-. ' T '-'~- . , ." ,..,1!;,'t"'.'~~".1"~ !i-,,~~'l;~i;t~~\::7':"~ r':"l"~:rc(~:,,{:,;.~i. ' As 'regards' .'. ! a.t the _aforesaid / .. .,; stations, .' "they ... _to."'., all.owance, , rates ..' \'. 2- ' a '1.3.1::;"':\;"'~;;;"".J!~';,,',j.~::'j: ' ,I c, '.".'.. """"'~"'~"~N' I~ ::.. '... ¥/ith:effect " ;, t ' .'. from"'l ..,.:.I;:-~~..,.. 1.:, .' '.(/ ~ .-.',, ;," i).'..:.I ~\' ':,,',.i:', . .~ ',- ." :.. r...,,: ,"'..,r"l!f ~:, !~..~ ,..(;~. PaY:.Ragge ~.I.';;; " -I who are entitled ..',' to House Rent. ~. ,': ~ ... accorl1modatiol1 ' '. ., 5. ; to ., at the ..: , The Gove rnor) docido ~hat'°!1.ac~connto.f ,. -'. limi-tof '.. pay ~~ Rs.750/. ... purpOse 1j:, p.IT1~' .. of rent bo Rs.1160/-. receipt/ " ',. , 6:. ".,...' ,.::I;t has further ."l ,r '"' ..',,- ",;0 GPI~320 .. " "-, ,,~ All. () w~nce/Additi",oF\ar ',\ " been' r' . , De~arne S$ ;, .; , where 'it :ha s ~ot be~n ".. re'spec"t "" "of the employees. ..' of,.. :. Welrare Departm~nts who nave " ,. ~.", j as I.A.5. I.P.S. unrevised ~cale ..-"- as empluments .\~j as a measure~ purpose of ,The gran t rcyisod .';. ratas.s~al~, ".: ".,' as; ~~V~, alrfJady Department's ." 5th and I.F.S. for 7. 0 f House how~~er .. beep..laidCdown office :De cemb.e.t, ...' ~1966, ,To [:J,:~[; ,as \ ,:~~~,&: ",," .,:';'.~~ !~.;i: ,r" c'\: "'," : . Memorandum : ," i. ...' "' t;7::~1~j, ' " '.!.'"~~!'" Ir'1\\"i~- 'Ji:~,~L., ," ,'0' ~'i""'.i'~'~'!" ''., , ; .. . . 2,,: '", .r ~_.. :~ --- ;r::;/ ,-""-:~ '. .';;. ;;t.. -' ., ..',,; ;" , ,. " \' ; ..No~F1n(Cl~(7}~36/77. ,f qt'.~P~~l\!T I:' .:; ;, r F tT~1AC1-T A'.. P:~~3't:r, i{~. ..". ]I t',~ ,,' . GJ:at~ cf ~u~e-q~ ~::-- , cf' Fouse-, ~nt .( ..":, :;'] EQuse. ~nt 'j;:; Aitow!.!!.l:'.;c~'tc t~e :c~...~ .. .,:~:: ','" I, Q~ICE,'}~Mt"E~~ ~~" ' ',,:-:'."'.. ~ A1:1:cwEnce~ , .:,.' .. : St~te~GoVernright; ~'nplcYees :" pt.s~ ; ,t. "~, .. c..": :, -".Q.~t-.c ;:: .' .,' *~ . ,f:,. 'r, \:"',. ,,~ .'.~. 1..!.a,1.1Cd...wix;'b~:rG.fcrGr;1C~:,t9."tba:p:L~c;:c 2.:}:CQt4!:10d~ti,~,,:vlJ.-t;hcut.. k a Gcv.crpf"'nt ~ bc,m~ .o~' ~wrov~t d'~tY' c,.;t",y r " SV..;: rVc,.:,t1,t,W}1c: :r"".f1.1SC~' to::a.c,cc.pt , 't" ;;;, -".,;~,-:. '- ;:;CVaJ:~ . "/'"/. } '-' .. .;;..'I:':.":':J;,"":"'""~"".::"-"'~~"":'. .. en :-- : ;1;):1 ...'.., :,;!.;.~;,::".;~::;:!::-;-:;:1_',;"::;!::-"::~::_,:,;: G;:r..,,"+fyth~lt':t:,~n;aV6:..netbucn;, -c:t '0.. W,.::L'Ct! thi": p:rcn:dC;:d' ~li eWc-'!1':e :i.s c:1..altIod.' 1..~t.A. ,", ~ "0,;.; :::, '-,-)n~""':'lltc D~'liti;cts' nc-r:lr'u:s-pribLi'c -:"Jic al~~:r:ttbd ' ~;z,:ci:""r r';"'n~.fr"'" " " F" (;~~l::;;':;-;{~;~ c"" ; ...,- ;~,: t.,,~~;% .c.;;. j ',;:"~:;"' "u.,~!jC rt-akin ~C~bQMbA,;,+'i~ '-s :,' : c... ..". ,tj)' Noc';:in(C)B(7)lO/83 Go'/ernmerlt of Himachal Finance (Regl.Jlations i' ~ .~. Datcd ; 5h imla-l"l Pradesh )Department. 002, the J i <t' f-J-.:_Septc-mber,1984. (r 9EEl..l_M£M~Al:lQ.QM Subject:- Grant of House .Rent Allowance to the employees of thG State Govetnment posted at District! Su b-.Di vis i on/Tehs i ],/Su b- Tehs iI/Bloc k Headqu arter 'J ~ ~ The undersigned to -r.his tho Department's 2nd Aug\lstt1983, that the the Governor, House Rent is directcd Office Memorandum on the abov~ rlimachal (, Allo,':ance. s.anctio~ed Of f ic e 1,lemor and u m u oct:: r r of or ~ 0 ce i) a reft'rence , subject is and to say order th pleased'.to vide this shall Department's be admissibl.e to~ in case of District Hcadquartcr, to cmployees oosted in offic,os located within a radius of 8 Kms.of Office! of the Deputy Commissioner of D' , I , talC l5 t r J.Ct ; : &: ; : ii) invite !'l/ooFin(C)B(7)36/77,da~(.r; noted Prade,sh .to , in case of sub-iDivisional HeadquCJrtcrs, to employces postc1d in thc uffio'es l.'ocated.v/ithln a redius of 8 i<tmso of the Office of trio S~b:D~vj,s,ional 'I:Officer(CiVil), of the Sul--Dlvlslon; lit) , in c,ast:' of Te'hS!il Headqu()rters ~ to cmployeC's pos.t~d in"the qfficcs located within "a rad5us of.8 Kmso 'of, th:e office of 'the TchsiJd3r of tilC Tehsil; i I ! iv) in C.::1SC of Sub..;.re~,$il Hcadq~-1rter5 ,to the c::lploy~cs pos-le~ l'n the offlCCS locat\!d J' I f 8 .ms. K f ' h O ",'lCt) ...' WJ,'~nlr,):.a r;J(lUS, 0 0 ~ ~ 01 tho Tthsildar!N:ai,b Tehsildar of thc 3!Jb.;. " T-'-.:: l s ~ ~ ' ", ~ " nd oCf':' ~ ii v, ) in c,~sc of,1---BloCik HcC'.dquarters ~ to "thE'. cmoloyecs poste'ci in the cffices located ..'I W':'~11in a r~cfuls :of 8 Kmso of the oificc Bla~k Devf:loprli n t Officer of the Block~ I In 2" no t "...," ;,",':L ",ln " ,,: r.?(':..us case 0 of f 8 (Jny d'ou :bt KmS~ii1f:ntl i of , whether iJn.:-d above, an office the matter is or shCJ.ll ...~(- So t. r ,~ .. 0. '~ -2- ---\ by be decided the Deputy commiSSioJ j er c oncer ned of the , District ~ J " '7 .\;:; ;\I:! If ~l~ ~ .-"~ (Harln~~ Hlr~) Joint Sedrctc3ry(Financf::-R) Gove,rnmer\t, of the Himachal To , All Administrative of the Govt 0 of Himachal , Tho All The All ~).l Thc tOt- .! Dated , \ Shimla-i171002,the ;~-/J l Septec,84o , DivisilJndl Comm'issijnE!r, Sl;limlla/Dharams.;.la(Kangra)o Ho!J.ds of DeoartmC:l1ts irl IJimachal Pradesho rc gi~ tr nI', H.P.High C curt, Sh iinl a-171 001. District ;:'f)~ ;;):ssions ,JUd?os i~ Hili)acha+ Pr~dcsh. Deputy CornmJ.SSloncrS In HlmachQl Pradesh. Resident Commissioner, H5.m,cchal Bhc.wan,Sikcnc'ra Road, r~c VI De 1 hi" , .70 All 8. , ~r~c;esh. e -~ t-lo.Fin(C)B(~')10/83 Copy f or,,'/f.rc.e(j 1" D:c:ptts\. , .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 60 j to the Predesh" ' TrC?5ury \ OfficGrs/Sub Treesury 'Officers/Assistant Trc?sury Officers in Himachal PrudC'sh. All hc.cour1ts OffictJrs/Assistent Accou'nts Officers unc'cr thc l\d'.linistr~.tive c'ontro1 of Trc.;~,sury & t..ccounts Orgn" H.P" 9. 10, lnc- Examincr ,Local I\udit ,Fin~.ncc D;::~~rtment HffPffShimlc':!-2 n The Ir.specti.)n Officc:r( Trl:t\surte~ and Accounts O:::gno) .l'!orth Zonc.,Civil Bc.zar,Dharams~la(K~ngr~) H~P~ 110 Thc :\ssistant DirGctor, Financi'al l\c.\miriistrutiol't,rr.polnstitu'~: of Public I.Ct!ir,str;:otioh, F""ir" r~awn,\Shimla-12. . 12. The Prcs'i(Jer,t, 1\!GOseFcd;;)r~tion,C/O ~neral SQcrctary,I\1GOis F'GdGl',tiorl~office of the DirGctot --Df\ Horticu.lture,I1.P~Shimla. 13. ThC?rcsi(~~n.~,~..~o~ecretar~at ,Cless ! H. P.. Se cret c!r .l.a"t ,~h lml 140 The Vi(;c-F'Tcsident,t~GO1s G:c'gret, Fedcration, Una(HoP..)o Tho, Jo~flt $ccJ.'ctc:::y, Prcs?,...illm.Lt1o Y1mployces' ,(0 Civil I. 15.The ViCC,-Pl'csident)~JGOs Fedcr;:o.tion,o;\o rc1r'.t'i~n Officor, Una(H...P.). 16~ II I\ssociation, a,-2c: t~GOs Fcd(..:1';;'.tion,\c/n Hospital' .-' the District Public \ \ H,P"Go:"ernmGnt .. 170 Th'3 G;:neral SiJCret",.ry,t~GO1s Fecl(;;rC1tio~ 0/0 Qircctor ,~)'f Horticulturo,f)himla-2p -\ ; 18 ~ I.he D ir c,c~ '~r ~of ,\t;C a~ nt~ ' C c:binct scc..!" t;;.,r i at, East Bloc k ~.JI).V,R~t...eP1Jr,:m,Ncw D.;lr.le 19.. Th~ Divi5ior.ol OrQ~nisQr, Punj.:b 8. H" ~D1.'ision,S5B L\irvctc.;c;-.tG Gcner~l :)f Security tShimla\-4o 200 Tho COmi;)~nc!~nt, Tr.::ining ccntrc,Dirc:ct\cratc Gcn.:.:rel of Sli;ci.1ritYJ5r.r.;.11zn, District Shimla(HoP.\)o . 210 Thc- j;'-j'5IJty Dircct.or,Dr:farrcc: Lt:1nd ar.d Contonm0nt,He~oqu(:rters V/ost..::r Carm:,,;nc) S;-iimla.., \ } ., ,'-,J'- . ~ No,"n(C),(7)-10"" ~Z~~':;"{R;~~~~~~:J;r;:,,:~:~~, Dated ShLti.-1710t2,the Ib-iK~br.ary,g5, Q)'2-~~~~; ~~~~:;t~~~':;; 'i~;~.e~;'~~:~:~ the ...""loyce' S\lDj8-~t1- , raq.i~s of Cl~rificat1or.( ..j' ,c" ~e ryferenoe' to ;~ate<'i " ,,' the' We' : D~partment~ 1s ~1iected s l~f£ice ., 26tNJ$ep~-e,mb.erI19~4" vj,de has l'ocated wi:$ih1ri,. j';f'!.m~ro{~!.ln which o£ thQ \ 'Su.:~~Divisional S~b-T~hsJ;l/ Bloc~ ,same .1$ to , / ..1' meanJ.tlq -OfficeF" tt 'rr1e .I' term -~p.tet1:)i~ted b~ )J. 6)5//:il" ~7/ Allowqnce, , \ E;~;':.,plain7~ in, tl ..radt.us'" as qan G)f ' -,. a ;reach ,', his , , ,""'J\n conteX.t "to .';, J.5 ~,.".~:.. ,:~h~~~,;)f it between di~ta~Ce of i'?Y' ~hich . be"~ eight: ." kiJ:orr.etr&~ .. wh '~~:a, 7...1:-," , ..-c by t:be"'~o't:d!4~ cc':""CC"" ,/ a.Qlriis'sibility:of ':... HoU!pe Reny,1 '::,Ji," ~1..gh.t.,~J:::ome,;~~:1is-~,,- ,'";.' ~,' 7,16 .h" ~hortestpractic;::jbl:e.,rQut;~ : .., -' .." 't'~t,~"place.p:t; ,;~ /)~ th~ shcluld ""-~.' --,-c;--::;.'-:-,' 'I'~ has p~R", de~tlnatlon " ~~ ,.-!,,'/4'4 :..c' 6~arJ.f:J.ed the -. i "' r6ute I to ' .. I<r;iS:" ( kilOTJ1~t.t'es~1 :J;;: .\', ,ref~re;rtt~es ~herr1E~]I;si.gn~d ij ..' ~he," .. :"'-,K pslpw ..,Ii pre~t:tcable: .' ) s~~be-::"tb'e':"~sta~,,_~~'bY :' ,. t;avel:J.J..ng .c' ~eaninc' :travel1in~.n -..\'; ,~ 6'1 g" ht of spoftest ~b.velLer ")" " ~d'i:;$ o.f .! of re,gard @ 'f'l(\;~!)P Note ~,~ ',':ensl1dar ,.. , Racliu~ i,l' c6rn.~is::;",;6r.-er -.. ;;Vl:.Jn1be~ of ...'\ of' ':i;t1:~~'.term~" F- th~ ?eputy \11b'1 ;, belo,w;-' ,..' 6~fice.4" ' ;'.. tlR~qf,us, b~ep A ;., , q! '; clarifi<:atio11t~ tt1at "of,? has as \ re-pt6dut};~" Office -.I, '.seekinrr 'say in '; 'Oftt!=".t:'~,/ direc~~ of (c.ivil}/Tehsildar/~1ai~ ., rec~ived .~ int:~~~re~'3.ti~~ is ,¥,ms yeve:).opme-nt i:. p~e.n .' 8 ) , t. , ,. pave I j 'of otf:;lder ..' !:el:1t. ; :; ~di1.).s ~r~~~~l evenpu..m~er ~6use pos~oo" ~ 'a.! ' ooen \ .. t9~'~rvj.te " .All<)wan~e i" . ;J und~rsigned -" .. Headq1J.arteJ"S8 ?ct;1,offi~tres d ,. c ( I J. '" -~ 1'('. "~- }i' I y,;t ~\, 0'2/-.. '( .I)/ ..2-;' employee j and the~ office , " ~ ., ot \the'Depu~y '" Corr.."nis6ioner/S~.1J::)~Dj.v:LsiO!1 ' ! Officer(Civil)/TehSl1dar/Naib 'reh$~~d~:r: qf SUb-T~hsil \ -, Block Devel opment Oft"~cer and 'the ' I: a$ the ,case may be:~, If .I .,'-' 20 ,radi1;J;'{? of ," ,.':;: It A' is further 8 YIns. as ~xplained ,. ,:' , 6£.f~ce , officer within I ." S~1'~hs~l. ...'"' '\:ope jurisdj:ctlbn of .Joint I" which i ~h~~,~mP11J~e , ;" 7,' , \ .). ) -:",\ : the .Officer.\{;ivil ; , a~d B'lO9k p,~velop!jlE~nt , , To ( "-If'\(""- if;; ~)osted. , I j i ~\... ~il\--. """r \I'""""" i" i, secr(:tary~(:E'inanpe-R)to Goyt e of )T,:}.mi!!iQ11al' pradesho ( -. the --, 0,f t:he :eepu~y C:Q~iS'sio:ri~r/S~ib..Divisional. ",' .:.. ,', Tehs'.il:aar/Na~'rehs~~,darof , to clarifi.ed a.~,distarice'o;": " -.; that I.' :, ' Above shall b~ .'~ckQn.ed fry]!l .1.I ~ .,' ~ , ... 77 GO'TlE.FN~IE:NTf::F HIll,iACli,AL -"- PRADE&t{ I I FTl'T1tI~(ffiG1JLATI0:-T)DEP4RrJ:tIE!\TT. N o..2-7/69-ri;J.(R&E',) Dare~ Shim'" 8-2, . b'. ,.., 01' J e.c t : -. .if;) r O~~J~!Q~~-- Fa.vmwt ..~ I cf ~ari('l"§ ,:D tile ~;('(:i! .. w 'a1.'~wance s' tb the H .F.G--vt. . empJ."'ye\e s p~s'b::d ~'tside Himacha1. Prade sh. "" admi~sibi'.i~y .Ju'-~r,198~ ,..-~ '"' ~f yarir,us aU""wa~ces of ~~ "fl.!'. ... G"'VernmGnt .' empJ,r)yefiS p"',st;:d enggging '"'"'vtsi<,ie ~ at~nti~ "f the; "jurisdicti~ .,...f'-'H.P.-l~d '" ~lx G--VErnm-:nt for been s~me ~me Pasti " ~c("lrd11Jg'Y""'t~ "G""Vern!"Ir,Himacha' r\f aJ.:T.PrEvious crde~s 111 ti1~s _-e.G.11aJ.f, 1§ Pte scl~ibe. ti¥ raw;.,S f'\f tl'Ji:: f~J,l~wlnga.J.': G'-'\I-t. ;::m1?l~~Tees p~s~d . unde 1":- ~,)tside P".c.a-., ce ( c: ) !or.., T -1-,C ' l;;:;I. L': '" A-f:S IJ.;4m'i .. .:!." ~ .~- ff 9:J:J.J. ",wanalE: .. .1..At (:; 1 ":J,., , I@ .~ e '- ;;..".;,- :~,.:;S:,.,.,'~"", 3!."ld a .max~--.t;u;. C'~c ."',,". ad:J1issib"C, as sb,;vco Ni1.. ,-f' H.P .v 2.Cr:!I1p<::nsat.'"'ry -M;. 1 t£1.L: Jtlr- isdicttrn \J c "'tbe~ 1J;;;aces f)'\.itsid: '" ~Q"' i~'-'o 11;)"... -, .~.rc:: ady 2. At ,"" I2.z::1.~ .~"f 3.At "'",.:.. ~.:. 1:;).,.5.:/ri~A' 'r:/- p - ~;';':J'-' r <,-1 .,... S \- ."-'-L~: -a u, a l'tC st .a s~ ~,t..."...;..::, ." 1!1'-~"'Q',~ -f- ~~ ~'J. ,1. C'apit'3? a 1 .:)..;.,. C P ".1-i..3I . t ---=-,-- 4.. () 3. .v "'Ct..l as Rati!s.fi7S:Jd. , ""',oJo;:c... .t',,-.""_.~ ~ . 1\1~ ~-'J;."J,)ce r, .:.,c , 4~" ~f H.P. " r~ af!1q of 1\1 '" ,""'~...r "v!an9~.s f!.~r tl1£::Ii ~P. ~.)" J-. ~.,-- p;Y.eaS6~to rEvisG I jurisdic-;-.i~n. u N~. t~ cr"intirJuati,l:'\t1 "" '" sr;. Pr9~sh,in A1j. sta"t);::/m Capi taJ. s.. At ..\J"" V. 1111"1e ~ ." Grr-,11"D..;\'1I --"j f'\t~ TJ- "'" 2~ vAt ".OJ; 1.hi A"l.readJ- 3.At ~tl'l:::;t plscc s (')t"!ts.tdc tl~ j vr- I\+v.j..h~ ~,' ",.,~;; i sdicti \J '-' 3.n.,,'lJ~ .~nt A1' ,","f.T..,;.,~: "U- ~'- . 4-., /'I ~i nf H?. adr..iss~-b'-;.c,es' ~,3 ~,,-:: J.: s ~;;"':id'":""~""\rd ");'.._~ ..,L -.!-~ c1.. ,,1m,--,.. Cr ~'1p.,-V-:;:-~~I. r C ~ (,]:,\:1(::rs, 1. ~c . 1 1::'1:,-?v/ ..l-'.1"..~ .,--,~,. f -,-xc.. : d . Rs " n -Di---"" & "i- '~,-,r).J. At; , -Y-athankot;:~c 3.~.a.t '\,t..~(t P~-e.CC's~ f'\'l'~sidE: -~ j1.:!r- i &:110 t.i ~'l '"'t HP. I." ab.'""'!",;! l:At a1J.. sta~/tTT'_--,,:, At sr;.:!.mJ-a ra~sO C !;Jp1t "'_. ~' ",;I' .,.. 't .. 2. -:- Ii A .~"",C!~:I'.:; .~..;I. :.L.c. fu. 200, ~ ...,I'i~ ~-,-:lS:d. /t .: ~ Si.'J.iml a ra t;;:: s. a;;, P::;;;: s C!~1:".I!..If~ ,,}. d ,~ As p~;r .1"". 11--' a~_~:'9~~(:._,~- ", A'-I'e a...Y aCJ.mJ, SS =..l\:; '!bJ,c, @ 5%",,('\i~pa;;"'~9S attad'"lcd admi ss6'1:;>:T.eto HP G'"'vt., ,. SE.: T\;-- r, r-.~ "": 0. "0 t -x II A v X '---' ;":.~-;:' ~ .2.. .t,., j, ~- ?~'c~ ~ --"'"2/ ,.,.. ...'"' '-' rem.aW t~ ~I'J.' ;"'W~l'1CeS SE13J..1" f"rd6rs Thes: '-' ~ s~nIE: i C" 4.-f'tI"tx;: T 'tAan.sbd..m'~a. .., Q Pay'rrll'n~t r;f tbki SE a,s aJ.re adY pi"Escl"ibed by. tinw G,-vt. fr(":~ ~ ::>. ~ ,..~~ r' cClndi ti "Us f('lr T~11. tn. ~4. 1'~~S- ." ., ,_~4 f.fec~ f'r~ sha1.J. ta~ J~~$J;L- '" A.l' Admn. Dept-~s. '"'t tb:.: G.vt. -.f R.~. N,o..~?-7/69rFi:)(R&J?,) DaWd; ...1", ~ Sluril'a-2, ~ 9'\ ~T 1.1'1 Y 19 " c-py f'~rward6 d tr,: '-' l. A"'" yth3 2. A.'." He 3. Tl'l~ 4. 11...,lJ" 5. -A'" 6. T"hs Siik;3ndra Divisi-~:~1al ads. §'trar,I{ t;llG Dist.to8E; tl'13 Dep'lity Re HI-ad, C~~ss.i_~f>rs '"'f Regi Depar~e~ts siderit T '. .The India I"milli gn t PeY& \oJ' la. ;.. tr f vI" Or .~'!:.Ie ,...fP ~ .,Tr.le :-,rs"'n"1c;" Exami;:1e l3'. u'. le Civl. ."f L{.J? .-'-sa G~":1 tr~~.e l. f -~. ,,",'J.S Ofi'iCE:r1l!Q.l, B~. t J- ~h ~~ v"".;iJ. ~serv:e in 1 ...1'( " 0 ,a. Rank .' I:I .F. ~'2~~ HP'. :"J'cl Himaoba1. .' '.t x:ang.$., .tocOt1!Jts~.f,f1ce~5 ganJ.. , 'a.~. ~'-' . r jDy. C~~ trC'1. !.6 r ~:f .A<;;co 1: ' 19 , i~LP. 1::1 '-' Oi'ficers 1' PS "'i ..ro.m r L""oa' """ s \oJ -..~ C-:-mmJ.SS~""J'Er, Tre&s~Z ~"A .1-u.4 r f"'r p.CC'-"':T1)."lts tlje .'..."I". s Deibj.. A...; .A1..! ~' c"," ll. sr..im..1,a-;1.. ,,')~e ~Vl.ld1;:1g~~ar',iamc-jntj3t~£.t,New 9. H~:. . Ju9.,g,e ssi v RdsJ..n 8. ~si Cc-mini-ssi""1er de .:L~ f:i. gt"1"r"t, ~ C in ia .~.I-iigh New D(~'hi. 7 ~ "',-, B Ti"le azar, a- ~'n.d 2 .,- L'1 spe c ti D J.i.ar'aUJosq.;,aa 1..,r.. ,' A1.!di ~n t;,Fih'a:1~6 Orfige-r, Dep..t.t;.I~.P..Smt1l' T&A v ," a. Organiza~ry,"1 ',' ~Nr"rtL~ ' '7"" 14.. -T'h;:; L'1st .15 .T'ne J..tL1~ SS;B,Dire As.slst~nt ('1' Fup"TJ..c D i ot':::,ra't;;; ~ ~aste l7.' 1":::' rn Se B1. ~ck V ;8. D 20. ?~. -5 ~lancia-'.~~t;1i~trati~t Org~1 S3ct"'ri ty ',...1' APc"'t"nts,Ca~iil~ The sJ.. -"' agsha1/Ke;sa,,1i/Yr"! ," C","'" .~., h ,.., ~ .¥'Ie ~ J.. ",~ ...' D'{st.c. .1.T te rn Camp De I'i3nd .' tsr~a't1 ., a.~d Canton~.nt , 01"'fice -.," rs, ~h(Chamb $;b-atnu/cTvtogh( a) Ka1d.ra an~ ' . ~TJIn;an DirE d, ._c, Slum;... Sd ore BE-: cr;:: tarY, tary ctrr a ,De ~ .:.., ~nce Iian .- T" Cl.. P.~,m B,""8 I'd: ~'Q "'f . sJ.. r"!~ ".[J.. ,Direct"'ra~Gan'.' - fe\1ce cl,t1vE, Kan:A;r&;/Bak1 ' Ti"le ',' S:::;c~ D:r. ! a. 'Centre Shim" Exe [)ep".,ty .T11e. ,a-4.~ t, tJ. C Lams.,uJ.Uill~.. db ~ H...F. 1):1. t("!;:lmerit ,.1'p -~r:11e s j New'De1~. Dir.:;'ct"'r, ;'Can ,j..I.. .::.j:l q~"lim'! .R..K.Pl'ralli, Dep."ty Fair P sflir, N'-rt~1ernC~mand,Udl'lamp1.,'r(J& \.. If2l of ct'"'r ~;E!. Tl'le 19. D raJ. Tl'l6 Sargha:l,a.p. c~mmanJcnt.Trgi)~i:1g ctl!ity, aqrs. vi G:i:1E Dire T~ Rirectr;r, A~vin~straP~' si C~:1. a~ 8hi Scl1"""J. '" d~ '"' GB!-""l~tchfn3nt '-' 't aT Edt'catj.~,a..p.. ¥ - ~ ../r- 7,:)" -aalouJ:ating 'a].1, J..4-19?8. ---:..-c -' ... An1;:1~X1,~r;_. s"bjcct: Grant ;"f~H '-"9<: Rcnt A'~ '~W:JlCE.v vAs a'"'~ Q'l,"'t A Sef."'l~,;rJed(l1Pt~ RRA ~~G~:t. .c.s: .I "'f trz a-ting 608.~I).. .'" dcam::;; ss a!'?,~wanc~.'jad~("(1 '"' .D as D~, cntit1..3fficn ts..,"'f '"n 1.1..1986 9:"r"',;.aT\llts :pcs~d in shi!D~,a and i~s suburbs, whc d ,:c""oS;'f.T a~~ ~""" ,-".J. vv. e'.-'"f 1.4.1;988:~incJ. ~~~~:~::;: ... P-aY'rang~ s t1~ive ~r DP in RRA admi ssibJ.e.- the ~-407~F:M:~~~-.. Rs.50/ F.M. f1:x.('!d. Rs .1.00f- PM,. fixe-d. ~ (c r!":;fl1 FS.601/ drr~ r~ ~f (g) -to ,FS"SOO/- .fl'1eSO1/- to .fr~ 100])- fr~ 11..;.1301/- ,frcm (h)i3xccc bc ing to 18:011ding Rs.150/-P.M.fixcd., Rs.250/- P.M. fi:{(jd. -Rs.350/- P.M. _rt:xed. FSel000/- .fu.l300/~ tc t'" Rs.1800/- RS.400/-P-.K.f1xcd. Rs..2250/- Rs.Z250/ ~.500t-, P.~ ftxcd. ' ~Wancc p aid h~'1S:; rc n t ~J;.J.. ~ t ~'C ~ ' r at-..: A., into.accm,ntfor '"' ,.,1" 5% ~fc:paY,~.1t. .. this ~Wancc -W.C'.t:. T:l'l( sha].:1. be that:- v thc indi~idu.aJ. b }T"111s a1.'.Cr~ancc cmcr.:mcu.' '" , Shaj'.1. nnt b~' aanii ssib1:c .., ...'" t'O~a G'"'Vt~ \.i '.scrv ant; ~~ is in ~ocu-Iratii"n of GC1Vt. aQCc~m~at1r"' rt J t "'iJJ amJL",SJ; d .C! .. b1 6",; t (OJ ,0 )m.1'~ a.-,., wangt.: a \;X('V. t hi 1" ~ ~ ~..a!..-J:l" _n" ~I"V'ant.1ncag::,'his/~r ~fr.J/~'tJ§bend h~ bo:.;n. a].J.('I~tcd a6o~ri1~ati~ at tbc s~ staf;l0n by tl1C statc. G""Vt./Ccn~al G,-:vt. A.utmcm"~!s b~y?~b~ic '"' Sc ctnr Undo rtakin-g ~r. s:rni-Gr:vt. nrganJ. sat)."'!l '!'woc t'nc r bc/sbc',rc sidc s scparat J.Y :Un a accf't;1m~qtir v '"' v 4 of t~ 6. IE;:I\1T1'; OTi' T-7T'J,.r AC T,I~ T' P;j II 1) ES ..r.:, V~l Ll;LJ:,...~ .~,Li [;\AI ..Lc.L., GO'trj:j"D 1\Th 1\1.i.~ FIW4\TC:E1(nEtiUL1'i.Tcr.ON). DE?i~ 1:;[J3N'f c ;-~ " Da-t;;ed'ShirIi:;la-2" ,~he No.2~7/69-F:tiic.~:g) " ~ A~nm]1DT!TM ~#'~~~ ~ i!' In paEtia+ffiodificatiGn , !", ,,;, ~l;:jC;~~ J."}.emo~a-1.LU.Ull1 s~bje6t, pleas3 addthe;woJ;:~ 22 .7..198~ on tt ~ tJal&""labar , t after i..'-'patrj.~"1kot1t obliq.t,1e:(J.)betwe en the two !,words. g si gn insertin ; of Fi11.~ce Depart,nent , . e":rsn numpe~ gated , after 'I: '" 01... . ,'Jffice ~ ~ (5v7ff\-rf; _,01""'--Deputy 5eGretary(FL," -He gulaci"n) to th3 Govt" Of F.1ma.'Or,ll J?rclesh. ~ SO , t ~ ;; ""cre"ar,j,es I\~:; ,~A. ~,;lI.lj.mn.. 6+"' "'" 'FP .1;.. "ltT G6verJ:lrl1a"~tc -_.,-"J.'~: 7/ ~n ,. t"1:;l\ C C J."Qo2 -uv-F1n\:;P&E, ,.- CO1'yfcQ,r:!'\faro edc'1;;o ::c- 'c ~c" ~..2~.~:t11e 3. .l!).~ II""'" 1 iJe8!S I . c , - Dat., 'edS ~.t'T'tt"I"a~'"""' , , ,s.J.~l,LL '~ Bivts.i:on~Xqofumissioners: in H.P. of;;;+::e-pf"r~rlre~t.1. t s ~n.;:J."" P I n" ..; " -t , '"'- C. . Th? F£gisu'i3;l"'" E..?. ElghCo11rc:; ?r Shimla':'l~ " :,.! ..'. ' ,.MJ.trxE;Di,str3.cy ();tl,i\Sess1.°t'l .,Udg~s ~n tJ.ii:P. ii~ Tl1e E;3.!sid~nt CommissJ:':'l'ler for ad "!\]j D 1' 1 ' rj fc: 8 ~ IJ: ' j.,g;7~io1.:i:ld1Pg"i2arliat'je~t' ./. ~~ " .~J.-.~""'" l\i1'r:i';;~'i"r\rOt""4"e-";:.. .,J..i-'J ,9..III lO " c" '" ~ ;;>J.K?-n'-tl~a 1:\0 , l\e'H 3.t;) r1 .' ~he.'PJ3sitlent cC9mmi~sioii.er:'), Pangi " Dist-'l.;. !i.l.::e pay and 1~cQU'+'GsOf:fJ.cerl:ro",l:.rR3s'~:::rve ' ~ . R;~~ H.P., Himachal ..L:> f ,'"str..eet,New Treasur"1' ~"",,J Bhava.."'l,' Ctl-~pc~,lI.P.. baJ.$ of Delhi. .'" """:' O-f'fJ.,cor~ .'7'" tala .4.cCO1-1Jlt;s Officers V!lder,-tl'1e Jrlmimstre.ti G01'1 trol of' T & ;.! Or g aus at! o.n in :fl"P.. t in a.p. ye .. ("'-"" t::l ", ,,'. ~,-:) , ,CJ{ "'c ' ' ,~"fr!:r5r-r "..., .~"~g" fq~T ;: -- .': I. '~ " ~T-171002~ 6 .-: ~. '" . "993 '" ~: ~ I- ~Rf.:r~~ ,~!~ ( ~ ':. r,:fti1m fqm"'J1\~~, c~T't:rA" rT*trT ~ -", ?~.., ~ 3" ~ '" t . 3:rJ}"g~ .~ll ::~.:;:..'~ " !IE~I,Co YVt ,,~~' I I ~: ,~" 1. ~ mqrr ";'".-"m ~ ~ 3rf~\~: ~;~ ~~url .~' ..,~C;;;~.~ I~~R ,.':. ~'" 2. ~ ~cJc3fT"qjT<f ,~\,",:;!..' ~. . .2~:;&1 .. \\-.I'~""\I'\I" " ( ~ , ~ '~ q ~;r.f ~~~ ~ ~~ ...'; ~lc ~ ) ~ ~ ~c\J..~i ~mftr:ffr r ". " ,q.J,~~""i' T:r'f;ft RtifiT n ~ ,.-~i'j'(1f~'if;r ~ c: "'-\; 3 'ffjt ~"':- ~ _,~;I' I ,,"..,,;~~~,:,~,' -.~~ ~ ~ Y '" ~ ,".' qJ c..:~ ~ ~c~\ G'<:r~';1' :"'" ~ (f4\'-i "'i'~ .. . ~q)J:i"f!;[xt, 5TfiY)T .y =-s::", '\~ :rJ"~n~ ~:r.~:JrTr:m:tc:.; $i::f(iT, ~. 'eft ~<:r t:rm~iT, .~:~', ~ c" '",'e""..'ci, .rPI-i ~ r 'Jrr-~R ~ @ ~ f::CfJJIYI ' TT";l ~~~:' .c, ~ . ,'Ic,:; 1"'tT~~ .' ", !-I"..qI.1H~\; ' ",~"~f"'c~" ""eJ.]J1!;"-II\l,...";" c'; ..' ~1..~Y. e I ~ \,l!~ ' ;, ;,; : ~, .' f\ ~:",' , t 4 )t ,,'-' Jq~ i"~:: t l..' /.. *c~ ' ~C ;;;'. ~ttQffi~ffl~~~ ,~'V; t..."~ ~ ,/,: "-""~ Dated. Subject: SI.No. 8. III ~ ~o.Fin-C-B<.7)-1!/98 Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Regulations) Department * ,...,.1..1. ,." ."-1. 8th December. SHIMLA-171002.the OFFICE MEMORANDUM grant of House Rent Allowance to the of the State Government on enhanced rates. Regarding employees Consequent upon *~'f***)'f the revision Government employ.eesw.e.f. house rent consideration 1999 of the pay scales of the State 1.1.1996, allowance on the the matter regarding enhanced rates had of the Government for some time past. grant been of under Accordingly, the Governor, Hin!achal Pradesh is pleased to order that the employees the State Government will per the following be entitled slab-rates to the house rent allowance as w.e.f.O1.09.1999:- (Shimla (In Rupees) Otbe:r Part:s Stat:e District Head-quarters State Head-quarter Pay Range of & Suburbs) (In (In Rupees) Rupees) of (In Ruvees) 1. Upto 3500/- 300/- 150/- 125 If- 2. 3501/-to 4500/- 400/~ 200/- 150,,(- 3. 45{)1/-to 5500/- 500/- 250/- 1751 4. 5501/-to 6500/- 600/- 300/- 200,1 700/- 350/4001- 2251 4501500/- 275/ 5. 650.1/-to 75-00/.., 6. .7501/-to 8500/- 800/- 7. 8501/-to 9500/- 900/1000/- Above 9500/2. be 2501 300/ ttPay't lQr the purpose of grant of house r~nt allowance the basic "i),a)"! in the employees who opt t.o retain scales have stagnation appropriate instalments not that of pay scales. the pre-revised b~~n revised increment to revised ~d so additional a~issible interlm as relief . basic pay,if on In case of those pay scale far. shall or whose pay pa)' will ~nclude any. dearness allowance 1.1.1996 sanctioned and first vide , two O.M.No. Fin{C)B(7)15/93 dated 25.9.95 and 11..3.96. Note: In.re$~ect 01 Judicial Of:t"icers of the State. Interim Relief appropriate to the extent sanctioned vide this Deptt. O.~1.No.Fin(C)B(7)-15/93 dated 25.9.95 and 11.3.1996 shall 2/-. ~ -2only be taken i~to a~count.for t~e ~Hrpose o~ ~alculation_of HRA. out of the lnterim relief sanct!one~ vide letter No. Fin(PR)B(7)-3/98 dated 6th June. 1998 3. The. arrears from 1.9.99 to 30.11.99 will be cr:edited to the G.P.F. accounts of the employees. Where any Government servant during the said Fund, the drawal be deferred period, till of not eligible arrears the Provident of to subscribe house name.The Government servants, their accounts by arrears in cash. 4. For Allowance the the period will be from i.e. been made after will be notional be 20.1.1998, on applicable accommodation in for 31.10.1999. This facility 5. State The be paid the the for house revision rent case of the Similar those entitled house ren,t of house rent procedure to will rent free allowance stands withdrawn w.e.f. Government employees allowance on the basis of the pay scale and same rate regulating close In cases where the appointment has upto 31.8.1999. the their as were being drawn by the date of appointment be admissible his/her to 31.8.1999 the House Rent the entitlement pay in the pre-re:vised allowance will shall before issuance of orders of 20.1.1998. determined in who might are drawn. 1.1.1996 shall or have closed or allowed on the same rates the employees immediately of pay scales orders time the arrears allowance opened who have retired GPF accounts before the issue of these to the Provident rent Fund Account is was, upto 1.11.1999. who are posted outside the State in connection with the affairs of the State also are entitled to the house rent allowance on enh~nced ratee which will De equal. to -the r~tes admissible States/UT ~apitals. at Pathankot at Shimla in case of National and the state and, Jullundur rent allowance adlDissiblle for other plac~s in places the it No.2-7/69-Fin(R&E) be entitled at District State.The headquarters be at par with orders issued dated 22.7.1989 to the rates in 7. be the It All by the F.D. and 4.6.1990 shall of house the that admissible Sta:te. at other vide OM staM modified to this extent. 6. Other terms and CQnditions for grant of House Rent shall Delhi, Government employees who are posted will will Capital Allowance same as is~ued from time to time. is requesteq that all the DDO's may ensure the correct ...3/-. .. tv ~ " W~~I,~!,t:!J'I' I -3- ,~~~~-::;.. 7. spare,' ~,-.; ,1'1""1 -. f' ~ayment of House Rent Allowance anq it will be their responsibility that no irregular payment of house rent ~llowance is made. ).11 the D.D.O's are requested to obtain OM No.Fin(C)B(7)36/77 servant before a certificate dated on proforma prescribed'.vide 02.0B.1983.from the house rent allowa~ce is ,granted , 0:,.., ~Uh the Government on enhanced rates. ~-z;.. Under Secretary(Fin-Reg.) to the Government, of Himachal Pradesh. To All the Administrative Depart~ents of the Government of Himachal Pradesh. No. Fin-C-B(7)-11/98 Dated, 5himla-1i1002,the 8th December. Co~y to;1. The Divisional Commissioner Shimla/Kangra/Man4i. H.P, 2~All 1999 the Heads of Departmentfi in Himachal Pradesh. 4. All the Deputy Corr.missionersin Himachal Pradesh. 5. All the District 6. Registrar. Director. H.P. and Sessions Jud$es in J{.P. High Court. Shimla. Treasury and Accounts Organisation. H.P 8. Examiner. Local Funds Accounts.H.P. Shimla. 9. All the Joint Controllers/Deputy Controllers/Assistant under the. administrative control 10.AIr-ljre-f)tstt:' -Tre~asury~ Officers! of th~ T & A organ~.ti!:!B Treasury , ~ '-Officers in H.P. 11. The -~ccountAnt Controllers General, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-3 with H;Y;-~~. ~ ~ i'; 10 copies. 12.The Sr. Deputj' Accountant General (A&E) Himachal Pradesh. Shj61a-3 with 10 spare copies. r '" 13:1"t\e Controller (F&A) Department of Personnel. H.P. Sectt. ';'Shimla. \ (, '.,. , 14.De~tment of Personnel (Apptt..-I.II.III & IV).H.P. Sec~. , 15.The 5,ection Officer 1/ Finance Commission. H.P. Se('.retariaj~ .1 16,Resefl_r~h ~fficer. IF & PEt H,P, Secretariat. Shimla,;:: , ., ., 1.,! " ,\ -i-- 71: ~;~ .- 3. 4. ~ 0 .. ~, '~ So.Fin"'-C-B(7)-11/98 Government 'of Himachal Prfideib Finance.'{Regulations) Departmt;f!;t ' . Dated. Shimla-171002. the' 28th ~ec~ber.1999 OFFICE ME'MORANPU.t . ~--The undersigned this department j s ietter is directed t~ tftfi'T: to of' even number dated -3tb n~ember '. para-7 of 1999 on the above cited subject and 1;0 say that th~ f~ferences/quer:ie.s are b~ing received. from various quarters about the proforma!t.::ertifici.;te to be obtained from the employees by the D.D.Ots. Raquisite. prof::::r.l)la prescribed vide this department's Office Memorandum No. Fin(C)B(7)36/77 dated 2.8.1983 and 20.8.1983 ,is a,p'Pended belo'i-! -in order to facilitate the concerned n.D.O.'s to ubtain the requisite .cei:tificat~. AccordinglY para-7 of the O.M.dated a.11.99 is modified to this extent. Other condition'B for payment of H.R..A.. will remain the same. as indicated in para-6 of O.M." of even number dated 8/12/99 read with O.M. No. Fin(C)B(7)36}77 dated 2.8.1983 and '20.:8.1983. , Proforma/Cettificate 1. ~. ') --~-~---~ ~-I certify that' I ha~e ,not been provided with Government accommodation nor have.1 refused such accommodation during the p~riod in respect of which the allowan.~e is c.laimeti.. J certify that I am incurring some expenditure 'on rent.": Contributing -towards" rent. -It .-. Incurring some expenditure to\:rards hou,~ ot property tax.* .Incurring some expenditure on the maintenance of the house* Contributing towards maintenance expenditure."~ *: (Strike, out which is not applicable) I certify that I am not sharing 3.ccommodation allotted to my parentsfchildren/wife/'husband bY the State Government. Gentr al Government, an. au,tonomous r.ub.1ic sector undertakings (including LIC and Nationalised , banks) or semi-Government Grganisa-tion such as Mlli~icit>alities etc.. .' allotted rent free accommqdatian to', another Government servant, , I also,. certify that m}' wife/husband bas not been allotted fa,milY accoro.~}dation at the' same station bv the State Government., Cent{-al Government, an autonorolJus Public Sector Undertaking or semi-Government organisation such as Municip,~li ties etc. jCt--~~ I--~ Under SecretarYlFin-Reg.) to the Government of Hin1achal Pradesh. To = 2. ~ OJ c No.F.in.fCJB(7J11./98 Gove.ltnmeJl..t' 01, H-ima.c.h.a..t PJl.a.d.e---~h F~ance (Re9uJ~~~o~) Depa,~~en~ '" Da.ted. ShiJrlta.-171002, the. MEMORANDUM OFFICE Re.ga;ut-Ln9 .9~ Subdec.t: oft ho~~. ,i~. aUo/4/fJJ1_ce' :1:0 At.e. L'1;d..{.a .$Vl.v..{,ce. O!JUc.eJ'",'5. The wLdell.-6-l.9ned ."-l~ d..f.JCe.cud .t..) -lnv-Ue ~ Jte~Jt.ell.C.e ~O .t.-he ,5ubdec:t c.-l..tce.d. above aM. .to hG..}!~ha.:t .the Gavema.-t. H-ima:c.h.at. , P~:a.duh .{...~p.f..eMel1 .to ,oJt.deJt.tha.~ .thR,.AJ:..f..I nd.-la ., ~h.aJ!..tbe. e.1l.{A..r.£.e.d ~o.Jt. .th~ H .R .A: a.-& app~.ic.(tb.t.e !-1 {}-6a..<.M al, :the .the. oitdeA...~ G.p~cltbte U,uon 0-6i~C.~A4 .t.o ;the ~ ..je-'tve iJJO~..t ha.ve d.lW14ln.ha.d. he been. a.ppo-ln;te.~t .tv w..,:,.th; .the ~eJr-Ij.{.ce , SW.e c.vnn.ec..t.t.un .. a.t. :t.he, ~~a.,77e. ,.~:ta.t.ton -in 'wh-l:ch c.a--~e /rOlL 90VP./'1:'1me.n,t \.1/r Ind.ta. emp-i.oye.e..-3 W.L.t)!. be a.pp,t",':cab..f.e.. oJt.d.eJt.-5 may be Thue co.'l.c.eJl.:"!.ed. .fJ.ndeJ! b;r.otL.9h.t .to .the nu.u.ce V1't a.J!.~ ~~" Se.c.lf-e;ta;r.yI F-l.."!nn.c.eJ .to -the. GaveJtRI7Ien-t olt H--t:!!!l'tcha.J.. P-'(.ltd,ehh. A~.~.the Adm--t:,'2J..,~t.1I..a;t..{,\,e Ve..oQ;r;tmen..t.s"t .the GOVC-l',J'tJiJe!'1.:t v~ H.i.J'J7<LCh~ PJt,-'t~5h... f4u.F..f:niCrBf7J11./IJ8 ';'U py f' .. d~e.d, 12-.t-.k !!Ia-y, 2000 ShJjn.f.a-171002, tJIe ..- -\..\J ... j '. . 1. The Wv.t4..i:'Jnc;)!. CvmrM..3-i.vnu Sh.{m.(a/Kan.9.1ta-.IMai!.d.-L, H,P. . :2.-.At! tJ1e, HeJ.ld~ of Vepa..~::t.'1!en.VJ -t.~ H-lma.c.Jw,tpJ[a.duh. 3. Re.~-i.den..t Cumm~..j..5-i.i)fI:eA, H-ima.c.n;r,tPwli~~h, S-ikamtta: ROM, Ne-~ VeJ?il,L. 4. A~)/.,.the. Ve,Pll.ty Cr)ITJi1I~..3J...vn.e.ltA i!~ H~ma.cha,t.Pltaae-1h. ~. At.t :tj-"e V-i.-5.t.,~c.<.c.t (~.nd.Se-1~bn); J«~g~~ .J,:nH..p, {,. Re9~,~,.t-J1.Ll.Jt, /of..P. H-t~gh, CuU'l-t, Sh~l!a. J, V--t:.:te.ct..:;.'i, T~p..a-,5U~1j al/,d .4ccou.rM (j1l9an.{...~a,t~vl~' ,4. P. J ~ or;' .i1 i-'\. ~,xa.m-U!elt.,. LuC\l~. F "" un\V;J A + ccoun'\.-,~. H P S". ..t'l-tm...a... . j PI2.... ~ Pradesh Department Jul,y, 2002 To " I.The All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of/Himachal Pradesh. 2.All the Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh. Regarding amendment in the free ac~ommodati6n. Sir, for s~y that stands refe'rences of ,abolished to refer am direct'ed restoration .. are the on by the'State departmental the grounds rules being facility to the sub.ject cited received of' there The are 0{1 fr-ee Accommodation.. this above department. accommodation in respect Go""ernment. that in rent:free Government of the employee-s of the State. recei\'ed on . I and to Rules of, all which categories. proposals are suchpro~isions being in the '. , The matter'has it is free observed that the been examined decis~on in Fiharlce to abolish the Dep:artme.nt and facility of rent accolr.modation lr(;ls~been tak~n ,br' the Gov~"'l"nmeDtin respect of all the categories of th~ Departments to bring the employees. may amen.dthe Therefore~, departmental it rules ha~ been decided on free that ,. accommodation ! them in con-formity -, "'hereund~r. the rent 'free therefore, t'equested , int'imation Subject: to this to '.t;ith the decisio,D of the Gover.nment accommodation has' beeI\ ~bolished.. take "the necessary .. action at tl1e x-ouare, earliest , department~ K,indly acknowledge rece!pt. -Yours faithfully, . Special Gov~rnment Pradesh. under \ , ':' ,.- -)radesh ",.:,~,:;~-;" c lartment ',a8 c ~... -,"':c"""'~;' . some trme past. .I-. . ~ ~ ~ ~. I . ?:. . , 1. 2 ~ ". . :). "1 ~ ',:.:.;:,;" '. .- I :~~I~';-'~ .. To I ~; .~ 1", 2. 4. 5. lf98 _ .~ '.:::~: ~ 'it-'! 3 ~ I. 1i.ma(tions .