apply the law ill effect .t tile The buh for thl• •tat-.nt 1& .pelled. GUt fullJ' lJI There. the Senate e-1ttfl _de [d.l'1l rtchtil lava, aad that fee ._rd., an: an ifttecnJ. part; of the relIIed1e. nee:t...ry to obtaill • • • coapll.nee.- The vitia 5.- eonCre..' powera vader, U. !nUt l1lL tbe POIoU'tflfttla under tid.. enabllftl prorlaiOll of the f'ourtetl'lth A.end.Bent. tb. Itlltute w. enacted. panuut to SeetiOll S. t", floor that 't.II7 ill fa"or of awl"diq tee, &&wat .t.te defeftdaata." Dai17 ed., Oet. 1, 1976). ,,,,I'd of attomsl' "II. at.ndard. IIII.der the 1964 Chu lUcht. Act:. 11_ atatate h Indeed, the tbe _ ta brief, Os PrsnllioC •• tile -ru -should onlinart1y re«:O'fsr an auomey'. f .. unle.. ,pedal drc:wutaftce. vou1d render such an .vard. unjuat.2d Ses•• , p. 4, Jlllle 29, 1916; Sen •• pp. S-6. Sept. 15. 1916). b)o!frAn J "nit; (Smat. lI.eport "0. M-lau, tela Ccsq•• Hoult I!.eport !fo. 94-1558, 94t1l Ccsq., 1Il This h tbe .tandard. that 'ads !:ntsrprhu Inc !fgnhcrpn" SM" pf Edugttm w. eatabUlbed. J90 U.S. 400, 401 (1961). aM 411 U.S. 4%7, 428 (1'13). In the i.utant eaR. there .re no ".pecia1 clraaat.anc:e.- t"t . .1. render an ._r4 of attomeya fee. "urlJaat.- To tllt c:.rt.hIT. all t_ n 1 _ t Cone"" c:a'lt~te, ba llColleeted either direet17 rr- .tated. _ qQt.tlcln arid", under the EleYenth ....rd~t is reaobed. J9J O.S. 2:68 (1969), .nd .uthoritia cited. thereb. In 'ointina out that CotIar'll!.-zt Drl.naa SndlSjI T R!st-smd SEhm !clEd JllID.l Dw:a..Ia. Thl! .tlt!!!.! "!lUI rn Section t..enAatt h no bar to fee aw.rdl . .de purauot to Con.crc.JiOfta1authoriSl\t1on "wainc Authority (b) A~t. 1Il. tlhletdq! Bluer _U,S'--J 96 S. C1:. 2666 (1916), ettc:d tlat of deddort. The sundard. sspoused b)o Con&re.. 1ft the a bar to tile a.rdtllC with app,..,.,.1 b)o the Houl. e-lttee. the Supre.e Court held that the Elnentb (1914), ill. 1oIhic:h the Court applied the school deM,re"tiOll ecu"ael !e. Oft (H.II.. Report; "0. 94-1558• Senate ee.-Lttee therefore stated. tlat fee a.rd. are pronded "in acc:ordanee c... Ree:. 12155, Daily ed.. Oct. 1, 1976) _d .t.tute retroact:hdy to • Uo" pencU.q ftlK Hcudn& coapU.nce witb these tvlce e.PI1.ed. th.t c«,,-an Drina" (122 COftC. Ree:. 12160, Daily ed. Oct:. 1. 1976). ta. a tintin& that "the effeet. of Slch fee .wrd.•• re ancillary and inc:ldtnt to Co",. 2d Sns., p. 4, n. 6 (Sept. 15, 1976). On the floor of the Hoult of Reprutl'luthe•• it le.h. fbi: Hou.. eo-itue of coun.el feea a,&iraat the [Statu CCFI'en-t.- Sm.te I!.eport !fo. 94-1011, A1!R.!1J at p. 5. the eJate of enae:tllalt ••••••• H••••eport !fo. 94-1558, 94th ConI. '!ben la no DeTentll "-enamt probl.. upUcit1.J' ,Uted that "1'ht Elnmth a-adlsent h .IlI.PIL p. 7, ft. 14). Oft award of fee •• _,. be awarded directly aptllat at.te .ad local offici.ls ud &&Ncie. ad le&i.lathe hiltory of the fttv .t.tute i. CiClnclud"e. • tatute vould COTem .11 case. that wotre pendin, on the date of 1.11 Since the new .tatute eoYer. 42 U.S.C. I 1983 eau., the attcrn!!1ll fee. their aubd.iYlai9l'l'. Jutute appUS! tg thi. stU Concre._" ",,,der.on (122 f.ct. and. d.ro-tanc:ea ill erldmca 1ft tid. UoM point to attorney. (122 Cone. I!.eE. 1n6O. that aw.rd.. undsr the new .utute lilly tn. tb. official, lB Id. oftic1al c.apac:lty, f\IncIa of hi. ac-CJ' or under hia control, or fl"Oll the state or loeal ,crre""'~ (wtlather or ftot the &&!!nCJ' or &Ol't~t iI a na-ed party)" (Senate I!.eport Wo. 94-1011, .IIIiIL .t p. S). Ie other wrd•• the Court could direct dat aUomey. tee. ia the pre,tnt e. .e ba pdd either by The City of Lubbodr. or c.llpldt1e•• to b7 tbe re.pee:t.he City of Lubteck Defendant. in their oftic:lal 'It. Rou. . lI.eport point. out that '"tbt Creata relcurc:e. avatleble &crr~t. prcm.dt .n ...1. b... froa Wid! fee. can be .w.rded to the pnnJ.liq pla1atitt ia .-tta ap.i.Bat &CFI'en-tal official. or tI'ltitiu.- ("-ae Report JIo. "'U5lI, ~ at p. f). the Senate Report specifically atates tha~ "1:" appropriate clrQUUtancel, counsel fees under Lthe new statuti! ma,. be awarded Report No. 94-1011. ~ at p. 5). The Report emphasises that "Such avarda are ('specially appropriate where a party haa prevailed an important latter CIt in the course of litigation, evm men he untiaately does not prevail on all issues." <!l!.). (a) ~ lJ.1I.... (Senate In the present case. in the event the Plaintiffs and Plain- tiff-Intervenor prevail on the rutter of the equitable relief aought, a. Warren Go•• and the exhibits .ettine forth the hour. expended. Iohidt be examined. and which were admitted into evidence in this ca... The odd...ce established that all such hours in this case were necessary to proper preparation and trial of the cas•• in this case, they will have prevailed on the kind of important atter cont..- The novelty and difficulty of the que.tion•• (b) This case has presented a number of unusual isSls. and vas, of course, an extensive class acti....uit under Rule 23. 'ederal Rules of Civil Procedure. by the nev statute. The House Report is explicit in statinc that "The word 'prnailinc' h not intended to require the entry of a In this case. the bours .re e.tablished by tbe te.ti-.y of Mr. I. coun.el. they insist they are entitled to do on the bash of the eddence of record plat~ Th. time and labor required. Thi. refers to the number of hour. and the amount of effort expended by fi.I:l!l. order before fee• ..,. be recovered." (House Report No. 94-1558• .§!!I!m. p. 8, emphaais in the oripnal). The Report It involved DRlltiple parties. It has presented fact situations difficult to investir;ate and complex in nature. involvine the conduct of )lunicipal Electi..... and the lack of re.ponsi"",,es. of • Municipal Government in it. operation. tavard thousands of clas• •embers. quotes vith approval the Suprane Court's holdinl in Bodin y. ti clwpA It constaed some Sehool Board. 416 U.S. 696. 723 (1974). that'" diatrict eourt . .at han e1is- day. in trial alone. as vo11 •• varioua p.....trial bearine. and conferenees with cretion to avard fees and costa incident to the final diapoaiti ... of intort. the Court. matters." The Report adds that ''Sueh avarda ~.uss are particularly important in protracted litigation. were it is difficult to predict with any certainty the date upon Iohieh a final order will be entered." <!l!.) The Report suggests as a standard the guideline of Bradlex that any order "that (c) The 'kill' rsgui'ite tp pedona the lenal KNice properly. Thi. factor is 10reely a _tter for the Court to detel'lllin•• based upon "expertise cained f . - plst experience a. a 1o..,.e.... snd "ob.ervatio" from the b...ch of la..,.ers at work." 488'.2d at 718. The Court sbould consider the detemnes substantial right. of the plrtica" may support an avard of fee•• attorney.' veri< product. their preparati.... and their r;eneral ability before <!l!.). the Court. Ij. In the present case, an equitable relief order would certainly aapport: cretion, but standards for awardinc reasonable counsel fees are .et forth in (5th Cir. 1974). bea'" Inc., 488 r.2d 114 ~ vas a Title VII emple>Y'"""t e1i.crillination .uit, but the sta"dard. are of r;eneral .pplieati... and han be.., frequently .pplied to 42 U.S.C. I 1983 case•• e.r;•• Stanford Daily y, Cal. 1974); The I!!"!clusion of other pplO"f!l!"!t by the anomer due to acceptanes g". The aaaunt of time lpent by ftaintiffs' counsel Perez, Carza, and Hall, 2. The amount of the fees is, of course, • mtter within the Court'. clia- the IeadinK case of Johnsm v. Gsouia Hictnl!T (d) qf the the award of feel at this stale of the case. ZUrsber. 64' .1l.1l. 6BO (1I.1l. and Pl.intiff-Intervenor'. coun.ellorthur. on this ease has neeessarily precluded their doi... other lecal buaine... The.... has been no reduction in the amount of in.... earned by Plaintiff.' coun.el Ben.on. or Plaintiff-Intel'Yenor'. coun.el IIaddov. aince they han been ...ployed by the Sehool of Law. Texa. Tecb UniTeraity• .urine the suit and han dat.ted their time as available f .... the requi.........t. of their tcachine duties .t the Sehool of Law. Hiller y, Carlson. 401 , .Supp. 835. 831-859 (M.Il. Fla. 1975). -5- ",ther t~ f~ a private law praetiee. But the Court 11 entitled. to take into condderation th.at lawyera e-ployed. by orpnhati_a other than. prhllte law flrss are not precluded fl'. ",covertnl fee•• ~dism Cpunt! BNrd qC ~catim See. e.c., ~ 496 '.3d 682, &89 (5tb Cir. 1974); P"urrsm, <l9J F.3d 598, 606-601 (Stll Cir. 1974); Fatrlu v "muitl!'! Corp Lu I In hdssr! Sguth,m 444 F.U 14J, 141, n. J (Stll Cir. 19nh Clark I A..dean ~ 4J7 F.2d 959 (5tb Cir. 1911), afflNi.,. 320 F.Supp. 709 (I.D. La. 1970); t!iller I (Sth Cir°. 1970). All:LIsramt tourpriPS! (7th Cir. 1975); 426 '.3d 534, 5~5:J9 Hanhm prramt SI". illc1.llded br the la"Jer hi...elt. 411 po .S"pp. 1059, 1066 ( ••••C. 1976), • Title mUle, JIld,e Richey awarded $60.00 per hour to I lawyer adnd.tted to the Bar 1ft 1968, and $30.00 and $35.00 per hour to her smpldrlT tnPllS'rimq1l '''9des " . In Stan(9rd Dan! %lIrchrr T 64 '.IIl.D. 680, 684-685 (If••• Cal. 1974), sa aetion Involrlnl pollce .t.condllct, the Court .warded. only $50.00 per hour, Tm'!lend. 525 eliacounti", the lawyer.' hi&f\er ulNll ~llinc ratu beeaule the litilation OIIt of the .na of the expertlae of .lIm lawyera. Bnndmburur I 'Dtsepe. 494'.3d 885. 889 (9tb Cir. 1974); award. have ranced frca • Arm!!)n y Bg!rd Trade c( feell and expelln . , not be redueed because appellanut attorat7 exClllpt fourtdation. or beCliun the attoftler doe. llot ~ 312 ae:nior). (2) ~e::t • f«• • • • Of COUnt. tbe Court . , " . iu _ knowledce of c:uat.~ f.1 fa the II"ea for federal Utiption. The ~ caae, .I!IRlL atltt. that ".t no tt.e n _ , the fee for le,a! Whether the attome1 chartes • fn or baa an Ilre-.t that the ortanhation that CIIIplClJ' hi_ will receive atI1 .~ed attoftl~t work faU "low the $20.00 per hcur pre.crlbed by the CrUdnal JII.tice Act fen Ire not ba,•• on whidl to den1 or lildt .ttoftltJ't. feea or u;pen.e•• I'lowever, fee. It such • nt, i. the prelftlt caae - t d be (481 '.2d It 718). Cnta.ly lMdequate. AceordinclJ, thb Court can and ahOild take into oonddcratlon the work and Under that Aet. the Cciart~ppoi.ntt4 lawyer h pa7*'nt of fee. pa!Wll&flt to tbe Act'l .cheliIIle. effort. of III IUoftleya representin, the Plaintiffa and PlaintUf-Inte"enor obviOUI and the hundreds of . s e n of the cl...es whidl ther repruent 1.11 the pre- 1.a paraarapll (f), .entlitlptlon. tbl.. COIltlna""C7. cart:nst, thel"l va. no .... ranee of iaLrL the 1ft7 uaared of In the ,n.mt eaae, by fee. Indeed, II set forth fee to be lvarded lIU.t be rnhanced. becau.e of III adcU.tioll, the hsuea ,c'tlented. 1n _st Cri.tnal Jllltice Ae::t Ippoln~t. are 110I"I roueine than. in tN ease at bar, inlolvi"l fer the fn. Because of the unuaall Ind COIIplt::1l; nat"n of thil ease. it il Ie", dUflclllt to .pecify I -mst_". fee." _at part Clft1.y I fev nI.ITGW i .....u of crlld.n.al law. Howl:ver,._ cui dance 11 provided reportfd decisiona in other cuu, .nd (2) the Courtt, _ knowlldce of (f) _ b i t tbs 1st h It h 401 '.$\Ip,. 135, &51..-0 01.1. 'la. ItT5). I j.n nfo", ca.e, the Court atlarded $60.(1) per haI&r for court ti_ Ie • » :rear The fe,. of the Criadnu Ju.tlce Ae::t 11I'OII14 be wholly inadequate he",. cust-.yfee.in tM. 'I"eal Ctrhm See, e.e., J72 F .S"pp. 1349 (If.D. Ill. 197"') ranee fl'O'l $UO.oo to $500.00), and leo the '14rda cited thereinl 14' lWplOJe4 or IUnded by a d. In ri&hta orpalSltlon and/or las 1ft Hiller y of $128.00 per hOlll" for tbe Inst apertenced. '.SlIp,....18 (S.D.If.T. 1970) (.vense of $128.00 for .lllawye~, jwdor and This Court hal indiC\ted on .evel'lll OCUsl_1 that ll1clwabl. lb' surU-a 1Illt Wli In recent IntltNlt caaes, juntor a ..oclate. to $500.00 per hour for EXpertl in the field. Fifth Cil"Olit hal explained it: (1) the 510 '.3d 1090 Ho,t ,uet! asca h.ale inJolled the MMCI Lepl Defenae 'llIIIId, tvt II thl by (1) slnce ....d! d_. ¥nUb It 6' Il AFlIrt!!'1'U "trhtA'! Cons MUla Cgrp., 438 '.2d Si. 88-90 (4th Clr. 1971). (e) d._. Other drcuiu I"' 1ft ICCOrd. I.e., tfgpn J '.3d 482, 486 (7th Cir. 1975); Lea J Ins for 1111 out-of-cOW"t .,ch non-b,al writ that _a W\necuurily perfol'M4 -e. filSd gr spntincqt. wreU Mttled. t_t. whtl"l the anomer tnea the rio of no par- at all i t the caM 11 l_t, II b te • craattr court...._rded fet. th. ,...._t litiption, he is entitled SeI, e.I., Parker y Hlo.tthcvs, 411 F .SlIpp. -7_ 406 r.supp. 828, 834 (:t.O. Cal. 1976); 680, 68S-6S6 (~.D. Cal. 1974>1 US8 (!f.D. Ill. 197.). l.!..tk.U.. In Stantard Daily.., Arensort.., ZyrFhsr 64 P.It.D. J12 P.Supp. U41, the Court detFlWifted the rlIIIIber of hours Jlnd a rusonable rate per hour, and then of the CClntincency. Board of Tnde In Stanferd Danl I.lWd 25. JI' an "'incen.t!"e- beeause the Coun; found that 7.50 """-'ra had ~ 401 '.Supp. 835, 8S~860 (l1,D. Fla. 1975)($45.792.00); .!!!!tl2. J6J"t.Supp. 194. 217 (E.D. Aric. 1913) ($8,000.(1)); d. oontl~eltty for the ~nt 011 to awrd $47.500.00 by the addition 01 $10,000.(1) factor. In the ~ case the Court relied 011 Can. 2 of the AM. Code of Professional lle.ponaibiUty, DisdpUn-.ry Ib.ale )-106(1}(8)(1969), which conte-pLates an in~ilSeti fee because of contlnC",des. ~ the oont1n&eltcy factor vas 1D/.. the la~r.' no..-l bUllll4: rates. ~ ~.IlI.2.!1> 64 '.R.D. at &87-688 (iUeplaearch and .ehure cue, $47• .soo.oo fee). Ib, "resulU obtained.- In the prelC!\t eaN will be th' injuncthe relief beel\ upended and that S50.00 per hour -'l1d be a reasonable rate, totaUln, $37,500.00 but theft £!1u..h £R1l!lt, J11 '.Sl.lpp. 1368. IJ1J (IC.D. Mhl. 197J) ($41,750.00); .l!P11...!.a. uant.ed by the Court, if it h Uanted. The "re..utl cbtained- ltill be the proper can.titut:l.onal operation of the City of r....bboc:lr.: HurdcipaJ. Election Sylt . ., in a (I) III ~ner Th' that b fair to .U <:iti_•• wSrf£!!5;' awtttte!lld .bill" flf the .ttornm. Thi. i., of COUrSE, • _tter fflr tile Ccurt's detel"lliJ\atloft ba.ed upoll In!!:mJm, the e-rt ClWdrupled it. (lbNrratiOl\ .011 knOllled&' of sudl factors . . repre_ted in naifttUht (n2' .Supp. at IJ.S8). In the pruent case the ind.hidual I'lalnt!fl'a are not payt", _ a d atl7 fFEa wNtaoe'ur. is • __ e:r. Lea"", of " - "oten, Sinu any roe_ery 01 fees by I'4intlffs' c:oalUld cle,.,.... h fee, the fee for nalnt11'r.' oo'-lsel sbouJ.. be adjusted .,.r4 I i . Helutl9'" '''PR'td by the cUm!. ,.. the dre-rtanSl•• This actl. hal in"ohe'd hlp priority work by Plaintiff.' and Plaint11'fInterrenor'a attorneys. the sau. been uNd i. F_eeti. with. • conllidentioa of attflme,.1 feel. flf C:l.r:U ltichu nailrtiff. ill the South hal lIlt"te:r heFI'l lar al • -.at. of li"elihood. "a thi. e--t s~ bows fl'Oll uperienc:e, there .re (~'.:zd at 718). btrSlely i.portot eonstltu- IntEft'etIol' aflci the cla.u. ill tid. UtiCltiOO. 1obo ~. Tbere an "'en fever lAwyers acree to ftlll'uent these Plaintiff. and Plaintiff-IntU"tetlflr and the cla.... iln'ol"feci 1d.thou.t &llJ' .elY.. « .uuranse of &llJ' fee. tillftal and political richtl han been at bsue in thia ClH, and now a,.., at .till f _ r ta",,-.I"I, eaped._ll,. 1ft the Lubbodl, TUiII. area issueatill. taka tile roellft_t.ation of nodal and et.ltrdc: _nflritiea in a (b) pla: Ibe A!lSl<!It lDI91.."d Md tbc ",aulH obtained; The lack flf _ .pec:lflc: pecuniary UlCUnt In"flbe'd in the caN: b any Sltnle I Ibdutlfln • Repre.eatation Jlfter by the fev aUflmeya 10110 1IlIOUld 'fOhmteer to represent the: Plaintiff. or naint1.ft- to renect theN faetors. (d pf It is difficult to iaIaclne a _ . "IIncIesirabl" caN, '1 th.t terwo hal of lotaich PW_lff-lntl:rr_ol' th.h case upoa the contine(llty of both a fa,,_ble rulilll by tIlh Ccluft MI' • c:ourt~ftret" (j) " " "Ynd"inblllu" l'ld.ntlff-tnhrrenor'a attomey Wne Arth.r 11 bel,.. pdet SJO.OO per bour by the the UIOUIIt flf COWI"l feel. not ill "s me Court haa re- c::ase like the pn'-lt ctte daaUencinc the Cfl"e~tal .et.tlftl. "nd there are fl ltGllld WIde"'" he Md e - IlEtbfld flf deeth•• alld th, _e::tifln. of ft.pondbl, .mic:1pl1 pubUc flftlcl.b In a lcc:al The ext~ difficulty in fiadine C:OUftSel tfl reprelEnt racial rainor'o- _riled. if feel Ire tied to the atllflUnt rec:overed and dle _ n t h r,hti"dy itiel ill ClM. like thh . , ... It be cfll'Ialdend by the Court al enhaocin,c the _11, this would ipflre the "prcfeni.11 lkill and the c:c.plexlty ctl the IIfOrtI _ n t flf f.1I tfl hi .warde'd. In"obed, and c:ou.ld result In an iftlLlffic:1eftt .ward fflr sel"'tic:e. rendered•• ~ _lit GIft Jl2 r.supp. 478, 484 (S.D.If.I. 1970). (k) Dtt NtU!'! _4 lmsth pC thl R!"5!f'''ien!l Nlatienship vitb the bcleed. thtt tM _ _ U7 ift eootrcrrer.y hal little tfl dfl lIlth the _ n t of the .ttflmer' f,el be Hen froo- ae"eral prhone...• riC1lt1 eases 1ft whid! III _et• .,. reUef ft' .,,"iftl of th. blb1BA ea.e i. _what unclear fll'I this point. but 1ft &llJ' "em counael for tM nalntiffl ....d Phint.!ft-Intel"V<:nor ;and the clauu herein a" not COUftti"l That iI. 'lbile ia ~e cauld nuonabl,. expe~ Oft '"roepeat buaia•••• v.l.th the.s elhaU. lUQ" an. it C&bt lie fI'OIler to ~~ th. feu if ~Ml Thi. h a COIltiJui"l alld perhap, lIlcrathe relationll'dp tIlldl (1) in A.wN, to eertlty that on tlte 2""-day of Jlraaary. 1979. serr:lce of • tl'\l.S &ftCI (Qf"rect copy of the toreeoi", nailltitt,' &n4 Plaintitt-hcentnor" the eller'lt. th1l factor 11 1ot\oU,. ab'nlt in the pre••t Utipd..... MeIaonndu. ot Law on Avard. of Attorney. 'eu was ..ds lipan Defftlcb.nt. by dllilar gIn hand-deliveri"l the lillie to their attorn.,.. of record •• foll0V8l Beall,e of the 1Isues lIl'liqlle to thh particular MwUct,.Ut,. and. tbe particular stancc ot tbese Cit,. of lobboek otfichl.. who are Detendlrlu, it all .... ~1,. is dJ.fficult to find. Hr. Jolwl Roaa. Cit,. Attorney ~~~i=; ~er. City Trial Attorn.,. ca.., dte4 916 feul A.",en. Lubbock. reDo' 7940l .. cases, '-eyer. Blled IIpc1l\ n.e -,ltllla'" caM ia tIlia , _ . tbe Hr. Tnvi. D. Shelton Hr. DeMh V. H~ill Travi. D. Shelton & AHochte• 1507 Thirteent~ Streat 12lIl.I2D. cale tactort, and a _lide....tion ot the ott.r allthorh,. d.ted. _d ~ented. Lubbock, Ten. 19401 IlPOft ,boYe. the Plaintiff, .'-it that .. '-rly nota at at laart $80.00 wouJ.4 be mti,..l,. ,.....,...bl. b =,7.t~=O.="""'."'ft".---.. u.e pre_t litip- ""'....'",.;;.... Hon. for the out-of-cou.rt wort. ,lid $100.00 per IttOr'MJ per ..,. tor _cia ..,. of trial. Ttle Court ia reteJ'ft4 to Appm4ix ""-. SUpalation on Att0nM7S ' ' ' ' , ""'r..,,".;.;;m;;;.;;-;Ot.;;r"n;;;,,,,,,,,,,,"'ftr_I;:'''''''''N-m-~-. for tbe work perlol'Md. by each ot the naintU'f,' and Plaiatift..bt~_rt. ,nom.,.. in thi. litlption lip to tb. tl_ ot trial. 'or the rea.... ~tecJ., ani . . the bad. of tIlo IUthorl~ the Court sh0ld4 awrd ,tt_e,os tee. to ~ for t " Nt torda . Plalautr.... 1'laI.... titt-Intenenor and. the cla'M. reprumte4 by tt. I'hlatitt. IIId PlailltlttIntenerlor ift thi. litiption ........... -- ~ l,iU• ......uma lll.Jf-.A",. . . tubbodr:. T 190401 ..,.". . . " . , . 1006 Thi""",th Stl'ftt Lubbodr:, Taas 19401 RDIDT Po 1I.'fI1lCl¥ School of "W NUl& C. ftUI. faa. fech Qthenity Lubbock. Tau 1940t ..... Metro fwer. Wte 1.506 tubbod:, T.... 11401 14OJTcu.A.",_ lubbodi:, TUli. 190401 IUIIL 1II• ..eII P. o. . . 4030 Llltlbodr:, Taas 1M01 A ~ 1'IAIW'l'D'J'-D'IIbIId. ""..-C/.'...,o ?./£.-11- 90 STAT. 2Ml PUDUC LAW 94-SS9-OCT. 19,1976 Public Law 94-559 94th Congresl Aa Act Oct. 19. 1976 [5. 2218) 11ocOoil Rilhll An01D"'" Feu A.. udt Act of 1976. 42 USC 1981 -. 42 USC 1981- 1983.llIU. 1916. 20 USC 1681. 26 USC I"..,. 42 USC 2000.t. TIle CI.n __·. .I.~\.I. r _ . . . . . Act <If 1171. B_. B. it ,MeW ~y ,'" S,M14 ..J 0' R,pru,r&IAli_ 0/ ,'" URieu SttJIu 0/..4_"" ill C...,NM GJlltrMld, Thal this Ac:& rnal be cited u "Th. Civil Rilthll AItomeI" Fees A.. ard. Act 187.... Sa:. 1I. Thal lb. Jtniliod St&lu* Md.ion 722 (~ USc. 1888) Ia am...ded bl addinc &h. following: "In an1 a.ction or proetedingto pro"i,ion of socLions 1877\.1878, 1878, 1980, and Ul81 the RInsed SlMut.es, titl. IX Public .... w ~18J.or in all}' d"i1actioD or J>~eding, bI or on boh&1f lb. United ;)lala Amuica, to .nfofU, or charging a yiol.tion ofJ • J>ro"ision of &h. United SlI* In&.emal Rey,nu. Code, or tilla VI th. Civil Righll Ac:& 18840 Ill. court, in ita discretion, rna, allow U..l'revailing part.7. other &h•• &h. United SlaUs, a r.. ~n.abl, attorn"" fee as part of Ih. eosta.", 'D'Orce. 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' "pprond OClOber 19, 1976. UC;lsunvt HISTOn: 1l0ust RtrOlIT No. M-IS58 _ , . . , ... ".11. I~ ceo...... 1M J"iciooJ~ StNAn REPORT No. ....1011 tc-& I I . . . J....a...,~ CllNC;RESSIONAL IltalIlD. Vol 112 11.50... 11-2" 27~. -"0 S...... Od. I. _oWe "_ APPENDIX (A)