\ ~ " Ii ~ f1:j{;~.;: No.. Fin (C)-B (7)-2/2006 'Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Regulations) Departm~nt .. .. If,2009 rant of Dearness Allowance to ~i!g~ - :~~~~Dm!~t ~ervg[!ts- ReY!~~_.-J:gt~ ~~tLv_e~ -from01.01.2007 01.07.2008 ~[()D and 01.Q1.2QO~. 01.Q~~ 01.07.2007 01.01.2009 01.01.~!:.Q.Q~ ursuant;:J;9. Qf Pg~~~Ql!:!:. . ,1",'1 The undersigned is directed to, say that consequent upon the revision of pay scales of the S"tote Government employees w.e.f. 01.01.2006 noti fiej through Himachal Pradesh CIvil Services (Revise'd :'0)') Rules, 2009 dated 26th August, 2009,. the Gover nor , Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to decide. that the Dearness A:llowance to the reguJar employees t (In(j .officers of the Gov'ernment of Himachal Prddesh, \j vho have ele-cted to be governed or are -.deemed to hI JV(~ elected 'ro.. be ,governed or hove brought to. bt~ 'governed by Himachal, P(adesh Civil Ser "ices (Revi 'se(j Pay) Rules; 2009; as the case may be, shari be admissi ibJE~ from the dates mentioned below at the following rate ' , '5 :- Contd. ...2{- \><"1.;./ ~ (2) Frrom 01.07.2007 J:.om 2. . 01.01.2009 ' The payment of Qearness Allowance und..'~r these ord rs shall be made from the dates indicated abov~1 after adjl~sting the instalments Qf Dearness Al.lowan<:Je , already ~sanctioned and -paid to state Governme~t employee's w.e.f. 01..01.2006 vide OMs of even numb ~r dated 23td June, 2006, 21st November, 2006; 15th June, 200~, 30th Octolber, 2007, 19th August,' 2008 and 2-?th NovembE ~r, 2008 and! a~justment of 20% Interim Relief sanctioned vid1e OM No. Pin (PR}-B (7)-2/2006 dated 7th March, 2008, II ~th October, ~2008and 28th January, 2009. ..6' 3. '. ! 'i~: ' ~ The term "~asicPaY" in the revi~,ed p~~y structure r ean.s the pay drawn ~nthe prescrib.ed ~g~_B,gq~ I2lus the.,aI2Dllcabl~ calculatio'n of Grade dearness, AllowgncE~, where applicable, as at preSE3nt. ' .-II PaY". For allowance, the purpose Non-Practisl I,Df shall be taken into accour i, 'Contd...3V. W ! , ~ (3) 4. ~-~ p J~~i~igL~ervicesQfficers. theoffic_i~~ QDt for~~'ised (Revise_d~) a Rules scales notified b 2009 will continue HP Civil Service: to draw Dearnes~ be-a 0 oli'-9Jne to. them:. 5. .':; ,::'1 The Dearness AIJowance will continue to" be distinct element of remuneration and will not be treat~d a~ pay within the ambit of FR-9(21J. .~ 6.. .The Payment . S)n account of Deamess Allowancet volving fraction of 50 paise and above moy be rounded off,to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 pais~may be ignored. 7. ..1, ~_e -a~diVoDal instglmentof degrn'@H ollowanc.@.j~6 to the Ol..Ol.20Q.t..!.!10 m 01.09.20 uDto~1.08.~OO ad.ustmen ~ara -;2aQQ~~~oula e .I aJ~QQ§;DQla,incas~. . 8.. .: \cf~:'if;i, These orders are applicable to regular and work"chdrge~ ernp.loyees working in various Government Departmehts~ As for as the PS~sf Universities! Autonomous Bodies! Boa ds "etc. are concerned, the 'management of these PSUs( Vniversities/ Aut,onomous Bodies! Boards etc.. would take 'an appropriate decision in -this regard, considering t e availability of resources in their organizations.. .. -, , 9. 1n case of Govemment employees who have ret1rediOR 'who have closed GPF accounts: OR employees Who are governed under ContributorY P~nsjon Scheme, the.jarrears onac.coUht. of release of additional , ., , Contd...4/- ~ i. Pi ~ 6. ff I- " \ (4) . !! 10. j ..These orders can also be seen www.himachal.nic.in In - ., (ARVIND MEHTA) Principal-SecretarY (Finance} to t Government of Himachal Prade h , \ All Administrative Secretaries to the GQvernmEt[]t. of Himgchat Pradesh. Shimla-17.1002 --~ ; No. FIN(C}~B(7)-2/2006 .: Copy forwlarded J. 2. 3.. 4. 5. to :- Th~ ~egistrar General, High Court,. H.P. Shimla. The S~cretary, H.P. Vidhan Sabha... Shimla-.171 004. The ~ccountanf. General,- Himacha1 Pradesh, Shimk 1" 1710(~3 with 20 spare copies. ;. The ,iI\ccoyntant General (A&E), Himachal Pradest It, Shimlp~3 with 20 spare copies. T~~ .rDivisi,?nal Commissioners, Shimla/Ka~gra/ Man< Dlvlsl~nsi Himachal Pradesh.' The I,~esident Commissioner i H.P. Himachal Bhawar I, . . Sikon~ra Road, New Delhi. ,.. , 7. 8. ~ ~dS of Departments in Himachal. Pradesh~ The .Flnance Personnel-I Branch, Department. Finan e; Governmentof Punjab,.Chandigarh. AItH .1 ..c c.1 Contd...5/ ~ !~ (5) 9 10. 11. The S~cretary, H.P. Publrc Service Commissron, Nigan .Vihar,!Shimla-2. All Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh.. The DIrector, IF Department, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla, 2. 12. The .Sfcr~tafy. H.P ElectricitY Regulatory Commission Khaknl, Shlmla. 13. The Secretary, lokayukta, Pine Grove Building, Shrmla-2. 14. The Re~gistrar, H.P.State CoGsumer Commission, Shrm1o. , 15. The S,ecretary, . H.P. Subprd.inate S~rvices Selection Boa~d'I..Hamlrpur.. ,.'.. 16. All Dlstrf.ct Treasury OfflcersfTreasuryOfflcers 17. In H.P. ..The R1~idenr C;:ommissioner, Pangr, Chambo, H.imachal Pradesh. The D/3puty Commissioner,. Relref.. and Rehabilitation, Bias Project,. RajaKaTalab,Kangra, H.P. , , The Cc'ntro)ler , Deptt; of Personnel, H.p. Sectf.,Shim./a-2~ A.lI'Sec'tionsof Finance Department,. , , 18. 19. 20. , 2.1.. ~~~n~~iOh 22. The Se,~non offic'er( S..A. Actounts), with "'0 sp,are copies. -.. 23. Guard Fife. H.P.Sectt.,. , H~P.Sectt...! Shimfa-2 '. Special Sec etary (Finance) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh